Total count: 4047

Name Synset State Custom? Leaf? Definition Parents Children Properties Used as Predicates Tasks Direct Categories Direct Objects Total Objects Requiring Task Count
abrasive.n.01 Ready False False a substance that abrades or wears down material.n.01, emery_paper.n.01, steel_wool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
absorbent_material.n.01 Ready False False a material having capacity or tendency to absorb another substance sorbent.n.01, sponge.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
abstraction.n.06 Ready False False a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples entity.n.01, relation.n.01, attribute.n.02, psychological_feature.n.01, communication.n.02, measure.n.02, group.n.01, 0 462 0
accessory.n.01 Ready False False clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing clothing.n.01, belt.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
accessory.n.02 Ready False False a supplementary component that improves capability component.n.03, fitting.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 13 0
acetone.n.01 Substance False True the simplest ketone; a highly inflammable liquid widely used as an organic solvent and as material for making plastics solvent.n.01, ketone.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, spring_clean_your_skateboard-0, clean_marker_off_a_doll-0, acetone, 0 0 2
acetone__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, insource, ontop, spring_clean_your_skateboard-0, clean_marker_off_a_doll-0, acetone_atomizer, 1 1 2
acid.n.01 Substance False True any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt compound.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
acknowledgment.n.03 Ready False False a statement acknowledging something or someone message.n.02, receipt.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
acorn.n.01 Ready False True fruit of the oak tree: a smooth thin-walled nut in a woody cup-shaped base fruit.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, inside, ontop, planting_trees-0, acorn, 1 1 1
acoustic_device.n.01 Ready False False a device for amplifying or transmitting sound device.n.01, whistle.n.04, bell.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
acquisition.n.02 Not Ready False False something acquired transferred_property.n.01, gift.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
act.n.02 Ready False False something that people do or cause to happen event.n.01, activity.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
activity.n.01 Ready False False any specific behavior act.n.02, work.n.01, game.n.01, diversion.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
adapter.n.02 Not Ready False True device that enables something to be used in a way different from that for which it was intended or makes different pieces of apparatus compatible device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
address.n.05 Ready False True a sign in front of a house or business carrying the conventional form by which its location is described street_sign.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, hanging_address_numbers-0, address, 1 1 1
adhesive_material.n.01 Substance False True a substance that unites or bonds surfaces together material.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_a_toaster-0, clean_baking_sheets-0, washing_windows-0, clean_a_glass_pipe-0, clean_stainless_steel_sinks-0, clean_wood_siding-0, clean_a_sieve-0, clean_quarters-0, clean_place_mats-0, cleaning_tools_and_equipment-0, ... adhesive_material, 9 9 17
adhesive_tape.n.01 Ready False False tape coated with adhesive tape.n.01, masking_tape.n.01, duct_tape.n.01, cellulose_tape.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
adornment.n.01 Ready False False a decoration of color or interest that is added to relieve plainness decoration.n.01, tassel.n.01, jewelry.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 7 0
aerosol.n.02 Ready False True a dispenser that holds a substance under pressure and that can release it as a fine spray (usually by means of a propellant gas) dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, spray_can, 3 3 0
agamete.n.01 Substance False False an asexual reproductive cell reproductive_structure.n.01, spore.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
agaric.n.02 Ready False False a saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales having an umbrellalike cap with gills on the underside basidiomycete.n.01, cooked__diced__chanterelle.n.01, chanterelle.n.01, half__chanterelle.n.01, diced__chanterelle.n.01, 0 3 0
agave.n.01 Ready False True tropical American plants with basal rosettes of fibrous sword-shaped leaves and flowers in tall spikes; some cultivated for ornament or for fiber desert_plant.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, agave, 2 2 0
agent.n.01 Not Ready False True an active and efficient cause; capable of producing a certain effect causal_agent.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, agent, 0 0 0
agent.n.03 Ready False False a substance that exerts some force or effect causal_agent.n.01, substance.n.07, bleaching_agent.n.01, chemical_agent.n.01, disinfectant.n.01, antifungal.n.01, drug.n.01, 0 22 0
aioli.n.01 Substance False True garlic mayonnaise sauce.n.01, boilable, breakable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
air_conditioner.n.01 Ready False True a system that keeps air cool and dry cooling_system.n.02, coldSource, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, toggled_on, buy_a_air_conditioner-0, clean_a_air_conditioner-0, air_conditioner, ceiling_air_conditioner, 2 2 2
air_filter.n.01 Ready False True a filter that removes dust from the air that passes through it filter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, clean_an_air_filter-0, air_filter, 1 1 1
air_freshener__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, air_freshener_atomizer, 1 1 0
aircraft.n.01 Ready False False a vehicle that can fly craft.n.02, lighter-than-air_craft.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
alarm.n.02 Ready False False a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event device.n.01, fire_alarm.n.02, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, toggled_on, ontop, installing_alarms-0, 0 6 1
alarm_clock.n.01 Ready False True a clock that wakes a sleeper at some preset time clock.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, alarm_clock, 3 3 0
alcohol.n.01 Substance False False a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent drug_of_abuse.n.01, beverage.n.01, sake.n.02, brew.n.01, liqueur.n.01, mixed_drink.n.01, wine.n.01, liquor.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
alcohol.n.02 Substance False False any of a series of volatile hydroxyl compounds that are made from hydrocarbons by distillation liquid.n.01, isopropyl_alcohol.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
alcove.n.01 Ready False False a small recess opening off a larger room recess.n.04, carrel.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
alga.n.01 Substance False True primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves protoctist.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, alga, 1 1 0
aliphatic_compound.n.01 Substance False False organic compound that is an alkane or alkene or alkyne or their derivative organic_compound.n.01, methane_series.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
allen_wrench.n.01 Ready False True a wrench for Allen screws wrench.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, outfit_a_basic_toolbox-0, allen_wrench, 1 1 1
alliaceous_plant.n.01 Ready False False bulbous plants having a characteristic pungent onion odor liliaceous_plant.n.01, half__chives.n.01, diced__chives.n.01, cooked__diced__chives.n.01, chives.n.01, 0 5 0
allspice.n.03 Substance False True ground dried berrylike fruit of a West Indian allspice tree; suggesting combined flavors of cinnamon and nutmeg and cloves spice.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, allspice, 1 1 1
allspice__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, insource, inside, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, allspice_shaker, 1 1 1
almond.n.02 Substance False True oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree drupe.n.01, edible_nut.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, filled, make_homemade_bird_food-0, almond, 10 10 1
almond_oil.n.01 Substance False True pale yellow fatty oil expressed from sweet or bitter almonds oil.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
alphabet_abacus.n.01 Ready True True plaything.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, alphabet_abacus, 1 1 0
aluminum.n.01 Not Ready False True a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite metallic_element.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
aluminum_foil.n.01 Ready False True foil made of aluminum foil.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, unfolded, overlaid, warm_tortillas-0, freeze_lasagna-0, roast_meat-0, glaze_a_ham-0, aluminum_foil, 1 1 4
ammonia_water.n.01 Substance False True a water solution of ammonia liquid.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, clean_jewels-0, clean_soot_from_glass_lanterns-0, ammonia_water, 0 0 2
ammonia_water__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, insource, ontop, clean_jewels-0, clean_soot_from_glass_lanterns-0, ammonia_water_atomizer, 1 1 2
ammunition.n.01 Not Ready False False projectiles to be fired from a gun weaponry.n.01, case_shot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
analgesic.n.01 Substance False True a medicine used to relieve pain medicine.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
anchor.n.01 Not Ready False True a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving hook.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
angiosperm.n.01 Ready False False plants having seeds in a closed ovary spermatophyte.n.01, flower.n.01, 0 38 0
animal.n.01 Ready False False a living organism characterized by voluntary movement organism.n.01, invertebrate.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
animal_material.n.01 Ready False False material derived from animals material.n.01, shell.n.02, feather.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
animal_tissue.n.01 Not Ready False False the tissue in the bodies of animals tissue.n.01, connective_tissue.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
antenna.n.01 Not Ready False True an electrical device that sends or receives radio or television signals electrical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
antifreeze.n.01 Substance False True a liquid added to the water in a cooling system to lower its freezing point liquid.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
antifungal.n.01 Substance False True any agent that destroys or prevents the growth of fungi agent.n.03, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
antihistamine.n.01 Substance False True a medicine used to treat allergies and hypersensitive reactions and colds; works by counteracting the effects of histamine on a receptor site medicine.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
antipasto.n.01 Not Ready False True a course of appetizers in an Italian meal appetizer.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
antique.n.02 Not Ready False True any piece of furniture or decorative object or the like produced in a former period and valuable because of its beauty or rarity antiquity.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
antiquity.n.03 Not Ready False False an artifact surviving from the past artifact.n.01, antique.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
antler.n.01 Ready False True deciduous horn of a member of the deer family horn.n.02, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, covered, clean_deer_antlers-0, antlers, 2 2 1
aperture.n.03 Not Ready False False an man-made opening; usually small opening.n.10, mouthpiece.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
apparatus.n.01 Ready False False equipment designed to serve a specific function equipment.n.01, duplicator.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
apparel.n.01 Ready False False clothing in general clothing.n.01, workwear.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
appearance.n.01 Substance False False outward or visible aspect of a person or thing quality.n.01, tarnish.n.02, stain.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 10 0
appendage.n.03 Ready False False a part that is joined to something larger part.n.02, handle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
appetizer.n.01 Not Ready False False food or drink to stimulate the appetite (usually served before a meal or as the first course) course.n.07, half__antipasto.n.01, cooked__diced__antipasto.n.01, antipasto.n.01, diced__antipasto.n.01, 0 0 0
apple.n.01 Ready False True fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh edible_fruit.n.01, pome.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, inside, covered, ontop, nextto, cooked, freeze_fruit-0, putting_meal_on_plate-0, clean_apples-0, wash_fruit_and_vegetables-0, composting_waste-0, make_homemade_bird_food-0, bag_groceries-0, make_applesauce-0, buying_everyday_consumer_goods-0, serving_food_at_a_homeless_shelter-0, ... apple, 13 13 14
apple_juice.n.01 Substance False True the juice of apples fruit_juice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
apple_juice__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
apple_pie.n.01 Ready False True pie (with a top crust) containing sliced apples and sugar pie.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, frozen, hot, packing_picnic_food_into_car-0, freeze_pies-0, cook_a_frozen_pie-0, apple_pie, 2 2 3
applesauce.n.01 Substance False True puree of stewed apples usually sweetened and spiced dish.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, contains, real, make_applesauce-0, applesauce, 0 0 1
appliance.n.02 Ready False False durable goods for home or office use durables.n.01, home_appliance.n.01, dehumidifier.n.01, dryer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 110 0
applicator.n.01 Ready False False a device for applying a substance device.n.01, paintbrush.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
apricot.n.02 Ready False True downy yellow to rosy-colored fruit resembling a small peach edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, apricot, 1 1 0
apron.n.01 Ready False True a garment of cloth or leather or plastic that is tied about the waist and worn to protect your clothing protective_garment.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, folded, inside, ontop, sorting_volunteer_materials-0, apron, 1 1 1
arbor.n.03 Ready False True a framework that supports climbing plants framework.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, arbor, pergola, 2 2 0
arborio_rice.n.01 Substance True True rice.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, waterCook, 0 0 0
area.n.05 Ready False False a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function structure.n.01, storage_space.n.01, enclosure.n.01, room.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 24 0
arenaceous_rock.n.01 Substance False False a sedimentary rock composed of sand sedimentary_rock.n.01, sandstone.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
arepa.n.01 Ready True True sandwich.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cooked, cook_arepas-0, arepa, 1 1 1
armchair.n.01 Ready False True chair with a support on each side for arms chair.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, broken, fixing_broken_chair-0, armchair, 46 46 1
armor_plate.n.01 Ready False False specially hardened steel plate used to protect fortifications or vehicles from enemy fire plate.n.14, helmet.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
arrangement.n.02 Ready False False an orderly grouping (of things or persons) considered as a unit; the result of arranging group.n.01, array.n.01, flower_arrangement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
arrangement.n.03 Ready False False an organized structure for arranging or classifying structure.n.03, calendar.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
array.n.01 Ready False False an orderly arrangement arrangement.n.02, table.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
art.n.01 Ready False False the products of human creativity; works of art collectively creation.n.02, graphic_art.n.01, plastic_art.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 68 0
artichoke.n.02 Ready False True a thistlelike flower head with edible fleshy leaves and heart vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, picking_vegetables_in_garden-0, sorting_vegetables-0, artichoke, 1 1 2
article.n.02 Ready False False one of a class of artifacts artifact.n.01, ware.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 160 0
artifact.n.01 Ready False False a man-made object taken as a whole whole.n.02, fabric.n.01, padding.n.01, covering.n.02, instrumentality.n.03, commodity.n.01, sheet.n.06, strip.n.02, opening.n.10, block.n.01, float.n.06, structure.n.01, article.n.02, facility.n.01, way.n.06, creation.n.02, decoration.n.01, paving.n.01, surface.n.01, building_material.n.01, excavation.n.03, thing.n.04, fixture.n.01, line.n.18, antiquity.n.03, plaything.n.01, sphere.n.02, 0 7386 0
artwork.n.01 Not Ready False True photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication visual_communication.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
arugula.n.02 Ready True True salad_green.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, arugula, 1 1 0
ash.n.01 Substance False True the residue that remains when something is burned residue.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, emptying_ashtray-0, ash, 2 2 1
ashcan.n.01 Ready False True a bin that holds rubbish until it is collected bin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, inside, ontop, contains, cleaning_the_yard-0, de_clutter_your_garage-0, clean_decking-0, dispose_of_a_pizza_box-0, clean_an_espresso_machine-0, cleaning_restaurant_table-0, dispose_of_fireworks-0, dispose_of_batteries-0, clean_a_vacuum-0, cleaning_microwave_oven-0, ... trash_can, 15 15 26
ashtray.n.01 Ready False True a receptacle for the ash from smokers' cigars or cigarettes receptacle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, emptying_ashtray-0, ashtray, 2 2 1
asparagus.n.02 Ready False True edible young shoots of the asparagus plant vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, inside, cooked, ontop, saute_vegetables-0, cook_asparagus-0, can_vegetables-0, asparagus, 3 3 3
asphalt.n.01 Substance False True mixed asphalt and crushed gravel or sand; used especially for paving but also for roofing paving.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
assets.n.01 Ready False False anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company possession.n.02, credit.n.02, material_resource.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
athletic_facility.n.01 Ready False False a facility for athletic events facility.n.01, swimming_pool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
atmospheric_phenomenon.n.01 Substance False False a physical phenomenon associated with the atmosphere physical_phenomenon.n.01, weather.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 9 0
atomizer.n.01 Ready False True a dispenser that turns a liquid (such as perfume) into a fine mist dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, buying_cleaning_supplies-0, spray_bottle, 4 4 1
attachment.n.04 Ready False False a connection that fastens things together connection.n.03, ligament.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
attire.n.01 Not Ready False False clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion clothing.n.01, costume.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
attribute.n.02 Ready False False an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity abstraction.n.06, property.n.02, state.n.02, shape.n.02, quality.n.01, 0 71 0
audio_system.n.01 Ready False True a system of electronic equipment for recording or reproducing sound system.n.01, electronic_equipment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, sound_system, 2 2 0
auricularia.n.01 Ready False True type genus of the Auriculariaceae fungus_genus.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, auricularia, 1 1 0
autoclave.n.01 Ready False False a device for heating substances above their boiling point; used to manufacture chemicals or to sterilize surgical instruments vessel.n.03, pressure_cooker.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatSource, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
autograph.n.01 Ready False False something written by one's own hand writing.n.02, manuscript.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
avocado.n.01 Ready False True a pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_nachos-0, make_a_salad-0, buy_a_good_avocado-0, make_an_egg_tomato_and_toast_breakfast-0, avocado, 1 1 4
award.n.02 Ready False False a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction symbol.n.01, trophy.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 16 0
ax.n.01 Ready False True an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle edge_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, chopping_wood-0, axe, 1 1 1
axle.n.01 Not Ready False True a shaft on which a wheel rotates shaft.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
baby_bed.n.01 Ready False False a small bed for babies; enclosed by sides to prevent the baby from falling furniture.n.01, crib.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
baby_buggy.n.01 Ready False True a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around wheeled_vehicle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, stroller, 1 1 0
baby_oil.n.01 Substance False True an ointment for babies ointment.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, clean_pearls-0, clean_mirrors-0, baby_oil, 0 0 2
baby_shoe.n.01 Ready False True a shoe designed to be worn by infants shoe.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, touching, store_baby_clothes-0, baby_shoe, 2 2 1
backdrop.n.01 Ready False True scenery hung at back of stage scenery.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, background, 3 3 0
backpack.n.01 Ready False True a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, nextto, open, packing_meal_for_delivery-0, clean_a_backpack-0, buy_basic_garden_tools-0, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, packing_cleaning_suppies_into_car-0, buy_school_supplies-0, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, unpacking_childs_bag-0, packing_hiking_equipment_into_car-0, picking_up_baggage-0, ... backpack, 2 2 19
bacon.n.01 Ready False True back and sides of a hog salted and dried or smoked; usually sliced thin and fried cut_of_pork.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, inside, cook_bacon-0, carrying_in_groceries-0, bacon, 3 3 2
bag.n.01 Ready False False a flexible container with a single opening container.n.01, white_rice__sack.n.01, sleeping_bag.n.01, brown_sugar__sack.n.01, flour__sack.n.01, ice_pack.n.01, sugar__sack.n.01, backpack.n.01, sack.n.01, granulated_sugar__sack.n.01, drawstring_bag.n.01, carryall.n.01, gunnysack.n.01, brown_rice__sack.n.01, grated_cheese__sack.n.01, plastic_bag.n.01, cornmeal__sack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 17 0
bag.n.04 Ready False False a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women) container.n.01, shoulder_bag.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, clean_a_purse-0, 0 11 1
bag.n.06 Ready False True a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes baggage.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, loading_the_car-0, packing_picnic_food_into_car-0, unloading_the_car-0, picking_up_baggage-0, packing_books_into_car-0, clean_a_suitcase-0, unpacking_car_for_trip-0, packing_art_supplies_into_car-0, packing_car_for_trip-0, suitcase, 4 4 9
bag__of__auricularia.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_auricularia, 1 1 0
bag__of__breadcrumbs.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_breadcrumbs, 1 1 0
bag__of__brown_rice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, buying_groceries-0, bag_of_brown_rice, 1 1 1
bag__of__chips.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cleaning_debris_out_of_car-0, bag_of_chips, 7 7 1
bag__of__cocoa.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_cocoa, 0 0 0
bag__of__cookies.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_cookies, 4 4 0
bag__of__cream_cheese.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, shopping_at_warehouse_stores-0, bag_of_cream_cheese, 1 1 1
bag__of__fertilizer.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_fertilizer, 1 1 0
bag__of__flour.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_flour, 2 2 0
bag__of__ice_cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_ice_cream, 2 2 0
bag__of__jerky.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, loading_shopping_into_car-0, stash_snacks_in_your_room-0, bag_of_jerky, 1 1 2
bag__of__mulch.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, ontop, buying_gardening_supplies-0, buy_mulch-0, bag_of_mulch, 1 1 2
bag__of__oranges.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_oranges, 1 1 0
bag__of__popcorn.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_popcorn, 2 2 0
bag__of__rice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_rice, 4 4 0
bag__of__rubbish.n.01 Ready True True waste.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, taking_trash_outside-0, bag_of_rubbish, 1 1 1
bag__of__shiitake.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_shiitake, 1 1 0
bag__of__snacks.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_snacks, 1 1 0
bag__of__starch.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_starch, 1 1 0
bag__of__tea.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_tea, 1 1 0
bag__of__yeast.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_yeast, 1 1 0
bagel.n.01 Ready False True (Yiddish) glazed yeast-raised doughnut-shaped roll with hard crust bun.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, future, ontop, real, cooked, packing_recreational_vehicle_for_trip-0, make_bagels-0, bagel, 1 1 2
bagel_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bagel_dough, 1 1 0
baggage.n.01 Ready False False cases used to carry belongings when traveling case.n.05, bag.n.06, satchel.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
baguet.n.01 Ready False True narrow French stick loaf french_bread.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, shopping_at_warehouse_stores-0, cooking_a_feast-0, baguette, 4 4 2
bait.n.01 Ready False True anything that serves as an enticement temptation.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, inside, clean_fishing_lures-0, packing_fishing_gear_into_car-0, bait, 1 1 2
baked_goods.n.01 Ready False False foods (like breads and cakes and pastries) that are cooked in an oven food.n.02, cake.n.03, pastry.n.02, bread.n.01, 0 160 0
baking_powder.n.01 Substance False True any of various powdered mixtures used in baking as a substitute for yeast leaven.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_batter-0, make_muffins-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, make_cookies-0, make_cake_mix-0, make_biscuits-0, make_cookie_dough-0, baking_sugar_cookies-0, baking_powder, 1 1 8
baking_powder__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, make_batter-0, make_muffins-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, make_cookies-0, make_cake_mix-0, make_biscuits-0, make_cookie_dough-0, baking_sugar_cookies-0, baking_powder_jar, 1 1 8
ball.n.01 Ready False False round object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games game_equipment.n.01, punching_bag.n.02, tennis_ball.n.01, volleyball.n.02, soccer_ball.n.01, softball.n.01, bowling_ball.n.01, pool_ball.n.01, baseball.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, sorting_items_for_garage_sale-0, wash_dog_toys-0, organizing_boxes_in_garage-0, 0 10 3
ball.n.03 Ready False False an object with a spherical shape sphere.n.05, mothball.n.01, globule.n.01, 0 2 0
balloon.n.01 Ready False True large tough nonrigid bag filled with gas or heated air lighter-than-air_craft.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, decorating_outside_for_parties-0, balloon, 1 1 1
balsamic_vinegar__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, balsamic_vinegar_bottle, 0 0 0
bamboo.n.01 Not Ready False True the hard woody stems of bamboo plants; used in construction and crafts and fishing poles wood.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bamboo, 0 0 0
banana.n.02 Ready False True elongated crescent-shaped yellow fruit with soft sweet flesh edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, clearing_table_after_breakfast-0, composting_waste-0, buying_groceries-0, banana, bunch_of_bananas, 5 5 3
banana_bread.n.01 Ready False True moist bread containing banana pulp quick_bread.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, banana_bread, 1 1 0
band.n.07 Ready False False a thin flat strip of flexible material that is worn around the body or one of the limbs (especially to decorate the body) strip.n.02, hoop.n.02, collar.n.06, girdle.n.02, collar.n.01, rubber_band.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
bandage.n.01 Ready False True a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body dressing.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, buy_home_use_medical_supplies-0, bandage, 1 1 1
bandanna.n.01 Ready False True large and brightly colored handkerchief; often used as a neckerchief handkerchief.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bandana, 1 1 0
banner.n.01 Ready False True long strip of cloth or paper used for decoration or advertising flag.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hanging_banners, 4 4 0
bap.n.01 Ready False True a small loaf or roll of soft bread bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, real, cooked, inside, ontop, hot, make_dinner_rolls-0, packing_grocery_bags_into_car-0, serving_food_on_the_table-0, toast_buns-0, bap, 2 2 4
bar.n.02 Ready False True a counter where you can obtain food or drink counter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, pour_a_glass_of_wine-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, clean_wine_glasses-0, cleaning_glasses_off_bar-0, pour_beer-0, bar, 7 7 5
bar.n.03 Ready False False a rigid piece of metal or wood; usually used as a fastening or obstruction or weapon implement.n.01, lever.n.01, crossbar.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
bar.n.13 Ready False True a horizontal rod that serves as a support for gymnasts as they perform exercises support.n.10, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, weight_bar, 1 1 0
bar_soap.n.01 Ready False True soap in the form of a bar soap.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, washing_pots_and_pans-0, cleaning_bathrooms-0, cleaning_sneakers-0, cleaning_up_refrigerator-0, cleaning_table_after_clearing-0, cleaning_oven-0, cleaning_shoes-0, cleaning_stove-0, cleaning_bathtub-0, washing_floor-0, bar_soap, 5 5 10
bar_stool.n.01 Ready True True stool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bar_stool, 1 1 0
barbecue_sauce.n.01 Substance False True spicy sweet and sour sauce usually based on catsup or chili sauce sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, cleaning_kitchen_knives-0, cook_pork_ribs-0, barbecue_sauce, 0 0 2
barbecue_sauce__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, insource, ontop, cook_pork_ribs-0, barbecue_sauce_bottle, 1 1 1
bark.n.01 Ready False False tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of trees and other woody plants covering.n.01, cinnamon_bark.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 8 0
barley.n.02 Substance False True cultivated since prehistoric times; grown for forage and grain cereal.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
barrel.n.02 Ready False False a cylindrical container that holds liquids vessel.n.03, beer_barrel.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
barrel.n.03 Not Ready False True a bulging cylindrical shape; hollow with flat ends cylinder.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
barrier.n.01 Ready False False a structure or object that impedes free movement obstruction.n.01, movable_barrier.n.01, fence.n.01, railing.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 147 0
barrow.n.03 Ready False True a cart for carrying small loads; has handles and one or more wheels handcart.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, remove_sod-0, carrying_out_garden_furniture-0, wheelbarrow, 1 1 2
base.n.08 Ready False True a support or foundation support.n.10, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cake_stand, dessert_stand, pedestal, 4 4 0
baseball.n.02 Ready False True a ball used in playing baseball ball.n.01, baseball_equipment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, inside, clean_a_dirty_baseball-0, packing_hobby_equipment-0, baseball, 2 2 2
baseball_bat.n.01 Ready False True an implement used in baseball by the batter baseball_equipment.n.01, bat.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, baseball_bat, 3 3 0
baseball_cap.n.01 Ready False True a cap with a bill cap.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, wash_a_baseball_cap-0, baseball_cap, 1 1 1
baseball_equipment.n.01 Ready False False equipment used in playing baseball sports_equipment.n.01, baseball.n.02, baseball_glove.n.01, baseball_bat.n.01, batting_glove.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 7 0
baseball_glove.n.01 Ready False True the handwear used by fielders in playing baseball baseball_equipment.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, inside, clean_a_baseball_glove-0, unpacking_car_for_trip-0, baseball_glove, 1 1 2
baseboard.n.01 Ready False True a molding covering the joint formed by a wall and the floor molding.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, baseboard, 4 4 0
basic_cognitive_process.n.01 Not Ready False False cognitive processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge process.n.02, representational_process.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
basidiomycete.n.01 Ready False False any of various fungi of the subdivision Basidiomycota fungus.n.01, agaric.n.02, 0 3 0
basil.n.03 Ready False True leaves of the common basil; used fresh or dried herb.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_pasta_sauce-0, make_pizza_sauce-0, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, basil, 2 2 3
basil__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, basil_jar, 1 1 1
basin.n.01 Ready False False a bowl-shaped vessel; usually used for holding food or liquids vessel.n.03, bidet.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
basket.n.01 Ready False False a container that is usually woven and has handles container.n.01, wicker_basket.n.01, frail.n.02, hamper.n.02, shopping_basket.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
basket.n.03 Ready False True horizontal circular metal hoop supporting a net through which players try to throw the basketball goal.n.03, basketball_equipment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ceiling_mounted_basketball_hoop, 2 2 0
basketball_equipment.n.01 Ready False False sports equipment used in playing basketball sports_equipment.n.01, basket.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
bat.n.05 Ready False False a club used for hitting a ball in various games club.n.03, baseball_bat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, clean_a_softball_bat-0, 0 3 1
bath_linen.n.01 Ready False False linens for use in the bathroom linen.n.03, bath_towel.n.01, bath_mat.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
bath_mat.n.01 Not Ready False True a heavy towel or mat to stand on while drying yourself after a bath bath_linen.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bath_rug, 0 0 0
bath_towel.n.01 Ready False True a large towel; to dry yourself after a bath towel.n.01, bath_linen.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, unfolded, inside, folded, covered, draped, store_a_kayak-0, organise_a_linen_closet-0, putting_out_clean_towels-0, store_baby_clothes-0, putting_clean_laundry_away-0, wash_towels-0, pack_a_beach_bag-0, fold_towels-0, putting_towels_in_bathroom-0, pack_for_the_pool-0, ... bath_towel, 1 1 11
bathtub.n.01 Ready False True a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, inside, cleaning_bathrooms-0, cleaning_bathtub-0, cleaning_skis-0, bathtub, 11 11 3
batter.n.02 Substance False False a liquid or semiliquid mixture, as of flour, eggs, and milk, used in cooking concoction.n.01, cornbread_batter.n.01, cooked__fritter_batter.n.01, cooked__brownie_batter.n.01, cooked__pancake_batter.n.01, pancake_batter.n.01, waffle_batter.n.01, onion_ring_batter.n.01, muffin_batter.n.01, cooked__waffle_batter.n.01, fritter_batter.n.01, cooked__cornbread_batter.n.01, cooked__muffin_batter.n.01, brownie_batter.n.01, cooked__onion_ring_batter.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
battery.n.02 Ready False True a device that produces electricity; may have several primary or secondary cells arranged in parallel or series electrical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, buy_rechargeable_batteries-0, dispose_of_batteries-0, unpacking_hobby_equipment-0, store_batteries-0, battery, 1 1 4
batting_glove.n.01 Ready False True a glove worn by batters in baseball to give a firmer grip on the bat glove.n.02, baseball_equipment.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, saturated, clean_batting_gloves-0, batting_gloves, 1 1 1
bay_leaf.n.01 Ready False True dried leaf of the bay laurel herb.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bay_leaf, 9 9 0
beach_toy.n.01 Ready True True plaything.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, beach_toy, 3 3 0
beaker.n.02 Ready False True a cup (usually without a handle) cup.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, beaker, 13 13 0
bean.n.01 Ready False False any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae used for food legume.n.03, common_bean.n.02, soy.n.04, cooked__soy.n.01, 0 12 0
bean.n.03 Substance False False any of various leguminous plants grown for their edible seeds and pods legume.n.01, bush_bean.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
bean_curd.n.01 Ready False True cheeselike food made of curdled soybean milk curd.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bean_curd, 1 1 0
bearing.n.06 Not Ready False True a rotating support placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily support.n.10, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
beaten_egg.n.01 Substance True True foodstuff.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, clean_up_spilled_egg-0, beaten_egg, 0 0 1
beating-reed_instrument.n.01 Ready False False a musical instrument that sounds by means of a vibrating reed woodwind.n.01, single-reed_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
bed.n.01 Ready False True a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep bedroom_furniture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, touching, nextto, overlaid, draped, laying_clothes_out-0, collecting_aluminum_cans-0, folding_clothes-0, clean_skateboard_bearings-0, setting_mousetraps-0, wash_a_leotard-0, rearranging_furniture-0, sorting_laundry-0, ironing_clothes-0, store_baby_clothes-0, ... bed, bunk_bed, massage_bed, 30 30 41
bed_frame.n.01 Ready True True framework.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bed_frame, 1 1 0
bed_linen.n.01 Ready False False linen or cotton articles for a bed (as sheets and pillowcases) linen.n.03, case.n.19, sheet.n.03, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 8 0
bedclothes.n.01 Ready False False coverings that are used on a bed cloth_covering.n.01, quilt.n.01, mattress_cover.n.01, blanket.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 11 0
bedroom_furniture.n.01 Ready False False furniture intended for use in a bedroom furniture.n.01, bed.n.01, pet_bed.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
beef.n.02 Substance False False meat from an adult domestic bovine meat.n.01, cooked__ground_beef.n.01, ground_beef.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
beef_broth.n.01 Substance False True a stock made with beef broth.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_stew-0, beef_broth, 0 0 1
beef_broth__carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_stew-0, beef_broth_carton, 1 1 1
beef_stew.n.01 Substance False True a stew made with beef stew.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, contains, real, filled, make_stew-0, serving_food_at_a_homeless_shelter-0, beef_stew, 0 0 2
beefsteak_tomato.n.01 Ready False True any of several large tomatoes with thick flesh tomato.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cooked, make_nachos-0, make_tomato_rice-0, make_pasta_sauce-0, make_chicken_curry-0, make_pizza_sauce-0, cooking_lunch-0, putting_food_in_fridge-0, carrying_in_groceries-0, cook_mussels-0, make_seafood_stew-0, ... beefsteak_tomato, 4 4 12
beer.n.01 Substance False True a general name for alcoholic beverages made by fermenting a cereal (or mixture of cereals) flavored with hops brew.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, filled, clean_a_beer_keg-0, passing_out_drinks-0, cleaning_glasses_off_bar-0, pour_beer-0, beer, 0 0 4
beer_barrel.n.01 Ready False True a barrel that holds beer barrel.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, buy_a_keg-0, clean_a_beer_keg-0, beer_keg, 1 1 2
beer_bottle.n.01 Ready False True a bottle that holds beer bottle.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, filled, nextto, packing_picnic_into_car-0, store_beer-0, passing_out_drinks-0, setting_up_for_an_event-0, clean_your_house_after_a_wild_party-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, make_citrus_punch-0, pour_beer-0, beer_bottle, 1 1 8
beer_glass.n.01 Ready False True a relatively large glass for serving beer glass.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, filled, inside, covered, nextto, stock_a_bar_cart-0, passing_out_drinks-0, cleaning_glasses_off_bar-0, pour_beer-0, beer_glass, 3 3 4
beer_tap.n.01 Ready True True faucet.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, beer_tap, 3 3 0
beeswax_candle.n.01 Ready True True candle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, beeswax_candle, 8 8 0
beet.n.02 Ready False True round red root vegetable root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, slicing_vegetables-0, picking_vegetables_in_garden-0, beet, 1 1 2
bell.n.01 Ready False True a hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound when struck acoustic_device.n.01, signaling_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_a_christmas_gift_box-0, bell, 1 1 1
bell_pepper.n.02 Ready False True large bell-shaped sweet pepper in green or red or yellow or orange or black varieties sweet_pepper.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, ontop, frozen, cook_beef-0, cook_red_peppers-0, roast_vegetables-0, slicing_vegetables-0, prepare_make_ahead_breakfast_bowls-0, cook_broccolini-0, filling_pepper-0, cook_peppers-0, make_seafood_stew-0, freeze_vegetables-0, ... bell_pepper, 5 5 12
belt.n.01 Not Ready False True endless loop of flexible material between two rotating shafts or pulleys loop.n.02, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
belt.n.02 Ready False True a band to tie or buckle around the body (usually at the waist) accessory.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, inside, clean_a_leather_belt-0, buy_a_belt-0, tidying_up_wardrobe-0, belt, 1 1 3
bench.n.01 Ready False True a long seat for more than one person seat.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, clean_a_sauna-0, tidy_your_garden-0, bench, hammam_bench, sauna_bench, 30 30 2
bench_press.n.01 Ready False True a weightlift in which you lie on your back on a bench and press weights upward weightlift.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bench_press_machine, 3 3 0
berry.n.01 Ready False False any of numerous small and pulpy edible fruits; used as desserts or in making jams and jellies and preserves edible_fruit.n.01, raspberry.n.02, diced__blackberry.n.01, cranberry.n.02, cooked__blueberry.n.01, cooked__cranberry.n.01, strawberry.n.01, blackberry.n.01, cooked__diced__blackberry.n.01, cooked__diced__strawberry.n.01, currant.n.01, half__strawberry.n.01, blueberry.n.02, half__blackberry.n.01, diced__strawberry.n.01, 0 20 0
berry.n.02 Substance False False a small fruit having any of various structures, e.g., simple (grape or blueberry) or aggregate (blackberry or raspberry) fruit.n.01, cranberry.n.02, cooked__cranberry.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 3 0
beverage.n.01 Substance False False any liquid suitable for drinking food.n.01, liquid.n.01, coffee.n.01, fruit_juice.n.01, milk.n.01, iced_chocolate.n.01, cooked__iced_cappuccino.n.01, tea.n.01, cooked__lemon_water.n.01, fruit_drink.n.01, cooked__cider.n.01, iced_cappuccino.n.01, cooked__cocoa.n.01, green_tea_latte.n.01, soft_drink.n.01, cooked__iced_chocolate.n.01, cider.n.01, cooked__green_tea_latte.n.01, alcohol.n.01, lemon_water.n.01, smoothie.n.02, cocoa.n.01, ginger_beer.n.01, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 2 0
bicycle.n.01 Ready False True a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals wheeled_vehicle.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, overlaid, ontop, nextto, covered, attached, putting_away_bicycles-0, de_clutter_your_garage-0, clean_a_bicycle_chain-0, putting_bike_in_garage-0, unpacking_recreational_vehicle_for_trip-0, hang_a_bike_on_the_wall-0, wash_your_bike-0, bicycle, 2 2 7
bicycle_chain.n.01 Ready False True a chain that transmits the power from the pedals to the rear wheel of a bicycle chain.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, lube_a_bicycle_chain-0, bicycle_chain, 1 1 1
bicycle_rack.n.01 Ready False True a rack for parking bicycles rack.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, unpacking_recreational_vehicle_for_trip-0, hang_a_bike_on_the_wall-0, bicycle_rack, 1 1 2
bidet.n.01 Ready False True a basin for washing genitals and anal area basin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bidet, 2 2 0
bikini.n.02 Ready False True a woman's very brief bathing suit swimsuit.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bikini, 1 1 0
bill.n.07 Ready False False a list of particulars (as a playbill or bill of fare) list.n.01, menu.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
bin.n.01 Ready False False a container; usually has a lid container.n.01, recycling_bin.n.01, ashcan.n.01, public_trash_can.n.01, compost_bin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
binary_compound.n.01 Not Ready False False chemical compound composed of only two elements compound.n.02, water.n.01, sodium_chloride.n.01, 0 0 0
binder.n.01 Not Ready False True a machine that cuts grain and binds it in sheaves harvester.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
binder.n.03 Not Ready False True holds loose papers or magazines protective_covering.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, binder, 0 0 0
biological_group.n.01 Ready False False a group of plants or animals group.n.01, taxonomic_group.n.01, flammable, 0 3 0
bird.n.02 Ready False False the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food meat.n.01, wildfowl.n.01, poultry.n.02, 0 19 0
bird_feed.n.01 Substance False True food given to birds; usually mixed seeds feed.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, filling_the_bird_feeder-0, putting_birdseed_in_cage-0, bird_feed, 1 1 2
bird_feed__bag.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, filling_the_bird_feeder-0, putting_birdseed_in_cage-0, bird_feed_bag, 1 1 2
bird_feeder.n.01 Ready False True an outdoor device that supplies food for wild birds device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, filling_the_bird_feeder-0, bird_feeder, 1 1 1
birdcage.n.01 Ready False True a cage in which a bird can be kept cage.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, putting_birdseed_in_cage-0, clean_a_small_pet_cage-0, set_up_a_bird_cage-0, clean_a_birdcage-0, birdcage, 1 1 4
biscuit.n.01 Ready False True small round bread leavened with baking-powder or soda quick_bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, future, real, cooked, packing_hiking_equipment_into_car-0, make_biscuits-0, biscuit, 1 1 2
biscuit_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, biscuit_dough, 1 1 0
black_bean.n.01 Substance False True black-seeded bean of South America; usually dried common_bean.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, waterCook, filled, can_beans-0, black_bean, 2 2 1
black_pepper.n.02 Substance False True pepper that is ground from whole peppercorns with husks on pepper.n.03, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, contains, real, make_a_steak-0, make_lemon_pepper_seasoning-0, cook_spinach-0, cook_turkey_drumsticks-0, cook_ham_hocks-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, black_pepper, 1 1 7
blackberry.n.01 Ready False True large sweet black or very dark purple edible aggregate fruit of any of various bushes of the genus Rubus berry.n.01, drupelet.n.01, attachable, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, inside, ontop, collecting_berries-0, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, blackberry, 1 1 2
blackboard.n.01 Ready False True sheet of slate; for writing with chalk sheet.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, touching, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, blackboard, 2 2 1
blackboard_eraser.n.01 Ready False True an eraser that removes chalk marks from blackboard eraser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, touching, ontop, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, blackboard_eraser, 1 1 1
blade.n.09 Not Ready False True the flat part of a tool or weapon that (usually) has a cutting edge cutting_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
blanket.n.01 Ready False True bedding that keeps a person warm in bed bedclothes.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, folded, inside, ontop, overlaid, sorting_items_for_garage_sale-0, packing_picnic_into_car-0, unpacking_moving_van-0, setting_up_bedroom_for_guest-0, packing_moving_van-0, making_the_bed-0, setup_a_baby_crib-0, blanket, 6 6 7
bleaching_agent.n.01 Substance False True an agent that makes things white or colorless agent.n.03, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, clean_decking-0, clean_outdoor_tiles-0, clean_your_laundry_room-0, clean_your_house_after_a_wild_party-0, clean_a_sauna-0, clean_a_loofah_or_natural_sponge-0, clean_stucco-0, bleaching_agent, 0 0 7
bleaching_agent__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, insource, ontop, inside, clean_decking-0, clean_outdoor_tiles-0, clean_your_laundry_room-0, clean_your_house_after_a_wild_party-0, clean_a_sauna-0, clean_a_loofah_or_natural_sponge-0, clean_stucco-0, bleaching_agent_atomizer, 1 1 7
blender.n.01 Ready False True an electrically powered mixer with whirling blades that mix or chop or liquefy foods mixer.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, make_watermelon_punch-0, clean_a_blender-0, make_mustard_herb_and_spice_seasoning-0, make_lemon_pepper_seasoning-0, make_a_strawberry_slushie-0, make_chocolate_milk-0, make_a_frappe-0, make_popsicles-0, make_fruit_punch-0, ... blender, 4 4 16
bleu.n.01 Ready False True cheese containing a blue mold cheese.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bleu, 1 1 0
blind.n.03 Ready False False a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight protective_covering.n.01, shutter.n.02, window_blind.n.01, curtain.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 15 0
block.n.01 Ready False False a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides) artifact.n.01, chopping_block.n.01, firewood_chopping_block.n.01, cube.n.05, slab.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 20 0
blockage.n.02 Ready False False an obstruction in a pipe or tube obstruction.n.01, plug.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
blouse.n.01 Ready False True a top worn by women top.n.10, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, folded, ontop, covered, draped, saturated, inside, nextto, folding_clothes-0, ironing_clothes-0, doing_laundry-0, taking_clothes_off_the_line-0, taking_clothes_off_of_the_drying_rack-0, sorting_clothes-0, blouse, 1 1 6
blower.n.01 Ready False False a device that produces a current of air device.n.01, hand_blower.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
blueberry.n.02 Substance False True sweet edible dark-blue berries of either low-growing or high-growing blueberry plants berry.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, make_blueberry_mousse-0, blueberry, 6 6 2
blueberry_compote.n.01 Substance True True compote.n.01, boilable, cookable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
blueberry_mousse.n.01 Substance True True mousse.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, contains, real, make_blueberry_mousse-0, blueberry_mousse, 0 0 1
board.n.02 Ready False True a stout length of sawn timber; made in a wide variety of sizes and used for many purposes lumber.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, clean_decking-0, board, 1 1 1
board.n.03 Ready False False a flat piece of material designed for a special purpose sheet.n.06, ironing_board.n.01, chopping_board.n.01, springboard.n.01, bulletin_board.n.02, wallboard.n.01, scoreboard.n.01, skateboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 27 0
board.n.09 Ready False False a flat portable surface (usually rectangular) designed for board games surface.n.01, dartboard.n.01, pegboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
board_game.n.01 Ready False True a game played on a specially designed board parlor_game.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, putting_away_games-0, make_the_workplace_exciting-0, setting_up_room_for_games-0, picking_up_toys-0, collecting_childrens_toys-0, board_game, 16 16 5
boat.n.01 Ready False False a small vessel for travel on water vessel.n.02, small_boat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, inside, ontop, prepare_a_boat_for_fishing-0, cleaning_boat-0, 0 2 2
bobby_pin.n.01 Ready False True a flat wire hairpin whose prongs press tightly together; used to hold bobbed hair in place hairpin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, store_bobby_pins-0, bobby_pin, 1 1 1
body_covering.n.01 Ready False False any covering for the body or a body part covering.n.01, feather.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
body_part.n.01 Ready False False any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity part.n.03, tissue.n.01, structure.n.04, process.n.05, 0 3 0
body_substance.n.01 Substance False False the substance of the body substance.n.01, liquid_body_substance.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
body_waste.n.01 Substance False False waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body waste.n.01, fecal_matter.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 9 0
bodybuilding.n.01 Ready False False exercise that builds muscles through tension exercise.n.01, weightlift.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
boiled_egg.n.01 Ready False False egg cooked briefly in the shell in gently boiling water dish.n.02, hard-boiled_egg.n.01, half__hard-boiled_egg.n.01, cooked__diced__hard-boiled_egg.n.01, diced__hard-boiled_egg.n.01, flammable, 0 2 0
bok_choy.n.02 Ready False True elongated head of dark green leaves on thick white stalks cabbage.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, ontop, cooked, sorting_potatoes-0, clean_bok_choy-0, cook_bok_choy-0, sorting_vegetables-0, bok_choy, 2 2 4
bone.n.01 Not Ready False True rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates connective_tissue.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
book.n.01 Ready False False a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together) publication.n.01, catalog.n.01, textbook.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
book.n.02 Ready False False physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together product.n.02, notebook.n.01, paperback_book.n.01, hardback.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, inside, ontop, nextto, clean_a_book-0, boxing_books_up_for_storage-0, packing_documents_into_car-0, clean_a_company_office-0, packing_books_into_car-0, tidying_living_room-0, picking_up_books_at_library-0, unpacking_hobby_equipment-0, tidying_bedroom-0, putting_backpack_in_car_for_school-0, ... 0 319 13
bookcase.n.01 Ready False True a piece of furniture with shelves for storing books furniture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, nextto, decorating_for_religious_ceremony-0, sorting_items_for_garage_sale-0, de_clutter_your_garage-0, clean_a_book-0, setting_up_living_room_for_guest-0, moving_stuff_to_storage-0, clean_brass-0, polish_wood_floors-0, sorting_newspapers_for_recycling-0, store_baby_clothes-0, ... bookcase, 39 39 26
bookcase_back.n.01 Ready True True furniture.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, putting_up_shelves-0, bookcase_back, 1 1 1
bookcase_baseboard.n.01 Ready True True furniture.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, putting_up_shelves-0, bookcase_baseboard, 1 1 1
bookcase_shelf.n.01 Ready True True furniture.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, putting_up_shelves-0, bookcase_shelf, 1 1 1
bookcase_side.n.01 Ready True True furniture.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, putting_up_shelves-0, bookcase_side, 2 2 1
bookcase_top.n.01 Ready True True furniture.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, putting_up_shelves-0, bookcase_top, 1 1 1
bookend.n.01 Ready False True a support placed at the end of a row of books to keep them upright (on a shelf or table) support.n.10, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bookend, 10 10 0
boot.n.01 Ready False False footwear that covers the whole foot and lower leg footwear.n.02, buskin.n.01, rubber_boot.n.01, ski_boot.n.01, hiking_boot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, inside, clean_leather_boots-0, donating_clothing-0, preparing_clothes_for_the_next_day-0, 0 6 3
booth.n.01 Ready False True a table (in a restaurant or bar) surrounded by two high-backed benches table.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, distributing_event_T_shirts-0, selling_products_at_flea_market-0, make_a_bake_sale_stand_stall-0, booth, 1 1 3
booth.n.02 Ready False False small area set off by walls for special use closet.n.04, farm_stand.n.01, shower_stall.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 11 0
borax.n.01 Substance False True an ore of boron consisting of hydrated sodium borate; used as a flux or cleansing agent mineral.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
bottle.n.01 Ready False False a glass or plastic vessel used for storing drinks or other liquids; typically cylindrical without handles and with a narrow neck that can be plugged or capped vessel.n.03, beer_bottle.n.01, wine_bottle.n.01, carboy.n.01, flask.n.01, cruet.n.01, pill_bottle.n.01, jug.n.01, water_bottle.n.01, carafe.n.01, pop_bottle.n.01, specimen_bottle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cleaning_garage-0, 0 28 1
bottle.n.03 Ready False True a vessel fitted with a flexible teat and filled with milk or formula; used as a substitute for breast feeding infants and very young children vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, inside, ontop, wash_baby_bottles-0, baby_bottle, 1 1 1
bottle__of__acetone.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__acid.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__alcohol.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_alcohol, 1 1 0
bottle__of__alfredo_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_alfredo_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__allspice.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__almond_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_almond_oil, 1 1 0
bottle__of__ammonia.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_ammonia, 1 1 0
bottle__of__antihistamines.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, buy_home_use_medical_supplies-0, picking_up_prescriptions-0, bottle_of_antihistamines, 1 1 2
bottle__of__apple_cider.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_apple_cider, 1 1 0
bottle__of__apple_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, distributing_groceries_at_food_bank-0, buying_groceries-0, buy_food_for_a_party-0, make_a_lunch_box-0, cleaning_up_after_an_event-0, bottle_of_apple_juice, 2 2 5
bottle__of__applesauce.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__aspirin.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, buy_home_use_medical_supplies-0, bottle_of_aspirin, 1 1 1
bottle__of__baby_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_baby_oil, 1 1 0
bottle__of__balsamic_vinegar.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__barbecue_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_barbecue_sauce, 3 3 0
bottle__of__beer.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, ontop, inside, stock_a_bar_cart-0, buy_alcohol-0, bottle_of_beer, 32 32 2
bottle__of__black_pepper.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_black_pepper, 4 4 0
bottle__of__bleach_agent.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, putting_away_cleaning_supplies-0, bottle_of_bleach_agent, 1 1 1
bottle__of__bug_repellent.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_bug_repellent, 1 1 0
bottle__of__buttermilk.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__carrot_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_carrot_juice, 2 2 0
bottle__of__catsup.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, clearing_the_table_after_dinner-0, bottle_of_catsup, 5 5 2
bottle__of__caulk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_caulk, 1 1 0
bottle__of__champagne.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, setup_a_garden_party-0, passing_out_drinks-0, bottle_of_champagne, 4 4 2
bottle__of__chili_pepper.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_chili_pepper, 1 1 0
bottle__of__chocolate_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_chocolate_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__cleaner.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_cleaner, 2 2 0
bottle__of__cocoa.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, buy_good_chocolate-0, bottle_of_cocoa, 1 1 1
bottle__of__coconut_milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_coconut_milk, 1 1 0
bottle__of__coconut_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_coconut_oil, 1 1 0
bottle__of__coconut_water.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_coconut_water, 1 1 0
bottle__of__coffee.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, inside, set_up_a_coffee_station_in_your_kitchen-0, bottle_of_coffee, 1 1 1
bottle__of__coke.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_coke, 2 2 0
bottle__of__cold_cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, packing_grocery_bags_into_car-0, bottle_of_cold_cream, 1 1 1
bottle__of__cologne.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_cologne, 1 1 0
bottle__of__conditioner.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_conditioner, 2 2 0
bottle__of__cooking_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, stock_grocery_shelves-0, putting_shopping_away-0, bottle_of_cooking_oil, 1 1 2
bottle__of__cranberry_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_cranberry_juice, 1 1 0
bottle__of__degreaser.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_degreaser, 0 0 0
bottle__of__deicer.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_deicer, 1 1 0
bottle__of__detergent.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, inside, ontop, sorting_household_items-0, putting_away_cleaning_supplies-0, unloading_shopping_items-0, bottle_of_detergent, 2 2 3
bottle__of__dish_soap.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_dish_soap, 1 1 0
bottle__of__disinfectant.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_disinfectant, 2 2 0
bottle__of__essential_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_the_ultimate_spa_basket-0, bottle_of_essential_oil, 5 5 1
bottle__of__fabric_softener.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_fabric_softener, 1 1 0
bottle__of__face_cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_face_cream, 1 1 0
bottle__of__fennel.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_fennel, 1 1 0
bottle__of__food_coloring.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__frosting.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_frosting, 1 1 0
bottle__of__fruit_punch.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_fruit_punch, 2 2 0
bottle__of__garlic_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_garlic_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__gin.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, stock_a_bar-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, bottle_of_gin, 1 1 2
bottle__of__ginger.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_ginger, 1 1 0
bottle__of__ginger_beer.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_ginger_beer, 1 1 0
bottle__of__glass_cleaner.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_glass_cleaner, 1 1 0
bottle__of__glue.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, buy_school_supplies-0, sorting_art_supplies-0, bottle_of_glue, 1 1 2
bottle__of__ground_cloves.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_ground_cloves, 1 1 0
bottle__of__ground_mace.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_ground_mace, 1 1 0
bottle__of__ground_nutmeg.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_ground_nutmeg, 1 1 0
bottle__of__hot_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, preparing_food_for_a_fundraiser-0, bottle_of_hot_sauce, 1 1 1
bottle__of__lacquer.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lacquer, 1 1 0
bottle__of__lavender_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lavender_oil, 1 1 0
bottle__of__lemon_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lemon_juice, 1 1 0
bottle__of__lemon_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lemon_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__lemonade.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, stock_a_bar_cart-0, setup_a_garden_party-0, bottle_of_lemonade, 1 1 2
bottle__of__lighter_fluid.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lighter_fluid, 1 1 0
bottle__of__lime_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lime_juice, 1 1 0
bottle__of__liquid_soap.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_a_military_care_package-0, putting_away_cleaning_supplies-0, buying_cleaning_supplies-0, bottle_of_liquid_soap, 1 1 3
bottle__of__lotion.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_a_military_care_package-0, make_the_ultimate_spa_basket-0, unloading_shopping_items-0, bottle_of_lotion, 1 1 3
bottle__of__lubricant.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lubricant, 1 1 0
bottle__of__maple_syrup.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_maple_syrup, 1 1 0
bottle__of__mayonnaise.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, putting_out_condiments-0, bottle_of_mayonnaise, 1 1 1
bottle__of__medicine.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_a_military_care_package-0, bottle_of_medicine, 8 8 1
bottle__of__milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, inside, ontop, buying_everyday_consumer_goods-0, bottle_of_milk, 8 8 1
bottle__of__milkshake.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_milkshake, 1 1 0
bottle__of__molasses.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_molasses, 1 1 0
bottle__of__mushroom_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_mushroom_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__mustard.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, putting_out_condiments-0, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, bottle_of_mustard, 2 2 2
bottle__of__mustard_seeds.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_mustard_seeds, 1 1 0
bottle__of__oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_oil, 2 2 0
bottle__of__olive_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, storing_food-0, bottle_of_olive_oil, 7 7 1
bottle__of__onion_powder.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_onion_powder, 1 1 0
bottle__of__orange_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, bag_groceries-0, bottle_of_orange_juice, 3 3 1
bottle__of__paint.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_paint, 1 1 0
bottle__of__paint_remover.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_paint_remover, 1 1 0
bottle__of__papaya_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_papaya_juice, 2 2 0
bottle__of__paprika.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_paprika, 1 1 0
bottle__of__parsley.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__peanut_butter.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, buying_groceries-0, putting_out_condiments-0, bottle_of_peanut_butter, 1 1 2
bottle__of__perfume.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cleaning_bedroom-0, prepare_an_emergency_school_kit-0, make_the_ultimate_spa_basket-0, unpacking_suitcase-0, bottle_of_perfume, 1 1 4
bottle__of__pesticide.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_pesticide, 1 1 0
bottle__of__pesto.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_pesto, 1 1 0
bottle__of__pizza_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_pizza_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__pop.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_pop, 40 40 0
bottle__of__poppy_seeds.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_poppy_seeds, 1 1 0
bottle__of__powder.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_powder, 1 1 0
bottle__of__protein_powder.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_protein_powder, 2 2 0
bottle__of__pumpkin_pie_spice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_pumpkin_pie_spice, 1 1 0
bottle__of__rosemary.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__rum.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, stock_a_bar-0, bottle_of_rum, 4 4 1
bottle__of__sage.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sage, 1 1 0
bottle__of__sake.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sake, 9 9 0
bottle__of__salsa.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_salsa, 3 3 0
bottle__of__sangria.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__sealant.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sealant, 1 1 0
bottle__of__seasoning.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_seasoning, 1 1 0
bottle__of__sesame_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sesame_oil, 1 1 0
bottle__of__sesame_seeds.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sesame_seeds, 1 1 0
bottle__of__shampoo.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_a_military_care_package-0, packing_grocery_bags_into_car-0, tidying_bathroom-0, packing_bags_or_suitcase-0, bottle_of_shampoo, 4 4 4
bottle__of__skin_cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_skin_cream, 1 1 0
bottle__of__soda.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, nextto, ontop, touching, stock_grocery_shelves-0, selling_products_at_flea_market-0, buy_food_for_camping-0, returning_consumer_goods-0, bottle_of_soda, 1 1 4
bottle__of__solvent.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_solvent, 1 1 0
bottle__of__soup.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, preparing_food_for_a_fundraiser-0, bottle_of_soup, 2 2 1
bottle__of__sour_cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sour_cream, 1 1 0
bottle__of__soy_milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_soy_milk, 2 2 0
bottle__of__soy_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_soy_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__spice.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__sriracha.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sriracha, 1 1 0
bottle__of__strawberry_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_strawberry_juice, 1 1 0
bottle__of__sunscreen.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, packing_picnic_into_car-0, pack_a_beach_bag-0, bottle_of_sunscreen, 1 1 2
bottle__of__supplements.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, buy_natural_supplements-0, bottle_of_supplements, 2 2 1
bottle__of__tea.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_tea, 2 2 0
bottle__of__tea_leaves.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_tea_leaves, 1 1 0
bottle__of__tequila.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, bottle_of_tequila, 1 1 1
bottle__of__tomato_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_tomato_juice, 1 1 0
bottle__of__tomato_paste.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_tomato_paste, 3 3 0
bottle__of__tonic.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, stock_a_bar_cart-0, bottle_of_tonic, 2 2 1
bottle__of__vinegar.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, putting_out_condiments-0, bottle_of_vinegar, 1 1 1
bottle__of__vodka.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, make_a_military_care_package-0, stock_a_bar-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, store_vodka-0, buy_alcohol-0, bottle_of_vodka, 1 1 5
bottle__of__water.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_water, 15 15 0
bottle__of__whiskey.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, stock_a_bar_cart-0, bottle_of_whiskey, 9 9 1
bottle__of__wine.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, ontop, inside, stock_a_bar_cart-0, buy_alcohol-0, bottle_of_wine, 35 35 2
bottle_opener.n.01 Ready False False an opener for removing caps or corks from bottles opener.n.03, corkscrew.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
bouillon.n.01 Substance False True a clear seasoned broth broth.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
bouillon_cube.n.01 Ready False True a cube of evaporated seasoned meat extract flavorer.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bouillon_cube, 1 1 0
boulder.n.01 Ready False True a large smooth mass of rock detached from its place of origin rock.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, boulder, 16 16 0
bouquet.n.01 Ready False True an arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present flower_arrangement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bouquet, 1 1 0
bourbon.n.02 Substance False True whiskey distilled from a mash of corn and malt and rye and aged in charred oak barrels whiskey.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
bourbon__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bow.n.02 Not Ready False True a slightly curved piece of resilient wood with taut horsehair strands; used in playing certain stringed instruments stick.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bow.n.08 Ready False True a decorative interlacing of ribbons decoration.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, ontop, inside, attached, putting_away_Christmas_decorations-0, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_inside-0, decorating_outside_for_holidays-0, decorating_outside_for_parties-0, assembling_gift_baskets-0, bow, 2 2 5
bowed_stringed_instrument.n.01 Ready False False stringed instruments that are played with a bow stringed_instrument.n.01, violin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
bowl.n.01 Ready False True a round vessel that is open at the top; used chiefly for holding food or liquids vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, contains, nextto, covered, cook_peas-0, polish_cymbals-0, filling_sugar-0, putting_out_dog_food-0, make_muffins-0, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, cooking_breakfast-0, clean_jewels-0, clean_clams-0, freeze_fruit-0, ... bowl, 45 45 121
bowl.n.03 Ready False False a dish that is round and open at the top for serving foods dish.n.01, soup_bowl.n.01, mixing_bowl.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
bowling_ball.n.01 Ready False True a large ball with finger holes used in the sport of bowling ball.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, moving_stuff_to_storage-0, clean_a_bowling_ball-0, bowling_ball, 1 1 2
box.n.01 Ready False False a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid container.n.01, ice_cream__carton.n.01, shoebox.n.02, stew__carton.n.01, chest.n.02, pineapple_juice__carton.n.01, carton.n.02, chicken_soup__carton.n.01, liquid_carton.n.01, cream__carton.n.01, pencil_box.n.01, orange_juice__carton.n.01, storage_container.n.01, crate.n.01, chicken_broth__carton.n.01, mailbox.n.01, strongbox.n.01, beef_broth__carton.n.01, milk__carton.n.01, yogurt__carton.n.01, matchbox.n.01, shortening__carton.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 69 0
box__of__almond_milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_almond_milk, 1 1 0
box__of__aluminium_foil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_aluminium_foil, 1 1 0
box__of__apple_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_apple_juice, 1 1 0
box__of__baking_mix.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_baking_mix, 7 7 0
box__of__baking_powder.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_baking_powder, 2 2 0
box__of__baking_soda.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, inside, ontop, store_baking_soda-0, box_of_baking_soda, 1 1 1
box__of__barley.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_barley, 1 1 0
box__of__beer.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_beer, 2 2 0
box__of__brown_sugar.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_brown_sugar, 3 3 0
box__of__butter.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_butter, 4 4 0
box__of__candy.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, inside, ontop, touching, selling_products_at_flea_market-0, prepare_an_emergency_school_kit-0, cleaning_stuff_out_of_car-0, box_of_candy, 2 2 3
box__of__cane_sugar.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_cane_sugar, 5 5 0
box__of__cereal.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, putting_shopping_away-0, box_of_cereal, 14 14 1
box__of__champagne.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_champagne, 3 3 0
box__of__chocolates.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, inside, ontop, touching, selling_products_at_flea_market-0, make_a_military_care_package-0, buy_good_chocolate-0, make_dinosaur_goody_bags-0, box_of_chocolates, 1 1 4
box__of__coconut_milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_coconut_milk, 1 1 0
box__of__coffee.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_coffee, 3 3 0
box__of__cookies.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, put_together_a_goodie_bag-0, box_of_cookies, 14 14 1
box__of__corn_flakes.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, shopping_at_warehouse_stores-0, unloading_groceries-0, box_of_corn_flakes, 1 1 2
box__of__crackers.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_crackers, 1 1 0
box__of__cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, setting_table_for_coffee-0, box_of_cream, 1 1 1
box__of__flour.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_flour, 1 1 0
box__of__fruit.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_fruit, 2 2 0
box__of__granola_bars.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_granola_bars, 3 3 0
box__of__ice_cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_ice_cream, 1 1 0
box__of__lasagna.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, putting_leftovers_away-0, box_of_lasagna, 1 1 1
box__of__lemons.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_lemons, 1 1 0
box__of__milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_milk, 1 1 0
box__of__oatmeal.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, storing_food-0, box_of_oatmeal, 3 3 1
box__of__raspberries.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_raspberries, 1 1 0
box__of__rice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_rice, 3 3 0
box__of__rum.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_rum, 4 4 0
box__of__sake.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_sake, 8 8 0
box__of__salt.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_salt, 2 2 0
box__of__sanitary_napkin.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_sanitary_napkins, 9 9 0
box__of__shampoo.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_shampoo, 4 4 0
box__of__takeout.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_takeout, 1 1 0
box__of__tissue.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_tissues, 4 4 0
box__of__tomato_juice.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_tomato_juice, 0 0 0
box__of__vegetable_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_vegetable_juice, 2 2 0
box__of__wagashi.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_wagashi, 1 1 0
box__of__whiskey.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_whiskey, 5 5 0
box__of__wine.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_wine, 0 0 0
box__of__yogurt.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_yogurt, 4 4 0
boxed__cake.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, boxed_cake, 1 1 0
boxed__cpu_board.n.01 Ready True True durables.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, boxed_cpu_board, 1 1 0
boxed__ink_cartridge.n.01 Ready True True durables.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, boxed_ink_cartridge, 3 3 0
boxed__router.n.01 Ready True True durables.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, boxed_router, 1 1 0
boxing_equipment.n.01 Ready False False equipment used in boxing sports_equipment.n.01, boxing_glove.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
boxing_glove.n.01 Ready False True boxing equipment consisting of big and padded coverings for the fists of the fighters; worn for the sport of boxing boxing_equipment.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, clean_boxing_gloves-0, boxing_gloves, 1 1 1
brace.n.09 Not Ready False True a structural member used to stiffen a framework strengthener.n.01, structural_member.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bracelet.n.02 Ready False True jewelry worn around the wrist for decoration jewelry.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, clean_gold-0, polish_gold-0, bracelet, 1 1 2
bracket.n.04 Not Ready False True a support projecting from a wall (as to hold a shelf) support.n.10, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
brake.n.01 Not Ready False True a restraint used to slow or stop a vehicle restraint.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
branch.n.02 Ready False True a division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant stalk.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cleaning_up_branches_and_twigs-0, branch, 1 1 1
brandy.n.01 Substance False True distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice liquor.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
brandy__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
brass.n.02 Ready False False a wind instrument that consists of a brass tube (usually of variable length) that is blown by means of a cup-shaped or funnel-shaped mouthpiece wind_instrument.n.01, cornet.n.01, trombone.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, inside, clean_brass-0, 0 2 1
brassiere.n.01 Ready False True an undergarment worn by women to support their breasts woman's_clothing.n.01, undergarment.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, folded, ontop, covered, inside, folding_clothes-0, wash_a_bra-0, taking_clothes_out_of_the_dryer-0, bra, 1 1 3
bratwurst.n.01 Ready False True a small pork sausage pork_sausage.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, inside, ontop, cooked, cooking_breakfast-0, can_meat-0, buy_meat_from_a_butcher-0, prepare_a_filling_breakfast-0, cook_sausages-0, preparing_food_for_a_fundraiser-0, bratwurst, 2 2 6
bread-bin.n.01 Not Ready False True a container used to keep bread or cake in container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bread.n.01 Ready False False food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked baked_goods.n.01, starches.n.01, crouton.n.01, half__toast.n.01, garlic_bread.n.01, bread_slice.n.01, diced__toast.n.01, sour_bread.n.01, cracker.n.01, diced__garlic_bread.n.01, bun.n.01, loaf_of_bread.n.01, cooked__diced__garlic_bread.n.01, diced__sour_bread.n.01, cooked__diced__sour_bread.n.01, cooked__crouton.n.01, toast.n.01, half__sour_bread.n.01, bap.n.01, flatbread.n.01, half__garlic_bread.n.01, white_bread.n.01, quick_bread.n.01, cooked__diced__toast.n.01, 0 73 0
bread_slice.n.01 Ready True True bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, covered, ontop, delivering_groceries_to_doorstep-0, make_toast-0, cooking_lunch-0, preparing_food_for_a_fundraiser-0, make_a_sandwich-0, bread_slice, 4 4 5
breadcrumb.n.01 Substance False True crumb of bread; used especially for coating or thickening crumb.n.03, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, filled, real, washing_plates-0, cleaning_kitchen_knives-0, cleaning_restaurant_table-0, make_meatloaf-0, clean_place_mats-0, rinsing_dishes-0, putting_dirty_dishes_in_sink-0, make_macaroni_and_cheese-0, make_a_wiener_schnitzle-0, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, breadcrumb, 3 3 10
breakfast_food.n.01 Substance False False any food (especially cereal) usually served for breakfast food.n.02, cereal.n.03, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
breakfast_table.n.01 Ready False True a table where breakfast is eaten table.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, overlaid, fold_a_cloth_napkin-0, clearing_table_after_dinner-0, decorating_for_religious_ceremony-0, recycling_office_papers-0, clean_up_after_a_dinner_party-0, freeze_lasagna-0, clearing_food_from_table_into_fridge-0, clearing_table_after_breakfast-0, make_baked_pears-0, cleaning_restaurant_table-0, ... breakfast_table, 32 32 42
breast.n.03 Ready False False meat carved from the breast of a fowl helping.n.01, chicken_breast.n.02, diced__chicken_breast.n.01, half__chicken_breast.n.01, half__chicken_tender.n.01, cooked__diced__chicken_tender.n.01, chicken_tender.n.01, diced__chicken_tender.n.01, cooked__diced__chicken_breast.n.01, flammable, 0 5 0
brew.n.01 Substance False False drink made by steeping and boiling and fermenting rather than distilling alcohol.n.01, beer.n.01, cooked__beer.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
brick.n.01 Not Ready False True rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln; used as a building or paving material building_material.n.01, ceramic.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bridge.n.01 Not Ready False True a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc. structure.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
briefcase.n.01 Ready False True a case with a handle; for carrying papers or files or books case.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, briefcase, 8 8 0
brightness.n.01 Substance False False the location of a visual perception along a continuum from black to white light.n.07, glitter.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
brisket.n.01 Ready False True a cut of meat from the breast or lower chest especially of beef cut.n.06, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cooked, cook_a_brisket-0, buy_meat_from_a_butcher-0, brisket, 2 2 2
broccoli.n.02 Ready False True branched green undeveloped flower heads cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, inside, cooked, wash_fruit_and_vegetables-0, make_beef_and_broccoli-0, cook_vegetables-0, broccoli, 1 1 3
broccoli_rabe.n.02 Ready False True slightly bitter dark green leaves and clustered flower buds cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, broccoli_rabe, 1 1 0
broccolini.n.01 Ready True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, cook_broccolini-0, broccolini, 1 1 1
broken__glass.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, clean_up_broken_glass-0, broken_glass, 2 2 1
broken__light_bulb.n.01 Ready True True electric_lamp.n.01, attachable, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, changing_bulbs-0, changing_light_bulbs-0, remove_a_broken_light_bulb-0, broken_light_bulb, 1 1 3
broom.n.01 Ready False True a cleaning implement for sweeping; bundle of straws or twigs attached to a long handle cleaning_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, nextto, cleaning_garage-0, clean_brooms-0, cleaning_shed-0, clean_household_cleaning_tools-0, sweeping_patio-0, clean_a_patio-0, sweeping_steps-0, cleaning_pavement-0, cleaning_driveway-0, sweeping_floors-0, ... broom, 1 1 19
broth.n.01 Substance False False liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered; used as a basis for e.g. soups or sauces soup.n.01, chicken_broth.n.01, beef_broth.n.01, cooked__chicken_broth.n.01, cooked__beef_broth.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, washing_bowls-0, 0 0 1
broth.n.02 Substance False False a thin soup of meat or fish or vegetable stock soup.n.01, bouillon.n.01, cooked__bouillon.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
brown_rice.n.01 Substance False True unpolished rice retaining the yellowish-brown outer layer rice.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, waterCook, filled, cook_rice-0, brown_rice, 1 1 1
brown_rice__sack.n.01 Ready True True bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, cook_rice-0, brown_rice_sack, 1 1 1
brown_sugar.n.01 Substance False True unrefined or only partly refined sugar sugar.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, make_a_sugar_and_coffee_scrub-0, make_meatloaf-0, make_edible_chocolate_chip_cookie_dough-0, brown_sugar, 1 1 4
brown_sugar__sack.n.01 Ready True True bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, make_a_sugar_and_coffee_scrub-0, make_meatloaf-0, make_edible_chocolate_chip_cookie_dough-0, brown_sugar_sack, 1 1 4
brownie.n.03 Ready False True square or bar of very rich chocolate cake usually with nuts cookie.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, future, real, cooked, inside, make_a_bake_sale_stand_stall-0, make_brownies-0, cooking_a_feast-0, store_brownies-0, brownie, 1 1 4
brownie_batter.n.01 Substance True True batter.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
brush.n.02 Ready False False an implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle implement.n.01, scrub_brush.n.01, hairbrush.n.01, toothbrush.n.01, paintbrush.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 12 0
brussels_sprouts.n.01 Ready False True the small edible cabbage-like buds growing along a stalk of the brussels sprout plant cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, inside, covered, roast_vegetables-0, cook_brussels_sprouts-0, cook_vegetables-0, brussels_sprouts, 4 4 3
bryophyte.n.01 Substance False False any of numerous plants of the division Bryophyta nonvascular_organism.n.01, moss.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
bubble.n.01 Substance False False a hollow globule of gas (e.g., air or carbon dioxide) globule.n.01, foam.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
bucket.n.01 Ready False True a roughly cylindrical vessel that is open at the top vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, filled, covered, nextto, collecting_aluminum_cans-0, clean_tweed-0, prepare_a_boat_for_fishing-0, mopping_the_kitchen_floor-0, washing_outside_walls-0, fertilize_plants-0, washing_outside_windows-0, cleaning_patio_furniture-0, clean_outdoor_tiles-0, clean_household_cleaning_tools-0, ... bucket, ice_bucket, 4 4 59
bucket__of__paint.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bucket_of_paint, 4 4 0
buckle.n.01 Not Ready False True fastener that fastens together two ends of a belt or strap; often has loose prong fastener.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
building.n.01 Ready False False a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place structure.n.01, farm_building.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
building_material.n.01 Ready False False material used for constructing buildings artifact.n.01, concrete.n.01, covering_material.n.01, stone.n.02, flooring.n.02, lumber.n.01, brick.n.01, 0 15 0
bulb.n.01 Ready False False a modified bud consisting of a thickened globular underground stem serving as a reproductive structure stalk.n.02, daffodil_bulb.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
bulbous_plant.n.01 Ready False False plant growing from a bulb vascular_plant.n.01, narcissus.n.01, liliaceous_plant.n.01, 0 21 0
bulldog_clip.n.01 Ready False True a clip with a spring that closes the metal jaws clip.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bulldog_clip, 1 1 0
bulletin.n.01 Ready False False a brief report (especially an official statement issued for immediate publication or broadcast) report.n.03, information_bulletin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
bulletin_board.n.02 Ready False True a board that hangs on a wall; displays announcements board.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bulletin_board, 2 2 0
bumper.n.02 Not Ready False True a mechanical device consisting of bars at either end of a vehicle to absorb shock and prevent serious damage mechanical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bun.n.01 Ready False False small rounded bread either plain or sweet bread.n.01, hamburger_bun.n.01, diced__hamburger_bun.n.01, soft_roll.n.01, cooked__diced__crescent_roll.n.01, diced__frankfurter_bun.n.01, half__croissant.n.01, cooked__diced__frankfurter_bun.n.01, crescent_roll.n.01, sweet_roll.n.01, half__crescent_roll.n.01, diced__crescent_roll.n.01, half__bagel.n.01, half__frankfurter_bun.n.01, half__hotdog_bun.n.01, bagel.n.01, frankfurter_bun.n.01, cooked__diced__hamburger_bun.n.01, diced__bagel.n.01, half__hamburger_bun.n.01, cooked__diced__bagel.n.01, 0 22 0
bunchgrass.n.01 Substance False True any of various grasses of many genera that grow in tufts or clumps rather than forming a sod or mat; chiefly of western United States grass.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, contains, filled, mowing_the_lawn-0, cleaning_lawnmowers-0, cleaning_driveway-0, wash_a_motorcycle-0, disposing_of_lawn_clippings-0, sweeping_porch-0, tidy_your_garden-0, lay_sod-0, bunchgrass, 1 1 8
burette.n.01 Ready False True measuring instrument consisting of a graduated glass tube with a tap at the bottom; used for titration measuring_instrument.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, buret, 1 1 0
burlap.n.01 Not Ready False True coarse jute fabric sacking.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
burner.n.02 Ready False True the heating elements of a stove or range on which pots and pans are placed for cooking heating_element.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, burner, 4 4 0
burrito.n.01 Ready False True a flour tortilla folded around a filling dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, clean_up_after_a_dinner_party-0, burrito, 1 1 1
bush_bean.n.01 Substance False False a bean plant whose bushy growth needs no supports bean.n.03, common_bean.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
buskin.n.01 Not Ready False True a boot reaching halfway up to the knee boot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bust.n.03 Ready False True a sculpture of the head and shoulders of a person sculpture.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, inside, ontop, setting_up_silent_auction-0, bust, 1 1 1
butane.n.01 Substance False True occurs in natural gas; used in the manufacture of rubber and fuels gas.n.02, fuel.n.01, methane_series.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
butter.n.01 Ready False True an edible emulsion of fat globules made by churning milk or cream; for cooking and table use food.n.02, dairy_product.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cook_peas-0, saute_vegetables-0, cooking_breakfast-0, cook_rice-0, cook_bok_choy-0, make_cookies-0, make_dinner_rolls-0, cook_corn-0, make_waffles-0, make_chocolate_spread-0, ... butter, 1 1 21
butter__package.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_cookies-0, make_dinner_rolls-0, make_chocolate_spread-0, make_pastry-0, make_a_cheese_pastry-0, butter_package, 1 1 5
butter_cookie.n.01 Ready False True cookie containing much butter cookie.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, assembling_gift_baskets-0, butter_cookie, 1 1 1
buttermilk.n.01 Substance False True residue from making butter from sour raw milk; or pasteurized milk curdled by adding a culture milk.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
buttermilk_pancake.n.01 Ready False True a pancake made with buttermilk pancake.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, buttermilk_pancake, 1 1 1
butternut_squash.n.02 Ready False True buff-colored squash with a long usually straight neck and sweet orange flesh winter_squash.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cooked, sorting_potatoes-0, cook_squash-0, butternut_squash, 2 2 2
cabbage.n.01 Ready False False any of various types of cabbage cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cooked__diced__kale.n.01, diced__bok_choy.n.01, cooked__diced__head_cabbage.n.01, half__bok_choy.n.01, half__kale.n.01, head_cabbage.n.02, half__head_cabbage.n.01, diced__head_cabbage.n.01, diced__kale.n.01, bok_choy.n.02, kale.n.03, cooked__diced__bok_choy.n.01, 0 10 0
cabinet.n.01 Ready False True a piece of furniture resembling a cupboard with doors and shelves and drawers; for storage or display furniture.n.01, assembleable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, nextto, ontop, open, cook_a_brisket-0, put_together_a_goodie_bag-0, make_instant_coffee-0, make_iced_tea-0, cook_peas-0, set_up_a_coffee_station_in_your_kitchen-0, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, preparing_food_for_company-0, clean_a_quilt-0, can_beans-0, ... bottom_cabinet, bottom_cabinet_no_top, metal_bottom_cabinet, top_cabinet, 115 115 232
cabinet.n.03 Ready False True a storage compartment for clothes and valuables; usually it has a lock compartment.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, clean_a_sauna-0, locker, 4 4 1
cabinet.n.04 Not Ready False True housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television housing.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cabinet_base.n.01 Ready True True component.n.03, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, make_cabinet_doors-0, cabinet_base, 1 1 1
cabinet_door.n.01 Ready True True component.n.03, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, make_cabinet_doors-0, cabinet_door, 1 1 1
cable.n.02 Not Ready False True a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power conductor.n.04, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rope, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cactus.n.01 Ready False True any succulent plant of the family Cactaceae native chiefly to arid regions of the New World and usually having spines succulent.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, place_houseplants_around_your_home-0, dust_houseplants-0, cactus, 1 1 2
cafe_au_lait.n.01 Substance False True equal parts of coffee and hot milk coffee.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, contains, real, make_an_iced_espresso-0, cafe_au_lait, 0 0 1
cage.n.01 Ready False False an enclosure made or wire or metal bars in which birds or animals can be kept enclosure.n.01, birdcage.n.01, hutch.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
cake.n.03 Ready False False baked goods made from or based on a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and fat baked_goods.n.01, fruitcake.n.02, diced__gingerbread.n.01, cooked__diced__waffle.n.01, half__cheesecake.n.01, cooked__diced__fruitcake.n.01, cookie.n.01, half__cupcake.n.01, gingerbread.n.01, cooked__diced__gingerbread.n.01, pancake.n.01, chocolate_cake.n.01, half__fruitcake.n.01, half__waffle.n.01, diced__fruitcake.n.01, friedcake.n.01, cheesecake.n.01, cupcake.n.01, half__gingerbread.n.01, sliced__chocolate_cake.n.01, diced__cupcake.n.01, waffle.n.01, diced__chocolate_cake.n.01, diced__waffle.n.01, diced__cheesecake.n.01, half__chocolate_cake.n.01, cooked__diced__cheesecake.n.01, cooked__diced__chocolate_cake.n.01, 0 71 0
cake_mix.n.01 Substance False True a commercial mix for making a cake ready-mix.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, contains, real, make_cake_mix-0, cake_mix, 1 1 1
calcite.n.01 Substance False False a common mineral consisting of crystallized calcium carbonate; a major constituent of limestone spar.n.01, chalk.n.01, breakable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 9 0
calcium_carbonate.n.01 Substance False True a salt found in nature as chalk or calcite or aragonite or limestone carbonate.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
calculator.n.02 Ready False True a small machine that is used for mathematical calculations machine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, toggled_on, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, turn_off_a_normal_school_calculator-0, organizing_school_stuff-0, calculator, 1 1 3
caldron.n.01 Ready False True a very large pot that is used for boiling pot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, ontop, putting_away_Halloween_decorations-0, cauldron, 2 2 1
calendar.n.01 Ready False True a system of timekeeping that defines the beginning and length and divisions of the year arrangement.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, calendar, 1 1 0
caliper.n.01 Ready False True an instrument for measuring the distance between two points (often used in the plural) measuring_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, caliper, 1 1 0
camera.n.01 Ready False False equipment for taking photographs (usually consisting of a lightproof box with a lens at one end and light-sensitive film at the other) photographic_equipment.n.01, digital_camera.n.01, security_camera.n.01, webcam.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 8 0
camera_tripod.n.01 Ready False True a tripod used to support a camera tripod.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, attach_a_camera_to_a_tripod-0, camera_tripod, 1 1 1
can.n.01 Ready False True airtight sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc. container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, sorting_bottles_cans_and_paper-0, can, 3 3 1
can__of__baking_mix.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_baking_mix, 7 7 0
can__of__bay_leaves.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_bay_leaves, 1 1 0
can__of__beans.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_beans, 2 2 0
can__of__cat_food.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, stock_grocery_shelves-0, can_of_cat_food, 1 1 1
can__of__coffee.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_coffee, 1 1 0
can__of__corn.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_corn, 3 3 0
can__of__dog_food.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, buy_pet_food_for_less-0, buy_dog_food-0, can_of_dog_food, 1 1 2
can__of__icetea.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_icetea, 1 1 0
can__of__oatmeal.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_oatmeal, 1 1 0
can__of__sardines.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_sardines, 1 1 0
can__of__soda.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, collecting_aluminum_cans-0, buying_fast_food-0, picking_up_trash-0, setting_up_room_for_a_movie-0, can_of_soda, 16 16 4
can__of__tomato_paste.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_tomato_paste, 1 1 0
can__of__tomatoes.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_tomatoes, 1 1 0
candle.n.01 Ready False False stick of wax with a wick in the middle lamp.n.01, beeswax_candle.n.01, pillar_candle.n.01, dip.n.07, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_inside-0, putting_away_Halloween_decorations-0, assembling_gift_baskets-0, 0 20 3
candlestick.n.01 Ready False True a holder with sockets for candles holder.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, inside, ontop, nextto, decorating_for_religious_ceremony-0, set_a_fancy_table-0, buy_candle_making_supplies-0, candle_holder, 5 5 3
candy.n.01 Ready False False a rich sweet made of flavored sugar and often combined with fruit or nuts sweet.n.03, hard_candy.n.01, candy_cane.n.01, marshmallow.n.01, diced__marshmallow.n.01, cooked__jelly_bean.n.01, cooked__diced__marshmallow.n.01, easter_egg.n.01, half__marshmallow.n.01, kiss.n.03, jelly_bean.n.01, mint.n.05, lollipop.n.02, 0 24 0
candy_cane.n.01 Ready False True a hard candy in the shape of a rod (usually with stripes) candy.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_a_candy_centerpiece-0, candy_cane, 1 1 1
candy_dispenser_shelf.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, candy_dispenser_shelf, 1 1 0
cane_sugar.n.02 Substance False True sugar from sugarcane used as sweetening agent sugar.n.01, meltable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_a_frappe-0, make_a_blended_iced_cappuccino-0, make_a_cappuccino-0, make_a_cheese_pastry-0, cane_sugar, 1 1 4
canister.n.02 Ready False True metal container for storing dry foods such as tea or flour container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, covered, ontop, can_beans-0, clean_a_vacuum-0, canister, 2 2 2
canned_food.n.01 Ready False True food preserved by canning foodstuff.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, distributing_groceries_at_food_bank-0, bag_groceries-0, putting_shopping_away-0, buy_food_for_camping-0, buy_pet_food_for_less-0, canned_food, 10 10 5
canoe.n.01 Ready False False small and light boat; pointed at both ends; propelled with a paddle small_boat.n.01, kayak.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
canola_oil.n.01 Substance False True vegetable oil made from rapeseed; it is high in monounsaturated fatty acids vegetable_oil.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
canopy.n.03 Ready False False a covering (usually of cloth) that serves as a roof to shelter an area from the weather shelter.n.02, umbrella.n.01, garden_umbrella.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
cantaloup.n.02 Ready False True the fruit of a cantaloup vine; small to medium-sized melon with yellowish flesh muskmelon.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, picking_fruit_and_vegetables-0, cantaloup, 2 2 1
canteen.n.01 Ready False True a flask for carrying water; used by soldiers or travelers flask.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, fill_a_canteen-0, canteen, 2 2 1
canvas.n.01 Ready False False a heavy, closely woven fabric (used for clothing or chairs or sails or tents) fabric.n.01, tarpaulin.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
cap.n.01 Ready False False a tight-fitting headdress headdress.n.01, baseball_cap.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
cap.n.02 Ready False True a top (as for a bottle) top.n.09, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cap, 53 53 0
cappuccino.n.01 Substance False True equal parts of espresso and hot milk topped with cinnamon and nutmeg and usually whipped cream coffee.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, contains, real, make_a_cappuccino-0, cappuccino, 0 0 1
car.n.01 Ready False True a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine motor_vehicle.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, inside, covered, nextto, overlaid, putting_on_license_plates-0, putting_on_registration_stickers-0, putting_on_tags_car-0, packing_picnic_into_car-0, loading_the_car-0, packing_picnic_food_into_car-0, vacuuming_vehicles-0, packing_cleaning_suppies_into_car-0, de_ice_a_car-0, packing_grocery_bags_into_car-0, ... car, 3 3 33
car_seat.n.01 Ready False False a seat in a car seat.n.04, infant_car_seat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
car_tire.n.01 Not Ready False True a tire consisting of a rubber ring around the rim of an automobile wheel tire.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, car_tire, 0 0 0
car_wheel.n.01 Ready False True a wheel that has a tire and rim and hubcap; used to propel the car wheel.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, clean_black_rims-0, car_wheel, 2 2 1
carafe.n.01 Ready False True a bottle with a stopper; for serving wine or water bottle.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, prepare_wine_and_cheese-0, make_cream_soda-0, make_a_cappuccino-0, make_green_tea_latte-0, carafe, decanter, 4 4 4
caraway_seed.n.01 Substance False True aromatic seeds of the caraway plant; used widely as seasoning flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
carbohydrate.n.01 Substance False False an essential structural component of living cells and source of energy for animals; includes simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances; are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain macromolecule.n.01, polysaccharide.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
carbon.n.01 Substance False False an abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms: amorphous carbon and graphite and diamond; occurs in all organic compounds chemical_element.n.01, carbon_black.n.01, charcoal.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
carbon_black.n.01 Substance False True a black colloidal substance consisting wholly or principally of amorphous carbon and used to make pigments and ink carbon.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
carbonate.n.01 Substance False False a salt or ester of carbonic acid (containing the anion CO3) salt.n.01, calcium_carbonate.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
carboy.n.01 Ready False True a large bottle for holding corrosive liquids; usually cushioned in a special container bottle.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, contains, ontop, inside, filled, make_lemon_stain_remover-0, recycling_glass_bottles-0, make_a_cappuccino-0, reagent_bottle, 5 5 3
card.n.01 Not Ready False True one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes paper.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
card.n.03 Ready False False a rectangular piece of stiff paper used to send messages (may have printed greetings or pictures) correspondence.n.01, postcard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
card.n.04 Ready False True thin cardboard, usually rectangular cardboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, setting_up_silent_auction-0, cardstock, 1 1 1
cardamom.n.02 Substance False True aromatic seeds used as seasoning like cinnamon and cloves especially in pickles and barbecue sauces flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cardboard.n.01 Ready False False a stiff moderately thick paper packing_material.n.01, paper.n.01, half__cardstock.n.01, card.n.04, half__card.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
cardigan.n.01 Ready False True knitted jacket that is fastened up the front with buttons or a zipper sweater.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cardigan, 1 1 0
carne_asada.n.01 Not Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
carpet_sweeper.n.01 Ready False True a cleaning implement with revolving brushes that pick up dirt as the implement is pushed over a carpet cleaning_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, carpet_sweeper, 1 1 0
carrel.n.02 Ready False True small individual study area in a library alcove.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cubicle, 2 2 0
carrot.n.03 Ready False True orange root; important source of carotene root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, inside, covered, frozen, roast_vegetables-0, cook_carrots-0, make_soup-0, make_stew-0, preserving_vegetables-0, washing_vegetables-0, freeze_vegetables-0, carrot, 3 3 7
carrot_juice.n.01 Substance False True usually freshly squeezed juice of carrots juice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, clean_a_blender-0, carrot_juice, 0 0 1
carryall.n.01 Ready False True a capacious bag or basket bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, inside, ontop, pack_a_beach_bag-0, tote, 1 1 1
carton.n.02 Ready False True a box made of cardboard; opens by flaps on top box.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, filled, open, distributing_event_T_shirts-0, sorting_potatoes-0, setting_up_silent_auction-0, putting_away_games-0, set_up_a_home_office_in_your_garage-0, stock_grocery_shelves-0, de_clutter_your_garage-0, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_inside-0, make_the_workplace_exciting-0, moving_stuff_to_storage-0, ... carton, 7 7 42
carton__of__chocolate_milk.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, carton_of_chocolate_milk, 0 0 0
carton__of__eggs.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, carton_of_eggs, 4 4 0
carton__of__milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, distributing_groceries_at_food_bank-0, buying_groceries-0, delivering_groceries_to_doorstep-0, putting_food_in_fridge-0, buy_food_for_a_party-0, carrying_in_groceries-0, carton_of_milk, 8 8 6
carton__of__orange_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, putting_food_in_fridge-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, carton_of_orange_juice, 2 2 3
carton__of__pineapple_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, carton_of_pineapple_juice, 1 1 0
carton__of__soy_milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, carton_of_soy_milk, 1 1 0
cartridge.n.03 Not Ready False False a module designed to be inserted into a larger piece of equipment module.n.04, ink_cartridge.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
carving_knife.n.01 Ready False True a large knife used to carve cooked meat knife.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, covered, make_spa_water-0, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, preparing_food_for_company-0, cook_beef-0, make_nachos-0, cook_red_peppers-0, can_meat-0, roast_vegetables-0, packing_picnic_into_car-0, prepare_a_slow_dinner_party-0, ... carving_knife, 11 11 60
case.n.05 Ready False False a portable container for carrying several objects container.n.01, baggage.n.01, wallet.n.01, violin_case.n.01, briefcase.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 15 0
case.n.19 Ready False True bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow bed_linen.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, saturated, clean_sheets-0, pillowcase, 2 2 1
case.n.20 Ready False True a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, display_case, 3 3 0
case__of__eyeshadow.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, case_of_eyeshadow, 1 1 0
case__of__pop.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pop_case, 13 13 0
case_shot.n.01 Not Ready False True a metallic cylinder packed with shot and used as ammunition in a firearm ammunition.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cash_register.n.01 Ready False True a cashbox with an adding machine to register transactions; used in shops to add up the bill cashbox.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, buying_groceries_for_a_feast-0, buying_gardening_supplies-0, buy_used_gardening_equipment-0, buying_groceries-0, buy_meat_from_a_butcher-0, returning_videotapes_to_store-0, buying_fast_food-0, buy_rechargeable_batteries-0, selling_products_at_flea_market-0, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, ... cash_register, credit_card_terminal, 5 5 24
cashbox.n.01 Ready False False a strongbox for holding cash strongbox.n.01, cash_register.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
cashew.n.02 Substance False True kidney-shaped nut edible only when roasted edible_nut.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, slicer, substance, cashew, 1 1 0
casserole.n.02 Ready False True large deep dish in which food can be cooked and served dish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, contains, filled, freeze_lasagna-0, roast_meat-0, cooking_dinner-0, cook_fish-0, set_up_a_buffet-0, cook_snap_peas-0, make_meatloaf-0, serving_food_on_the_table-0, cook_turkey_drumsticks-0, serving_food_at_a_homeless_shelter-0, ... casserole, 2 2 14
cassette.n.01 Not Ready False True a container that holds a magnetic tape used for recording or playing sound or video container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cat_food.n.01 Substance False True food prepared for cats petfood.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, putting_out_cat_food-0, cat_food, 2 2 1
cat_food__tin.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, putting_out_cat_food-0, cat_food_tin, 1 1 1
catalog.n.01 Ready False True a book or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things book.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, sorting_volunteer_materials-0, catalog, 4 4 1
catsup.n.01 Substance False True thick spicy sauce made from tomatoes condiment.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, make_meatloaf-0, catsup, 0 0 1
catsup__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, insource, inside, make_meatloaf-0, catsup_bottle, 1 1 1
cauliflower.n.02 Ready False True compact head of white undeveloped flowers cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, inside, wash_fruit_and_vegetables-0, cauliflower, 1 1 1
causal_agent.n.01 Ready False False any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results physical_entity.n.01, agent.n.01, agent.n.03, person.n.01, 0 22 0
cayenne.n.02 Substance False True ground pods and seeds of pungent red peppers of the genus Capsicum flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, contains, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, prepare_and_cook_swiss_chard-0, cayenne, 1 1 2
cayenne__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, insource, ontop, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, prepare_and_cook_swiss_chard-0, cayenne_shaker, 1 1 2
cedar_chest.n.01 Ready False True a chest made of cedar chest.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, organise_a_linen_closet-0, preparing_clothes_for_the_next_day-0, cedar_chest, 2 2 2
ceiling.n.01 Ready False True the overhead upper surface of a covered space upper_surface.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ceilings, 364 364 0
ceiling_fan.n.01 Ready True True fan.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ceiling_fan, 1 1 0
ceiling_rack.n.01 Ready True True rack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ceiling_rack, 8 8 0
celery.n.02 Ready False True stalks eaten raw or cooked or used as seasoning vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, make_soup-0, celery, 1 1 1
cellular_telephone.n.01 Ready False True a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections, each with its own short-range transmitter/receiver radiotelephone.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, cell_phone, 1 1 0
cellulose_tape.n.01 Ready False True transparent or semitransparent adhesive tape (trade names Scotch tape and Sellotape) used for sealing or attaching or mending adhesive_tape.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cellulose_tape, 3 3 0
cellulose_tape_dispenser.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cellulose_tape_dispenser, 3 3 0
cement.n.01 Ready False True concrete pavement is sometimes referred to as cement concrete.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, clean_cement-0, cement, 1 1 1
centerpiece.n.02 Ready False True something placed at the center of something else (as on a table) decoration.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, decorating_outside_for_parties-0, centerpiece, 2 2 1
ceramic.n.01 Not Ready False False an artifact made of hard brittle material produced from nonmetallic minerals by firing at high temperatures instrumentality.n.03, brick.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
ceramic_ware.n.01 Ready False False utensils made from ceramic material utensil.n.01, porcelain.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
cereal.n.01 Substance False False grass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat; rice; rye; oats; maize; buckwheat; millet grass.n.01, cooked__barley.n.01, barley.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cereal.n.03 Substance False False a breakfast food prepared from grain breakfast_food.n.01, cold_cereal.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
chaff.n.01 Substance False True material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds plant_material.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
chain.n.03 Ready False False a series of (usually metal) rings or links fitted into one another to make a flexible ligament ligament.n.02, bicycle_chain.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
chain.n.05 Not Ready False True anything that acts as a restraint restraint.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
chain_saw.n.01 Ready False True portable power saw; teeth linked to form an endless chain power_saw.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, chainsaw, 1 1 0
chair.n.01 Ready False False a seat for one person, with a support for the back seat.n.03, straight_chair.n.01, folding_chair.n.01, lawn_chair.n.01, swivel_chair.n.01, highchair.n.01, armchair.n.01, eames_chair.n.01, chaise_longue.n.01, rocking_chair.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, touching, ontop, covered, laying_restaurant_table_for_dinner-0, rearranging_furniture-0, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, organizing_file_cabinet-0, cleaning_up_after_a_meal-0, clearing_the_table_after_dinner-0, recycling_newspapers-0, packing_moving_van-0, 0 176 8
chaise_longue.n.01 Ready False True a long chair; for reclining chair.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chaise_longue, 3 3 0
chalice.n.01 Not Ready False True a bowl-shaped drinking vessel; especially the Eucharistic cup cup.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
chalk.n.01 Substance False True a soft whitish calcite calcite.n.01, breakable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, chalk, 9 9 0
champagne.n.01 Substance False True a white sparkling wine either produced in Champagne or resembling that produced there sparkling_wine.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, prepare_wine_and_cheese-0, champagne, 0 0 1
champagne__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
chandelier.n.01 Ready False True branched lighting fixture; often ornate; hangs from the ceiling lighting_fixture.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, chandelier, 7 7 0
chanterelle.n.01 Ready False True widely distributed edible mushroom rich yellow in color with a smooth cap and a pleasant apricot aroma agaric.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chanterelle, 1 1 0
charcoal.n.01 Substance False True a carbonaceous material obtained by heating wood or other organic matter in the absence of air fuel.n.01, carbon.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, charcoal_powder, 0 0 0
charcoal.n.02 Ready False True a stick of black carbon material used for drawing writing_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, charcoal, 1 1 0
chard.n.02 Ready False True long succulent whitish stalks with large green leaves greens.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, picking_vegetables_in_garden-0, sorting_vegetables-0, clean_greens-0, prepare_and_cook_swiss_chard-0, chard, 1 1 4
charger.n.02 Ready False True a device for charging or recharging batteries device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, packing_recreational_vehicle_for_trip-0, buy_rechargeable_batteries-0, charger, 1 1 2
checkout.n.03 Ready False True a counter in a supermarket where you pay for your purchases counter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, buying_groceries_for_a_feast-0, buying_gardening_supplies-0, buy_used_gardening_equipment-0, buy_a_good_avocado-0, buying_groceries-0, buy_meat_from_a_butcher-0, returning_videotapes_to_store-0, buying_fast_food-0, buy_rechargeable_batteries-0, bag_groceries-0, ... checkout_counter, 5 5 39
cheddar.n.02 Ready False True hard smooth-textured cheese; originally made in Cheddar in southwestern England cheese.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, prepare_wine_and_cheese-0, preparing_food_for_a_fundraiser-0, serving_hors_d_oeuvres-0, cheddar, 2 2 3
cheese.n.01 Ready False False a solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk food.n.02, dairy_product.n.01, bleu.n.01, cooked__cream_cheese.n.01, parmesan.n.01, diced__bleu.n.01, melted__mozzarella.n.01, mozzarella.n.01, melted__cheddar.n.01, diced__feta.n.01, diced__cheddar.n.01, half__feta.n.01, cream_cheese.n.01, half__mozzarella.n.01, diced__mozzarella.n.01, swiss_cheese.n.01, melted__parmesan.n.01, feta.n.01, grated_cheese.n.01, half__swiss_cheese.n.01, ricotta.n.01, cooked__ricotta.n.01, cooked__cottage_cheese.n.01, half__bleu.n.01, half__cheddar.n.01, melted__feta.n.01, melted__grated_cheese.n.01, melted__bleu.n.01, cottage_cheese.n.01, cheddar.n.02, diced__swiss_cheese.n.01, melted__swiss_cheese.n.01, 0 23 0
cheese_pastry_filling.n.01 Substance True True sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cheese_sauce.n.01 Substance False True white sauce with grated cheese white_sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, cook_snap_peas-0, 0 0 1
cheese_tart.n.01 Ready True True tart.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, real, cooked, make_a_cheese_pastry-0, cheese_tart, 3 3 1
cheesecake.n.01 Ready False True made with sweetened cream cheese and eggs and cream baked in a crumb crust cake.n.03, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cheesecake, 1 1 0
cheesecloth.n.01 Not Ready False True a coarse loosely woven cotton gauze; originally used to wrap cheeses gauze.n.02, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
chemical.n.01 Ready False False material produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules material.n.01, pesticide.n.01, compound.n.02, explosive.n.01, herbicide.n.01, fertilizer.n.01, softener.n.01, 0 42 0
chemical_agent.n.01 Not Ready False False an agent that produces chemical reactions agent.n.03, oxidant.n.01, desiccant.n.01, 0 0 0
chemical_element.n.01 Not Ready False False any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter substance.n.01, metallic_element.n.01, nitrogen.n.01, carbon.n.01, chlorine.n.01, 0 0 0
cherry.n.03 Ready False True a red fruit with a single hard stone edible_fruit.n.01, drupe.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_cake_filling-0, cherry, 2 2 1
cherry_filling.n.01 Substance True True compote.n.01, boilable, cookable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, contains, real, make_cake_filling-0, cherry_filling, 0 0 1
cherry_tomato.n.02 Ready False True small red to yellow tomatoes tomato.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, inside, washing_vegetables-0, cherry_tomato, 5 5 1
chess_set.n.01 Ready False True checkerboard and a set of 32 pieces used to play chess set.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chess_set, 2 2 0
chest.n.02 Ready False False box with a lid; used for storage; usually large and sturdy box.n.01, toolbox.n.01, toy_box.n.01, cedar_chest.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 19 0
chest_of_drawers.n.01 Not Ready False True furniture with drawers for keeping clothes furniture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
chestnut.n.03 Ready False True edible nut of any of various chestnut trees of the genus Castanea edible_nut.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chestnut, 4 4 0
chewing_gum.n.01 Not Ready False True a preparation (usually made of sweetened chicle) for chewing sweet.n.03, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
chia_seed.n.01 Substance True True edible_seed.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, chia_seed, 1 1 2
chia_seed__bag.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, chia_seed_bag, 1 1 2
chicken.n.01 Ready False True the flesh of a chicken used for food poultry.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, cooked, frozen, clearing_table_after_dinner-0, preparing_food_for_company-0, cook_chicken_and_rice-0, putting_roast_in_oven-0, freeze_meat-0, make_soup-0, defrost_meat-0, putting_food_in_fridge-0, shopping_at_warehouse_stores-0, cook_chicken-0, ... chicken, 1 1 12
chicken_breast.n.02 Not Ready True True breast.n.03, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_chicken_curry-0, chicken_breast, 0 0 1
chicken_broth.n.01 Substance False True a stock made with chicken broth.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_tomato_rice-0, make_soup-0, serving_food_at_a_homeless_shelter-0, cook_chicken-0, prepare_quinoa-0, cook_ham_hocks-0, make_seafood_stew-0, chicken_broth, 0 0 7
chicken_broth__carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_tomato_rice-0, make_soup-0, cook_chicken-0, prepare_quinoa-0, cook_ham_hocks-0, chicken_broth_carton, 1 1 5
chicken_coop.n.01 Ready False True a farm building for housing poultry farm_building.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, inside, ontop, clean_a_chicken_coop-0, chicken_coop, 1 1 1
chicken_curry.n.01 Substance True True curry.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, contains, real, make_chicken_curry-0, chicken_curry, 0 0 1
chicken_leg.n.01 Ready False True the lower joint of the leg of a chicken drumstick.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hot, frozen, inside, ontop, cooked, reheat_frozen_or_chilled_food-0, set_up_a_buffet-0, chicken_leg, chicken_thigh, 1 1 2
chicken_soup.n.01 Substance False True soup made from chicken broth soup.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, contains, real, filled, make_soup-0, cook_soup-0, chicken_soup, 0 0 2
chicken_soup__carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, cook_soup-0, chicken_soup_carton, 1 1 1
chicken_tender.n.01 Ready True True breast.n.03, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chicken_tender, 3 3 0
chicken_wing.n.01 Ready False True the wing of a chicken wing.n.09, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cooked, covered, clearing_food_from_table_into_fridge-0, make_lemon_pepper_wings-0, chicken_wing, 1 1 2
chicken_wire.n.01 Ready False True a galvanized wire network with a hexagonal mesh; used to build fences net.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, ontop, cleaning_shed-0, chicken_wire, 1 1 1
chickpea.n.03 Substance False True large white roundish Asiatic legume; usually dried legume.n.03, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, waterCook, filled, contains, make_a_salad-0, cook_chickpeas-0, chickpea, 1 1 2
chickpea__can.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_a_salad-0, chickpea_can, 1 1 1
chili.n.02 Ready False True very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency hot_pepper.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, cook_beef-0, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, cook_cabbage-0, make_fried_rice-0, make_tacos-0, filling_pepper-0, chili, 4 4 6
chili_powder.n.01 Substance False True powder made of ground chili peppers mixed with e.g. cumin and garlic and oregano flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
china.n.02 Ready False True high quality porcelain originally made only in China porcelain.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, china, 6 6 0
chinese_anise.n.02 Ready False True anise-scented star-shaped fruit or seed used in Asian cooking and medicine spice.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_fried_rice-0, star_anise, 3 3 1
chip.n.04 Ready False True a thin crisp slice of potato fried in deep fat snack_food.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, setting_up_living_room_for_guest-0, laying_out_snacks_at_work-0, storing_food-0, stash_snacks_in_your_room-0, chip, 1 1 4
chisel.n.01 Ready False True an edge tool with a flat steel blade with a cutting edge edge_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, putting_away_tools-0, chisel, 1 1 1
chives.n.01 Ready False True perennial having hollow cylindrical leaves used for seasoning alliaceous_plant.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chives, 3 3 0
chlorine.n.01 Substance False True a common nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; best known as a heavy yellow irritating toxic gas; used to purify water and as a bleaching agent and disinfectant; occurs naturally only as a salt (as in sea water) halogen.n.01, gas.n.02, chemical_element.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, filled, contains, chlorinating_the_pool-0, adding_chemicals_to_hot_tub-0, chlorine, 0 0 2
chlorine__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, chlorinating_the_pool-0, adding_chemicals_to_hot_tub-0, chlorine_bottle, 1 1 2
chocolate.n.02 Ready False False a food made from roasted ground cacao beans food.n.02, white_chocolate.n.01, cooked__cocoa_powder.n.01, melted__white_chocolate.n.01, chocolate_candy.n.01, cocoa_powder.n.01, 0 12 0
chocolate_bar.n.01 Ready False True a bar of chocolate candy chocolate_candy.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_chocolate_biscuits-0, stash_snacks_in_your_room-0, chocolate_bar, 5 5 2
chocolate_biscuit.n.01 Ready True True cookie.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, future, real, cooked, set_up_a_buffet-0, make_chocolate_biscuits-0, stash_snacks_in_your_room-0, chocolate_biscuit, 2 2 3
chocolate_cake.n.01 Ready False True cake containing chocolate cake.n.03, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, buy_food_for_a_party-0, chocolate_cake, 2 2 1
chocolate_candy.n.01 Ready False False candy made with chocolate chocolate.n.02, jimmies.n.01, chocolate_bar.n.01, cooked__jimmies.n.01, melted__chocolate.n.01, chocolate_kiss.n.01, 0 10 0