Total count: 4043

Name Synset State Custom? Leaf? Definition Parents Children Properties Used as Predicates Tasks Direct Categories Direct Objects Total Objects Requiring Task Count
abrasive.n.01 Ready False False a substance that abrades or wears down material.n.01, emery_paper.n.01, steel_wool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
absorbent_material.n.01 Ready False False a material having capacity or tendency to absorb another substance sorbent.n.01, sponge.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
abstraction.n.06 Ready False False a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples entity.n.01, psychological_feature.n.01, communication.n.02, group.n.01, measure.n.02, attribute.n.02, relation.n.01, 0 467 0
accessory.n.01 Ready False False clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing clothing.n.01, belt.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
accessory.n.02 Ready False False a supplementary component that improves capability component.n.03, fitting.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 13 0
acetone.n.01 Substance False True the simplest ketone; a highly inflammable liquid widely used as an organic solvent and as material for making plastics solvent.n.01, ketone.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, clean_marker_off_a_doll-0, spring_clean_your_skateboard-0, acetone, 0 0 2
acetone__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, clean_marker_off_a_doll-0, spring_clean_your_skateboard-0, acetone_atomizer, 1 1 2
acid.n.01 Substance False True any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt compound.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
acknowledgment.n.03 Ready False False a statement acknowledging something or someone message.n.02, receipt.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
acorn.n.01 Ready False True fruit of the oak tree: a smooth thin-walled nut in a woody cup-shaped base fruit.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, planting_trees-0, acorn, 1 1 1
acoustic_device.n.01 Ready False False a device for amplifying or transmitting sound device.n.01, bell.n.01, whistle.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
acquisition.n.02 Not Ready False False something acquired transferred_property.n.01, gift.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
act.n.02 Ready False False something that people do or cause to happen event.n.01, activity.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
activity.n.01 Ready False False any specific behavior act.n.02, work.n.01, diversion.n.01, game.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
adapter.n.02 Not Ready False True device that enables something to be used in a way different from that for which it was intended or makes different pieces of apparatus compatible device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
address.n.05 Ready False True a sign in front of a house or business carrying the conventional form by which its location is described street_sign.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, hanging_address_numbers-0, address, 1 1 1
adhesive_material.n.01 Substance False True a substance that unites or bonds surfaces together material.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_plastic_containers-0, clean_a_razor_blade-0, clean_quarters-0, clean_wood_siding-0, washing_windows-0, clean_place_mats-0, clean_a_sieve-0, wash_an_infant_car_seat-0, clean_a_glass_pipe-0, clean_baking_sheets-0, ... adhesive_material, 9 9 17
adhesive_tape.n.01 Ready False False tape coated with adhesive tape.n.01, masking_tape.n.01, cellulose_tape.n.01, duct_tape.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
adornment.n.01 Ready False False a decoration of color or interest that is added to relieve plainness decoration.n.01, jewelry.n.01, tassel.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 7 0
aerosol.n.02 Ready False True a dispenser that holds a substance under pressure and that can release it as a fine spray (usually by means of a propellant gas) dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, spray_can, 3 3 0
agamete.n.01 Substance False False an asexual reproductive cell reproductive_structure.n.01, spore.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
agaric.n.02 Ready False False a saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales having an umbrellalike cap with gills on the underside basidiomycete.n.01, chanterelle.n.01, half__chanterelle.n.01, cooked__diced__chanterelle.n.01, diced__chanterelle.n.01, 0 3 0
agave.n.01 Ready False True tropical American plants with basal rosettes of fibrous sword-shaped leaves and flowers in tall spikes; some cultivated for ornament or for fiber desert_plant.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, agave, 2 2 0
agent.n.01 Not Ready False True an active and efficient cause; capable of producing a certain effect causal_agent.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, agent, 0 0 0
agent.n.03 Ready False False a substance that exerts some force or effect causal_agent.n.01, substance.n.07, disinfectant.n.01, chemical_agent.n.01, bleaching_agent.n.01, drug.n.01, antifungal.n.01, 0 22 0
aioli.n.01 Substance False True garlic mayonnaise sauce.n.01, boilable, breakable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
air_conditioner.n.01 Ready False True a system that keeps air cool and dry cooling_system.n.02, coldSource, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, toggled_on, buy_a_air_conditioner-0, clean_a_air_conditioner-0, air_conditioner, ceiling_air_conditioner, 2 2 2
air_filter.n.01 Ready False True a filter that removes dust from the air that passes through it filter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_an_air_filter-0, air_filter, 1 1 1
air_freshener__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, air_freshener_atomizer, 1 1 0
aircraft.n.01 Ready False False a vehicle that can fly craft.n.02, lighter-than-air_craft.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
alarm.n.02 Ready False False a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event device.n.01, fire_alarm.n.02, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, toggled_on, installing_alarms-0, 0 6 1
alarm_clock.n.01 Ready False True a clock that wakes a sleeper at some preset time clock.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, alarm_clock, 3 3 0
alcohol.n.01 Substance False False a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent drug_of_abuse.n.01, beverage.n.01, liquor.n.01, brew.n.01, liqueur.n.01, sake.n.02, mixed_drink.n.01, wine.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
alcohol.n.02 Substance False False any of a series of volatile hydroxyl compounds that are made from hydrocarbons by distillation liquid.n.01, isopropyl_alcohol.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
alcove.n.01 Ready False False a small recess opening off a larger room recess.n.04, carrel.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
alga.n.01 Substance False True primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves protoctist.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, alga, 1 1 0
aliphatic_compound.n.01 Substance False False organic compound that is an alkane or alkene or alkyne or their derivative organic_compound.n.01, methane_series.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
allen_wrench.n.01 Ready False True a wrench for Allen screws wrench.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, outfit_a_basic_toolbox-0, allen_wrench, 1 1 1
alliaceous_plant.n.01 Ready False False bulbous plants having a characteristic pungent onion odor liliaceous_plant.n.01, diced__chives.n.01, chives.n.01, half__chives.n.01, cooked__diced__chives.n.01, 0 5 0
allspice.n.03 Substance False True ground dried berrylike fruit of a West Indian allspice tree; suggesting combined flavors of cinnamon and nutmeg and cloves spice.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, allspice, 1 1 1
allspice__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, allspice_shaker, 1 1 1
almond.n.02 Substance False True oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree drupe.n.01, edible_nut.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, make_homemade_bird_food-0, almond, 10 10 1
almond_oil.n.01 Substance False True pale yellow fatty oil expressed from sweet or bitter almonds oil.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
alphabet_abacus.n.01 Ready True True plaything.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, alphabet_abacus, 1 1 0
aluminum.n.01 Not Ready False True a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite metallic_element.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
aluminum_foil.n.01 Ready False True foil made of aluminum foil.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, unfolded, overlaid, warm_tortillas-0, freeze_lasagna-0, roast_meat-0, glaze_a_ham-0, aluminum_foil, 1 1 4
ammonia_water.n.01 Substance False True a water solution of ammonia liquid.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, clean_soot_from_glass_lanterns-0, clean_jewels-0, ammonia_water, 0 0 2
ammonia_water__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, clean_soot_from_glass_lanterns-0, clean_jewels-0, ammonia_water_atomizer, 1 1 2
ammunition.n.01 Not Ready False False projectiles to be fired from a gun weaponry.n.01, case_shot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
analgesic.n.01 Substance False True a medicine used to relieve pain medicine.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
anchor.n.01 Not Ready False True a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving hook.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
angiosperm.n.01 Ready False False plants having seeds in a closed ovary spermatophyte.n.01, flower.n.01, 0 38 0
animal.n.01 Ready False False a living organism characterized by voluntary movement organism.n.01, invertebrate.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
animal_material.n.01 Ready False False material derived from animals material.n.01, shell.n.02, feather.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
animal_tissue.n.01 Not Ready False False the tissue in the bodies of animals tissue.n.01, connective_tissue.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
antenna.n.01 Not Ready False True an electrical device that sends or receives radio or television signals electrical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
antifreeze.n.01 Substance False True a liquid added to the water in a cooling system to lower its freezing point liquid.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
antifungal.n.01 Substance False True any agent that destroys or prevents the growth of fungi agent.n.03, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
antihistamine.n.01 Substance False True a medicine used to treat allergies and hypersensitive reactions and colds; works by counteracting the effects of histamine on a receptor site medicine.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
antipasto.n.01 Not Ready False True a course of appetizers in an Italian meal appetizer.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
antique.n.02 Not Ready False True any piece of furniture or decorative object or the like produced in a former period and valuable because of its beauty or rarity antiquity.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
antiquity.n.03 Not Ready False False an artifact surviving from the past artifact.n.01, antique.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
antler.n.01 Ready False True deciduous horn of a member of the deer family horn.n.02, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, covered, clean_deer_antlers-0, antlers, 2 2 1
aperture.n.03 Not Ready False False an man-made opening; usually small opening.n.10, mouthpiece.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
apparatus.n.01 Ready False False equipment designed to serve a specific function equipment.n.01, duplicator.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
apparel.n.01 Ready False False clothing in general clothing.n.01, workwear.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
appearance.n.01 Substance False False outward or visible aspect of a person or thing quality.n.01, tarnish.n.02, stain.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 10 0
appendage.n.03 Ready False False a part that is joined to something larger part.n.02, handle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
appetizer.n.01 Not Ready False False food or drink to stimulate the appetite (usually served before a meal or as the first course) course.n.07, antipasto.n.01, diced__antipasto.n.01, half__antipasto.n.01, cooked__diced__antipasto.n.01, 0 0 0
apple.n.01 Ready False True fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh edible_fruit.n.01, pome.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, frozen, covered, nextto, cooked, make_applesauce-0, composting_waste-0, make_homemade_bird_food-0, freeze_fruit-0, clean_apples-0, make_fruit_punch-0, putting_meal_on_plate-0, bag_groceries-0, set_up_a_bird_cage-0, paying_for_purchases-0, ... apple, 13 13 14
apple_juice.n.01 Substance False True the juice of apples fruit_juice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
apple_juice__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
apple_pie.n.01 Ready False True pie (with a top crust) containing sliced apples and sugar pie.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, ontop, inside, hot, freeze_pies-0, packing_picnic_food_into_car-0, cook_a_frozen_pie-0, apple_pie, 2 2 3
applesauce.n.01 Substance False True puree of stewed apples usually sweetened and spiced dish.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_applesauce-0, applesauce, 0 0 1
appliance.n.02 Ready False False durable goods for home or office use durables.n.01, dryer.n.01, home_appliance.n.01, dehumidifier.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 110 0
applicator.n.01 Ready False False a device for applying a substance device.n.01, paintbrush.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
apricot.n.02 Ready False True downy yellow to rosy-colored fruit resembling a small peach edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, apricot, 1 1 0
apron.n.01 Ready False True a garment of cloth or leather or plastic that is tied about the waist and worn to protect your clothing protective_garment.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, folded, sorting_volunteer_materials-0, apron, 1 1 1
arbor.n.03 Ready False True a framework that supports climbing plants framework.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, arbor, pergola, 2 2 0
arborio_rice.n.01 Substance True True rice.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, waterCook, 0 0 0
area.n.05 Ready False False a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function structure.n.01, room.n.01, storage_space.n.01, enclosure.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 24 0
arenaceous_rock.n.01 Substance False False a sedimentary rock composed of sand sedimentary_rock.n.01, sandstone.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
arepa.n.01 Ready True True sandwich.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cooked, cook_arepas-0, arepa, 1 1 1
armchair.n.01 Ready False True chair with a support on each side for arms chair.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, broken, fixing_broken_chair-0, armchair, 46 46 1
armor_plate.n.01 Ready False False specially hardened steel plate used to protect fortifications or vehicles from enemy fire plate.n.14, helmet.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
arrangement.n.02 Ready False False an orderly grouping (of things or persons) considered as a unit; the result of arranging group.n.01, array.n.01, flower_arrangement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
arrangement.n.03 Ready False False an organized structure for arranging or classifying structure.n.03, calendar.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
array.n.01 Ready False False an orderly arrangement arrangement.n.02, table.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
art.n.01 Ready False False the products of human creativity; works of art collectively creation.n.02, plastic_art.n.01, graphic_art.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 68 0
artichoke.n.02 Ready False True a thistlelike flower head with edible fleshy leaves and heart vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, sorting_vegetables-0, picking_vegetables_in_garden-0, artichoke, 1 1 2
article.n.02 Ready False False one of a class of artifacts artifact.n.01, ware.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 158 0
artifact.n.01 Ready False False a man-made object taken as a whole whole.n.02, excavation.n.03, article.n.02, creation.n.02, fabric.n.01, commodity.n.01, opening.n.10, covering.n.02, block.n.01, decoration.n.01, structure.n.01, surface.n.01, facility.n.01, float.n.06, strip.n.02, way.n.06, sphere.n.02, line.n.18, fixture.n.01, building_material.n.01, plaything.n.01, padding.n.01, antiquity.n.03, sheet.n.06, thing.n.04, paving.n.01, instrumentality.n.03, 0 7302 0
artwork.n.01 Not Ready False True photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication visual_communication.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
arugula.n.02 Ready True True salad_green.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, arugula, 1 1 0
ash.n.01 Substance False True the residue that remains when something is burned residue.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, emptying_ashtray-0, ash, 2 2 1
ashcan.n.01 Ready False True a bin that holds rubbish until it is collected bin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, contains, clean_decking-0, dispose_of_fireworks-0, picking_up_trash-0, dispose_of_a_pizza_box-0, tidy_your_garden-0, sweeping_porch-0, clean_out_a_guinea_pigs_hutch-0, throwing_out_used_napkins-0, emptying_ashtray-0, de_clutter_your_garage-0, ... trash_can, 15 15 26
ashtray.n.01 Ready False True a receptacle for the ash from smokers' cigars or cigarettes receptacle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, filled, ontop, emptying_ashtray-0, ashtray, 2 2 1
asparagus.n.02 Ready False True edible young shoots of the asparagus plant vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, ontop, saute_vegetables-0, cook_asparagus-0, can_vegetables-0, asparagus, 3 3 3
asphalt.n.01 Substance False True mixed asphalt and crushed gravel or sand; used especially for paving but also for roofing paving.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
assets.n.01 Ready False False anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company possession.n.02, credit.n.02, material_resource.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
athletic_facility.n.01 Ready False False a facility for athletic events facility.n.01, swimming_pool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
atmospheric_phenomenon.n.01 Substance False False a physical phenomenon associated with the atmosphere physical_phenomenon.n.01, weather.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 9 0
atomizer.n.01 Ready False True a dispenser that turns a liquid (such as perfume) into a fine mist dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, buying_cleaning_supplies-0, spray_bottle, 4 4 1
attachment.n.04 Ready False False a connection that fastens things together connection.n.03, ligament.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
attire.n.01 Not Ready False False clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion clothing.n.01, costume.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
attribute.n.02 Ready False False an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity abstraction.n.06, shape.n.02, property.n.02, state.n.02, quality.n.01, 0 71 0
audio_system.n.01 Ready False True a system of electronic equipment for recording or reproducing sound system.n.01, electronic_equipment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, sound_system, 2 2 0
auricularia.n.01 Ready False True type genus of the Auriculariaceae fungus_genus.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, auricularia, 1 1 0
autoclave.n.01 Ready False False a device for heating substances above their boiling point; used to manufacture chemicals or to sterilize surgical instruments vessel.n.03, pressure_cooker.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatSource, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
autograph.n.01 Ready False False something written by one's own hand writing.n.02, manuscript.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
avocado.n.01 Ready False True a pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, buy_a_good_avocado-0, make_an_egg_tomato_and_toast_breakfast-0, make_nachos-0, make_a_salad-0, avocado, 1 1 4
award.n.02 Ready False False a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction symbol.n.01, trophy.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 16 0
ax.n.01 Ready False True an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle edge_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, chopping_wood-0, axe, 1 1 1
axle.n.01 Not Ready False True a shaft on which a wheel rotates shaft.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
baby_bed.n.01 Ready False False a small bed for babies; enclosed by sides to prevent the baby from falling furniture.n.01, crib.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
baby_buggy.n.01 Ready False True a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around wheeled_vehicle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, stroller, 1 1 0
baby_oil.n.01 Substance False True an ointment for babies ointment.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, clean_pearls-0, clean_mirrors-0, baby_oil, 0 0 2
baby_shoe.n.01 Ready False True a shoe designed to be worn by infants shoe.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, touching, ontop, inside, store_baby_clothes-0, baby_shoe, 2 2 1
backdrop.n.01 Ready False True scenery hung at back of stage scenery.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, background, 3 3 0
backpack.n.01 Ready False True a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, open, covered, packing_hiking_equipment_into_car-0, organizing_school_stuff-0, make_a_car_emergency_kit-0, picking_up_baggage-0, buy_school_supplies-0, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, sorting_volunteer_materials-0, unpacking_childs_bag-0, packing_cleaning_suppies_into_car-0, ... backpack, 1 1 19
bacon.n.01 Ready False True back and sides of a hog salted and dried or smoked; usually sliced thin and fried cut_of_pork.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cooked, carrying_in_groceries-0, cook_bacon-0, bacon, 3 3 2
bag.n.01 Ready False False a flexible container with a single opening container.n.01, carryall.n.01, grated_cheese__sack.n.01, plastic_bag.n.01, brown_sugar__sack.n.01, ice_pack.n.01, backpack.n.01, sack.n.01, granulated_sugar__sack.n.01, sleeping_bag.n.01, brown_rice__sack.n.01, drawstring_bag.n.01, sugar__sack.n.01, white_rice__sack.n.01, gunnysack.n.01, cornmeal__sack.n.01, flour__sack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 16 0
bag.n.04 Ready False False a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women) container.n.01, shoulder_bag.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_purse-0, 0 11 1
bag.n.06 Ready False True a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes baggage.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, picking_up_baggage-0, packing_books_into_car-0, packing_art_supplies_into_car-0, packing_picnic_food_into_car-0, clean_a_suitcase-0, unloading_the_car-0, loading_the_car-0, packing_car_for_trip-0, unpacking_car_for_trip-0, suitcase, 4 4 9
bag__of__auricularia.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_auricularia, 1 1 0
bag__of__breadcrumbs.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_breadcrumbs, 1 1 0
bag__of__brown_rice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, buying_groceries-0, bag_of_brown_rice, 1 1 1
bag__of__chips.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cleaning_debris_out_of_car-0, bag_of_chips, 7 7 1
bag__of__cocoa.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_cocoa, 0 0 0
bag__of__cookies.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_cookies, 4 4 0
bag__of__cream_cheese.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, shopping_at_warehouse_stores-0, bag_of_cream_cheese, 1 1 1
bag__of__fertilizer.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_fertilizer, 1 1 0
bag__of__flour.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_flour, 2 2 0
bag__of__ice_cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_ice_cream, 2 2 0
bag__of__jerky.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, stash_snacks_in_your_room-0, loading_shopping_into_car-0, bag_of_jerky, 1 1 2
bag__of__mulch.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, buying_gardening_supplies-0, buy_mulch-0, bag_of_mulch, 1 1 2
bag__of__oranges.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_oranges, 1 1 0
bag__of__popcorn.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_popcorn, 2 2 0
bag__of__rice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_rice, 4 4 0
bag__of__rubbish.n.01 Ready True True waste.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, taking_trash_outside-0, bag_of_rubbish, 1 1 1
bag__of__shiitake.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_shiitake, 1 1 0
bag__of__snacks.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_snacks, 1 1 0
bag__of__starch.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_starch, 1 1 0
bag__of__tea.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_tea, 1 1 0
bag__of__yeast.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bag_of_yeast, 1 1 0
bagel.n.01 Ready False True (Yiddish) glazed yeast-raised doughnut-shaped roll with hard crust bun.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, ontop, real, cooked, inside, make_bagels-0, packing_recreational_vehicle_for_trip-0, bagel, 1 1 2
bagel_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bagel_dough, 1 1 0
baggage.n.01 Ready False False cases used to carry belongings when traveling case.n.05, satchel.n.01, bag.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
baguet.n.01 Ready False True narrow French stick loaf french_bread.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, shopping_at_warehouse_stores-0, cooking_a_feast-0, baguette, 4 4 2
bait.n.01 Ready False True anything that serves as an enticement temptation.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, clean_fishing_lures-0, packing_fishing_gear_into_car-0, bait, 1 1 2
baked_goods.n.01 Ready False False foods (like breads and cakes and pastries) that are cooked in an oven food.n.02, pastry.n.02, cake.n.03, bread.n.01, 0 160 0
baking_powder.n.01 Substance False True any of various powdered mixtures used in baking as a substitute for yeast leaven.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, make_cake_mix-0, baking_sugar_cookies-0, make_muffins-0, make_cookie_dough-0, make_biscuits-0, make_cookies-0, make_batter-0, baking_powder, 1 1 8
baking_powder__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, make_cake_mix-0, baking_sugar_cookies-0, make_muffins-0, make_cookie_dough-0, make_biscuits-0, make_cookies-0, make_batter-0, baking_powder_jar, 1 1 8
ball.n.01 Ready False False round object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games game_equipment.n.01, softball.n.01, tennis_ball.n.01, volleyball.n.02, bowling_ball.n.01, soccer_ball.n.01, pool_ball.n.01, punching_bag.n.02, baseball.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, ontop, wash_dog_toys-0, organizing_boxes_in_garage-0, sorting_items_for_garage_sale-0, 0 10 3
ball.n.03 Ready False False an object with a spherical shape sphere.n.05, mothball.n.01, globule.n.01, 0 2 0
balloon.n.01 Ready False True large tough nonrigid bag filled with gas or heated air lighter-than-air_craft.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, decorating_outside_for_parties-0, balloon, 1 1 1
balsamic_vinegar__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, balsamic_vinegar_bottle, 0 0 0
bamboo.n.01 Not Ready False True the hard woody stems of bamboo plants; used in construction and crafts and fishing poles wood.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bamboo, 0 0 0
banana.n.02 Ready False True elongated crescent-shaped yellow fruit with soft sweet flesh edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, composting_waste-0, buying_groceries-0, clearing_table_after_breakfast-0, banana, bunch_of_bananas, 5 5 3
banana_bread.n.01 Ready False True moist bread containing banana pulp quick_bread.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, banana_bread, 1 1 0
band.n.07 Ready False False a thin flat strip of flexible material that is worn around the body or one of the limbs (especially to decorate the body) strip.n.02, collar.n.01, girdle.n.02, hoop.n.02, collar.n.06, rubber_band.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
bandage.n.01 Ready False True a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body dressing.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, buy_home_use_medical_supplies-0, bandage, 1 1 1
bandanna.n.01 Ready False True large and brightly colored handkerchief; often used as a neckerchief handkerchief.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bandana, 1 1 0
banner.n.01 Ready False True long strip of cloth or paper used for decoration or advertising flag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hanging_banners, 4 4 0
bap.n.01 Ready False True a small loaf or roll of soft bread bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, real, cooked, ontop, hot, inside, make_dinner_rolls-0, toast_buns-0, packing_grocery_bags_into_car-0, serving_food_on_the_table-0, bap, 2 2 4
bar.n.02 Not Ready False True a counter where you can obtain food or drink counter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bar.n.03 Ready False False a rigid piece of metal or wood; usually used as a fastening or obstruction or weapon implement.n.01, crossbar.n.01, lever.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
bar.n.13 Ready False True a horizontal rod that serves as a support for gymnasts as they perform exercises support.n.10, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, weight_bar, 1 1 0
bar_soap.n.01 Ready False True soap in the form of a bar soap.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, cleaning_up_refrigerator-0, cleaning_shoes-0, cleaning_stove-0, washing_floor-0, cleaning_bathtub-0, cleaning_sneakers-0, cleaning_oven-0, cleaning_bathrooms-0, cleaning_table_after_clearing-0, washing_pots_and_pans-0, bar_soap, 5 5 10
bar_stool.n.01 Ready True True stool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bar_stool, 1 1 0
barbecue_sauce.n.01 Substance False True spicy sweet and sour sauce usually based on catsup or chili sauce sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, cook_pork_ribs-0, cleaning_kitchen_knives-0, barbecue_sauce, 0 0 2
barbecue_sauce__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, cook_pork_ribs-0, barbecue_sauce_bottle, 1 1 1
bark.n.01 Ready False False tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of trees and other woody plants covering.n.01, cinnamon_bark.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 8 0
barley.n.02 Substance False True cultivated since prehistoric times; grown for forage and grain cereal.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
barrel.n.02 Ready False False a cylindrical container that holds liquids vessel.n.03, beer_barrel.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
barrel.n.03 Not Ready False True a bulging cylindrical shape; hollow with flat ends cylinder.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
barrier.n.01 Ready False False a structure or object that impedes free movement obstruction.n.01, fence.n.01, railing.n.01, movable_barrier.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 146 0
barrow.n.03 Ready False True a cart for carrying small loads; has handles and one or more wheels handcart.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, remove_sod-0, carrying_out_garden_furniture-0, wheelbarrow, 1 1 2
base.n.08 Ready False True a support or foundation support.n.10, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cake_stand, dessert_stand, pedestal, 4 4 0
baseball.n.02 Ready False True a ball used in playing baseball ball.n.01, baseball_equipment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, packing_hobby_equipment-0, clean_a_dirty_baseball-0, baseball, 2 2 2
baseball_bat.n.01 Ready False True an implement used in baseball by the batter baseball_equipment.n.01, bat.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, baseball_bat, 3 3 0
baseball_cap.n.01 Ready False True a cap with a bill cap.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, wash_a_baseball_cap-0, baseball_cap, 1 1 1
baseball_equipment.n.01 Ready False False equipment used in playing baseball sports_equipment.n.01, baseball.n.02, baseball_glove.n.01, batting_glove.n.01, baseball_bat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 7 0
baseball_glove.n.01 Ready False True the handwear used by fielders in playing baseball baseball_equipment.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, clean_a_baseball_glove-0, unpacking_car_for_trip-0, baseball_glove, 1 1 2
baseboard.n.01 Ready False True a molding covering the joint formed by a wall and the floor molding.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, baseboard, 4 4 0
basic_cognitive_process.n.01 Ready False False cognitive processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge process.n.02, representational_process.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
basidiomycete.n.01 Ready False False any of various fungi of the subdivision Basidiomycota fungus.n.01, agaric.n.02, 0 3 0
basil.n.03 Ready False True leaves of the common basil; used fresh or dried herb.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, make_pizza_sauce-0, make_pasta_sauce-0, basil, 2 2 3
basil__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, basil_jar, 1 1 1
basin.n.01 Ready False False a bowl-shaped vessel; usually used for holding food or liquids vessel.n.03, bidet.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
basket.n.01 Ready False False a container that is usually woven and has handles container.n.01, hamper.n.02, shopping_basket.n.01, wicker_basket.n.01, frail.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
basket.n.03 Ready False True horizontal circular metal hoop supporting a net through which players try to throw the basketball goal.n.03, basketball_equipment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ceiling_mounted_basketball_hoop, 2 2 0
basketball_equipment.n.01 Ready False False sports equipment used in playing basketball sports_equipment.n.01, basket.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
bat.n.05 Ready False False a club used for hitting a ball in various games club.n.03, baseball_bat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_softball_bat-0, 0 3 1
bath_linen.n.01 Ready False False linens for use in the bathroom linen.n.03, bath_mat.n.01, bath_towel.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
bath_mat.n.01 Not Ready False True a heavy towel or mat to stand on while drying yourself after a bath bath_linen.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bath_rug, 0 0 0
bath_towel.n.01 Ready False True a large towel; to dry yourself after a bath towel.n.01, bath_linen.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, folded, ontop, covered, draped, unfolded, putting_clean_laundry_away-0, fold_towels-0, wash_towels-0, putting_out_clean_towels-0, putting_towels_in_bathroom-0, taking_clothes_out_of_the_dryer-0, store_baby_clothes-0, pack_for_the_pool-0, pack_a_beach_bag-0, store_a_kayak-0, ... bath_towel, 1 1 11
bathtub.n.01 Ready False True a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cleaning_skis-0, cleaning_bathtub-0, cleaning_bathrooms-0, bathtub, 11 11 3
batter.n.02 Substance False False a liquid or semiliquid mixture, as of flour, eggs, and milk, used in cooking concoction.n.01, fritter_batter.n.01, cooked__cornbread_batter.n.01, waffle_batter.n.01, cooked__fritter_batter.n.01, cooked__muffin_batter.n.01, pancake_batter.n.01, muffin_batter.n.01, cooked__onion_ring_batter.n.01, cooked__brownie_batter.n.01, onion_ring_batter.n.01, cooked__pancake_batter.n.01, cornbread_batter.n.01, cooked__waffle_batter.n.01, brownie_batter.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
battery.n.02 Ready False True a device that produces electricity; may have several primary or secondary cells arranged in parallel or series electrical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, buy_rechargeable_batteries-0, unpacking_hobby_equipment-0, dispose_of_batteries-0, store_batteries-0, battery, 1 1 4
batting_glove.n.01 Ready False True a glove worn by batters in baseball to give a firmer grip on the bat glove.n.02, baseball_equipment.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, saturated, clean_batting_gloves-0, batting_gloves, 1 1 1
bay_leaf.n.01 Ready False True dried leaf of the bay laurel herb.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bay_leaf, 9 9 0
beach_toy.n.01 Ready True True plaything.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, beach_toy, 3 3 0
beaker.n.02 Ready False True a cup (usually without a handle) cup.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, beaker, 13 13 0
bean.n.01 Ready False False any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae used for food legume.n.03, soy.n.04, cooked__soy.n.01, common_bean.n.02, 0 12 0
bean_curd.n.01 Ready False True cheeselike food made of curdled soybean milk curd.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bean_curd, 1 1 0
bearing.n.06 Not Ready False True a rotating support placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily support.n.10, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
beaten_egg.n.01 Substance True True foodstuff.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, clean_up_spilled_egg-0, beaten_egg, 0 0 1
beating-reed_instrument.n.01 Ready False False a musical instrument that sounds by means of a vibrating reed woodwind.n.01, single-reed_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
bed.n.01 Ready False True a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep bedroom_furniture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, nextto, draped, touching, store_a_fur_coat-0, organizing_school_stuff-0, setting_mousetraps-0, wash_a_leotard-0, changing_sheets-0, stash_snacks_in_your_room-0, putting_away_purchased_clothes-0, setting_up_bedroom_for_guest-0, brushing_lint_off_clothing-0, treating_clothes-0, ... bed, bunk_bed, massage_bed, 30 30 42
bed_frame.n.01 Ready True True framework.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bed_frame, 1 1 0
bed_linen.n.01 Ready False False linen or cotton articles for a bed (as sheets and pillowcases) linen.n.03, case.n.19, sheet.n.03, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 8 0
bedclothes.n.01 Ready False False coverings that are used on a bed cloth_covering.n.01, quilt.n.01, blanket.n.01, mattress_cover.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 11 0
bedroom_furniture.n.01 Ready False False furniture intended for use in a bedroom furniture.n.01, pet_bed.n.01, bed.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
beef.n.02 Substance False False meat from an adult domestic bovine meat.n.01, cooked__ground_beef.n.01, ground_beef.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
beef_broth.n.01 Substance False True a stock made with beef broth.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_stew-0, beef_broth, 0 0 1
beef_broth__carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_stew-0, beef_broth_carton, 1 1 1
beef_stew.n.01 Substance False True a stew made with beef stew.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, filled, make_stew-0, serving_food_at_a_homeless_shelter-0, beef_stew, 0 0 2
beefsteak_tomato.n.01 Ready False True any of several large tomatoes with thick flesh tomato.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, cooked, putting_food_in_fridge-0, carrying_in_groceries-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, cooking_lunch-0, make_nachos-0, make_pizza_sauce-0, cook_mussels-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, make_seafood_stew-0, make_pasta_sauce-0, ... beefsteak_tomato, 4 4 12
beer.n.01 Substance False True a general name for alcoholic beverages made by fermenting a cereal (or mixture of cereals) flavored with hops brew.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, passing_out_drinks-0, pour_beer-0, clean_a_beer_keg-0, cleaning_glasses_off_bar-0, beer, 0 0 4
beer_barrel.n.01 Ready False True a barrel that holds beer barrel.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, buy_a_keg-0, clean_a_beer_keg-0, beer_keg, 1 1 2
beer_bottle.n.01 Ready False True a bottle that holds beer bottle.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, nextto, passing_out_drinks-0, packing_picnic_into_car-0, pour_beer-0, setting_up_for_an_event-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, store_beer-0, make_citrus_punch-0, clean_your_house_after_a_wild_party-0, beer_bottle, 1 1 8
beer_glass.n.01 Ready False True a relatively large glass for serving beer glass.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, filled, ontop, covered, nextto, passing_out_drinks-0, pour_beer-0, stock_a_bar_cart-0, cleaning_glasses_off_bar-0, beer_glass, 3 3 4
beer_tap.n.01 Ready True True faucet.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, beer_tap, 3 3 0
beeswax_candle.n.01 Ready True True candle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, beeswax_candle, 8 8 0
beet.n.02 Ready False True round red root vegetable root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, slicing_vegetables-0, picking_vegetables_in_garden-0, beet, 1 1 2
bell.n.01 Ready False True a hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound when struck acoustic_device.n.01, signaling_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, make_a_christmas_gift_box-0, bell, 1 1 1
bell_pepper.n.02 Ready False True large bell-shaped sweet pepper in green or red or yellow or orange or black varieties sweet_pepper.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, cooked, frozen, cook_broccolini-0, cook_red_peppers-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, slicing_vegetables-0, cook_beef-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, make_seafood_stew-0, roast_vegetables-0, prepare_make_ahead_breakfast_bowls-0, cook_peppers-0, ... bell_pepper, 5 5 12
belt.n.01 Not Ready False True endless loop of flexible material between two rotating shafts or pulleys loop.n.02, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
belt.n.02 Ready False True a band to tie or buckle around the body (usually at the waist) accessory.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, tidying_up_wardrobe-0, clean_a_leather_belt-0, buy_a_belt-0, belt, 1 1 3
bench.n.01 Ready False True a long seat for more than one person seat.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, tidy_your_garden-0, clean_a_sauna-0, bench, hammam_bench, sauna_bench, 30 30 2
bench_press.n.01 Ready False True a weightlift in which you lie on your back on a bench and press weights upward weightlift.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bench_press_machine, 3 3 0
berry.n.01 Ready False False any of numerous small and pulpy edible fruits; used as desserts or in making jams and jellies and preserves edible_fruit.n.01, currant.n.01, half__strawberry.n.01, cooked__cranberry.n.01, strawberry.n.01, diced__strawberry.n.01, cooked__diced__strawberry.n.01, blueberry.n.02, cooked__blueberry.n.01, cranberry.n.02, cooked__diced__blackberry.n.01, diced__blackberry.n.01, raspberry.n.02, half__blackberry.n.01, blackberry.n.01, 0 20 0
berry.n.02 Substance False False a small fruit having any of various structures, e.g., simple (grape or blueberry) or aggregate (blackberry or raspberry) fruit.n.01, cooked__cranberry.n.01, cranberry.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 3 0
beverage.n.01 Substance False False any liquid suitable for drinking food.n.01, liquid.n.01, iced_chocolate.n.01, coffee.n.01, cooked__cider.n.01, fruit_drink.n.01, cooked__green_tea_latte.n.01, cooked__iced_cappuccino.n.01, cooked__lemon_water.n.01, fruit_juice.n.01, cider.n.01, iced_cappuccino.n.01, smoothie.n.02, cooked__iced_chocolate.n.01, cocoa.n.01, soft_drink.n.01, alcohol.n.01, tea.n.01, cooked__cocoa.n.01, ginger_beer.n.01, milk.n.01, lemon_water.n.01, green_tea_latte.n.01, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 2 0
bicycle.n.01 Ready False True a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals wheeled_vehicle.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, nextto, attached, covered, putting_away_bicycles-0, de_clutter_your_garage-0, putting_bike_in_garage-0, hang_a_bike_on_the_wall-0, clean_a_bicycle_chain-0, unpacking_recreational_vehicle_for_trip-0, wash_your_bike-0, bicycle, 2 2 7
bicycle_chain.n.01 Ready False True a chain that transmits the power from the pedals to the rear wheel of a bicycle chain.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, lube_a_bicycle_chain-0, bicycle_chain, 1 1 1
bicycle_rack.n.01 Ready False True a rack for parking bicycles rack.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, hang_a_bike_on_the_wall-0, unpacking_recreational_vehicle_for_trip-0, bicycle_rack, 1 1 2
bidet.n.01 Ready False True a basin for washing genitals and anal area basin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bidet, 2 2 0
bikini.n.02 Ready False True a woman's very brief bathing suit swimsuit.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bikini, 1 1 0
bill.n.07 Ready False False a list of particulars (as a playbill or bill of fare) list.n.01, menu.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
bin.n.01 Ready False False a container; usually has a lid container.n.01, public_trash_can.n.01, recycling_bin.n.01, ashcan.n.01, compost_bin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
binary_compound.n.01 Not Ready False False chemical compound composed of only two elements compound.n.02, sodium_chloride.n.01, water.n.01, 0 0 0
binder.n.01 Not Ready False True a machine that cuts grain and binds it in sheaves harvester.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
binder.n.03 Not Ready False True holds loose papers or magazines protective_covering.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, binder, 0 0 0
biological_group.n.01 Ready False False a group of plants or animals group.n.01, taxonomic_group.n.01, flammable, 0 3 0
bird.n.02 Ready False False the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food meat.n.01, poultry.n.02, wildfowl.n.01, 0 19 0
bird_feed.n.01 Substance False True food given to birds; usually mixed seeds feed.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, putting_birdseed_in_cage-0, filling_the_bird_feeder-0, bird_feed, 1 1 2
bird_feed__bag.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, putting_birdseed_in_cage-0, filling_the_bird_feeder-0, bird_feed_bag, 1 1 2
bird_feeder.n.01 Ready False True an outdoor device that supplies food for wild birds device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, filled, filling_the_bird_feeder-0, bird_feeder, 1 1 1
birdcage.n.01 Ready False True a cage in which a bird can be kept cage.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, clean_a_birdcage-0, putting_birdseed_in_cage-0, set_up_a_bird_cage-0, clean_a_small_pet_cage-0, birdcage, 1 1 4
biscuit.n.01 Ready False True small round bread leavened with baking-powder or soda quick_bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, future, real, cooked, packing_hiking_equipment_into_car-0, make_biscuits-0, biscuit, 1 1 2
biscuit_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, biscuit_dough, 1 1 0
black_bean.n.01 Substance False True black-seeded bean of South America; usually dried common_bean.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, waterCook, filled, can_beans-0, black_bean, 2 2 1
black_pepper.n.02 Substance False True pepper that is ground from whole peppercorns with husks on pepper.n.03, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, real, insource, contains, covered, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, cook_ham_hocks-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cook_spinach-0, make_a_steak-0, cook_turkey_drumsticks-0, make_lemon_pepper_seasoning-0, black_pepper, 1 1 7
blackberry.n.01 Ready False True large sweet black or very dark purple edible aggregate fruit of any of various bushes of the genus Rubus berry.n.01, drupelet.n.01, attachable, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, attached, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, collecting_berries-0, blackberry, 1 1 2
blackboard.n.01 Ready False True sheet of slate; for writing with chalk sheet.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, touching, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, blackboard, 2 2 1
blackboard_eraser.n.01 Ready False True an eraser that removes chalk marks from blackboard eraser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, touching, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, blackboard_eraser, 1 1 1
blade.n.09 Not Ready False True the flat part of a tool or weapon that (usually) has a cutting edge cutting_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
blanket.n.01 Ready False True bedding that keeps a person warm in bed bedclothes.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, inside, folded, setting_up_bedroom_for_guest-0, packing_picnic_into_car-0, unpacking_moving_van-0, making_the_bed-0, setup_a_baby_crib-0, sorting_items_for_garage_sale-0, packing_moving_van-0, blanket, 6 6 7
bleaching_agent.n.01 Substance False True an agent that makes things white or colorless agent.n.03, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, clean_decking-0, clean_a_loofah_or_natural_sponge-0, clean_outdoor_tiles-0, clean_a_sauna-0, clean_stucco-0, clean_your_laundry_room-0, clean_your_house_after_a_wild_party-0, bleaching_agent, 0 0 7
bleaching_agent__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, inside, clean_decking-0, clean_a_loofah_or_natural_sponge-0, clean_outdoor_tiles-0, clean_a_sauna-0, clean_stucco-0, clean_your_laundry_room-0, clean_your_house_after_a_wild_party-0, bleaching_agent_atomizer, 1 1 7
blender.n.01 Ready False True an electrically powered mixer with whirling blades that mix or chop or liquefy foods mixer.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_blender-0, make_mustard_herb_and_spice_seasoning-0, make_watermelon_punch-0, make_a_strawberry_slushie-0, make_a_frappe-0, make_eggnog-0, make_chocolate_milk-0, preserving_fruit-0, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, make_iced_chocolate-0, ... blender, 3 3 16
bleu.n.01 Ready False True cheese containing a blue mold cheese.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bleu, 1 1 0
blind.n.03 Ready False False a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight protective_covering.n.01, window_blind.n.01, curtain.n.01, shutter.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 13 0
block.n.01 Ready False False a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides) artifact.n.01, firewood_chopping_block.n.01, cube.n.05, slab.n.01, chopping_block.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 20 0
blockage.n.02 Ready False False an obstruction in a pipe or tube obstruction.n.01, plug.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
blouse.n.01 Ready False True a top worn by women top.n.10, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, draped, ontop, covered, saturated, folded, inside, nextto, doing_laundry-0, folding_clothes-0, ironing_clothes-0, taking_clothes_off_of_the_drying_rack-0, taking_clothes_off_the_line-0, sorting_clothes-0, blouse, 1 1 6
blower.n.01 Ready False False a device that produces a current of air device.n.01, hand_blower.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
blueberry.n.02 Substance False True sweet edible dark-blue berries of either low-growing or high-growing blueberry plants berry.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_blueberry_mousse-0, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, blueberry, 6 6 2
blueberry_compote.n.01 Substance True True compote.n.01, boilable, cookable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
blueberry_mousse.n.01 Substance True True mousse.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_blueberry_mousse-0, blueberry_mousse, 0 0 1
board.n.02 Ready False True a stout length of sawn timber; made in a wide variety of sizes and used for many purposes lumber.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_decking-0, board, 1 1 1
board.n.03 Ready False False a flat piece of material designed for a special purpose sheet.n.06, wallboard.n.01, bulletin_board.n.02, ironing_board.n.01, springboard.n.01, chopping_board.n.01, scoreboard.n.01, skateboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 27 0
board.n.09 Ready False False a flat portable surface (usually rectangular) designed for board games surface.n.01, pegboard.n.01, dartboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
board_game.n.01 Ready False True a game played on a specially designed board parlor_game.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, collecting_childrens_toys-0, picking_up_toys-0, putting_away_games-0, setting_up_room_for_games-0, make_the_workplace_exciting-0, board_game, 16 16 5
boat.n.01 Ready False False a small vessel for travel on water vessel.n.02, small_boat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, prepare_a_boat_for_fishing-0, cleaning_boat-0, 0 2 2
bobby_pin.n.01 Ready False True a flat wire hairpin whose prongs press tightly together; used to hold bobbed hair in place hairpin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, store_bobby_pins-0, bobby_pin, 1 1 1
body_covering.n.01 Ready False False any covering for the body or a body part covering.n.01, feather.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
body_part.n.01 Ready False False any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity part.n.03, structure.n.04, process.n.05, tissue.n.01, 0 3 0
body_substance.n.01 Substance False False the substance of the body substance.n.01, liquid_body_substance.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
body_waste.n.01 Substance False False waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body waste.n.01, fecal_matter.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 9 0
bodybuilding.n.01 Ready False False exercise that builds muscles through tension exercise.n.01, weightlift.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
boiled_egg.n.01 Ready False False egg cooked briefly in the shell in gently boiling water dish.n.02, hard-boiled_egg.n.01, diced__hard-boiled_egg.n.01, half__hard-boiled_egg.n.01, cooked__diced__hard-boiled_egg.n.01, flammable, 0 2 0
bok_choy.n.02 Ready False True elongated head of dark green leaves on thick white stalks cabbage.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, ontop, covered, cook_bok_choy-0, sorting_vegetables-0, sorting_potatoes-0, clean_bok_choy-0, bok_choy, 2 2 4
bone.n.01 Not Ready False True rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates connective_tissue.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
book.n.01 Ready False False a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together) publication.n.01, catalog.n.01, textbook.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
book.n.02 Ready False False physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together product.n.02, notebook.n.01, paperback_book.n.01, hardback.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, covered, clean_a_company_office-0, organizing_school_stuff-0, boxing_books_up_for_storage-0, packing_documents_into_car-0, tidying_bedroom-0, packing_books_into_car-0, organizing_items_for_yard_sale-0, clean_a_book-0, tidying_living_room-0, unpacking_hobby_equipment-0, ... 0 319 13
bookcase.n.01 Ready False True a piece of furniture with shelves for storing books furniture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, nextto, collecting_childrens_toys-0, setting_up_living_room_for_guest-0, sorting_books_on_shelf-0, boxing_books_up_for_storage-0, de_clutter_your_garage-0, clean_a_book-0, tidying_living_room-0, polish_wood_floors-0, clean_brass-0, setting_up_toy_train_track-0, ... bookcase, 38 38 26
bookcase_back.n.01 Ready True True furniture.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, putting_up_shelves-0, bookcase_back, 1 1 1
bookcase_baseboard.n.01 Ready True True furniture.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, putting_up_shelves-0, bookcase_baseboard, 1 1 1
bookcase_shelf.n.01 Ready True True furniture.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, putting_up_shelves-0, bookcase_shelf, 1 1 1
bookcase_side.n.01 Ready True True furniture.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, putting_up_shelves-0, bookcase_side, 2 2 1
bookcase_top.n.01 Ready True True furniture.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, putting_up_shelves-0, bookcase_top, 1 1 1
bookend.n.01 Ready False True a support placed at the end of a row of books to keep them upright (on a shelf or table) support.n.10, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bookend, 10 10 0
boot.n.01 Ready False False footwear that covers the whole foot and lower leg footwear.n.02, buskin.n.01, ski_boot.n.01, hiking_boot.n.01, rubber_boot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, donating_clothing-0, preparing_clothes_for_the_next_day-0, clean_leather_boots-0, 0 6 3
booth.n.01 Ready False True a table (in a restaurant or bar) surrounded by two high-backed benches table.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, make_a_bake_sale_stand_stall-0, selling_products_at_flea_market-0, distributing_event_T_shirts-0, booth, 1 1 3
booth.n.02 Ready False False small area set off by walls for special use closet.n.04, farm_stand.n.01, shower_stall.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 11 0
borax.n.01 Substance False True an ore of boron consisting of hydrated sodium borate; used as a flux or cleansing agent mineral.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
bottle.n.01 Ready False False a glass or plastic vessel used for storing drinks or other liquids; typically cylindrical without handles and with a narrow neck that can be plugged or capped vessel.n.03, pill_bottle.n.01, cruet.n.01, water_bottle.n.01, carafe.n.01, flask.n.01, wine_bottle.n.01, pop_bottle.n.01, beer_bottle.n.01, carboy.n.01, jug.n.01, specimen_bottle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cleaning_garage-0, 0 28 1
bottle.n.03 Ready False True a vessel fitted with a flexible teat and filled with milk or formula; used as a substitute for breast feeding infants and very young children vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, wash_baby_bottles-0, baby_bottle, 1 1 1
bottle__of__acetone.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__acid.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__alcohol.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_alcohol, 1 1 0
bottle__of__alfredo_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_alfredo_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__allspice.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__almond_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_almond_oil, 1 1 0
bottle__of__ammonia.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_ammonia, 1 1 0
bottle__of__antihistamines.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, picking_up_prescriptions-0, buy_home_use_medical_supplies-0, bottle_of_antihistamines, 1 1 2
bottle__of__apple_cider.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_apple_cider, 1 1 0
bottle__of__apple_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, buy_food_for_a_party-0, cleaning_up_after_an_event-0, make_a_lunch_box-0, buying_groceries-0, distributing_groceries_at_food_bank-0, bottle_of_apple_juice, 2 2 5
bottle__of__applesauce.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__aspirin.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, buy_home_use_medical_supplies-0, bottle_of_aspirin, 1 1 1
bottle__of__baby_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_baby_oil, 1 1 0
bottle__of__balsamic_vinegar.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__barbecue_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_barbecue_sauce, 3 3 0
bottle__of__beer.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, buy_alcohol-0, stock_a_bar_cart-0, bottle_of_beer, 32 32 2
bottle__of__black_pepper.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_black_pepper, 4 4 0
bottle__of__bleach_agent.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, putting_away_cleaning_supplies-0, bottle_of_bleach_agent, 1 1 1
bottle__of__bug_repellent.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_bug_repellent, 1 1 0
bottle__of__buttermilk.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__carrot_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_carrot_juice, 2 2 0
bottle__of__catsup.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, clearing_the_table_after_dinner-0, bottle_of_catsup, 5 5 2
bottle__of__caulk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_caulk, 1 1 0
bottle__of__champagne.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, passing_out_drinks-0, setup_a_garden_party-0, bottle_of_champagne, 4 4 2
bottle__of__chili_pepper.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_chili_pepper, 1 1 0
bottle__of__chocolate_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_chocolate_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__cleaner.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_cleaner, 2 2 0
bottle__of__cocoa.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, buy_good_chocolate-0, bottle_of_cocoa, 1 1 1
bottle__of__coconut_milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_coconut_milk, 1 1 0
bottle__of__coconut_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_coconut_oil, 1 1 0
bottle__of__coconut_water.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_coconut_water, 1 1 0
bottle__of__coffee.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, nextto, set_up_a_coffee_station_in_your_kitchen-0, bottle_of_coffee, 1 1 1
bottle__of__coke.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_coke, 2 2 0
bottle__of__cold_cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, packing_grocery_bags_into_car-0, bottle_of_cold_cream, 1 1 1
bottle__of__cologne.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_cologne, 1 1 0
bottle__of__conditioner.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_conditioner, 2 2 0
bottle__of__cooking_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, putting_shopping_away-0, stock_grocery_shelves-0, bottle_of_cooking_oil, 1 1 2
bottle__of__cranberry_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_cranberry_juice, 1 1 0
bottle__of__degreaser.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_degreaser, 0 0 0
bottle__of__deicer.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_deicer, 1 1 0
bottle__of__detergent.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, unloading_shopping_items-0, putting_away_cleaning_supplies-0, sorting_household_items-0, bottle_of_detergent, 2 2 3
bottle__of__dish_soap.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_dish_soap, 1 1 0
bottle__of__disinfectant.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_disinfectant, 2 2 0
bottle__of__essential_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, make_the_ultimate_spa_basket-0, bottle_of_essential_oil, 5 5 1
bottle__of__fabric_softener.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_fabric_softener, 1 1 0
bottle__of__face_cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_face_cream, 1 1 0
bottle__of__fennel.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_fennel, 1 1 0
bottle__of__food_coloring.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__frosting.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_frosting, 1 1 0
bottle__of__fruit_punch.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_fruit_punch, 2 2 0
bottle__of__garlic_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_garlic_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__gin.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, stock_a_bar-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, bottle_of_gin, 1 1 2
bottle__of__ginger.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_ginger, 1 1 0
bottle__of__ginger_beer.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_ginger_beer, 1 1 0
bottle__of__glass_cleaner.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_glass_cleaner, 1 1 0
bottle__of__glue.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, buy_school_supplies-0, sorting_art_supplies-0, bottle_of_glue, 1 1 2
bottle__of__ground_cloves.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_ground_cloves, 1 1 0
bottle__of__ground_mace.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_ground_mace, 1 1 0
bottle__of__ground_nutmeg.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_ground_nutmeg, 1 1 0
bottle__of__hot_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, preparing_food_for_a_fundraiser-0, bottle_of_hot_sauce, 1 1 1
bottle__of__lacquer.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lacquer, 1 1 0
bottle__of__lavender_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lavender_oil, 1 1 0
bottle__of__lemon_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lemon_juice, 1 1 0
bottle__of__lemon_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lemon_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__lemonade.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, setup_a_garden_party-0, stock_a_bar_cart-0, bottle_of_lemonade, 1 1 2
bottle__of__lighter_fluid.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lighter_fluid, 1 1 0
bottle__of__lime_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lime_juice, 1 1 0
bottle__of__liquid_soap.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, buying_cleaning_supplies-0, putting_away_cleaning_supplies-0, make_a_military_care_package-0, bottle_of_liquid_soap, 1 1 3
bottle__of__lotion.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, make_the_ultimate_spa_basket-0, unloading_shopping_items-0, make_a_military_care_package-0, bottle_of_lotion, 1 1 3
bottle__of__lubricant.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_lubricant, 1 1 0
bottle__of__maple_syrup.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_maple_syrup, 1 1 0
bottle__of__mayonnaise.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, putting_out_condiments-0, bottle_of_mayonnaise, 1 1 1
bottle__of__medicine.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, make_a_military_care_package-0, bottle_of_medicine, 8 8 1
bottle__of__milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, buying_everyday_consumer_goods-0, bottle_of_milk, 8 8 1
bottle__of__milkshake.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_milkshake, 1 1 0
bottle__of__molasses.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_molasses, 1 1 0
bottle__of__mushroom_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_mushroom_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__mustard.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, putting_out_condiments-0, bottle_of_mustard, 2 2 2
bottle__of__mustard_seeds.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_mustard_seeds, 1 1 0
bottle__of__oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_oil, 2 2 0
bottle__of__olive_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, storing_food-0, bottle_of_olive_oil, 7 7 1
bottle__of__onion_powder.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_onion_powder, 1 1 0
bottle__of__orange_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, bag_groceries-0, bottle_of_orange_juice, 3 3 1
bottle__of__paint.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_paint, 1 1 0
bottle__of__paint_remover.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_paint_remover, 1 1 0
bottle__of__papaya_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_papaya_juice, 2 2 0
bottle__of__paprika.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_paprika, 1 1 0
bottle__of__parsley.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__peanut_butter.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, putting_out_condiments-0, buying_groceries-0, bottle_of_peanut_butter, 1 1 2
bottle__of__perfume.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, unpacking_suitcase-0, make_the_ultimate_spa_basket-0, cleaning_bedroom-0, prepare_an_emergency_school_kit-0, bottle_of_perfume, 1 1 4
bottle__of__pesticide.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_pesticide, 1 1 0
bottle__of__pesto.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_pesto, 1 1 0
bottle__of__pizza_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_pizza_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__pop.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_pop, 40 40 0
bottle__of__poppy_seeds.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_poppy_seeds, 1 1 0
bottle__of__powder.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_powder, 1 1 0
bottle__of__protein_powder.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_protein_powder, 2 2 0
bottle__of__pumpkin_pie_spice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_pumpkin_pie_spice, 1 1 0
bottle__of__rosemary.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__rum.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, stock_a_bar-0, bottle_of_rum, 4 4 1
bottle__of__sage.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sage, 1 1 0
bottle__of__sake.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sake, 9 9 0
bottle__of__salsa.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_salsa, 3 3 0
bottle__of__sangria.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__sealant.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sealant, 1 1 0
bottle__of__seasoning.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_seasoning, 1 1 0
bottle__of__sesame_oil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sesame_oil, 1 1 0
bottle__of__sesame_seeds.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sesame_seeds, 1 1 0
bottle__of__shampoo.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, packing_grocery_bags_into_car-0, make_a_military_care_package-0, packing_bags_or_suitcase-0, tidying_bathroom-0, bottle_of_shampoo, 4 4 4
bottle__of__skin_cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_skin_cream, 1 1 0
bottle__of__soda.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, touching, nextto, returning_consumer_goods-0, selling_products_at_flea_market-0, buy_food_for_camping-0, stock_grocery_shelves-0, bottle_of_soda, 1 1 4
bottle__of__solvent.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_solvent, 1 1 0
bottle__of__soup.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, preparing_food_for_a_fundraiser-0, bottle_of_soup, 2 2 1
bottle__of__sour_cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sour_cream, 1 1 0
bottle__of__soy_milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_soy_milk, 2 2 0
bottle__of__soy_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_soy_sauce, 1 1 0
bottle__of__spice.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bottle__of__sriracha.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_sriracha, 1 1 0
bottle__of__strawberry_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_strawberry_juice, 1 1 0
bottle__of__sunscreen.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, packing_picnic_into_car-0, pack_a_beach_bag-0, bottle_of_sunscreen, 1 1 2
bottle__of__supplements.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, buy_natural_supplements-0, bottle_of_supplements, 2 2 1
bottle__of__tea.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_tea, 2 2 0
bottle__of__tea_leaves.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_tea_leaves, 1 1 0
bottle__of__tequila.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, bottle_of_tequila, 1 1 1
bottle__of__tomato_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_tomato_juice, 1 1 0
bottle__of__tomato_paste.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_tomato_paste, 3 3 0
bottle__of__tonic.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, stock_a_bar_cart-0, bottle_of_tonic, 2 2 1
bottle__of__vinegar.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, putting_out_condiments-0, bottle_of_vinegar, 1 1 1
bottle__of__vodka.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, buy_alcohol-0, store_vodka-0, stock_a_bar-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, make_a_military_care_package-0, bottle_of_vodka, 1 1 5
bottle__of__water.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bottle_of_water, 15 15 0
bottle__of__whiskey.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, stock_a_bar_cart-0, bottle_of_whiskey, 9 9 1
bottle__of__wine.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, buy_alcohol-0, stock_a_bar_cart-0, bottle_of_wine, 35 35 2
bottle_opener.n.01 Ready False False an opener for removing caps or corks from bottles opener.n.03, corkscrew.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
bouillon.n.01 Substance False True a clear seasoned broth broth.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
bouillon_cube.n.01 Ready False True a cube of evaporated seasoned meat extract flavorer.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bouillon_cube, 1 1 0
boulder.n.01 Ready False True a large smooth mass of rock detached from its place of origin rock.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, boulder, 16 16 0
bouquet.n.01 Ready False True an arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present flower_arrangement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bouquet, 1 1 0
bourbon.n.02 Substance False True whiskey distilled from a mash of corn and malt and rye and aged in charred oak barrels whiskey.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
bourbon__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bow.n.02 Not Ready False True a slightly curved piece of resilient wood with taut horsehair strands; used in playing certain stringed instruments stick.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bow.n.08 Ready False True a decorative interlacing of ribbons decoration.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, attached, inside, putting_away_Christmas_decorations-0, decorating_outside_for_parties-0, assembling_gift_baskets-0, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_inside-0, decorating_outside_for_holidays-0, bow, 2 2 5
bowed_stringed_instrument.n.01 Ready False False stringed instruments that are played with a bow stringed_instrument.n.01, violin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
bowl.n.01 Ready False True a round vessel that is open at the top; used chiefly for holding food or liquids vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, filled, inside, nextto, contains, clean_plastic_containers-0, polish_pewter-0, cook_chickpeas-0, washing_bowls-0, setting_up_living_room_for_guest-0, cook_a_crab-0, clean_jade-0, cleaning_up_refrigerator-0, changing_dogs_water-0, cook_snap_peas-0, ... bowl, 45 45 121
bowl.n.03 Ready False False a dish that is round and open at the top for serving foods dish.n.01, mixing_bowl.n.01, soup_bowl.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
bowling_ball.n.01 Ready False True a large ball with finger holes used in the sport of bowling ball.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, moving_stuff_to_storage-0, clean_a_bowling_ball-0, bowling_ball, 1 1 2
box.n.01 Ready False False a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid container.n.01, stew__carton.n.01, shoebox.n.02, shortening__carton.n.01, pineapple_juice__carton.n.01, liquid_carton.n.01, storage_container.n.01, beef_broth__carton.n.01, crate.n.01, chicken_soup__carton.n.01, strongbox.n.01, matchbox.n.01, chest.n.02, carton.n.02, cream__carton.n.01, orange_juice__carton.n.01, milk__carton.n.01, yogurt__carton.n.01, chicken_broth__carton.n.01, mailbox.n.01, ice_cream__carton.n.01, pencil_box.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 54 0
box__of__almond_milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_almond_milk, 1 1 0
box__of__aluminium_foil.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_aluminium_foil, 1 1 0
box__of__apple_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_apple_juice, 1 1 0
box__of__baking_mix.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_baking_mix, 7 7 0
box__of__baking_powder.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_baking_powder, 2 2 0
box__of__baking_soda.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, store_baking_soda-0, box_of_baking_soda, 1 1 1
box__of__barley.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_barley, 1 1 0
box__of__beer.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_beer, 2 2 0
box__of__brown_sugar.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_brown_sugar, 3 3 0
box__of__butter.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_butter, 4 4 0
box__of__candy.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, touching, nextto, cleaning_stuff_out_of_car-0, selling_products_at_flea_market-0, prepare_an_emergency_school_kit-0, box_of_candy, 2 2 3
box__of__cane_sugar.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_cane_sugar, 5 5 0
box__of__cereal.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, putting_shopping_away-0, box_of_cereal, 14 14 1
box__of__champagne.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_champagne, 3 3 0
box__of__chocolates.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, touching, nextto, selling_products_at_flea_market-0, make_dinosaur_goody_bags-0, buy_good_chocolate-0, make_a_military_care_package-0, box_of_chocolates, 1 1 4
box__of__coconut_milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_coconut_milk, 1 1 0
box__of__coffee.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_coffee, 3 3 0
box__of__cookies.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, put_together_a_goodie_bag-0, box_of_cookies, 14 14 1
box__of__corn_flakes.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, unloading_groceries-0, shopping_at_warehouse_stores-0, box_of_corn_flakes, 1 1 2
box__of__crackers.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_crackers, 1 1 0
box__of__cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, setting_table_for_coffee-0, box_of_cream, 1 1 1
box__of__flour.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_flour, 1 1 0
box__of__fruit.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_fruit, 2 2 0
box__of__granola_bars.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_granola_bars, 3 3 0
box__of__ice_cream.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_ice_cream, 1 1 0
box__of__lasagna.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, putting_leftovers_away-0, box_of_lasagna, 1 1 1
box__of__lemons.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_lemons, 1 1 0
box__of__milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_milk, 1 1 0
box__of__oatmeal.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, storing_food-0, box_of_oatmeal, 3 3 1
box__of__raspberries.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_raspberries, 1 1 0
box__of__rice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_rice, 3 3 0
box__of__rum.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_rum, 4 4 0
box__of__sake.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_sake, 8 8 0
box__of__salt.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_salt, 0 0 0
box__of__sanitary_napkin.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_sanitary_napkins, 9 9 0
box__of__shampoo.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_shampoo, 4 4 0
box__of__takeout.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_takeout, 1 1 0
box__of__tissue.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_tissues, 4 4 0
box__of__tomato_juice.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_tomato_juice, 0 0 0
box__of__vegetable_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_vegetable_juice, 2 2 0
box__of__wagashi.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_wagashi, 1 1 0
box__of__whiskey.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_whiskey, 5 5 0
box__of__wine.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_wine, 0 0 0
box__of__yogurt.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, box_of_yogurt, 4 4 0
boxed__cake.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, boxed_cake, 1 1 0
boxed__cpu_board.n.01 Ready True True durables.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, boxed_cpu_board, 1 1 0
boxed__ink_cartridge.n.01 Ready True True durables.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, boxed_ink_cartridge, 3 3 0
boxed__router.n.01 Ready True True durables.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, boxed_router, 1 1 0
boxing_equipment.n.01 Ready False False equipment used in boxing sports_equipment.n.01, boxing_glove.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
boxing_glove.n.01 Ready False True boxing equipment consisting of big and padded coverings for the fists of the fighters; worn for the sport of boxing boxing_equipment.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_boxing_gloves-0, boxing_gloves, 1 1 1
brace.n.09 Not Ready False True a structural member used to stiffen a framework strengthener.n.01, structural_member.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bracelet.n.02 Ready False True jewelry worn around the wrist for decoration jewelry.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, polish_gold-0, clean_gold-0, bracelet, 1 1 2
bracket.n.04 Not Ready False True a support projecting from a wall (as to hold a shelf) support.n.10, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
brake.n.01 Not Ready False True a restraint used to slow or stop a vehicle restraint.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
branch.n.02 Ready False True a division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant stalk.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, cleaning_up_branches_and_twigs-0, branch, 1 1 1
brandy.n.01 Substance False True distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice liquor.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
brandy__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
brass.n.02 Ready False False a wind instrument that consists of a brass tube (usually of variable length) that is blown by means of a cup-shaped or funnel-shaped mouthpiece wind_instrument.n.01, trombone.n.01, cornet.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, clean_brass-0, 0 2 1
brassiere.n.01 Ready False True an undergarment worn by women to support their breasts woman's_clothing.n.01, undergarment.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, folded, inside, wash_a_bra-0, folding_clothes-0, taking_clothes_out_of_the_dryer-0, bra, 1 1 3
bratwurst.n.01 Ready False True a small pork sausage pork_sausage.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cooked, covered, prepare_a_filling_breakfast-0, preparing_food_for_a_fundraiser-0, buy_meat_from_a_butcher-0, can_meat-0, cook_sausages-0, cooking_breakfast-0, bratwurst, 2 2 6
bread-bin.n.01 Not Ready False True a container used to keep bread or cake in container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bread.n.01 Ready False False food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked baked_goods.n.01, starches.n.01, diced__garlic_bread.n.01, half__toast.n.01, white_bread.n.01, crouton.n.01, half__garlic_bread.n.01, quick_bread.n.01, garlic_bread.n.01, cooked__diced__garlic_bread.n.01, sour_bread.n.01, bap.n.01, bun.n.01, diced__sour_bread.n.01, loaf_of_bread.n.01, half__sour_bread.n.01, diced__toast.n.01, cooked__crouton.n.01, cracker.n.01, cooked__diced__toast.n.01, flatbread.n.01, bread_slice.n.01, toast.n.01, cooked__diced__sour_bread.n.01, 0 73 0
bread_slice.n.01 Ready True True bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, ontop, preparing_food_for_a_fundraiser-0, delivering_groceries_to_doorstep-0, cooking_lunch-0, make_a_sandwich-0, make_toast-0, bread_slice, 4 4 5
breadcrumb.n.01 Substance False True crumb of bread; used especially for coating or thickening crumb.n.03, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, filled, real, cleaning_kitchen_knives-0, putting_dirty_dishes_in_sink-0, rinsing_dishes-0, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, clean_place_mats-0, cleaning_restaurant_table-0, make_macaroni_and_cheese-0, make_meatloaf-0, washing_plates-0, make_a_wiener_schnitzle-0, breadcrumb, 3 3 10
breakfast_food.n.01 Substance False False any food (especially cereal) usually served for breakfast food.n.02, cereal.n.03, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
breakfast_table.n.01 Ready False True a table where breakfast is eaten table.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, covered, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, recycling_office_papers-0, putting_food_in_fridge-0, passing_out_drinks-0, dusting_rugs-0, sorting_volunteer_materials-0, emptying_ashtray-0, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, clearing_table_after_dinner-0, clearing_food_from_table_into_fridge-0, ... breakfast_table, 32 32 42
breast.n.03 Ready False False meat carved from the breast of a fowl helping.n.01, diced__chicken_tender.n.01, chicken_breast.n.02, cooked__diced__chicken_tender.n.01, half__chicken_breast.n.01, diced__chicken_breast.n.01, cooked__diced__chicken_breast.n.01, chicken_tender.n.01, half__chicken_tender.n.01, flammable, 0 8 0
brew.n.01 Substance False False drink made by steeping and boiling and fermenting rather than distilling alcohol.n.01, beer.n.01, cooked__beer.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
brick.n.01 Not Ready False True rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln; used as a building or paving material building_material.n.01, ceramic.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bridge.n.01 Not Ready False True a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc. structure.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
briefcase.n.01 Ready False True a case with a handle; for carrying papers or files or books case.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, briefcase, 8 8 0
brightness.n.01 Substance False False the location of a visual perception along a continuum from black to white light.n.07, glitter.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
brisket.n.01 Ready False True a cut of meat from the breast or lower chest especially of beef cut.n.06, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cooked, cook_a_brisket-0, buy_meat_from_a_butcher-0, brisket, 2 2 2
broccoli.n.02 Ready False True branched green undeveloped flower heads cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, cook_vegetables-0, make_beef_and_broccoli-0, wash_fruit_and_vegetables-0, broccoli, 1 1 3
broccoli_rabe.n.02 Ready False True slightly bitter dark green leaves and clustered flower buds cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, broccoli_rabe, 1 1 0
broccolini.n.01 Ready True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, cook_broccolini-0, broccolini, 1 1 1
broken__glass.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, clean_up_broken_glass-0, broken_glass, 2 2 1
broken__light_bulb.n.01 Ready True True electric_lamp.n.01, attachable, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, remove_a_broken_light_bulb-0, changing_bulbs-0, changing_light_bulbs-0, broken_light_bulb, 1 1 3
broom.n.01 Ready False True a cleaning implement for sweeping; bundle of straws or twigs attached to a long handle cleaning_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, covered, sweeping_porch-0, sweeping_patio-0, cleaning_floors-0, cleaning_around_pool_in_garden-0, cleaning_shed-0, sweeping_floors-0, cleaning_up_after_an_event-0, cleaning_driveway-0, sweeping_steps-0, clean_household_cleaning_tools-0, ... broom, 1 1 19
broth.n.01 Substance False False liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered; used as a basis for e.g. soups or sauces soup.n.01, cooked__beef_broth.n.01, beef_broth.n.01, cooked__chicken_broth.n.01, chicken_broth.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, washing_bowls-0, 0 0 1
broth.n.02 Substance False False a thin soup of meat or fish or vegetable stock soup.n.01, bouillon.n.01, cooked__bouillon.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
brown_rice.n.01 Substance False True unpolished rice retaining the yellowish-brown outer layer rice.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, waterCook, filled, cook_rice-0, brown_rice, 1 1 1
brown_rice__sack.n.01 Ready True True bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, cook_rice-0, brown_rice_sack, 1 1 1
brown_sugar.n.01 Substance False True unrefined or only partly refined sugar sugar.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, make_a_sugar_and_coffee_scrub-0, make_meatloaf-0, make_edible_chocolate_chip_cookie_dough-0, brown_sugar, 1 1 4
brown_sugar__sack.n.01 Ready True True bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, make_a_sugar_and_coffee_scrub-0, make_meatloaf-0, make_edible_chocolate_chip_cookie_dough-0, brown_sugar_sack, 1 1 4
brownie.n.03 Ready False True square or bar of very rich chocolate cake usually with nuts cookie.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, future, real, cooked, inside, make_a_bake_sale_stand_stall-0, make_brownies-0, store_brownies-0, cooking_a_feast-0, brownie, 1 1 4
brownie_batter.n.01 Substance True True batter.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
brush.n.02 Ready False False an implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle implement.n.01, scrub_brush.n.01, toothbrush.n.01, hairbrush.n.01, paintbrush.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 12 0
brussels_sprouts.n.01 Ready False True the small edible cabbage-like buds growing along a stalk of the brussels sprout plant cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, ontop, cook_vegetables-0, roast_vegetables-0, cook_brussels_sprouts-0, brussels_sprouts, 4 4 3
bryophyte.n.01 Substance False False any of numerous plants of the division Bryophyta nonvascular_organism.n.01, moss.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
bubble.n.01 Substance False False a hollow globule of gas (e.g., air or carbon dioxide) globule.n.01, foam.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
bucket.n.01 Ready False True a roughly cylindrical vessel that is open at the top vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, filled, inside, nextto, covered, chlorinating_the_pool-0, fertilize_plants-0, mopping_the_kitchen_floor-0, clean_synthetic_hiking_gear-0, wash_goalkeeper_gloves-0, spring_clean_your_skateboard-0, clean_wood_pallets-0, shoveling_coal-0, sweeping_porch-0, washing_fabrics-0, ... bucket, ice_bucket, 4 4 59
bucket__of__paint.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bucket_of_paint, 4 4 0
buckle.n.01 Not Ready False True fastener that fastens together two ends of a belt or strap; often has loose prong fastener.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
building.n.01 Ready False False a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place structure.n.01, farm_building.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
building_material.n.01 Ready False False material used for constructing buildings artifact.n.01, stone.n.02, lumber.n.01, covering_material.n.01, flooring.n.02, concrete.n.01, brick.n.01, 0 15 0
bulb.n.01 Ready False False a modified bud consisting of a thickened globular underground stem serving as a reproductive structure stalk.n.02, daffodil_bulb.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
bulbous_plant.n.01 Ready False False plant growing from a bulb vascular_plant.n.01, liliaceous_plant.n.01, narcissus.n.01, 0 21 0
bulldog_clip.n.01 Ready False True a clip with a spring that closes the metal jaws clip.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bulldog_clip, 1 1 0
bulletin.n.01 Ready False False a brief report (especially an official statement issued for immediate publication or broadcast) report.n.03, information_bulletin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
bulletin_board.n.02 Ready False True a board that hangs on a wall; displays announcements board.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bulletin_board, 2 2 0
bumper.n.02 Not Ready False True a mechanical device consisting of bars at either end of a vehicle to absorb shock and prevent serious damage mechanical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bun.n.01 Ready False False small rounded bread either plain or sweet bread.n.01, sweet_roll.n.01, half__frankfurter_bun.n.01, diced__hamburger_bun.n.01, hamburger_bun.n.01, half__hotdog_bun.n.01, crescent_roll.n.01, frankfurter_bun.n.01, half__bagel.n.01, diced__bagel.n.01, cooked__diced__frankfurter_bun.n.01, cooked__diced__crescent_roll.n.01, diced__frankfurter_bun.n.01, bagel.n.01, cooked__diced__bagel.n.01, soft_roll.n.01, half__croissant.n.01, diced__crescent_roll.n.01, half__crescent_roll.n.01, half__hamburger_bun.n.01, cooked__diced__hamburger_bun.n.01, 0 22 0
bunchgrass.n.01 Substance False True any of various grasses of many genera that grow in tufts or clumps rather than forming a sod or mat; chiefly of western United States grass.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, contains, filled, cleaning_lawnmowers-0, tidy_your_garden-0, mowing_the_lawn-0, sweeping_porch-0, cleaning_driveway-0, disposing_of_lawn_clippings-0, lay_sod-0, wash_a_motorcycle-0, bunchgrass, 1 1 8
burette.n.01 Ready False True measuring instrument consisting of a graduated glass tube with a tap at the bottom; used for titration measuring_instrument.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, buret, 1 1 0
burlap.n.01 Not Ready False True coarse jute fabric sacking.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
burner.n.02 Ready False True the heating elements of a stove or range on which pots and pans are placed for cooking heating_element.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, burner, 4 4 0
burrito.n.01 Ready False True a flour tortilla folded around a filling dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, clean_up_after_a_dinner_party-0, burrito, 1 1 1
buskin.n.01 Not Ready False True a boot reaching halfway up to the knee boot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
bust.n.03 Ready False True a sculpture of the head and shoulders of a person sculpture.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, setting_up_silent_auction-0, bust, 1 1 1
butane.n.01 Substance False True occurs in natural gas; used in the manufacture of rubber and fuels gas.n.02, fuel.n.01, methane_series.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
butter.n.01 Ready False True an edible emulsion of fat globules made by churning milk or cream; for cooking and table use food.n.02, dairy_product.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cook_a_crab-0, cook_shrimp-0, make_waffles-0, cook_bok_choy-0, make_dinner_rolls-0, cook_rice-0, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, cook_corn-0, prepare_and_cook_prawns-0, make_chocolate_spread-0, ... butter, 1 1 21
butter__package.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_dinner_rolls-0, make_chocolate_spread-0, make_pastry-0, make_cookies-0, make_a_cheese_pastry-0, butter_package, 1 1 5
butter_cookie.n.01 Ready False True cookie containing much butter cookie.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, assembling_gift_baskets-0, butter_cookie, 1 1 1
buttermilk.n.01 Substance False True residue from making butter from sour raw milk; or pasteurized milk curdled by adding a culture milk.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
buttermilk_pancake.n.01 Ready False True a pancake made with buttermilk pancake.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, buttermilk_pancake, 1 1 1
butternut_squash.n.02 Ready False True buff-colored squash with a long usually straight neck and sweet orange flesh winter_squash.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, inside, cook_squash-0, sorting_potatoes-0, butternut_squash, 2 2 2
cabbage.n.01 Ready False False any of various types of cabbage cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, bok_choy.n.02, diced__kale.n.01, half__kale.n.01, cooked__diced__head_cabbage.n.01, cooked__diced__bok_choy.n.01, half__bok_choy.n.01, kale.n.03, head_cabbage.n.02, diced__head_cabbage.n.01, cooked__diced__kale.n.01, diced__bok_choy.n.01, half__head_cabbage.n.01, 0 10 0
cabinet.n.01 Ready False True a piece of furniture resembling a cupboard with doors and shelves and drawers; for storage or display furniture.n.01, assembleable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, nextto, open, toast_sunflower_seeds-0, line_kitchen_shelves-0, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, cook_a_crab-0, preparing_lunch_box-0, cleaning_up_refrigerator-0, cook_carrots-0, cook_shrimp-0, wash_dog_toys-0, cook_snap_peas-0, ... bottom_cabinet, bottom_cabinet_no_top, metal_bottom_cabinet, top_cabinet, 111 111 232
cabinet.n.03 Ready False True a storage compartment for clothes and valuables; usually it has a lock compartment.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, clean_a_sauna-0, locker, 4 4 1
cabinet.n.04 Not Ready False True housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television housing.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cabinet_base.n.01 Ready True True component.n.03, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, make_cabinet_doors-0, cabinet_base, 1 1 1
cabinet_door.n.01 Ready True True component.n.03, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, make_cabinet_doors-0, cabinet_door, 1 1 1
cable.n.02 Not Ready False True a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power conductor.n.04, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rope, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cactus.n.01 Ready False True any succulent plant of the family Cactaceae native chiefly to arid regions of the New World and usually having spines succulent.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, dust_houseplants-0, place_houseplants_around_your_home-0, cactus, 1 1 2
cafe_au_lait.n.01 Substance False True equal parts of coffee and hot milk coffee.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_an_iced_espresso-0, cafe_au_lait, 0 0 1
cage.n.01 Ready False False an enclosure made or wire or metal bars in which birds or animals can be kept enclosure.n.01, birdcage.n.01, hutch.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
cake.n.03 Ready False False baked goods made from or based on a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and fat baked_goods.n.01, pancake.n.01, diced__cupcake.n.01, diced__chocolate_cake.n.01, waffle.n.01, sliced__chocolate_cake.n.01, diced__gingerbread.n.01, diced__fruitcake.n.01, cooked__diced__cheesecake.n.01, diced__waffle.n.01, half__cupcake.n.01, fruitcake.n.02, cooked__diced__chocolate_cake.n.01, cookie.n.01, half__chocolate_cake.n.01, cooked__diced__fruitcake.n.01, half__cheesecake.n.01, chocolate_cake.n.01, half__waffle.n.01, cooked__diced__gingerbread.n.01, cooked__diced__waffle.n.01, cheesecake.n.01, cupcake.n.01, friedcake.n.01, diced__cheesecake.n.01, gingerbread.n.01, half__gingerbread.n.01, half__fruitcake.n.01, 0 71 0
cake_mix.n.01 Substance False True a commercial mix for making a cake ready-mix.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_cake_mix-0, cake_mix, 1 1 1
calcite.n.01 Substance False False a common mineral consisting of crystallized calcium carbonate; a major constituent of limestone spar.n.01, chalk.n.01, breakable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 9 0
calcium_carbonate.n.01 Substance False True a salt found in nature as chalk or calcite or aragonite or limestone carbonate.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
calculator.n.02 Ready False True a small machine that is used for mathematical calculations machine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, toggled_on, organizing_school_stuff-0, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, turn_off_a_normal_school_calculator-0, calculator, 1 1 3
caldron.n.01 Ready False True a very large pot that is used for boiling pot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, putting_away_Halloween_decorations-0, cauldron, 2 2 1
calendar.n.01 Ready False True a system of timekeeping that defines the beginning and length and divisions of the year arrangement.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, calendar, 1 1 0
caliper.n.01 Ready False True an instrument for measuring the distance between two points (often used in the plural) measuring_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, caliper, 1 1 0
camera.n.01 Ready False False equipment for taking photographs (usually consisting of a lightproof box with a lens at one end and light-sensitive film at the other) photographic_equipment.n.01, digital_camera.n.01, security_camera.n.01, webcam.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 8 0
camera_tripod.n.01 Ready False True a tripod used to support a camera tripod.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, attach_a_camera_to_a_tripod-0, camera_tripod, 1 1 1
can.n.01 Ready False True airtight sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc. container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, sorting_bottles_cans_and_paper-0, can, 3 3 1
can__of__baking_mix.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_baking_mix, 7 7 0
can__of__bay_leaves.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_bay_leaves, 1 1 0
can__of__beans.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_beans, 2 2 0
can__of__cat_food.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, stock_grocery_shelves-0, can_of_cat_food, 1 1 1
can__of__coffee.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_coffee, 1 1 0
can__of__corn.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_corn, 3 3 0
can__of__dog_food.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, buy_dog_food-0, buy_pet_food_for_less-0, can_of_dog_food, 1 1 2
can__of__icetea.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_icetea, 1 1 0
can__of__oatmeal.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_oatmeal, 1 1 0
can__of__sardines.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_sardines, 1 1 0
can__of__soda.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, picking_up_trash-0, setting_up_room_for_a_movie-0, buying_fast_food-0, collecting_aluminum_cans-0, can_of_soda, 16 16 4
can__of__tomato_paste.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_tomato_paste, 1 1 0
can__of__tomatoes.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, can_of_tomatoes, 1 1 0
candle.n.01 Ready False False stick of wax with a wick in the middle lamp.n.01, pillar_candle.n.01, beeswax_candle.n.01, dip.n.07, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, assembling_gift_baskets-0, putting_away_Halloween_decorations-0, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_inside-0, 0 20 3
candlestick.n.01 Ready False True a holder with sockets for candles holder.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, inside, ontop, nextto, decorating_for_religious_ceremony-0, set_a_fancy_table-0, buy_candle_making_supplies-0, candle_holder, 5 5 3
candy.n.01 Ready False False a rich sweet made of flavored sugar and often combined with fruit or nuts sweet.n.03, cooked__diced__marshmallow.n.01, candy_cane.n.01, kiss.n.03, jelly_bean.n.01, lollipop.n.02, diced__marshmallow.n.01, half__marshmallow.n.01, mint.n.05, easter_egg.n.01, marshmallow.n.01, hard_candy.n.01, cooked__jelly_bean.n.01, 0 24 0
candy_cane.n.01 Ready False True a hard candy in the shape of a rod (usually with stripes) candy.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_a_candy_centerpiece-0, candy_cane, 1 1 1
candy_dispenser_shelf.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, candy_dispenser_shelf, 1 1 0
cane_sugar.n.02 Substance False True sugar from sugarcane used as sweetening agent sugar.n.01, meltable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_a_frappe-0, make_a_cappuccino-0, make_a_blended_iced_cappuccino-0, make_a_cheese_pastry-0, cane_sugar, 1 1 4
canister.n.02 Ready False True metal container for storing dry foods such as tea or flour container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, filled, ontop, covered, can_beans-0, clean_a_vacuum-0, canister, 2 2 2
canned_food.n.01 Ready False True food preserved by canning foodstuff.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, putting_shopping_away-0, bag_groceries-0, buy_food_for_camping-0, buy_pet_food_for_less-0, distributing_groceries_at_food_bank-0, canned_food, 10 10 5
canoe.n.01 Ready False False small and light boat; pointed at both ends; propelled with a paddle small_boat.n.01, kayak.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
canola_oil.n.01 Substance False True vegetable oil made from rapeseed; it is high in monounsaturated fatty acids vegetable_oil.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
canopy.n.03 Ready False False a covering (usually of cloth) that serves as a roof to shelter an area from the weather shelter.n.02, garden_umbrella.n.01, umbrella.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
cantaloup.n.02 Ready False True the fruit of a cantaloup vine; small to medium-sized melon with yellowish flesh muskmelon.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, picking_fruit_and_vegetables-0, cantaloup, 2 2 1
canteen.n.01 Ready False True a flask for carrying water; used by soldiers or travelers flask.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, filled, fill_a_canteen-0, canteen, 2 2 1
canvas.n.01 Ready False False a heavy, closely woven fabric (used for clothing or chairs or sails or tents) fabric.n.01, tarpaulin.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
cap.n.01 Ready False False a tight-fitting headdress headdress.n.01, baseball_cap.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
cap.n.02 Ready False True a top (as for a bottle) top.n.09, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cap, 52 52 0
cappuccino.n.01 Substance False True equal parts of espresso and hot milk topped with cinnamon and nutmeg and usually whipped cream coffee.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_a_cappuccino-0, cappuccino, 0 0 1
car.n.01 Ready False True a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine motor_vehicle.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, covered, overlaid, attached, packing_hiking_equipment_into_car-0, picking_up_baggage-0, carrying_in_groceries-0, packing_documents_into_car-0, packing_picnic_into_car-0, cleaning_stuff_out_of_car-0, packing_books_into_car-0, putting_bike_in_garage-0, packing_art_supplies_into_car-0, polish_a_car-0, ... car, 1 1 33
car_seat.n.01 Ready False False a seat in a car seat.n.04, infant_car_seat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
car_tire.n.01 Not Ready False True a tire consisting of a rubber ring around the rim of an automobile wheel tire.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, car_tire, 0 0 0
car_wheel.n.01 Ready False True a wheel that has a tire and rim and hubcap; used to propel the car wheel.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_black_rims-0, car_wheel, 2 2 1
carafe.n.01 Ready False True a bottle with a stopper; for serving wine or water bottle.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, make_green_tea_latte-0, make_cream_soda-0, make_a_cappuccino-0, prepare_wine_and_cheese-0, carafe, decanter, 4 4 4
caraway_seed.n.01 Substance False True aromatic seeds of the caraway plant; used widely as seasoning flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
carbohydrate.n.01 Substance False False an essential structural component of living cells and source of energy for animals; includes simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances; are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain macromolecule.n.01, polysaccharide.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
carbon.n.01 Substance False False an abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms: amorphous carbon and graphite and diamond; occurs in all organic compounds chemical_element.n.01, carbon_black.n.01, charcoal.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
carbon_black.n.01 Substance False True a black colloidal substance consisting wholly or principally of amorphous carbon and used to make pigments and ink carbon.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
carbonate.n.01 Substance False False a salt or ester of carbonic acid (containing the anion CO3) salt.n.01, calcium_carbonate.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
carboy.n.01 Ready False True a large bottle for holding corrosive liquids; usually cushioned in a special container bottle.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, contains, inside, filled, make_lemon_stain_remover-0, recycling_glass_bottles-0, make_a_cappuccino-0, reagent_bottle, 5 5 3
card.n.01 Not Ready False True one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes paper.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
card.n.03 Ready False False a rectangular piece of stiff paper used to send messages (may have printed greetings or pictures) correspondence.n.01, postcard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
card.n.04 Ready False True thin cardboard, usually rectangular cardboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, setting_up_silent_auction-0, cardstock, 1 1 1
cardamom.n.02 Substance False True aromatic seeds used as seasoning like cinnamon and cloves especially in pickles and barbecue sauces flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cardboard.n.01 Ready False False a stiff moderately thick paper packing_material.n.01, paper.n.01, card.n.04, half__card.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
cardigan.n.01 Ready False True knitted jacket that is fastened up the front with buttons or a zipper sweater.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cardigan, 1 1 0
carne_asada.n.01 Not Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
carpet_sweeper.n.01 Ready False True a cleaning implement with revolving brushes that pick up dirt as the implement is pushed over a carpet cleaning_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, carpet_sweeper, 1 1 0
carrel.n.02 Ready False True small individual study area in a library alcove.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cubicle, 2 2 0
carrot.n.03 Ready False True orange root; important source of carotene root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, ontop, covered, frozen, cook_carrots-0, make_stew-0, roast_vegetables-0, preserving_vegetables-0, washing_vegetables-0, make_soup-0, freeze_vegetables-0, carrot, 3 3 7
carrot_juice.n.01 Substance False True usually freshly squeezed juice of carrots juice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, clean_a_blender-0, carrot_juice, 0 0 1
carryall.n.01 Ready False True a capacious bag or basket bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, returning_consumer_goods-0, pack_your_gym_bag-0, pack_for_the_pool-0, pack_a_beach_bag-0, organizing_art_supplies-0, tote, 1 1 5
carton.n.02 Ready False True a box made of cardboard; opens by flaps on top box.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, open, filled, clean_a_company_office-0, cleaning_garden_tools-0, boxing_books_up_for_storage-0, carrying_in_groceries-0, clean_a_turkey-0, putting_up_outdoor_holiday_decorations-0, unpacking_suitcase-0, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, set_up_a_home_office_in_your_garage-0, decorating_outside_for_parties-0, ... carton, 7 7 42
carton__of__chocolate_milk.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, carton_of_chocolate_milk, 0 0 0
carton__of__eggs.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, carton_of_eggs, 4 4 0
carton__of__milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, buy_food_for_a_party-0, putting_food_in_fridge-0, carrying_in_groceries-0, delivering_groceries_to_doorstep-0, buying_groceries-0, distributing_groceries_at_food_bank-0, carton_of_milk, 8 8 6
carton__of__orange_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, putting_food_in_fridge-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, carton_of_orange_juice, 2 2 3
carton__of__pineapple_juice.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, carton_of_pineapple_juice, 1 1 0
carton__of__soy_milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, carton_of_soy_milk, 1 1 0
cartridge.n.03 Not Ready False False a module designed to be inserted into a larger piece of equipment module.n.04, ink_cartridge.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
carving_knife.n.01 Ready False True a large knife used to carve cooked meat knife.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, nextto, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, make_a_mojito-0, canning_food-0, cook_bok_choy-0, cook_red_peppers-0, cleaning_kitchen_knives-0, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, prepare_a_filling_breakfast-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, cook_eggplant-0, ... carving_knife, 11 11 60
case.n.05 Ready False False a portable container for carrying several objects container.n.01, violin_case.n.01, baggage.n.01, wallet.n.01, briefcase.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 15 0
case.n.19 Ready False True bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow bed_linen.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, saturated, clean_sheets-0, pillowcase, 2 2 1
case.n.20 Ready False True a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, display_case, 3 3 0
case__of__eyeshadow.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, case_of_eyeshadow, 1 1 0
case__of__pop.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pop_case, 13 13 0
case_shot.n.01 Not Ready False True a metallic cylinder packed with shot and used as ammunition in a firearm ammunition.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cash_register.n.01 Ready False True a cashbox with an adding machine to register transactions; used in shops to add up the bill cashbox.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, nextto, ontop, buy_salad_greens-0, buy_food_for_a_party-0, buying_cleaning_supplies-0, buying_groceries_for_a_feast-0, buy_school_supplies-0, buy_rechargeable_batteries-0, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, buying_gardening_supplies-0, buying_office_supplies-0, buy_mulch-0, ... cash_register, 2 2 24
cashbox.n.01 Ready False False a strongbox for holding cash strongbox.n.01, cash_register.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
cashew.n.02 Substance False True kidney-shaped nut edible only when roasted edible_nut.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, slicer, substance, cashew, 1 1 0
casserole.n.02 Ready False True large deep dish in which food can be cooked and served dish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, contains, filled, cook_snap_peas-0, cook_vegetables-0, cooking_dinner-0, freeze_lasagna-0, cook_fish-0, roast_meat-0, set_up_a_buffet-0, make_macaroni_and_cheese-0, cook_a_pumpkin-0, make_meatloaf-0, ... casserole, 2 2 14
cassette.n.01 Not Ready False True a container that holds a magnetic tape used for recording or playing sound or video container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cat_food.n.01 Substance False True food prepared for cats petfood.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, putting_out_cat_food-0, cat_food, 2 2 1
cat_food__tin.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, putting_out_cat_food-0, cat_food_tin, 1 1 1
catalog.n.01 Ready False True a book or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things book.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, sorting_volunteer_materials-0, catalog, 4 4 1
catsup.n.01 Substance False True thick spicy sauce made from tomatoes condiment.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, make_meatloaf-0, catsup, 0 0 1
catsup__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, make_meatloaf-0, catsup_bottle, 1 1 1
cauliflower.n.02 Ready False True compact head of white undeveloped flowers cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, wash_fruit_and_vegetables-0, cauliflower, 1 1 1
causal_agent.n.01 Ready False False any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results physical_entity.n.01, agent.n.01, agent.n.03, person.n.01, 0 22 0
cayenne.n.02 Substance False True ground pods and seeds of pungent red peppers of the genus Capsicum flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, contains, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, prepare_and_cook_swiss_chard-0, cayenne, 1 1 2
cayenne__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, prepare_and_cook_swiss_chard-0, cayenne_shaker, 1 1 2
cedar_chest.n.01 Ready False True a chest made of cedar chest.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, preparing_clothes_for_the_next_day-0, organise_a_linen_closet-0, cedar_chest, 2 2 2
ceiling.n.01 Ready False True the overhead upper surface of a covered space upper_surface.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ceilings, 355 355 0
ceiling_fan.n.01 Ready True True fan.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ceiling_fan, 1 1 0
ceiling_rack.n.01 Ready True True rack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ceiling_rack, 8 8 0
celery.n.02 Ready False True stalks eaten raw or cooked or used as seasoning vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, make_soup-0, celery, 1 1 1
cellular_telephone.n.01 Ready False True a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections, each with its own short-range transmitter/receiver radiotelephone.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, cell_phone, 1 1 0
cellulose_tape.n.01 Ready False True transparent or semitransparent adhesive tape (trade names Scotch tape and Sellotape) used for sealing or attaching or mending adhesive_tape.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cellulose_tape, 3 3 0
cellulose_tape_dispenser.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cellulose_tape_dispenser, 3 3 0
cement.n.01 Ready False True concrete pavement is sometimes referred to as cement concrete.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_cement-0, cement, 1 1 1
centerpiece.n.02 Ready False True something placed at the center of something else (as on a table) decoration.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, decorating_outside_for_parties-0, centerpiece, 2 2 1
ceramic.n.01 Not Ready False False an artifact made of hard brittle material produced from nonmetallic minerals by firing at high temperatures instrumentality.n.03, brick.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
ceramic_ware.n.01 Ready False False utensils made from ceramic material utensil.n.01, porcelain.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
cereal.n.01 Substance False False grass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat; rice; rye; oats; maize; buckwheat; millet grass.n.01, cooked__barley.n.01, barley.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cereal.n.03 Substance False False a breakfast food prepared from grain breakfast_food.n.01, cold_cereal.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
chaff.n.01 Substance False True material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds plant_material.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
chain.n.03 Ready False False a series of (usually metal) rings or links fitted into one another to make a flexible ligament ligament.n.02, bicycle_chain.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
chain.n.05 Not Ready False True anything that acts as a restraint restraint.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
chain_saw.n.01 Ready False True portable power saw; teeth linked to form an endless chain power_saw.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, chainsaw, 1 1 0
chair.n.01 Ready False False a seat for one person, with a support for the back seat.n.03, highchair.n.01, folding_chair.n.01, rocking_chair.n.01, straight_chair.n.01, lawn_chair.n.01, armchair.n.01, swivel_chair.n.01, chaise_longue.n.01, eames_chair.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, touching, nextto, covered, organizing_file_cabinet-0, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, laying_restaurant_table_for_dinner-0, rearranging_furniture-0, recycling_newspapers-0, cleaning_up_after_a_meal-0, clearing_the_table_after_dinner-0, packing_moving_van-0, 0 176 8
chaise_longue.n.01 Ready False True a long chair; for reclining chair.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chaise_longue, 3 3 0
chalice.n.01 Not Ready False True a bowl-shaped drinking vessel; especially the Eucharistic cup cup.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
chalk.n.01 Substance False True a soft whitish calcite calcite.n.01, breakable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, chalk, 9 9 0
champagne.n.01 Substance False True a white sparkling wine either produced in Champagne or resembling that produced there sparkling_wine.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, prepare_wine_and_cheese-0, champagne, 0 0 1
champagne__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
chandelier.n.01 Ready False True branched lighting fixture; often ornate; hangs from the ceiling lighting_fixture.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, chandelier, 7 7 0
chanterelle.n.01 Ready False True widely distributed edible mushroom rich yellow in color with a smooth cap and a pleasant apricot aroma agaric.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chanterelle, 1 1 0
charcoal.n.01 Substance False True a carbonaceous material obtained by heating wood or other organic matter in the absence of air fuel.n.01, carbon.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, charcoal_powder, 0 0 0
charcoal.n.02 Ready False True a stick of black carbon material used for drawing writing_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, charcoal, 1 1 0
chard.n.02 Ready False True long succulent whitish stalks with large green leaves greens.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, prepare_and_cook_swiss_chard-0, sorting_vegetables-0, picking_vegetables_in_garden-0, clean_greens-0, chard, 1 1 4
charger.n.02 Ready False True a device for charging or recharging batteries device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, buy_rechargeable_batteries-0, packing_recreational_vehicle_for_trip-0, charger, 1 1 2
checkout.n.03 Ready False True a counter in a supermarket where you pay for your purchases counter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, buy_salad_greens-0, buy_food_for_a_party-0, buying_cleaning_supplies-0, buying_groceries_for_a_feast-0, buy_school_supplies-0, buy_rechargeable_batteries-0, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, buy_a_good_avocado-0, buy_boxes_for_packing-0, buy_alcohol-0, ... checkout_counter, 5 5 39
cheddar.n.02 Ready False True hard smooth-textured cheese; originally made in Cheddar in southwestern England cheese.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, preparing_food_for_a_fundraiser-0, serving_hors_d_oeuvres-0, prepare_wine_and_cheese-0, cheddar, 2 2 3
cheese.n.01 Ready False False a solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk food.n.02, dairy_product.n.01, half__cheddar.n.01, feta.n.01, half__swiss_cheese.n.01, melted__cheddar.n.01, cottage_cheese.n.01, cream_cheese.n.01, cooked__ricotta.n.01, mozzarella.n.01, cheddar.n.02, melted__swiss_cheese.n.01, bleu.n.01, melted__feta.n.01, half__bleu.n.01, swiss_cheese.n.01, cooked__cream_cheese.n.01, melted__mozzarella.n.01, diced__cheddar.n.01, diced__mozzarella.n.01, melted__parmesan.n.01, diced__swiss_cheese.n.01, grated_cheese.n.01, melted__bleu.n.01, ricotta.n.01, melted__grated_cheese.n.01, cooked__cottage_cheese.n.01, diced__feta.n.01, half__mozzarella.n.01, parmesan.n.01, half__feta.n.01, diced__bleu.n.01, 0 23 0
cheese_pastry_filling.n.01 Substance True True sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cheese_sauce.n.01 Substance False True white sauce with grated cheese white_sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, cook_snap_peas-0, 0 0 1
cheese_tart.n.01 Ready True True tart.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, real, cooked, make_a_cheese_pastry-0, cheese_tart, 3 3 1
cheesecake.n.01 Ready False True made with sweetened cream cheese and eggs and cream baked in a crumb crust cake.n.03, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cheesecake, 1 1 0
cheesecloth.n.01 Not Ready False True a coarse loosely woven cotton gauze; originally used to wrap cheeses gauze.n.02, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
chemical.n.01 Ready False False material produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules material.n.01, softener.n.01, compound.n.02, fertilizer.n.01, pesticide.n.01, explosive.n.01, herbicide.n.01, 0 42 0
chemical_agent.n.01 Not Ready False False an agent that produces chemical reactions agent.n.03, oxidant.n.01, desiccant.n.01, 0 0 0
chemical_element.n.01 Not Ready False False any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter substance.n.01, nitrogen.n.01, chlorine.n.01, metallic_element.n.01, carbon.n.01, 0 0 0
cherry.n.03 Ready False True a red fruit with a single hard stone edible_fruit.n.01, drupe.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_cake_filling-0, cherry, 2 2 1
cherry_filling.n.01 Substance True True compote.n.01, boilable, cookable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_cake_filling-0, cherry_filling, 0 0 1
cherry_tomato.n.02 Ready False True small red to yellow tomatoes tomato.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, washing_vegetables-0, cherry_tomato, 5 5 1
chess_set.n.01 Ready False True checkerboard and a set of 32 pieces used to play chess set.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chess_set, 2 2 0
chest.n.02 Ready False False box with a lid; used for storage; usually large and sturdy box.n.01, toolbox.n.01, toy_box.n.01, cedar_chest.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 7 0
chest_of_drawers.n.01 Not Ready False True furniture with drawers for keeping clothes furniture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
chestnut.n.03 Ready False True edible nut of any of various chestnut trees of the genus Castanea edible_nut.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chestnut, 4 4 0
chewing_gum.n.01 Not Ready False True a preparation (usually made of sweetened chicle) for chewing sweet.n.03, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
chia_seed.n.01 Substance True True edible_seed.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, chia_seed, 1 1 2
chia_seed__bag.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, chia_seed_bag, 1 1 2
chicken.n.01 Ready False True the flesh of a chicken used for food poultry.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, inside, ontop, cooked, covered, defrost_meat-0, putting_food_in_fridge-0, putting_roast_in_oven-0, clearing_table_after_dinner-0, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, shopping_at_warehouse_stores-0, freeze_meat-0, cook_chicken-0, make_soup-0, ... chicken, 1 1 12
chicken_breast.n.02 Ready True True breast.n.03, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_chicken_curry-0, chicken_breast, 1 1 1
chicken_broth.n.01 Substance False True a stock made with chicken broth.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, cook_ham_hocks-0, make_seafood_stew-0, prepare_quinoa-0, cook_chicken-0, make_soup-0, make_tomato_rice-0, serving_food_at_a_homeless_shelter-0, chicken_broth, 0 0 7
chicken_broth__carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, cook_ham_hocks-0, prepare_quinoa-0, cook_chicken-0, make_soup-0, make_tomato_rice-0, chicken_broth_carton, 1 1 5
chicken_coop.n.01 Ready False True a farm building for housing poultry farm_building.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, clean_a_chicken_coop-0, chicken_coop, 1 1 1
chicken_curry.n.01 Substance True True curry.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_chicken_curry-0, chicken_curry, 0 0 1
chicken_leg.n.01 Ready False True the lower joint of the leg of a chicken drumstick.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, inside, hot, ontop, cooked, reheat_frozen_or_chilled_food-0, set_up_a_buffet-0, chicken_leg, chicken_thigh, 1 1 2
chicken_soup.n.01 Substance False True soup made from chicken broth soup.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, cook_soup-0, chicken_soup, 0 0 1
chicken_soup__carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, cook_soup-0, chicken_soup_carton, 1 1 1
chicken_tender.n.01 Ready True True breast.n.03, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chicken_tender, 3 3 0
chicken_wing.n.01 Ready False True the wing of a chicken wing.n.09, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, inside, covered, clearing_food_from_table_into_fridge-0, make_lemon_pepper_wings-0, chicken_wing, 1 1 2
chicken_wire.n.01 Ready False True a galvanized wire network with a hexagonal mesh; used to build fences net.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, cleaning_shed-0, chicken_wire, 1 1 1
chickpea.n.03 Substance False True large white roundish Asiatic legume; usually dried legume.n.03, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, waterCook, filled, contains, cook_chickpeas-0, make_a_salad-0, chickpea, 1 1 2
chickpea__can.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, filled, make_a_salad-0, chickpea_can, 1 1 1
chili.n.02 Ready False True very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency hot_pepper.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, cook_beef-0, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, cook_cabbage-0, filling_pepper-0, make_fried_rice-0, make_tacos-0, chili, 4 4 6
chili_powder.n.01 Substance False True powder made of ground chili peppers mixed with e.g. cumin and garlic and oregano flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
china.n.02 Ready False True high quality porcelain originally made only in China porcelain.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, china, 6 6 0
chinese_anise.n.02 Ready False True anise-scented star-shaped fruit or seed used in Asian cooking and medicine spice.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_fried_rice-0, star_anise, 3 3 1
chip.n.04 Ready False True a thin crisp slice of potato fried in deep fat snack_food.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, setting_up_living_room_for_guest-0, storing_food-0, stash_snacks_in_your_room-0, laying_out_snacks_at_work-0, chip, 1 1 4
chisel.n.01 Ready False True an edge tool with a flat steel blade with a cutting edge edge_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, putting_away_tools-0, chisel, 1 1 1
chives.n.01 Ready False True perennial having hollow cylindrical leaves used for seasoning alliaceous_plant.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chives, 3 3 0
chlorine.n.01 Substance False True a common nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; best known as a heavy yellow irritating toxic gas; used to purify water and as a bleaching agent and disinfectant; occurs naturally only as a salt (as in sea water) halogen.n.01, gas.n.02, chemical_element.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, contains, chlorinating_the_pool-0, adding_chemicals_to_hot_tub-0, chlorine, 0 0 2
chlorine__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, chlorinating_the_pool-0, adding_chemicals_to_hot_tub-0, chlorine_bottle, 1 1 2
chocolate.n.02 Ready False False a food made from roasted ground cacao beans food.n.02, cooked__cocoa_powder.n.01, cocoa_powder.n.01, chocolate_candy.n.01, melted__white_chocolate.n.01, white_chocolate.n.01, 0 12 0
chocolate_bar.n.01 Ready False True a bar of chocolate candy chocolate_candy.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, stash_snacks_in_your_room-0, make_chocolate_biscuits-0, chocolate_bar, 5 5 2
chocolate_biscuit.n.01 Ready True True cookie.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, future, real, cooked, stash_snacks_in_your_room-0, set_up_a_buffet-0, make_chocolate_biscuits-0, chocolate_biscuit, 2 2 3
chocolate_cake.n.01 Ready False True cake containing chocolate cake.n.03, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, buy_food_for_a_party-0, chocolate_cake, 2 2 1
chocolate_candy.n.01 Ready False False candy made with chocolate chocolate.n.02, chocolate_bar.n.01, melted__chocolate.n.01, jimmies.n.01, cooked__jimmies.n.01, chocolate_kiss.n.01, 0 10 0
chocolate_chip_cookie.n.01 Ready False True cookies containing chocolate chips cookie.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, touching, nextto, preparing_lunch_box-0, make_party_favors_from_candy-0, selling_products_at_flea_market-0, buy_food_for_camping-0, chocolate_chip_cookie, 3 3 4
chocolate_cookie_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chocolate_cookie_dough, 1 1 0
chocolate_kiss.n.01 Substance False True a kiss that consists of a conical bite-sized piece of chocolate chocolate_candy.n.01, kiss.n.03, macroPhysicalSubstance, meltable, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, put_together_a_goodie_bag-0, make_edible_chocolate_chip_cookie_dough-0, chocolate_kiss, 1 1 2
chocolate_milk.n.01 Substance False True milk flavored with chocolate syrup milk.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, filled, covered, make_chocolate_milk-0, make_a_blended_iced_cappuccino-0, clearing_table_after_breakfast-0, chocolate_milk, 0 0 3
chocolate_sauce.n.01 Substance False True sauce made with unsweetened chocolate or cocoa and sugar and water sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, insource, make_chocolate_spread-0, make_a_milkshake-0, make_chocolate_syrup-0, chocolate_sauce, 0 0 3
chocolate_sauce__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, make_a_milkshake-0, chocolate_sauce_bottle, 1 1 1
chop.n.02 Ready False False a small cut of meat including part of a rib cut.n.06, half__porkchop.n.01, porkchop.n.01, cooked__diced__porkchop.n.01, diced__porkchop.n.01, half__pork_chop.n.01, 0 3 0
chopped__lettuce.n.01 Ready True True salad_green.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chopped_lettuce, 5 5 0
chopping_block.n.01 Ready False True a steady wooden block on which food can be cut or diced or wood can be split block.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, chopping_wood-0, clean_wooden_blocks-0, chopping_block, 1 1 2
chopping_board.n.01 Ready False True a wooden board where meats or vegetables can be cut board.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, clean_a_kitchen_table-0, preparing_lunch_box-0, cook_noodles-0, clean_potatoes-0, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, canning_food-0, cook_bok_choy-0, cook_red_peppers-0, cook_pork_ribs-0, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, ... chopping_board, cutting_board, 22 22 67
chopstick.n.01 Ready False True one of a pair of slender sticks used as oriental tableware to eat food with tableware.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, chopstick, 6 6 0
chorizo.n.01 Ready False True a spicy Spanish pork sausage sausage.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, hot, cook_chorizo-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, chorizo, 1 1 2
chowder.n.01 Substance False True a thick soup or stew made with milk and bacon and onions and potatoes soup.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, clean_kitchen_appliances-0, chowder, 0 0 1
christmas_stocking.n.01 Ready False True a stocking that is filled with small Christmas presents hosiery.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, christmas_stocking, 1 1 0
christmas_tree.n.05 Ready False True an ornamented evergreen used as a Christmas decoration decoration.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, under, ontop, nextto, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_inside-0, christmas_tree, christmas_tree_decorated, 2 2 1
cider.n.01 Substance False True a beverage made from juice pressed from apples beverage.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cigar.n.01 Ready False True a roll of tobacco for smoking roll_of_tobacco.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cigar, 1 1 0
cigar_lighter.n.01 Ready False True a lighter for cigars or cigarettes lighter.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, grill_burgers-0, setting_the_fire-0, lighting_fireplace-0, lighter, 1 1 3
cigarette.n.01 Ready False True finely ground tobacco wrapped in paper; for smoking roll_of_tobacco.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, emptying_ashtray-0, stock_grocery_shelves-0, cigarette, 4 4 2
cinnamon.n.03 Substance False True spice from the dried aromatic bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree; used as rolled strips or ground spice.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, covered, make_granola-0, make_oatmeal-0, make_applesauce-0, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, make_eggnog-0, make_cinnamon_toast-0, make_cinnamon_sugar-0, make_cookies-0, cinnamon, 1 1 8
cinnamon__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, ontop, make_granola-0, make_oatmeal-0, make_applesauce-0, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, make_eggnog-0, make_cinnamon_toast-0, make_cinnamon_sugar-0, make_cookies-0, cinnamon_shaker, 1 1 8
cinnamon_bark.n.01 Ready False True aromatic bark of Saigon cinnamon used medicinally as a carminative bark.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cinnamon_stick, 8 8 0
cinnamon_roll.n.01 Ready False True rolled dough spread with cinnamon and sugar (and raisins) then sliced before baking sweet_roll.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cinnamon_roll, 1 1 0
cinnamon_sugar.n.01 Substance True True sugar.n.01, cookable, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_cinnamon_sugar-0, cinnamon_sugar, 1 1 1
circle.n.08 Ready False False any circular or rotating mechanism rotating_mechanism.n.01, disk.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
circuit.n.01 Not Ready False True an electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow electrical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
citrus.n.01 Ready False False any of numerous fruits of the genus Citrus having thick rind and juicy pulp; grown in warm regions edible_fruit.n.01, grapefruit.n.02, diced__grapefruit.n.01, cooked__diced__lemon.n.01, half__pomelo.n.01, diced__pomelo.n.01, cooked__diced__lime.n.01, half__orange.n.01, cooked__diced__pomelo.n.01, diced__lime.n.01, cooked__diced__orange.n.01, pomelo.n.02, cooked__diced__grapefruit.n.01, sliced__lemon.n.01, orange.n.01, half__lime.n.01, half__grapefruit.n.01, lime.n.06, lemon.n.01, half__lemon.n.01, diced__orange.n.01, diced__lemon.n.01, sliced__lime.n.01, 0 35 0
clam.n.03 Ready False True flesh of either hard-shell or soft-shell clams shellfish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, cook_clams-0, make_seafood_stew-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, clean_clams-0, clam, 1 1 4
clamp.n.01 Ready False True a device (generally used by carpenters) that holds things firmly together holding_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, buret_clamp, clamp, flask_clamp, test_tube_clamp, 7 7 0
cleaning_implement.n.01 Ready False False any of a large class of implements used for cleaning implement.n.01, broom.n.01, swab.n.02, carpet_sweeper.n.01, pipe_cleaner.n.01, squeegee.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 9 0
cleansing__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cleansing_bottle, 1 1 0
cleansing_agent.n.01 Ready False False a preparation used in cleaning something formulation.n.01, shampoo.n.01, vinegar_cleaning_solution.n.01, dentifrice.n.01, detergent.n.02, soap.n.01, lemon_stain_remover.n.01, 0 6 0
cleaver.n.01 Ready False True a butcher's knife having a large square blade knife.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cleaver, 1 1 0
clip.n.03 Ready False False any of various small fasteners used to hold loose articles together fastener.n.02, paper_clip.n.01, bulldog_clip.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
clipboard.n.01 Ready False True a small writing board with a clip at the top for holding papers writing_board.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, setting_up_silent_auction-0, clipboard, 2 2 1
clipper.n.04 Ready False True scissors for cutting hair or finger nails (often used in the plural) scissors.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, disinfect_nail_clippers-0, clipper, 1 1 1
cloak.n.02 Not Ready False False a loose outer garment overgarment.n.01, shawl.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cloche.n.01 Ready False True a low transparent cover put over young plants to protect them from cold protective_covering.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cloche, 2 2 0
clock.n.01 Ready False False a timepiece that shows the time of day timepiece.n.01, wall_clock.n.01, pendulum_clock.n.01, alarm_clock.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 14 0
closed_curve.n.01 Not Ready False False a curve (such as a circle) having no endpoints curve.n.01, simple_closed_curve.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
closet.n.04 Ready False False a small private room for study or prayer room.n.01, booth.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 11 0
cloth_covering.n.01 Ready False False a covering made of cloth covering.n.02, dressing.n.04, bedclothes.n.01, skirt.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 13 0
clothes_dryer.n.01 Ready False True a dryer that dries clothes wet from washing dryer.n.01, white_goods.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, wash_a_bra-0, doing_laundry-0, clean_batting_gloves-0, fold_towels-0, clean_a_sauna_suit-0, wash_a_baseball_cap-0, wash_towels-0, clean_raw_denim-0, taking_clothes_out_of_washer-0, folding_piece_of_cloth-0, ... clothes_dryer, 5 5 26
clothesline.n.01 Ready False True a cord on which clothes are hung to dry cord.n.01, assembleable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, draped, hanging_up_bedsheets-0, hanging_clothes_on_clothesline-0, taking_clothes_off_the_line-0, clothesline, 1 1 3
clothesline_rope.n.01 Ready True True component.n.03, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, make_a_clothes_line-0, clothesline_rope, 1 1 1
clothespin.n.01 Not Ready False True wood or plastic fastener; for holding clothes on a clothesline fastener.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
clothing.n.01 Ready False False a covering designed to be worn on a person's body covering.n.02, consumer_goods.n.01, footwear.n.01, accessory.n.01, apparel.n.01, work-clothing.n.01, garment.n.01, handwear.n.01, woman's_clothing.n.01, headdress.n.01, nightwear.n.01, attire.n.01, protective_garment.n.01, outerwear.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 55 0
clout_nail.n.01 Ready False True a short nail with a flat head; used to attach sheet metal to wood nail.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, clout_nail, 2 2 0
clove.n.03 Ready False True one of the small bulblets that can be split off of the axis of a larger garlic bulb garlic.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, ontop, covered, touching, cook_shrimp-0, cook_bok_choy-0, cook_broccolini-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, make_mustard_herb_and_spice_seasoning-0, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, cook_a_duck-0, prepare_and_cook_prawns-0, make_garlic_mushrooms-0, make_pizza_sauce-0, ... garlic_clove, 10 10 22
clove.n.04 Substance False True spice from dried unopened flower bud of the clove tree; used whole or ground spice.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, clove, 0 0 1
clove__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, clove_jar, 1 1 1
club.n.03 Ready False False stout stick that is larger at one end stick.n.01, bat.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
club_sandwich.n.01 Ready False True made with three slices of usually toasted bread sandwich.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, overlaid, preparing_lunch_box-0, make_a_lunch_box-0, pack_a_beach_bag-0, putting_meal_in_fridge_at_work-0, club_sandwich, 1 1 4
coal.n.01 Substance False True fossil fuel consisting of carbonized vegetable matter deposited in the Carboniferous period vegetable_matter.n.01, fossil_fuel.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, shoveling_coal-0, coal, 5 5 1
coaster.n.03 Ready False True a covering (plate or mat) that protects the surface of a table (i.e., from the condensation on a cold glass or bottle) protective_covering.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, coaster, 2 2 0
coat.n.01 Ready False False an outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down; worn outdoors overgarment.n.01, fur_coat.n.01, raincoat.n.01, wool_coat.n.01, jacket.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, draped, inside, folded, store_winter_coats-0, preparing_clothes_for_the_next_day-0, sorting_items_for_garage_sale-0, putting_clothes_in_storage-0, 0 3 4
coat_of_paint.n.01 Substance False False a layer of paint covering something else paint.n.01, coating.n.01, flat_coat.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
coating.n.01 Substance False False a thin layer covering something covering.n.02, seal.n.07, patina.n.01, varnish.n.01, enamel.n.04, paint.n.01, coat_of_paint.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 2 0
coatrack.n.01 Ready False True a rack with hooks for temporarily holding coats and hats rack.n.01, attachable, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, nextto, draped, organizing_items_for_yard_sale-0, taking_clothes_off_of_the_drying_rack-0, clean_a_quilt-0, coatrack, 4 4 3
cobweb.n.01 Not Ready False True a fabric so delicate and transparent as to resemble a web of a spider fabric.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
coca_cola.n.01 Substance False True Coca Cola is a trademarked cola cola.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cocktail.n.01 Substance False False a short mixed drink mixed_drink.n.01, mojito.n.01, martini.n.01, margarita.n.01, old_fashioned.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cocoa.n.01 Substance False True a beverage made from cocoa powder and milk and sugar; usually drunk hot beverage.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_hot_cocoa-0, 0 0 1
cocoa__box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_chocolate_spread-0, make_hot_cocoa-0, make_chocolate_milk-0, make_brownies-0, make_chocolate_syrup-0, make_chocolate_biscuits-0, cocoa_box, 1 1 6
cocoa_powder.n.01 Substance False True the powdery remains of chocolate liquor after cocoa butter is removed; used in baking and in low fat and low calorie recipes and as a flavoring for ice cream chocolate.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_chocolate_spread-0, make_hot_cocoa-0, make_chocolate_milk-0, make_brownies-0, make_iced_chocolate-0, make_chocolate_syrup-0, make_chocolate_biscuits-0, cocoa_powder, 1 1 7
cocoa_powder__box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_iced_chocolate-0, cocoa_powder_box, 1 1 1
coconut.n.01 Substance False True the edible white meat of a coconut; often shredded for use in e.g. cakes and curries food.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, toast_coconut-0, coconut, 0 0 1
coconut.n.02 Ready False True large hard-shelled oval nut with a fibrous husk containing thick white meat surrounding a central cavity filled (when fresh) with fluid or milk edible_nut.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, coconut_fruit, 1 1 0
coconut_milk.n.01 Substance False True white liquid obtained from compressing fresh coconut meat milk.n.04, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
coconut_oil.n.01 Substance False True oil from coconuts vegetable_oil.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_a_sugar_and_coffee_scrub-0, coconut_oil, 0 0 1
coconut_oil__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_a_sugar_and_coffee_scrub-0, coconut_oil_jar, 1 1 1
cod.n.02 Not Ready False True lean white flesh of important North Atlantic food fish; usually baked or poached saltwater_fish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
coffee.n.01 Substance False False a beverage consisting of an infusion of ground coffee beans beverage.n.01, drip_coffee.n.01, cappuccino.n.01, cafe_au_lait.n.01, cooked__ground_coffee.n.01, instant_coffee.n.01, ground_coffee.n.01, espresso.n.01, cooked__drip_coffee.n.01, cooked__espresso.n.01, cooked__instant_coffee.n.01, cooked__cafe_au_lait.n.01, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 2 0
coffee_bean.n.01 Substance False True a seed of the coffee tree; ground to make coffee seed.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, store_coffee_beans_or_ground_coffee-0, brewing_coffee-0, make_coffee-0, making_coffee-0, coffee_bean, 1 1 4
coffee_bean__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, brewing_coffee-0, make_coffee-0, making_coffee-0, coffee_bean_jar, 1 1 3
coffee_cup.n.01 Ready False True a cup from which coffee is drunk cup.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, coffee_cup, 12 12 0
coffee_filter.n.01 Ready False False filter (usually of paper) that passes the coffee and retains the coffee grounds filter.n.01, paper_coffee_filter.n.01, portafilter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
coffee_grounds.n.01 Substance False True the dregs remaining after brewing coffee grounds.n.05, cookable, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_an_espresso_machine-0, clean_kitchen_appliances-0, coffee_grounds, 1 1 2
coffee_maker.n.01 Ready False True a kitchen appliance for brewing coffee automatically kitchen_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatSource, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, covered, toggled_on, inside, brewing_coffee-0, set_up_a_coffee_station_in_your_kitchen-0, clean_an_espresso_machine-0, make_coffee-0, make_a_cappuccino-0, making_coffee-0, make_a_blended_iced_cappuccino-0, clean_kitchen_appliances-0, make_the_workplace_exciting-0, clean_a_coffee_maker-0, coffee_maker, 2 2 10
coffee_mill.n.01 Ready False True a mill that grinds roasted coffee beans mill.n.04, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, coffee_grinder, 1 1 0
coffee_table.n.01 Ready False True low table where magazines can be placed and coffee or cocktails are served table.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, covered, nextto, broken, collecting_childrens_toys-0, make_a_car_emergency_kit-0, clean_vintage_stereo_equipment-0, sorting_books_on_shelf-0, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, bringing_in_mail-0, collecting_dishes_from_around_house-0, set_up_a_mouse_cage-0, make_a_small_vegetable_garden-0, remove_a_broken_light_bulb-0, ... coffee_table, garden_coffee_table, 41 41 47
coffeepot.n.01 Ready False False tall pot in which coffee is brewed pot.n.01, drip_pot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
cognition.n.01 Ready False False the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning psychological_feature.n.01, cognitive_factor.n.01, structure.n.03, process.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
cognitive_factor.n.01 Ready False False something immaterial (as a circumstance or influence) that contributes to producing a result cognition.n.01, determinant.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
coin.n.01 Ready False False a flat metal piece (usually a disc) used as money coinage.n.01, quarter.n.10, penny.n.02, nickel.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
coinage.n.01 Ready False False coins collectively currency.n.01, coin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
cola.n.02 Substance False False carbonated drink flavored with extract from kola nuts (`dope' is a southernism in the United States) soft_drink.n.01, coca_cola.n.01, cooked__coca_cola.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, mixing_drinks-0, 0 0 1
cola__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, mixing_drinks-0, cola_bottle, 1 1 1
colander.n.01 Ready False True bowl-shaped strainer; used to wash or drain foods strainer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, wash_lettuce-0, clean_snow_peas-0, clean_strawberries-0, washing_vegetables-0, wash_fruit_and_vegetables-0, colander, 1 1 5
cold_cereal.n.01 Substance False False a cereal that is not heated before serving cereal.n.03, granola.n.01, cooked__granola.n.01, corn_flake.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cold_cuts.n.01 Ready False True sliced assorted cold meats meat.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cold_cuts, 1 1 0
collar.n.01 Not Ready False True a band that fits around the neck and is usually folded over band.n.07, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
collar.n.06 Ready False False a band of leather or rope that is placed around an animal's neck as a harness or to identify it band.n.07, dog_collar.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
collection.n.01 Ready False False several things grouped together or considered as a whole group.n.01, set.n.01, package.n.01, mail.n.04, vegetation.n.01, pile.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 39 0
coloring.n.01 Substance False True a digestible substance used to give color to food foodstuff.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
coloring_material.n.01 Substance False False any material used for its color material.n.01, dye.n.01, paint.n.01, substance, 0 2 0
column.n.07 Ready False True (architecture) a tall vertical cylindrical structure standing upright and used to support a structure upright.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pillar, 20 20 0
comb.n.01 Ready False True a flat device with narrow pointed teeth on one edge; disentangles or arranges hair device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, comb, 3 3 0
comic_book.n.01 Ready False True a magazine devoted to comic strips magazine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, sorting_books_on_shelf-0, sorting_newspapers_for_recycling-0, comic_book, 5 5 2
commercial_document.n.01 Ready False False a document of or relating to commerce document.n.01, ticket.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
commodity.n.01 Ready False False articles of commerce artifact.n.01, drygoods.n.01, consumer_goods.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 850 0
common_bean.n.02 Ready False False any of numerous beans eaten either fresh or dried bean.n.01, fresh_bean.n.01, cooked__black_bean.n.01, cooked__kidney_bean.n.01, kidney_bean.n.02, black_bean.n.01, 0 9 0
communication.n.02 Ready False False something that is communicated by or to or between people or groups abstraction.n.06, indication.n.01, written_communication.n.01, visual_communication.n.01, message.n.01, sign.n.02, signal.n.01, message.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 78 0
compact_disk.n.01 Ready False True a digitally encoded recording on an optical disk that is smaller than a phonograph record; played back by a laser optical_disk.n.01, recording.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cd, 1 1 0
compartment.n.02 Ready False False a partitioned section, chamber, or separate room within a larger enclosed area room.n.01, luggage_compartment.n.01, cabinet.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
component.n.03 Ready False False an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system part.n.02, skateboard_deck.n.01, desk_top.n.01, cabinet_door.n.01, heating_element.n.01, clothesline_rope.n.01, cabinet_base.n.01, trampoline_top.n.01, desk_bracket.n.01, module.n.04, desk_leg.n.01, accessory.n.02, trampoline_leg.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 26 0
composition.n.03 Substance False False a mixture of ingredients mixture.n.01, compost.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
compost.n.01 Substance False True a mixture of decaying vegetation and manure; used as a fertilizer composition.n.03, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
compost_bin.n.01 Ready True True bin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, covered, contains, composting_waste-0, cleaning_the_yard-0, disposing_of_lawn_clippings-0, clean_a_kitchen_sink-0, clearing_table_after_snacks-0, compost_bin, 1 1 5
compote.n.01 Substance False False dessert of stewed or baked fruit dessert.n.01, cooked__blueberry_compote.n.01, blueberry_compote.n.01, cooked__cherry_filling.n.01, cherry_filling.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
compound.n.02 Ready False False (chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight chemical.n.01, polymer.n.01, repellent.n.02, binary_compound.n.01, salt.n.01, oxide.n.01, formulation.n.01, acid.n.01, organic_compound.n.01, 0 40 0
compound_lever.n.01 Ready False False a pair of levers hinged at the fulcrum lever.n.01, pliers.n.01, scissors.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
compound_microscope.n.01 Ready False True light microscope that has two converging lens systems: the objective and the eyepiece light_microscope.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, microscope, 1 1 0
computer.n.01 Ready False False a machine for performing calculations automatically machine.n.01, digital_computer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, nextto, clean_a_company_office-0, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, set_up_a_home_office_in_your_garage-0, getting_organized_for_work-0, 0 11 4
computer_game.n.01 Ready False True a game played against a computer game.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, video_game, 12 12 0
concave_shape.n.01 Substance False False a shape that curves or bends inward solid.n.03, depression.n.08, substance, visualSubstance, 0 18 0
conch.n.01 Ready False True any of various edible tropical marine gastropods of the genus Strombus having a brightly-colored spiral shell with large outer lip gastropod.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_conch_shells-0, conch, 1 1 1
conchiglie.n.01 Substance True True pasta.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, conchiglie, 1 1 0
concoction.n.01 Ready False False any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients foodstuff.n.02, cooked__stuffing.n.01, batter.n.02, filling.n.03, stuffing.n.01, cooked__roux.n.01, cooked__filling.n.01, dough.n.01, mix.n.01, roux.n.01, 0 31 0
concrete.n.01 Ready False False a strong hard building material composed of sand and gravel and cement and water building_material.n.01, paving.n.01, cement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
condiment.n.01 Ready False False a preparation (a sauce or relish or spice) to enhance flavor or enjoyment flavorer.n.01, cooked__soy_sauce.n.01, soy_sauce.n.01, vinegar.n.01, dip.n.04, relish.n.02, catsup.n.01, marinade.n.01, cooked__salsa.n.01, cooked__marinade.n.01, salsa.n.01, spread.n.05, cooked__vinegar.n.01, cooked__catsup.n.01, cooked__mustard.n.01, sauce.n.01, mustard.n.02, 0 15 0
condition.n.01 Substance False False a state at a particular time state.n.02, sanitary_condition.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 9 0
conditioner.n.03 Substance False True a substance used in washing (clothing or hair) to make things softer softener.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, clean_leather_sandals-0, conditioner, 0 0 1
conditioner__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, clean_leather_sandals-0, conditioner_atomizer, 1 1 1
conditioner__dispenser.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, conditioner_dispenser, 3 3 0
conductor.n.04 Ready False False a device designed to transmit electricity, heat, etc. device.n.01, cable.n.02, wire.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
conduit.n.01 Ready False False a passage (a pipe or tunnel) through which water or electric wires can pass passage.n.03, tube.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 15 0
cone.n.03 Ready False False cone-shaped mass of ovule- or spore-bearing scales or bracts reproductive_structure.n.01, pinecone.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
conference_table.n.01 Ready False True the table that conferees sit around as they hold a meeting table.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, laying_out_snacks_at_work-0, make_the_workplace_exciting-0, conference_table, 4 4 2
confiture.n.01 Substance False False preserved or candied fruit sweet.n.03, conserve.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
connection.n.03 Ready False False an instrumentality that connects instrumentality.n.03, attachment.n.04, hitch.n.04, junction.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
connective_tissue.n.01 Not Ready False False tissue of mesodermal origin consisting of e.g. collagen fibroblasts and fatty cells; supports organs and fills spaces between them and forms tendons and ligaments animal_tissue.n.01, bone.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
conserve.n.01 Substance False False fruit preserved by cooking with sugar confiture.n.01, cooked__jam.n.01, jam.n.01, cooked__jelly.n.01, jelly.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
console.n.02 Not Ready False True a scientific instrument consisting of displays and an input device that an operator can use to monitor and control a system (especially a computer system) scientific_instrument.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
console_table.n.01 Ready False True a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall table.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, collecting_dishes_from_around_house-0, make_the_ultimate_spa_basket-0, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, unloading_shopping_items-0, set_a_dinner_table-0, grill_burgers-0, make_a_christmas_gift_box-0, set_a_fancy_table-0, serving_food_on_the_table-0, console_table, 6 6 9
consumer_credit.n.01 Ready False False a line of credit extended for personal or household use credit_line.n.01, open-end_credit.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
consumer_goods.n.01 Ready False False goods (as food or clothing) intended for direct use or consumption commodity.n.01, durables.n.01, grocery.n.02, clothing.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 828 0
container.n.01 Ready False False any object that can be used to hold things (especially a large metal boxlike object of standardized dimensions that can be loaded from one form of transport to another) instrumentality.n.03, house_paint__can.n.01, ginger__shaker.n.01, butter__package.n.01, margarine__box.n.01, box.n.01, raisin__box.n.01, yeast__shaker.n.01, cocoa__box.n.01, feta__box.n.01, dispenser.n.01, case.n.05, cayenne__shaker.n.01, case.n.20, bag.n.01, pizza_box.n.01, chickpea__can.n.01, drink__dispenser.n.01, cumin__shaker.n.01, broken__glass.n.01, popcorn__bag.n.01, tomato_paste__can.n.01, oat__box.n.01, fuel__can.n.01, watering_can.n.01, bin.n.01, receptacle.n.01, sesame_seed__shaker.n.01, pot.n.04, water__dispenser.n.01, cassette.n.01, cocoa_powder__box.n.01, pasta__box.n.01, soil__bag.n.01, lentil__box.n.01, dog_food__can.n.01, pumpkin_seed__bag.n.01, rosemary__shaker.n.01, glass.n.02, refried_beans__can.n.01, chia_seed__bag.n.01, bag.n.04, tupperware.n.01, sunflower_seed__bag.n.01, parmesan__shaker.n.01, conditioner__dispenser.n.01, mold.n.02, nutmeg__shaker.n.01, granola__box.n.01, coriander__shaker.n.01, cat_food__tin.n.01, lemon-pepper_seasoning__shaker.n.01, shaker.n.03, isopropanol__dispenser.n.01, thyme__shaker.n.01, bird_feed__bag.n.01, sage__shaker.n.01, litter_box.n.01, salt__shaker.n.01, hummus__box.n.01, paprika__shaker.n.01, envelope.n.01, gelatin__box.n.01, cream_cheese__box.n.01, allspice__shaker.n.01, bread-bin.n.01, storage_organizer.n.01, shampoo__dispenser.n.01, petfood__bag.n.01, canister.n.02, curry_powder__shaker.n.01, pellet_food__bag.n.01, quinoa__box.n.01, pepper__shaker.n.01, basket.n.01, vessel.n.03, mustard_seed__shaker.n.01, measure.n.09, can.n.01, marjoram__shaker.n.01, onion_powder__shaker.n.01, cinnamon__shaker.n.01, ground_beef__package.n.01, lunch_box.n.01, mulch__bag.n.01, package.n.02, jam__dispenser.n.01, soda__can.n.01, cream_of_tartar__shaker.n.01, soup__can.n.01, saffron__shaker.n.01, wheeled_vehicle.n.01, dish.n.01, cup.n.01, spoon.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 770 0
control.n.09 Ready False False a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine mechanism.n.05, switch.n.01, governor.n.02, regulator.n.01, handwheel.n.02, joystick.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 14 0
control_panel.n.01 Not Ready False True electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices electrical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
convenience_food.n.01 Substance False False any packaged dish or food that can be prepared quickly and easily as by thawing or heating food.n.02, ready-mix.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
conveyance.n.03 Ready False False something that serves as a means of transportation instrumentality.n.03, vehicle.n.01, trailer.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 22 0
cooked__allspice.n.01 Substance True True spice.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__almond.n.01 Substance True True drupe.n.01, edible_nut.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__almond_oil.n.01 Substance True True oil.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__arborio_rice.n.01 Substance True True rice.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__barbecue_sauce.n.01 Substance True True sauce.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__barley.n.01 Substance True True cereal.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__beaten_egg.n.01 Substance True True foodstuff.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__beef_broth.n.01 Substance True True broth.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__beef_stew.n.01 Substance True True stew.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__beer.n.01 Substance True True brew.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__black_bean.n.01 Substance True True common_bean.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, making_a_snack-0, cooked__black_bean, 0 0 1
cooked__black_pepper.n.01 Substance True True pepper.n.03, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cooked__black_pepper, 0 0 2
cooked__blueberry.n.01 Substance True True berry.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__blueberry_compote.n.01 Substance True True compote.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__blueberry_mousse.n.01 Substance True True mousse.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__bouillon.n.01 Substance True True broth.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__breadcrumb.n.01 Substance True True crumb.n.03, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, cooked__breadcrumb, 0 0 1
cooked__brown_rice.n.01 Substance True True rice.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, filled, real, cook_rice-0, cooked__brown_rice, 0 0 1
cooked__brown_sugar.n.01 Substance True True sugar.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__brownie_batter.n.01 Substance True True batter.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cafe_au_lait.n.01 Substance True True coffee.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cake_mix.n.01 Substance True True ready-mix.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__canola_oil.n.01 Substance True True vegetable_oil.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__caraway_seed.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cardamom.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cashew.n.01 Substance True True edible_nut.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, slicer, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__catsup.n.01 Substance True True condiment.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cayenne.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cheese_pastry_filling.n.01 Substance True True sauce.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cheese_sauce.n.01 Substance True True white_sauce.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cherry_filling.n.01 Substance True True compote.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__chia_seed.n.01 Substance True True edible_seed.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__chicken_broth.n.01 Substance True True broth.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__chicken_curry.n.01 Substance True True curry.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__chicken_soup.n.01 Substance True True soup.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, cook_soup-0, make_soup-0, cooked__chicken_soup, 0 0 2
cooked__chickpea.n.01 Substance True True legume.n.03, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, filled, contains, cook_chickpeas-0, serving_food_on_the_table-0, cooked__chickpea, 0 0 2
cooked__chili_powder.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__chocolate_sauce.n.01 Substance True True sauce.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cider.n.01 Substance True True beverage.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cinnamon.n.01 Substance True True spice.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cinnamon_sugar.n.01 Substance True True sugar.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__clove.n.01 Substance True True spice.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__coca_cola.n.01 Substance True True cola.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cocoa.n.01 Substance True True beverage.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cocoa_powder.n.01 Substance True True chocolate.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__coconut.n.01 Substance True True food.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, toast_coconut-0, cooked__coconut, 0 0 1
cooked__coconut_milk.n.01 Substance True True milk.n.04, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__coconut_oil.n.01 Substance True True vegetable_oil.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__coffee_bean.n.01 Substance True True seed.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__coffee_grounds.n.01 Substance True True grounds.n.05, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
cooked__cooking_oil.n.01 Substance True True vegetable_oil.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, contains, make_fish_and_chips-0, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, make_microwave_popcorn-0, cooked__cooking_oil, 0 0 3
cooked__coriander.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__corn_syrup.n.01 Substance True True syrup.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cornbread_batter.n.01 Substance True True batter.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cornmeal.n.01 Substance True True meal.n.03, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cornstarch.n.01 Substance True True starch.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cottage_cheese.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cranberry.n.01 Substance True True berry.n.01, berry.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cranberry_juice.n.01 Substance True True fruit_juice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cream_cheese.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__crouton.n.01 Substance True True bread.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__cumin.n.01 Substance True True edible_seed.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cooked__cumin, 0 0 1
cooked__curry_powder.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_curry_rice-0, cooked__curry_powder, 0 0 1
cooked__custard.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__antipasto.n.01 Substance True True appetizer.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__apple.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, pome.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__apricot.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__arepa.n.01 Substance True True sandwich.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__artichoke.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__arugula.n.01 Substance True True salad_green.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__asparagus.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__auricularia.n.01 Substance True True fungus_genus.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__avocado.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__bacon.n.01 Substance True True cut_of_pork.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__bagel.n.01 Substance True True bun.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__bagel_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__baguet.n.01 Substance True True french_bread.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__banana.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__banana_bread.n.01 Substance True True quick_bread.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__bay_leaf.n.01 Substance True True herb.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__bean_curd.n.01 Substance True True curd.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__beefsteak_tomato.n.01 Substance True True tomato.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, covered, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, make_burrito_bowls-0, making_a_snack-0, make_nachos-0, cook_mussels-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cooked__diced__beefsteak_tomato, 0 0 6
cooked__diced__beet.n.01 Substance True True root_vegetable.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__bell_pepper.n.01 Substance True True sweet_pepper.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, filled, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, make_burrito_bowls-0, cook_beef-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, prepare_make_ahead_breakfast_bowls-0, cook_peppers-0, cooked__diced__bell_pepper, 0 0 6
cooked__diced__biscuit_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__blackberry.n.01 Substance True True berry.n.01, drupelet.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__bok_choy.n.01 Substance True True cabbage.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__bratwurst.n.01 Substance True True pork_sausage.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__brisket.n.01 Substance True True cut.n.06, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__broccoli.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, filled, make_beef_and_broccoli-0, set_up_a_buffet-0, cooked__diced__broccoli, 0 0 2
cooked__diced__broccoli_rabe.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__broccolini.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__brownie.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__brussels_sprouts.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__burrito.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__butter_cookie.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__buttermilk_pancake.n.01 Substance True True pancake.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__butternut_squash.n.01 Substance True True winter_squash.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__cantaloup.n.01 Substance True True muskmelon.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__carne_asada.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_burrito_bowls-0, cooked__diced__carne_asada, 0 0 1
cooked__diced__carrot.n.01 Substance True True root_vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, roast_vegetables-0, cooked__diced__carrot, 0 0 1
cooked__diced__cauliflower.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__celery.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__chanterelle.n.01 Substance True True agaric.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__chard.n.01 Substance True True greens.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, prepare_and_cook_swiss_chard-0, cooked__diced__chard, 0 0 1
cooked__diced__cheese_tart.n.01 Substance True True tart.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__cheesecake.n.01 Substance True True cake.n.03, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__cherry.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, drupe.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__cherry_tomato.n.01 Substance True True tomato.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__chestnut.n.01 Substance True True edible_nut.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__chicken.n.01 Substance True True poultry.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, filled, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cook_chicken-0, preparing_food_for_company-0, serving_food_on_the_table-0, cooked__diced__chicken, 0 0 4
cooked__diced__chicken_breast.n.01 Substance True True breast.n.03, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__chicken_leg.n.01 Substance True True drumstick.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__chicken_tender.n.01 Substance True True breast.n.03, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__chicken_wing.n.01 Substance True True wing.n.09, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__chili.n.01 Substance True True hot_pepper.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, cook_beef-0, cook_cabbage-0, cooked__diced__chili, 0 0 2
cooked__diced__chives.n.01 Substance True True alliaceous_plant.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__chocolate_biscuit.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__chocolate_cake.n.01 Substance True True cake.n.03, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__chocolate_chip_cookie.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__chocolate_cookie_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__chorizo.n.01 Substance True True sausage.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, cook_seafood_paella-0, cooked__diced__chorizo, 0 0 1
cooked__diced__cinnamon_roll.n.01 Substance True True sweet_roll.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__clove.n.01 Substance True True garlic.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, make_garlic_mushrooms-0, make_beef_and_broccoli-0, make_king_prawns_with_garlic-0, cooked__diced__clove, 0 0 4
cooked__diced__club_sandwich.n.01 Substance True True sandwich.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__coconut.n.01 Substance True True edible_nut.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__cod.n.01 Substance True True saltwater_fish.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__cold_cuts.n.01 Substance True True meat.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__cookie_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, cooked_diced_cookie_dough, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__crab.n.01 Substance True True shellfish.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__crayfish.n.01 Substance True True shellfish.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__crescent_roll.n.01 Substance True True bun.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__cucumber.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__danish.n.01 Substance True True sweet_roll.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__date.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__doughnut.n.01 Substance True True friedcake.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__dried_apricot.n.01 Substance True True dried_fruit.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__duck.n.01 Substance True True poultry.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__dumpling.n.01 Substance True True dessert.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__durian.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__edible_cookie_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__eggplant.n.01 Substance True True solanaceous_vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__enchilada.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__fennel.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__fillet.n.01 Substance True True piece.n.08, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__frank.n.01 Substance True True sausage.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__frankfurter_bun.n.01 Substance True True bun.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__french_fries.n.01 Substance True True starches.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__french_toast.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__fruitcake.n.01 Substance True True cake.n.03, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__garlic_bread.n.01 Substance True True bread.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__gelatin.n.01 Substance True True dainty.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__ginger.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__gingerbread.n.01 Substance True True cake.n.03, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__gooseberry.n.01 Substance True True currant.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__gourd.n.01 Substance True True fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__granola_bar.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__grapefruit.n.01 Substance True True citrus.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__green_bean.n.01 Substance True True fresh_bean.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__green_onion.n.01 Substance True True onion.n.03, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, contains, make_nachos-0, make_garlic_mushrooms-0, cook_beef_and_onions-0, cooked__diced__green_onion, 0 0 3
cooked__diced__grouper.n.01 Substance True True saltwater_fish.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__halibut.n.01 Substance True True flatfish.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__ham_hock.n.01 Substance True True leg.n.05, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__hamburger.n.01 Substance True True sandwich.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__hamburger_bun.n.01 Substance True True bun.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__hard-boiled_egg.n.01 Substance True True boiled_egg.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__hazelnut.n.01 Substance True True edible_nut.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__head_cabbage.n.01 Substance True True cabbage.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, cook_cabbage-0, cooked__diced__head_cabbage, 0 0 1
cooked__diced__hip.n.01 Substance True True fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__hotdog.n.01 Substance True True sandwich.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__huitre.n.01 Substance True True shellfish.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__kabob.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__kale.n.01 Substance True True cabbage.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__kielbasa.n.01 Substance True True sausage.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__kiwi.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__lamb.n.01 Substance True True meat.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__leek.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__lemon.n.01 Substance True True citrus.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__lemon_peel.n.01 Substance True True peel.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__lettuce.n.01 Substance True True salad_green.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__lime.n.01 Substance True True citrus.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__lobster.n.01 Substance True True shellfish.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__macaroon.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__mango.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__marshmallow.n.01 Substance True True candy.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__meat_loaf.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, loaf_of_bread.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__meatball.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__melon.n.01 Substance True True melon.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__muffin.n.01 Substance True True quick_bread.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__mushroom.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__mustard.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__nectarine.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__olive.n.01 Substance True True relish.n.02, drupe.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__omelet.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__onion.n.01 Substance True True onion.n.03, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__orange.n.01 Substance True True citrus.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__oxtail.n.01 Substance True True tail.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__papaya.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__parsley.n.01 Substance True True herb.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__parsnip.n.01 Substance True True root_vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__pastry.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__peach.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, drupe.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__pear.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, pome.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__peppermint.n.01 Substance True True mint.n.05, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__pepperoni.n.01 Substance True True sausage.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__pie_crust.n.01 Substance True True pastry.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__pieplant.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__pineapple.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__pita.n.01 Substance True True flatbread.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__pizza.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__pizza_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__plum.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, drupe.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__pomegranate.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__pomelo.n.01 Substance True True citrus.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__pork.n.01 Substance True True meat.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__porkchop.n.01 Substance True True chop.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__potato.n.01 Substance True True starches.n.01, root_vegetable.n.01, solanaceous_vegetable.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, cook_potatoes-0, preparing_food_for_adult-0, cooked__diced__potato, 0 0 2
cooked__diced__potato_pancake.n.01 Substance True True pancake.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__prawn.n.01 Substance True True seafood.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__prosciutto.n.01 Substance True True ham.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__pumpkin.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__quail.n.01 Substance True True wildfowl.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__quiche.n.01 Substance True True tart.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__radish.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, root_vegetable.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__ramen.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__rib.n.01 Substance True True cut.n.06, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__roast_beef.n.01 Substance True True roast.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__roll_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__rutabaga.n.01 Substance True True turnip.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__salmon.n.01 Substance True True fish.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__scone.n.01 Substance True True quick_bread.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__shiitake.n.01 Substance True True fungus.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__sirloin.n.01 Substance True True cut.n.06, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__snapper.n.01 Substance True True saltwater_fish.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__sour_bread.n.01 Substance True True bread.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__sourdough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__spice_cookie.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__spice_cookie_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__spinach.n.01 Substance True True greens.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__sprout.n.01 Substance True True plant_organ.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__squid.n.01 Substance True True seafood.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__steak.n.01 Substance True True cut.n.06, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_beef_and_broccoli-0, cook_beef_and_onions-0, cooked__diced__steak, 0 0 2
cooked__diced__strawberry.n.01 Substance True True berry.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__sugar_cookie.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__sugar_cookie_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__sushi.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__sweet_corn.n.01 Substance True True corn.n.03, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__taco.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__tenderloin.n.01 Substance True True cut.n.06, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__toast.n.01 Substance True True bread.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__tofu.n.01 Substance True True curd.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__tomato.n.01 Substance True True tomato.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__tortilla.n.01 Substance True True pancake.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__tortilla_chip.n.01 Substance True True corn_chip.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, cooked_diced_tortilla_chip, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__trout.n.01 Substance True True fish.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__tuna.n.01 Substance True True saltwater_fish.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__turkey.n.01 Substance True True poultry.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, cooked__diced__turkey, 0 0 1
cooked__diced__turkey_leg.n.01 Substance True True drumstick.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__vanilla.n.01 Substance True True orchid.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__veal.n.01 Substance True True meat.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__venison.n.01 Substance True True game.n.07, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__vidalia_onion.n.01 Substance True True onion.n.03, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cook_beef_and_onions-0, cook_onions-0, cooked__diced__vidalia_onion, 0 0 4
cooked__diced__virginia_ham.n.01 Substance True True ham.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, serving_food_at_a_homeless_shelter-0, cooked__diced__virginia_ham, 0 0 1
cooked__diced__waffle.n.01 Substance True True cake.n.03, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__walnut.n.01 Substance True True edible_nut.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__watermelon.n.01 Substance True True melon.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__white_turnip.n.01 Substance True True turnip.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__whole_garlic.n.01 Substance True True garlic.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__yam.n.01 Substance True True sweet_potato.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__diced__zucchini.n.01 Substance True True summer_squash.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, cook_zucchini-0, roast_vegetables-0, cooked__diced__zucchini, 0 0 2
cooked__dog_food.n.01 Substance True True petfood.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__drip_coffee.n.01 Substance True True coffee.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__egg_white.n.01 Substance True True ingredient.n.03, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__eggnog.n.01 Substance True True punch.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__espresso.n.01 Substance True True coffee.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__fennel.n.01 Substance True True spice.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__filling.n.01 Substance True True concoction.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__flour.n.01 Substance True True foodstuff.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__fritter_batter.n.01 Substance True True batter.n.02, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, cooked__fritter_batter, 0 0 1
cooked__frosting.n.01 Substance True True topping.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__gazpacho.n.01 Substance True True soup.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__ginger.n.01 Substance True True spice.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__granola.n.01 Substance True True cold_cereal.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__granulated_salt.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__gravy.n.01 Substance True True sauce.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__green_tea.n.01 Substance True True tea.n.05, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__green_tea_latte.n.01 Substance True True beverage.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__ground_beef.n.01 Substance True True beef.n.02, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, future, real, contains, covered, make_nachos-0, cook_beef-0, cook_ground_beef-0, make_tacos-0, cooked__ground_beef, 0 0 4
cooked__ground_coffee.n.01 Substance True True coffee.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__guacamole.n.01 Substance True True dip.n.04, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__heavy_cream.n.01 Substance True True cream.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__honey.n.01 Substance True True sweetening.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__hot_sauce.n.01 Substance True True sauce.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__hummus.n.01 Substance True True spread.n.05, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__iced_cappuccino.n.01 Substance True True beverage.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__iced_chocolate.n.01 Substance True True beverage.n.01, boilable, breakable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__instant_coffee.n.01 Substance True True coffee.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__jam.n.01 Substance True True conserve.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__jelly.n.01 Substance True True conserve.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__jelly_bean.n.01 Substance True True candy.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__jerk_seasoning.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__jimmies.n.01 Substance True True chocolate_candy.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__kidney_bean.n.01 Substance True True common_bean.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, cooked__kidney_bean, 0 0 1
cooked__lamb_stew.n.01 Substance True True stew.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__lemon-pepper_seasoning.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, make_lemon_pepper_wings-0, cooked__lemon_pepper_seasoning, 0 0 1
cooked__lemon_juice.n.01 Substance True True juice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__lemon_water.n.01 Substance True True beverage.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__lemonade.n.01 Substance True True fruit_drink.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__lentil.n.01 Substance True True legume.n.03, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__lima_bean.n.01 Substance True True shell_bean.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__lime_juice.n.01 Substance True True juice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__limeade.n.01 Substance True True fruit_drink.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__macaroni.n.01 Substance True True pasta.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__mace.n.01 Substance True True spice.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__maple_syrup.n.01 Substance True True syrup.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__margarine.n.01 Substance True True spread.n.05, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__marinade.n.01 Substance True True condiment.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, grill_vegetables-0, cooked__marinade, 0 0 1
cooked__marinara.n.01 Substance True True spaghetti_sauce.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_pasta_sauce-0, preparing_food_for_company-0, making_a_meal-0, cooked__marinara, 0 0 3
cooked__marjoram.n.01 Substance True True herb.n.02, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cooked__marjoram, 0 0 2
cooked__mashed_potato.n.01 Substance True True starches.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__mayonnaise.n.01 Substance True True dressing.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__meringue.n.01 Substance True True topping.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__milkshake.n.01 Substance True True drink.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__miso.n.01 Substance True True spread.n.05, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__molasses.n.01 Substance True True syrup.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__muffin_batter.n.01 Substance True True batter.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__mustard.n.01 Substance True True condiment.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__mustard_seed.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__noodle.n.01 Substance True True pasta.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, cook_noodles-0, cook_pasta-0, preparing_food_for_company-0, cooked__noodle, 0 0 3
cooked__nut_butter.n.01 Substance True True spread.n.05, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__nutmeg.n.01 Substance True True spice.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__oat.n.01 Substance True True grain.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__olive_oil.n.01 Substance True True vegetable_oil.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, covered, make_garlic_mushrooms-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, make_lemon_pepper_wings-0, cooked__olive_oil, 0 0 3
cooked__onion_powder.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, cook_ground_beef-0, cooked__onion_powder, 0 0 1
cooked__onion_ring_batter.n.01 Substance True True batter.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__orange_juice.n.01 Substance True True fruit_juice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__orange_zest.n.01 Substance True True orange_peel.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__orzo.n.01 Substance True True pasta.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, filled, real, cooking_a_feast-0, cooked__orzo, 0 0 1
cooked__pancake_batter.n.01 Substance True True batter.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__paprika.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, contains, make_nachos-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, cooked__paprika, 0 0 3
cooked__pea.n.01 Substance True True legume.n.03, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, cook_seafood_paella-0, cook_peas-0, cooked__pea, 0 0 2
cooked__peanut.n.01 Substance True True edible_nut.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__peanut_butter.n.01 Substance True True spread.n.05, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__peanut_oil.n.01 Substance True True vegetable_oil.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__pecan.n.01 Substance True True edible_nut.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__penne.n.01 Substance True True pasta.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, future, real, serving_food_on_the_table-0, making_a_meal-0, cooked__penne, 0 0 2
cooked__pesto.n.01 Substance True True sauce.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__petite_marmite.n.01 Substance True True soup.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__pine_nut.n.01 Substance True True edible_nut.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__pistachio.n.01 Substance True True edible_nut.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__popcorn.n.01 Substance True True corn.n.03, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_microwave_popcorn-0, cooked__popcorn, 0 0 1
cooked__poultry_seasoning.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__pumpkin_pie_spice.n.01 Substance True True spice.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__pumpkin_seed.n.01 Substance True True edible_seed.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, cook_pumpkin_seeds-0, cooked__pumpkin_seed, 0 0 1
cooked__quinoa.n.01 Substance True True grain.n.02, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, filled, real, contains, prepare_quinoa-0, set_up_a_buffet-0, cooked__quinoa, 0 0 2
cooked__raisin.n.01 Substance True True dried_fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__ravioli.n.01 Substance True True pasta.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__red_meat_sauce.n.01 Substance True True spaghetti_sauce.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, cooked__red_meat_sauce, 0 0 1
cooked__red_wine.n.01 Substance True True wine.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, make_baked_pears-0, cooked__red_wine, 0 0 1
cooked__refried_beans.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__ricotta.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__risotto.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__roux.n.01 Substance True True concoction.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__saffron.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, cook_seafood_paella-0, cooked__saffron, 0 0 1
cooked__sage.n.01 Substance True True herb.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__salsa.n.01 Substance True True condiment.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, contains, make_nachos-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cooked__salsa, 0 0 2
cooked__salt.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, covered, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, make_garlic_mushrooms-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, make_microwave_popcorn-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, make_lemon_pepper_wings-0, cook_ground_beef-0, cooked__salt, 0 0 7
cooked__scrambled_eggs.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__sesame_oil.n.01 Substance True True vegetable_oil.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__sesame_seed.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__shortening.n.01 Substance True True edible_fat.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__sour_cream.n.01 Substance True True cream.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__soy.n.01 Substance True True bean.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__soy_sauce.n.01 Substance True True condiment.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__soya_milk.n.01 Substance True True milk.n.04, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__spaghetti.n.01 Substance True True pasta.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__stuffing.n.01 Substance True True concoction.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__sugar_syrup.n.01 Substance True True syrup.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__sunflower_seed.n.01 Substance True True edible_seed.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, toast_sunflower_seeds-0, cooked__sunflower_seed, 0 0 1
cooked__thyme.n.01 Substance True True herb.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__tomato_paste.n.01 Substance True True ingredient.n.03, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__tomato_rice.n.01 Substance True True rice.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__tomato_sauce.n.01 Substance True True spaghetti_sauce.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__turmeric.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__vanilla.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__vinegar.n.01 Substance True True condiment.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__waffle_batter.n.01 Substance True True batter.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__water.n.01 Substance True True food.n.01, nutrient.n.02, liquid.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, filled, real, fill_a_hot_water_bottle-0, boil_water_in_the_microwave-0, boil_water-0, cooked__water, 0 0 3
cooked__wheat.n.01 Substance True True grain.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__whipped_cream.n.01 Substance True True topping.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__white_rice.n.01 Substance True True rice.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, filled, make_curry_rice-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, make_burrito_bowls-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, make_fried_rice-0, serving_food_at_a_homeless_shelter-0, cook_chicken_and_rice-0, cooked__white_rice, 0 0 7
cooked__white_wine.n.01 Substance True True wine.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, cook_seafood_paella-0, cooked__white_wine, 0 0 1
cooked__whole_milk.n.01 Substance True True milk.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__wine_sauce.n.01 Substance True True sauce.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_white_wine_sauce-0, cooked__wine_sauce, 0 0 1
cooked__worcester_sauce.n.01 Substance True True sauce.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooked__yogurt.n.01 Substance True True food.n.02, dairy_product.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cooker.n.01 Ready False False a utensil for cooking cooking_utensil.n.01, crock_pot.n.01, oden_cooker.n.01, rice_cooker.n.01, popper.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 7 0
cookie.n.01 Ready False False any of various small flat sweet cakes (`biscuit' is the British term) cake.n.03, cooked__diced__sugar_cookie.n.01, chocolate_chip_cookie.n.01, diced__butter_cookie.n.01, half__brownie.n.01, half__butter_cookie.n.01, half__spice_cookie.n.01, sugar_cookie.n.01, cooked__diced__butter_cookie.n.01, cooked__diced__macaroon.n.01, butter_cookie.n.01, brownie.n.03, half__sugar_cookie.n.01, diced__spice_cookie.n.01, chocolate_biscuit.n.01, half__chocolate_chip_cookie.n.01, diced__granola_bar.n.01, half__granola_bar.n.01, cooked__diced__chocolate_chip_cookie.n.01, diced__chocolate_biscuit.n.01, wafer.n.02, cookie_stick.n.01, macaroon.n.01, cooked__diced__brownie.n.01, spice_cookie.n.01, diced__sugar_cookie.n.01, cooked__diced__spice_cookie.n.01, half__chocolate_biscuit.n.01, diced__brownie.n.01, granola_bar.n.01, diced__macaroon.n.01, cooked__diced__granola_bar.n.01, half__macaroon.n.01, cooked__diced__chocolate_biscuit.n.01, diced__chocolate_chip_cookie.n.01, 0 34 0
cookie_cutter.n.01 Ready False True a kitchen utensil used to cut a sheet of cookie dough into desired shapes before baking kitchen_utensil.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cookie_cutter, 3 3 0
cookie_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cookie_dough, 1 1 0
cookie_sheet.n.01 Ready False True a cooking utensil consisting of a flat rectangular metal sheet used for baking cookies or biscuits cooking_utensil.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, contains, covered, overlaid, toast_sunflower_seeds-0, make_granola-0, cook_broccolini-0, clean_a_baking_stone-0, cook_squash-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, make_dinner_rolls-0, roast_nuts-0, cook_eggplant-0, make_bagels-0, ... baking_sheet, 1 1 29
cookie_stick.n.01 Ready True True cookie.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cookie_stick, 1 1 0
cooking_oil.n.01 Substance False True any of numerous vegetable oils used in cooking vegetable_oil.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, filled, real, contains, clean_a_kitchen_table-0, make_fish_and_chips-0, cook_kabobs-0, clean_grease-0, make_onion_ring_batter-0, cook_arepas-0, clean_a_knife-0, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, make_microwave_popcorn-0, cooking_food_for_adult-0, ... cooking_oil, 0 0 16
cooking_oil__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, cooking_oil_atomizer, 1 1 0
cooking_oil__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, make_fish_and_chips-0, cook_kabobs-0, make_onion_ring_batter-0, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, make_microwave_popcorn-0, cooking_food_for_adult-0, make_muffins-0, prepare_baking_pans-0, fry_pot_stickers-0, make_chicken_curry-0, ... cooking_oil_bottle, 1 1 11
cooking_utensil.n.01 Ready False False a kitchen utensil made of material that does not melt easily; used for cooking kitchen_utensil.n.01, pan.n.01, turner.n.08, griddle.n.01, skimmer.n.02, steamer.n.02, cookie_sheet.n.01, pot.n.01, cooker.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, sorting_items_for_garage_sale-0, 0 70 1
cooler.n.01 Ready False True a refrigerator for cooling liquids refrigerator.n.01, coldSource, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, pack_for_the_pool-0, cooler, 1 1 1
cooling_system.n.02 Ready False False a mechanism for keeping something cool mechanism.n.05, air_conditioner.n.01, coldSource, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
copper_pot.n.01 Ready True True pot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, polish_copper-0, copper_pot, 1 1 1
copper_wire.n.01 Ready True True wire.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_copper_wire-0, copper_wire, 1 1 1
cord.n.01 Ready False False a line made of twisted fibers or threads line.n.18, clothesline.n.01, string.n.01, lace.n.01, wick.n.02, thread.n.01, tie.n.09, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 8 0
coriander.n.02 Substance False True dried coriander seeds used whole or ground flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, cook_kabobs-0, coriander, 1 1 1
coriander.n.03 Ready False True parsley-like herb used as seasoning or garnish herb.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cilantro, 3 3 0
coriander__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, cook_kabobs-0, coriander_shaker, 1 1 1
cork.n.04 Ready False True the plug in the mouth of a bottle (especially a wine bottle) plug.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, inside, bottling_wine-0, cork, 3 3 1
corkscrew.n.01 Ready False True a bottle opener that pulls corks bottle_opener.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, corkscrew, 1 1 1
corn.n.03 Ready False False ears of corn that can be prepared and served for human food grain.n.02, sweet_corn.n.02, half__sweet_corn.n.01, cooked__popcorn.n.01, cooked__diced__sweet_corn.n.01, diced__sweet_corn.n.01, popcorn.n.02, flammable, 0 11 0
corn_chip.n.01 Ready False False thin piece of cornmeal dough fried snack_food.n.01, half__tortilla_chip.n.01, cooked__diced__tortilla_chip.n.01, diced__tortilla_chip.n.01, tortilla_chip.n.01, 0 8 0
corn_flake.n.01 Substance False True crisp flake made from corn cold_cereal.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
corn_syrup.n.01 Substance False True syrup prepared from corn syrup.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cornbread_batter.n.01 Substance True True batter.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cornet.n.01 Ready False True a brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone; has a narrow tube and a flared bell and is played by means of valves brass.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_trumpet-0, trumpet, 1 1 1
cornmeal.n.01 Substance False True coarsely ground corn meal.n.03, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cornmeal__sack.n.01 Not Ready True True bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cornstarch.n.01 Substance False True starch prepared from the grains of corn; used in cooking as a thickener starch.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_cake_filling-0, clean_copper_wire-0, cornstarch, 1 1 2
cornstarch__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_cake_filling-0, clean_copper_wire-0, cornstarch_jar, 1 1 2
correspondence.n.01 Ready False False communication by the exchange of letters written_communication.n.01, first_class.n.02, card.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
cosmetic.n.01 Ready False False a toiletry designed to beautify the body toiletry.n.01, nail_polish.n.01, makeup.n.01, 0 3 0
costume.n.01 Not Ready False True the attire worn in a play or at a fancy dress ball attire.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cottage_cheese.n.01 Substance False True mild white cheese made from curds of soured skim milk cheese.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cotton.n.01 Ready False True soft silky fibers from cotton plants in their raw state plant_fiber.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cotton_ball, 1 1 0
cotton.n.04 Ready False True thread made of cotton fibers thread.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rope, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cotton_thread, 1 1 0
counter.n.01 Ready False False table consisting of a horizontal surface over which business is transacted table.n.02, reception_desk.n.01, bar.n.02, checkout.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 9 0
countertop.n.01 Ready False True the top side of a counter tabletop.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, covered, touching, clean_plastic_containers-0, clean_a_kitchen_table-0, clean_up_spilled_egg-0, store_feta_cheese-0, polish_pewter-0, fill_a_canteen-0, cook_chickpeas-0, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, washing_bowls-0, clean_jade-0, ... bar, commercial_kitchen_table, countertop, 24 24 317
course.n.07 Ready False False part of a meal served at one time nutriment.n.01, appetizer.n.01, dessert.n.01, 0 10 0
covering.n.01 Ready False False a natural object that covers or envelops natural_object.n.01, sheath.n.02, shell.n.10, shell.n.05, body_covering.n.01, scale.n.10, bark.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 15 0
covering.n.02 Ready False False an artifact that covers something else (usually to protect or shelter or conceal it) artifact.n.01, screen.n.04, protective_covering.n.01, top.n.09, coating.n.01, footwear.n.02, wrapping.n.01, folder.n.02, hood.n.06, floor_cover.n.01, cloth_covering.n.01, clothing.n.01, 0 317 0
covering_material.n.01 Substance False False a material used by builders to cover surfaces building_material.n.01, plaster.n.01, substance, 0 9 0
crab.n.05 Ready False True the edible flesh of any of various crabs shellfish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, cook_a_crab-0, clean_a_crab-0, crab, 5 5 2
cracker.n.01 Ready False False a thin crisp wafer made of flour and water with or without leavening and shortening; unsweetened or semisweet bread.n.01, pretzel.n.01, half__pretzel.n.01, diced__pretzel.n.01, 0 3 0
craft.n.02 Ready False False a vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space vehicle.n.01, vessel.n.02, aircraft.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
cranberry.n.02 Substance False True very tart red berry used for sauce or juice berry.n.01, berry.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, cranberry, 3 3 0
cranberry_juice.n.01 Substance False True the juice of cranberries (always diluted and sweetened) fruit_juice.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
crate.n.01 Ready False False a rugged box (usually made of wood); used for shipping box.n.01, packing_box.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
crayfish.n.02 Ready False True tiny lobster-like crustaceans usually boiled briefly shellfish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, frozen, ontop, defrosting_freezer-0, thaw_frozen_fish-0, crawfish, 1 1 2
crayon.n.01 Ready False True writing implement consisting of a colored stick of composition wax used for writing and drawing writing_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, buy_school_supplies-0, clean_your_pencil_case-0, unpacking_childs_bag-0, crayon, 12 12 3
cream.n.02 Substance False False the part of milk containing the butterfat dairy_product.n.01, sour_cream.n.01, heavy_cream.n.01, cooked__heavy_cream.n.01, cooked__sour_cream.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cream.n.03 Substance False False toiletry consisting of any of various substances in the form of a thick liquid that have a soothing and moisturizing effect when applied to the skin toiletry.n.01, sunscreen.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cream__carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_white_wine_sauce-0, make_cream_soda-0, cream_carton, 1 1 2
cream_cheese.n.01 Substance False True soft unripened cheese made of sweet milk and cream cheese.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_macaroni_and_cheese-0, make_a_cheese_pastry-0, cream_cheese, 0 0 2
cream_cheese__box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_macaroni_and_cheese-0, cream_cheese_box, 1 1 1
cream_of_tartar.n.01 Substance False True a salt used especially in baking powder salt.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, make_blueberry_mousse-0, cream_of_tartar, 1 1 1
cream_of_tartar__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, make_blueberry_mousse-0, cream_of_tartar_shaker, 1 1 1
cream_pitcher.n.02 Ready True True vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cream_pitcher, 2 2 0
cream_soda.n.01 Substance False True sweet carbonated drink flavored with vanilla soft_drink.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_cream_soda-0, cream_soda, 0 0 1
creation.n.02 Ready False False an artifact that has been brought into existence by someone artifact.n.01, product.n.02, art.n.01, representation.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 528 0
credit.n.02 Ready False False money available for a client to borrow assets.n.01, credit_line.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
credit_card.n.01 Ready False True a card (usually plastic) that assures a seller that the person using it has a satisfactory credit rating and that the issuer will see to it that the seller receives payment for the merchandise delivered positive_identification.n.01, open-end_credit.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, buying_office_supplies-0, buy_a_keg-0, buy_home_use_medical_supplies-0, buying_fast_food-0, buying_everyday_consumer_goods-0, credit_card, 1 1 5
credit_line.n.01 Ready False False the maximum credit that a customer is allowed credit.n.02, consumer_credit.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
crescent_roll.n.01 Ready False True very rich flaky crescent-shaped roll bun.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, packing_picnic_food_into_car-0, croissant, 2 2 1
crewneck_sweater.n.01 Not Ready True True sweater.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, crewneck_sweater, 0 0 0
crib.n.01 Ready False True baby bed with high sides made of slats baby_bed.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, setup_a_baby_crib-0, crib, 1 1 1
cringle.n.01 Not Ready False True fastener consisting of a metal ring for lining a small hole to permit the attachment of cords or lines fastener.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
crock_pot.n.01 Ready False True an electric cooker that maintains a relatively low temperature cooker.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, filled, contains, inside, covered, cook_rice-0, make_tomato_rice-0, preparing_food_for_company-0, clean_kitchen_appliances-0, crock_pot, instant_pot, 4 4 4
crockery.n.01 Ready False False tableware (eating and serving dishes) collectively tableware.n.01, dish.n.01, cup.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 46 0
crossbar.n.01 Not Ready False True a horizontal bar that goes across something bar.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
crouton.n.01 Substance False True a small piece of toasted or fried bread; served in soup or salads bread.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_a_salad-0, crouton, 1 1 1
cruciferous_vegetable.n.01 Ready False False a vegetable of the mustard family: especially mustard greens; various cabbages; broccoli; cauliflower; brussels sprouts vegetable.n.01, half__broccolini.n.01, half__broccoli_rabe.n.01, turnip.n.02, mustard.n.03, cooked__diced__broccoli.n.01, diced__broccolini.n.01, half__radish.n.01, cauliflower.n.02, cooked__diced__broccolini.n.01, diced__radish.n.01, cooked__diced__cauliflower.n.01, diced__broccoli.n.01, half__mustard.n.01, diced__broccoli_rabe.n.01, cooked__diced__brussels_sprouts.n.01, brussels_sprouts.n.01, broccoli.n.02, half__mustard_leaf.n.01, cooked__diced__broccoli_rabe.n.01, broccoli_rabe.n.02, diced__brussels_sprouts.n.01, diced__cauliflower.n.01, cooked__diced__mustard.n.01, cooked__diced__radish.n.01, broccolini.n.01, half__broccoli.n.01, cabbage.n.01, half__cauliflower.n.01, half__brussels_sprouts.n.01, radish.n.01, diced__mustard.n.01, 0 43 0
cruet.n.01 Ready False True bottle that holds wine or oil or vinegar for the table bottle.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cruet, 1 1 0
crumb.n.03 Substance False False small piece of e.g. bread or cake morsel.n.02, cooked__breadcrumb.n.01, breadcrumb.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, clean_a_kitchen_table-0, mopping_the_kitchen_floor-0, clean_a_baking_stone-0, wash_an_infant_car_seat-0, clean_a_kitchen_sink-0, clearing_table_after_supper-0, clean_kitchen_appliances-0, clean_a_toaster-0, clean_a_toaster_oven-0, clean_a_pizza_stone-0, 0 3 10
crystal.n.01 Ready False False a solid formed by the solidification of a chemical and having a highly regular atomic structure solid.n.01, gem.n.02, ice.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
crystal.n.03 Ready False True a rock formed by the solidification of a substance; has regularly repeating internal structure; external plane faces rock.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, crystal, 1 1 0
cube.n.05 Ready False False a block in the (approximate) shape of a cube block.n.01, die.n.01, ice_cube.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 12 0
cucumber.n.02 Ready False True cylindrical green fruit with thin green rind and white flesh eaten as a vegetable; related to melons vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, make_spa_water-0, make_a_salad-0, cucumber, 1 1 2
cue.n.04 Ready False True sports implement consisting of a tapering rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or billiards sports_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pool_stick, 1 1 0
cumin.n.02 Substance False True aromatic seeds of the cumin herb of the carrot family edible_seed.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, make_mustard_herb_and_spice_seasoning-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cumin, 1 1 2
cumin__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, make_mustard_herb_and_spice_seasoning-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cumin_shaker, 1 1 2
cup.n.01 Ready False False a small open container usually used for drinking; usually has a handle container.n.01, crockery.n.01, beaker.n.02, coffee_cup.n.01, dixie_cup.n.01, teacup.n.02, chalice.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, contains, filled, covered, cleaning_kitchen_cupboard-0, clean_dentures_with_vinegar-0, cleaning_up_after_an_event-0, make_party_favors_from_candy-0, make_spa_water-0, make_a_strawberry_slushie-0, store_silver_coins-0, make_a_frappe-0, make_green_tea_latte-0, make_lemon_or_lime_water-0, ... 0 37 25
cup__of__ranch.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, cup_of_ranch, 1 1 0
cup__of__yogurt.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, putting_shopping_away-0, unloading_groceries-0, cleaning_debris_out_of_car-0, cup_of_yogurt, 1 1 3
cup_holder.n.01 Ready True True holder.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_cup_holders-0, cup_holder, 1 1 1
cupboard.n.01 Not Ready False True a small room (or recess) or cabinet used for storage space storage_space.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cupcake.n.01 Ready False True small cake baked in a muffin tin cake.n.03, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, packing_picnic_into_car-0, make_a_bake_sale_stand_stall-0, cupcake, 8 8 2
curd.n.01 Ready False False a coagulated liquid resembling milk curd foodstuff.n.02, half__bean_curd.n.01, cooked__diced__bean_curd.n.01, diced__bean_curd.n.01, bean_curd.n.01, diced__tofu.n.01, half__tofu.n.01, cooked__diced__tofu.n.01, tofu.n.02, 0 8 0
currant.n.01 Ready False False any of several tart red or black berries used primarily for jellies and jams berry.n.01, gooseberry.n.02, cooked__diced__gooseberry.n.01, diced__gooseberry.n.01, half__gooseberry.n.01, 0 3 0
currency.n.01 Ready False False the metal or paper medium of exchange that is presently used medium_of_exchange.n.01, coinage.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
curry.n.01 Substance False False (East Indian cookery) a pungent dish of vegetables or meats flavored with curry powder and usually eaten with rice dish.n.02, cooked__chicken_curry.n.01, chicken_curry.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
curry_powder.n.01 Substance False True pungent blend of cumin and ground coriander seed and turmeric and other spices flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, real, insource, contains, make_curry_rice-0, make_chicken_curry-0, curry_powder, 1 1 2
curry_powder__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, make_curry_rice-0, make_chicken_curry-0, curry_powder_shaker, 1 1 2
curtain.n.01 Ready False True hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window) furnishing.n.02, blind.n.03, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, covered, draped, cleaning_up_after_an_event-0, ironing_curtains-0, taking_down_curtains-0, hanging_up_curtains-0, drape_window_scarves-0, washing_curtains-0, iron_curtains-0, curtain, 3 3 7
curtain_rod.n.01 Ready True True rod.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, draped, taking_down_curtains-0, hanging_up_curtains-0, drape_window_scarves-0, curtain_rod, 1 1 3
curve.n.01 Not Ready False False the trace of a point whose direction of motion changes line.n.04, closed_curve.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cushion.n.03 Ready False False a soft bag filled with air or a mass of padding such as feathers or foam rubber etc. padding.n.01, pillow.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 145 0
custard.n.01 Substance False True sweetened mixture of milk and eggs baked or boiled or frozen dish.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
cut.n.06 Ready False False a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass meat.n.01, loin.n.01, diced__sirloin.n.01, cooked__diced__tenderloin.n.01, half__sirloin.n.01, cooked__diced__rib.n.01, rib.n.03, cooked__diced__sirloin.n.01, roast.n.01, half__steak.n.01, brisket.n.01, diced__steak.n.01, half__tenderloin.n.01, half__brisket.n.01, half__rib.n.01, cooked__diced__brisket.n.01, diced__rib.n.01, diced__brisket.n.01, sirloin.n.01, steak.n.01, cooked__diced__steak.n.01, chop.n.02, leg.n.05, half__pork_rib.n.01, cut_of_pork.n.01, sliced__brisket.n.01, diced__tenderloin.n.01, tenderloin.n.02, 0 43 0
cut_of_pork.n.01 Ready False False cut of meat from a hog or pig cut.n.06, bacon.n.01, half__bacon.n.01, ham.n.01, cooked__diced__bacon.n.01, diced__bacon.n.01, 0 12 0
cutlery.n.02 Ready False False tableware implements for cutting and eating food tableware.n.01, spoon.n.01, fork.n.01, table_knife.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 43 0
cutter.n.06 Ready False False a cutting implement; a tool for cutting cutting_implement.n.01, edge_tool.n.01, pastry_cutter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
cutting.n.02 Ready False True a part (sometimes a root or leaf or bud) removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting stalk.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, plant_stem, 3 3 0
cutting_implement.n.01 Ready False False a tool used for cutting or slicing tool.n.01, blade.n.09, cutter.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
cylinder.n.01 Ready False False a solid bounded by a cylindrical surface and two parallel planes (the bases) solid.n.03, roller.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
cylinder.n.02 Not Ready False False a surface generated by rotating a parallel line around a fixed line round_shape.n.01, barrel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
cymbal.n.01 Ready False True a percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass disk; makes a loud crashing sound when hit with a drumstick or when two are struck together percussion_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, polish_cymbals-0, cymbal, 2 2 1
daffodil_bulb.n.01 Ready True True bulb.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, store_daffodil_bulbs-0, daffodil_bulb, 1 1 1
dahlia.n.01 Ready False True any of several plants of or developed from the species Dahlia pinnata having tuberous roots and showy rayed variously colored flower heads; native to the mountains of Mexico and Central America and Colombia flower.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, dahlia_flower, 2 2 0
dainty.n.01 Ready False False something considered choice to eat nutriment.n.01, cooked__diced__gelatin.n.01, gelatin.n.02, sweet.n.03, diced__gelatin.n.01, half__gelatin.n.01, 0 27 0
dairy_product.n.01 Ready False False milk and butter and cheese foodstuff.n.02, cooked__yogurt.n.01, butter.n.01, diced__butter.n.01, yogurt.n.01, cheese.n.01, cream.n.02, half__butter.n.01, melted__butter.n.01, milk.n.01, 0 26 0
damper.n.02 Not Ready False False a device that decreases the amplitude of electronic, mechanical, acoustical, or aerodynamic oscillations device.n.01, shock_absorber.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
danish.n.02 Ready False True light sweet yeast-raised roll usually filled with fruits or cheese sweet_roll.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, cheese_danish, 1 1 2
dart.n.01 Ready False True a small narrow pointed missile that is thrown or shot projectile.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, hang_a_dartboard-0, dart, 1 1 1
dartboard.n.01 Ready False True a circular board of wood or cork used as the target in the game of darts board.n.09, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, hang_a_dartboard-0, dartboard, 1 1 1
data_input_device.n.01 Ready False False a device that can be used to insert data into a computer or other computational device peripheral.n.01, joystick.n.02, scanner.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
database.n.01 Ready False False an organized body of related information information.n.01, list.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
date.n.08 Ready False True sweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, inside, thawing_frozen_food-0, date, 3 3 1
debris.n.01 Substance False True the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up rubbish.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, wash_dog_toys-0, sweeping_steps-0, clean_a_vacuum-0, clean_a_trombone-0, debris, 9 9 4
decoration.n.01 Ready False False something used to beautify artifact.n.01, adornment.n.01, hanging.n.01, bow.n.08, molding.n.02, stud.n.02, outline_tray.n.01, reed_diffuser.n.01, design.n.04, outline_vase.n.01, garnish.n.01, holly.n.03, wind_chime.n.01, flower_arrangement.n.01, folderal.n.01, christmas_tree.n.05, centerpiece.n.02, 0 38 0
decorative_sign.n.01 Ready True True sign.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, decorative_sign, 3 3 0
deep-freeze.n.02 Ready True True refrigerator.n.01, coldSource, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, make_ice-0, make_popsicles-0, freezer, 3 3 2
deep_fryer.n.01 Ready True True kitchen_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, deep_fryer, 2 2 0
dehumidifier.n.01 Ready True True appliance.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, clean_up_water_damage-0, dehumidifier, 1 1 1
dental_appliance.n.01 Ready False False a device to repair teeth or replace missing teeth device.n.01, denture.n.01, retainer.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
dental_floss.n.01 Ready False True a soft thread for cleaning the spaces between the teeth thread.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, dental_floss, 1 1 0
dentifrice.n.01 Substance False False a substance for cleaning the teeth; applied with a toothbrush cleansing_agent.n.01, toothpaste.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
denture.n.01 Ready False True a dental appliance that artificially replaces missing teeth dental_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_dentures_with_vinegar-0, clean_dentures-0, denture, 1 1 2
deodorant.n.01 Substance False True a toiletry applied to the skin in order to mask unpleasant odors toiletry.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
deodorant__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, nextto, ontop, sorting_household_items-0, tidying_bathroom-0, deodorant_atomizer, 1 1 2
deodorant_stick.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, deodorant_stick, 1 1 0
depression.n.08 Substance False False a concavity in a surface produced by pressing concave_shape.n.01, wrinkle.n.01, incision.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 18 0
desert_plant.n.01 Ready False False plant adapted for life with a limited supply of water; compare hydrophyte and mesophyte vascular_plant.n.01, agave.n.01, diced__agave.n.01, half__agave.n.01, 0 4 0
desiccant.n.01 Not Ready False True a substance that promotes drying (e.g., calcium oxide absorbs water and is used to remove moisture) chemical_agent.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
design.n.04 Ready False False a decorative or artistic work decoration.n.01, emblem.n.01, device.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
desk.n.01 Ready False True a piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments table.n.02, assembleable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, nextto, clean_a_company_office-0, pack_a_pencil_case-0, clean_your_electronics-0, clean_a_whiteboard-0, tidying_bedroom-0, putting_away_games-0, clean_your_pencil_case-0, turn_off_a_normal_school_calculator-0, unpacking_childs_bag-0, set_up_a_webcam-0, ... desk, 45 45 16
desk_bracket.n.01 Ready True True component.n.03, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, assembling_furniture-0, desk_bracket, 1 1 1
desk_leg.n.01 Ready True True component.n.03, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, assembling_furniture-0, desk_leg, 1 1 1
desk_phone.n.01 Ready False True a telephone set that sits on a desk or table telephone.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, desk_phone, 3 3 0
desk_top.n.01 Ready True True component.n.03, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, assembling_furniture-0, desk_top, 1 1 1
desktop_computer.n.01 Ready False True a personal computer small enough to fit conveniently in an individual workspace personal_computer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, picking_up_prescriptions-0, cleaning_computer-0, desktop_computer, 2 2 2
dessert.n.01 Ready False False a dish served as the last course of a meal course.n.07, frozen_dessert.n.01, tiramisu.n.01, half__dumpling.n.01, mousse.n.01, diced__tiramisu.n.01, half__tiramisu.n.01, compote.n.01, diced__dumpling.n.01, dumpling.n.02, cooked__diced__dumpling.n.01, 0 10 0
dessert_spoon.n.01 Not Ready False True a spoon larger than a teaspoon and smaller than a tablespoon spoon.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
detector.n.01 Ready False False any device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner device.n.01, photoelectric_cell.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
detergent.n.02 Substance False True a cleansing agent that differs from soap but can also emulsify oils and hold dirt in suspension cleansing_agent.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, saturated, covered, insource, wash_a_leotard-0, wash_dog_toys-0, wash_a_bra-0, cleaning_freezer-0, cleaning_kitchen_cupboard-0, clean_geodes-0, doing_laundry-0, treating_clothes-0, clean_a_dirty_tent-0, washing_fabrics-0, ... detergent, 0 0 59
detergent__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, clean_a_toaster_oven-0, detergent_atomizer, 1 1 1
detergent__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, wash_a_leotard-0, wash_dog_toys-0, wash_a_bra-0, cleaning_freezer-0, cleaning_kitchen_cupboard-0, clean_geodes-0, doing_laundry-0, treating_clothes-0, clean_a_dirty_tent-0, washing_fabrics-0, ... detergent_bottle, 1 1 58
determinant.n.01 Ready False False a determining or causal element or factor cognitive_factor.n.01, influence.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
device.n.01 Ready False False an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose instrumentality.n.03, adapter.n.02, drive.n.10, elastic_device.n.01, lighter.n.02, electronic_device.n.01, optical_device.n.01, restraint.n.06, exercise_device.n.01, filter.n.01, fire_extinguisher.n.01, lifting_device.n.01, support.n.10, musical_instrument.n.01, detector.n.01, mechanism.n.05, runner.n.09, memory_device.n.01, acoustic_device.n.01, charger.n.02, reflector.n.01, dental_appliance.n.01, signaling_device.n.01, damper.n.02, key.n.01, holding_device.n.01, electrical_device.n.01, tongs.n.01, bird_feeder.n.01, heater.n.01, trap.n.01, source_of_illumination.n.01, machine.n.01, applicator.n.01, ventilator.n.01, water_cooler.n.01, fan.n.01, indicator.n.03, comb.n.01, straightener.n.01, conductor.n.04, release.n.08, shredder.n.01, blower.n.01, alarm.n.02, strengthener.n.01, instrument.n.01, peeler.n.03, router.n.02, keyboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 563 0
device.n.04 Not Ready False False any ornamental pattern or design (as in embroidery) design.n.04, seal.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
dial.n.03 Not Ready False True the circular graduated indicator on various measuring instruments indicator.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
diamond.n.01 Ready False True a transparent piece of diamond that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem jewel.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, clean_jewels-0, diamond, 1 1 1
diaper.n.01 Ready False True garment consisting of a folded cloth drawn up between the legs and fastened at the waist; worn by infants to catch excrement garment.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, store_baby_clothes-0, diaper, 1 1 1
diced__agave.n.01 Substance True True desert_plant.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__antipasto.n.01 Substance True True appetizer.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__apple.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, pome.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, make_homemade_bird_food-0, diced__apple, 1 1 1
diced__apricot.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__arepa.n.01 Substance True True sandwich.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__artichoke.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__arugula.n.01 Substance True True salad_green.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__asparagus.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__auricularia.n.01 Substance True True fungus_genus.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__avocado.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, contains, make_nachos-0, make_a_salad-0, diced__avocado, 1 1 2
diced__bacon.n.01 Substance True True cut_of_pork.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__bagel.n.01 Substance True True bun.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__bagel_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__baguet.n.01 Substance True True french_bread.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__bamboo.n.01 Substance True True wood.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__banana.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__banana_bread.n.01 Substance True True quick_bread.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__bay_leaf.n.01 Substance True True herb.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__bean_curd.n.01 Substance True True curd.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__beefsteak_tomato.n.01 Substance True True tomato.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, real, contains, covered, future, make_burrito_bowls-0, making_a_snack-0, cooking_lunch-0, make_nachos-0, diced__beefsteak_tomato, 1 1 4
diced__beet.n.01 Substance True True root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, slicing_vegetables-0, diced__beet, 1 1 1
diced__bell_pepper.n.01 Substance True True sweet_pepper.n.02, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, slicing_vegetables-0, diced__bell_pepper, 1 1 1
diced__biscuit_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__blackberry.n.01 Substance True True berry.n.01, drupelet.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__bleu.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, meltable, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__bok_choy.n.01 Substance True True cabbage.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__branch.n.01 Substance True True stalk.n.02, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__bratwurst.n.01 Substance True True pork_sausage.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__brisket.n.01 Substance True True cut.n.06, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__broccoli.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__broccoli_rabe.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__broccolini.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__brownie.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__brussels_sprouts.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__burrito.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__butter.n.01 Substance True True food.n.02, dairy_product.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, meltable, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__butter_cookie.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__buttermilk_pancake.n.01 Substance True True pancake.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__butternut_squash.n.01 Substance True True winter_squash.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__cantaloup.n.01 Substance True True muskmelon.n.02, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__carne_asada.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__carrot.n.01 Substance True True root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, filled, real, preserving_vegetables-0, diced__carrot, 1 1 1
diced__cauliflower.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__celery.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__chanterelle.n.01 Substance True True agaric.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__chard.n.01 Substance True True greens.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__cheddar.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, meltable, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, future, real, contains, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, prepare_wine_and_cheese-0, diced__cheddar, 1 1 2
diced__cheese_tart.n.01 Substance True True tart.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__cheesecake.n.01 Substance True True cake.n.03, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__cherry.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, drupe.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__cherry_tomato.n.01 Substance True True tomato.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__chestnut.n.01 Substance True True edible_nut.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__chicken.n.01 Substance True True poultry.n.02, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, preserving_meat-0, diced__chicken, 1 1 1
diced__chicken_breast.n.01 Substance True True breast.n.03, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__chicken_leg.n.01 Substance True True drumstick.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__chicken_tender.n.01 Substance True True breast.n.03, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__chicken_wing.n.01 Substance True True wing.n.09, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__chili.n.01 Substance True True hot_pepper.n.02, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, filling_pepper-0, make_fried_rice-0, make_tacos-0, diced__chili, 1 1 3
diced__chives.n.01 Substance True True alliaceous_plant.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__chocolate_biscuit.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__chocolate_cake.n.01 Substance True True cake.n.03, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__chocolate_chip_cookie.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__chocolate_cookie_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__chorizo.n.01 Substance True True sausage.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__cinnamon_roll.n.01 Substance True True sweet_roll.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__clove.n.01 Substance True True garlic.n.02, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, filled, covered, cook_bok_choy-0, prepare_and_cook_swiss_chard-0, cook_chicken-0, cook_green_beans-0, diced__clove, 1 1 4
diced__club_sandwich.n.01 Substance True True sandwich.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__coconut.n.01 Substance True True edible_nut.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__cod.n.01 Substance True True saltwater_fish.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__cold_cuts.n.01 Substance True True meat.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__cookie_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, diced_cookie_dough, 0 0 0
diced__crab.n.01 Substance True True shellfish.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__crayfish.n.01 Substance True True shellfish.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__crescent_roll.n.01 Substance True True bun.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__cucumber.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, future, real, contains, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, make_spa_water-0, make_a_salad-0, diced__cucumber, 1 1 3
diced__cupcake.n.01 Substance True True cake.n.03, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__danish.n.01 Substance True True sweet_roll.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__date.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__doughnut.n.01 Substance True True friedcake.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, diced_doughnut, 0 0 0
diced__dried_apricot.n.01 Substance True True dried_fruit.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__duck.n.01 Substance True True poultry.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__dumpling.n.01 Substance True True dessert.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__durian.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__edible_cookie_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__eggplant.n.01 Substance True True solanaceous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__enchilada.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__entire_leaf.n.01 Substance True True leaf.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__fennel.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__feta.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, meltable, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, prepare_wine_and_cheese-0, diced__feta, 1 1 1
diced__fillet.n.01 Substance True True piece.n.08, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__frank.n.01 Substance True True sausage.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__frankfurter_bun.n.01 Substance True True bun.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__french_fries.n.01 Substance True True starches.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__french_toast.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__fruitcake.n.01 Substance True True cake.n.03, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__garlic_bread.n.01 Substance True True bread.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__gelatin.n.01 Substance True True dainty.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__ginger.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__gingerbread.n.01 Substance True True cake.n.03, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__gooseberry.n.01 Substance True True currant.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__gourd.n.01 Substance True True fruit.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__granola_bar.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__grapefruit.n.01 Substance True True citrus.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__green_bean.n.01 Substance True True fresh_bean.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__green_onion.n.01 Substance True True onion.n.03, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, make_nachos-0, diced__green_onion, 3 3 1
diced__grouper.n.01 Substance True True saltwater_fish.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__halibut.n.01 Substance True True flatfish.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__ham_hock.n.01 Substance True True leg.n.05, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__hamburger.n.01 Substance True True sandwich.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__hamburger_bun.n.01 Substance True True bun.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__hard-boiled_egg.n.01 Substance True True boiled_egg.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__hazelnut.n.01 Substance True True edible_nut.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__head_cabbage.n.01 Substance True True cabbage.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__hemp.n.01 Substance True True plant_fiber.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__hip.n.01 Substance True True fruit.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__hotdog.n.01 Substance True True sandwich.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__huitre.n.01 Substance True True shellfish.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__kabob.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__kale.n.01 Substance True True cabbage.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__kielbasa.n.01 Substance True True sausage.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__kiwi.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, diced__kiwi, 1 1 1
diced__lamb.n.01 Substance True True meat.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__leek.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__lemon.n.01 Substance True True citrus.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, cook_fish-0, diced__lemon, 1 1 1
diced__lemon_peel.n.01 Substance True True peel.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__lettuce.n.01 Substance True True salad_green.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_a_salad-0, diced__lettuce, 1 1 1
diced__lime.n.01 Substance True True citrus.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__lobster.n.01 Substance True True shellfish.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__macaroon.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__mango.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, diced__mango, 1 1 1
diced__marshmallow.n.01 Substance True True candy.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__meat_loaf.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, loaf_of_bread.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__meatball.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__melon.n.01 Substance True True melon.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__mozzarella.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, meltable, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__muffin.n.01 Substance True True quick_bread.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__mushroom.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__mustard.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__nectarine.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__olive.n.01 Substance True True relish.n.02, drupe.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__omelet.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__onion.n.01 Substance True True onion.n.03, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__orange.n.01 Substance True True citrus.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__oxtail.n.01 Substance True True tail.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__papaya.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__parsley.n.01 Substance True True herb.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__parsnip.n.01 Substance True True root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pastry.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__peach.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, drupe.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pear.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, pome.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__peppermint.n.01 Substance True True mint.n.05, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pepperoni.n.01 Substance True True sausage.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pickle.n.01 Substance True True relish.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pie_crust.n.01 Substance True True pastry.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pieplant.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pineapple.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, filled, real, contains, canning_food-0, diced__pineapple, 1 1 1
diced__pita.n.01 Substance True True flatbread.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pizza.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pizza_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__plum.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, drupe.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pomegranate.n.01 Substance True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pomelo.n.01 Substance True True citrus.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pork.n.01 Substance True True meat.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__porkchop.n.01 Substance True True chop.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__potato.n.01 Substance True True starches.n.01, root_vegetable.n.01, solanaceous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, preparing_food_for_adult-0, diced__potato, 1 1 1
diced__potato_pancake.n.01 Substance True True pancake.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__prawn.n.01 Substance True True seafood.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pretzel.n.01 Substance True True cracker.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__prosciutto.n.01 Substance True True ham.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__pumpkin.n.01 Substance True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__quail.n.01 Substance True True wildfowl.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__quiche.n.01 Substance True True tart.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__radish.n.01 Substance True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__ramen.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__rib.n.01 Substance True True cut.n.06, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__roast_beef.n.01 Substance True True roast.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__roll_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, diced_roll_dough, 0 0 0
diced__rutabaga.n.01 Substance True True turnip.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__salmon.n.01 Substance True True fish.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__scone.n.01 Substance True True quick_bread.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__shiitake.n.01 Substance True True fungus.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__sirloin.n.01 Substance True True cut.n.06, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__snapper.n.01 Substance True True saltwater_fish.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__sour_bread.n.01 Substance True True bread.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__sourdough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, diced_sourough, 0 0 0
diced__spice_cookie.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__spice_cookie_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__spinach.n.01 Substance True True greens.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_a_salad-0, diced__spinach, 1 1 1
diced__sprout.n.01 Substance True True plant_organ.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__squid.n.01 Substance True True seafood.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__steak.n.01 Substance True True cut.n.06, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, filled, real, contains, canning_food-0, 0 0 1
diced__strawberry.n.01 Substance True True berry.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__sugar_cookie.n.01 Substance True True cookie.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__sugar_cookie_dough.n.01 Substance True True dough.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__sunflower.n.01 Substance True True flower.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__sushi.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__sweet_corn.n.01 Substance True True corn.n.03, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__swiss_cheese.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, meltable, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__taco.n.01 Substance True True dish.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__tenderloin.n.01 Substance True True cut.n.06, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__tiramisu.n.01 Substance True True dessert.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__toast.n.01 Substance True True bread.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__tofu.n.01 Substance True True curd.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__tomato.n.01 Substance True True tomato.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__tortilla.n.01 Substance True True pancake.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__tortilla_chip.n.01 Substance True True corn_chip.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, diced_tortilla_chip, 0 0 0
diced__trout.n.01 Substance True True fish.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__trunk.n.01 Substance True True stalk.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__tulip.n.01 Substance True True liliaceous_plant.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__tuna.n.01 Substance True True saltwater_fish.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__turkey.n.01 Substance True True poultry.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__turkey_leg.n.01 Substance True True drumstick.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__vanilla.n.01 Substance True True orchid.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__veal.n.01 Substance True True meat.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__venison.n.01 Substance True True game.n.07, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__vidalia_onion.n.01 Substance True True onion.n.03, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, filled, real, covered, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, chop_an_onion-0, make_tacos-0, diced__vidalia_onion, 1 1 3
diced__virginia_ham.n.01 Substance True True ham.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, diced__virginia_ham, 1 1 1
diced__waffle.n.01 Substance True True cake.n.03, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__walnut.n.01 Substance True True edible_nut.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__watermelon.n.01 Substance True True melon.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, setup_a_garden_party-0, diced__watermelon, 1 1 1
diced__white_turnip.n.01 Substance True True turnip.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__whole_garlic.n.01 Substance True True garlic.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__yam.n.01 Substance True True sweet_potato.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
diced__zucchini.n.01 Substance True True summer_squash.n.02, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, slicing_vegetables-0, diced__zucchini, 1 1 1
die.n.01 Ready False True a small cube with 1 to 6 spots on the six faces; used in gambling to generate random numbers cube.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, collecting_childrens_toys-0, setting_up_room_for_games-0, dice, 3 3 2
diet.n.01 Substance False False a prescribed selection of foods fare.n.04, dietary_supplement.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
dietary_supplement.n.01 Substance False False something added to complete a diet or to make up for a dietary deficiency diet.n.01, vitamin_pill.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
digital_camera.n.01 Ready False True a camera that encodes an image digitally and store it for later reproduction camera.n.01, attachable, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, attached, attach_a_camera_to_a_tripod-0, clean_a_camera_lens-0, digital_camera, 4 4 2
digital_computer.n.01 Ready False False a computer that represents information by numerical (binary) digits computer.n.01, personal_computer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 11 0
dinner_napkin.n.01 Ready False True a large napkin used when dinner is served napkin.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, folded, nextto, inside, laying_restaurant_table_for_dinner-0, cleaning_restaurant_table-0, cleaning_out_drawers-0, clearing_table_after_snacks-0, dinner_napkin, 2 2 4
dip.n.04 Substance False False tasty mixture or liquid into which bite-sized foods are dipped condiment.n.01, cooked__guacamole.n.01, guacamole.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
dip.n.07 Ready False True a candle that is made by repeated dipping in a pool of wax or tallow candle.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, inside, ontop, decorating_for_religious_ceremony-0, set_a_fancy_table-0, dip_candle, 4 4 2
dipper.n.01 Ready False True a ladle that has a cup with a long handle ladle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, dipper, 1 1 0
dirt.n.02 Substance False True the state of being covered with unclean things dirtiness.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, mopping_the_kitchen_floor-0, clean_pine_cones-0, clean_potatoes-0, wash_lettuce-0, clean_silver_coins-0, cleaning_lawnmowers-0, clean_green_beans-0, clean_mushrooms-0, clean_snow_peas-0, clean_quarters-0, ... dirt, 9 9 29
dirtiness.n.01 Substance False False the state of being unsanitary sanitary_condition.n.01, dirt.n.02, substance, visualSubstance, 0 9 0
discharge.n.03 Substance False False a substance that is emitted or released material.n.01, exudate.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
dish.n.01 Ready False False a piece of dishware normally used as a container for holding or serving food container.n.01, crockery.n.01, bowl.n.03, casserole.n.02, gravy_boat.n.01, petri_dish.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 9 0
dish.n.02 Ready False False a particular item of prepared food nutriment.n.01, cooked__diced__carne_asada.n.01, cooked__refried_beans.n.01, diced__french_toast.n.01, omelet.n.01, applesauce.n.01, diced__sushi.n.01, meatball.n.01, cooked__diced__sushi.n.01, cooked__diced__taco.n.01, diced__burrito.n.01, french_toast.n.01, pasta.n.01, salad.n.01, cooked__diced__omelet.n.01, cooked__custard.n.01, pudding.n.01, burrito.n.01, diced__pizza.n.01, half__sushi.n.01, soup.n.01, cooked__risotto.n.01, sushi.n.01, half__ramen.n.01, snack_food.n.01, diced__taco.n.01, paella.n.01, half__kabob.n.01, half__french_toast.n.01, diced__kabob.n.01, kabob.n.01, cooked__diced__meatball.n.01, risotto.n.01, half__taco.n.01, taco.n.02, diced__meatball.n.01, cooked__scrambled_eggs.n.01, diced__enchilada.n.01, half__meatball.n.01, half__pizza.n.01, diced__carne_asada.n.01, ramen.n.01, porridge.n.01, schnitzel.n.01, diced__ramen.n.01, scrambled_eggs.n.01, cooked__diced__burrito.n.01, pizza.n.01, ramekin.n.01, curry.n.01, custard.n.01, cooked__diced__kabob.n.01, half__burrito.n.01, diced__omelet.n.01, cooked__diced__ramen.n.01, half__enchilada.n.01, patty.n.01, half__carne_asada.n.01, carne_asada.n.01, half__omelet.n.01, refried_beans.n.01, boiled_egg.n.01, cooked__diced__pizza.n.01, stew.n.02, cooked__diced__enchilada.n.01, cooked__diced__french_toast.n.01, enchilada.n.01, diced__meat_loaf.n.01, cooked__diced__meat_loaf.n.01, meat_loaf.n.01, half__meat_loaf.n.01, 0 69 0
dish_rack.n.01 Ready False True a rack for holding dishes as dishwater drains off of them rack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, clean_a_broiler_pan-0, dish_rack, 1 1 1
dish_rack_cart.n.01 Ready True True handcart.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, dish_rack_cart, 1 1 0
dishtowel.n.01 Ready False True a towel for drying dishes towel.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, nextto, ontop, folded, cleaning_stove-0, clean_a_leather_belt-0, stock_a_bar_cart-0, folding_clean_laundry-0, cleaning_table_after_clearing-0, clean_whiskey_stones-0, drying_table-0, washing_plates-0, drying_dishes-0, dishtowel, 2 2 9
dishwasher.n.01 Ready False True a machine for washing dishes white_goods.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, covered, wash_baby_bottles-0, rinsing_dishes-0, set_up_a_coffee_station_in_your_kitchen-0, cleaning_up_after_an_event-0, clearing_table_after_coffee-0, clearing_table_after_supper-0, cleaning_up_after_a_meal-0, loading_the_dishwasher-0, clean_copper_mugs-0, washing_utensils-0, ... dishwasher, 8 8 13
disinfectant.n.01 Substance False True an agent (as heat or radiation or a chemical) that destroys microorganisms that might carry disease agent.n.03, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, contains, prepare_your_garden_for_a_cat-0, clean_a_flat_iron-0, wash_baby_bottles-0, clean_a_birdcage-0, buy_fish-0, clean_out_a_guinea_pigs_hutch-0, clean_invisalign-0, clean_an_espresso_machine-0, cleaning_up_after_an_event-0, bringing_in_kindling-0, ... disinfectant, 0 0 27
disinfectant__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, prepare_your_garden_for_a_cat-0, clean_a_flat_iron-0, wash_baby_bottles-0, clean_a_birdcage-0, clean_out_a_guinea_pigs_hutch-0, clean_invisalign-0, clean_an_espresso_machine-0, clean_household_cleaning_tools-0, washing_windows-0, clean_an_air_filter-0, ... disinfectant_bottle, 1 1 24
disk.n.01 Not Ready False True something with a round shape resembling a flat circular plate round_shape.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
disk.n.02 Ready False False a flat circular plate plate.n.02, circle.n.08, puck.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
disk_drive.n.01 Ready False True computer hardware that holds and spins a magnetic or optical disk and reads and writes information on it drive.n.10, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hard_drive, 2 2 0
dispenser.n.01 Ready False False a container so designed that the contents can be used in prescribed amounts container.n.01, rubbing_alcohol__atomizer.n.01, soap_dispenser.n.01, fertilizer__atomizer.n.01, dry_food_dispenser_shelf.n.01, ammonia_water__atomizer.n.01, whipped_cream__atomizer.n.01, detergent__atomizer.n.01, deodorant__atomizer.n.01, candy_dispenser_shelf.n.01, cooking_oil__atomizer.n.01, air_freshener__atomizer.n.01, vinegar__atomizer.n.01, conditioner__atomizer.n.01, insectifuge__atomizer.n.01, acetone__atomizer.n.01, aerosol.n.02, sealant__atomizer.n.01, bleaching_agent__atomizer.n.01, inhaler.n.01, spray_paint__can.n.01, atomizer.n.01, water__atomizer.n.01, whipped_cream__can.n.01, pesticide__atomizer.n.01, tissue_dispenser.n.01, cellulose_tape_dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 46 0
display.n.06 Ready False False an electronic device that represents information in visual form electronic_device.n.01, display_panel.n.01, monitor.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 16 0
display_panel.n.01 Ready False True a vertical surface on which information can be displayed to public view display.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, clean_a_whiteboard-0, whiteboard, 3 3 1
disposal.n.04 Not Ready False True a kitchen appliance for disposing of garbage kitchen_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
diversion.n.01 Ready False False an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates activity.n.01, game.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 12 0
diving_board.n.01 Not Ready False True a springboard from which swimmers can dive springboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
dixie_cup.n.01 Ready False True a disposable cup made of paper; for holding drinks cup.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, tidy_your_garden-0, cleaning_stuff_out_of_car-0, clean_the_interior_of_your_car-0, paper_cup, soda_cup, 5 5 3
document.n.01 Ready False False writing that provides information (especially information of an official nature) writing.n.02, legal_document.n.01, commercial_document.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, organizing_file_cabinet-0, 0 4 1
document.n.02 Ready False False anything serving as a representation of a person's thinking by means of symbolic marks representation.n.02, letter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 17 0
dog_collar.n.01 Ready False True a collar for a dog collar.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_dog_collars-0, dog_collar, 1 1 1
dog_food.n.01 Substance False True food prepared for dogs petfood.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, putting_out_dog_food-0, dog_food, 4 4 1
dog_food__can.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, putting_out_dog_food-0, dog_food_can, 1 1 1
doily.n.01 Ready False True a small round piece of linen placed under a dish or bowl linen.n.03, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, unfolded, folded, store_vintage_linens-0, doily, 1 1 1
doll.n.01 Ready False True a small replica of a person; used as a toy plaything.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, clean_marker_off_a_doll-0, make_dinosaur_goody_bags-0, setup_a_baby_crib-0, make_gift_bags_for_baby_showers-0, doll, 1 1 4
door.n.01 Ready False True a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle movable_barrier.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, covered, open, mopping_the_kitchen_floor-0, cleaning_floors-0, de_clutter_your_garage-0, putting_bike_in_garage-0, cleaning_carpets-0, clean_wood_siding-0, rearranging_furniture-0, delivering_groceries_to_doorstep-0, clean_wood_doors-0, clean_the_exterior_of_your_garage-0, ... door, folding_door, 105 105 15
dose.n.01 Substance False False a measured portion of medicine taken at any one time medicine.n.02, pill.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, slicer, substance, 0 16 0
dough.n.01 Ready False False a flour mixture stiff enough to knead or roll concoction.n.01, half__edible_cookie_dough.n.01, half__biscuit_dough.n.01, half__sugar_cookie_dough.n.01, half__cookie_dough.n.01, half__chocolate_cookie_dough.n.01, biscuit_dough.n.01, half__spice_cookie_dough.n.01, diced__bagel_dough.n.01, diced__pastry.n.01, diced__sourdough.n.01, diced__edible_cookie_dough.n.01, cooked__diced__pizza_dough.n.01, half__sourdough.n.01, pizza_dough.n.01, cooked__diced__roll_dough.n.01, cooked__diced__pastry.n.01, roll_dough.n.01, half__bagel_dough.n.01, half__roll_dough.n.01, diced__roll_dough.n.01, cooked__diced__bagel_dough.n.01, diced__biscuit_dough.n.01, edible_cookie_dough.n.01, chocolate_cookie_dough.n.01, bagel_dough.n.01, cooked__diced__chocolate_cookie_dough.n.01, diced__pizza_dough.n.01, cooked__diced__sourdough.n.01, diced__chocolate_cookie_dough.n.01, cooked__diced__spice_cookie_dough.n.01, cooked__diced__cookie_dough.n.01, half__pastry.n.01, half__pizza_dough.n.01, diced__cookie_dough.n.01, cooked__diced__edible_cookie_dough.n.01, cooked__diced__sugar_cookie_dough.n.01, diced__spice_cookie_dough.n.01, cookie_dough.n.01, sugar_cookie_dough.n.01, diced__sugar_cookie_dough.n.01, cooked__diced__biscuit_dough.n.01, spice_cookie_dough.n.01, pastry.n.01, 0 30 0
doughnut.n.02 Ready False True a small ring-shaped friedcake friedcake.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, donut, 2 2 0
dowel.n.01 Ready False True a fastener that is inserted into holes in two adjacent pieces and holds them together fastener.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, dowel, 1 1 0
drawers.n.01 Ready False True underpants worn by men underpants.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, folded, folding_piece_of_cloth-0, boxers, 1 1 1
drawing.n.02 Ready False False a representation of forms or objects on a surface by means of lines representation.n.02, plan.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
drawstring_bag.n.01 Not Ready False False a bag that is closed at the top with a drawstring bag.n.01, duffel_bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
dregs.n.01 Substance False False sediment that has settled at the bottom of a liquid sediment.n.01, grounds.n.05, substance, visualSubstance, 0 1 0
dreidel.n.01 Ready True True top.n.08, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, dreidel, 3 3 0
dress.n.01 Ready False True a one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice woman's_clothing.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, unfolded, folded, inside, covered, saturated, draped, organizing_volunteer_materials-0, donating_clothing-0, folding_clothes-0, treating_spot-0, hanging_clothes-0, ironing_clothes-0, picking_up_clothes-0, putting_clothes_into_closet-0, dress, 1 1 8
dress_shirt.n.01 Ready False True a man's white shirt (with a starch front) for evening wear (usually with a tuxedo) shirt.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, dress_shirt, 1 1 0
dressing.n.01 Substance False False savory dressings for salads; basically of two kinds: either the thin French or vinaigrette type or the creamy mayonnaise type sauce.n.01, cooked__mayonnaise.n.01, mayonnaise.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
dressing.n.04 Ready False False a cloth covering for a wound or sore cloth_covering.n.01, bandage.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
dried_apricot.n.01 Ready False True apricots preserved by drying dried_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, dried_apricot, 1 1 0
dried_cranberry.n.01 Substance True True dried_fruit.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, dried_cranberry, 3 3 0
dried_fruit.n.01 Ready False False fruit preserved by drying edible_fruit.n.01, cooked__raisin.n.01, cooked__diced__dried_apricot.n.01, diced__dried_apricot.n.01, half__dried_apricot.n.01, dried_apricot.n.01, dried_cranberry.n.01, raisin.n.01, 0 13 0
drill.n.01 Ready False True a tool with a sharp point and cutting edges for making holes in hard materials (usually rotating rapidly or by repeated blows) tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, outfit_a_basic_toolbox-0, cleaning_tools_and_equipment-0, drill, power_drill, 2 2 2
drink.n.01 Substance False False a single serving of a beverage helping.n.01, sangaree.n.01, cooked__milkshake.n.01, milkshake.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
drink__dispenser.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, drink_dispenser, 2 2 0
drinking_fountain.n.02 Ready True True structure.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, drinking_fountain, 3 3 0
drinking_vessel.n.01 Ready False False a vessel intended for drinking vessel.n.03, mug.n.04, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 14 0
drip_coffee.n.01 Substance False True coffee made by passing boiling water through a perforated container packed with finely ground coffee coffee.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, filled, covered, brewing_coffee-0, make_coffee-0, clearing_table_after_coffee-0, make_instant_coffee-0, making_coffee-0, preparing_existing_coffee-0, clean_cup_holders-0, drip_coffee, 0 0 7
drip_pot.n.01 Ready False True a coffeepot for making drip coffee coffeepot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, drip_pot, 1 1 0
drive.n.10 Ready False False (computer science) a device that writes data onto or reads data from a storage medium device.n.01, disk_drive.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
driveway.n.01 Ready False True a road leading up to a private house road.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, packing_hiking_equipment_into_car-0, carrying_in_groceries-0, putting_away_bicycles-0, sweeping_porch-0, packing_documents_into_car-0, covering_boat-0, clean_up_gasoline-0, sweeping_patio-0, prepare_a_boat_for_fishing-0, packing_picnic_into_car-0, ... driveway, 7 7 53
drug.n.01 Ready False False a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic agent.n.03, medicine.n.02, drug_of_abuse.n.01, 0 22 0
drug_of_abuse.n.01 Ready False False a drug that is taken for nonmedicinal reasons (usually for mind-altering effects); drug abuse can lead to physical and mental damage and (with some substances) dependence and addiction drug.n.01, alcohol.n.01, tobacco.n.01, 0 5 0
drum.n.01 Not Ready False True a musical percussion instrument; usually consists of a hollow cylinder with a membrane stretched across each end percussion_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
drumstick.n.01 Ready False False the lower joint of the leg of a fowl helping.n.01, half__chicken_leg.n.01, diced__turkey_leg.n.01, half__turkey_leg.n.01, diced__chicken_leg.n.01, chicken_leg.n.01, cooked__diced__chicken_leg.n.01, turkey_leg.n.01, cooked__diced__turkey_leg.n.01, 0 6 0
drumstick.n.02 Ready False True a stick used for playing a drum stick.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, drumstick, 2 2 0
drupe.n.01 Ready False False fleshy indehiscent fruit with a single seed: e.g. almond; peach; plum; cherry; elderberry; olive; jujube fruit.n.01, half__peach.n.01, peach.n.03, half__cherry.n.01, drupelet.n.01, cooked__diced__peach.n.01, cherry.n.03, diced__peach.n.01, cooked__diced__cherry.n.01, diced__cherry.n.01, diced__plum.n.01, plum.n.02, cooked__diced__plum.n.01, half__plum.n.01, diced__olive.n.01, half__olive.n.01, olive.n.04, cooked__diced__olive.n.01, cooked__almond.n.01, almond.n.02, 0 31 0
drupelet.n.01 Ready False False a small part of an aggregate fruit that resembles a drupe drupe.n.01, cooked__diced__blackberry.n.01, diced__blackberry.n.01, raspberry.n.02, half__blackberry.n.01, blackberry.n.01, 0 5 0
dry_food_dispenser_shelf.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, dry_food_dispenser_shelf, 1 1 0
dryer.n.01 Ready False False an appliance that removes moisture appliance.n.02, hand_blower.n.01, hand_dryer.n.01, clothes_dryer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 10 0
drygoods.n.01 Ready False False textiles or clothing and related merchandise commodity.n.01, white_goods.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 22 0
drying_rack.n.01 Ready True True rack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, drying_rack, 1 1 0
duck.n.03 Ready False True flesh of a duck (domestic or wild) poultry.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, touching, inside, covered, cooked, cook_a_duck-0, duck, 1 1 1
duct_tape.n.01 Ready False True a wide silvery adhesive tape intended to seal joints in sheet metal duct work but having many other uses adhesive_tape.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, duct_tape, 1 1 0
duffel_bag.n.01 Not Ready False True a large cylindrical bag of heavy cloth; for carrying personal belongings drawstring_bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, duffel_bag, 0 0 0
dummy.n.03 Ready False False a figure representing the human form figure.n.04, mannequin.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
dumpling.n.01 Ready False True small balls or strips of boiled or steamed dough pasta.n.02, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, inside, covered, cooked, fry_pot_stickers-0, dumpling, 1 1 1
dumpling.n.02 Not Ready False True dessert made by baking fruit wrapped in pastry dessert.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
duplicator.n.01 Ready False False apparatus that makes copies of typed, written or drawn material apparatus.n.01, photocopier.n.01, facsimile.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
durables.n.01 Ready False False consumer goods that are not destroyed by use consumer_goods.n.01, boxed__router.n.01, appliance.n.02, boxed__ink_cartridge.n.01, boxed__cpu_board.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 115 0
durian.n.02 Ready False True huge fruit native to southeastern Asia `smelling like Hell and tasting like Heaven'; seeds are roasted and eaten like nuts edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, durian, 1 1 0
dust.n.01 Substance False True fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown about in the air particulate.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_a_company_office-0, clean_a_kitchen_table-0, polish_pewter-0, mopping_the_kitchen_floor-0, cleaning_garden_tools-0, setting_up_living_room_for_guest-0, clean_a_couch-0, clean_vintage_stereo_equipment-0, clean_jade-0, cleaning_up_refrigerator-0, ... dust, 9 9 113
dustpan.n.02 Ready False True a short-handled receptacle into which dust can be swept receptacle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, cleaning_floors-0, sweeping_floors-0, cleaning_oven-0, defrosting_freezer-0, clean_up_broken_glass-0, dustpan, 1 1 5
dutch_oven.n.02 Ready False True iron or earthenware cooking pot; used for stews pot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cook_quail-0, dutch_oven, 1 1 1
dye.n.01 Substance False True a usually soluble substance for staining or coloring e.g. fabrics or hair coloring_material.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
eames_chair.n.01 Ready False True a chair designed by Charles Eames; originally made of molded plywood; seat and back shaped to fit the human body chair.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, eames_chair, 6 6 0
earphone.n.01 Ready False False electro-acoustic transducer for converting electric signals into sounds; it is held over or inserted into the ear electro-acoustic_transducer.n.01, telephone_receiver.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
earth.n.02 Substance False False the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface material.n.01, mud.n.03, sand.n.04, soil.n.02, substance, 0 20 0
easel.n.01 Ready False True an upright tripod for displaying something (usually an artist's canvas) tripod.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, easel, 1 1 0
easter_egg.n.01 Ready False True an egg-shaped candy used to celebrate Easter candy.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, nextto, hiding_Easter_eggs-0, easter_egg, 1 1 1
echeveria_elegans.n.01 Ready True True succulent.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, echeveria_elegans, 1 1 0
edge_tool.n.01 Ready False False any cutting tool with a sharp cutting edge (as a chisel or knife or plane or gouge) cutter.n.06, wire_cutter.n.01, knife.n.01, ax.n.01, razor.n.01, chisel.n.01, scissors.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 30 0
edible_cookie_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, inside, real, cooked, make_edible_chocolate_chip_cookie_dough-0, edible_cookie_dough, 1 1 1
edible_fat.n.01 Substance False False oily or greasy matter making up the bulk of fatty tissue in animals and in seeds and other plant tissue fat.n.01, vegetable_oil.n.01, shortening.n.01, cooked__shortening.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
edible_fruit.n.01 Ready False False edible reproductive body of a seed plant especially one having sweet flesh produce.n.01, fruit.n.01, half__durian.n.01, pineapple.n.02, cooked__diced__pineapple.n.01, half__pomegranate.n.01, melon.n.01, half__date.n.01, half__papaya.n.01, half__pineapple.n.01, diced__durian.n.01, dried_fruit.n.01, cooked__diced__papaya.n.01, durian.n.02, banana.n.02, cooked__diced__pomegranate.n.01, kiwi.n.03, mango.n.02, berry.n.01, apricot.n.02, half__nectarine.n.01, avocado.n.01, pomegranate.n.02, diced__mango.n.01, grape.n.01, diced__apricot.n.01, sliced__papaya.n.01, diced__kiwi.n.01, diced__pomegranate.n.01, half__mango.n.01, cooked__diced__apricot.n.01, cooked__diced__banana.n.01, cooked__diced__mango.n.01, citrus.n.01, diced__pineapple.n.01, half__banana.n.01, papaya.n.02, diced__avocado.n.01, diced__date.n.01, nectarine.n.02, diced__banana.n.01, cooked__diced__date.n.01, half__apricot.n.01, half__avocado.n.01, diced__nectarine.n.01, half__kiwi.n.01, cooked__diced__avocado.n.01, cooked__diced__kiwi.n.01, cooked__diced__nectarine.n.01, date.n.08, cooked__diced__durian.n.01, diced__papaya.n.01, apple.n.01, cooked__diced__pear.n.01, diced__pear.n.01, pear.n.01, half__pear.n.01, cooked__diced__apple.n.01, diced__apple.n.01, half__apple.n.01, half__peach.n.01, peach.n.03, half__cherry.n.01, cooked__diced__peach.n.01, cherry.n.03, diced__peach.n.01, cooked__diced__cherry.n.01, diced__cherry.n.01, diced__plum.n.01, plum.n.02, cooked__diced__plum.n.01, half__plum.n.01, 0 167 0
edible_nut.n.01 Ready False False a hard-shelled seed consisting of an edible kernel or meat enclosed in a woody or leathery shell nut.n.01, cooked__diced__chestnut.n.01, half__chestnut.n.01, cooked__pistachio.n.01, diced__chestnut.n.01, cooked__pecan.n.01, cooked__almond.n.01, pine_nut.n.01, diced__coconut.n.01, diced__walnut.n.01, hazelnut.n.02, half__hazelnut.n.01, cooked__peanut.n.01, almond.n.02, half__coconut.n.01, peanut.n.04, walnut.n.01, cooked__cashew.n.01, chestnut.n.03, cooked__diced__walnut.n.01, cashew.n.02, pecan.n.03, cooked__pine_nut.n.01, coconut.n.02, half__walnut.n.01, walnut_meat.n.01, cooked__diced__hazelnut.n.01, cooked__diced__coconut.n.01, diced__hazelnut.n.01, pistachio.n.02, 0 41 0
edible_seed.n.01 Substance False False many are used as seasoning seed.n.01, cooked__cumin.n.01, cooked__pumpkin_seed.n.01, pumpkin_seed.n.01, sunflower_seed.n.01, cooked__sunflower_seed.n.01, chia_seed.n.01, cumin.n.02, cooked__chia_seed.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 17 0
effort.n.02 Ready False False use of physical or mental energy; hard work labor.n.02, exercise.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
egg.n.02 Ready False True oval reproductive body of a fowl (especially a hen) used as food foodstuff.n.02, breakable, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, inside, covered, putting_food_in_fridge-0, prepare_a_filling_breakfast-0, unloading_groceries-0, hard_boil_an_egg-0, buy_eggs-0, bag_groceries-0, clean_eggs-0, prepare_make_ahead_breakfast_bowls-0, loading_shopping_into_car-0, egg, 2 2 9
egg_white.n.01 Substance False True the white part of an egg; the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding the yolk consisting mainly of albumin dissolved in water ingredient.n.03, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
egg_yolk.n.01 Not Ready False True the yellow spherical part of an egg that is surrounded by the albumen ingredient.n.03, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
eggnog.n.01 Substance False True a punch made of sweetened milk or cream mixed with eggs and usually alcoholic liquor punch.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_eggnog-0, eggnog, 0 0 1
eggplant.n.01 Ready False True egg-shaped vegetable having a shiny skin typically dark purple but occasionally white or yellow solanaceous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, ontop, covered, cook_eggplant-0, picking_fruit_and_vegetables-0, eggplant, 3 3 2
elastic_device.n.01 Not Ready False False any flexible device that will return to its original shape when stretched device.n.01, rubber_band.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rope, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
electric_cauldron.n.01 Ready True True pot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatSource, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, electric_cauldron, 1 1 0
electric_fan.n.01 Ready False True a fan run by an electric motor fan.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, cleaning_fan-0, clean_a_box_fan-0, electric_fan, 2 2 2
electric_hand_mixer.n.01 Ready True True mixer.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, electric_hand_mixer, 1 1 0
electric_kettle.n.01 Ready True True pot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatSource, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, filled, clean_an_electric_kettle-0, make_iced_tea-0, electric_kettle, 1 1 2
electric_lamp.n.01 Ready False False a lamp powered by electricity lamp.n.01, flashlight.n.01, light_bulb.n.01, broken__light_bulb.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
electric_mixer.n.01 Ready False True a food mixer powered by an electric motor mixer.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, contains, inside, make_waffles-0, make_blueberry_mousse-0, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, make_onion_ring_batter-0, make_cake_filling-0, make_cream_from_milk-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, make_dinner_rolls-0, make_bagels-0, make_pizza_dough-0, ... electric_mixer, 2 2 21
electric_refrigerator.n.01 Ready False True a refrigerator in which the coolant is pumped around by an electric motor refrigerator.n.01, coldSource, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, open, ontop, nextto, store_feta_cheese-0, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, cook_a_crab-0, cleaning_up_refrigerator-0, cook_carrots-0, cook_shrimp-0, cook_snap_peas-0, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, make_fish_and_chips-0, defrost_meat-0, ... display_fridge, fridge, wine_fridge, 14 14 221
electrical_device.n.01 Ready False False a device that produces or is powered by electricity device.n.01, battery.n.02, plug.n.05, control_panel.n.01, transducer.n.01, circuit.n.01, security_system.n.02, spark_plug.n.01, antenna.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 18 0
electro-acoustic_transducer.n.01 Ready False False a transducer that converts electrical to acoustic energy or vice versa transducer.n.01, earphone.n.01, loudspeaker.n.01, microphone.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 15 0
electronic_device.n.01 Ready False False a device that accomplishes its purpose electronically device.n.01, display.n.06, mouse.n.04, scanner.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 26 0
electronic_equipment.n.01 Ready False False equipment that involves the controlled conduction of electrons (especially in a gas or vacuum or semiconductor) equipment.n.01, modem.n.01, telephone.n.01, peripheral.n.01, terminal.n.04, set.n.13, audio_system.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 42 0
elevator.n.01 Not Ready False True lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building lifting_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
elevator_door.n.01 Ready True True movable_barrier.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, elevator_door, 3 3 0
ember.n.01 Substance False True a hot fragment of wood or coal that is left from a fire and is glowing or smoldering fragment.n.01, flammable, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
emblem.n.01 Ready False False special design or visual object representing a quality, type, group, etc. design.n.04, flag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
emblem.n.02 Ready False False a visible symbol representing an abstract idea symbol.n.02, national_flag.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
emery_paper.n.01 Ready False True stiff paper coated with powdered emery or sand abrasive.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, repairs_to_furniture-0, remove_scorch_marks-0, sanding_wood_furniture-0, clean_the_bottom_of_an_iron-0, clean_your_rusty_garden_tools-0, emery_paper, 1 1 5
enamel.n.04 Substance False False any smooth glossy coating that resembles ceramic glaze coating.n.01, nail_polish.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
enchilada.n.01 Ready False True tortilla with meat filling baked in tomato sauce seasoned with chili dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, enchilada, 1 1 0
enclosure.n.01 Ready False False a structure consisting of an area that has been enclosed for some purpose area.n.05, recess.n.04, vivarium.n.01, cage.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 9 0
engine.n.01 Not Ready False True motor that converts thermal energy to mechanical work motor.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
entire_leaf.n.01 Ready False True a leaf having a smooth margin without notches or indentations leaf.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, clean_decking-0, sweeping_patio-0, cleaning_the_yard-0, raking_leaves-0, sweeping_outside_entrance-0, clean_the_interior_of_your_car-0, leaf, 9 9 6
entity.n.01 Ready False False that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving) abstraction.n.06, physical_entity.n.01, 0 9219 0
envelope.n.01 Ready False True a flat (usually rectangular) container for a letter, thin package, etc. container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, touching, inside, sorting_mail-0, collecting_mail_from_the_letterbox-0, mailing_letters-0, envelope, 1 1 3
equipment.n.01 Ready False False an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service instrumentality.n.03, electronic_equipment.n.01, game_equipment.n.01, photographic_equipment.n.01, sports_equipment.n.01, rescue_equipment.n.01, apparatus.n.01, gear.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 97 0
eraser.n.01 Ready False False an implement used to erase something implement.n.01, blackboard_eraser.n.01, rubber_eraser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, inside, covered, buy_school_supplies-0, pack_a_pencil_case-0, buying_office_supplies-0, clean_an_eraser-0, 0 2 4
erlenmeyer_flask.n.01 Ready False True a conical flask with a wide base and narrow neck flask.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, contains, make_a_vinegar_cleaning_solution-0, erlenmeyer_flask, 2 2 1
espresso.n.01 Substance False True strong black coffee brewed by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans coffee.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_an_iced_espresso-0, setting_table_for_coffee-0, espresso, 0 0 2
espresso_machine.n.01 Ready True True kitchen_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, espresso_machine, 5 5 0
essential_oil.n.01 Substance False True an oil having the odor or flavor of the plant from which it comes; used in perfume and flavorings oil.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
essential_oil__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
event.n.01 Ready False False something that happens at a given place and time psychological_feature.n.01, act.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
evergreen.n.01 Not Ready False True a plant having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year vascular_plant.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
evidence.n.02 Ready False False an indication that makes something evident indication.n.01, identification.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
excavation.n.03 Ready False False a hole in the ground made by excavating artifact.n.01, pool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
exercise.n.01 Ready False False the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit effort.n.02, bodybuilding.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
exercise_bike.n.01 Ready False True an exercise device resembling a stationary bike exercise_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, elliptical_machine, exercise_bike, 2 2 0
exercise_device.n.01 Ready False False a device designed to provide exercise for the user device.n.01, yoga_mat.n.01, treadmill.n.01, hamster_wheel.n.01, exercise_bike.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 8 0
explosive.n.01 Ready False False a chemical substance that undergoes a rapid chemical change (with the production of gas) on being heated or struck chemical.n.01, low_explosive.n.01, gunpowder.n.01, 0 2 0
exudate.n.01 Substance False False a substance that oozes out from plant pores discharge.n.03, gum.n.03, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
eyeshadow.n.01 Substance False True makeup consisting of a cosmetic substance used to darken the eyes makeup.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
fabric.n.01 Ready False False artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers artifact.n.01, wool.n.01, cobweb.n.01, net.n.06, felt.n.01, knit.n.01, velcro.n.01, piece_of_cloth.n.01, canvas.n.01, velvet.n.01, sacking.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 12 0
fabric_softener.n.01 Substance True True softener.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, adding_fabric_softener-0, fabric_softener, 0 0 1
fabric_softener__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, adding_fabric_softener-0, fabric_softener_bottle, 1 1 1
face_mask.n.01 Not Ready False True mask that provides a protective covering for the face in such sports as baseball or football or hockey mask.n.04, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, face_mask, 0 0 0
facility.n.01 Ready False False a building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry artifact.n.01, athletic_facility.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
facsimile.n.02 Ready False True duplicator that transmits the copy by wire or radio duplicator.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, toggled_on, installing_a_fax_machine-0, facsimile, 1 1 1
fairy_light.n.01 Ready False True a small colored light used for decoration (especially at Christmas) light.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, fairy_light, 1 1 0
fan.n.01 Ready False False a device for creating a current of air by movement of a surface or surfaces device.n.01, electric_fan.n.01, ceiling_fan.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
fare.n.04 Substance False False the food and drink that are regularly served or consumed food.n.01, diet.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
farm_building.n.01 Ready False False a building on a farm building.n.01, chicken_coop.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
farm_machine.n.01 Not Ready False False a machine used in farming machine.n.01, harvester.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
farm_stand.n.01 Ready True True booth.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, farm_stand, 1 1 0
fastener.n.02 Ready False False restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place restraint.n.06, clip.n.03, nail.n.02, lock.n.01, slide_fastener.n.01, buckle.n.01, screw.n.04, clothespin.n.01, cringle.n.01, paper_fastener.n.01, dowel.n.01, pin.n.09, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 18 0
fat.n.01 Substance False False a soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue and consisting of a mixture of lipids (mostly triglycerides) lipid.n.01, edible_fat.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
faucet.n.01 Ready False False a regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a reservoir regulator.n.01, water_faucet.n.01, beer_tap.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
feather.n.01 Ready False True the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds animal_material.n.01, body_covering.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, clean_a_chicken_coop-0, feather, 1 1 1
fecal_matter.n.01 Substance False True solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels body_waste.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_out_a_guinea_pigs_hutch-0, clean_your_kitty_litter_box-0, clean_a_small_pet_cage-0, fecal_matter, 9 9 3
feed.n.01 Substance False False food for domestic livestock food.n.01, petfood.n.01, bird_feed.n.01, fodder.n.02, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 9 0
felt.n.01 Not Ready False True a fabric made of compressed matted animal fibers fabric.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
fence.n.01 Ready False False a barrier that serves to enclose an area barrier.n.01, rail_fence.n.01, stone_wall.n.01, hedge.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 26 0
fennel.n.02 Ready False True aromatic bulbous stem base eaten cooked or raw in salads vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, fennel, 1 1 0
fennel.n.04 Substance False True fennel seeds are ground and used as a spice or as an ingredient of a spice mixture spice.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, fennel_dried, 0 0 0
ferric_oxide.n.01 Substance False False a red oxide of iron oxide.n.01, rust.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 9 0
fertilizer.n.01 Substance False True any substance such as manure or a mixture of nitrates used to make soil more fertile chemical.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, insource, contains, fertilize_plants-0, make_a_small_vegetable_garden-0, fertilize_a_lawn-0, adding_chemicals_to_lawn-0, fertilizing_garden-0, fertilizer, 0 0 5
fertilizer__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, make_a_small_vegetable_garden-0, buying_gardening_supplies-0, fertilize_a_lawn-0, adding_chemicals_to_lawn-0, fertilizing_garden-0, fertilizer_atomizer, 1 1 5
feta.n.01 Ready True True cheese.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, overlaid, store_feta_cheese-0, cook_eggplant-0, prepare_make_ahead_breakfast_bowls-0, prepare_wine_and_cheese-0, feta, 4 4 4
feta__box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cook_eggplant-0, prepare_make_ahead_breakfast_bowls-0, feta_box, 1 1 2
fiber.n.01 Ready False False a slender and greatly elongated substance capable of being spun into yarn material.n.01, lint.n.01, natural_fiber.n.01, loofa.n.01, 0 12 0
field.n.01 Ready False False a piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed tract.n.01, yard.n.02, lawn.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 13 0
figure.n.04 Ready False False a model of a bodily form (especially of a person) model.n.04, dummy.n.03, figurine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
figure.n.06 Ready False False a combination of points and lines and planes that form a visible palpable shape shape.n.02, solid_figure.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 28 0
figurine.n.01 Ready False False a small carved or molded figure figure.n.04, nativity_figurine.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
filament.n.03 Substance False False a threadlike structure (as a chainlike series of cells) structure.n.04, hair.n.04, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
fillet.n.02 Ready False True a longitudinal slice or boned side of a fish piece.n.08, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, fillet, 1 1 0
filling.n.03 Substance False True a food mixture used to fill pastry or sandwiches etc. concoction.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
film.n.04 Substance False False a thin coating or layer object.n.01, scum.n.02, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
filter.n.01 Ready False False device that removes something from whatever passes through it device.n.01, water_filter.n.01, coffee_filter.n.01, strainer.n.01, air_filter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
fire_alarm.n.02 Ready False True an alarm that is tripped off by fire or smoke alarm.n.02, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, installing_smoke_detectors-0, fire_alarm, 6 6 1
fire_extinguisher.n.01 Ready False True a manually operated device for extinguishing small fires device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, fire_extinguisher, 6 6 0
fire_iron.n.01 Ready False False metal fireside implements implement.n.01, poker.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
fire_pit.n.01 Not Ready False True a pit whose floor is incandescent lava pit.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
fire_sprinkler.n.01 Ready True True mechanical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, fire_sprinkler, 2 2 0
fireplace.n.01 Ready False False an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built recess.n.04, gas_fireplace.n.01, wood_fireplace.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
firewood.n.01 Ready False True wood used for fuel fuel.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, inside, on_fire, store_firewood-0, store_firewood_outdoors-0, bringing_in_kindling-0, setting_the_fire-0, lighting_fireplace-0, firewood, 18 18 5
firewood_chopping_block.n.01 Ready True True block.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, firewood_chopping_block, 1 1 0
firework.n.01 Ready False False (usually plural) a device with an explosive that burns at a low rate and with colored flames; can be used to illuminate areas or send signals etc. low_explosive.n.01, skyrocket.n.02, sparkler.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, dispose_of_fireworks-0, 0 2 1
first-aid_kit.n.01 Ready False True kit consisting of a set of bandages and medicines for giving first aid kit.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, buy_home_use_medical_supplies-0, first_aid_kit, 1 1 1
first_class.n.02 Ready False False mail that includes letters and postcards and packages sealed against inspection mail.n.01, correspondence.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
fish.n.02 Ready False False the flesh of fish used as food food.n.02, salmon.n.03, diced__trout.n.01, cooked__diced__salmon.n.01, half__salmon.n.01, cooked__diced__trout.n.01, trout.n.01, half__trout.n.01, diced__salmon.n.01, 0 7 0
fish_stew.n.01 Substance False True a stew made with fish stew.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_seafood_stew-0, fish_stew, 0 0 1
fishing_gear.n.01 Ready False True gear used in fishing gear.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, prepare_a_boat_for_fishing-0, packing_fishing_gear_into_car-0, tackle_box, 1 1 2
fishing_rod.n.01 Ready False True a rod of wood or steel or fiberglass that is used in fishing to extend the fishing line rod.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, attached, prepare_a_boat_for_fishing-0, cleaning_fishing_gear-0, packing_fishing_gear_into_car-0, unhook_a_fish-0, fishing_rod, 1 1 4
fitting.n.02 Ready False False a small and often standardized accessory to a larger system accessory.n.02, receptacle.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 13 0
fixed_window.n.01 Ready True True window.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, fixed_window, 66 66 0
fixture.n.01 Ready False False an object firmly fixed in place (especially in a household) artifact.n.01, plumbing_fixture.n.01, lighting_fixture.n.01, soap_dish.n.01, wall_nail.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 67 0
flag.n.01 Ready False False emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design emblem.n.01, national_flag.n.01, banner.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
flag.n.04 Ready False False a rectangular piece of fabric used as a signalling device visual_signal.n.01, pennant.n.02, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
flagpole.n.02 Ready False True a tall staff or pole on which a flag is raised staff.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, flagpole, 1 1 0
flashlight.n.01 Ready False True a small portable battery-powered electric lamp electric_lamp.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, outfit_a_basic_toolbox-0, make_a_military_care_package-0, flashlight, 1 1 2
flask.n.01 Ready False False bottle that has a narrow neck bottle.n.01, round-bottom_flask.n.01, canteen.n.01, erlenmeyer_flask.n.01, vacuum_flask.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 8 0
flat_bench.n.02 Ready True True sports_equipment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, flat_bench, 1 1 0
flat_coat.n.01 Substance False True the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface coat_of_paint.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
flatbread.n.01 Ready False False any of various breads made from usually unleavened dough bread.n.01, diced__pita.n.01, cooked__diced__pita.n.01, half__pita.n.01, pita.n.01, 0 3 0
flatfish.n.01 Not Ready False False sweet lean whitish flesh of any of numerous thin-bodied fish; usually served as thin fillets saltwater_fish.n.01, half__halibut.n.01, halibut.n.01, diced__halibut.n.01, cooked__diced__halibut.n.01, 0 0 0
flatware.n.01 Ready False False tableware that is relatively flat and fashioned as a single piece tableware.n.01, platter.n.01, plate.n.04, saucer.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 63 0
flavorer.n.01 Ready False False something added to food primarily for the savor it imparts ingredient.n.03, cooked__onion_powder.n.01, spice.n.02, lemon-pepper_seasoning.n.01, sesame_seed.n.01, cardamom.n.02, cooked__coriander.n.01, cooked__poultry_seasoning.n.01, cooked__curry_powder.n.01, onion_powder.n.01, cooked__lemon-pepper_seasoning.n.01, turmeric.n.02, herb.n.02, cooked__sesame_seed.n.01, pepper.n.03, cooked__chili_powder.n.01, cooked__salt.n.01, cooked__turmeric.n.01, cooked__paprika.n.01, curry_powder.n.01, cooked__saffron.n.01, jerk_seasoning.n.01, cooked__granulated_salt.n.01, vanilla.n.02, half__ginger_root.n.01, cooked__cayenne.n.01, chili_powder.n.01, coriander.n.02, poultry_seasoning.n.01, saffron.n.02, caraway_seed.n.01, cooked__vanilla.n.01, cooked__cardamom.n.01, half__ginger.n.01, sweetening.n.01, mustard_seed.n.01, cooked__mustard_seed.n.01, paprika.n.02, salt.n.02, diced__ginger.n.01, mustard_seasoning.n.01, condiment.n.01, ginger.n.03, garlic.n.02, cooked__caraway_seed.n.01, cooked__diced__ginger.n.01, poppy_seed.n.01, granulated_salt.n.01, cayenne.n.02, cooked__jerk_seasoning.n.01, bouillon_cube.n.01, 0 107 0
float.n.06 Ready False False something that floats on the surface of water artifact.n.01, life_preserver.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
floor.n.01 Ready False True the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure) horizontal_surface.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_company_office-0, packing_hiking_equipment_into_car-0, clean_plastic_containers-0, clean_a_kitchen_table-0, buy_salad_greens-0, mulching-0, clean_up_spilled_egg-0, clean_decking-0, toast_sunflower_seeds-0, buy_food_for_a_party-0, ... floors, 379 379 1016
floor_cover.n.01 Ready False False a covering for a floor covering.n.02, mat.n.01, rug.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 12 0
floor_lamp.n.01 Ready False True a lamp that stands on the floor lamp.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, floor_lamp, garden_light, 22 22 0
floor_wax.n.01 Substance False True a preparation containing wax and used to polish and preserve the finish of floors wax.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, waxing_floors-0, floor_wax, 0 0 1
floor_wax__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, waxing_floors-0, floor_wax_bottle, 1 1 1
flooring.n.02 Not Ready False True building material used in laying floors building_material.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
floral_leaf.n.01 Ready False False a modified leaf that is part of a flower leaf.n.01, petal.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
flour.n.01 Substance False True fine powdery foodstuff obtained by grinding and sifting the meal of a cereal grain foodstuff.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, make_waffles-0, make_onion_ring_batter-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, make_dinner_rolls-0, make_bagels-0, make_white_wine_sauce-0, make_pizza_dough-0, make_cake_mix-0, baking_sugar_cookies-0, make_brownies-0, ... flour, 1 1 22
flour__sack.n.01 Ready True True bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, make_waffles-0, make_onion_ring_batter-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, make_dinner_rolls-0, make_bagels-0, make_white_wine_sauce-0, make_pizza_dough-0, make_cake_mix-0, baking_sugar_cookies-0, make_brownies-0, ... flour_sack, 1 1 21
flower.n.01 Ready False False a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms angiosperm.n.01, pottable__dahlia.n.01, pottable__marigold.n.01, half__sunflower.n.01, dahlia.n.01, orchid.n.01, diced__sunflower.n.01, marigold.n.01, sunflower.n.01, 0 38 0
flower.n.02 Ready False True reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts reproductive_structure.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, watering_outdoor_flowers-0, flower, 5 5 1
flower_arrangement.n.01 Ready False False a decorative arrangement of flowers arrangement.n.02, decoration.n.01, wreath.n.01, bouquet.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
fluid.n.01 Substance False False a substance that is fluid at room temperature and pressure substance.n.01, liquid.n.01, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 2 0
fluid.n.02 Substance False False continuous amorphous matter that tends to flow and to conform to the outline of its container: a liquid or a gas matter.n.03, gas.n.02, liquid.n.03, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
foam.n.01 Substance False True a mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid bubble.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_a_cappuccino-0, foam, 0 0 1
fodder.n.02 Substance False False coarse food (especially for livestock) composed of entire plants or the leaves and stalks of a cereal crop feed.n.01, hay.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
foil.n.01 Ready False False a piece of thin and flexible sheet metal sheet_metal.n.01, aluminum_foil.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
folder.n.02 Ready False True covering that is folded over to protect the contents covering.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, clean_a_company_office-0, organizing_school_stuff-0, organizing_file_cabinet-0, clean_up_your_desk-0, getting_organized_for_work-0, folder, 7 7 5
folderal.n.01 Ready False True ornamental objects of no great value decoration.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, folderal, 3 3 0
folding_chair.n.01 Ready False True a chair that can be folded flat for storage chair.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, folding_chair, 3 3 0
food.n.01 Ready False False any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue substance.n.07, foodstuff.n.02, fare.n.04, soda_water.n.03, nutriment.n.01, feed.n.01, beverage.n.01, water.n.06, cooked__water.n.01, 0 411 0
food.n.02 Ready False False any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment solid.n.01, produce.n.01, baked_goods.n.01, meat.n.01, convenience_food.n.01, cooked__coconut.n.01, breakfast_food.n.01, seafood.n.01, coconut.n.01, pasta.n.02, fish.n.02, chocolate.n.02, cooked__yogurt.n.01, butter.n.01, diced__butter.n.01, yogurt.n.01, cheese.n.01, half__butter.n.01, 0 740 0
food_processor.n.01 Ready False True a kitchen appliance with interchangeable blades; used for shredding or blending or chopping or slicing food kitchen_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, make_chocolate_spread-0, make_pastry-0, clean_kitchen_appliances-0, make_a_cheese_pastry-0, food_processor, 1 1 4
foodstuff.n.02 Ready False False a substance that can be used or prepared for use as food food.n.01, grain.n.02, egg.n.02, cooked__beaten_egg.n.01, canned_food.n.01, dairy_product.n.01, starches.n.01, meal.n.03, juice.n.01, curd.n.01, raw_egg.n.01, milk.n.04, cooked__flour.n.01, ingredient.n.03, beaten_egg.n.01, concoction.n.01, flour.n.01, coloring.n.01, 0 298 0
footstool.n.01 Ready False True a low seat or a stool to rest the feet of a seated person stool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ottoman, 11 11 0
footstool.n.02 Ready True True stool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, footstool, 3 3 0
footwear.n.01 Ready False False clothing worn on a person's feet clothing.n.01, hosiery.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
footwear.n.02 Ready False False covering for a person's feet covering.n.02, boot.n.01, shoe.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 57 0
fork.n.01 Ready False False cutlery used for serving and eating food cutlery.n.02, salad_fork.n.01, toasting_fork.n.01, tablefork.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 10 0
formulation.n.01 Ready False False a substance prepared according to a formula compound.n.02, cleansing_agent.n.01, polish.n.03, 0 6 0
fossil_fuel.n.01 Substance False False fuel consisting of the remains of organisms preserved in rocks in the earth's crust with high carbon and hydrogen content fuel.n.01, coal.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 5 0
foundation.n.03 Not Ready False True lowest support of a structure support.n.07, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
fountain.n.01 Ready False True a structure from which an artificially produced jet of water arises structure.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, fountain, 1 1 0
fragment.n.01 Substance False False a piece broken off or cut off of something else part.n.03, ember.n.01, flammable, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
frail.n.02 Ready False True a basket for holding dried fruit (especially raisins or figs) basket.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frail, 2 2 0
frame.n.10 Ready False True a framework that supports and protects a picture or a mirror framework.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frame, 2 2 0
framework.n.03 Ready False False a structure supporting or containing something supporting_structure.n.01, arbor.n.03, picture_frame.n.01, rack.n.01, frame.n.10, grill.n.02, window.n.01, bed_frame.n.01, grate.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 157 0
frank.n.02 Ready False True a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll sausage.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hotdog_frank, 2 2 0
frankfurter_bun.n.01 Ready False True a long bun shaped to hold a frankfurter bun.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, hotdog_bun, 1 1 1
free_weight_rack.n.01 Ready True True rack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, free_weight_rack, 1 1 0
french_bread.n.01 Ready False False a crusty sourdough bread often baked in long slender tapered loaves or baguettes white_bread.n.01, diced__baguet.n.01, cooked__diced__baguet.n.01, baguet.n.01, half__baguet.n.01, half__baguette.n.01, 0 6 0
french_fries.n.02 Ready True True starches.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, ontop, hot, make_fish_and_chips-0, preparing_food_or_drink_for_sale-0, buying_fast_food-0, french_fries, 11 11 3
french_fry_holder.n.01 Ready True True holder.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, french_fry_holder, 1 1 0
french_press.n.01 Ready True True kitchen_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, french_press, 1 1 0
french_toast.n.01 Ready False True bread slice dipped in egg and milk and fried; topped with sugar or fruit or syrup dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cooked, covered, make_cinnamon_toast-0, clearing_table_after_breakfast-0, french_toast, 1 1 2
fresh_bean.n.01 Ready False False beans eaten before they are ripe as opposed to dried common_bean.n.02, green_bean.n.01, cooked__diced__green_bean.n.01, shell_bean.n.02, half__green_bean.n.01, diced__green_bean.n.01, 0 7 0
fried_chicken.n.01 Ready True True poultry.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, fried_chicken, 2 2 0
friedcake.n.01 Ready False False small cake in the form of a ring or twist or ball or strip fried in deep fat cake.n.03, half__doughnut.n.01, cooked__diced__doughnut.n.01, diced__doughnut.n.01, doughnut.n.02, flammable, 0 4 0
fritter_batter.n.01 Substance False True batter for making fritters batter.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, fritter_batter, 0 0 1
frosting.n.01 Substance False True a flavored sugar topping used to coat and decorate cakes topping.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, ice_cookies-0, frosting, 0 0 1
frosting__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, ice_cookies-0, frosting_jar, 1 1 1
frozen_dessert.n.01 Ready False False any of various desserts prepared by freezing dessert.n.01, ice_lolly.n.01, scoop_of_ice_cream.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
fruit.n.01 Ready False False the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant reproductive_structure.n.01, berry.n.02, acorn.n.01, half__hip.n.01, seed.n.01, half__gourd.n.01, cooked__diced__gourd.n.01, gourd.n.02, edible_fruit.n.01, hip.n.05, pod.n.02, pome.n.01, diced__gourd.n.01, half__rosehip.n.01, drupe.n.01, diced__hip.n.01, cooked__diced__hip.n.01, 0 255 0
fruit_drink.n.01 Substance False False a sweetened beverage of diluted fruit juice beverage.n.01, lemonade.n.01, cooked__lemonade.n.01, limeade.n.01, cooked__limeade.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
fruit_juice.n.01 Substance False False drink produced by squeezing or crushing fruit beverage.n.01, pineapple_juice.n.01, cooked__orange_juice.n.01, cranberry_juice.n.01, cooked__cranberry_juice.n.01, orange_juice.n.01, apple_juice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
fruit_punch.n.01 Substance False True a punch made of fruit juices mixed with water or soda water (with or without alcohol) punch.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_watermelon_punch-0, make_fruit_punch-0, make_citrus_punch-0, fruit_punch, 0 0 3
fruitcake.n.02 Ready False True a rich cake containing dried fruit and nuts and citrus peel and so on cake.n.03, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, hot, cool_cakes-0, fruitcake, 1 1 1
frying_pan.n.01 Ready False True a pan used for frying foods pan.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, contains, ontop, cook_shrimp-0, make_fish_and_chips-0, cook_chorizo-0, cook_bok_choy-0, cook_red_peppers-0, prepare_a_filling_breakfast-0, cook_potatoes-0, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, cook_a_brisket-0, prepare_and_cook_prawns-0, ... frying_pan, 8 8 37
fuel.n.01 Ready False False a substance that can be consumed to produce energy substance.n.07, fossil_fuel.n.01, firewood.n.01, charcoal.n.01, gasoline.n.01, butane.n.01, flammable, 0 23 0
fuel__can.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, fuel_can, 1 1 0
fungus.n.01 Ready False False an organism of the kingdom Fungi lacking chlorophyll and feeding on organic matter; ranging from unicellular or multicellular organisms to spore-bearing syncytia organism.n.01, basidiomycete.n.01, half__shiitake.n.01, cooked__diced__shiitake.n.01, mold.n.05, shiitake.n.01, mildew.n.02, diced__shiitake.n.01, 0 26 0
fungus_genus.n.01 Ready False False includes lichen genera genus.n.02, cooked__diced__auricularia.n.01, diced__auricularia.n.01, auricularia.n.01, half__auricularia.n.01, flammable, 0 3 0
funnel.n.02 Ready False True a conically shaped utensil having a narrow tube at the small end; used to channel the flow of substances into a container with a small mouth utensil.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, filling_salt-0, funnel, 2 2 1
fur_coat.n.01 Ready False True a coat made of fur coat.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, draped, covered, store_a_fur_coat-0, clean_fur-0, fur_coat, 1 1 2
furnishing.n.02 Ready False False (usually plural) the instrumentalities (furniture and appliances and other movable accessories including curtains and rugs) that make a home (or other area) livable instrumentality.n.03, rug.n.01, furniture.n.01, curtain.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 759 0
furniture.n.01 Ready False False furnishings that make a room or other area ready for occupancy furnishing.n.02, table.n.02, bookcase_back.n.01, hallstand.n.01, seat.n.03, bookcase_top.n.01, hospital_bed.n.02, lamp.n.02, bookcase_side.n.01, grocery_shelf.n.01, bedroom_furniture.n.01, wardrobe.n.01, bookcase.n.01, chest_of_drawers.n.01, cabinet.n.01, baby_bed.n.01, bookcase_shelf.n.01, bookcase_baseboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 745 0
game.n.01 Ready False False a contest with rules to determine a winner activity.n.01, parlor_game.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 16 0
game.n.03 Ready False False an amusement or pastime diversion.n.01, computer_game.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 12 0
game.n.07 Ready False False the flesh of wild animals that is used for food meat.n.01, half__venison.n.01, venison.n.01, cooked__diced__venison.n.01, diced__venison.n.01, 0 3 0
game.n.09 Ready False False the game equipment needed in order to play a particular game game_equipment.n.01, puzzle.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
game_console.n.01 Ready True True personal_computer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, game_console, portable_game_console, 2 2 0
game_equipment.n.01 Ready False False equipment or apparatus used in playing a game equipment.n.01, ball.n.01, gaming_controller.n.01, game.n.09, goal.n.03, net.n.05, pool_table.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 19 0
gaming_controller.n.01 Ready True True game_equipment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, gaming_controller, 1 1 0
gaming_table.n.01 Ready False True a table used for gambling; may be equipped with a gameboard and slots for chips table.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, gaming_table, 1 1 0
garbage.n.01 Not Ready False True food that is discarded (as from a kitchen) waste.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
garden_plant.n.01 Ready False True any of a variety of plants usually grown especially in a flower or herb garden plant.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, garden_plant, 4 4 0
garden_tool.n.01 Ready False False used for working in gardens or yards tool.n.01, lawn_mower.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
garden_umbrella.n.01 Ready True True canopy.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, garden_umbrella, 1 1 0
garlic.n.02 Ready False False aromatic bulb used as seasoning flavorer.n.01, diced__clove.n.01, diced__whole_garlic.n.01, cooked__diced__clove.n.01, clove.n.03, half__whole_garlic.n.01, half__clove.n.01, cooked__diced__whole_garlic.n.01, whole_garlic.n.01, half__garlic.n.01, 0 17 0
garlic_bread.n.01 Ready False True French or Italian bread sliced and spread with garlic butter then crisped in the oven bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, garlic_bread, 1 1 0
garment.n.01 Ready False False an article of clothing clothing.n.01, trouser.n.01, legging.n.01, shirt.n.01, swimsuit.n.01, leotard.n.01, undergarment.n.01, neckwear.n.01, jump_suit.n.01, overgarment.n.01, sweater.n.01, sweat_suit.n.01, vest.n.01, scarf.n.01, suit.n.01, diaper.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, washing_fabrics-0, bringing_laundry-0, 0 26 2
garnish.n.01 Substance False False something (such as parsley) added to a dish for flavor or decoration decoration.n.01, topping.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
gas.n.02 Substance False False a fluid in the gaseous state having neither independent shape nor volume and being able to expand indefinitely fluid.n.02, nitrogen.n.01, chlorine.n.01, butane.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
gas_fireplace.n.01 Ready True True fireplace.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, gas_fireplace, 1 1 0
gasoline.n.01 Substance False True a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum; used mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines fuel.n.01, hydrocarbon.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, clean_up_gasoline-0, gasoline, 0 0 1
gastropod.n.01 Ready False False a class of mollusks typically having a one-piece coiled shell and flattened muscular foot with a head bearing stalked eyes mollusk.n.01, conch.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
gate.n.01 Ready False True a movable barrier in a fence or wall movable_barrier.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, spraying_fruit_trees-0, disposing_of_lawn_clippings-0, garage_door, gate, 8 8 2
gauge.n.01 Not Ready False True a measuring instrument for measuring and indicating a quantity such as the thickness of wire or the amount of rain etc. measuring_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
gauze.n.02 Not Ready False False a net of transparent fabric with a loose open weave net.n.06, cheesecloth.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
gazpacho.n.01 Substance False True a soup made with chopped tomatoes and onions and cucumbers and peppers and herbs; served cold soup.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
gear.n.04 Ready False False equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles needed for a particular operation or sport etc. equipment.n.01, fishing_gear.n.01, kit.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
gelatin.n.02 Ready False True an edible jelly (sweet or pungent) made with gelatin and used as a dessert or salad base or a coating for foods dainty.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_blueberry_mousse-0, gelatin, 1 1 1
gelatin__box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_blueberry_mousse-0, gelatin_box, 1 1 1
gem.n.02 Ready False False a crystalline rock that can be cut and polished for jewelry crystal.n.01, opaque_gem.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
genus.n.02 Ready False False (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species taxonomic_group.n.01, fungus_genus.n.01, flammable, 0 3 0
geode.n.01 Ready False True (mineralogy) a hollow rock or nodule with the cavity usually lined with crystals nodule.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_geodes-0, geode, 1 1 1
geographical_area.n.01 Ready False False a demarcated area of the Earth region.n.03, tract.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 13 0
geological_formation.n.01 Not Ready False False (geology) the geological features of the earth object.n.01, natural_depression.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
gift.n.01 Not Ready False False something acquired without compensation acquisition.n.02, present.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
gift_box.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, under, decorating_outside_for_parties-0, setting_up_for_an_event-0, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_inside-0, gift_box, 3 3 3
gin.n.01 Substance False True strong liquor flavored with juniper berries liquor.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, cleaning_glasses_off_bar-0, gin, 0 0 1
gin__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
ginger.n.02 Substance False True dried ground gingerroot spice.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, ginger, 1 1 1
ginger.n.03 Ready False True pungent rhizome of the common ginger plant; used fresh as a seasoning especially in Asian cookery flavorer.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ginger_root, 2 2 0
ginger__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, ginger_shaker, 1 1 1
ginger_ale.n.01 Substance False True ginger-flavored carbonated drink soft_drink.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
ginger_beer.n.01 Substance False True carbonated slightly alcoholic drink flavored with fermented ginger beverage.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_citrus_punch-0, ginger_beer, 0 0 1
gingerbread.n.01 Ready False True cake flavored with ginger cake.n.03, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, gingerbread, 1 1 0
girdle.n.02 Not Ready False True a band of material around the waist that strengthens a skirt or trousers band.n.07, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
glass.n.01 Not Ready False False a brittle transparent solid with irregular atomic structure solid.n.01, safety_glass.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
glass.n.02 Ready False False a container for holding liquids while drinking container.n.01, tumbler.n.02, shot_glass.n.01, goblet.n.01, wineglass.n.01, water_glass.n.02, beer_glass.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 49 0
glass_lantern.n.01 Ready True True lantern.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_outside-0, clean_soot_from_glass_lanterns-0, glass_lantern, 7 7 2
glassware.n.01 Not Ready False True an article of tableware made of glass tableware.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
glaze.n.01 Substance False True any of various thin shiny (savory or sweet) coatings applied to foods topping.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, insource, glaze_a_ham-0, cook_a_ham-0, glaze, 0 0 2
glaze__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, cook_a_ham-0, glaze_bottle, 1 1 1
glitter.n.01 Substance False True the quality of shining with a bright reflected light brightness.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
globe.n.03 Ready False True a sphere on which a map (especially of the earth) is represented sphere.n.02, model.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, unloading_shopping_items-0, globe, 3 3 2
globule.n.01 Substance False False a small globe or ball ball.n.03, bubble.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
glove.n.02 Ready False False handwear: covers the hand and wrist handwear.n.01, goalkeeper_gloves.n.01, kid_glove.n.01, rubber_glove.n.01, batting_glove.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, cleaning_garden_tools-0, sorting_volunteer_materials-0, clean_a_bicycle_chain-0, putting_away_cleaning_supplies-0, clean_garden_gloves-0, buy_used_gardening_equipment-0, 0 12 6
glue_stick.n.01 Ready True True implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, glue_stick, 1 1 0
goal.n.03 Ready False False game equipment consisting of the place toward which players of a game try to advance a ball or puck in order to score points game_equipment.n.01, basket.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
goalkeeper_gloves.n.01 Ready True True glove.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, wash_goalkeeper_gloves-0, clean_your_goal_keeper_gloves-0, goalkeeper_gloves, 2 2 2
goblet.n.01 Ready False True a drinking glass with a base and stem glass.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, filled, contains, make_a_mojito-0, setup_a_garden_party-0, chalice, cocktail_glass, goblet, 3 3 2
goggles.n.02 Ready True True optical_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, goggles, 1 1 0
gold.n.01 Ready False True coins made of gold precious_metal.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, gold_coin, 1 1 0
golf_club.n.02 Ready False True golf equipment used by a golfer to hit a golf ball golf_equipment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, nextto, clean_a_golf_club-0, unpacking_car_for_trip-0, golf_club, 1 1 2
golf_equipment.n.01 Ready False False sports equipment used in playing golf sports_equipment.n.01, golf_club.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
gooseberry.n.02 Ready False True currant-like berry used primarily in jams and jellies currant.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, gooseberry, 1 1 0
gourd.n.02 Ready False True any of numerous inedible fruits with hard rinds fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_gourds-0, gourd, 4 4 1
governor.n.02 Not Ready False False a control that maintains a steady speed in a machine (as by controlling the supply of fuel) control.n.09, timer.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
gown.n.05 Ready False True outerwear consisting of a long flowing garment used for official or ceremonial occasions outerwear.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ceremonial_robe, 1 1 0
graduate.n.02 Ready False False a measuring instrument for measuring fluid volume; a glass container (cup or cylinder or flask) whose sides are marked with or divided into amounts measuring_instrument.n.01, graduated_cylinder.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
graduated_cylinder.n.01 Ready False True a cylindrical graduate graduate.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, graduated_cylinder, 1 1 0
grain.n.02 Ready False False foodstuff prepared from the starchy grains of cereal grasses foodstuff.n.02, quinoa.n.01, cooked__quinoa.n.01, oat.n.02, wheat.n.02, corn.n.03, cooked__wheat.n.01, cooked__oat.n.01, rice.n.01, 0 16 0
gramineous_plant.n.01 Substance False False cosmopolitan herbaceous or woody plants with hollow jointed stems and long narrow leaves herb.n.01, grass.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
grandfather_clock.n.01 Ready False True a pendulum clock enclosed in a tall narrow case pendulum_clock.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, grandfather_clock, 3 3 0
granola.n.01 Substance False True cereal made of especially rolled oats with dried fruits and nuts and honey or brown sugar cold_cereal.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, filled, make_granola-0, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, granola, 0 0 2
granola__box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, granola_box, 1 1 1
granola_bar.n.01 Ready False True cookie bar made of granola cookie.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, stash_snacks_in_your_room-0, prepare_an_emergency_school_kit-0, granola_bar, 1 1 2
granulated_salt.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, covered, filling_salt-0, shoveling_snow-0, granulated_salt, 1 1 2
granulated_sugar.n.01 Substance False True sugar in the form of small grains sugar.n.01, meltable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, covered, real, make_waffles-0, make_a_mojito-0, filling_sugar-0, make_blueberry_mousse-0, make_applesauce-0, make_cake_filling-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, make_dinner_rolls-0, roast_nuts-0, make_hot_cocoa-0, ... granulated_sugar, 1 1 34
granulated_sugar__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_strawberries_and_cream-0, granulated_sugar_jar, 1 1 1
granulated_sugar__sack.n.01 Ready True True bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, make_a_mojito-0, roast_nuts-0, make_baked_pears-0, preserving_fruit-0, make_dessert_watermelons-0, making_a_drink-0, granulated_sugar_sack, 1 1 6
grape.n.01 Ready False True any of various juicy fruit of the genus Vitis with green or purple skins; grow in clusters edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, wash_fruit_and_vegetables-0, wash_grapes-0, grape, 4 4 2
grapefruit.n.02 Ready False True large yellow fruit with somewhat acid juicy pulp; usual serving consists of a half citrus.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, grapefruit, 1 1 0
graphic_art.n.01 Ready False False the arts of drawing or painting or printmaking art.n.01, painting.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 40 0
grass.n.01 Substance False False narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay gramineous_plant.n.01, cereal.n.01, bunchgrass.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
grate.n.01 Ready False True a frame of iron bars to hold a fire framework.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, firewood_grate, 1 1 0
grated_cheese.n.01 Substance False True hard or semihard cheese grated cheese.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, meltable, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, covered, make_burrito_bowls-0, making_a_snack-0, make_nachos-0, make_pizza-0, make_macaroni_and_cheese-0, make_tacos-0, grated_cheese, 1 1 6
grated_cheese__sack.n.01 Ready True True bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_burrito_bowls-0, grated_cheese_sack, 1 1 1
grater.n.01 Ready False True utensil with sharp perforations for shredding foods (as vegetables or cheese) kitchen_utensil.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, grater, 1 1 0
gravel.n.01 Substance False True rock fragments and pebbles rock.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
gravestone.n.01 Ready False True a stone that is used to mark a grave stone.n.02, memorial.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_gravestone-0, headstone, 1 1 1
gravy.n.01 Substance False True a sauce made by adding stock, flour, or other ingredients to the juice and fat that drips from cooking meats sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, filled, contains, putting_roast_in_oven-0, serving_food_at_a_homeless_shelter-0, gravy, 0 0 2
gravy_boat.n.01 Ready False True a dish (often boat-shaped) for serving gravy or sauce dish.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, serving_food_at_a_homeless_shelter-0, gravy_boat, 2 2 1
grease.n.01 Substance False True a thick fatty oil (especially one used to lubricate machinery) oil.n.01, flammable, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_a_bicycle_chain-0, clean_skateboard_bearings-0, grease, 9 9 2
green_bean.n.01 Ready False True immature bean pod eaten as a vegetable fresh_bean.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, ontop, clean_green_beans-0, saute_vegetables-0, cook_green_beans-0, green_bean, 5 5 3
green_onion.n.01 Ready False True a young onion before the bulb has enlarged; eaten in salads onion.n.03, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, make_nachos-0, make_garlic_mushrooms-0, cook_beef_and_onions-0, green_onion, green_onion_stalk, 4 4 3
green_tea.n.01 Substance False True tea leaves that have been steamed and dried without fermenting tea.n.05, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_green_tea_latte-0, store_loose_leaf_tea-0, green_tea, 1 1 2
green_tea_latte.n.01 Substance True True beverage.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_green_tea_latte-0, green_tea_latte, 0 0 1
greenery.n.01 Ready False True green foliage leaf.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, greenery, 1 1 0
greens.n.01 Ready False False any of various leafy plants or their leaves and stems eaten as vegetables vegetable.n.01, diced__spinach.n.01, half__chard.n.01, diced__chard.n.01, salad_green.n.01, cooked__diced__chard.n.01, cooked__diced__spinach.n.01, half__spinach.n.01, spinach.n.02, chard.n.02, 0 26 0
griddle.n.01 Ready False True cooking utensil consisting of a flat heated surface (as on top of a stove) on which food is cooked cooking_utensil.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_grill_pan-0, cook_arepas-0, warm_tortillas-0, cook_bacon-0, griddle, griddle_pan, 1 1 4
grill.n.02 Ready False True a framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate framework.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, cook_kabobs-0, cook_pork_ribs-0, shoveling_coal-0, cook_zucchini-0, clean_a_broiler_pan-0, grill_vegetables-0, grill_burgers-0, cleaning_up_branches_and_twigs-0, cook_peppers-0, cook_lamb-0, ... charcoal_grill, flat_top_grill, grill, smoker, 11 11 11
grit.n.01 Substance False True a hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone sandstone.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
grocery.n.02 Ready False False (usually plural) consumer goods sold by a grocer consumer_goods.n.01, bottle__of__alcohol.n.01, box__of__whiskey.n.01, bottle__of__fruit_punch.n.01, bottle__of__chili_pepper.n.01, jar__of__pepper_seasoning.n.01, bottle__of__ginger.n.01, bottle__of__orange_juice.n.01, box__of__apple_juice.n.01, box__of__chocolates.n.01, carton__of__soy_milk.n.01, bag__of__tea.n.01, can__of__cat_food.n.01, bottle__of__catsup.n.01, bottle__of__sunscreen.n.01, box__of__yogurt.n.01, bottle__of__deicer.n.01, box__of__aluminium_foil.n.01, bottle__of__alfredo_sauce.n.01, box__of__baking_powder.n.01, jar__of__sugar.n.01, bottle__of__water.n.01, carton__of__chocolate_milk.n.01, jar__of__strawberry_jam.n.01, bottle__of__apple_cider.n.01, bottle__of__gin.n.01, bottle__of__pesticide.n.01, bottle__of__tomato_juice.n.01, bottle__of__pizza_sauce.n.01, jar__of__spaghetti_sauce.n.01, bottle__of__apple_juice.n.01, bottle__of__lavender_oil.n.01, bottle__of__carrot_juice.n.01, bottle__of__almond_oil.n.01, bag__of__ice_cream.n.01, box__of__brown_sugar.n.01, box__of__crackers.n.01, bottle__of__mustard.n.01, jar__of__ink.n.01, box__of__beer.n.01, bottle__of__lubricant.n.01, bottle__of__mayonnaise.n.01, bottle__of__olive_oil.n.01, bottle__of__peanut_butter.n.01, bottle__of__perfume.n.01, bottle__of__ground_cloves.n.01, box__of__baking_soda.n.01, box__of__ice_cream.n.01, tube__of__lotion.n.01, jar__of__vegetable.n.01, pack__of__kielbasa.n.01, bottle__of__pop.n.01, bottle__of__cooking_oil.n.01, bottle__of__papaya_juice.n.01, bottle__of__fennel.n.01, box__of__cream.n.01, box__of__corn_flakes.n.01, bottle__of__paprika.n.01, box__of__wine.n.01, jar__of__peppercorns.n.01, bottle__of__seasoning.n.01, bottle__of__lime_juice.n.01, bag__of__rice.n.01, bottle__of__caulk.n.01, bottle__of__champagne.n.01, bottle__of__parsley.n.01, pack__of__ramen.n.01, bottle__of__glass_cleaner.n.01, bottle__of__solvent.n.01, bottle__of__antihistamines.n.01, box__of__coffee.n.01, cup__of__ranch.n.01, bottle__of__vinegar.n.01, jar__of__mayonnaise.n.01, bottle__of__lotion.n.01, bag__of__breadcrumbs.n.01, bag__of__chips.n.01, pack__of__ground_beef.n.01, can__of__sardines.n.01, bottle__of__disinfectant.n.01, box__of__cookies.n.01, can__of__soda.n.01, bottle__of__chocolate_sauce.n.01, bottle__of__sriracha.n.01, jar__of__sesame_seed.n.01, bottle__of__hot_sauce.n.01, can__of__oatmeal.n.01, box__of__cereal.n.01, box__of__rum.n.01, sack__of__brown_rice.n.01, bag__of__popcorn.n.01, jar__of__honey.n.01, bottle__of__soup.n.01, box__of__butter.n.01, box__of__wagashi.n.01, jar__of__coffee.n.01, bottle__of__lemon_sauce.n.01, jar__of__kidney_beans.n.01, jar__of__orange_sauce.n.01, bottle__of__acetone.n.01, bottle__of__sesame_seeds.n.01, bottle__of__pesto.n.01, bottle__of__sesame_oil.n.01, bottle__of__lemon_juice.n.01, bag__of__flour.n.01, bag__of__brown_rice.n.01, box__of__tissue.n.01, jug__of__milk.n.01, gift_box.n.01, box__of__granola_bars.n.01, jar__of__bath_salt.n.01, bottle__of__conditioner.n.01, case__of__pop.n.01, box__of__lasagna.n.01, bag__of__snacks.n.01, bottle__of__sealant.n.01, bottle__of__lighter_fluid.n.01, bottle__of__fabric_softener.n.01, jar__of__pepper.n.01, bottle__of__mushroom_sauce.n.01, bottle__of__garlic_sauce.n.01, bottle__of__bug_repellent.n.01, bottle__of__sake.n.01, tube__of__toothpaste.n.01, bottle__of__detergent.n.01, bottle__of__paint_remover.n.01, can__of__icetea.n.01, bottle__of__coconut_water.n.01, carton__of__orange_juice.n.01, bottle__of__baby_oil.n.01, can__of__tomatoes.n.01, carton__of__eggs.n.01, bottle__of__glue.n.01, bottle__of__ground_nutmeg.n.01, bottle__of__skin_cream.n.01, bottle__of__strawberry_juice.n.01, box__of__cane_sugar.n.01, jar__of__cumin.n.01, bottle__of__cleaner.n.01, bottle__of__maple_syrup.n.01, box__of__champagne.n.01, bottle__of__coconut_oil.n.01, box__of__rice.n.01, bottle__of__cologne.n.01, jar__of__grains.n.01, wrapped_hamburger.n.01, bag__of__shiitake.n.01, bottle__of__aspirin.n.01, bottle__of__soy_milk.n.01, bottle__of__sour_cream.n.01, bag__of__jerky.n.01, bottle__of__tomato_paste.n.01, bottle__of__balsamic_vinegar.n.01, bottle__of__salsa.n.01, bottle__of__powder.n.01, bag__of__cream_cheese.n.01, pack__of__pasta.n.01, bottle__of__ground_mace.n.01, bottle__of__tea_leaves.n.01, bottle__of__applesauce.n.01, can__of__tomato_paste.n.01, bottle__of__shampoo.n.01, jar__of__cocoa.n.01, bottle__of__lemonade.n.01, bottle__of__face_cream.n.01, can__of__bay_leaves.n.01, bottle__of__acid.n.01, bottle__of__wine.n.01, bag__of__fertilizer.n.01, bag__of__starch.n.01, jar__of__puree.n.01, bottle__of__essential_oil.n.01, bag__of__cocoa.n.01, bottle__of__milkshake.n.01, box__of__tomato_juice.n.01, box__of__almond_milk.n.01, can__of__coffee.n.01, jar__of__beans.n.01, bottle__of__supplements.n.01, bottle__of__black_pepper.n.01, bottle__of__barbecue_sauce.n.01, bottle__of__poppy_seeds.n.01, box__of__lemons.n.01, box__of__flour.n.01, box__of__sanitary_napkin.n.01, box__of__takeout.n.01, bottle__of__vodka.n.01, box__of__barley.n.01, bottle__of__cold_cream.n.01, bottle__of__coffee.n.01, bag__of__yeast.n.01, bottle__of__oil.n.01, carton__of__pineapple_juice.n.01, bottle__of__cocoa.n.01, bottle__of__coke.n.01, bag__of__cookies.n.01, box__of__baking_mix.n.01, bottle__of__degreaser.n.01, bottle__of__cranberry_juice.n.01, bag__of__oranges.n.01, box__of__raspberries.n.01, jar__of__tumeric.n.01, bottle__of__coconut_milk.n.01, pack__of__bread.n.01, box__of__vegetable_juice.n.01, jar__of__clove.n.01, bottle__of__paint.n.01, bottle__of__rum.n.01, bucket__of__paint.n.01, pack__of__chocolate_bar.n.01, can__of__dog_food.n.01, box__of__fruit.n.01, bottle__of__soda.n.01, bottle__of__ammonia.n.01, bottle__of__lacquer.n.01, bottle__of__rosemary.n.01, bottle__of__allspice.n.01, bottle__of__bleach_agent.n.01, box__of__salt.n.01, bottle__of__tequila.n.01, jar__of__chilli_powder.n.01, can__of__beans.n.01, bottle__of__tonic.n.01, can__of__baking_mix.n.01, bottle__of__mustard_seeds.n.01, jar__of__jelly.n.01, pack__of__cigarettes.n.01, bottle__of__sage.n.01, pack__of__protein_powder.n.01, box__of__coconut_milk.n.01, box__of__shampoo.n.01, jar__of__dill_seed.n.01, bottle__of__molasses.n.01, boxed__cake.n.01, bag__of__mulch.n.01, box__of__sake.n.01, box__of__milk.n.01, box__of__candy.n.01, can__of__corn.n.01, case__of__eyeshadow.n.01, jar__of__curry_powder.n.01, bottle__of__liquid_soap.n.01, bottle__of__spice.n.01, bottle__of__medicine.n.01, carton__of__milk.n.01, box__of__oatmeal.n.01, bottle__of__sangria.n.01, bottle__of__frosting.n.01, bottle__of__soy_sauce.n.01, bottle__of__pumpkin_pie_spice.n.01, bottle__of__ginger_beer.n.01, cup__of__yogurt.n.01, bottle__of__buttermilk.n.01, deodorant_stick.n.01, bottle__of__milk.n.01, bag__of__auricularia.n.01, bottle__of__onion_powder.n.01, bottle__of__food_coloring.n.01, bottle__of__protein_powder.n.01, bottle__of__tea.n.01, bottle__of__whiskey.n.01, jar__of__jam.n.01, jar__of__orange_jam.n.01, bottle__of__beer.n.01, bottle__of__dish_soap.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, buying_groceries_for_a_feast-0, unloading_shopping_from_car-0, 0 658 2
grocery_fridge.n.01 Ready True True refrigerator.n.01, coldSource, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, buy_natural_beef-0, grocery_fridge, 1 1 1
grocery_shelf.n.01 Ready True True furniture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, buy_salad_greens-0, buy_food_for_a_party-0, buying_cleaning_supplies-0, buying_groceries_for_a_feast-0, buy_school_supplies-0, buy_rechargeable_batteries-0, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, buy_alcohol-0, buy_fish-0, picking_up_prescriptions-0, ... grocery_shelf, magazine_stand, 36 36 31
ground_beef.n.01 Substance False True beef that has been ground beef.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, cook_beef-0, make_stew-0, make_meatloaf-0, cook_ground_beef-0, ground_beef, 1 1 5
ground_beef__package.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, make_meatloaf-0, ground_beef_package, 1 1 2
ground_coffee.n.01 Substance True True coffee.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_a_sugar_and_coffee_scrub-0, cold_brew_coffee-0, ground_coffee, 1 1 2
grounds.n.05 Substance False False dregs consisting of solid particles (especially of coffee) that form a residue dregs.n.01, cooked__coffee_grounds.n.01, coffee_grounds.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 1 0
group.n.01 Ready False False any number of entities (members) considered as a unit abstraction.n.06, collection.n.01, biological_group.n.01, halogen.n.01, arrangement.n.02, 0 46 0
grouper.n.01 Not Ready False True flesh of a saltwater fish similar to sea bass saltwater_fish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
grout.n.01 Substance False True a thin mortar that can be poured and used to fill cracks in masonry or brickwork plaster.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
guacamole.n.01 Substance False True a dip made of mashed avocado mixed with chopped onions and other seasonings dip.n.04, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
guitar.n.01 Ready False True a stringed instrument usually having six strings; played by strumming or plucking stringed_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_guitar-0, guitar, 4 4 1
gum.n.03 Substance False False any of various substances (soluble in water) that exude from certain plants; they are gelatinous when moist but harden on drying exudate.n.01, lacquer.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
gumbo.n.03 Ready False True long mucilaginous green pods; may be simmered or sauteed but used especially in soups and stews vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, okra, 3 3 0
gummed_label.n.01 Ready False True an adhesive label label.n.04, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, inside, putting_on_registration_stickers-0, putting_on_tags_car-0, sorting_items_for_garage_sale-0, sticker, 2 2 3
gun.n.01 Not Ready False True a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel) weapon.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
gunnysack.n.01 Ready False True a bag made of burlap bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, burlap_bag, 2 2 0
gunpowder.n.01 Substance False True a mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur in a 75:15:10 ratio which is used in gunnery, time fuses, and fireworks explosive.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, gunpowder, 0 0 0
gym_shoe.n.01 Ready False True a canvas shoe with a pliable rubber sole shoe.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, under, nextto, inside, putting_shoes_on_rack-0, cleaning_shoes-0, cleaning_sneakers-0, pack_your_gym_bag-0, clean_vans-0, sorting_items_for_garage_sale-0, gym_shoe, 24 24 6
gymnastic_apparatus.n.01 Ready False False sports equipment used in gymnastic exercises sports_equipment.n.01, trampoline.n.01, horse.n.02, parallel_bars.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
hair.n.04 Substance False True any of the cylindrical filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal filament.n.03, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, clean_an_electric_razor-0, cleaning_pet_bed-0, hair, 1 1 2
hair_spray.n.01 Substance False True toiletry consisting of a commercial preparation that is sprayed on the hair to hold it in place toiletry.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, hair_spray, 1 1 0
hairbrush.n.01 Ready False True a brush used to groom a person's hair brush.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hairbrush, 1 1 0
hairpin.n.01 Ready False False a double pronged pin used to hold women's hair in place pin.n.09, bobby_pin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
half__agave.n.01 Ready True True desert_plant.n.01, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_agave, 2 2 0
half__antipasto.n.01 Not Ready True True appetizer.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__apple.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, pome.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, preparing_lunch_box-0, clearing_table_after_snacks-0, half_apple, 3 3 2
half__apple_pie.n.01 Ready True True pie.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, clearing_food_from_table_into_fridge-0, half_apple_pie, 2 2 1
half__apricot.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_apricot, 1 1 0
half__arepa.n.01 Ready True True sandwich.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_arepa, 2 2 0
half__artichoke.n.01 Ready True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_artichoke, 2 2 0
half__arugula.n.01 Ready True True salad_green.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_arugula, 2 2 0
half__asparagus.n.01 Ready True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_asparagus, 2 2 0
half__auricularia.n.01 Ready True True fungus_genus.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_auricularia, 2 2 0
half__avocado.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_avocado, 2 2 0
half__bacon.n.01 Ready True True cut_of_pork.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_bacon, 2 2 0
half__bagel.n.01 Ready True True bun.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_bagel, 2 2 0
half__bagel_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_bagel_dough, 2 2 0
half__baguet.n.01 Ready True True french_bread.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_baguette, 2 2 0
half__baguette.n.01 Not Ready True True french_bread.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__bamboo.n.01 Not Ready True True wood.n.01, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__banana.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_banana, 2 2 0
half__banana_bread.n.01 Ready True True quick_bread.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_banana_bread, 2 2 0
half__bay_leaf.n.01 Ready True True herb.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_bay_leaf, 2 2 0
half__bean_curd.n.01 Ready True True curd.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_bean_curd, 2 2 0
half__beefsteak_tomato.n.01 Ready True True tomato.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, grill_vegetables-0, half_beefsteak_tomato, 1 1 1
half__beet.n.01 Ready True True root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_beet, 2 2 0
half__bell_pepper.n.01 Ready True True sweet_pepper.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, real, cooked, ontop, covered, roast_vegetables-0, filling_pepper-0, half_bell_pepper, 2 2 2
half__biscuit_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_biscuit_dough, 2 2 0
half__blackberry.n.01 Ready True True berry.n.01, drupelet.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_blackberry, 2 2 0
half__bleu.n.01 Ready True True cheese.n.01, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_bleu, 2 2 0
half__bok_choy.n.01 Ready True True cabbage.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_bok_choy, 2 2 0
half__branch.n.01 Ready True True stalk.n.02, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_branch, 2 2 0
half__bratwurst.n.01 Ready True True pork_sausage.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_bratwurst, 2 2 0
half__brisket.n.01 Ready True True cut.n.06, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_brisket, 2 2 0
half__broccoli.n.01 Ready True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_broccoli, 2 2 0
half__broccoli_rabe.n.01 Ready True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_broccoli_rabe, 2 2 0
half__broccolini.n.01 Ready True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_broccolini, 2 2 0
half__brownie.n.01 Ready True True cookie.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_brownie, 2 2 0
half__brussels_sprouts.n.01 Ready True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_brussels_sprouts, 2 2 0
half__burrito.n.01 Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_burrito, 2 2 0
half__butter.n.01 Ready True True food.n.02, dairy_product.n.01, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_butter, 2 2 0
half__butter_cookie.n.01 Ready True True cookie.n.01, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_butter_cookie, 2 2 0
half__buttermilk_pancake.n.01 Ready True True pancake.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_buttermilk_pancake, 2 2 0
half__butternut_squash.n.01 Ready True True winter_squash.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_butternut_squash, 2 2 0
half__candied_yam.n.01 Not Ready True True sweet_potato.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__cantaloup.n.01 Ready True True muskmelon.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cantaloup, 2 2 0
half__card.n.01 Ready True True cardboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cardstock, 2 2 0
half__carne_asada.n.01 Not Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__carrot.n.01 Ready True True root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_carrot, 2 2 0
half__cauliflower.n.01 Ready True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cauliflower, 2 2 0
half__celery.n.01 Ready True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_celery, 2 2 0
half__chanterelle.n.01 Ready True True agaric.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chanterelle, 2 2 0
half__chard.n.01 Ready True True greens.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chard, 2 2 0
half__cheddar.n.01 Ready True True cheese.n.01, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cheddar, 2 2 0
half__cheese_danish.n.01 Not Ready True True sweet_roll.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__cheese_tart.n.01 Ready True True tart.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cheese_tart, 2 2 0
half__cheesecake.n.01 Ready True True cake.n.03, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cheesecake, 2 2 0
half__cherry.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, drupe.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cherry, 2 2 0
half__cherry_tomato.n.01 Ready True True tomato.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cherry_tomato, 2 2 0
half__chestnut.n.01 Ready True True edible_nut.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chestnut, 2 2 0
half__chicken.n.01 Ready True True poultry.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chicken, 2 2 0
half__chicken_breast.n.01 Ready True True breast.n.03, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chicken_breast, 2 2 0
half__chicken_leg.n.01 Ready True True drumstick.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chicken_leg, 2 2 0
half__chicken_tender.n.01 Ready True True breast.n.03, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chicken_tender, 2 2 0
half__chicken_wing.n.01 Ready True True wing.n.09, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chicken_wing, 2 2 0
half__chili.n.01 Ready True True hot_pepper.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chili, 2 2 0
half__chives.n.01 Ready True True alliaceous_plant.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chives, 2 2 0
half__chocolate_biscuit.n.01 Ready True True cookie.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chocolate_biscuit, 2 2 0
half__chocolate_cake.n.01 Ready True True cake.n.03, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chocolate_cake, 2 2 0
half__chocolate_chip_cookie.n.01 Ready True True cookie.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chocolate_chip_cookie, 2 2 0
half__chocolate_cookie_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chocolate_cookie_dough, 2 2 0
half__chorizo.n.01 Ready True True sausage.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_chorizo, 2 2 0
half__cinnamon_roll.n.01 Ready True True sweet_roll.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cinnamon_roll, 2 2 0
half__clove.n.01 Ready True True garlic.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_garlic_clove, 2 2 0
half__club_sandwich.n.01 Ready True True sandwich.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_club_sandwich, 2 2 0
half__coconut.n.01 Ready True True edible_nut.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_coconut_fruit, 2 2 0
half__cod.n.01 Not Ready True True saltwater_fish.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__cold_cuts.n.01 Ready True True meat.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cold_cuts, 2 2 0
half__cookie_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cookie_dough, 2 2 0
half__crab.n.01 Ready True True shellfish.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_crab, 2 2 0
half__crawfish.n.01 Not Ready True True shellfish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__crayfish.n.01 Ready True True shellfish.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_crawfish, 2 2 0
half__crescent_roll.n.01 Ready True True bun.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_croissant, 2 2 0
half__croissant.n.01 Not Ready True True bun.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__cucumber.n.01 Ready True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cucumber, 2 2 0
half__cupcake.n.01 Ready True True cake.n.03, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cupcake, 2 2 0
half__danish.n.01 Ready True True sweet_roll.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_cheese_danish, 2 2 0
half__date.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_date, 2 2 0
half__doughnut.n.01 Ready True True friedcake.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_doughnut, 2 2 0
half__dried_apricot.n.01 Ready True True dried_fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_dried_apricot, 2 2 0
half__duck.n.01 Ready True True poultry.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_duck, 2 2 0
half__dumpling.n.01 Not Ready True True dessert.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__durian.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_durian, 2 2 0
half__edible_cookie_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_edible_cookie_dough, 2 2 0
half__eggplant.n.01 Ready True True solanaceous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, ontop, real, cooked, cook_eggplant-0, half_eggplant, 2 2 1
half__enchilada.n.01 Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_enchilada, 2 2 0
half__entire_leaf.n.01 Not Ready True True leaf.n.01, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__fennel.n.01 Ready True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_fennel, 2 2 0
half__feta.n.01 Ready True True cheese.n.01, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, inside, real, prepare_make_ahead_breakfast_bowls-0, half_feta, 2 2 1
half__fillet.n.01 Ready True True piece.n.08, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_fillet, 2 2 0
half__frank.n.01 Ready True True sausage.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_hotdog_frank, 2 2 0
half__frankfurter_bun.n.01 Ready True True bun.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_hotdog_bun, 2 2 0
half__french_fries.n.01 Ready True True starches.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_french_fries, 2 2 0
half__french_toast.n.01 Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_french_toast, 2 2 0
half__fried_chicken.n.01 Ready True True poultry.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_fried_chicken, 2 2 0
half__fruitcake.n.01 Ready True True cake.n.03, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_fruitcake, 2 2 0
half__garlic.n.01 Ready True True garlic.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_garlic, 2 2 0
half__garlic_bread.n.01 Ready True True bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_garlic_bread, 2 2 0
half__gelatin.n.01 Ready True True dainty.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_gelatin, 2 2 0
half__ginger.n.01 Ready True True flavorer.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_ginger_root, 2 2 0
half__ginger_root.n.01 Not Ready True True flavorer.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__gingerbread.n.01 Ready True True cake.n.03, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_gingerbread, 2 2 0
half__gooseberry.n.01 Ready True True currant.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_gooseberry, 2 2 0
half__gourd.n.01 Ready True True fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_gourd, 2 2 0
half__granola_bar.n.01 Ready True True cookie.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_granola_bar, 2 2 0
half__grapefruit.n.01 Ready True True citrus.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_grapefruit, 2 2 0
half__green_bean.n.01 Ready True True fresh_bean.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_green_bean, 2 2 0
half__green_onion.n.01 Ready True True onion.n.03, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_green_onion, 2 2 0
half__grouper.n.01 Not Ready True True saltwater_fish.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__halibut.n.01 Not Ready True True flatfish.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__ham_hock.n.01 Ready True True leg.n.05, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_ham_hock, 2 2 0
half__hamburger.n.01 Ready True True sandwich.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_hamburger, 2 2 0
half__hamburger_bun.n.01 Ready True True bun.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_hamburger_bun, 2 2 0
half__hard-boiled_egg.n.01 Ready True True boiled_egg.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, real, halve_an_egg-0, half_hard_boiled_egg, 1 1 1
half__hazelnut.n.01 Ready True True edible_nut.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_hazelnut, 2 2 0
half__head_cabbage.n.01 Ready True True cabbage.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_head_cabbage, 2 2 0
half__hemp.n.01 Not Ready True True plant_fiber.n.01, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__hip.n.01 Ready True True fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_rosehip, 2 2 0
half__hotdog.n.01 Ready True True sandwich.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_hotdog, 2 2 0
half__hotdog_bun.n.01 Not Ready True True bun.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__hotdog_frank.n.01 Not Ready True True sausage.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__huitre.n.01 Ready True True shellfish.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_oyster, 2 2 0
half__kabob.n.01 Not Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__kale.n.01 Ready True True cabbage.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_kale, 2 2 0
half__kielbasa.n.01 Ready True True sausage.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_kielbasa, 2 2 0
half__kiwi.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_kiwi, 1 1 0
half__lamb.n.01 Ready True True meat.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_lamb, 2 2 0
half__leaf.n.01 Ready True True leaf.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_leaf, 2 2 0
half__leek.n.01 Ready True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_leek, 2 2 0
half__lemon.n.01 Ready True True citrus.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, inside, real, making_a_drink-0, half_lemon, 1 1 1
half__lemon_peel.n.01 Not Ready True True peel.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__lettuce.n.01 Ready True True salad_green.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_lettuce, 2 2 0
half__lime.n.01 Ready True True citrus.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, inside, real, make_a_mojito-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, half_lime, 5 5 2
half__lobster.n.01 Ready True True shellfish.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_lobster, 2 2 0
half__log.n.01 Ready True True wood.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, real, chopping_wood-0, half_log, 4 4 1
half__macaroon.n.01 Ready True True cookie.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_macaroon, 2 2 0
half__mango.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, picking_fruit_and_vegetables-0, half_mango, 2 2 1
half__marshmallow.n.01 Ready True True candy.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_marshmallow, 2 2 0
half__meat_loaf.n.01 Ready True True dish.n.02, loaf_of_bread.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_meat_loaf, 2 2 0
half__meatball.n.01 Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_meatball, 2 2 0
half__mozzarella.n.01 Ready True True cheese.n.01, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_mozzarella, 2 2 0
half__muffin.n.01 Ready True True quick_bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_muffin, 2 2 0
half__mushroom.n.01 Ready True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, inside, real, cooked, make_garlic_mushrooms-0, half_mushroom, 1 1 1
half__mustard.n.01 Ready True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_mustard_leaf, 2 2 0
half__mustard_leaf.n.01 Not Ready True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__nectarine.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_nectarine, 2 2 0
half__olive.n.01 Ready True True relish.n.02, drupe.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_olive, 2 2 0
half__omelet.n.01 Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_omelet, 2 2 0
half__orange.n.01 Ready True True citrus.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, ontop, real, prepare_a_filling_breakfast-0, half_orange, 1 1 1
half__oxtail.n.01 Not Ready True True tail.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__oyster.n.01 Not Ready True True shellfish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__papaya.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_papaya, 2 2 0
half__parsley.n.01 Ready True True herb.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_parsley, 2 2 0
half__parsnip.n.01 Ready True True root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_parsnip, 2 2 0
half__pastry.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pastry, 2 2 0
half__peach.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, drupe.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_peach, 1 1 0
half__pear.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, pome.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pear, 1 1 0
half__peppermint.n.01 Ready True True mint.n.05, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_peppermint, 2 2 0
half__peppermint_candy.n.01 Ready True True mint.n.05, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_peppermint_candy, 2 2 0
half__pepperoni.n.01 Ready True True sausage.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pepperoni, 2 2 0
half__pickle.n.01 Ready True True relish.n.02, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pickle, 2 2 0
half__pie_crust.n.01 Not Ready True True pastry.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__pieplant.n.01 Ready True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_rhubarb, 2 2 0
half__pineapple.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pineapple, 2 2 0
half__pita.n.01 Ready True True flatbread.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pita, 2 2 0
half__pizza.n.01 Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pizza, 2 2 0
half__pizza_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pizza_dough, 2 2 0
half__plum.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, drupe.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_plum, 1 1 0
half__pomegranate.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pomegranate, 2 2 0
half__pomelo.n.01 Ready True True citrus.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pomelo, 1 1 0
half__pork.n.01 Ready True True meat.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pork, 2 2 0
half__pork_chop.n.01 Not Ready True True chop.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__pork_rib.n.01 Not Ready True True cut.n.06, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__porkchop.n.01 Ready True True chop.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pork_chop, 2 2 0
half__potato.n.01 Ready True True starches.n.01, root_vegetable.n.01, solanaceous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, inside, real, cooked, prepare_make_ahead_breakfast_bowls-0, half_potato, 2 2 1
half__potato_pancake.n.01 Not Ready True True pancake.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__prawn.n.01 Ready True True seafood.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_shrimp, 2 2 0
half__pretzel.n.01 Ready True True cracker.n.01, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pretzel, 2 2 0
half__prosciutto.n.01 Ready True True ham.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_prosciutto, 2 2 0
half__pumpkin.n.01 Ready True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pumpkin, 2 2 0
half__quail.n.01 Ready True True wildfowl.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_quail_breast, 2 2 0
half__quail_breast.n.01 Not Ready True True wildfowl.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__quiche.n.01 Ready True True tart.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_quiche, 2 2 0
half__radish.n.01 Ready True True cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_radish, 2 2 0
half__ramen.n.01 Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_ramen, 2 2 0
half__rhubarb.n.01 Not Ready True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__rib.n.01 Ready True True cut.n.06, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_pork_rib, 2 2 0
half__roll_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_roll_dough, 2 2 0
half__rope.n.01 Ready True True line.n.18, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rope, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_rope, 2 2 0
half__rosehip.n.01 Not Ready True True fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__rutabaga.n.01 Ready True True turnip.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_rutabaga, 2 2 0
half__salmon.n.01 Ready True True fish.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_salmon, 2 2 0
half__scone.n.01 Ready True True quick_bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_scone, 2 2 0
half__shiitake.n.01 Ready True True fungus.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_shiitake, 2 2 0
half__shrimp.n.01 Not Ready True True seafood.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__sirloin.n.01 Not Ready True True cut.n.06, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__snapper.n.01 Ready True True saltwater_fish.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_snapper, 2 2 0
half__sour_bread.n.01 Ready True True bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_sourdough, 2 2 0
half__sourdough.n.01 Not Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__spice_cookie.n.01 Ready True True cookie.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_spice_cookie, 2 2 0
half__spice_cookie_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_spice_cookie_dough, 2 2 0
half__spinach.n.01 Ready True True greens.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_spinach, 2 2 0
half__sprout.n.01 Not Ready True True plant_organ.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__squid.n.01 Ready True True seafood.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_squid, 2 2 0
half__steak.n.01 Ready True True cut.n.06, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_steak, 2 2 0
half__strawberry.n.01 Ready True True berry.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_strawberry, 1 1 0
half__sugar_cookie.n.01 Ready True True cookie.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_sugar_cookie, 2 2 0
half__sugar_cookie_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_sugar_cookie_dough, 2 2 0
half__sunflower.n.01 Ready True True flower.n.01, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_sunflower, 2 2 0
half__sushi.n.01 Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_sushi, 2 2 0
half__sweet_corn.n.01 Ready True True corn.n.03, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_sweet_corn, 2 2 0
half__swiss_cheese.n.01 Ready True True cheese.n.01, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_swiss_cheese, 2 2 0
half__taco.n.01 Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_taco, 2 2 0
half__tenderloin.n.01 Ready True True cut.n.06, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_tenderloin, 2 2 0
half__tiramisu.n.01 Ready True True dessert.n.01, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_tiramisu, 2 2 0
half__toast.n.01 Ready True True bread.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_toast, 2 2 0
half__tofu.n.01 Ready True True curd.n.01, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_tofu, 2 2 0
half__tortilla.n.01 Ready True True pancake.n.01, cloth, cookable, deformable, diceable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_tortilla, 2 2 0
half__tortilla_chip.n.01 Ready True True corn_chip.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_tortilla_chip, 2 2 0
half__trout.n.01 Ready True True fish.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_trout, 2 2 0
half__trunk.n.01 Not Ready True True stalk.n.02, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__tulip.n.01 Ready True True liliaceous_plant.n.01, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_tulip, 2 2 0
half__tuna.n.01 Ready True True saltwater_fish.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_tuna, 2 2 0
half__turkey.n.01 Ready True True poultry.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_turkey, 2 2 0
half__turkey_leg.n.01 Ready True True drumstick.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_turkey_leg, 2 2 0
half__vanilla.n.01 Ready True True orchid.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_vanilla_flower, 2 2 0
half__vanilla_flower.n.01 Not Ready True True orchid.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__veal.n.01 Ready True True meat.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_veal, 2 2 0
half__venison.n.01 Ready True True game.n.07, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_venison, 2 2 0
half__vidalia_onion.n.01 Ready True True onion.n.03, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_vidalia_onion, 2 2 0
half__virginia_ham.n.01 Ready True True ham.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_virginia_ham, 2 2 0
half__waffle.n.01 Ready True True cake.n.03, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_waffle, 2 2 0
half__walnut.n.01 Ready True True edible_nut.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_walnut, 2 2 0
half__watermelon.n.01 Ready True True melon.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, future, ontop, real, touching, make_dessert_watermelons-0, half_watermelon, 2 2 1
half__white_turnip.n.01 Ready True True turnip.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_white_turnip, 2 2 0
half__whole_garlic.n.01 Not Ready True True garlic.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
half__wrapping_paper.n.01 Ready True True paper.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_wrapping_paper, 2 2 0
half__yam.n.01 Ready True True sweet_potato.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, half_candied_yam, 2 2 0
half__zucchini.n.01 Ready True True summer_squash.n.02, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, frozen, ontop, grill_vegetables-0, freeze_vegetables-0, half_zucchini, 3 3 2
halibut.n.01 Not Ready False True lean flesh of very large flatfish of Atlantic or Pacific flatfish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
halite.n.01 Not Ready False True naturally occurring crystalline sodium chloride mineral.n.01, sodium_chloride.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
hallstand.n.01 Ready False True a piece of furniture where coats and hats and umbrellas can be hung; usually has a mirror furniture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hall_tree, 3 3 0
halogen.n.01 Substance False False any of five related nonmetallic elements (fluorine or chlorine or bromine or iodine or astatine) that are all monovalent and readily form negative ions group.n.01, chlorine.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
ham.n.01 Ready False False meat cut from the thigh of a hog (usually smoked) cut_of_pork.n.01, cooked__diced__prosciutto.n.01, diced__prosciutto.n.01, diced__virginia_ham.n.01, virginia_ham.n.01, prosciutto.n.01, half__prosciutto.n.01, half__virginia_ham.n.01, cooked__diced__virginia_ham.n.01, 0 7 0
ham_hock.n.01 Ready False True a small cut of meat from the leg just above the foot leg.n.05, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, cook_ham_hocks-0, ham_hock, 1 1 1
hamburger.n.01 Ready False True a sandwich consisting of a fried cake of minced beef served on a bun, often with other ingredients sandwich.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, hot, nextto, frozen, cooked, preparing_food_or_drink_for_sale-0, picking_up_take_out_food-0, packing_picnic_food_into_car-0, clean_up_after_a_dinner_party-0, setting_up_for_an_event-0, buying_fast_food-0, cleaning_up_after_a_meal-0, heating_food_up-0, packing_meal_for_delivery-0, setting_the_table-0, hamburger, 1 1 10
hamburger_bun.n.01 Ready False True a round bun shaped to hold a hamburger patty bun.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, grill_burgers-0, hamburger_bun, 2 2 1
hammer.n.02 Ready False True a hand tool with a heavy rigid head and a handle; used to deliver an impulsive force by striking hand_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, laying_wood_floors-0, put_together_a_scrapping_tool_kit-0, hammer, 2 2 2
hammock.n.03 Ready True True mechanical_device.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hammock, 6 6 0
hamper.n.02 Ready False True a basket usually with a cover basket.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, nextto, doing_laundry-0, bringing_laundry-0, fold_towels-0, wash_duvets-0, taking_clothes_off_of_the_drying_rack-0, hanging_clothes_on_clothesline-0, taking_clothes_out_of_the_dryer-0, sorting_laundry-0, taking_clothes_off_the_line-0, clean_a_hamper-0, ... hamper, 22 22 12
hamster_wheel.n.01 Ready True True exercise_device.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, set_up_a_mouse_cage-0, hamster_wheel, 1 1 1
hand_blower.n.01 Ready False True a hand-held electric blower that can blow warm air onto the hair; used for styling hair blower.n.01, dryer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, dispose_of_batteries-0, hair_dryer, 2 2 1
hand_dryer.n.01 Ready True True dryer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, hand_dryer, 3 3 0
hand_glass.n.02 Ready False True light microscope consisting of a single convex lens that is used to produce an enlarged image light_microscope.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, magnifying_glass, 1 1 0
hand_tool.n.01 Ready False False a tool used with workers' hands tool.n.01, pick.n.06, tweezers.n.01, pitchfork.n.01, heatgun.n.01, saw.n.02, screwdriver.n.01, wrench.n.03, scraper.n.01, shovel.n.01, spatula.n.02, trowel.n.01, hammer.n.02, opener.n.03, square.n.08, pincer.n.01, pestle.n.03, pliers.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 21 0
hand_towel.n.01 Ready False True a small towel used to dry the hands or face towel.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, folded, inside, draped, unfolded, polish_pewter-0, clean_vintage_stereo_equipment-0, wash_goalkeeper_gloves-0, wash_a_bra-0, cleaning_kitchen_cupboard-0, clean_a_turkey-0, set_up_a_mouse_cage-0, clean_an_office_chair-0, clean_pennies-0, clean_leather_sandals-0, ... hand_towel, 1 1 36
handcart.n.01 Ready False False wheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person; may have one or two or four wheels wheeled_vehicle.n.01, barrow.n.03, serving_cart.n.01, shopping_cart.n.01, dish_rack_cart.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 9 0
handkerchief.n.01 Ready False False a square piece of cloth used for wiping the eyes or nose or as a costume accessory piece_of_cloth.n.01, bandanna.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
handle.n.01 Ready False True the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it appendage.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, handle, l_shaped_handle, 2 2 0
handsaw.n.01 Ready False False a saw used with one hand for cutting wood saw.n.02, pruning_saw.n.01, ripsaw.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
handset.n.01 Ready False True telephone set with the mouthpiece and earpiece mounted on a single handle telephone.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, handset, 1 1 0
handwear.n.01 Ready False False clothing for the hands clothing.n.01, glove.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 12 0
handwheel.n.02 Not Ready False False control consisting of a wheel whose rim serves as the handle by which a part is operated control.n.09, steering_wheel.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
hanger.n.02 Ready False True anything from which something can be hung support.n.10, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, draped, ontop, store_a_fur_coat-0, wash_a_leotard-0, putting_away_purchased_clothes-0, doing_laundry-0, store_winter_coats-0, tidying_up_wardrobe-0, organizing_items_for_yard_sale-0, hanging_clothes-0, putting_clothes_into_closet-0, hanger, 7 7 9
hanging.n.01 Ready False True decoration that is hung (as a tapestry) on a wall or over a window decoration.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hanging, 1 1 0
hard-boiled_egg.n.01 Ready False True an egg boiled gently until both the white and the yolk solidify boiled_egg.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, halve_an_egg-0, hard_boiled_egg, 1 1 1
hard_candy.n.01 Ready False True candy that is brittle candy.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hard_candy, 5 5 0
hardback.n.01 Ready False True a book with cardboard or cloth or leather covers book.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, setting_up_living_room_for_guest-0, packing_bags_or_suitcase-0, hardback, 146 146 2
harness.n.01 Not Ready False True a support consisting of an arrangement of straps for holding something to the body (especially one supporting a person suspended from a parachute) support.n.10, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
harvester.n.02 Not Ready False False farm machine that gathers a food crop from the fields farm_machine.n.01, binder.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
hat.n.01 Ready False True headdress that protects the head from bad weather; has shaped crown and usually a brim headdress.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_hat-0, hat, 7 7 1
hay.n.01 Substance False True grass mowed and cured for use as fodder fodder.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, filled, clean_out_a_guinea_pigs_hutch-0, set_up_a_guinea_pig_cage-0, hay, 1 1 2
hazelnut.n.02 Ready False True nut of any of several trees of the genus Corylus edible_nut.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hazelnut, 2 2 0
head_cabbage.n.02 Ready False True any of several varieties of cabbage having a large compact globular head; may be steamed or boiled or stir-fried or used raw in coleslaw cabbage.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, covered, cook_cabbage-0, clean_cabbage-0, head_cabbage, 1 1 2
headdress.n.01 Ready False False clothing for the head clothing.n.01, cap.n.01, hat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 8 0
headset.n.01 Ready False True receiver consisting of a pair of headphones telephone_receiver.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, headset, 1 1 0
heap__of__granola.n.01 Ready True True pile.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, heap_of_granola, 1 1 0
heap__of__gravel.n.01 Ready True True pile.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, heap_of_gravel, 1 1 0
heap__of__oatmeal.n.01 Not Ready True True pile.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, heap_of_oatmeal, 0 0 0
heap__of__raisins.n.01 Ready True True pile.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, heap_of_raisins, 1 1 0
heater.n.01 Ready False False device that heats water or supplies warmth to a room device.n.01, radiator.n.02, space_heater.n.01, sauna_heater.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 19 0
heatgun.n.01 Ready True True hand_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, heatgun, 1 1 0
heating_element.n.01 Ready False False the component of a heater or range that transforms fuel or electricity into heat component.n.03, burner.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
heavy_cream.n.01 Substance False True contains more than 36% butterfat cream.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, filled, make_cream_from_milk-0, make_white_wine_sauce-0, make_cream_soda-0, heavy_cream, 0 0 3
hedge.n.01 Not Ready False True a fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs or bushes fence.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
helmet.n.01 Ready False True armor plate that protects the head armor_plate.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, organizing_skating_stuff-0, putting_bike_in_garage-0, packing_sports_equipment_into_car-0, work_helmet, 1 1 3
helping.n.01 Ready False False an individual quantity of food or drink taken as part of a meal small_indefinite_quantity.n.01, drink.n.01, drumstick.n.01, wing.n.09, piece.n.08, breast.n.03, 0 20 0
hemp.n.01 Not Ready False True a plant fiber plant_fiber.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
herb.n.01 Ready False False a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests vascular_plant.n.01, tomato.n.02, gramineous_plant.n.01, mint.n.02, 0 5 0
herb.n.02 Ready False False aromatic potherb used in cookery for its savory qualities flavorer.n.01, cooked__marjoram.n.01, cooked__thyme.n.01, marjoram.n.02, tea.n.05, parsley.n.02, thyme.n.02, bay_leaf.n.01, cooked__sage.n.01, mint.n.04, coriander.n.03, half__bay_leaf.n.01, basil.n.03, diced__parsley.n.01, sage.n.02, half__parsley.n.01, cooked__diced__bay_leaf.n.01, cooked__diced__parsley.n.01, rosemary.n.02, diced__bay_leaf.n.01, 0 42 0
herb__jar.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
herbicide.n.01 Substance False True a chemical agent that destroys plants or inhibits their growth chemical.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, adding_chemicals_to_lawn-0, herbicide, 0 0 1
herbicide__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, filled, adding_chemicals_to_lawn-0, herbicide_bottle, 1 1 1
highchair.n.01 Ready False True a chair for feeding a very young child; has four long legs and a footrest and a detachable tray chair.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, cleaning_high_chair-0, highchair, 2 2 1
hiking_boot.n.01 Ready True True boot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_synthetic_hiking_gear-0, hiking_boot, 2 2 1
hinge.n.01 Ready False True a joint that holds two parts together so that one can swing relative to the other joint.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hinge, 1 1 0
hinged_jar.n.01 Ready True True mason_jar.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, filled, open, contains, ontop, canning_food-0, can_meat-0, preserving_fruit-0, preserving_meat-0, can_fruit-0, hinged_jar, 4 4 5
hingeless_jar.n.01 Ready True True mason_jar.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hingeless_jar, 15 15 0
hip.n.05 Ready False True the fruit of a rose plant fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, rosehip, 1 1 0
hitch.n.04 Ready False True a connection between a vehicle and the load that it pulls connection.n.03, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, installing_a_trailer_hitch-0, hitch, 1 1 1
hockey_stick.n.01 Ready False True sports implement consisting of a stick used by hockey players to move the puck stick.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, inside, organizing_skating_stuff-0, de_clutter_your_garage-0, hockey_stick, 1 1 2
hoe.n.01 Ready False True a tool with a flat blade attached at right angles to a long handle tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, hoe_weeds-0, putting_away_yard_equipment-0, hoe, 1 1 2
holder.n.01 Ready False False a holding device holding_device.n.01, candlestick.n.01, french_fry_holder.n.01, toilet_paper_holder.n.01, pencil_holder.n.01, paper_towel_holder.n.01, cup_holder.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 18 0
holding_device.n.01 Ready False False a device for holding something device.n.01, clamp.n.01, holder.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 25 0
hole.n.02 Not Ready False False an opening deliberately made in or through something opening.n.10, vent.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
hole.n.05 Not Ready False False a depression hollowed out of solid matter natural_depression.n.01, pit.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
holly.n.03 Ready True True decoration.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, decorating_outside_for_holidays-0, holly_decoration, 1 1 1
home_appliance.n.01 Ready False False an appliance that does a particular job in the home appliance.n.02, iron.n.04, leaf_blower.n.01, power_washer.n.01, toilet_paper_dispenser.n.01, white_goods.n.01, paper_towel_dispenser.n.01, kitchen_appliance.n.01, vacuum.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 104 0
honey.n.01 Substance False True a sweet yellow liquid produced by bees sweetening.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, make_granola-0, make_oatmeal-0, make_bagels-0, make_chocolate_spread-0, roast_meat-0, make_popsicles-0, honey, 0 0 6
honey__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, make_granola-0, make_oatmeal-0, make_bagels-0, make_chocolate_spread-0, roast_meat-0, make_popsicles-0, honey_jar, 1 1 6
hood.n.06 Ready False False metal covering leading to a vent that exhausts smoke or fumes covering.n.02, range_hood.n.01, lab_exhaust_hood.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 10 0
hook.n.04 Not Ready False False a mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something mechanical_device.n.01, anchor.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
hook.n.05 Ready False True a curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hook, 5 5 0
hook_rack.n.01 Ready True True implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hook_rack, 1 1 0
hoop.n.02 Ready False False a rigid circular band of metal or wood or other material used for holding or fastening or hanging or pulling band.n.07, tire.n.01, napkin_ring.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
horizontal_surface.n.01 Ready False False a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line surface.n.01, floor.n.01, platform.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 380 0
horn.n.02 Ready False False one of the bony outgrowths on the heads of certain ungulates process.n.05, antler.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
horse.n.02 Ready False False a padded gymnastic apparatus on legs gymnastic_apparatus.n.01, pommel_horse.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
hose.n.03 Ready False True a flexible pipe for conveying a liquid or gas tube.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rope, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_rubber-0, hose, 1 1 1
hose_cart.n.01 Ready True True implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hose_cart, 1 1 0
hosiery.n.01 Ready False False socks and stockings and tights collectively (the British include underwear) footwear.n.01, sock.n.01, tights.n.01, christmas_stocking.n.01, stocking.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
hospital_bed.n.02 Ready True True furniture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hospital_bed, 1 1 0
hot_pepper.n.02 Ready False False any of various pungent capsicum fruits pepper.n.04, pottable__chili.n.01, half__chili.n.01, diced__chili.n.01, chili.n.02, cooked__diced__chili.n.01, 0 9 0
hot_sauce.n.01 Substance False True a pungent peppery sauce sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, hot_sauce, 0 0 1
hot_sauce__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, hot_sauce_bottle, 1 1 1
hot_toddy.n.01 Substance False True a mixed drink made of liquor and water with sugar and spices and served hot mixed_drink.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
hot_tub.n.02 Ready True True vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, toggled_on, ontop, contains, turning_off_the_hot_tub-0, adding_chemicals_to_hot_tub-0, putting_in_a_hot_tub-0, turning_on_the_hot_tub-0, hot_tub, 2 2 4
hotdog.n.02 Ready False True a frankfurter served hot on a bun sandwich.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cooked, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, cleaning_up_after_an_event-0, cook_hot_dogs-0, buy_food_for_camping-0, hotdog, 1 1 4
house_paint.n.01 Substance False True paint used to cover the exterior woodwork of a house paint.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, stripping_furniture-0, house_paint, 1 1 1
house_paint__can.n.01 Not Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
housing.n.02 Ready False False a protective cover designed to contain or support a mechanical component protective_covering.n.01, shell.n.08, cabinet.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
huitre.n.01 Ready False True edible body of any of numerous oysters shellfish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, cook_oysters-0, clean_oysters-0, oyster, 1 1 2
hull.n.01 Not Ready False False dry outer covering of a fruit or seed or nut husk.n.02, shell.n.04, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
humate.n.01 Substance False False material that is high in humic acids material.n.01, peat.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
hummus.n.01 Substance False True a thick spread made from mashed chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice and garlic; used especially as a dip for pita; originated in the Middle East spread.n.05, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, cook_red_peppers-0, hummus, 0 0 1
hummus__box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, cook_red_peppers-0, hummus_box, 1 1 1
hunk.n.02 Ready False False a large piece of something without definite shape part.n.03, nodule.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
husk.n.02 Ready False False outer membranous covering of some fruits or seeds sheath.n.02, pod.n.01, hull.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
hutch.n.01 Ready False True a cage (usually made of wood and wire mesh) for small animals cage.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, overlaid, covered, set_up_a_mouse_cage-0, clean_out_a_guinea_pigs_hutch-0, set_up_a_guinea_pig_cage-0, hutch, 1 1 3
hydrocarbon.n.01 Substance False False an organic compound containing only carbon and hydrogen organic_compound.n.01, gasoline.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
hydrogen_peroxide.n.01 Substance False True a viscous liquid with strong oxidizing properties; a powerful bleaching agent; also used (in aqueous solutions) as a mild disinfectant and (in strong concentrations) as an oxidant in rocket fuels oxidant.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, clean_vans-0, hydrogen_peroxide, 0 0 1
hydrogen_peroxide__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, filled, clean_vans-0, hydrogen_peroxide_bottle, 1 1 1
ice.n.01 Ready False True water frozen in the solid state crystal.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, de_ice_a_car-0, removing_ice_from_walkways-0, ice, 3 3 2
ice_cream__carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_a_frappe-0, make_a_milkshake-0, ice_cream_carton, 1 1 2
ice_cream_cone.n.01 Ready True True pastry.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ice_cream_cone, 1 1 0
ice_cube.n.01 Ready False True a small cube of artificial ice; used for cooling drinks cube.n.05, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, future, real, ontop, make_a_mojito-0, make_watermelon_punch-0, make_spa_water-0, make_a_strawberry_slushie-0, make_ice-0, make_a_frappe-0, getting_a_drink-0, make_lemon_or_lime_water-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, make_an_iced_espresso-0, ... ice_cube, 9 9 15
ice_lolly.n.01 Ready False True ice cream or water ice on a small wooden stick frozen_dessert.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, real, make_popsicles-0, ice_lolly, 1 1 1
ice_maker.n.01 Not Ready False True an appliance included in some electric refrigerators for making ice cubes kitchen_appliance.n.01, coldSource, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
ice_pack.n.01 Not Ready False True a waterproof bag filled with ice: applied to the body (especially the head) to cool or reduce swelling bag.n.01, coldSource, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
ice_skate.n.01 Ready False True skate consisting of a boot with a steel blade fitted to the sole skate.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, organizing_skating_stuff-0, moving_stuff_to_storage-0, skates, 2 2 2
iced_cappuccino.n.01 Substance True True beverage.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_a_blended_iced_cappuccino-0, iced_cappuccino, 0 0 1
iced_chocolate.n.01 Substance True True beverage.n.01, boilable, breakable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_iced_chocolate-0, iced_chocolate, 0 0 1
icepick.n.01 Not Ready False True pick consisting of a steel rod with a sharp point; used for breaking up blocks of ice pick.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
icetray.n.02 Ready True True receptacle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, make_ice-0, ice_tray, 1 1 1
icicle_lights.n.01 Ready True True light.n.02, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, inside, toggled_on, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_outside-0, putting_up_outdoor_holiday_decorations-0, putting_up_Christmas_lights_inside-0, putting_up_Christmas_lights_outside-0, store_christmas_lights-0, hang_icicle_lights-0, hanging_outdoor_lights-0, icicle_lights, 1 1 7
identification.n.02 Ready False False evidence of identity; something that identifies a person or thing evidence.n.02, positive_identification.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
implement.n.01 Ready False False instrumentation (a piece of equipment or tool) used to effect an end instrumentality.n.03, bar.n.03, hose_cart.n.01, sharpener.n.01, stirrer.n.02, stick.n.01, needle.n.03, glue_stick.n.01, sports_implement.n.01, hook_rack.n.01, eraser.n.01, fire_iron.n.01, tool.n.01, hook.n.05, cleaning_implement.n.01, writing_implement.n.01, oar.n.01, brush.n.02, rod.n.01, utensil.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 346 0
incision.n.01 Substance False True a depression scratched or carved into a surface depression.n.08, substance, visualSubstance, covered, repairs_to_furniture-0, polish_a_car-0, sanding_wood_furniture-0, incision, 9 9 3
indefinite_quantity.n.01 Ready False False an estimated quantity measure.n.02, small_indefinite_quantity.n.01, 0 23 0
indication.n.01 Ready False False something that serves to indicate or suggest communication.n.02, evidence.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
indicator.n.03 Not Ready False False a device for showing the operating condition of some system device.n.01, dial.n.03, pointer.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
infant_car_seat.n.01 Ready True True car_seat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, wash_an_infant_car_seat-0, infant_car_seat, 1 1 1
influence.n.03 Ready False False a cognitive factor that tends to have an effect on what you do determinant.n.01, temptation.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
information.n.01 Ready False False a message received and understood message.n.02, news.n.02, database.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 7 0
information_bulletin.n.01 Ready False True a bulletin containing the latest information bulletin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, information_bulletin, 1 1 0
ingredient.n.03 Ready False False food that is a component of a mixture in cooking foodstuff.n.02, egg_white.n.01, tomato_paste.n.01, egg_yolk.n.01, cooked__egg_white.n.01, flavorer.n.01, cooked__tomato_paste.n.01, 0 107 0
inhaler.n.01 Ready False True a dispenser that produces a chemical vapor to be inhaled in order to relieve nasal congestion dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, make_a_car_emergency_kit-0, inhaler, 1 1 1
ink.n.01 Substance False True a liquid used for printing or writing or drawing liquid.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, filled, clean_marker_off_a_doll-0, staining_wood_furniture-0, ink, 0 0 2
ink__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, staining_wood_furniture-0, ink_bottle, 1 1 1
ink_cartridge.n.01 Not Ready False True a cartridge that contains ink and can be replaced cartridge.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
insectifuge.n.01 Substance False True a chemical substance that repels insects repellent.n.02, substance, visualSubstance, covered, insource, spraying_for_bugs-0, insectifuge, 2 2 1
insectifuge__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, make_a_car_emergency_kit-0, spraying_for_bugs-0, insectifuge_atomizer, 1 1 2
instant_coffee.n.01 Substance False True dehydrated coffee that can be made into a drink by adding hot water coffee.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_a_frappe-0, make_instant_coffee-0, make_a_cappuccino-0, make_a_blended_iced_cappuccino-0, instant_coffee, 1 1 4
instant_coffee__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, make_a_frappe-0, make_instant_coffee-0, make_a_cappuccino-0, make_a_blended_iced_cappuccino-0, instant_coffee_jar, 1 1 4
instrument.n.01 Ready False False a device that requires skill for proper use device.n.01, weapon.n.01, measuring_instrument.n.01, scientific_instrument.n.01, optical_instrument.n.01, medical_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 47 0
instrumentality.n.03 Ready False False an artifact (or system of artifacts) that is instrumental in accomplishing some end artifact.n.01, system.n.01, toiletry.n.01, implement.n.01, conveyance.n.03, connection.n.03, medium.n.01, device.n.01, ceramic.n.01, furnishing.n.02, weaponry.n.01, container.n.01, equipment.n.01, 0 2505 0
invertebrate.n.01 Ready False False any animal lacking a backbone or notochord; the term is not used as a scientific classification animal.n.01, mollusk.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
iron.n.04 Ready False True home appliance consisting of a flat metal base that is heated and used to smooth cloth home_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, toggled_on, iron_a_tie-0, clean_a_flat_iron-0, treating_clothes-0, ironing_curtains-0, clean_an_iron-0, ironing_bedsheets-0, clean_the_bottom_of_an_iron-0, ironing_clothes-0, fold_a_cloth_napkin-0, iron_curtains-0, iron, 2 2 10
ironing_board.n.01 Ready False True narrow padded board on collapsible supports; used for ironing clothes board.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, iron_a_tie-0, ironing_curtains-0, ironing_bedsheets-0, clean_the_bottom_of_an_iron-0, ironing_clothes-0, iron_curtains-0, ironing_board, 1 1 6
isopropanol__dispenser.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, isopropanol_dispenser, 1 1 0
isopropyl_alcohol.n.01 Substance False True alcohol used as antifreeze or a solvent alcohol.n.02, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, isopropanol, 0 0 0
jacket.n.01 Not Ready False True a short coat coat.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jacket, 0 0 0
jacket.n.05 Ready False True the tough metal shell casing for certain kinds of ammunition shell.n.08, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_brass_casings-0, pellet, 1 1 1
jade.n.01 Ready False True a semiprecious gemstone that takes a high polish; is usually green but sometimes whitish; consists of jadeite or nephrite opaque_gem.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_jade-0, jade, 2 2 1
jade_roller.n.01 Ready True True roller.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jade_roller, 1 1 0
jam.n.01 Substance False True preserve of crushed fruit conserve.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, jam, 0 0 0
jam__dispenser.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, jam_dispenser, 2 2 0
jam__jar.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
jar.n.01 Ready False False a vessel (usually cylindrical) with a wide mouth and without handles vessel.n.03, vase.n.01, mason_jar.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 59 0
jar__of__bath_salt.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_bath_salt, 2 2 0
jar__of__beans.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
jar__of__chilli_powder.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_chilli_powder, 1 1 0
jar__of__clove.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_clove, 1 1 0
jar__of__cocoa.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_cocoa, 1 1 0
jar__of__coffee.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_coffee, 1 1 0
jar__of__cumin.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_cumin, 3 3 0
jar__of__curry_powder.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_curry_powder, 1 1 0
jar__of__dill_seed.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_dill_seed, 1 1 0
jar__of__grains.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_grains, 12 12 0
jar__of__honey.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, touching, inside, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, store_honey-0, jar_of_honey, 1 1 2
jar__of__ink.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
jar__of__jam.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, touching, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, jar_of_jam, 1 1 1
jar__of__jelly.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_jelly, 1 1 0
jar__of__kidney_beans.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_kidney_beans, 1 1 0
jar__of__mayonnaise.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_mayonnaise, 2 2 0
jar__of__orange_jam.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_orange_jam, 1 1 0
jar__of__orange_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_orange_sauce, 1 1 0
jar__of__pepper.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_pepper, 1 1 0
jar__of__pepper_seasoning.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_pepper_seasoning, 1 1 0
jar__of__peppercorns.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_peppercorns, 1 1 0
jar__of__puree.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_puree, 1 1 0
jar__of__sesame_seed.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_sesame_seed, 1 1 0
jar__of__spaghetti_sauce.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, putting_out_condiments-0, putting_leftovers_away-0, jar_of_spaghetti_sauce, 6 6 2
jar__of__strawberry_jam.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_strawberry_jam, 1 1 0
jar__of__sugar.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, storing_food-0, jar_of_sugar, 4 4 1
jar__of__tumeric.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_tumeric, 1 1 0
jar__of__vegetable.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jar_of_vegetable, 1 1 0
jean.n.01 Ready False True (usually plural) close-fitting trousers of heavy denim for manual work or casual wear workwear.n.01, trouser.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jeans, 2 2 0
jelly.n.02 Substance False True a preserve made of the jelled juice of fruit conserve.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, make_a_sandwich-0, jelly, 0 0 1
jelly.n.03 Substance False False any substance having the consistency of jelly or gelatin substance.n.07, petrolatum.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
jelly__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_a_sandwich-0, jelly_jar, 1 1 1
jelly_bean.n.01 Substance False True sugar-glazed jellied candy candy.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_party_favors_from_candy-0, jelly_bean, 4 4 1
jelly_bean__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_party_favors_from_candy-0, jelly_bean_jar, 1 1 1
jerk_seasoning.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, jerk_seasoning, 1 1 1
jersey.n.03 Ready False True a close-fitting pullover shirt shirt.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, draped, inside, saturated, covered, folded, putting_away_purchased_clothes-0, donating_clothing-0, tidying_up_wardrobe-0, taking_clothes_out_of_washer-0, remove_scorch_marks-0, ironing_clothes-0, disinfect_laundry-0, putting_clothes_into_closet-0, sorting_laundry-0, putting_clothes_in_storage-0, ... jersey, t_shirt, 2 2 11
jewel.n.01 Ready False False a precious or semiprecious stone incorporated into a piece of jewelry jewelry.n.01, ruby.n.01, pearl.n.01, diamond.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
jewelry.n.01 Ready False False an adornment (as a bracelet or ring or necklace) made of precious metals and set with gems (or imitation gems) adornment.n.01, jewel.n.01, necklace.n.01, ring.n.08, bracelet.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, cleaning_bedroom-0, 0 6 1
jigsaw_puzzle.n.01 Ready False True a puzzle that requires you to reassemble a picture that has been mounted on a stiff base and cut into interlocking pieces puzzle.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, donating_toys-0, picking_up_toys-0, putting_away_games-0, packing_hobby_equipment-0, setting_up_room_for_games-0, jigsaw_puzzle, 1 1 5
jigsaw_puzzle_piece.n.01 Ready True True puzzle.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jigsaw_puzzle_piece, 3 3 0
jimmies.n.01 Substance False True bits of sweet chocolate used as a topping on e.g. ice cream chocolate_candy.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_party_favors_from_candy-0, make_edible_chocolate_chip_cookie_dough-0, jimmies, 4 4 2
jimmies__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_party_favors_from_candy-0, jimmies_jar, 1 1 1
job-oriented_terminal.n.01 Ready False True a terminal designed for a particular application terminal.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, credit_card_terminal, 1 1 0
joint.n.05 Ready False False junction by which parts or objects are joined together junction.n.04, hinge.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
joystick.n.02 Not Ready False True a manual control consisting of a vertical handle that can move freely in two directions; used as an input device to computers or to devices controlled by computers control.n.09, data_input_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, joystick, 0 0 0
jug.n.01 Not Ready False True a large bottle with a narrow mouth bottle.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
jug__of__milk.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, jug_of_milk, 1 1 0
juice.n.01 Substance False False the liquid part that can be extracted from plant or animal tissue by squeezing or cooking foodstuff.n.02, papaya_juice.n.01, cooked__lime_juice.n.01, carrot_juice.n.01, lime_juice.n.01, lemon_juice.n.01, tomato_juice.n.01, cooked__lemon_juice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
jukebox.n.01 Ready False True a cabinet containing an automatic record player; records are played by inserting a coin record_player.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, jukebox, 1 1 0
jump_suit.n.01 Ready False True one-piece garment fashioned after a parachutist's uniform garment.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, onesie, 1 1 0
junction.n.04 Ready False False something that joins or connects connection.n.03, joint.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
kabob.n.01 Ready False True cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, ontop, cook_kabobs-0, boxing_food_after_dinner-0, half_kabob, kabob, kebab, 8 8 2
kale.n.03 Ready False True coarse curly-leafed cabbage cabbage.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, cook_kale-0, kale, 1 1 1
kayak.n.01 Ready False True a small canoe consisting of a light frame made watertight with animal skins; used by Eskimos canoe.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, attached, covered, covering_boat-0, store_a_kayak-0, kayak, 1 1 2
kayak_rack.n.01 Ready True True rack.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, store_a_kayak-0, kayak_rack, 1 1 1
keepsake.n.01 Not Ready False False something of sentimental value object.n.01, party_favor.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
ketone.n.01 Substance False False any of a class of organic compounds having a carbonyl group linked to a carbon atom in each of two hydrocarbon radicals organic_compound.n.01, acetone.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
kettle.n.01 Ready False True a metal pot for stewing or boiling; usually has a lid pot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, filled, washing_pots_and_pans-0, boil_water-0, boiler, kettle, 2 2 2
key.n.01 Ready False True metal device shaped in such a way that when it is inserted into the appropriate lock the lock's mechanism can be rotated device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, key, key_chain, keys, 4 4 0
key.n.15 Not Ready False True a lever (as in a keyboard) that actuates a mechanism when depressed lever.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
keyboard.n.01 Ready False True device consisting of a set of keys on a piano or organ or typewriter or typesetting machine or computer or the like device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, nextto, clean_a_company_office-0, set_up_a_webcam-0, clean_a_keyboard-0, getting_package_from_post_office-0, getting_organized_for_work-0, keyboard, 10 10 5
keyboard_instrument.n.01 Ready False False a musical instrument that is played by means of a keyboard musical_instrument.n.01, piano.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
kid_glove.n.01 Ready False True a glove made of fine soft leather (as kidskin) glove.n.02, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_suede_gloves-0, kid_glove, 1 1 1
kidney_bean.n.02 Substance False True large dark red bean; usually dried common_bean.n.02, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, waterCook, filled, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, kidney_bean, 0 0 1
kielbasa.n.01 Ready True True sausage.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, cook_kielbasa-0, kielbasa, 2 2 1
kiss.n.03 Substance False False any of several bite-sized candies candy.n.01, chocolate_kiss.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, meltable, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
kit.n.02 Ready False False gear consisting of a set of articles or tools for a specified purpose gear.n.04, first-aid_kit.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
kitchen_appliance.n.01 Ready False False a home appliance used in preparing food home_appliance.n.01, espresso_machine.n.01, stove.n.01, microwave.n.02, toaster_oven.n.01, toaster.n.02, french_press.n.01, deep_fryer.n.01, disposal.n.04, ice_maker.n.01, coffee_maker.n.01, oven.n.01, food_processor.n.01, waffle_iron.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 47 0
kitchen_table.n.01 Not Ready False True a table in the kitchen table.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
kitchen_utensil.n.01 Ready False False a utensil used in preparing food utensil.n.01, mixer.n.04, grater.n.01, squeezer.n.01, masher.n.02, cooking_utensil.n.01, rolling_pin.n.01, cookie_cutter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 90 0
kiwi.n.03 Ready False True fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, kiwi, 1 1 1
knife.n.01 Ready False False edge tool used as a cutting instrument; has a pointed blade with a sharp edge and a handle edge_tool.n.01, pocketknife.n.01, parer.n.02, cleaver.n.01, carving_knife.n.01, table_knife.n.01, utility_knife.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_knife-0, 0 22 1
knife_block.n.01 Ready True True rack.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_knife_block-0, knife_block, 2 2 1
knit.n.01 Not Ready False True a fabric made by knitting fabric.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
lab_exhaust_hood.n.01 Ready True True hood.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, lab_exhaust_hood, 1 1 0
label.n.04 Ready False False an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object marker.n.02, tag.n.02, gummed_label.n.01, tag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
labor.n.02 Ready False False productive work (especially physical work done for wages) work.n.01, effort.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
lace.n.01 Ready False True a cord that is drawn through eyelets or around hooks in order to draw together two edges (as of a shoe or garment) cord.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, organizing_skating_stuff-0, lace, 3 3 1
lacquer.n.01 Substance False True a black resinous substance obtained from certain trees and used as a natural varnish gum.n.03, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
ladder.n.01 Ready False True steps consisting of two parallel members connected by rungs; for climbing up or down stairs.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ladder, 3 3 0
ladle.n.01 Ready False False a spoon-shaped vessel with a long handle; frequently used to transfer liquids from one container to another vessel.n.03, dipper.n.01, scoop.n.06, soup_ladle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, set_up_a_buffet-0, serving_food_at_a_homeless_shelter-0, 0 7 2
lamb.n.05 Ready False True the flesh of a young domestic sheep eaten as food meat.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hot, ontop, cooked, inside, covered, frozen, touching, laying_out_a_feast-0, cook_lamb-0, lamb, 1 1 2
lamb_stew.n.01 Substance True True stew.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
laminate.n.01 Ready False False a sheet of material made by bonding two or more sheets or layers sheet.n.06, lamination.n.01, plywood.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
lamination.n.01 Ready False False a layered structure structure.n.01, laminate.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
lamp.n.01 Ready False False an artificial source of visible illumination source_of_illumination.n.01, spirit_lamp.n.01, candle.n.01, electric_lamp.n.01, spotlight.n.02, lantern.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 43 0
lamp.n.02 Ready False False a piece of furniture holding one or more electric light bulbs furniture.n.01, floor_lamp.n.01, table_lamp.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, rearranging_furniture-0, 0 59 1
lampshade.n.01 Ready False True a protective ornamental shade used to screen a light bulb from direct view shade.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, unloading_shopping_items-0, clean_paper_lampshades-0, lampshade, 4 4 2
land.n.02 Ready False False material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use) object.n.01, turf.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
lantern.n.01 Ready False False light in a transparent protective case lamp.n.01, paper_lantern.n.01, glass_lantern.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 10 0
laptop.n.01 Ready False True a portable computer small enough to use in your lap portable_computer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, open, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, clean_your_electronics-0, clean_up_your_desk-0, unpacking_hobby_equipment-0, loading_the_car-0, packing_car_for_trip-0, laptop, 6 6 6
lasagna.n.01 Ready False True baked dish of layers of lasagna pasta with sauce and cheese and meat or vegetables pasta.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, inside, hot, ontop, overlaid, cooked, cooking_dinner-0, preparing_food_for_a_fundraiser-0, freeze_lasagna-0, cook_lasagne-0, lasagna, 1 1 4
lavender.n.01 Not Ready False True any of various Old World aromatic shrubs or subshrubs with usually mauve or blue flowers; widely cultivated shrub.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
lawn.n.01 Ready False True a field of cultivated and mowed grass field.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, nextto, packing_hiking_equipment_into_car-0, mulching-0, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_outside-0, prepare_your_garden_for_a_cat-0, bringing_in_mail-0, cleaning_parks-0, clean_wood_pallets-0, shoveling_coal-0, putting_up_outdoor_holiday_decorations-0, tidy_your_garden-0, ... lawn, 11 11 47
lawn_chair.n.01 Ready False True chair left outside for use on a lawn or in a garden chair.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, nextto, cleaning_patio_furniture-0, carrying_out_garden_furniture-0, setting_up_garden_furniture-0, garden_chair, 3 3 3
lawn_mower.n.01 Ready False True garden tool for mowing grass on lawns garden_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, toggled_on, cleaning_lawnmowers-0, mowing_the_lawn-0, lawn_mower, 2 2 2
leaf.n.01 Ready False False the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants plant_organ.n.01, diced__entire_leaf.n.01, greenery.n.01, pad.n.02, floral_leaf.n.01, half__entire_leaf.n.01, half__leaf.n.01, entire_leaf.n.01, 0 17 0
leaf_blower.n.01 Ready True True home_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, nextto, tidy_your_garden-0, cleaning_shed-0, leaf_blower, 1 1 2
leaven.n.01 Substance False False a substance used to produce fermentation in dough or a liquid substance.n.07, yeast.n.01, baking_powder.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 2 0
leek.n.02 Ready False True related to onions; white cylindrical bulb and flat dark-green leaves vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, sorting_vegetables-0, leek, 1 1 1
leg.n.05 Ready False False the limb of an animal used for food cut.n.06, cooked__diced__ham_hock.n.01, half__ham_hock.n.01, ham_hock.n.01, diced__ham_hock.n.01, 0 3 0
legal_document.n.01 Ready False True (law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some right document.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, clean_a_company_office-0, recycling_office_papers-0, packing_documents_into_car-0, organizing_office_documents-0, legal_document, 3 3 4
legging.n.01 Ready False True a garment covering the leg (usually extending from the knee to the ankle) garment.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, tidying_bathroom-0, legging, 1 1 1
legume.n.03 Ready False False the seedpod of a leguminous plant (such as peas or beans or lentils) vegetable.n.01, chickpea.n.03, cooked__pea.n.01, bean.n.01, lentil.n.01, cooked__chickpea.n.01, cooked__lentil.n.01, pea.n.01, 0 21 0
lemon-pepper_seasoning.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, real, insource, future, make_lemon_pepper_wings-0, make_lemon_pepper_seasoning-0, lemon_pepper_seasoning, 2 2 2
lemon-pepper_seasoning__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, make_lemon_pepper_wings-0, lemon_pepper_seasoning_shaker, 1 1 1
lemon.n.01 Ready False True yellow oval fruit with juicy acidic flesh citrus.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_lemon_or_lime_water-0, making_a_drink-0, make_fruit_punch-0, lemon, 13 13 3
lemon_juice.n.01 Substance False True usually freshly squeezed juice of lemons juice.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, make_lemon_stain_remover-0, make_blueberry_mousse-0, make_a_vinegar_cleaning_solution-0, polish_cymbals-0, make_applesauce-0, make_cake_filling-0, clean_copper_wire-0, make_watermelon_punch-0, make_a_strawberry_slushie-0, cook_asparagus-0, ... lemon_juice, 0 0 17
lemon_juice__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, make_lemon_stain_remover-0, make_blueberry_mousse-0, make_a_vinegar_cleaning_solution-0, polish_cymbals-0, make_applesauce-0, make_cake_filling-0, clean_copper_wire-0, make_watermelon_punch-0, make_a_strawberry_slushie-0, cook_asparagus-0, ... lemon_juice_bottle, 1 1 17
lemon_peel.n.01 Ready False True the rind of a lemon peel.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, make_lemon_pepper_seasoning-0, lemon_peel, 3 3 1
lemon_stain_remover.n.01 Substance True True cleansing_agent.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_lemon_stain_remover-0, lemon_stain_remover, 0 0 1
lemon_water.n.01 Substance True True beverage.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
lemonade.n.01 Substance False True sweetened beverage of diluted lemon juice fruit_drink.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, future, real, contains, make_watermelon_punch-0, make_a_bake_sale_stand_stall-0, make_citrus_punch-0, make_lemonade-0, lemonade, 0 0 4
lemonade__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, make_watermelon_punch-0, make_citrus_punch-0, lemonade_bottle, 1 1 2
lens.n.01 Ready False True a transparent optical device used to converge or diverge transmitted light and to form images optical_device.n.01, attachable, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, covered, clean_a_camera_lens-0, lens, 1 1 1
lentil.n.01 Substance False True round flat seed of the lentil plant used for food legume.n.03, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, waterCook, 0 0 0
lentil__box.n.01 Not Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
leotard.n.01 Ready False True a tight-fitting garment of stretchy material that covers the body from the shoulders to the thighs (and may have long sleeves or legs reaching down to the ankles); worn by ballet dancers and acrobats for practice or performance garment.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, draped, wash_a_leotard-0, leotard, 1 1 1
letter.n.01 Ready False True a written message addressed to a person or organization text.n.01, document.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, tidying_living_room-0, getting_package_from_post_office-0, letter, 17 17 2
lettuce.n.03 Ready False True leaves of any of various plants of Lactuca sativa salad_green.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, buy_salad_greens-0, wash_lettuce-0, make_a_salad-0, laying_out_a_feast-0, lettuce, 3 3 4
lever.n.01 Ready False False a rigid bar pivoted about a fulcrum bar.n.03, key.n.15, compound_lever.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
lever.n.02 Not Ready False True a simple machine that gives a mechanical advantage when given a fulcrum machine.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
license_plate.n.01 Ready False True a plate mounted on the front and back of car and bearing the car's registration number plate.n.02, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, putting_on_registration_stickers-0, putting_on_tags_car-0, putting_on_license_plates-0, license_plate, 5 5 3
lid.n.02 Ready False True a movable top or cover (hinged or separate) for closing the opening at the top of a box, chest, jar, pan, etc. top.n.09, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, clean_plastic_containers-0, cook_noodles-0, cook_pasta-0, can_vegetables-0, can_syrup-0, cook_peas-0, lid, 64 64 6
life_jacket.n.01 Ready False True life preserver consisting of a sleeveless jacket of buoyant or inflatable design life_preserver.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, pack_for_the_pool-0, life_jacket, 1 1 1
life_preserver.n.01 Ready False False rescue equipment consisting of a buoyant belt or jacket to keep a person from drowning float.n.06, rescue_equipment.n.01, life_jacket.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
lifting_device.n.01 Not Ready False False a device for lifting heavy loads device.n.01, elevator.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
ligament.n.02 Ready False False any connection or unifying bond attachment.n.04, chain.n.03, wire.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
light.n.02 Ready False False any device serving as a source of illumination source_of_illumination.n.01, fairy_light.n.01, room_light.n.01, icicle_lights.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 90 0
light.n.07 Substance False False the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures visual_property.n.01, brightness.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
light_bulb.n.01 Ready False True electric lamp consisting of a transparent or translucent glass housing containing a wire filament (usually tungsten) that emits light when heated by electricity electric_lamp.n.01, attachable, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, covered, changing_bulbs-0, changing_light_bulbs-0, clean_a_light_bulb-0, bulb, light_bulb, 3 3 3
light_microscope.n.01 Ready False False microscope consisting of an optical instrument that magnifies the image of an object microscope.n.01, hand_glass.n.02, compound_microscope.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
lighter-than-air_craft.n.01 Ready False False aircraft supported by its own buoyancy aircraft.n.01, balloon.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
lighter.n.02 Ready False False a device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires device.n.01, cigar_lighter.n.01, match.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
lighting_fixture.n.01 Ready False False a fixture providing artificial light fixture.n.01, chandelier.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 7 0
likeness.n.02 Ready False False picture consisting of a graphic image of a person or thing picture.n.01, portrait.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
liliaceous_plant.n.01 Ready False False plant growing from a bulb or corm or rhizome or tuber bulbous_plant.n.01, alliaceous_plant.n.01, tulip.n.01, diced__tulip.n.01, half__tulip.n.01, lily.n.01, 0 20 0
lily.n.01 Ready False True any liliaceous plant of the genus Lilium having showy pendulous flowers liliaceous_plant.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, lily, 10 10 0
lily_pad.n.01 Ready False True floating leaves of a water lily pad.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, lily_pad, 3 3 0
lima_bean.n.03 Substance False True broad flat beans simmered gently; never eaten raw shell_bean.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
lime.n.06 Ready False True the green acidic fruit of any of various lime trees citrus.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_a_mojito-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, lime, 1 1 2
lime_juice.n.01 Substance False True usually freshly squeezed juice of limes juice.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, mixing_drinks-0, make_limeade-0, lime_juice, 0 0 2
lime_juice__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, mixing_drinks-0, make_limeade-0, lime_juice_bottle, 1 1 2
limeade.n.01 Substance False True sweetened beverage of lime juice and water fruit_drink.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_limeade-0, limeade, 0 0 1
limestone.n.01 Not Ready False True a sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcium that was deposited by the remains of marine animals rock.n.02, sedimentary_rock.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
line.n.04 Not Ready False False a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point shape.n.02, curve.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
line.n.11 Not Ready False False a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent location.n.01, path.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
line.n.18 Ready False False something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible artifact.n.01, cord.n.01, half__rope.n.01, rope.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 11 0
linen.n.03 Ready False False white goods or clothing made with linen cloth white_goods.n.02, doily.n.01, bath_linen.n.01, table_linen.n.01, bed_linen.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 22 0
liner.n.03 Ready False True a piece of cloth that is used as the inside surface of a garment piece_of_cloth.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, microfiber_cloth, 1 1 0
lingerie.n.01 Not Ready False True women's underwear and nightclothes underwear.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, lingerie, 0 0 0
lining.n.01 Ready False True a protective covering that protects an inside surface protective_covering.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, line_kitchen_shelves-0, paper_liners, 1 1 1
linseed_oil.n.01 Substance False True a drying oil extracted from flax seed and used in making such things as oil paints oil.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
lint.n.01 Substance False True fine ravellings of cotton or linen fibers fiber.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_an_office_chair-0, sweeping_steps-0, clean_an_iron-0, removing_lint_from_dryer-0, doing_housework_for_adult-0, wash_a_wool_coat-0, lint, 9 9 6
lint_roller.n.01 Ready True True roller.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, lint_roller, 1 1 0
lint_screen.n.01 Ready True True screen.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, removing_lint_from_dryer-0, lint_screen, 1 1 1
lip_balm.n.01 Ready False True a balm applied to the lips ointment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, pack_for_the_pool-0, lip_balm, 1 1 1
lipid.n.01 Ready False False an oily organic compound insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents; essential structural component of living cells (along with proteins and carbohydrates) macromolecule.n.01, fat.n.01, oil.n.01, wax.n.01, 0 20 0
lipstick.n.01 Ready False True makeup that is used to color the lips makeup.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, nextto, sorting_household_items-0, lipstick, 3 3 1
liqueur.n.01 Substance False True strong highly flavored sweet liquor usually drunk after a meal alcohol.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
liquid.n.01 Substance False False a substance that is liquid at room temperature and pressure fluid.n.01, alcohol.n.02, beverage.n.01, ink.n.01, ammonia_water.n.01, water.n.06, antifreeze.n.01, cooked__water.n.01, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 2 0
liquid.n.03 Substance False False fluid matter having no fixed shape but a fixed volume fluid.n.02, water.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
liquid_body_substance.n.01 Substance False False the liquid parts of the body body_substance.n.01, secretion.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
liquid_carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, liquid_carton, 2 2 0
liquid_soap.n.01 Substance False True soap in liquid form soap.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, saturated, clean_plastic_containers-0, clean_a_kitchen_table-0, clean_decking-0, polish_pewter-0, cleaning_garden_tools-0, washing_bowls-0, clean_jade-0, clean_synthetic_hiking_gear-0, wash_goalkeeper_gloves-0, clean_a_blender-0, ... liquid_soap, 0 0 94
liquid_soap__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, covered, clean_plastic_containers-0, clean_a_kitchen_table-0, clean_decking-0, polish_pewter-0, cleaning_garden_tools-0, washing_bowls-0, clean_jade-0, clean_synthetic_hiking_gear-0, wash_goalkeeper_gloves-0, clean_a_blender-0, ... liquid_soap_bottle, 1 1 91
liquor.n.01 Substance False False an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented alcohol.n.01, brandy.n.01, rum.n.01, gin.n.01, vodka.n.01, whiskey.n.01, tequila.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
list.n.01 Ready False False a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics) database.n.01, bill.n.07, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
litter_box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, nextto, prepare_your_garden_for_a_cat-0, clean_your_kitty_litter_box-0, litter_box, 1 1 2
living_thing.n.01 Ready False False a living (or once living) entity whole.n.02, organism.n.01, 0 217 0
loaf_of_bread.n.01 Ready False False a shaped mass of baked bread that is usually sliced before eating bread.n.01, diced__meat_loaf.n.01, cooked__diced__meat_loaf.n.01, meat_loaf.n.01, half__meat_loaf.n.01, 0 4 0
lobster.n.01 Ready False True flesh of a lobster shellfish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, inside, covered, thawing_frozen_food-0, clean_a_lobster-0, lobster, 1 1 2
location.n.01 Ready False False a point or extent in space object.n.01, line.n.11, region.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 13 0
lock.n.01 Ready False True a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed fastener.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, lock, 1 1 0
log.n.01 Ready False True a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branches wood.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, collecting_wood-0, chopping_wood-0, clean_gas_logs-0, stacking_wood-0, putting_wood_in_fireplace-0, log, 11 11 5
loin.n.01 Ready False True a cut of meat taken from the side and back of an animal between the ribs and the rump cut.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, loin, 1 1 0
lollipop.n.02 Ready False True hard candy on a stick candy.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_a_candy_centerpiece-0, lollipop, 2 2 1
long_trousers.n.01 Ready False True trousers reaching to the foot trouser.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, saturated, draped, treating_clothes-0, clean_raw_denim-0, wash_jeans-0, pants, 1 1 3
loofa.n.01 Ready False True the dried fibrous part of the fruit of a plant of the genus Luffa; used as a washing sponge or strainer fiber.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_loofah_or_natural_sponge-0, loofah, 2 2 1
loop.n.02 Not Ready False False anything with a round or oval shape (formed by a curve that is closed and does not intersect itself) simple_closed_curve.n.01, belt.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
lorry.n.02 Ready False True a large truck designed to carry heavy loads; usually without sides truck.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, lorry, 1 1 0
lotion.n.01 Substance False True any of various cosmetic preparations that are applied to the skin toiletry.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, clean_an_electric_razor-0, lotion, 0 0 1
lotion.n.02 Substance False False liquid preparation having a soothing or antiseptic or medicinal action when applied to the skin remedy.n.02, rubbing_alcohol.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
lotion__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
loudspeaker.n.01 Ready False True electro-acoustic transducer that converts electrical signals into sounds loud enough to be heard at a distance electro-acoustic_transducer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_vintage_stereo_equipment-0, loudspeaker, speaker_system, standing_loudspeaker, wall_mounted_loudspeaker, 12 12 1
low-fat_milk.n.01 Substance False True milk from which some of the cream has been removed milk.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, contains, make_oatmeal-0, clean_cups-0, make_chocolate_milk-0, make_green_tea_latte-0, make_an_iced_espresso-0, preparing_existing_coffee-0, low_fat_milk, 0 0 6
low_explosive.n.01 Ready False False an explosive with a low rate of combustion explosive.n.01, firework.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
lubricant.n.01 Substance False True a substance capable of reducing friction by making surfaces smooth or slippery substance.n.07, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, lube_a_bicycle_chain-0, lubricant, 0 0 1
lubricant__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, lube_a_bicycle_chain-0, lubricant_bottle, 1 1 1
luggage_compartment.n.01 Not Ready False True compartment in an automobile that carries luggage or shopping or tools compartment.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
lumber.n.01 Ready False False the wood of trees cut and prepared for use as building material building_material.n.01, board.n.02, strip.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
lump_sugar.n.01 Ready False True refined sugar molded into rectangular shapes convenient as single servings sugar.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sugar_cube, 1 1 0
lunch_box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, lunch_box, 1 1 0
macaroni.n.02 Substance False True pasta in the form of slender tubes pasta.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
macaroni_and_cheese.n.01 Ready False True macaroni prepared in a cheese sauce pasta.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, inside, real, cooked, make_macaroni_and_cheese-0, mac_and_cheese, 1 1 1
macaroon.n.01 Ready False True chewy cookie usually containing almond paste cookie.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, macaron, 3 3 0
mace.n.03 Substance False True spice made from the dried fleshy covering of the nutmeg seed spice.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
machine.n.01 Ready False False any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks device.n.01, trimmer.n.02, slot_machine.n.01, calculator.n.02, staple_gun.n.01, motor.n.01, stapler.n.01, computer.n.01, farm_machine.n.01, machinery.n.01, power_tool.n.01, printer.n.03, slicer.n.02, record_player.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 26 0
machine.n.04 Ready False False a device for overcoming resistance at one point by applying force at some other point mechanical_device.n.01, lever.n.02, wheel.n.01, pulley.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
machinery.n.01 Ready False False machines or machine systems collectively machine.n.01, mill.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
macromolecule.n.01 Ready False False any very large complex molecule; found only in plants and animals molecule.n.01, organic_compound.n.01, carbohydrate.n.01, lipid.n.01, 0 21 0
magazine.n.01 Ready False False a periodic publication containing pictures and stories and articles of interest to those who purchase it or subscribe to it publication.n.01, press.n.02, comic_book.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
magazine.n.02 Ready False True product consisting of a paperback periodic publication as a physical object product.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, sorting_bottles_cans_and_paper-0, sorting_newspapers_for_recycling-0, getting_package_from_post_office-0, disposing_of_trash_for_adult-0, magazine, 9 9 4
magazine_rack.n.01 Ready False True a rack for displaying magazines rack.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, organizing_office_documents-0, desk_organizer, magazine_rack, 6 6 1
magnesium_sulfate.n.01 Substance False True a salt of magnesium sulfate.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
magnifier.n.01 Ready False False a scientific instrument that magnifies an image scientific_instrument.n.01, microscope.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
mail.n.01 Ready False False the bags of letters and packages that are transported by the postal service message.n.01, first_class.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
mail.n.04 Ready False True any particular collection of letters or packages that is delivered collection.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, bringing_in_mail-0, clean_up_your_desk-0, sorting_newspapers_for_recycling-0, getting_package_from_post_office-0, mail, 5 5 4
mailbox.n.01 Ready False True a private box for delivery of mail box.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, open, inside, nextto, broken, bringing_in_mail-0, collecting_mail_from_the_letterbox-0, sending_packages-0, mailing_letters-0, fixing_mailbox-0, mailbox, 1 1 5
maillot.n.01 Ready False True a woman's one-piece bathing suit swimsuit.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, maillot, 1 1 0
makeup.n.01 Ready False False cosmetics applied to the face to improve or change your appearance cosmetic.n.01, lipstick.n.01, eyeshadow.n.01, 0 3 0
mallet.n.01 Ready False True a sports implement with a long handle and a head like a hammer; used in sports (polo or croquet) to hit a ball sports_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, mallet, 1 1 0
mango.n.02 Ready False True large oval tropical fruit having smooth skin, juicy aromatic pulp, and a large hairy seed edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, picking_fruit_and_vegetables-0, store_produce-0, mango, 5 5 3
mannequin.n.02 Ready False True a life-size dummy used to display clothes dummy.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, mannequin, 1 1 0
manuscript.n.02 Ready False False handwritten book or document autograph.n.01, scroll.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
map.n.01 Ready False True a diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it) representation.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, map, 3 3 0
maple_syrup.n.01 Substance False True made by concentrating sap from sugar maples syrup.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, covered, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, make_cinnamon_toast-0, glaze_a_ham-0, can_syrup-0, maple_syrup, 0 0 5
maple_syrup__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, make_cinnamon_toast-0, glaze_a_ham-0, maple_syrup_jar, 1 1 4
margarine.n.01 Substance False True a spread made chiefly from vegetable oils and used as a substitute for butter spread.n.05, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, grease_and_flour_a_pan-0, margarine, 0 0 1
margarine__box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, grease_and_flour_a_pan-0, margarine_box, 1 1 1
margarita.n.01 Substance False True a cocktail made of tequila and triple sec with lime and lemon juice cocktail.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
marigold.n.01 Ready False True any of various tropical American plants of the genus Tagetes widely cultivated for their showy yellow or orange flowers flower.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, prepare_a_raised_bed_garden-0, marigold, 10 10 1
marinade.n.01 Substance False True mixtures of vinegar or wine and oil with various spices and seasonings; used for soaking foods before cooking condiment.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, grill_vegetables-0, marinade, 0 0 1
marinara.n.01 Substance False True sauce for pasta; contains tomatoes and garlic and herbs spaghetti_sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, filled, real, contains, putting_dirty_dishes_in_sink-0, preparing_food_for_company-0, making_a_meal-0, marinara, 0 0 3
marinara__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, preparing_food_for_company-0, making_a_meal-0, marinara_jar, 1 1 2
marjoram.n.02 Substance False True pungent leaves used as seasoning with meats and fowl and in stews and soups and omelets herb.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, real, insource, contains, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, make_pizza_sauce-0, cook_mussels-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, make_seafood_stew-0, make_pasta_sauce-0, make_pizza-0, marjoram, 1 1 7
marjoram__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, inside, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, make_pizza_sauce-0, cook_mussels-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, make_seafood_stew-0, make_pasta_sauce-0, make_pizza-0, marjoram_shaker, 1 1 7
marker.n.02 Ready False False a distinguishing symbol symbol.n.01, label.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
marker.n.03 Ready False True a writing implement for making a mark writing_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, organizing_school_stuff-0, organizing_file_cabinet-0, sorting_art_supplies-0, packing_art_supplies_into_car-0, organizing_art_supplies-0, marker, 24 24 5
marshmallow.n.01 Ready False True spongy confection made of gelatin and sugar and corn syrup and dusted with powdered sugar candy.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, make_party_favors_from_candy-0, make_hot_cocoa-0, marshmallow, 3 3 2
martini.n.01 Substance False True a cocktail made of gin (or vodka) with dry vermouth cocktail.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, passing_out_drinks-0, martini, 0 0 1
mashed_potato.n.02 Substance True True starches.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, serving_food_at_a_homeless_shelter-0, mashed_potato, 1 1 1
masher.n.02 Ready False True a kitchen utensil used for mashing (e.g. potatoes) kitchen_utensil.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, potato_masher, 1 1 0
mask.n.04 Not Ready False False a protective covering worn over the face protective_covering.n.01, face_mask.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
masking_tape.n.01 Ready False True adhesive tape used to cover the part of a surface that should not be painted adhesive_tape.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, masking_tape, 1 1 0
mason_jar.n.01 Ready False False a glass jar with an air-tight screw top; used in home canning jar.n.01, hingeless_jar.n.01, hinged_jar.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, filled, ontop, contains, hot, covered, store_coffee_beans_or_ground_coffee-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, store_nuts-0, filling_salt-0, make_a_bake_sale_stand_stall-0, make_white_wine_sauce-0, make_green_tea_latte-0, baking_sugar_cookies-0, can_vegetables-0, ... 0 19 27
mat.n.01 Ready False True a thick flat pad used as a floor covering floor_cover.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, unfolded, nextto, covered, prepare_your_garden_for_a_cat-0, clean_rubber_bathmats-0, clean_cork_mats-0, floor_mat, mat, 1 1 3
mat.n.03 Ready False True sports equipment consisting of a piece of thick padding on the floor for gymnastic sports sports_equipment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, gym_mat, 3 3 1
mat.n.07 Ready False False a small pad of material that is used to protect surface from an object placed on it pad.n.04, mousepad.n.01, place_mat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
match.n.01 Ready False True lighter consisting of a thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical; ignites with friction lighter.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, match, 1 1 0
matchbox.n.01 Ready False True a box for holding matches box.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, match_box, 1 1 0
matchwood.n.01 Substance False False wood in small pieces or splinters wood.n.01, wood_chip.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 10 0
material.n.01 Ready False False the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object substance.n.01, humate.n.01, coloring_material.n.01, rind.n.01, abrasive.n.01, fiber.n.01, mineral.n.01, plant_material.n.01, particulate.n.01, sealing_material.n.01, adhesive_material.n.01, animal_material.n.01, paper.n.01, earth.n.02, packing_material.n.01, waste.n.01, chemical.n.01, discharge.n.03, sorbent.n.01, rock.n.02, 0 189 0
material_resource.n.01 Ready False False assets in the form of material possessions assets.n.01, wealth.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
matter.n.03 Ready False False that which has mass and occupies space physical_entity.n.01, solid.n.01, sludge.n.02, fluid.n.02, sediment.n.01, substance.n.07, vegetable_matter.n.01, residue.n.01, substance.n.01, 0 1289 0
matter.n.06 Ready False False written works (especially in books or magazines) writing.n.02, text.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 17 0
mattress.n.01 Ready False True a large thick pad filled with resilient material and often incorporating coiled springs, used as a bed or part of a bed pad.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_mattress-0, rearrange_your_room-0, packing_moving_van-0, mattress, 3 3 3
mattress_cover.n.01 Not Ready False True bedclothes that provide a cover for a mattress bedclothes.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
mattress_pad.n.01 Not Ready False True a protective pad over a mattress to protect it pad.n.04, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
mayonnaise.n.01 Substance False True egg yolks and oil and vinegar dressing.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, mayonnaise, 0 0 0
mayonnaise__jar.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
meal.n.03 Substance False False coarsely ground foodstuff; especially seeds of various cereal grasses or pulse foodstuff.n.02, cornmeal.n.01, cooked__cornmeal.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
measure.n.02 Ready False False how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify abstraction.n.06, indefinite_quantity.n.01, system_of_measurement.n.01, 0 33 0
measure.n.09 Ready False False a container of some standard capacity that is used to obtain fixed amounts of a substance container.n.01, measuring_cup.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
measuring_cup.n.01 Ready False True graduated cup used to measure liquid or granular ingredients measure.n.09, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, measuring_cup, 1 1 0
measuring_instrument.n.01 Ready False False instrument that shows the extent or amount or quantity or degree of something instrument.n.01, gauge.n.01, scale.n.07, graduate.n.02, measuring_stick.n.01, meter.n.02, tape.n.04, thermometer.n.01, timepiece.n.01, caliper.n.01, burette.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 33 0
measuring_stick.n.01 Ready False False measuring instrument having a sequence of marks at regular intervals; used as a reference in making measurements measuring_instrument.n.01, rule.n.12, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
meat.n.01 Ready False False the flesh of animals (including fishes and birds and snails) used as food food.n.02, cooked__diced__lamb.n.01, diced__cold_cuts.n.01, pork.n.01, game.n.07, diced__veal.n.01, cold_cuts.n.01, half__cold_cuts.n.01, cooked__diced__cold_cuts.n.01, veal.n.01, lamb.n.05, cut.n.06, sausage.n.01, half__lamb.n.01, diced__pork.n.01, cooked__diced__veal.n.01, bird.n.02, beef.n.02, cooked__diced__pork.n.01, diced__lamb.n.01, half__veal.n.01, half__pork.n.01, 0 96 0
meat_loaf.n.01 Ready False True a baked loaf of ground meat dish.n.02, loaf_of_bread.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, covered, real, cooked, make_meatloaf-0, meat_loaf, 2 2 1
meat_thermometer.n.01 Ready False True a thermometer that is inserted into the center of a roast (with the top away from the heat source); used to measure how well done the meat is thermometer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cook_turkey_drumsticks-0, meat_thermometer, 1 1 1
meatball.n.01 Ready False True ground meat formed into a ball and fried or simmered in broth dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, inside, clearing_table_after_supper-0, making_a_meal-0, meatball, 1 1 2
mechanical_device.n.01 Ready False False mechanism consisting of a device that works on mechanical principles mechanism.n.05, machine.n.04, swing.n.02, sprinkler.n.01, bumper.n.02, fire_sprinkler.n.01, hammock.n.03, hook.n.04, pump.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 18 0
mechanism.n.05 Ready False False device consisting of a piece of machinery; has moving parts that perform some function device.n.01, rotating_mechanism.n.01, cooling_system.n.02, control.n.09, mechanical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 35 0
medical_instrument.n.01 Ready False False instrument used in the practice of medicine instrument.n.01, syringe.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
medicine.n.02 Ready False False (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease drug.n.01, remedy.n.02, antihistamine.n.01, dose.n.01, analgesic.n.01, powder.n.03, 0 17 0
medium.n.01 Ready False False a means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information instrumentality.n.03, print_media.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
medium.n.07 Substance False False an intervening substance through which something is achieved substance.n.01, solvent.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
medium_of_exchange.n.01 Ready False False anything that is generally accepted as a standard of value and a measure of wealth in a particular country or region standard.n.01, money.n.01, currency.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 10 0
melon.n.01 Ready False False any of numerous fruits of the gourd family having a hard rind and sweet juicy flesh edible_fruit.n.01, diced__watermelon.n.01, diced__melon.n.01, cooked__diced__watermelon.n.01, half__watermelon.n.01, muskmelon.n.02, sliced__watermelon.n.01, cooked__diced__melon.n.01, watermelon.n.02, sliced__melon.n.01, 0 14 0
melted__bleu.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
melted__butter.n.01 Substance True True dairy_product.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, contains, filled, cook_a_crab-0, cook_shrimp-0, cook_bok_choy-0, cleaning_kitchen_knives-0, make_cream_from_milk-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, cook_rice-0, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, cook_corn-0, saute_vegetables-0, ... melted__butter, 0 0 18
melted__cane_sugar.n.01 Substance True True sugar.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
melted__cheddar.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
melted__chocolate.n.01 Substance True True chocolate_candy.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
melted__feta.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
melted__granulated_sugar.n.01 Substance True True sugar.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
melted__grated_cheese.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, covered, real, making_a_snack-0, make_nachos-0, melted__grated_cheese, 0 0 2
melted__mozzarella.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
melted__parmesan.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
melted__swiss_cheese.n.01 Substance True True cheese.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
melted__white_chocolate.n.01 Substance True True chocolate.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, melt_white_chocolate-0, melted__white_chocolate, 0 0 1
memorial.n.03 Ready False False a structure erected to commemorate persons or events structure.n.01, gravestone.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
memory_device.n.01 Ready False False a device that preserves information for retrieval device.n.01, recording.n.03, optical_disk.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 7 0
menu.n.01 Ready False True a list of dishes available at a restaurant bill.n.07, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, menu, 6 6 0
meringue.n.01 Substance False True sweet topping especially for pies made of beaten egg whites and sugar topping.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, meringue, 1 1 0
message.n.01 Ready False False a communication (usually brief) that is written or spoken or signaled communication.n.02, mail.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
message.n.02 Ready False False what a communication that is about something is about communication.n.02, acknowledgment.n.03, information.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 12 0
metallic_element.n.01 Not Ready False False any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc. chemical_element.n.01, aluminum.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
meter.n.02 Not Ready False True any of various measuring instruments for measuring a quantity measuring_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
methane_series.n.01 Substance False False a series of non-aromatic saturated hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH(2n+2) aliphatic_compound.n.01, butane.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
microorganism.n.01 Substance False False any organism of microscopic size organism.n.01, protoctist.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 1 0
microphone.n.01 Ready False True device for converting sound waves into electrical energy electro-acoustic_transducer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, gooseneck_microphone, microphone, 2 2 0
microscope.n.01 Ready False False magnifier of the image of small objects magnifier.n.01, light_microscope.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
microwave.n.02 Ready False True kitchen appliance that cooks food by passing an electromagnetic wave through it; heat results from the absorption of energy by the water molecules in the food kitchen_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatSource, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, toggled_on, inside, covered, fill_a_hot_water_bottle-0, preparing_food_or_drink_for_sale-0, make_burrito_bowls-0, cook_soup-0, making_a_snack-0, reheat_frozen_or_chilled_food-0, prepare_a_slow_dinner_party-0, boil_water_in_the_microwave-0, cleaning_microwave_oven-0, clean_your_goal_keeper_gloves-0, ... microwave, 7 7 19
mildew.n.02 Substance False True a fungus that produces a superficial (usually white) growth on organic matter fungus.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_a_birdcage-0, cleaning_patio_furniture-0, clean_a_sauna-0, clean_a_drain-0, clean_the_outside_of_a_house-0, clean_rubber_bathmats-0, clean_a_sponge-0, mildew, 9 9 7
milk.n.01 Substance False False a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings beverage.n.01, dairy_product.n.01, buttermilk.n.01, whole_milk.n.01, low-fat_milk.n.01, chocolate_milk.n.01, cooked__whole_milk.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, washing_bowls-0, 0 0 1
milk.n.04 Substance False False any of several nutritive milklike liquids foodstuff.n.02, cooked__soya_milk.n.01, coconut_milk.n.01, soya_milk.n.01, cooked__coconut_milk.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
milk__carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, make_waffles-0, make_oatmeal-0, make_onion_ring_batter-0, make_cream_from_milk-0, make_dinner_rolls-0, make_hot_cocoa-0, make_eggnog-0, make_chocolate_milk-0, make_an_iced_espresso-0, make_iced_chocolate-0, ... milk_carton, 1 1 18
milkshake.n.01 Substance False True frothy drink of milk and flavoring and sometimes fruit or ice cream drink.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_a_frappe-0, make_a_milkshake-0, milkshake, 0 0 2
mill.n.04 Ready False False machinery that processes materials by grinding or crushing machinery.n.01, pepper_mill.n.01, coffee_mill.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
mineral.n.01 Ready False False solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition material.n.01, borax.n.01, quartz.n.02, spar.n.01, halite.n.01, 0 15 0
mint.n.02 Ready False False any north temperate plant of the genus Mentha with aromatic leaves and small mauve flowers herb.n.01, peppermint.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
mint.n.04 Ready False True the leaves of a mint plant used fresh or candied herb.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, touching, ontop, make_a_mojito-0, preserving_fruit-0, make_dessert_watermelons-0, cook_lamb-0, mint, 5 5 4
mint.n.05 Ready False False a candy that is flavored with a mint oil candy.n.01, half__peppermint.n.01, half__peppermint_candy.n.01, diced__peppermint.n.01, peppermint.n.03, cooked__diced__peppermint.n.01, 0 5 0
mirror.n.01 Ready False True polished surface that forms images by reflecting light reflector.n.01, attachable, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, attached, clean_mirrors-0, remove_a_wall_mirror-0, makeup_mirror, mirror, standing_mirror, 22 22 2
miso.n.01 Substance False True a thick paste made from fermented soybeans and barley or rice malt; used in Japanese cooking to make soups or sauces spread.n.05, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
mix.n.01 Substance False False a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients concoction.n.01, ready-mix.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
mixed_drink.n.01 Substance False False made of two or more ingredients alcohol.n.01, cocktail.n.01, hot_toddy.n.01, punch.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
mixer.n.04 Ready False False a kitchen utensil that is used for mixing foods kitchen_utensil.n.01, electric_mixer.n.01, blender.n.01, electric_hand_mixer.n.01, whisk.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 12 0
mixing_bowl.n.01 Ready False True bowl used with an electric mixer bowl.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, contains, inside, filled, make_cake_filling-0, clean_snap_peas-0, make_homemade_bird_food-0, make_chocolate_spread-0, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, make_cake_mix-0, make_cinnamon_sugar-0, make_brownies-0, store_daffodil_bulbs-0, cook_mustard_greens-0, ... mixing_bowl, 3 3 14
mixture.n.01 Substance False False (chemistry) a substance consisting of two or more substances mixed together (not in fixed proportions and not with chemical bonding) substance.n.01, composition.n.03, solution.n.01, petrolatum.n.01, plaster.n.01, substance, 0 9 0
mock-up.n.01 Ready False True full-scale working model of something built for study or testing or display model.n.04, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, classroom_mock_up, 4 4 0
model.n.04 Ready False False representation of something (sometimes on a smaller scale) representation.n.02, mock-up.n.01, figure.n.04, globe.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 9 0
modem.n.01 Ready False True (from a combination of MOdulate and DEModulate) electronic equipment consisting of a device used to connect computers by a telephone line electronic_equipment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, under, ontop, toggled_on, installing_a_modem-0, modem, 1 1 1
module.n.04 Not Ready False False a self-contained component (unit or item) that is used in combination with other components component.n.03, cartridge.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
mojito.n.01 Substance True True cocktail.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
molasses.n.01 Substance False True thick dark syrup produced by boiling down juice from sugar cane; especially during sugar refining syrup.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
mold.n.02 Ready False True container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, make_popsicles-0, cast, 1 1 1
mold.n.05 Substance False True a fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic matter fungus.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, cleaning_fan-0, clean_a_gravestone-0, clean_a_mattress-0, clean_a_sauna-0, clean_your_cleaning_supplies-0, clean_stucco-0, clean_your_laundry_room-0, clean_up_water_damage-0, mold, 9 9 8
molding.n.02 Ready False False a decorative strip used for ornamentation or finishing decoration.n.01, baseboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
molecule.n.01 Ready False False (physics and chemistry) the simplest structural unit of an element or compound unit.n.05, macromolecule.n.01, 0 21 0
mollusk.n.01 Ready False False invertebrate having a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a shell invertebrate.n.01, gastropod.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
money.n.01 Ready False True the most common medium of exchange; functions as legal tender medium_of_exchange.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, covered, buy_salad_greens-0, buy_food_for_a_party-0, buying_cleaning_supplies-0, buying_groceries_for_a_feast-0, buy_school_supplies-0, buy_rechargeable_batteries-0, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, buy_a_good_avocado-0, buy_boxes_for_packing-0, buy_alcohol-0, ... money, 7 7 32
monitor.n.04 Ready False True display produced by a device that takes signals and displays them on a television screen or a computer monitor display.n.06, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, attached, clean_a_flat_panel_monitor-0, set_up_a_webcam-0, clean_a_computer_monitor-0, monitor, 13 13 3
mop_bucket.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_household_cleaning_tools-0, clean_your_cleaning_supplies-0, mop_bucket, 1 1 2
morsel.n.02 Substance False False a small amount of solid food; a mouthful taste.n.05, crumb.n.03, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 3 0
mortar.n.03 Ready False True a bowl-shaped vessel in which substances can be ground and mixed with a pestle vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, mortar, 1 1 0
moss.n.01 Substance False True tiny leafy-stemmed flowerless plants bryophyte.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
mothball.n.01 Ready False True a small sphere of camphor or naphthalene used to keep moths away from stored clothing ball.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, moth_ball, 2 2 0
motor.n.01 Not Ready False False machine that converts other forms of energy into mechanical energy and so imparts motion machine.n.01, engine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
motor_vehicle.n.01 Ready False False a self-propelled wheeled vehicle that does not run on rails self-propelled_vehicle.n.01, motorcycle.n.01, truck.n.01, car.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
motorcycle.n.01 Ready False True a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame motor_vehicle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, wash_a_motorcycle-0, motorcycle, 1 1 1
mouse.n.04 Ready False True a hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad; on the bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad electronic_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, nextto, clean_a_company_office-0, set_up_a_webcam-0, getting_organized_for_work-0, mouse, 9 9 3
mousepad.n.01 Ready False True a small portable pad that provides traction for the ball of a computer mouse mat.n.07, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_mousepad-0, mousepad, 2 2 1
mousetrap.n.01 Ready False True a trap for catching mice trap.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, setting_mousetraps-0, mousetrap, 1 1 1
mousse.n.01 Substance False False a rich, frothy, creamy dessert made with whipped egg whites and heavy cream dessert.n.01, blueberry_mousse.n.01, cooked__blueberry_mousse.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
mouthpiece.n.06 Not Ready False True the aperture of a wind instrument into which the player blows directly aperture.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
movable_barrier.n.01 Ready False False a barrier that can be moved to allow passage barrier.n.01, turnstile.n.02, elevator_door.n.01, gate.n.01, door.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 117 0
mozzarella.n.01 Ready False True mild white Italian cheese cheese.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, mozzarella, 1 1 0
mud.n.03 Substance True True earth.n.02, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_decking-0, cleaning_garden_tools-0, wash_goalkeeper_gloves-0, clean_a_turkey-0, clean_geodes-0, clean_a_golf_club-0, clean_a_longboard-0, clean_snap_peas-0, clean_batting_gloves-0, clean_pottery-0, ... mud, 9 9 23
muffin.n.01 Ready False True a sweet quick bread baked in a cup-shaped pan quick_bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, hot, future, real, cooked, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, make_a_bake_sale_stand_stall-0, reheat_frozen_or_chilled_food-0, packing_picnic_food_into_car-0, pack_your_gym_bag-0, make_muffins-0, muffin, 2 2 6
muffin_batter.n.01 Substance True True batter.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
mug.n.04 Ready False True with handle and usually cylindrical drinking_vessel.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, contains, covered, filled, nextto, collecting_dishes_from_around_house-0, brewing_coffee-0, clean_cups-0, make_coffee-0, make_hot_cocoa-0, boil_water_in_the_microwave-0, make_green_tea_latte-0, clearing_table_after_coffee-0, make_an_iced_espresso-0, loading_the_dishwasher-0, ... mug, 14 14 17
mulch.n.01 Substance False True a protective covering of rotting vegetable matter spread to reduce evaporation and soil erosion protective_covering.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, mulching-0, mulch, 4 4 1
mulch__bag.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, filled, mulching-0, mulch_bag, 1 1 1
mushroom.n.05 Ready False True fleshy body of any of numerous edible fungi vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, ontop, clean_mushrooms-0, make_garlic_mushrooms-0, make_pizza-0, cleaning_mushrooms-0, mushroom, 1 1 4
mushroom_sauce.n.01 Substance False True brown sauce and sauteed mushrooms sauce.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
music_stool.n.01 Ready False True a stool for piano players; usually adjustable in height stool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, music_stool, 3 3 0
musical_instrument.n.01 Ready False False any of various devices or contrivances that can be used to produce musical tones or sounds device.n.01, keyboard_instrument.n.01, wind_instrument.n.01, stringed_instrument.n.01, percussion_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 14 0
muskmelon.n.02 Ready False False the fruit of a muskmelon vine; any of several sweet melons related to cucumbers melon.n.01, half__cantaloup.n.01, cooked__diced__cantaloup.n.01, diced__cantaloup.n.01, cantaloup.n.02, flammable, 0 4 0
mussel.n.01 Ready False True black marine bivalves usually steamed in wine shellfish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, inside, cooked, covered, cook_mussels-0, clean_mussels-0, buy_and_clean_mussels-0, mussel, 1 1 3
mustard.n.02 Substance False True pungent powder or paste prepared from ground mustard seeds condiment.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, cooking_lunch-0, mustard, 0 0 1
mustard.n.03 Ready False True leaves eaten as cooked greens cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, cook_mustard_greens-0, mustard_leaf, 3 3 1
mustard__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, cooking_lunch-0, mustard_bottle, 1 1 1
mustard_seasoning.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_mustard_herb_and_spice_seasoning-0, mustard_seasoning, 1 1 1
mustard_seed.n.01 Substance False True black or white seeds ground to make mustard pastes or powders flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, make_mustard_herb_and_spice_seasoning-0, mustard_seed, 1 1 1
mustard_seed__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, make_mustard_herb_and_spice_seasoning-0, mustard_seed_shaker, 1 1 1
nail.n.02 Ready False False a thin pointed piece of metal that is hammered into materials as a fastener fastener.n.02, staple.n.04, clout_nail.n.01, tack.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
nail_polish.n.01 Substance False True a cosmetic lacquer that dries quickly and that is applied to the nails to color them or make them shiny enamel.n.04, cosmetic.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
name_tag.n.01 Ready False True a tag showing the name of the person who wears it tag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, name_tag, 1 1 0
napkin.n.01 Ready False False a small piece of table linen that is used to wipe the mouth and to cover the lap in order to protect clothing table_linen.n.01, dinner_napkin.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, overlaid, folded, nextto, unfolded, throwing_out_used_napkins-0, wrap_silverware-0, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, set_a_dinner_table-0, clean_gourds-0, setting_table_for_coffee-0, set_up_a_buffet-0, fold_a_cloth_napkin-0, set_a_fancy_table-0, serving_food_on_the_table-0, 0 2 10
napkin_ring.n.01 Not Ready False True a circular band used to hold a particular person's napkin hoop.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
narcissus.n.01 Ready False False bulbous plant having erect linear leaves and showy yellow or white flowers either solitary or in clusters bulbous_plant.n.01, pottable__daffodil.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
national_flag.n.01 Ready False True an emblem flown as a symbol of nationality emblem.n.02, flag.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, draped, hanging_flags-0, national_flag, 1 1 1
nativity_figurine.n.01 Ready True True figurine.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nativity_figurine, 1 1 0
natural_depression.n.01 Not Ready False False a sunken or depressed geological formation geological_formation.n.01, hole.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
natural_fiber.n.01 Ready False False fiber derived from plants or animals fiber.n.01, plant_fiber.n.01, 0 1 0
natural_object.n.01 Ready False False an object occurring naturally; not made by man whole.n.02, rock.n.01, plant_part.n.01, covering.n.01, 0 324 0
natural_phenomenon.n.01 Substance False False all phenomena that are not artificial phenomenon.n.01, physical_phenomenon.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 9 0
necklace.n.01 Ready False True jewelry consisting of a cord or chain (often bearing gems) worn about the neck as an ornament (especially by women) jewelry.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_gold-0, necklace, 1 1 1
necktie.n.01 Ready False True neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn (mostly by men) under a collar and tied in knot at the front neckwear.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, saturated, iron_a_tie-0, clean_a_tie-0, necktie, 1 1 2
neckwear.n.01 Ready False False articles of clothing worn about the neck garment.n.01, necktie.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
nectar.n.01 Substance False True a sweet liquid secretion that is attractive to pollinators secretion.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
nectarine.n.02 Ready False True a variety or mutation of the peach that has a smooth skin edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nectarine, 1 1 0
needle.n.02 Not Ready False True a slender pointer for indicating the reading on the scale of a measuring instrument pointer.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
needle.n.03 Not Ready False True a sharp pointed implement (usually steel) implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
net.n.05 Ready False False game equipment consisting of a strip of netting dividing the playing area in tennis or badminton game_equipment.n.01, volleyball_net.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
net.n.06 Ready False False an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals fabric.n.01, gauze.n.02, chicken_wire.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
news.n.02 Ready False False information reported in a newspaper or news magazine information.n.01, report.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
newspaper.n.03 Ready False True the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher product.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, touching, inside, covered, sorting_mail-0, stripping_furniture-0, clean_out_a_guinea_pigs_hutch-0, sorting_bottles_cans_and_paper-0, bringing_newspaper_in-0, cleaning_stuff_out_of_car-0, tidying_living_room-0, emptying_trash_cans-0, clean_the_interior_of_your_car-0, cleaning_oven-0, ... newspaper, 3 3 17
nickel.n.02 Ready False True a United States coin worth one twentieth of a dollar coin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_nickel-0, nickel, 1 1 1
nightwear.n.01 Ready False False garments designed to be worn in bed clothing.n.01, pajama.n.02, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
nitrogen.n.01 Substance False True a common nonmetallic element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless inert diatomic gas; constitutes 78 percent of the atmosphere by volume; a constituent of all living tissues gas.n.02, chemical_element.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
nodule.n.03 Ready False False (mineralogy) a small rounded lump of mineral substance (usually harder than the surrounding rock or sediment) hunk.n.02, geode.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
nonvascular_organism.n.01 Substance False False organisms without vascular tissue: e.g. algae, lichens, fungi, mosses organism.n.01, bryophyte.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
noodle.n.01 Substance False True a ribbonlike strip of pasta pasta.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, waterCook, filled, cook_noodles-0, cook_pasta-0, make_macaroni_and_cheese-0, preparing_food_for_company-0, noodle, 5 5 4
noodle__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_macaroni_and_cheese-0, noodle_jar, 1 1 1
notebook.n.01 Ready False True a book with blank pages for recording notes or memoranda book.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, sorting_books_on_shelf-0, buy_school_supplies-0, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, unpacking_suitcase-0, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, sorting_volunteer_materials-0, clean_up_your_desk-0, unloading_shopping_items-0, prepare_an_emergency_school_kit-0, getting_organized_for_work-0, notebook, 35 35 10
notepad.n.01 Ready False True a pad of paper for keeping notes pad.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, notepad, 5 5 0
notepaper.n.01 Ready False False writing paper intended for writing short notes or letters writing_paper.n.01, post-it.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
nozzle.n.01 Ready False False a projecting spout from which a fluid is discharged spout.n.01, showerhead.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 11 0
nut.n.01 Ready False False usually large hard-shelled seed seed.n.01, edible_nut.n.01, 0 41 0
nut_butter.n.01 Substance False True ground nuts blended with a little butter spread.n.05, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
nutmeg.n.02 Substance False True hard aromatic seed of the nutmeg tree used as spice when grated or ground spice.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, make_eggnog-0, make_cookies-0, nutmeg, 1 1 3
nutmeg__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, make_eggnog-0, make_cookies-0, nutmeg_shaker, 1 1 3
nutrient.n.02 Substance False False any substance (such as a chemical element or inorganic compound) that can be taken in by a green plant and used in organic synthesis substance.n.07, water.n.06, cooked__water.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
nutriment.n.01 Ready False False a source of materials to nourish the body food.n.01, dish.n.02, dainty.n.01, course.n.07, puree.n.01, 0 106 0
oar.n.01 Ready False False an implement used to propel or steer a boat implement.n.01, paddle.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
oat.n.02 Substance False True seed of the annual grass Avena sativa (spoken of primarily in the plural as `oats') grain.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_granola-0, make_oatmeal-0, oat, 1 1 2
oat__box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_granola-0, make_oatmeal-0, oat_box, 1 1 2
oatmeal.n.01 Substance False True porridge made of rolled oats porridge.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_oatmeal-0, oatmeal, 0 0 1
object.n.01 Ready False False a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow physical_entity.n.01, part.n.02, land.n.02, whole.n.02, location.n.01, film.n.04, ribbon.n.01, keepsake.n.01, geological_formation.n.01, 0 7886 0
obstruction.n.01 Ready False False any structure that makes progress difficult structure.n.01, barrier.n.01, blockage.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 149 0
octopus.n.01 Ready False True tentacles of octopus prepared as food seafood.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, octopus, 1 1 0
oden_cooker.n.01 Ready True True cooker.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, oden_cooker, 1 1 0
oil.n.01 Substance False False a slippery or viscous liquid or liquefiable substance not miscible with water lipid.n.01, linseed_oil.n.01, grease.n.01, essential_oil.n.01, cooked__almond_oil.n.01, almond_oil.n.01, substance, 0 9 0
oil__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, oil_bottle, 2 2 0
ointment.n.01 Ready False False semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation remedy.n.02, lip_balm.n.01, baby_oil.n.01, 0 1 0
old_fashioned.n.01 Substance False True a cocktail made of whiskey and bitters and sugar with fruit slices cocktail.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
olive.n.04 Ready False True one-seeded fruit of the European olive tree usually pickled and used as a relish relish.n.02, drupe.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, inside, thawing_frozen_food-0, olive, 6 6 1
olive_oil.n.01 Substance False True oil from olives vegetable_oil.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, real, contains, cook_vegetables-0, putting_roast_in_oven-0, cook_quail-0, roast_nuts-0, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, cook_asparagus-0, make_garlic_mushrooms-0, make_pizza_dough-0, cook_sausages-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, ... olive_oil, 0 0 23
olive_oil__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, filled, ontop, cook_vegetables-0, cook_quail-0, roast_nuts-0, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, cook_asparagus-0, make_garlic_mushrooms-0, make_pizza_dough-0, cook_sausages-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cook_zucchini-0, ... olive_oil_bottle, 1 1 22
omelet.n.01 Ready False True beaten eggs or an egg mixture cooked until just set; may be folded around e.g. ham or cheese or jelly dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, omelet, 1 1 0
onion.n.03 Ready False False an aromatic flavorful vegetable vegetable.n.01, diced__vidalia_onion.n.01, green_onion.n.01, half__green_onion.n.01, sliced__onion.n.01, cooked__diced__vidalia_onion.n.01, diced__onion.n.01, cooked__diced__green_onion.n.01, cooked__diced__onion.n.01, vidalia_onion.n.01, diced__green_onion.n.01, half__vidalia_onion.n.01, 0 16 0
onion_powder.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, real, contains, make_onion_ring_batter-0, cook_ground_beef-0, onion_powder, 1 1 2
onion_powder__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, make_onion_ring_batter-0, cook_ground_beef-0, onion_powder_shaker, 1 1 2
onion_ring_batter.n.01 Substance True True batter.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_onion_ring_batter-0, onion_ring_batter, 0 0 1
opaque_gem.n.01 Ready False False a gemstone that is opaque gem.n.02, jade.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
open-end_credit.n.01 Ready False False a consumer credit line that can be used up to a certain limit or paid down at any time consumer_credit.n.01, credit_card.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
open-end_wrench.n.01 Ready False True a wrench having parallel jaws at fixed separation (often on both ends of the handle) wrench.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, open_end_wrench, 1 1 0
openable_window.n.01 Ready True True window.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, open, opening_windows-0, openable_window, 30 30 1
opener.n.03 Ready False False a hand tool used for opening sealed containers (bottles or cans) hand_tool.n.01, bottle_opener.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
opening.n.10 Ready False False a vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made artifact.n.01, hole.n.02, aperture.n.03, spout.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 11 0
optical_device.n.01 Ready False False a device for producing or controlling light device.n.01, lens.n.01, attachable, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
optical_disk.n.01 Ready False False a disk coated with plastic that can store digital data as tiny pits etched in the surface; is read with a laser that scans the surface memory_device.n.01, videodisk.n.01, compact_disk.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
optical_instrument.n.01 Ready False False an instrument designed to aid vision instrument.n.01, projector.n.02, spectacles.n.01, goggles.n.02, sunglasses.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 10 0
orange.n.01 Ready False True round yellow to orange fruit of any of several citrus trees citrus.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, prepare_a_filling_breakfast-0, make_fruit_punch-0, orange, 3 3 2
orange_juice.n.01 Substance False True bottled or freshly squeezed juice of oranges fruit_juice.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, getting_a_drink-0, make_citrus_punch-0, cleaning_glasses_off_bar-0, orange_juice, 0 0 3
orange_juice__carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_citrus_punch-0, orange_juice_carton, 1 1 1
orange_peel.n.01 Substance False False the rind of an orange peel.n.02, cooked__orange_zest.n.01, orange_zest.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
orange_zest.n.01 Substance False True tiny bits of orange peel orange_peel.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
orchid.n.01 Ready False False any of numerous plants of the orchid family usually having flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colors flower.n.01, cooked__diced__vanilla.n.01, diced__vanilla.n.01, half__vanilla_flower.n.01, half__vanilla.n.01, vanilla.n.01, 0 3 0
organic_compound.n.01 Ready False False any compound of carbon and another element or a radical compound.n.02, hydrocarbon.n.01, aliphatic_compound.n.01, resin.n.01, ketone.n.01, macromolecule.n.01, 0 21 0
organism.n.01 Ready False False a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently living_thing.n.01, plant.n.02, microorganism.n.01, person.n.01, nonvascular_organism.n.01, animal.n.01, fungus.n.01, 0 217 0
orzo.n.01 Substance False True pasta shaped like pearls of barley; frequently prepared with lamb in Greek cuisine pasta.n.02, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, waterCook, filled, cooking_a_feast-0, orzo, 0 0 1
outerwear.n.01 Ready False False clothing for use outdoors clothing.n.01, gown.n.05, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
outline_tray.n.01 Ready True True decoration.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, outline_tray, 1 1 0
outline_vase.n.01 Ready True True decoration.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, outline_vase, 3 3 0
oven.n.01 Ready False True kitchen appliance used for baking or roasting kitchen_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatSource, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, toggled_on, ontop, covered, open, toast_sunflower_seeds-0, cook_snap_peas-0, make_granola-0, putting_roast_in_oven-0, cook_broccolini-0, cook_pork_ribs-0, cook_quail-0, cooking_dinner-0, cook_squash-0, cook_sweet_potatoes-0, ... oven, 16 16 67
overall.n.01 Not Ready False True (usually plural) work clothing consisting of denim trousers (usually with a bib and shoulder straps) work-clothing.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
overgarment.n.01 Ready False False a garment worn over other garments garment.n.01, coat.n.01, cloak.n.02, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
oxidant.n.01 Substance False False a substance that oxidizes another substance chemical_agent.n.01, hydrogen_peroxide.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
oxide.n.01 Substance False False any compound of oxygen with another element or a radical compound.n.02, ferric_oxide.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 9 0
oxtail.n.01 Not Ready False True the skinned tail of cattle; used especially for soups tail.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
pack__of__bread.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, carrying_in_groceries-0, stock_grocery_shelves-0, pack_of_bread, 4 4 2
pack__of__chocolate_bar.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, stash_snacks_in_your_room-0, stock_grocery_shelves-0, pack_of_chocolate_bar, 3 3 2
pack__of__cigarettes.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pack_of_cigarettes, 16 16 0
pack__of__ground_beef.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, buy_meat_from_a_butcher-0, putting_shopping_away-0, buy_natural_beef-0, pack_of_ground_beef, 1 1 3
pack__of__kielbasa.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pack_of_kielbasa, 16 16 0
pack__of__pasta.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, buy_food_for_a_party-0, distributing_groceries_at_food_bank-0, pack_of_pasta, 1 1 2
pack__of__protein_powder.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pack_of_protein_powder, 2 2 0
pack__of__ramen.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pack_of_ramen, 3 3 0
package.n.01 Not Ready False True a collection of things wrapped or boxed together collection.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
package.n.02 Ready False True a wrapped container container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, sending_packages-0, getting_package_from_post_office-0, package, 1 1 2
packing_box.n.02 Ready False True a large crate in which goods are packed for shipment or storage crate.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, overlaid, nextto, preparing_lunch_box-0, donating_toys-0, organizing_volunteer_materials-0, sorting_volunteer_materials-0, hang_a_dartboard-0, store_tulip_bulbs-0, store_christmas_lights-0, make_a_christmas_gift_box-0, sorting_items_for_garage_sale-0, distributing_groceries_at_food_bank-0, ... packing_box, 1 1 12
packing_material.n.01 Ready False False any material used especially to protect something material.n.01, cardboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
pad.n.01 Ready False False a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge paper.n.01, notepad.n.01, sticky_note.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, picking_up_trash-0, 0 6 1
pad.n.02 Ready False False the large floating leaf of an aquatic plant (as the water lily) leaf.n.01, lily_pad.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
pad.n.04 Ready False False a flat mass of soft material used for protection, stuffing, or comfort padding.n.01, potholder.n.01, mattress_pad.n.01, mattress.n.01, sanitary_napkin.n.01, mat.n.07, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 10 0
padding.n.01 Ready False False artifact consisting of soft or resilient material used to fill or give shape or protect or add comfort artifact.n.01, cushion.n.03, pad.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 155 0
paddle.n.04 Ready False True a short light oar used without an oarlock to propel a canoe or small boat oar.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, paddle, 1 1 0
paella.n.01 Not Ready False True saffron-flavored dish made of rice with shellfish and chicken dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
paint.n.01 Substance False False a substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface (especially a mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid); dries to form a hard coating coloring_material.n.01, coating.n.01, house_paint.n.01, coat_of_paint.n.01, spray_paint.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 2 0
paint_roller.n.01 Ready False True a roller that has an absorbent surface used for spreading paint roller.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, paint_roller, 2 2 0
paintbrush.n.01 Ready False True a brush used as an applicator (to apply paint) applicator.n.01, brush.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, sorting_art_supplies-0, staining_wood_furniture-0, organizing_art_supplies-0, paintbrush, 6 6 3
painting.n.01 Ready False True graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface graphic_art.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, cleaning_bedroom-0, unloading_shopping_items-0, moving_stuff_to_storage-0, setting_up_silent_auction-0, canvas, painting, 40 40 4
pajama.n.02 Ready False True (usually plural) loose-fitting nightclothes worn for sleeping or lounging; have a jacket top and trousers nightwear.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pajamas, 1 1 0
pallet.n.02 Ready False True a portable platform for storing or moving goods that are stacked on it platform.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_wood_pallets-0, sweeping_garage-0, pallet, 1 1 2
pan.n.01 Ready False False cooking utensil consisting of a wide metal vessel cooking_utensil.n.01, saucepan.n.01, wok.n.01, frying_pan.n.01, roaster.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, unpacking_moving_van-0, washing_pots_and_pans-0, 0 11 2
pancake.n.01 Ready False False a flat cake of thin batter fried on both sides on a griddle cake.n.03, potato_pancake.n.01, buttermilk_pancake.n.01, half__buttermilk_pancake.n.01, diced__buttermilk_pancake.n.01, cooked__diced__potato_pancake.n.01, tortilla.n.01, cooked__diced__buttermilk_pancake.n.01, diced__potato_pancake.n.01, diced__tortilla.n.01, half__tortilla.n.01, cooked__diced__tortilla.n.01, half__potato_pancake.n.01, 0 6 0
pancake_batter.n.01 Substance False True batter for making pancakes batter.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_batter-0, pancake_batter, 0 0 1
panel.n.01 Not Ready False True sheet that forms a distinct (usually flat and rectangular) section or component of something sheet.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
papaya.n.02 Ready False True large oval melon-like tropical fruit with yellowish flesh edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, papaya, 4 4 0
papaya_juice.n.01 Substance False True juice from papayas juice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
paper.n.01 Ready False False a material made of cellulose pulp derived mainly from wood or rags or certain grasses material.n.01, tissue.n.02, wallpaper.n.01, sheet.n.02, writing_paper.n.01, card.n.01, wax_paper.n.01, half__wrapping_paper.n.01, pad.n.01, wrapping_paper.n.01, cardboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, bringing_paper_to_recycling-0, dispose_of_paper-0, cleaning_garden_path-0, 0 22 3
paper_clip.n.01 Ready False True a wire or plastic clip for holding sheets of paper together clip.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, paper_clip, 1 1 0
paper_coffee_filter.n.01 Ready True True coffee_filter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, set_up_a_coffee_station_in_your_kitchen-0, clean_an_espresso_machine-0, paper_coffee_filter, 1 1 2
paper_fastener.n.01 Ready False False a fastener for holding a sheet of paper in place fastener.n.02, staple.n.05, thumbtack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
paper_lantern.n.01 Ready True True lantern.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, hang_paper_lanterns-0, paper_lantern, 3 3 1
paper_towel.n.01 Ready False True a disposable towel made of absorbent paper towel.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, clean_up_spilled_egg-0, wash_lettuce-0, clean_mushrooms-0, clean_a_whiteboard-0, packing_picnic_into_car-0, clean_mussels-0, clean_stainless_steel_sinks-0, clean_mirrors-0, clean_cabbage-0, clean_a_candle_jar-0, ... paper_towel, 1 1 19
paper_towel_dispenser.n.01 Ready True True home_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, paper_towel_dispenser, 5 5 0
paper_towel_holder.n.01 Ready True True holder.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, paper_towel_holder, 1 1 0
paperback_book.n.01 Ready False True a book with paper covers book.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, clean_up_your_desk-0, picking_up_books_at_library-0, paperback_book, 138 138 2
paprika.n.02 Substance False True a mild powdered seasoning made from dried pimientos flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, real, contains, cook_shrimp-0, make_nachos-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, paprika, 1 1 4
paprika__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, ontop, cook_shrimp-0, make_nachos-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, paprika_shaker, 1 1 4
paraffin.n.01 Ready False True from crude petroleum; used for candles and for preservative or waterproof coatings wax.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, buy_candle_making_supplies-0, paraffin_wax, 2 2 1
parallel_bars.n.01 Ready False True gymnastic apparatus consisting of two parallel wooden rods supported on uprights gymnastic_apparatus.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, parallel_bars, 1 1 0
parer.n.02 Ready False True a small sharp knife used in paring fruits or vegetables knife.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, parer, 2 2 0
parlor_game.n.01 Ready False False a game suitable for playing in a parlor game.n.01, board_game.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 16 0
parmesan.n.01 Substance False True hard dry sharp-flavored Italian cheese; often grated cheese.n.01, meltable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, filled, cook_vegetables-0, cooking_lunch-0, make_macaroni_and_cheese-0, parmesan, 1 1 3
parmesan__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, cook_vegetables-0, cooking_lunch-0, parmesan_shaker, 1 1 2
parsley.n.02 Ready False True aromatic herb with flat or crinkly leaves that are cut finely and used to garnish food herb.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_white_wine_sauce-0, make_seafood_stew-0, serving_hors_d_oeuvres-0, parsley, 12 12 3
parsnip.n.03 Ready False True whitish edible root; eaten cooked root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, parsnip, 6 6 0
part.n.01 Ready False False something determined in relation to something that includes it relation.n.01, substance.n.01, 0 200 0
part.n.02 Ready False False something less than the whole of a human artifact object.n.01, appendage.n.03, piece.n.01, component.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 36 0
part.n.03 Ready False False a portion of a natural object thing.n.12, fragment.n.01, hunk.n.02, body_part.n.01, 0 4 0
particulate.n.01 Substance False False a small discrete mass of solid or liquid matter that remains individually dispersed in gas or liquid emissions (usually considered to be an atmospheric pollutant) material.n.01, dust.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 9 0
partition.n.01 Ready False False a vertical structure that divides or separates (as a wall divides one room from another) structure.n.01, screen.n.09, wall.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1517 0
party_favor.n.01 Not Ready False True souvenir consisting of a small gift given to a guest at a party keepsake.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
passage.n.03 Ready False False a way through or along which someone or something may pass way.n.06, conduit.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 15 0
pasta.n.01 Ready False False a dish that contains pasta as its main ingredient dish.n.02, spaghetti.n.01, cooked__spaghetti.n.01, macaroni_and_cheese.n.01, lasagna.n.01, 0 2 0
pasta.n.02 Ready False False shaped and dried dough made from flour and water and sometimes egg food.n.02, macaroni.n.02, cooked__macaroni.n.01, conchiglie.n.01, cooked__orzo.n.01, cooked__ravioli.n.01, dumpling.n.01, noodle.n.01, orzo.n.01, cooked__noodle.n.01, ravioli.n.01, cooked__penne.n.01, penne.n.01, 0 9 0
pasta__box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, cook_pasta-0, preparing_food_for_company-0, cooking_a_feast-0, making_a_meal-0, pasta_box, 1 1 4
pastry.n.01 Ready False True a dough of flour and water and shortening dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, real, make_pastry-0, pastry, 1 1 1
pastry.n.02 Ready False False any of various baked foods made of dough or batter baked_goods.n.01, ice_cream_cone.n.01, cooked__diced__pie_crust.n.01, half__pie_crust.n.01, pie_crust.n.01, pie.n.01, diced__pie_crust.n.01, 0 16 0
pastry_cutter.n.01 Ready True True cutter.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pastry_cutter, 1 1 0
path.n.04 Not Ready False True a line or route along which something travels or moves line.n.11, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
patina.n.01 Substance False True a fine coating of oxide on the surface of a metal coating.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
patty.n.01 Ready False True small flat mass of chopped food dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, grill_burgers-0, patty, 1 1 1
pattypan_squash.n.02 Ready False True round greenish-white squash having one face flattened with a scalloped edge summer_squash.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pattypan_squash, 1 1 0
paving.n.01 Ready False False material used to pave an area artifact.n.01, concrete.n.01, asphalt.n.01, 0 1 0
paving_stone.n.01 Ready False True a stone used for paving stone.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, laying_paving_stones-0, cleaning_pavement-0, paver, paving_stone, 1 1 2
pay-phone.n.01 Ready False True a coin-operated telephone telephone.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, pay_phone, 1 1 0
pea.n.01 Substance False True seed of a pea plant used for food legume.n.03, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_stew-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, cook_peas-0, pea, 8 8 3
pea_pod.n.01 Ready False True husk of a pea; edible in some garden peas pod.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, ontop, cook_snap_peas-0, clean_snow_peas-0, clean_snap_peas-0, pea_pod, 1 1 3
peach.n.03 Ready False True downy juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh edible_fruit.n.01, drupe.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, can_fruit-0, peach, 1 1 1
peanut.n.01 Ready False True underground pod of the peanut vine pod.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, peanut, 11 11 0
peanut.n.04 Substance False True pod of the peanut vine containing usually 2 nuts or seeds; `groundnut' and `monkey nut' are British terms edible_nut.n.01, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, peanut_nut, 4 4 0
peanut_butter.n.01 Substance False True a spread made from ground peanuts spread.n.05, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, make_homemade_bird_food-0, make_a_sandwich-0, peanut_butter, 0 0 2
peanut_butter__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_homemade_bird_food-0, make_a_sandwich-0, peanut_butter_jar, 1 1 2
peanut_oil.n.01 Substance False True an oil from peanuts; used in cooking and making soap vegetable_oil.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
pear.n.01 Ready False True sweet juicy gritty-textured fruit available in many varieties edible_fruit.n.01, pome.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, ontop, make_baked_pears-0, make_stewed_fruit-0, pear, 4 4 2
pearl.n.01 Ready False True a smooth lustrous round structure inside the shell of a clam or oyster; much valued as a jewel jewel.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, clean_pearls-0, pearl, 1 1 1
peat.n.01 Substance False True partially carbonized vegetable matter saturated with water; can be used as a fuel when dried vegetable_matter.n.01, humate.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
pebble.n.01 Ready False True a small smooth rounded rock rock.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, polish_rocks-0, setup_a_fish_tank-0, pebble, 3 3 2
pecan.n.03 Substance False True smooth brown oval nut of south central United States edible_nut.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_granola-0, pecan, 1 1 1
pedestal_table.n.01 Ready False True a table supported by a single central column table.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pedestal_table, 21 21 0
peel.n.02 Ready False False the rind of a fruit or vegetable rind.n.01, diced__lemon_peel.n.01, cooked__diced__lemon_peel.n.01, orange_peel.n.01, lemon_peel.n.01, half__lemon_peel.n.01, 0 3 0
peeler.n.03 Ready False True a device for peeling vegetables or fruits device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, vegetable_peeler, 2 2 0
pegboard.n.01 Ready False True a board perforated with regularly spaced holes into which pegs can be fitted board.n.09, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pegboard, 1 1 0
pellet_food.n.01 Substance True True petfood.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, slicer, substance, filled, set_up_a_guinea_pig_cage-0, pellet_food, 1 1 1
pellet_food__bag.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, set_up_a_guinea_pig_cage-0, pellet_food_bag, 1 1 1
pen.n.01 Ready False True a writing implement with a point from which ink flows writing_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, clean_a_company_office-0, organizing_school_stuff-0, pack_a_pencil_case-0, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, buying_office_supplies-0, clean_your_pencil_case-0, unpacking_childs_bag-0, clean_up_your_desk-0, prepare_an_emergency_school_kit-0, ... pen, 9 9 12
pencil.n.01 Ready False True a thin cylindrical pointed writing implement; a rod of marking substance encased in wood writing_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, organizing_school_stuff-0, buy_school_supplies-0, pack_a_pencil_case-0, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, buying_office_supplies-0, packing_art_supplies_into_car-0, clean_your_pencil_case-0, unpacking_childs_bag-0, clean_up_your_desk-0, ... colored_pencil, pencil, 90 90 11
pencil_box.n.01 Ready False True a box for holding pencils box.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, inside, covered, buy_school_supplies-0, pack_a_pencil_case-0, sorting_art_supplies-0, clean_invisalign-0, clean_your_pencil_case-0, clean_up_your_desk-0, putting_backpack_in_car_for_school-0, store_bobby_pins-0, pencil_box, pencil_case, 6 6 8
pencil_holder.n.01 Ready True True holder.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pencil_holder, 8 8 0
pendulum_clock.n.01 Ready False False a clock regulated by a pendulum clock.n.01, grandfather_clock.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
pennant.n.02 Ready False True a flag longer than it is wide (and often tapering) flag.n.04, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pennant, 1 1 0
penne.n.01 Substance False True pasta in short tubes with diagonally cut ends pasta.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, making_a_meal-0, penne, 1 1 1
penny.n.02 Ready False True a coin worth one-hundredth of the value of the basic unit coin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_pennies-0, penny, 1 1 1
pepper.n.03 Substance False False pungent seasoning from the berry of the common pepper plant of East India; use whole or ground flavorer.n.01, cooked__black_pepper.n.01, black_pepper.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
pepper.n.04 Ready False False sweet and hot varieties of fruits of plants of the genus Capsicum solanaceous_vegetable.n.01, hot_pepper.n.02, sweet_pepper.n.02, 0 17 0
pepper__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, inside, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, cook_ham_hocks-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, cook_spinach-0, cook_turkey_drumsticks-0, make_lemon_pepper_seasoning-0, pepper_shaker, 3 3 6
pepper_mill.n.01 Ready False True a mill for grinding pepper mill.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, make_a_steak-0, pepper_grinder, 1 1 1
peppermint.n.01 Ready False True herb with downy leaves and small purple or white flowers that yields a pungent oil used as a flavoring mint.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, peppermint, 3 3 0
peppermint.n.03 Ready False True a candy flavored with peppermint oil mint.n.05, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, peppermint_candy, 1 1 0
pepperoni.n.01 Ready False True a pork and beef sausage (or a thin slice of this sausage) sausage.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_pizza-0, pepperoni, 1 1 1
perch.n.01 Not Ready False True support consisting of a branch or rod that serves as a resting place (especially for a bird) support.n.10, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
percussion_instrument.n.01 Ready False False a musical instrument in which the sound is produced by one object striking another musical_instrument.n.01, drum.n.01, cymbal.n.01, piano.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
perfume.n.02 Substance False True a toiletry that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor toiletry.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
periodic_table.n.01 Ready False True (chemistry) a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements according to atomic number as based on the periodic law table.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, periodic_table, 1 1 0
peripheral.n.01 Ready False False (computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer electronic_equipment.n.01, data_input_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
person.n.01 Not Ready False True a human being causal_agent.n.01, organism.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
personal_computer.n.01 Ready False False a small digital computer based on a microprocessor and designed to be used by one person at a time digital_computer.n.01, game_console.n.01, desktop_computer.n.01, portable_computer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 11 0
perspiration.n.01 Substance False True salty fluid secreted by sweat glands secretion.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
pesticide.n.01 Substance False True a chemical used to kill pests (as rodents or insects) chemical.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, spraying_fruit_trees-0, applying_pesticides-0, putting_pesticides_on_lawn-0, pesticide, 0 0 3
pesticide__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, covered, spraying_fruit_trees-0, applying_pesticides-0, putting_pesticides_on_lawn-0, clean_a_garden_sprayer-0, pesticide_atomizer, 1 1 4
pestle.n.03 Ready False True a club-shaped hand tool for grinding and mixing substances in a mortar hand_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pestle, 2 2 0
pesto.n.01 Substance False True a sauce typically served with pasta; contains crushed basil leaves and garlic and pine nuts and Parmesan cheese in olive oil sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, washing_plates-0, pesto, 0 0 1
pet_bed.n.01 Ready True True bedroom_furniture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, cleaning_pet_bed-0, pet_bed, 1 1 1
petal.n.01 Ready False True part of the perianth that is usually brightly colored floral_leaf.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, flower_petal, 2 2 0
petfood.n.01 Substance False False food prepared for animal pets feed.n.01, dog_food.n.01, cat_food.n.01, cooked__dog_food.n.01, pellet_food.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, set_up_a_mouse_cage-0, cleaning_pet_bed-0, 0 7 2
petfood__bag.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, set_up_a_mouse_cage-0, petfood_bag, 1 1 1
petite_marmite.n.01 Substance False True soup made with a variety of vegetables soup.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
petri_dish.n.01 Ready False True a shallow dish used to culture bacteria dish.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, petri_dish, 2 2 0
petrolatum.n.01 Substance False False a semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum; used in medicinal ointments and for lubrication mixture.n.01, jelly.n.03, vaseline.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
pewter_teapot.n.01 Ready True True pot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, polish_pewter-0, pewter_teapot, 1 1 1
phenomenon.n.01 Substance False False any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning process.n.06, natural_phenomenon.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 9 0
phonograph_record.n.01 Ready False True sound recording consisting of a disk with a continuous groove; used to reproduce music by rotating while a phonograph needle tracks in the groove sound_recording.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, phonograph_record, 5 5 0
photocopier.n.01 Ready False True a copier that uses photographic methods of making copies duplicator.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, photocopier, 5 5 0
photoelectric_cell.n.01 Ready False True a transducer used to detect and measure light and other radiations detector.n.01, transducer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, motion_sensor, 1 1 0
photograph.n.01 Ready False True a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material representation.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, picture, 85 85 0
photographic_equipment.n.01 Ready False False equipment used by a photographer equipment.n.01, camera.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 8 0
physical_entity.n.01 Ready False False an entity that has physical existence entity.n.01, thing.n.12, object.n.01, matter.n.03, causal_agent.n.01, process.n.06, 0 9001 0
physical_phenomenon.n.01 Substance False False a natural phenomenon involving the physical properties of matter and energy natural_phenomenon.n.01, atmospheric_phenomenon.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 9 0
piano.n.01 Ready False True a keyboard instrument that is played by depressing keys that cause hammers to strike tuned strings and produce sounds keyboard_instrument.n.01, percussion_instrument.n.01, stringed_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_piano-0, clean_piano_keys-0, piano, 4 4 2
pick.n.06 Ready False False a thin sharp implement used for removing unwanted material hand_tool.n.01, toothpick.n.01, icepick.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
picket.n.05 Not Ready False True a wooden strip forming part of a fence strip.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
pickle.n.01 Ready False True vegetables (especially cucumbers) preserved in brine or vinegar relish.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, putting_out_condiments-0, make_bento-0, pickle, 5 5 2
pickup.n.01 Ready False True a light truck with an open body and low sides and a tailboard truck.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, attached, unpacking_moving_van-0, clean_a_pickup_truck-0, installing_a_trailer_hitch-0, packing_moving_van-0, pickup_truck, 1 1 4
picture.n.01 Ready False False a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface representation.n.02, likeness.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
picture_frame.n.01 Ready False True a framework in which a picture is mounted framework.n.03, attachable, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, attached, unloading_shopping_items-0, hanging_pictures-0, picture_frame, 13 13 2
pie.n.01 Ready False False dish baked in pastry-lined pan often with a pastry top pastry.n.02, tart.n.02, half__apple_pie.n.01, apple_pie.n.01, 0 15 0
pie_crust.n.01 Not Ready False True pastry used to hold pie fillings pastry.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
piece.n.01 Ready False False a separate part of a whole part.n.02, piece_of_cloth.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 8 0
piece.n.08 Ready False False a serving that has been cut from a larger portion helping.n.01, cooked__diced__fillet.n.01, half__fillet.n.01, fillet.n.02, diced__fillet.n.01, 0 3 0
piece_of_cloth.n.01 Ready False False a separate part consisting of fabric piece.n.01, fabric.n.01, liner.n.03, towel.n.01, rag.n.01, handkerchief.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 8 0
pieplant.n.01 Ready False True long pinkish sour leafstalks usually eaten cooked and sweetened vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, rhubarb, 1 1 0
pile.n.01 Ready False False a collection of objects laid on top of each other collection.n.01, heap__of__gravel.n.01, heap__of__oatmeal.n.01, heap__of__raisins.n.01, heap__of__granola.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
pill.n.01 Substance False False something that resembles a tablet of medicine in shape or size thing.n.04, vitamin_pill.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
pill.n.02 Substance False True a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet dose.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, slicer, substance, filled, contains, dispose_of_medication-0, pill, 16 16 1
pill_bottle.n.01 Ready False True a small bottle for holding pills bottle.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, filled, ontop, contains, picking_up_prescriptions-0, dispose_of_medication-0, pill_bottle, 2 2 2
pillar_candle.n.01 Ready True True candle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pillar_candle, 8 8 0
pillow.n.01 Ready False True a cushion to support the head of a sleeping person cushion.n.03, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, setting_up_bedroom_for_guest-0, clean_couch_pillows-0, rearrange_your_room-0, making_the_bed-0, doing_housework_for_adult-0, pillow, 145 145 5
pin.n.09 Ready False False a small slender (often pointed) piece of wood or metal used to support or fasten or attach things fastener.n.02, straight_pin.n.01, hairpin.n.01, skewer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
pincer.n.01 Not Ready False True a hand tool for holding consisting of a compound lever for grasping hand_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
pine_nut.n.01 Substance False True edible seed of any of several nut pines especially some pinons of southwestern North America edible_nut.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, pine_nut, 2 2 0
pineapple.n.02 Ready False True large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, canning_food-0, picking_fruit_and_vegetables-0, buying_everyday_consumer_goods-0, loading_shopping_into_car-0, pineapple, 2 2 4
pineapple_juice.n.01 Substance False True the juice of pineapples (usually bottled or canned) fruit_juice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_citrus_punch-0, pineapple_juice, 0 0 1
pineapple_juice__carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_citrus_punch-0, pineapple_juice_carton, 1 1 1
pinecone.n.01 Ready False True the seed-producing cone of a pine tree cone.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, ontop, clean_pine_cones-0, make_homemade_bird_food-0, pine_cone, 4 4 2
pipe.n.01 Ready False True a tube with a small bowl at one end; used for smoking tobacco tube.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, clean_a_wood_pipe-0, clean_a_glass_pipe-0, tobacco_pipe, 1 1 2
pipe.n.02 Ready False True a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc. tube.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pipe, 9 9 0
pipe_cleaner.n.01 Ready False True cleaning implement consisting of a flexible tufted wire that is used to clean a pipe stem cleaning_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, clean_a_glass_pipe-0, pipe_cleaner, 5 5 1
pistachio.n.02 Substance False True nut of Mediterranean trees having an edible green kernel edible_nut.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, pistachio, 4 4 0
pit.n.01 Not Ready False False a sizeable hole (usually in the ground) hole.n.05, fire_pit.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
pita.n.01 Ready False True usually small round bread that can open into a pocket for filling flatbread.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pita, 1 1 0
pitcher.n.02 Ready False True an open vessel with a handle and a spout for pouring vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, contains, passing_out_drinks-0, make_watermelon_punch-0, make_a_bake_sale_stand_stall-0, make_spa_water-0, getting_a_drink-0, make_citrus_punch-0, setting_table_for_coffee-0, setting_up_garden_furniture-0, make_limeade-0, pouring_water_in_a_glass-0, ... jug, pitcher, 10 10 12
pitchfork.n.01 Not Ready False True a long-handled hand tool with sharp widely spaced prongs for lifting and pitching hay hand_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
pizza.n.01 Ready False True Italian open pie made of thin bread dough spread with a spiced mixture of e.g. tomato sauce and cheese dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, future, real, dispose_of_a_pizza_box-0, cleaning_up_plates_and_food-0, make_pizza-0, pizza, 1 1 3
pizza_box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, dispose_of_a_pizza_box-0, pizza_box, 1 1 1
pizza_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, inside, real, cooked, make_pizza_dough-0, make_pizza-0, pizza_dough, 1 1 2
place_mat.n.01 Ready False True a mat serving as table linen for an individual place setting mat.n.07, table_linen.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, saturated, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, clean_place_mats-0, set_a_dinner_table-0, set_a_fancy_table-0, setting_the_table-0, place_mat, 4 4 5
plan.n.03 Ready False True scale drawing of a structure drawing.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, architectural_plan, 1 1 0
plant.n.02 Ready False False (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion organism.n.01, vascular_plant.n.01, garden_plant.n.01, pot_plant.n.01, 0 189 0
plant_fiber.n.01 Ready False False fiber derived from plants natural_fiber.n.01, plant_product.n.01, hemp.n.01, diced__hemp.n.01, half__hemp.n.01, cotton.n.01, 0 1 0
plant_material.n.01 Ready False False material derived from plants material.n.01, chaff.n.01, plant_product.n.01, wood.n.01, 0 31 0
plant_organ.n.01 Ready False False a functional and structural unit of a plant or fungus plant_part.n.01, sprout.n.01, diced__sprout.n.01, cooked__diced__sprout.n.01, reproductive_structure.n.01, stalk.n.02, half__sprout.n.01, leaf.n.01, 0 288 0
plant_part.n.01 Ready False False any part of a plant or fungus natural_object.n.01, plant_organ.n.01, 0 288 0
plant_pot_stand.n.01 Ready True True rack.n.05, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, plant_pot_stand, 1 1 0
plant_product.n.01 Ready False False a product made from plant material plant_material.n.01, plant_fiber.n.01, tobacco.n.01, 0 6 0
plaster.n.01 Substance False False a mixture of lime or gypsum with sand and water; hardens into a smooth solid; used to cover walls and ceilings mixture.n.01, covering_material.n.01, grout.n.01, spackle.n.01, stucco.n.01, substance, 0 9 0
plastic_art.n.01 Ready False False the arts of shaping or modeling; carving and sculpture art.n.01, sculpture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, unloading_shopping_items-0, 0 28 1
plastic_bag.n.01 Ready False True a bag made of thin plastic material bag.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, folded, cleaning_stuff_out_of_car-0, picking_up_litter-0, clean_the_interior_of_your_car-0, disposing_of_lawn_clippings-0, fold_a_plastic_bag-0, cleaning_garden_path-0, plastic_bag, 1 1 6
plastic_wrap.n.01 Ready False True wrapping consisting of a very thin transparent sheet of plastic wrapping.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, inside, store_feta_cheese-0, make_a_bake_sale_stand_stall-0, make_a_lunch_box-0, disposing_of_trash_for_adult-0, freeze_quiche-0, plastic_wrap, 1 1 5
plate.n.02 Ready False False a sheet of metal or wood or glass or plastic sheet.n.06, license_plate.n.01, disk.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
plate.n.04 Ready False True dish on which food is served or from which food is eaten flatware.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, covered, overlaid, contains, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, putting_food_in_fridge-0, make_waffles-0, cook_kabobs-0, prepare_a_filling_breakfast-0, laying_restaurant_table_for_dinner-0, cook_sweet_potatoes-0, putting_dirty_dishes_in_sink-0, make_an_egg_tomato_and_toast_breakfast-0, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, ... plate, 53 53 60
plate.n.14 Ready False False a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners) shield.n.01, armor_plate.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
platform.n.01 Ready False False a raised horizontal surface horizontal_surface.n.01, pallet.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
platter.n.01 Ready False True a large shallow dish used for serving food flatware.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, contains, covered, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, preparing_food_or_drink_for_sale-0, cooking_dinner-0, setup_a_garden_party-0, making_a_snack-0, prepare_a_slow_dinner_party-0, make_dessert_watermelons-0, laying_out_a_feast-0, preparing_food_for_company-0, cooking_a_feast-0, ... platter, 6 6 13
playground.n.02 Ready False True yard consisting of an outdoor area for children's play yard.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, playground, 2 2 0
plaything.n.01 Ready False False an artifact designed to be played with artifact.n.01, alphabet_abacus.n.01, toy_dice.n.01, doll.n.01, beach_toy.n.01, sandbox.n.02, toy_figure.n.01, teddy.n.01, top.n.08, train_set.n.01, snow_globe.n.01, toy_car.n.01, swing.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, putting_away_toys-0, 0 78 1
pliers.n.01 Ready False True a gripping hand tool with two hinged arms and (usually) serrated jaws hand_tool.n.01, compound_lever.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, outfit_a_basic_toolbox-0, put_together_a_scrapping_tool_kit-0, plier, 1 1 2
plug.n.01 Ready False False blockage consisting of an object designed to fill a hole tightly blockage.n.02, cork.n.04, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
plug.n.05 Ready False True an electrical device with two or three pins that is inserted in a socket to make an electrical connection electrical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, plug, 1 1 0
plum.n.02 Ready False True any of numerous varieties of small to medium-sized round or oval fruit having a smooth skin and a single pit edible_fruit.n.01, drupe.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, make_stewed_fruit-0, plum, 1 1 1
plumbing_fixture.n.01 Ready False False a fixture for the distribution and use of water in a building fixture.n.01, urinal.n.01, sink.n.01, toilet.n.02, shower.n.01, water_faucet.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 56 0
plywood.n.01 Ready False True a laminate made of thin layers of wood laminate.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, laying_wood_floors-0, bringing_in_wood-0, plywood, 1 1 2
pocketknife.n.01 Ready False True a knife with a blade that folds into the handle; suitable for carrying in the pocket knife.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, packing_recreational_vehicle_for_trip-0, pocketknife, 1 1 1
pod.n.01 Ready False False the vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds themselves) husk.n.02, pea_pod.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
pod.n.02 Ready False False a several-seeded dehiscent fruit as e.g. of a leguminous plant fruit.n.01, peanut.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 11 0
poinsettia.n.01 Ready False True tropical American plant having poisonous milk and showy tapering usually scarlet petallike leaves surrounding small yellow flowers spurge.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_outside-0, poinsettia, 3 3 1
pointer.n.02 Not Ready False False an indicator as on a dial indicator.n.03, needle.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
poker.n.01 Ready False True fire iron consisting of a metal rod with a handle; used to stir a fire fire_iron.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, poker, 1 1 0
pole.n.01 Ready False True a long (usually round) rod of wood or metal or plastic rod.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, draped, make_a_clothes_line-0, hanging_up_wind_chimes-0, hang_paper_lanterns-0, hanging_flags-0, clothesline_pole, flag_pole, pole, 3 3 4
polish.n.03 Substance False True a preparation used in polishing formulation.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, polish_pewter-0, polish_cymbals-0, clean_silver_coins-0, polish_gold-0, polish_a_car-0, polish_wood_floors-0, clean_brass-0, polish_rocks-0, clean_a_bowling_ball-0, polish_copper-0, polish, 0 0 10
polish__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, polish_pewter-0, polish_cymbals-0, clean_silver_coins-0, polish_gold-0, polish_a_car-0, polish_wood_floors-0, clean_brass-0, polish_rocks-0, clean_a_bowling_ball-0, polish_copper-0, polish_bottle, 1 1 10
pollen.n.01 Substance False True the fine spores that contain male gametes and that are borne by an anther in a flowering plant spore.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
polo_shirt.n.01 Not Ready False True a shirt with short sleeves designed for comfort and casual wear shirt.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, polo_shirt, 0 0 0
polymer.n.01 Not Ready False False a naturally occurring or synthetic compound consisting of large molecules made up of a linked series of repeated simple monomers compound.n.02, synthetic_resin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
polysaccharide.n.01 Substance False False any of a class of carbohydrates whose molecules contain chains of monosaccharide molecules carbohydrate.n.01, starch.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
polyvinyl_chloride.n.01 Not Ready False True a polymer of vinyl chloride used instead of rubber in electric cables vinyl_polymer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
pome.n.01 Ready False False a fleshy fruit (apple or pear or related fruits) having seed chambers and an outer fleshy part fruit.n.01, apple.n.01, cooked__diced__pear.n.01, diced__pear.n.01, pear.n.01, half__pear.n.01, cooked__diced__apple.n.01, diced__apple.n.01, half__apple.n.01, 0 22 0
pomegranate.n.02 Ready False True large globular fruit having many seeds with juicy red pulp in a tough brownish-red rind edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, shopping_at_warehouse_stores-0, store_produce-0, pomegranate, 1 1 2
pomelo.n.02 Ready False True large pear-shaped fruit similar to grapefruit but with coarse dry pulp citrus.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pomelo, 1 1 0
pommel_horse.n.01 Ready False True a gymnastic horse with a cylindrical body covered with leather and two upright handles (pommels) near the center; held upright by two steel supports, one at each end horse.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pommel_horse, 1 1 0
pool.n.01 Ready False False an excavation that is (usually) filled with water excavation.n.03, wading_pool.n.01, swimming_pool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, covered, contains, chlorinating_the_pool-0, cleaning_the_hot_tub-0, cleaning_around_pool_in_garden-0, cleaning_the_pool-0, adding_chemicals_to_pool-0, 0 5 5
pool_ball.n.01 Ready False True ball used in playing pool ball.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pool_ball, 1 1 0
pool_table.n.01 Ready False True game equipment consisting of a heavy table on which pool is played game_equipment.n.01, table.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_felt_pool_table_top-0, pool_table, 1 1 1
pop.n.02 Substance False True a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring soft_drink.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
pop_bottle.n.01 Not Ready False True a bottle for holding soft drinks bottle.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
popcorn.n.02 Substance False True small kernels of corn exploded by heat corn.n.03, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, setting_up_room_for_a_movie-0, make_microwave_popcorn-0, popcorn, 5 5 2
popcorn__bag.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, contains, make_microwave_popcorn-0, popcorn_bag, 1 1 1
popper.n.03 Ready False True a container for cooking popcorn cooker.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_popcorn_machine-0, popcorn_machine, 1 1 1
poppy_seed.n.01 Substance False True small grey seed of a poppy flower; used whole or ground in baked items flavorer.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
porcelain.n.01 Ready False False ceramic ware made of a more or less translucent ceramic ceramic_ware.n.01, china.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
pork.n.01 Ready False True meat from a domestic hog or pig meat.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pork, 1 1 0
pork_sausage.n.01 Ready False False sausage containing pork sausage.n.01, cooked__diced__bratwurst.n.01, half__bratwurst.n.01, diced__bratwurst.n.01, bratwurst.n.01, 0 4 0
porkchop.n.01 Ready False True chop cut from a hog chop.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, inside, ontop, hot, putting_meal_on_plate-0, pork_chop, 1 1 1
porridge.n.01 Substance False False soft food made by boiling oatmeal or other meal or legumes in water or milk until thick dish.n.02, oatmeal.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
portable_computer.n.01 Ready False False a personal computer that can easily be carried by hand personal_computer.n.01, tablet.n.05, laptop.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 7 0
portafilter.n.01 Ready True True coffee_filter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, portafilter, 1 1 0
portrait.n.02 Ready False True any likeness of a person, in any medium likeness.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, setting_up_silent_auction-0, portrait, 1 1 1
position.n.07 Ready False False the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated relation.n.01, room.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
positive_identification.n.01 Ready False False evidence proving that you are who you say you are; evidence establishing that you are among the group of people already known to the system; recognition by the system leads to acceptance identification.n.02, credit_card.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
possession.n.02 Ready False False anything owned or possessed relation.n.01, transferred_property.n.01, assets.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
post-it.n.01 Ready False True brand name for a slip of notepaper that has an adhesive that allows it to stick to a surface and be removed without damaging the surface notepaper.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, organizing_office_documents-0, post_it, 3 3 1
post.n.04 Ready False False an upright consisting of a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position upright.n.01, stake.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
post.n.09 Not Ready False True a pole or stake set up to mark something (as the start or end of a race track) visual_signal.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
postage.n.02 Ready False True a small adhesive token stuck on a letter or package to indicate that that postal fees have been paid token.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, buying_postage_stamps-0, getting_package_from_post_office-0, postage_stamp, 2 2 2
postcard.n.01 Ready False True a card for sending messages by post without an envelope card.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, put_together_a_goodie_bag-0, postcard, 1 1 1
poster.n.01 Ready False True a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement sign.n.02, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, putting_up_posters-0, make_the_workplace_exciting-0, poster, 1 1 2
pot.n.01 Ready False False metal or earthenware cooking vessel that is usually round and deep; often has a handle and lid vessel.n.03, cooking_utensil.n.01, kettle.n.01, caldron.n.01, electric_kettle.n.01, copper_pot.n.01, pewter_teapot.n.01, electric_cauldron.n.01, stockpot.n.01, coffeepot.n.01, saucepot.n.01, teapot.n.01, dutch_oven.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 33 0
pot.n.04 Ready False True a container in which plants are cultivated container.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, filled, inside, contains, overlaid, covered, prepare_a_raised_bed_garden-0, make_a_small_vegetable_garden-0, cover_a_flower_pot_in_fabric-0, planting_plants-0, prepare_a_hanging_basket-0, clean_pottery-0, fertilizing_garden-0, planting_flowers-0, planting_vegetables-0, plant_pot, 6 6 9
pot_plant.n.01 Ready False True a plant suitable for growing in a flowerpot (especially indoors) plant.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, fertilize_plants-0, cleaning_garden_tools-0, watering_outdoor_plants-0, putting_up_outdoor_holiday_decorations-0, buying_gardening_supplies-0, putting_birdseed_in_cage-0, buy_mulch-0, tidying_living_room-0, putting_tablecloth_on_table-0, dust_houseplants-0, ... hanging_basket, hanging_plant, pot_plant, 78 78 12
potato.n.01 Ready False True an edible tuber native to South America; a staple food of Ireland starches.n.01, root_vegetable.n.01, solanaceous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, cooked, hot, inside, clean_potatoes-0, cook_potatoes-0, fertilizing_garden-0, laying_out_a_feast-0, prepare_make_ahead_breakfast_bowls-0, sorting_potatoes-0, potato, 6 6 6
potato_pancake.n.01 Not Ready False True made of grated potato and egg with a little flour pancake.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
potholder.n.01 Not Ready False True an insulated pad for holding hot pots pad.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
pottable__beefsteak_tomato.n.01 Ready True True tomato.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, make_a_small_vegetable_garden-0, pottable_beefsteak_tomato, 1 1 1
pottable__cactus.n.01 Ready True True succulent.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, planting_plants-0, pottable_cactus, 1 1 1
pottable__chili.n.01 Ready True True hot_pepper.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, make_a_small_vegetable_garden-0, pottable_chili, 2 2 1
pottable__daffodil.n.01 Ready True True narcissus.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, planting_plants-0, pottable_daffodil, 1 1 1
pottable__dahlia.n.01 Ready True True flower.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, planting_flowers-0, pottable_dahlia, 2 2 1
pottable__marigold.n.01 Ready True True flower.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, prepare_a_hanging_basket-0, planting_flowers-0, pottable_marigold, 1 1 2
poultry.n.02 Ready False False flesh of chickens or turkeys or ducks or geese raised for food bird.n.02, diced__turkey.n.01, duck.n.03, half__duck.n.01, cooked__diced__duck.n.01, turkey.n.04, cooked__diced__turkey.n.01, diced__duck.n.01, cooked__diced__chicken.n.01, fried_chicken.n.01, half__fried_chicken.n.01, chicken.n.01, diced__chicken.n.01, half__chicken.n.01, half__turkey.n.01, 0 14 0
poultry_seasoning.n.01 Substance True True flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
powder.n.03 Substance False False any of various cosmetic or medical preparations dispensed in the form of a pulverized powder medicine.n.02, toiletry.n.01, toilet_powder.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
power_saw.n.01 Ready False False a power tool for cutting wood power_tool.n.01, chain_saw.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
power_tool.n.01 Ready False False a tool driven by a motor machine.n.01, tool.n.01, power_saw.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
power_washer.n.01 Ready True True home_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, power_washer, 1 1 0
prawn.n.01 Ready False True any of various edible decapod crustaceans seafood.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, inside, covered, cooked, ontop, cook_shrimp-0, cleaning_freezer-0, clean_shrimp-0, clean_prawns-0, prepare_and_cook_prawns-0, make_king_prawns_with_garlic-0, make_seafood_stew-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, buying_groceries-0, shrimp, 1 1 9
precious_metal.n.01 Ready False False any of the less common and valuable metals often used to make coins or jewelry valuable.n.01, gold.n.01, silver.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
precipitation.n.03 Substance False False the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist) weather.n.01, snow.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 9 0
present.n.02 Not Ready False True something presented as a gift gift.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
press.n.02 Ready False False the print media responsible for gathering and publishing news in the form of newspapers or magazines print_media.n.01, magazine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
pressure_cooker.n.01 Ready False True autoclave for cooking at temperatures above the boiling point of water autoclave.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatSource, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, pressure_cooker, 1 1 0
pretzel.n.01 Ready False True glazed and salted cracker typically in the shape of a loose knot cracker.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, serving_hors_d_oeuvres-0, prepare_wine_and_cheese-0, pretzel, 1 1 2
price_tag.n.01 Ready False True a tag showing the price of the article it is attached to tag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, touching, selling_products_at_flea_market-0, price_tag, 1 1 1
print_media.n.01 Ready False False a medium that disseminates printed matter medium.n.01, press.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
printer.n.03 Ready False True a machine that prints machine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, toggled_on, clean_your_electronics-0, picking_up_prescriptions-0, installing_a_printer-0, printer, 5 5 3
process.n.02 Ready False False (psychology) the performance of some composite cognitive activity; an operation that affects mental contents cognition.n.01, basic_cognitive_process.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
process.n.05 Ready False False a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant body_part.n.01, horn.n.02, tail.n.01, 0 2 0
process.n.06 Substance False False a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states physical_entity.n.01, phenomenon.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 9 0
produce.n.01 Ready False False fresh fruits and vegetable grown for the market food.n.02, vegetable.n.01, edible_fruit.n.01, 0 394 0
product.n.02 Ready False False an artifact that has been created by someone or some process creation.n.02, work.n.02, book.n.02, newspaper.n.03, magazine.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 341 0
projectile.n.01 Ready False False a weapon that is forcibly thrown or projected at a targets but is not self-propelled weapon.n.01, dart.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
projector.n.02 Ready False True an optical instrument that projects an enlarged image onto a screen optical_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ceiling_mounted_projector, projector, 3 3 0
property.n.02 Substance False False a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class attribute.n.02, visual_property.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
prosciutto.n.01 Ready False True Italian salt-cured ham usually sliced paper thin ham.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, prosciutto, 1 1 0
protective_covering.n.01 Ready False False a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury covering.n.02, binder.n.03, lining.n.01, shield.n.01, housing.n.02, mulch.n.01, blind.n.03, screen.n.05, mask.n.04, shade.n.03, shelter.n.02, roof.n.01, coaster.n.03, cloche.n.01, 0 44 0
protective_garment.n.01 Ready False False clothing that is intended to protect the wearer from injury clothing.n.01, apron.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
protoctist.n.01 Substance False False any of the unicellular protists microorganism.n.01, alga.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 1 0
pruner.n.02 Ready False True a long-handled pruning saw with a curved blade at the end and sometimes a clipper; used to prune small trees pruning_saw.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, nextto, inside, cleaning_garden_tools-0, buying_gardening_supplies-0, put_togethera_basic_pruning_kit-0, cleaning_up_branches_and_twigs-0, buy_used_gardening_equipment-0, pruner, 1 1 5
pruning_saw.n.01 Ready False False a handsaw used for pruning trees handsaw.n.01, pruner.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
psychological_feature.n.01 Ready False False a feature of the mental life of a living organism abstraction.n.06, cognition.n.01, event.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 34 0
public_trash_can.n.01 Ready True True bin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, public_trash_can, 14 14 0
publication.n.01 Ready False False a copy of a printed work offered for distribution work.n.02, book.n.01, magazine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 10 0
puck.n.02 Ready False True a vulcanized rubber disk 3 inches in diameter that is used instead of a ball in ice hockey disk.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, organizing_skating_stuff-0, hockey_puck, 1 1 1
pudding.n.01 Not Ready False True any of various soft thick unsweetened baked dishes dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
pulley.n.01 Not Ready False True a simple machine consisting of a wheel with a groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the rope machine.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
pullover.n.01 Ready False False a sweater that is put on by pulling it over the head sweater.n.01, sweatshirt.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
pump.n.01 Ready False True a mechanical device that moves fluid or gas by pressure or suction mechanical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, pump, 1 1 0
pump.n.03 Ready False True a low-cut shoe without fastenings shoe.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, high_heel, 2 2 0
pumpkin.n.02 Ready False True usually large pulpy deep-yellow round fruit of the squash family maturing in late summer or early autumn vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, cooked, clean_a_pumpkin-0, cook_a_pumpkin-0, putting_away_Halloween_decorations-0, pumpkin, 2 2 3
pumpkin_pie_spice.n.01 Substance True True spice.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, pumpkin_pie_spice, 1 1 1
pumpkin_seed.n.01 Substance False True the edible seed of a pumpkin edible_seed.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_a_small_vegetable_garden-0, cook_pumpkin_seeds-0, planting_vegetables-0, pumpkin_seed, 6 6 3
pumpkin_seed__bag.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_a_small_vegetable_garden-0, cook_pumpkin_seeds-0, planting_vegetables-0, pumpkin_seed_bag, 1 1 3
punch.n.02 Substance False False an iced mixed drink usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings; normally served in a punch bowl mixed_drink.n.01, eggnog.n.01, fruit_punch.n.01, cooked__eggnog.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
punching_bag.n.02 Ready False True an inflated ball or bag that is suspended and punched for training in boxing ball.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, filled, fill_a_punching_bag-0, punching_bag, 1 1 1
puree.n.01 Substance False True food prepared by cooking and straining or processed in a blender nutriment.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
putty_knife.n.01 Ready False True a spatula used to mix or apply putty spatula.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, putty_knife, 1 1 0
puzzle.n.02 Ready False False a game that tests your ingenuity game.n.09, jigsaw_puzzle_piece.n.01, jigsaw_puzzle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
quail.n.01 Ready False True flesh of quail; suitable for roasting or broiling if young; otherwise must be braised wildfowl.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, cook_quail-0, quail_breast, quail_breast_raw, quail_leg, 3 3 1
quality.n.01 Substance False False an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; --Shakespeare attribute.n.02, appearance.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 10 0
quarter.n.10 Ready False True a United States or Canadian coin worth one fourth of a dollar coin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_quarters-0, quarter, 1 1 1
quartz.n.02 Ready False True a hard glossy mineral consisting of silicon dioxide in crystal form; present in most rocks (especially sandstone and granite); yellow sand is quartz with iron oxide impurities mineral.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, quartz, 6 6 0
quiche.n.02 Ready False True a tart filled with rich unsweetened custard; often contains other ingredients (as cheese or ham or seafood or vegetables) tart.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, ontop, inside, overlaid, freeze_quiche-0, quiche, 2 2 1
quick_bread.n.01 Ready False False breads made with a leavening agent that permits immediate baking bread.n.01, diced__scone.n.01, half__scone.n.01, cooked__diced__scone.n.01, half__muffin.n.01, muffin.n.01, cooked__diced__muffin.n.01, diced__banana_bread.n.01, diced__muffin.n.01, cooked__diced__banana_bread.n.01, scone.n.01, biscuit.n.01, banana_bread.n.01, half__banana_bread.n.01, 0 12 0
quilt.n.01 Ready False True bedding made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing and stitched together bedclothes.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, folded, covered, saturated, ontop, draped, store_a_quilt-0, wash_duvets-0, clean_a_quilt-0, quilt, 5 5 3
quinoa.n.01 Substance True True grain.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, prepare_quinoa-0, quinoa, 1 1 1
quinoa__box.n.01 Not Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
rack.n.01 Ready False False framework for holding objects framework.n.03, bicycle_rack.n.01, dish_rack.n.01, towel_rack.n.01, drying_rack.n.01, ceiling_rack.n.01, test_tube_rack.n.01, shoe_rack.n.01, snack_rack.n.01, umbrella_rack.n.01, kayak_rack.n.01, free_weight_rack.n.01, coatrack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
rack.n.05 Ready False False a support for displaying various articles support.n.10, knife_block.n.01, tripod.n.01, plant_pot_stand.n.01, magazine_rack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 11 0
racket.n.04 Ready False False a sports implement (usually consisting of a handle and an oval frame with a tightly interlaced network of strings) used to strike a ball (or shuttlecock) in various games sports_implement.n.01, tennis_racket.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
radiator.n.02 Ready False True heater consisting of a series of pipes for circulating steam or hot water to heat rooms or buildings heater.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_your_baseboard_radiators-0, radiator, 16 16 1
radio_receiver.n.01 Ready False True an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals receiver.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, toggled_on, turning_on_radio-0, radio, 2 2 1
radiotelephone.n.02 Ready False False a telephone that communicates by radio waves rather than along cables telephone.n.01, cellular_telephone.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
radish.n.01 Ready False True pungent fleshy edible root cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, root_vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, radish, 2 2 0
rag.n.01 Ready False True a small piece of cloth or paper piece_of_cloth.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, folded, nextto, saturated, covered, under, clean_a_company_office-0, clean_plastic_containers-0, clean_a_kitchen_table-0, clean_marker_off_a_doll-0, setting_up_living_room_for_guest-0, clean_a_couch-0, clean_jade-0, cleaning_up_refrigerator-0, wash_dog_toys-0, clean_pine_cones-0, ... rag, 1 1 153
rail_fence.n.01 Ready False True a fence (usually made of split logs laid across each other at an angle) fence.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, covered, ontop, clean_decking-0, cleaning_garden_tools-0, putting_up_outdoor_holiday_decorations-0, tidy_your_garden-0, cleaning_the_yard-0, putting_up_Christmas_lights_outside-0, installing_a_fence-0, clean_a_fence-0, wash_a_motorcycle-0, clean_cement-0, ... rail_fence, 25 25 11
railing.n.01 Ready False True a barrier consisting of a horizontal bar and supports barrier.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, railing, 3 3 0
raincoat.n.01 Ready False True a water-resistant coat coat.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_raincoat-0, raincoat, 1 1 1
raisin.n.01 Substance False True dried grape dried_fruit.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, make_granola-0, make_homemade_bird_food-0, raisin, 7 7 2
raisin__box.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_homemade_bird_food-0, raisin_box, 1 1 1
rake.n.03 Ready False True a long-handled tool with a row of teeth at its head; used to move leaves or loosen soil tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, nextto, cleaning_garden_tools-0, buying_gardening_supplies-0, cleaning_shed-0, raking_leaves-0, putting_away_yard_equipment-0, buy_basic_garden_tools-0, rake, 2 2 6
ramekin.n.01 Not Ready False True a cheese dish made with egg and bread crumbs that is baked and served in individual fireproof dishes dish.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
ramen.n.01 Ready True True dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, cook_ramen_noodles-0, ramen, 1 1 1
range_hood.n.01 Ready False True exhaust hood over a kitchen range hood.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, range_hood, 9 9 0
raspberry.n.02 Ready False True red or black edible aggregate berries usually smaller than the related blackberries berry.n.01, drupelet.n.01, attachable, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, make_popsicles-0, raspberry, 2 2 3
ravioli.n.01 Substance False True small circular or square cases of dough with savory fillings pasta.n.02, cookable, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, ravioli, 1 1 0
raw_egg.n.01 Ready True True foodstuff.n.02, cloth, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, cooked, make_waffles-0, make_blueberry_mousse-0, make_onion_ring_batter-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, make_an_egg_tomato_and_toast_breakfast-0, make_bagels-0, make_eggnog-0, baking_sugar_cookies-0, make_brownies-0, cooking_breakfast-0, ... raw_egg, 1 1 18
razor.n.01 Ready False True edge tool used in shaving edge_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_an_electric_razor-0, clean_a_razor_blade-0, dispose_of_batteries-0, razor, 1 1 3
ready-mix.n.01 Substance False False a commercial preparation containing most of the ingredients for a dish convenience_food.n.01, mix.n.01, cooked__cake_mix.n.01, cake_mix.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
reamer.n.01 Ready False True a squeezer with a conical ridged center that is used for squeezing juice from citrus fruit squeezer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, juicer, 1 1 0
receipt.n.02 Ready False True an acknowledgment (usually tangible) that payment has been made acknowledgment.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, receipt, 5 5 0
receiver.n.01 Ready False False set that receives radio or tv signals set.n.13, television_receiver.n.01, radio_receiver.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
receptacle.n.01 Ready False False a container that is used to put or keep things in container.n.01, ashtray.n.01, icetray.n.02, dustpan.n.02, tray.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 28 0
receptacle.n.03 Ready False False an electrical (or electronic) fitting that is connected to a source of power and equipped to receive an insert fitting.n.02, wall_socket.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 13 0
reception_desk.n.01 Ready False True a counter (as in a hotel) where guests are received counter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, reception_desk, 4 4 0
recess.n.04 Ready False False an enclosure that is set back or indented enclosure.n.01, fireplace.n.01, alcove.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
record_player.n.01 Ready False False machine in which rotating records cause a stylus to vibrate and the vibrations are amplified acoustically or electronically machine.n.01, jukebox.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
recording.n.03 Ready False False a storage device on which information (sounds or images) have been recorded memory_device.n.01, sound_recording.n.01, compact_disk.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
recreational_vehicle.n.01 Ready False True a motorized wheeled vehicle used for camping or other recreational activities self-propelled_vehicle.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, covered, inside, unpacking_recreational_vehicle_for_trip-0, cleaning_camper_or_RV-0, packing_recreational_vehicle_for_trip-0, recreational_vehicle, 1 1 3
recycling_bin.n.01 Ready False True a bin for depositing things to be recycled bin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, open, clean_a_company_office-0, recycling_office_papers-0, cleaning_parks-0, dispose_of_glass-0, recycling_glass_bottles-0, picking_up_litter-0, recycling_newspapers-0, bringing_glass_to_recycling-0, bringing_paper_to_recycling-0, sorting_newspapers_for_recycling-0, ... recycling_bin, 1 1 14
red_meat_sauce.n.01 Substance True True spaghetti_sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, red_meat_sauce, 0 0 0
red_wine.n.01 Substance False True wine having a red color derived from skins of dark-colored grapes wine.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, real, make_baked_pears-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, cleaning_cups_in_living_room-0, bottling_wine-0, pour_a_glass_of_wine-0, cleaning_glasses_off_bar-0, red_wine, 0 0 6
reed_diffuser.n.01 Ready True True decoration.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, reed_diffuser, 2 2 0
reflector.n.01 Ready False False device that reflects radiation device.n.01, mirror.n.01, attachable, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 22 0
refried_beans.n.01 Substance False True dried beans cooked and mashed and then fried in lard with various seasonings dish.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_burrito_bowls-0, refried_beans, 0 0 1
refried_beans__can.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_burrito_bowls-0, refried_beans_can, 1 1 1
refrigerator.n.01 Ready False False white goods in which food can be stored at low temperatures white_goods.n.01, cooler.n.01, electric_refrigerator.n.01, grocery_fridge.n.01, deep-freeze.n.02, coldSource, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 19 0
region.n.03 Ready False False a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth location.n.01, geographical_area.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 13 0
regulator.n.01 Ready False False any of various controls or devices for regulating or controlling fluid flow, pressure, temperature, etc. control.n.09, faucet.n.01, thermostat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
relation.n.01 Ready False False an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together abstraction.n.06, part.n.01, possession.n.02, position.n.07, 0 206 0
release.n.08 Not Ready False True a device that when pressed will release part of a mechanism device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
relish.n.02 Ready False False spicy or savory condiment condiment.n.01, pickle.n.01, diced__olive.n.01, half__olive.n.01, half__pickle.n.01, olive.n.04, cooked__diced__olive.n.01, diced__pickle.n.01, 0 15 0
remedy.n.02 Ready False False a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain medicine.n.02, ointment.n.01, lotion.n.02, 0 1 0
repellent.n.02 Substance False False a chemical substance that repels animals compound.n.02, insectifuge.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 2 0
report.n.03 Ready False False a short account of the news news.n.02, bulletin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
representation.n.02 Ready False False a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something creation.n.02, model.n.04, stage_set.n.01, drawing.n.02, document.n.02, photograph.n.01, map.n.01, picture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 119 0
representational_process.n.01 Ready False False any basic cognitive process in which some entity comes to stand for or represent something else basic_cognitive_process.n.01, symbol.n.02, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
reproductive_structure.n.01 Ready False False the parts of a plant involved in its reproduction plant_organ.n.01, agamete.n.01, fruit.n.01, flower.n.02, cone.n.03, 0 264 0
rescue_equipment.n.01 Ready False False equipment used to rescue passengers in case of emergency equipment.n.01, life_preserver.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
residue.n.01 Substance False False matter that remains after something has been removed matter.n.03, ash.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 2 0
resin.n.01 Not Ready False False any of a class of solid or semisolid viscous substances obtained either as exudations from certain plants or prepared by polymerization of simple molecules organic_compound.n.01, synthetic_resin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
restraint.n.06 Ready False False a device that retards something's motion device.n.01, chain.n.05, brake.n.01, fastener.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 18 0
retainer.n.03 Ready False True a dental appliance that holds teeth (or a prosthesis) in position after orthodontic treatment dental_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_invisalign-0, retainer, 1 1 1
rib.n.03 Ready False True cut of meat including one or more ribs cut.n.06, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, cook_pork_ribs-0, pork_rib, rib, 2 2 1
ribbon.n.01 Ready False True any long object resembling a thin line object.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, overlaid, putting_away_Christmas_decorations-0, make_a_candy_centerpiece-0, put_together_a_goodie_bag-0, ribbon, 1 1 3
rice.n.01 Substance False False grains used as food either unpolished or more often polished grain.n.02, starches.n.01, arborio_rice.n.01, cooked__brown_rice.n.01, cooked__tomato_rice.n.01, cooked__arborio_rice.n.01, white_rice.n.01, tomato_rice.n.01, brown_rice.n.01, cooked__white_rice.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 3 0
rice_cooker.n.01 Ready True True cooker.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_rice_cooker-0, cook_chicken_and_rice-0, rice_cooker, 1 1 2
ricotta.n.01 Substance False True soft Italian cheese like cottage cheese cheese.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
rind.n.01 Ready False False the natural outer covering of food (usually removed before eating) material.n.01, peel.n.02, 0 3 0
ring.n.08 Ready False True jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger jewelry.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, clean_gold-0, wash_your_rings-0, ring, 1 1 2
ripsaw.n.01 Ready False True a handsaw for cutting with the grain of the wood handsaw.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ripsaw, 1 1 0
risotto.n.01 Substance False True rice cooked with broth and sprinkled with grated cheese dish.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, risotto, 1 1 0
road.n.01 Ready False False an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation way.n.06, driveway.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 7 0
roast.n.01 Ready False False a piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a size for slicing into more than one portion cut.n.06, sliced__roast_beef.n.01, cooked__diced__roast_beef.n.01, diced__roast_beef.n.01, flammable, 0 1 0
roaster.n.04 Ready False True a special cooking pan for roasting pan.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, roasting_pan, 1 1 0
rock.n.01 Ready False False a lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter natural_object.n.01, crystal.n.03, pebble.n.01, whiskey_stone.n.01, boulder.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 21 0
rock.n.02 Not Ready False False material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the Earth's crust material.n.01, sedimentary_rock.n.01, gravel.n.01, limestone.n.01, 0 0 0
rocking_chair.n.01 Ready False True a chair mounted on rockers chair.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, rocking_chair, 4 4 0
rod.n.01 Ready False False a long thin implement made of metal or wood implement.n.01, shaft.n.03, curtain_rod.n.01, fishing_rod.n.01, pole.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
roll_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, roll_dough, 1 1 0
roll_of_tobacco.n.01 Ready False False tobacco leaves that have been made into a cylinder tobacco.n.01, cigar.n.01, cigarette.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
roller.n.04 Ready False False a cylinder that revolves cylinder.n.01, jade_roller.n.01, lint_roller.n.01, paint_roller.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
rolling_pin.n.01 Ready False True utensil consisting of a cylinder (usually of wood) with a handle at each end; used to roll out dough kitchen_utensil.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, rolling_pin, 2 2 0
roof.n.01 Ready False True a protective covering that covers or forms the top of a building protective_covering.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, roof, 7 7 0
room.n.01 Ready False False an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling area.n.05, closet.n.04, compartment.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 15 0
room.n.02 Ready False False space for movement position.n.07, seating.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
room_light.n.01 Ready False True light that provides general illumination for a room light.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, downlight, rectangular_light, room_light, square_light, track_light, wall_mounted_light, 88 88 0
root_vegetable.n.01 Ready False False any of various fleshy edible underground roots or tubers vegetable.n.01, diced__carrot.n.01, sweet_potato.n.02, diced__beet.n.01, half__beet.n.01, half__parsnip.n.01, potato.n.01, cooked__diced__parsnip.n.01, diced__parsnip.n.01, beet.n.02, cooked__diced__potato.n.01, diced__potato.n.01, cooked__diced__beet.n.01, half__potato.n.01, carrot.n.03, cooked__diced__carrot.n.01, half__carrot.n.01, parsnip.n.03, turnip.n.02, half__radish.n.01, diced__radish.n.01, cooked__diced__radish.n.01, radish.n.01, 0 44 0
rope.n.01 Ready False True a strong line line.n.18, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rope, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covering_boat-0, rope, 1 1 1
rose.n.01 Ready False True any of many shrubs of the genus Rosa that bear roses shrub.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, putting_up_outdoor_holiday_decorations-0, make_rose_centerpieces-0, rose, 1 1 2
rosemary.n.02 Substance False True extremely pungent leaves used fresh or dried as seasoning for especially meats herb.n.02, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, contains, putting_roast_in_oven-0, cook_potatoes-0, make_mustard_herb_and_spice_seasoning-0, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, saute_vegetables-0, make_soup-0, cook_a_turkey-0, rosemary, 2 2 7
rosemary__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, inside, cook_potatoes-0, make_mustard_herb_and_spice_seasoning-0, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, saute_vegetables-0, make_soup-0, cook_a_turkey-0, rosemary_shaker, 1 1 6
rotating_mechanism.n.01 Ready False False a mechanism that rotates mechanism.n.05, circle.n.08, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
round-bottom_flask.n.01 Ready False True a spherical flask with a narrow neck flask.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, round_bottom_flask, 4 4 0
round_shape.n.01 Ready False False a shape that is curved and without sharp angles shape.n.02, cylinder.n.02, disk.n.01, sphere.n.05, 0 2 0
router.n.02 Ready False True (computer science) a device that forwards data packets between computer networks device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, set_up_a_home_office_in_your_garage-0, router, 1 1 1
roux.n.01 Substance False True a mixture of fat and flour heated and used as a basis for sauces concoction.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
rubber_band.n.01 Not Ready False True a narrow band of elastic rubber used to hold things (such as papers) together band.n.07, elastic_device.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rope, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
rubber_boot.n.01 Ready False True a high boot made of rubber boot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, sorting_volunteer_materials-0, cleaning_rainboots-0, rubber_boot, 4 4 2
rubber_eraser.n.01 Ready False True an eraser made of rubber (or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber); commonly mounted at one end of a pencil eraser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, rubber_eraser, 1 1 0
rubber_glove.n.01 Ready True True glove.n.02, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, rubber_glove, 8 8 0
rubbing_alcohol.n.01 Substance False True lotion consisting of a poisonous solution of isopropyl alcohol or denatured ethanol alcohol for external use lotion.n.02, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, filled, clean_marker_off_a_doll-0, clean_a_flat_panel_monitor-0, clean_a_whiteboard-0, cleaning_skis-0, clean_wood_siding-0, clean_a_glass_pipe-0, removing_ice_from_walkways-0, rubbing_alcohol, 0 0 7
rubbing_alcohol__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, clean_marker_off_a_doll-0, clean_a_flat_panel_monitor-0, clean_a_whiteboard-0, cleaning_skis-0, clean_wood_siding-0, clean_a_glass_pipe-0, rubbing_alcohol_atomizer, 1 1 6
rubbish.n.01 Substance False False worthless material that is to be disposed of waste.n.01, debris.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 9 0
ruby.n.01 Ready False True a transparent piece of ruby that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem jewel.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ruby, 1 1 0
rug.n.01 Ready False True floor covering consisting of a piece of thick heavy fabric (usually with nap or pile) floor_cover.n.01, furnishing.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, dusting_rugs-0, store_rugs-0, sweeping_floors-0, sweeping_steps-0, installing_carpet-0, cleaning_pet_bed-0, unpacking_hobby_equipment-0, clean_carpets-0, clean_a_felt_pool_table_top-0, shampooing_carpet-0, ... carpet, 11 11 12
rule.n.12 Ready False True measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths measuring_stick.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ruler, 5 5 0
rum.n.01 Substance False True liquor distilled from fermented molasses liquor.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_a_mojito-0, make_eggnog-0, rum, 0 0 2
rum__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_a_mojito-0, make_eggnog-0, rum_bottle, 1 1 2
runner.n.09 Ready False False device consisting of the parts on which something can slide along device.n.01, ski.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
rust.n.01 Substance False True a red or brown oxide coating on iron or steel caused by the action of oxygen and moisture ferric_oxide.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_copper_wire-0, clean_your_rusty_garden_tools-0, rust, 9 9 2
rutabaga.n.01 Ready False True the large yellow root of a rutabaga plant used as food turnip.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, rutabaga, 1 1 0
sack.n.01 Ready False True a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, filled, covered, nextto, contains, buy_salad_greens-0, cook_shrimp-0, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, make_granola-0, stash_snacks_in_your_room-0, buy_rechargeable_batteries-0, store_coffee_beans_or_ground_coffee-0, picking_up_prescriptions-0, sweeping_patio-0, returning_consumer_goods-0, ... paper_bag, 3 3 51
sack__of__brown_rice.n.01 Not Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
sacking.n.01 Not Ready False False coarse fabric used for bags or sacks fabric.n.01, burlap.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
saddle_soap.n.01 Substance False True a mild soap for cleansing and conditioning leather soap.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, clean_dog_collars-0, clean_leather_sandals-0, clean_a_purse-0, clean_a_baseball_glove-0, saddle_soap, 0 0 4
saddle_soap__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, clean_dog_collars-0, clean_leather_sandals-0, clean_a_purse-0, saddle_soap_bottle, 1 1 3
safety_glass.n.01 Not Ready False True glass made with plates of plastic or resin or other material between two sheets of glass to prevent shattering glass.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
saffron.n.02 Substance False True dried pungent stigmas of the Old World saffron crocus flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, real, insource, contains, cook_seafood_paella-0, saffron, 1 1 1
saffron__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, cook_seafood_paella-0, saffron_shaker, 1 1 1
sage.n.02 Substance False True aromatic fresh or dried grey-green leaves used widely as seasoning for meats and fowl and game etc herb.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, make_mustard_herb_and_spice_seasoning-0, sage, 1 1 1
sage__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, make_mustard_herb_and_spice_seasoning-0, sage_shaker, 1 1 1
sake.n.02 Substance False True Japanese alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice; usually served hot alcohol.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
salad.n.01 Ready False True food mixtures either arranged on a plate or tossed and served with a moist dressing; usually consisting of or including greens dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, cooked, prepare_a_slow_dinner_party-0, serving_hors_d_oeuvres-0, preparing_food_for_company-0, serving_food_at_a_homeless_shelter-0, salad, 1 1 4
salad_fork.n.01 Not Ready False True a fork intended for eating salads fork.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
salad_green.n.01 Ready False False greens suitable for eating uncooked as in salads greens.n.01, half__arugula.n.01, diced__lettuce.n.01, half__lettuce.n.01, lettuce.n.03, cooked__diced__lettuce.n.01, diced__arugula.n.01, cooked__diced__arugula.n.01, chopped__lettuce.n.01, arugula.n.02, 0 14 0
salmon.n.03 Ready False True flesh of any of various marine or freshwater fish of the family Salmonidae fish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, frozen, inside, covered, cooked, buy_fish-0, taking_fish_out_of_freezer-0, cook_fish-0, cooking_a_feast-0, salmon, 1 1 4
salsa.n.01 Substance False True spicy sauce of tomatoes and onions and chili peppers to accompany Mexican foods condiment.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, real, insource, make_nachos-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, make_tacos-0, salsa, 0 0 3
salsa__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, make_nachos-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, make_tacos-0, salsa_bottle, 1 1 3
salt.n.01 Substance False False a compound formed by replacing hydrogen in an acid by a metal (or a radical that acts like a metal) compound.n.02, carbonate.n.01, sulfate.n.01, sodium_carbonate.n.01, cream_of_tartar.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 2 0
salt.n.02 Substance False True white crystalline form of especially sodium chloride used to season and preserve food flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, covered, real, contains, cook_chickpeas-0, cook_shrimp-0, cook_oysters-0, make_waffles-0, putting_roast_in_oven-0, make_oatmeal-0, make_onion_ring_batter-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, cook_sweet_potatoes-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, ... salt, 1 1 66
salt__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, filling_salt-0, salt_bottle, 1 1 1
salt__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, inside, cook_chickpeas-0, cook_shrimp-0, cook_oysters-0, make_waffles-0, make_oatmeal-0, make_onion_ring_batter-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, cook_sweet_potatoes-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, cook_ham_hocks-0, ... salt_shaker, 5 5 66
saltwater_fish.n.01 Ready False False flesh of fish from the sea used as food seafood.n.01, grouper.n.01, half__cod.n.01, cod.n.02, diced__snapper.n.01, cooked__diced__tuna.n.01, diced__cod.n.01, flatfish.n.01, half__snapper.n.01, cooked__diced__grouper.n.01, cooked__diced__cod.n.01, diced__tuna.n.01, half__grouper.n.01, snapper.n.02, diced__grouper.n.01, tuna.n.02, cooked__diced__snapper.n.01, half__tuna.n.01, 0 7 0
sand.n.04 Substance True True earth.n.02, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_a_crab-0, clean_seashells-0, sweeping_porch-0, sweeping_patio-0, clean_shrimp-0, clean_prawns-0, clean_conch_shells-0, clean_mussels-0, clean_scallops-0, clean_clams-0, ... sand, 9 9 14
sandal.n.01 Ready False True a shoe consisting of a sole fastened by straps to the foot shoe.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, covered, putting_shoes_on_rack-0, donating_clothing-0, tidying_bedroom-0, clean_leather_sandals-0, clean_flip_flops-0, laying_clothes_out-0, sandal, 9 9 6
sandbox.n.02 Ready False True a plaything consisting of a pile of sand or a box filled with sand for children to play in plaything.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sandbox, 1 1 0
sandglass.n.01 Ready False True timepiece in which the passage of time is indicated by the flow of sand from one transparent container to another through a narrow passage timepiece.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hourglass, 1 1 0
sandstone.n.01 Substance False False a sedimentary rock consisting of sand consolidated with some cement (clay or quartz etc.) arenaceous_rock.n.01, grit.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
sandwich.n.01 Ready False False two (or more) slices of bread with a filling between them snack_food.n.01, arepa.n.01, half__arepa.n.01, diced__club_sandwich.n.01, half__hamburger.n.01, hamburger.n.01, cooked__diced__hamburger.n.01, club_sandwich.n.01, diced__arepa.n.01, cooked__diced__club_sandwich.n.01, cooked__diced__arepa.n.01, diced__hotdog.n.01, half__club_sandwich.n.01, half__hotdog.n.01, cooked__diced__hotdog.n.01, diced__hamburger.n.01, hotdog.n.02, 0 12 0
sangaree.n.01 Substance False True sweetened red wine and orange or lemon juice with soda water drink.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
sanitary_condition.n.01 Substance False False the state of sanitation (clean or dirty) condition.n.01, dirtiness.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 9 0
sanitary_napkin.n.01 Ready False True a disposable absorbent pad (trade name Kotex); worn to absorb menstrual flow pad.n.04, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, nextto, sorting_household_items-0, sanitary_napkin, 1 1 1
sap.n.01 Substance False True a watery solution of sugars, salts, and minerals that circulates through the vascular system of a plant solution.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
satchel.n.01 Ready False True luggage consisting of a small case with a flat bottom and (usually) a shoulder strap baggage.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, satchel, 1 1 0
sauce.n.01 Substance False False flavorful relish or dressing or topping served as an accompaniment to food condiment.n.01, chocolate_sauce.n.01, pesto.n.01, gravy.n.01, barbecue_sauce.n.01, cheese_pastry_filling.n.01, spaghetti_sauce.n.01, hot_sauce.n.01, cooked__chocolate_sauce.n.01, cooked__worcester_sauce.n.01, white_sauce.n.01, cooked__wine_sauce.n.01, cooked__pesto.n.01, cooked__hot_sauce.n.01, aioli.n.01, cooked__barbecue_sauce.n.01, dressing.n.01, mushroom_sauce.n.01, cooked__cheese_pastry_filling.n.01, wine_sauce.n.01, worcester_sauce.n.01, cooked__gravy.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
saucepan.n.01 Ready False True a deep pan with a handle; used for stewing or boiling pan.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, contains, filled, inside, make_blueberry_mousse-0, make_applesauce-0, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, make_hot_cocoa-0, make_white_wine_sauce-0, cook_clams-0, cook_spinach-0, prepare_quinoa-0, cook_peas-0, organizing_boxes_in_garage-0, ... saucepan, 1 1 14
saucepot.n.01 Ready False True a cooking pot that has handles on either side and tight fitting lid; used for stewing or boiling pot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, contains, filled, cook_carrots-0, make_oatmeal-0, melt_white_chocolate-0, cook_a_duck-0, unpacking_moving_van-0, preserving_fruit-0, cook_beef-0, prepare_and_cook_swiss_chard-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, hard_boil_an_egg-0, ... saucepot, 12 12 12
saucer.n.02 Ready False True a small shallow dish for holding a cup at the table flatware.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, set_up_a_coffee_station_in_your_kitchen-0, set_a_fancy_table-0, drying_dishes-0, saucer, 4 4 3
sauna_heater.n.01 Ready True True heater.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, clean_a_sauna-0, sauna_heater, 2 2 1
sausage.n.01 Ready False False highly seasoned minced meat stuffed in casings meat.n.01, cooked__diced__chorizo.n.01, pork_sausage.n.01, kielbasa.n.01, frank.n.02, chorizo.n.01, pepperoni.n.01, half__frank.n.01, cooked__diced__frank.n.01, diced__kielbasa.n.01, half__hotdog_frank.n.01, half__pepperoni.n.01, cooked__diced__kielbasa.n.01, diced__frank.n.01, diced__pepperoni.n.01, half__kielbasa.n.01, cooked__diced__pepperoni.n.01, half__chorizo.n.01, diced__chorizo.n.01, 0 18 0
saw.n.02 Ready False False hand tool having a toothed blade for cutting hand_tool.n.01, handsaw.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, laying_wood_floors-0, 0 2 1
sawdust.n.01 Substance False True fine particles of wood made by sawing wood wood.n.01, flammable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
sax.n.02 Ready False True a single-reed woodwind with a conical bore single-reed_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_saxophone-0, saxophone, 1 1 1
scale.n.07 Ready False True a measuring instrument for weighing; shows amount of mass measuring_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, digital_scale, kitchen_analog_scale, 7 7 0
scale.n.10 Not Ready False True a flattened rigid plate forming part of the body covering of many animals covering.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
scallop.n.02 Ready False True edible muscle of mollusks having fan-shaped shells; served broiled or poached or in salads or cream sauces shellfish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, covered, make_seafood_stew-0, clean_scallops-0, scallop, 1 1 2
scanner.n.02 Ready False True an electronic device that generates a digital representation of an image for data input to a computer electronic_device.n.01, data_input_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, under, ontop, toggled_on, installing_a_scanner-0, scanner, 1 1 1
scarf.n.01 Ready False True a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for warmth or decoration garment.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, scarf, 1 1 0
scenery.n.01 Ready False False the painted structures of a stage set that are intended to suggest a particular locale stage_set.n.01, backdrop.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
schnitzel.n.01 Ready False True deep-fried breaded veal cutlets dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, real, cooked, make_a_wiener_schnitzle-0, schnitzel, 1 1 1
scientific_instrument.n.01 Ready False False an instrument used by scientists instrument.n.01, console.n.02, magnifier.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
scissors.n.01 Ready False False an edge tool having two crossed pivoting blades compound_lever.n.01, edge_tool.n.01, shears.n.01, clipper.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
scone.n.01 Ready False True small biscuit (rich with cream and eggs) cut into diamonds or sticks and baked in an oven or (especially originally) on a griddle quick_bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, scone, 2 2 2
scoop.n.06 Ready False True a large ladle ladle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, scoop, 1 1 0
scoop_of_ice_cream.n.01 Ready True True frozen_dessert.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_a_frappe-0, make_a_milkshake-0, scoop_of_ice_cream, 5 5 2
scoreboard.n.01 Ready False True a large board for displaying the score of a contest (and some other information) board.n.03, signboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, scoreboard, 1 1 0
scotch.n.02 Substance False True whiskey distilled in Scotland; especially whiskey made from malted barley in a pot still whiskey.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
scrambled_eggs.n.01 Substance False True eggs beaten and cooked to a soft firm consistency while stirring dish.n.02, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, scrambled_eggs, 1 1 0
scraper.n.01 Ready False True any of various hand tools for scraping hand_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, stripping_furniture-0, cleaning_skis-0, defrosting_freezer-0, de_ice_a_car-0, scraping_snow_off_vehicle-0, scraper, 1 1 5
screen.n.01 Ready False True a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing surface.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, projection_screen, 4 4 0
screen.n.04 Not Ready False True a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something covering.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
screen.n.05 Ready False False a protective covering consisting of netting; can be mounted in a frame protective_covering.n.01, lint_screen.n.01, windshield.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
screen.n.09 Ready False True partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that serves to divide a space partition.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, bed_screen, room_divider, 14 14 0
screw.n.04 Ready False True a fastener with a tapered threaded shank and a slotted head fastener.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, screw, 3 3 0
screwdriver.n.01 Ready False True a hand tool for driving screws; has a tip that fits into the head of a screw hand_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, outfit_a_basic_toolbox-0, put_together_a_scrapping_tool_kit-0, putting_away_tools-0, screwdriver, 2 2 3
scroll.n.02 Ready False True a document that can be rolled up (as for storage) manuscript.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, poster_roll, 4 4 0
scrub.n.01 Ready False True dense vegetation consisting of stunted trees or bushes vegetation.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, saturated, attached, ontop, covered, nextto, overlaid, watering_outdoor_flowers-0, collecting_berries-0, cleaning_the_yard-0, fertilize_a_lawn-0, putting_up_Christmas_lights_outside-0, hiding_Easter_eggs-0, prepare_your_garden_for_winter-0, bush, 29 29 7
scrub_brush.n.01 Ready False True a brush with short stiff bristles for heavy cleaning brush.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, nextto, clean_decking-0, cleaning_garden_tools-0, wash_a_leotard-0, clean_synthetic_hiking_gear-0, buying_cleaning_supplies-0, cleaning_the_hot_tub-0, wash_baby_bottles-0, clean_grease-0, clean_wood_pallets-0, cleaning_lawnmowers-0, ... scrub_brush, 1 1 44
sculpture.n.01 Ready False False a three-dimensional work of plastic art solid_figure.n.01, plastic_art.n.01, bust.n.03, statue.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 28 0
scum.n.02 Substance False True a film of impurities or vegetation that can form on the surface of a liquid film.n.04, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
seafood.n.01 Ready False False edible fish (broadly including freshwater fish) or shellfish or roe etc food.n.02, cooked__diced__prawn.n.01, half__squid.n.01, prawn.n.01, half__prawn.n.01, octopus.n.01, diced__squid.n.01, squid.n.01, half__shrimp.n.01, saltwater_fish.n.01, cooked__diced__squid.n.01, shellfish.n.01, diced__prawn.n.01, 0 35 0
seal.n.02 Not Ready False True a device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents device.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
seal.n.07 Substance False True a finishing coat applied to exclude moisture coating.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
sealant.n.01 Substance False True a kind of sealing material that is used to form a hard coating on a porous surface (as a coat of paint or varnish used to size a surface) sealing_material.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, spray_stucco-0, laying_paving_stones-0, sealant, 0 0 2
sealant__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, spray_stucco-0, laying_paving_stones-0, sealant_atomizer, 1 1 2
sealant__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
sealing_material.n.01 Substance False False any substance used to seal joints or fill cracks in a porous surface material.n.01, sealant.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
seashell.n.01 Ready False True the shell of a marine organism shell.n.10, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_seashells-0, seashell, 5 5 1
seat.n.03 Ready False False furniture that is designed for sitting on furniture.n.01, chair.n.01, stool.n.01, bench.n.01, sofa.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 269 0
seat.n.04 Ready False False any support where you can sit (especially the part of a chair or bench etc. on which you sit) support.n.10, car_seat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
seating.n.01 Ready False False an area that includes places where several people can sit room.n.02, tiered_seat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
seawater.n.01 Substance False True water containing salts water.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, filled, cook_potatoes-0, make_a_basic_brine-0, cook_pasta-0, cook_mussels-0, prepare_sea_salt_soak-0, cooking_a_feast-0, seawater, 0 0 6
secretion.n.02 Substance False False a functionally specialized substance (especially one that is not a waste) released from a gland or cell liquid_body_substance.n.01, perspiration.n.01, nectar.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
security_camera.n.01 Ready True True camera.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, security_camera, 2 2 0
security_system.n.02 Not Ready False True an electrical device that sets off an alarm when someone tries to break in electrical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
sediment.n.01 Substance False False matter that has been deposited by some natural process matter.n.03, dregs.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 1 0
sedimentary_rock.n.01 Not Ready False False rock formed from consolidated clay sediments rock.n.02, limestone.n.01, arenaceous_rock.n.01, 0 0 0
seed.n.01 Ready False False a small hard fruit fruit.n.01, edible_seed.n.01, nut.n.01, cooked__coffee_bean.n.01, coffee_bean.n.01, 0 59 0
self-propelled_vehicle.n.01 Ready False False a wheeled vehicle that carries in itself a means of propulsion wheeled_vehicle.n.01, motor_vehicle.n.01, recreational_vehicle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
self-registering_thermometer.n.01 Ready False True a thermometer that records the temperature automatically thermometer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, digital_thermometer, 1 1 0
server.n.04 Ready False True utensil used in serving food or drink utensil.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, pasta_server, 2 2 0
serving_cart.n.01 Ready False True a handcart for serving food handcart.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, setup_a_garden_party-0, stock_a_bar_cart-0, serving_cart, 5 5 2
sesame_oil.n.01 Substance False True oil obtained from sesame seeds vegetable_oil.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_fried_rice-0, sesame_oil, 0 0 1
sesame_oil__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_fried_rice-0, sesame_oil_bottle, 1 1 1
sesame_seed.n.01 Substance False True small oval seeds of the sesame plant flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, make_bagels-0, sesame_seed, 1 1 1
sesame_seed__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, make_bagels-0, sesame_seed_shaker, 1 1 1
set.n.01 Ready False False a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used collection.n.01, chess_set.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
set.n.13 Ready False False any electronic equipment that receives or transmits radio or tv signals electronic_equipment.n.01, receiver.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 31 0
shade.n.03 Ready False False protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight protective_covering.n.01, lampshade.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
shaft.n.03 Not Ready False False a long rod or pole (especially the handle of an implement or the body of a weapon like a spear or arrow) rod.n.01, axle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
shaker.n.03 Ready False True a container in which something can be shaken container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, shaker, 2 2 0
shampoo.n.01 Substance False True cleansing agent consisting of soaps or detergents used for washing the hair cleansing_agent.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, clean_tweed-0, shampooing_carpet-0, shampoo, 0 0 2
shampoo__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, clean_tweed-0, shampooing_carpet-0, shampoo_bottle, 1 1 2
shampoo__dispenser.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, shampoo_dispenser, 9 9 0
shape.n.02 Ready False False the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance attribute.n.02, line.n.04, solid.n.03, figure.n.06, round_shape.n.01, 0 52 0
sharpener.n.01 Ready False False any implement that is used to make something (an edge or a point) sharper implement.n.01, steel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
shawl.n.01 Not Ready False True cloak consisting of an oblong piece of cloth used to cover the head and shoulders cloak.n.02, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
shears.n.01 Ready False True large scissors with strong blades scissors.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, make_a_car_emergency_kit-0, pack_a_pencil_case-0, buying_gardening_supplies-0, put_togethera_basic_pruning_kit-0, clean_up_your_desk-0, putting_away_yard_equipment-0, clean_your_rusty_garden_tools-0, shears, 3 3 7
sheath.n.02 Ready False False an enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part covering.n.01, husk.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
sheet.n.02 Ready False True paper used for writing or printing paper.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, clean_a_company_office-0, picking_up_prescriptions-0, sorting_art_supplies-0, paper_sheet, 2 2 3
sheet.n.03 Ready False True bed linen consisting of a large rectangular piece of cotton or linen cloth; used in pairs bed_linen.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, folded, draped, covered, inside, saturated, unfolded, changing_sheets-0, cover_a_flower_pot_in_fabric-0, folding_sheets-0, hanging_up_bedsheets-0, adding_fabric_softener-0, cleaning_bedroom-0, ironing_bedsheets-0, setting_up_room_for_a_movie-0, taking_clothes_out_of_the_dryer-0, clean_sheets-0, ... bed_sheet, 6 6 12
sheet.n.06 Ready False False a flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width artifact.n.01, panel.n.01, blackboard.n.01, sheet_metal.n.01, plate.n.02, board.n.03, stencil.n.01, laminate.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 37 0
sheet_metal.n.01 Ready False False sheet of metal formed into a thin plate sheet.n.06, foil.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
shelf.n.01 Ready False True a support that consists of a horizontal surface for holding objects support.n.10, assembleable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, dispose_of_glass-0, cook_quail-0, picking_up_toys-0, putting_away_games-0, clean_up_your_desk-0, stock_a_bar-0, stock_a_bar_cart-0, store_batteries-0, carrying_water-0, dispose_of_medication-0, shelf, wall_mounted_shelf, 32 32 10
shell.n.02 Not Ready False True the material that forms the hard outer covering of many animals animal_material.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
shell.n.04 Not Ready False True the hard usually fibrous outer layer of some fruits especially nuts hull.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
shell.n.05 Not Ready False True the exterior covering of a bird's egg covering.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
shell.n.08 Ready False False the housing or outer covering of something housing.n.02, jacket.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
shell.n.10 Ready False False the hard largely calcareous covering of a mollusc or a brachiopod covering.n.01, seashell.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
shell_bean.n.02 Substance False False unripe beans removed from the pod before cooking fresh_bean.n.01, lima_bean.n.03, cooked__lima_bean.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
shellfish.n.01 Ready False False meat of edible aquatic invertebrate with a shell (especially a mollusk or crustacean) seafood.n.01, cooked__diced__crayfish.n.01, cooked__diced__huitre.n.01, lobster.n.01, half__crayfish.n.01, cooked__diced__crab.n.01, diced__crayfish.n.01, huitre.n.01, crayfish.n.02, half__crawfish.n.01, clam.n.03, half__crab.n.01, crab.n.05, scallop.n.02, diced__lobster.n.01, half__oyster.n.01, diced__crab.n.01, diced__huitre.n.01, half__huitre.n.01, cooked__diced__lobster.n.01, half__lobster.n.01, mussel.n.01, 0 19 0
shelter.n.01 Ready False False a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger structure.n.01, tent.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
shelter.n.02 Ready False False protective covering that provides protection from the weather protective_covering.n.01, canopy.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
shield.n.01 Ready False False a protective covering or structure protective_covering.n.01, plate.n.14, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
shiitake.n.01 Ready False True edible east Asian mushroom having a golden or dark brown to blackish cap and an inedible stipe fungus.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, shiitake, 3 3 0
shirt.n.01 Ready False False a garment worn on the upper half of the body garment.n.01, jersey.n.03, polo_shirt.n.01, tank_top.n.01, dress_shirt.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, unfolded, inside, ontop, laying_clothes_out-0, 0 4 1
shock_absorber.n.01 Not Ready False True a mechanical damper; absorbs energy of sudden impulses damper.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
shoe.n.01 Ready False False footwear shaped to fit the foot (below the ankle) with a flexible upper of leather or plastic and a sole and heel of heavier material footwear.n.02, pump.n.03, walking_shoe.n.01, slingback.n.01, walker.n.04, baby_shoe.n.01, gym_shoe.n.01, sandal.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, polishing_shoes-0, 0 51 1
shoe_rack.n.01 Ready True True rack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, putting_shoes_on_rack-0, shoe_rack, 1 1 1
shoebox.n.02 Ready False True an oblong rectangular (usually cardboard) box designed to hold a pair of shoes box.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, shoe_box, 6 6 0
shopping_basket.n.01 Ready False True a handbasket used to carry goods while shopping basket.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, picking_fruit_and_vegetables-0, buying_fast_food-0, paying_for_purchases-0, buy_a_belt-0, shopping_basket, 2 2 4
shopping_cart.n.01 Ready False True a handcart that holds groceries or other goods while shopping handcart.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, buy_food_for_a_party-0, buying_cleaning_supplies-0, buying_groceries_for_a_feast-0, buy_rechargeable_batteries-0, buy_school_supplies_for_high_school-0, buy_a_good_avocado-0, buy_boxes_for_packing-0, buy_alcohol-0, buy_a_air_conditioner-0, buy_mulch-0, ... shopping_cart, 2 2 20
short_pants.n.01 Ready False True trousers that end at or above the knee trouser.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, folded, inside, folding_clothes-0, putting_laundry_in_drawer-0, tidying_bathroom-0, shorts, 1 1 3
shortening.n.01 Substance False True fat such as butter or lard used in baked goods edible_fat.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_biscuits-0, shortening, 0 0 1
shortening__carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_biscuits-0, shortening_carton, 1 1 1
shot_glass.n.01 Ready False True a small glass adequate to hold a single swallow of whiskey glass.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, nextto, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, stock_a_bar_cart-0, jigger, 1 1 2
shoulder_bag.n.01 Ready False True a large handbag that can be carried by a strap looped over the shoulder bag.n.04, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, shoulder_bag, 11 11 0
shovel.n.01 Ready False True a hand tool for lifting loose material; consists of a curved container or scoop and a handle hand_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, nextto, inside, cleaning_garden_tools-0, shoveling_coal-0, buying_gardening_supplies-0, cleaning_shed-0, de_clutter_your_garage-0, remove_sod-0, shoveling_snow-0, planting_trees-0, putting_away_yard_equipment-0, removing_ice_from_walkways-0, ... shovel, 1 1 11
shower.n.01 Ready False True a plumbing fixture that sprays water over you plumbing_fixture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSink, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, washing_floor-0, shower, 2 2 1
shower_stall.n.01 Ready False True booth for washing yourself, usually in a bathroom booth.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, shower_stall, 10 10 0
showerhead.n.01 Ready False True a perforated nozzle that showers water on a bather nozzle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, clean_a_shower-0, showerhead, 11 11 1
shredder.n.01 Ready False True a device that shreds documents (usually in order to prevent the wrong people from reading them) device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, shredder, 1 1 0
shrub.n.01 Ready False False a low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems woody_plant.n.01, rose.n.01, lavender.n.01, spurge.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
shutter.n.02 Ready False True a hinged blind for a window blind.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_vinyl_shutters-0, shutter, 1 1 1
side.n.05 Ready False False an extended outer surface of an object surface.n.01, upper_surface.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 355 0
sieve.n.01 Ready False True a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or grading particles strainer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_sieve-0, sieve, 1 1 1
sign.n.02 Ready False False a public display of a message communication.n.02, street_sign.n.01, decorative_sign.n.01, signpost.n.01, poster.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 14 0
signal.n.01 Ready False False any nonverbal action or gesture that encodes a message communication.n.02, visual_signal.n.01, symbol.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 25 0
signaling_device.n.01 Ready False False a device used to send signals device.n.01, bell.n.01, whistle.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
signboard.n.01 Ready False False structure displaying a board on which advertisements can be posted structure.n.01, scoreboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
signpost.n.01 Ready False True a post bearing a sign that gives directions or shows the way sign.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, grocery_sign, signpost, 9 9 0
silver.n.02 Ready False True coins made of silver precious_metal.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, clean_silver_coins-0, store_silver_coins-0, silver_coin, silver_coins, 2 2 2
simple_closed_curve.n.01 Not Ready False False a closed curve that does not intersect itself closed_curve.n.01, loop.n.02, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
single-reed_instrument.n.01 Ready False False a beating-reed instrument with a single reed (as a clarinet or saxophone) beating-reed_instrument.n.01, sax.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
sink.n.01 Ready False True plumbing fixture consisting of a water basin fixed to a wall or floor and having a drainpipe plumbing_fixture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSink, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, waterSource, wetable, wrinkleable, insource, inside, ontop, nextto, covered, clean_plastic_containers-0, clean_a_kitchen_table-0, clean_up_spilled_egg-0, polish_pewter-0, clean_marker_off_a_doll-0, clean_dog_collars-0, fill_a_canteen-0, mopping_the_kitchen_floor-0, setting_mousetraps-0, cook_chickpeas-0, ... commercial_kitchen_sink, drop_in_sink, furniture_sink, multi_station_furniture_sink, multi_station_tabletop_sink, multi_station_wall_mounted_sink, pedestal_sink, sink, tabletop_sink, wall_mounted_sink, 30 30 281
sirloin.n.01 Not Ready False True the portion of the loin (especially of beef) just in front of the rump cut.n.06, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
skate.n.01 Ready False False sports equipment that is worn on the feet to enable the wearer to glide along and to be propelled by the alternate actions of the legs sports_equipment.n.01, ice_skate.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
skateboard.n.01 Ready False True a board with wheels that is ridden in a standing or crouching position and propelled by foot board.n.03, wheeled_vehicle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, spring_clean_your_skateboard-0, clean_a_longboard-0, longboard, 1 1 2
skateboard_deck.n.01 Ready True True component.n.03, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, clean_skateboard_bearings-0, skateboard_deck, 1 1 1
skateboard_wheel.n.01 Ready True True wheel.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, covered, clean_skateboard_bearings-0, skateboard_wheel, skateboard_wheel_assembly, 4 4 1
skeleton.n.04 Ready False True the internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape supporting_structure.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, skeletal_frame, structural_element, 10 10 0
skewer.n.01 Not Ready False True a long pin for holding meat in position while it is being roasted pin.n.09, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
ski.n.01 Ready False True narrow wood or metal or plastic runners used in pairs for gliding over snow runner.n.09, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, de_clutter_your_garage-0, cleaning_skis-0, ski, 2 2 2
ski_boot.n.01 Not Ready False True a stiff boot that is fastened to a ski with a ski binding boot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
skiff.n.01 Ready False True any of various small boats propelled by oars or by sails or by a motor small_boat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, packing_fishing_gear_into_car-0, skiff, 1 1 1
skimmer.n.02 Ready False True a cooking utensil used to skim fat from the surface of liquids cooking_utensil.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, skimmer, 2 2 0
skirt.n.01 Ready False True cloth covering that forms the part of a garment below the waist cloth_covering.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, draped, covered, inside, hanging_clothes-0, sorting_clothing-0, skirt, 1 1 2
skyrocket.n.02 Ready False True sends a firework display high into the sky firework.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, skyrocket, 1 1 0
slab.n.01 Ready False False block consisting of a thick piece of something block.n.01, tile.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
slacks.n.01 Not Ready False True (usually in the plural) pants for casual wear trouser.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
slat.n.01 Not Ready False True a thin strip (wood or metal) strip.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
sleeping_bag.n.01 Ready False True large padded bag designed to be slept in outdoors; usually rolls up like a bedroll bag.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, packing_hiking_equipment_into_car-0, clean_synthetic_hiking_gear-0, sleeping_bag, 1 1 2
sliced__brisket.n.01 Ready True True cut.n.06, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sliced__brisket, sliced_brisket, 2 2 0
sliced__chocolate_cake.n.01 Ready True True cake.n.03, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sliced_chocolate_cake, 1 1 0
sliced__cucumber.n.01 Ready True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sliced_cucumber, 2 2 0
sliced__eggplant.n.01 Ready True True solanaceous_vegetable.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sliced_eggplant, 1 1 0
sliced__lemon.n.01 Ready True True citrus.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sliced_lemon, 5 5 0
sliced__lime.n.01 Not Ready True True citrus.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sliced_lime, 0 0 0
sliced__melon.n.01 Ready True True melon.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sliced_melon, 2 2 0
sliced__mushroom.n.01 Ready True True vegetable.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sliced_mushroom, 1 1 0
sliced__onion.n.01 Ready True True onion.n.03, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sliced_onion, 1 1 0
sliced__papaya.n.01 Ready True True edible_fruit.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sliced_papaya, 2 2 0
sliced__roast_beef.n.01 Ready True True roast.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sliced_roast_beef, 1 1 0
sliced__tomato.n.01 Ready True True tomato.n.01, cookable, diceable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sliced_tomato, 3 3 0
sliced__watermelon.n.01 Ready True True melon.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sliced_watermelon, 1 1 0
slicer.n.02 Ready False True a machine for cutting; usually with a revolving blade machine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, food_slicer, 1 1 0
slide_fastener.n.01 Ready False True a fastener for locking together two toothed edges by means of a sliding tab fastener.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, zipper, 2 2 0
slingback.n.01 Ready False True a shoe that has a strap that wraps around the heel shoe.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, slingback, 2 2 0
slot_machine.n.01 Ready False False a machine that is operated by the insertion of a coin in a slot machine.n.01, vending_machine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
sludge.n.02 Substance False True any thick, viscous matter matter.n.03, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
small_boat.n.01 Ready False False a boat that is small boat.n.01, canoe.n.01, skiff.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
small_indefinite_quantity.n.01 Ready False False an indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitude indefinite_quantity.n.01, taste.n.05, helping.n.01, 0 23 0
smoothie.n.02 Substance False True a thick smooth drink consisting of fresh fruit pureed with ice cream or yoghurt or milk beverage.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, covered, make_a_strawberry_slushie-0, clean_kitchen_appliances-0, smoothie, 0 0 2
snack_food.n.01 Ready False False food for light meals or for eating between meals dish.n.02, sandwich.n.01, chip.n.04, corn_chip.n.01, 0 21 0
snack_rack.n.01 Ready True True rack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, snack_rack, 2 2 0
snapper.n.02 Ready False True flesh of any of various important food fishes of warm seas saltwater_fish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, snapper, 2 2 0
snow.n.01 Substance False True precipitation falling from clouds in the form of ice crystals precipitation.n.03, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, cleaning_skis-0, shoveling_snow-0, scraping_snow_off_vehicle-0, decorating_outside_for_holidays-0, snow, 9 9 4
snow_globe.n.01 Ready True True plaything.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, snow_globe, 1 1 0
soap.n.01 Ready False False a cleansing agent made from the salts of vegetable or animal fats cleansing_agent.n.01, toilet_soap.n.01, sugar_coffee_scrub.n.01, liquid_soap.n.01, bar_soap.n.01, saddle_soap.n.01, 0 6 0
soap__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, mopping_floors-0, soap_bottle, 1 1 1
soap_dish.n.01 Ready False True a bathroom or kitchen fixture for holding a bar of soap fixture.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, nextto, sorting_household_items-0, soap_dish, 3 3 1
soap_dispenser.n.01 Ready False True dispenser of liquid soap dispenser.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, soap_dispenser, wall_mounted_soap_dispenser, 10 10 0
soccer_ball.n.01 Ready False True an inflated ball used in playing soccer ball.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, packing_hobby_equipment-0, soccer_ball, 2 2 1
sock.n.01 Ready False True hosiery consisting of a cloth covering for the foot; worn inside the shoe; reaches to between the ankle and the knee hosiery.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, saturated, folded, nextto, unpacking_suitcase-0, taking_clothes_out_of_washer-0, pack_your_gym_bag-0, folding_clean_laundry-0, sorting_laundry-0, store_baby_clothes-0, packing_sports_equipment_into_car-0, sock, 1 1 7
soda__can.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_watermelon_punch-0, soda_can, 1 1 1
soda_water.n.03 Substance True True food.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_a_mojito-0, make_cream_soda-0, soda_water, 0 0 2
soda_water__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, filled, make_a_mojito-0, soda_water_bottle, 1 1 1
sodium_carbonate.n.01 Substance False True a sodium salt of carbonic acid; used in making soap powders and glass and paper salt.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, contains, make_lemon_stain_remover-0, clean_clear_plastic-0, clean_invisalign-0, clean_a_glass_pipe-0, make_cake_mix-0, baking_sugar_cookies-0, clean_vans-0, clean_stainless_steel_sinks-0, clean_vases-0, clean_kitchen_appliances-0, ... sodium_carbonate, 1 1 11
sodium_carbonate__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, covered, contains, make_lemon_stain_remover-0, clean_clear_plastic-0, clean_invisalign-0, make_cake_mix-0, baking_sugar_cookies-0, clean_vans-0, clean_stainless_steel_sinks-0, clean_vases-0, clean_kitchen_appliances-0, adding_chemicals_to_pool-0, sodium_carbonate_jar, 1 1 10
sodium_chloride.n.01 Not Ready False False a white crystalline solid consisting mainly of sodium chloride (NaCl) binary_compound.n.01, halite.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
sofa.n.01 Ready False True an upholstered seat for more than one person seat.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, clean_a_couch-0, unpacking_suitcase-0, sorting_mail-0, fold_bandanas-0, organizing_items_for_yard_sale-0, clean_couch_pillows-0, setting_up_room_for_a_movie-0, unpacking_hobby_equipment-0, packing_hobby_equipment-0, shampooing_carpet-0, ... sofa, 35 35 18
soft_drink.n.01 Substance False False nonalcoholic beverage (usually carbonated) beverage.n.01, tonic.n.01, cola.n.02, pop.n.02, ginger_ale.n.01, cream_soda.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
soft_roll.n.01 Ready False True yeast-raised roll with a soft crust bun.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, soft_roll, 2 2 0
softball.n.01 Ready False True ball used in playing softball ball.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, softball, 1 1 0
softener.n.01 Substance False False a substance added to another to make it less hard chemical.n.01, conditioner.n.03, fabric_softener.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
soil.n.02 Substance False True the part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock earth.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, contains, prepare_a_raised_bed_garden-0, make_a_small_vegetable_garden-0, fertilizing_garden-0, planting_trees-0, planting_vegetables-0, soil, 2 2 5
soil__bag.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_a_small_vegetable_garden-0, planting_trees-0, planting_vegetables-0, soil_bag, 1 1 3
solanaceous_vegetable.n.01 Ready False False any of several fruits of plants of the family Solanaceae; especially of the genera Solanum, Capsicum, and Lycopersicon vegetable.n.01, cooked__diced__eggplant.n.01, sliced__eggplant.n.01, half__eggplant.n.01, diced__eggplant.n.01, tomato.n.01, eggplant.n.01, pepper.n.04, potato.n.01, cooked__diced__potato.n.01, diced__potato.n.01, half__potato.n.01, 0 48 0
solid.n.01 Ready False False matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure matter.n.03, crystal.n.01, glass.n.01, food.n.02, 0 745 0
solid.n.03 Ready False False a three-dimensional shape shape.n.02, concave_shape.n.01, cylinder.n.01, 0 22 0
solid_figure.n.01 Ready False False a three-dimensional shape figure.n.06, sculpture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 28 0
solution.n.01 Substance False False a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances; frequently (but not necessarily) a liquid solution mixture.n.01, sap.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
solvent.n.01 Substance False False a liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances medium.n.07, acetone.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, stripping_furniture-0, 0 0 1
solvent__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, stripping_furniture-0, solvent_bottle, 1 1 1
sorbent.n.01 Ready False False a material that sorbs another substance; i.e. that has the capacity or tendency to take it up by either absorption or adsorption material.n.01, absorbent_material.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
sound_recording.n.01 Ready False False a recording of acoustic signals recording.n.03, phonograph_record.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
soup.n.01 Substance False False liquid food especially of meat or fish or vegetable stock often containing pieces of solid food dish.n.02, cooked__chicken_soup.n.01, chicken_soup.n.01, chowder.n.01, gazpacho.n.01, broth.n.02, petite_marmite.n.01, cooked__gazpacho.n.01, broth.n.01, cooked__petite_marmite.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
soup__can.n.01 Not Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
soup_bowl.n.01 Not Ready False True a bowl for serving soup bowl.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
soup_ladle.n.01 Ready False True a ladle for serving soup ladle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, preserving_fruit-0, soup_ladle, 5 5 1
soupspoon.n.01 Ready False True a spoon with a rounded bowl for eating soup spoon.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, soupspoon, 2 2 0
sour_bread.n.01 Ready False True made with a starter of a small amount of dough in which fermentation is active bread.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, unloading_groceries-0, sourdough, 7 7 1
sour_cream.n.01 Substance False True artificially soured light cream cream.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
source_of_illumination.n.01 Ready False False any device serving as a source of visible electromagnetic radiation device.n.01, lamp.n.01, light.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 133 0
soy.n.04 Substance False True the most highly proteinaceous vegetable known; the fruit of the soybean plant is used in a variety of foods and as fodder (especially as a replacement for animal protein) bean.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, soybean, 3 3 0
soy_sauce.n.01 Substance False True thin sauce made of fermented soy beans condiment.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, contains, putting_roast_in_oven-0, cook_bok_choy-0, make_beef_and_broccoli-0, washing_utensils-0, cook_beef_and_onions-0, make_fried_rice-0, soy_sauce, 0 0 6
soy_sauce__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, cook_bok_choy-0, make_beef_and_broccoli-0, cook_beef_and_onions-0, make_fried_rice-0, soy_sauce_bottle, 1 1 4
soya_milk.n.01 Substance False True a milk substitute containing soybean flour and water; used in some infant formulas and in making tofu milk.n.04, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
space_heater.n.01 Ready False True heater consisting of a self-contained (usually portable) unit to warm a room heater.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, toggled_on, de_ice_a_car-0, space_heater, 1 1 1
spackle.n.01 Substance False True powder (containing gypsum plaster and glue) that when mixed with water forms a plastic paste used to fill cracks and holes in plaster plaster.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
spaghetti.n.01 Substance False True spaghetti served with a tomato sauce pasta.n.01, cookable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
spaghetti_sauce.n.01 Substance False False any of numerous sauces for spaghetti or other kinds of pasta sauce.n.01, tomato_sauce.n.01, cooked__red_meat_sauce.n.01, red_meat_sauce.n.01, marinara.n.01, cooked__marinara.n.01, cooked__tomato_sauce.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
spar.n.01 Substance False False any of various nonmetallic minerals (calcite or feldspar) that are light in color and transparent or translucent and cleavable mineral.n.01, calcite.n.01, breakable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 9 0
spark_plug.n.01 Not Ready False True electrical device that fits into the cylinder head of an internal-combustion engine and ignites the gas by means of an electric spark electrical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
sparkler.n.02 Ready False True a firework that burns slowly and throws out a shower of sparks firework.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sparkler, 1 1 0
sparkling_wine.n.01 Substance False False effervescent wine wine.n.01, champagne.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
spatula.n.01 Ready False True a turner with a narrow flexible blade turner.n.08, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, saute_vegetables-0, make_cake_mix-0, roast_vegetables-0, grease_and_flour_a_pan-0, washing_utensils-0, grill_burgers-0, make_fried_rice-0, cook_onions-0, fry_pot_stickers-0, spatula, 13 13 9
spatula.n.02 Ready False False a hand tool with a thin flexible blade used to mix or spread soft substances hand_tool.n.01, putty_knife.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
specimen_bottle.n.01 Ready False True a bottle for holding urine specimens bottle.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, specimen_bottle, 1 1 0
spectacles.n.01 Ready False True optical instrument consisting of a frame that holds a pair of lenses for correcting defective vision optical_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, eyeglasses, 2 2 0
spermatophyte.n.01 Ready False False plant that reproduces by means of seeds not spores vascular_plant.n.01, angiosperm.n.01, 0 38 0
sphere.n.02 Ready False False any spherically shaped artifact artifact.n.01, globe.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
sphere.n.05 Ready False False a solid figure bounded by a spherical surface (including the space it encloses) round_shape.n.01, ball.n.03, 0 2 0
spice.n.02 Ready False False any of a variety of pungent aromatic vegetable substances used for flavoring food flavorer.n.01, mace.n.03, allspice.n.03, ginger.n.02, cooked__nutmeg.n.01, cooked__clove.n.01, cooked__cinnamon.n.01, cooked__ginger.n.01, cooked__mace.n.01, pumpkin_pie_spice.n.01, cooked__allspice.n.01, cinnamon.n.03, cooked__pumpkin_pie_spice.n.01, fennel.n.04, nutmeg.n.02, clove.n.04, cooked__fennel.n.01, chinese_anise.n.02, 0 8 0
spice_cookie.n.01 Ready False True cookie flavored with spices cookie.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, real, cooked, make_cookies-0, spice_cookie, 1 1 1
spice_cookie_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, spice_cookie_dough, 1 1 0
spinach.n.02 Ready False True dark green leaves; eaten cooked or raw in salads greens.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, cooked, buy_salad_greens-0, cook_vegetables-0, clearing_table_after_dinner-0, make_a_salad-0, clean_a_kitchen_sink-0, cook_spinach-0, spinach, 6 6 6
spirit_lamp.n.01 Ready False True a lamp that burns a volatile liquid fuel such as alcohol lamp.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, spirit_lamp, 1 1 0
sponge.n.01 Ready False True a porous mass of interlacing fibers that forms the internal skeleton of various marine animals and usable to absorb water or any porous rubber or cellulose product similarly used absorbent_material.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, saturated, clean_marker_off_a_doll-0, washing_bowls-0, clean_a_blender-0, cleaning_kitchen_knives-0, clean_a_dirty_tent-0, lube_a_bicycle_chain-0, clean_a_grill_pan-0, clean_a_longboard-0, clean_out_a_guinea_pigs_hutch-0, clean_snow_peas-0, ... sponge, 3 3 46
spoon.n.01 Ready False False a piece of cutlery with a shallow bowl-shaped container and a handle; used to stir or serve or take up food container.n.01, cutlery.n.02, wooden_spoon.n.02, teaspoon.n.02, soupspoon.n.01, dessert_spoon.n.01, tablespoon.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 27 0
spore.n.01 Substance False False a small usually single-celled asexual reproductive body produced by many nonflowering plants and fungi and some bacteria and protozoans and that are capable of developing into a new individual without sexual fusion agamete.n.01, pollen.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
sports_equipment.n.01 Ready False False equipment needed to participate in a particular sport equipment.n.01, mat.n.03, gymnastic_apparatus.n.01, stick.n.06, golf_equipment.n.01, skate.n.01, flat_bench.n.02, boxing_equipment.n.01, weight.n.02, baseball_equipment.n.01, basketball_equipment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, packing_sports_equipment_into_car-0, 0 23 1
sports_implement.n.01 Ready False False an implement used in a sport implement.n.01, cue.n.04, racket.n.04, mallet.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 4 0
spotlight.n.02 Ready False True a lamp that produces a strong beam of light to illuminate a restricted area; used to focus attention of a stage performer lamp.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, spotlight, 7 7 0
spout.n.01 Ready False False an opening that allows the passage of liquids or grain opening.n.10, nozzle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 11 0
spray_paint.n.01 Substance False True paint applied with a spray gun paint.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, insource, installing_a_fence-0, painting_house_exterior-0, painting_porch-0, spray_paint, 1 1 3
spray_paint__can.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, installing_a_fence-0, painting_house_exterior-0, painting_porch-0, spray_paint_can, 1 1 3
spread.n.05 Substance False False a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes condiment.n.01, cooked__peanut_butter.n.01, cooked__nut_butter.n.01, margarine.n.01, hummus.n.01, miso.n.01, cooked__margarine.n.01, nut_butter.n.01, peanut_butter.n.01, cooked__miso.n.01, cooked__hummus.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
springboard.n.01 Not Ready False False a flexible board for jumping upward board.n.03, diving_board.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
sprinkler.n.01 Not Ready False True mechanical device that attaches to a garden hose for watering lawn or garden mechanical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
sprout.n.01 Not Ready False True any new growth of a plant such as a new branch or a bud plant_organ.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
spurge.n.01 Ready False False any of numerous plants of the genus Euphorbia; usually having milky often poisonous juice shrub.n.01, poinsettia.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
square.n.08 Ready False True a hand tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles; used to construct or test right angles hand_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, set_triangle, 1 1 0
squash.n.02 Ready False False edible fruit of a squash plant; eaten as a vegetable vegetable.n.01, summer_squash.n.02, winter_squash.n.02, 0 12 0
squeegee.n.01 Ready False True T-shaped cleaning implement with a rubber edge across the top; drawn across a surface to remove water (as in washing windows) cleaning_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, washing_windows-0, squeegee, 1 1 1
squeeze_bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, squeeze_bottle, 5 5 0
squeezer.n.01 Ready False False a kitchen utensil for squeezing juice from fruit kitchen_utensil.n.01, reamer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
squid.n.01 Ready False True (Italian cuisine) squid prepared as food seafood.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, squid, 3 3 0
staff.n.02 Ready False False a strong rod or stick with a specialized utilitarian purpose stick.n.01, flagpole.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
stage_set.n.01 Ready False False representation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production representation.n.02, scenery.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
stain.n.01 Substance False True a soiled or discolored appearance appearance.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_dog_collars-0, cleaning_garden_tools-0, washing_bowls-0, wash_a_leotard-0, cleaning_up_refrigerator-0, clean_synthetic_hiking_gear-0, wash_dog_toys-0, wash_a_bra-0, polishing_shoes-0, cleaning_the_hot_tub-0, ... stain, 9 9 135
stairs.n.01 Ready False False a flight of stairs or a flight of steps stairway.n.01, ladder.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
stairway.n.01 Ready False False a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of steps way.n.06, stairs.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
stake.n.05 Ready False True a strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end so it can be driven into the ground post.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, stake, 1 1 0
stalk.n.02 Ready False False a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ plant_organ.n.01, half__trunk.n.01, half__branch.n.01, trunk.n.01, cutting.n.02, diced__trunk.n.01, bulb.n.01, diced__branch.n.01, branch.n.02, 0 7 0
stand.n.04 Ready False True a small table for holding articles of various kinds table.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nightstand, stand, 18 18 0
stand.n.10 Ready False True tiered seats consisting of a structure (often made of wood) where people can sit to watch an event (game or parade) tiered_seat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, stadium_stand, 2 2 0
standard.n.01 Ready False False a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated system_of_measurement.n.01, medium_of_exchange.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 10 0
staple.n.04 Not Ready False True a short U-shaped wire nail for securing cables nail.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
staple.n.05 Ready False True paper fastener consisting of a short length of U-shaped wire that can fasten papers together paper_fastener.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, staple, 1 1 0
staple_gun.n.01 Not Ready False True a hand-held machine for driving staples home machine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
stapler.n.01 Ready False True a machine that inserts staples into sheets of paper in order to fasten them together machine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, clean_up_your_desk-0, stapler, 2 2 1
starch.n.01 Substance False False a complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, notably in corn, potatoes, wheat, and rice; an important foodstuff and used otherwise especially in adhesives and as fillers and stiffeners for paper and textiles polysaccharide.n.01, cooked__cornstarch.n.01, cornstarch.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
starches.n.01 Ready False False foodstuff rich in natural starch (especially potatoes, rice, bread) foodstuff.n.02, french_fries.n.02, diced__french_fries.n.01, mashed_potato.n.02, bread.n.01, half__french_fries.n.01, rice.n.01, cooked__mashed_potato.n.01, cooked__diced__french_fries.n.01, potato.n.01, cooked__diced__potato.n.01, diced__potato.n.01, half__potato.n.01, 0 99 0
state.n.02 Substance False False the way something is with respect to its main attributes attribute.n.02, condition.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 9 0
statue.n.01 Ready False True a sculpture representing a human or animal sculpture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, garden_statue, statue, 27 27 0
steak.n.01 Ready False True a slice of meat cut from the fleshy part of an animal or large fish cut.n.06, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cooked, frozen, covered, canning_food-0, buy_meat_from_a_butcher-0, cooking_lunch-0, make_beef_and_broccoli-0, freeze_meat-0, cooking_food_for_adult-0, cook_beef_and_onions-0, make_a_steak-0, preparing_food_for_adult-0, steak, 8 8 9
steamer.n.02 Ready False True a cooking utensil that can be used to cook food by steaming it cooking_utensil.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cook_a_crab-0, steamer_basket, zhenglong, 2 2 1
steel.n.03 Ready False True knife sharpener consisting of a ridged steel rod sharpener.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, honing_steel, 1 1 0
steel_wool.n.01 Ready False True a mass of woven steel fibers used as an abrasive abrasive.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, cleaning_garden_tools-0, cleaning_fishing_gear-0, steel_wool, 1 1 2
steering_wheel.n.01 Not Ready False True a handwheel that is used for steering handwheel.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
stencil.n.01 Not Ready False True a sheet of material (metal, plastic, cardboard, waxed paper, silk, etc.) that has been perforated with a pattern (printing or a design); ink or paint can pass through the perforations to create the printed pattern on the surface below sheet.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
step.n.04 Ready False True support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway support.n.10, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, stairs, 1 1 0
stew.n.02 Substance False False food prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables dish.n.02, fish_stew.n.01, lamb_stew.n.01, cooked__lamb_stew.n.01, beef_stew.n.01, cooked__beef_stew.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
stew__carton.n.01 Not Ready True True box.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
stick.n.01 Ready False False an implement consisting of a length of wood implement.n.01, club.n.03, staff.n.02, drumstick.n.02, bow.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
stick.n.06 Ready False False a long implement (usually made of wood) that is shaped so that hockey or polo players can hit a puck or ball sports_equipment.n.01, hockey_stick.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
sticky_note.n.01 Ready True True pad.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sticky_note, 1 1 0
stirrer.n.02 Ready False True an implement used for stirring implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, make_a_cappuccino-0, magnetic_stirrer, 1 1 1
stocking.n.01 Not Ready False True close-fitting hosiery to cover the foot and leg; come in matched pairs (usually used in the plural) hosiery.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, stocking, 0 0 0
stockpot.n.01 Ready False True a pot used for preparing soup stock pot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, contains, inside, filled, cook_chickpeas-0, cook_noodles-0, make_curry_rice-0, cook_oysters-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, make_yams-0, cook_ham_hocks-0, make_a_basic_brine-0, cook_corn-0, cook_pasta-0, ... stockpot, 8 8 30
stone.n.02 Ready False False building material consisting of a piece of rock hewn in a definite shape for a special purpose building_material.n.01, gravestone.n.01, paving_stone.n.01, whetstone.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
stone_wall.n.01 Ready False True a fence built of rough stones; used to separate fields fence.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, stone_wall, 1 1 0
stool.n.01 Ready False False a simple seat without a back or arms seat.n.03, footstool.n.01, music_stool.n.01, footstool.n.02, bar_stool.n.01, taboret.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, clean_marker_off_a_doll-0, clean_invisalign-0, clean_jewels-0, clean_tweed-0, wash_your_rings-0, disinfect_nail_clippers-0, clean_suede_gloves-0, 0 28 7
storage_container.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, storage_box, 11 11 0
storage_organizer.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, storage_organizer, 1 1 0
storage_space.n.01 Not Ready False False the area in any structure that provides space for storage area.n.05, cupboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
stove.n.01 Ready False True a kitchen appliance used for cooking food kitchen_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, toggled_on, cook_chickpeas-0, cook_a_crab-0, cook_noodles-0, cook_carrots-0, cook_shrimp-0, make_fish_and_chips-0, make_curry_rice-0, cook_oysters-0, cook_vegetables-0, cook_chorizo-0, ... stove, 10 10 81
straight_chair.n.01 Ready False True a straight-backed chair without arms chair.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, straight_chair, 52 52 0
straight_pin.n.01 Ready False True pin consisting of a short straight stiff piece of wire with a pointed end; used to fasten pieces of cloth or paper together pin.n.09, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, straight_pin, 4 4 0
straightener.n.01 Not Ready False True a device for straightening device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
strainer.n.01 Ready False False a filter to retain larger pieces while smaller pieces and liquids pass through filter.n.01, sieve.n.01, colander.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
straw.n.04 Ready False True a thin paper or plastic tube used to suck liquids into the mouth tube.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, getting_a_drink-0, disposing_of_trash_for_adult-0, straw, 3 3 2
strawberry.n.01 Ready False True sweet fleshy red fruit berry.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, ontop, inside, covered, cooked, freeze_fruit-0, clean_strawberries-0, make_a_strawberry_slushie-0, make_strawberries_and_cream-0, preserving_fruit-0, make_fruit_punch-0, make_popsicles-0, strawberry, 2 2 7
street_sign.n.01 Ready False False a sign visible from the street sign.n.02, address.n.05, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
strengthener.n.01 Not Ready False False a device designed to provide additional strength device.n.01, brace.n.09, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
string.n.01 Ready False True a lightweight cord cord.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rope, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, clean_a_turkey-0, twine, 1 1 1
stringed_instrument.n.01 Ready False False a musical instrument in which taut strings provide the source of sound musical_instrument.n.01, guitar.n.01, bowed_stringed_instrument.n.01, piano.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 9 0
strip.n.02 Ready False False artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of material artifact.n.01, tape.n.01, band.n.07, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 7 0
strip.n.05 Ready False False thin piece of wood or metal lumber.n.01, picket.n.05, slat.n.01, toothpick.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
strongbox.n.01 Ready False False a strongly made box for holding money or valuables; can be locked box.n.01, cashbox.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
structural_member.n.01 Ready False False support that is a constituent part of any structure or building support.n.10, upright.n.01, brace.n.09, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 21 0
structure.n.01 Ready False False a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts artifact.n.01, area.n.05, building.n.01, bridge.n.01, shelter.n.01, signboard.n.01, obstruction.n.01, partition.n.01, lamination.n.01, memorial.n.03, supporting_structure.n.01, drinking_fountain.n.02, fountain.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1866 0
structure.n.03 Ready False False the complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations cognition.n.01, arrangement.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
structure.n.04 Ready False False a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing body_part.n.01, filament.n.03, valve.n.01, 0 1 0
stucco.n.01 Substance False True a plaster now made mostly from Portland cement and sand and lime; applied while soft to cover exterior walls or surfaces plaster.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, spray_stucco-0, clean_stucco-0, stucco, 9 9 2
stud.n.02 Not Ready False True ornament consisting of a circular rounded protuberance (as on a vault or shield or belt) decoration.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
stuffing.n.01 Substance False True a mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetables concoction.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
substance.n.01 Ready False False the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists matter.n.03, part.n.01, fluid.n.01, mixture.n.01, body_substance.n.01, chemical_element.n.01, material.n.01, medium.n.07, 0 200 0
substance.n.07 Ready False False a particular kind or species of matter with uniform properties matter.n.03, leaven.n.01, fuel.n.01, food.n.01, lubricant.n.01, agent.n.03, jelly.n.03, nutrient.n.02, 0 458 0
succulent.n.01 Ready False False a plant adapted to arid conditions and characterized by fleshy water-storing tissues that act as water reservoirs vascular_plant.n.01, pottable__cactus.n.01, echeveria_elegans.n.01, cactus.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
sugar.n.01 Ready False False a white crystalline carbohydrate used as a sweetener and preservative sweetening.n.01, cane_sugar.n.02, granulated_sugar.n.01, melted__cane_sugar.n.01, brown_sugar.n.01, lump_sugar.n.01, cooked__brown_sugar.n.01, cooked__cinnamon_sugar.n.01, cinnamon_sugar.n.01, melted__granulated_sugar.n.01, 0 5 0
sugar__sack.n.01 Ready True True bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, make_waffles-0, filling_sugar-0, make_blueberry_mousse-0, make_applesauce-0, make_cake_filling-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, make_dinner_rolls-0, make_hot_cocoa-0, make_a_frappe-0, make_eggnog-0, ... sugar_sack, 1 1 28
sugar_coffee_scrub.n.01 Substance True True soap.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, future, real, contains, make_a_sugar_and_coffee_scrub-0, sugar_coffee_scrub, 1 1 1
sugar_cookie.n.01 Ready False True cookies sprinkled with granulated sugar cookie.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, ontop, real, cooked, inside, covered, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, baking_sugar_cookies-0, make_a_military_care_package-0, ice_cookies-0, sugar_cookie, 3 3 5
sugar_cookie_dough.n.01 Ready True True dough.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, future, inside, real, cooked, make_cookie_dough-0, sugar_cookie_dough, 1 1 1
sugar_syrup.n.01 Substance False True sugar and water and sometimes corn syrup boiled together; used as sweetening especially in drinks syrup.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, insource, preserving_fruit-0, make_an_iced_espresso-0, make_cream_soda-0, sugar_syrup, 0 0 3
sugar_syrup__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, inside, make_an_iced_espresso-0, make_cream_soda-0, sugar_syrup_bottle, 1 1 2
suit.n.01 Not Ready False True a set of garments (usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt) for outerwear all of the same fabric and color garment.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
sulfate.n.01 Substance False False a salt or ester of sulphuric acid salt.n.01, magnesium_sulfate.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
summer_squash.n.02 Ready False False any of various fruits of the gourd family that mature during the summer; eaten while immature and before seeds and rind harden squash.n.02, diced__zucchini.n.01, cooked__diced__zucchini.n.01, half__zucchini.n.01, pattypan_squash.n.02, zucchini.n.02, 0 8 0
sunflower.n.01 Ready False True any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays flower.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, sunflower, 18 18 0
sunflower_seed.n.01 Substance False True edible seed of sunflowers; used as food and poultry feed and as a source of oil edible_seed.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, toast_sunflower_seeds-0, make_homemade_bird_food-0, sunflower_seed, 9 9 2
sunflower_seed__bag.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, toast_sunflower_seeds-0, make_homemade_bird_food-0, sunflower_seed_bag, 1 1 2
sunglasses.n.02 Ready True True optical_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, clean_sunglasses-0, packing_car_for_trip-0, sunglasses, 4 4 2
sunscreen.n.01 Substance False True a cream spread on the skin; contains a chemical (as PABA) to filter out ultraviolet light and so protect from sunburn cream.n.03, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
sunscreen__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
support.n.07 Not Ready False False supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation supporting_structure.n.01, foundation.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
support.n.10 Ready False False any device that bears the weight of another thing device.n.01, bar.n.13, rack.n.05, bookend.n.01, harness.n.01, structural_member.n.01, hanger.n.02, perch.n.01, seat.n.04, shelf.n.01, base.n.08, bearing.n.06, bracket.n.04, step.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 88 0
supporting_structure.n.01 Ready False False a structure that serves to support something structure.n.01, framework.n.03, support.n.07, skeleton.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 167 0
surface.n.01 Ready False False the outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary artifact.n.01, side.n.05, work_surface.n.01, board.n.09, horizontal_surface.n.01, screen.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 767 0
sushi.n.01 Ready False True rice (with raw fish) wrapped in seaweed dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, picking_up_take_out_food-0, make_bento-0, sushi, 1 1 2
swab.n.02 Ready False True cleaning implement consisting of absorbent material fastened to a handle; for cleaning floors cleaning_implement.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, mopping_the_kitchen_floor-0, clean_up_gasoline-0, polish_wood_floors-0, clean_outdoor_tiles-0, washing_outside_walls-0, clean_household_cleaning_tools-0, clean_a_sauna-0, clean_walls-0, clean_your_cleaning_supplies-0, cleaning_boat-0, ... mop, 1 1 13
sweat_suit.n.01 Ready False True garment consisting of sweat pants and a sweatshirt garment.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, saturated, clean_a_sauna_suit-0, sauna_suit, 1 1 1
sweater.n.01 Ready False False a crocheted or knitted garment covering the upper part of the body garment.n.01, cardigan.n.01, pullover.n.01, crewneck_sweater.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, draped, covered, inside, putting_away_purchased_clothes-0, brushing_lint_off_clothing-0, donating_clothing-0, organizing_items_for_yard_sale-0, hanging_clothes-0, taking_clothes_out_of_the_dryer-0, hand_washing_clothing-0, 0 3 7
sweatshirt.n.01 Ready False True cotton knit pullover with long sleeves worn during athletic activity pullover.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, hoodie, sweatshirt, 2 2 0
sweet.n.03 Ready False False a food rich in sugar dainty.n.01, candy.n.01, chewing_gum.n.01, confiture.n.01, 0 24 0
sweet_corn.n.02 Ready False True corn that can be eaten as a vegetable while still young and soft corn.n.03, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, cook_corn-0, sorting_vegetables-0, sweet_corn, 4 4 2
sweet_pepper.n.02 Ready False False large mild crisp thick-walled capsicum peppers usually bell-shaped or somewhat oblong; commonly used in salads pepper.n.04, half__bell_pepper.n.01, cooked__diced__bell_pepper.n.01, diced__bell_pepper.n.01, bell_pepper.n.02, 0 8 0
sweet_potato.n.02 Ready False False the edible tuberous root of the sweet potato vine which is grown widely in warm regions of the United States root_vegetable.n.01, diced__yam.n.01, half__yam.n.01, half__candied_yam.n.01, cooked__diced__yam.n.01, yam.n.03, 0 7 0
sweet_roll.n.01 Ready False False any of numerous yeast-raised sweet rolls with our without raisins or nuts or spices or a glaze bun.n.01, half__cinnamon_roll.n.01, cooked__diced__danish.n.01, cinnamon_roll.n.01, half__cheese_danish.n.01, diced__cinnamon_roll.n.01, half__danish.n.01, diced__danish.n.01, danish.n.02, cooked__diced__cinnamon_roll.n.01, 0 6 0
sweetening.n.01 Ready False False something added to foods to make them taste sweeter flavorer.n.01, cooked__honey.n.01, syrup.n.01, sugar.n.01, honey.n.01, 0 5 0
swimming_pool.n.01 Ready False True pool that provides a facility for swimming pool.n.01, athletic_facility.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, swimming_pool, 3 3 0
swimsuit.n.01 Ready False False tight fitting garment worn for swimming garment.n.01, bikini.n.02, maillot.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, folded, inside, pack_for_the_pool-0, 0 2 1
swing.n.02 Ready False True mechanical device used as a plaything to support someone swinging back and forth plaything.n.01, mechanical_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, swing, swing_set, 3 3 0
swiss_cheese.n.01 Ready False True hard pale yellow cheese with many holes from Switzerland cheese.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, assembling_gift_baskets-0, swiss_cheese, 1 1 1
switch.n.01 Ready False True control consisting of a mechanical or electrical or electronic device for making or breaking or changing the connections in a circuit control.n.09, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, toggled_on, turning_out_all_lights_before_sleep-0, electric_switch, 10 10 1
swivel_chair.n.01 Ready False True a chair that swivels on its base chair.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, ontop, clean_an_office_chair-0, clean_up_your_desk-0, setting_up_silent_auction-0, getting_organized_for_work-0, swivel_chair, 57 57 4
symbol.n.01 Ready False False an arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance signal.n.01, award.n.02, token.n.01, marker.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 24 0
symbol.n.02 Ready False False something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible representational_process.n.01, emblem.n.02, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
synthetic_resin.n.01 Not Ready False False a resin having a polymeric structure; especially a resin in the raw state; used chiefly in plastics polymer.n.01, resin.n.01, vinyl_polymer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
syringe.n.01 Ready False True a medical instrument used to inject or withdraw fluids medical_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, syringe, 1 1 0
syrup.n.01 Substance False False a thick sweet sticky liquid sweetening.n.01, sugar_syrup.n.01, cooked__maple_syrup.n.01, corn_syrup.n.01, maple_syrup.n.01, molasses.n.01, cooked__sugar_syrup.n.01, cooked__corn_syrup.n.01, cooked__molasses.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
system.n.01 Ready False False instrumentality that combines interrelated interacting artifacts designed to work as a coherent entity instrumentality.n.03, audio_system.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
system_of_measurement.n.01 Ready False False a system of related measures that facilitates the quantification of some particular characteristic measure.n.02, standard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 10 0
table.n.01 Ready False False a set of data arranged in rows and columns array.n.01, periodic_table.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
table.n.02 Ready False False a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs furniture.n.01, counter.n.01, desk.n.01, pedestal_table.n.01, worktable.n.01, breakfast_table.n.01, booth.n.01, pool_table.n.01, gaming_table.n.01, conference_table.n.01, console_table.n.01, stand.n.04, kitchen_table.n.01, coffee_table.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, under, nextto, touching, clean_a_kitchen_table-0, organizing_school_stuff-0, setting_up_living_room_for_guest-0, picking_up_baggage-0, repairs_to_furniture-0, organizing_file_cabinet-0, cleaning_freezer-0, stash_snacks_in_your_room-0, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, set_up_a_home_office_in_your_garage-0, ... 0 182 54
table_knife.n.01 Ready False True a knife used for eating at dining table cutlery.n.02, knife.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, nextto, overlaid, touching, cleaning_kitchen_knives-0, prepare_a_filling_breakfast-0, laying_restaurant_table_for_dinner-0, wrap_silverware-0, make_homemade_bird_food-0, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, putting_out_condiments-0, set_a_dinner_table-0, make_a_sandwich-0, clean_a_candle_jar-0, ... table_knife, 6 6 11
table_lamp.n.01 Ready False True a lamp that sits on a table lamp.n.02, attachable, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, inside, toggled_on, remove_a_broken_light_bulb-0, set_up_a_home_office_in_your_garage-0, changing_bulbs-0, changing_light_bulbs-0, clean_a_light_bulb-0, table_lamp, 37 37 5
table_linen.n.01 Ready False False linens for the dining table linen.n.03, tablecloth.n.01, place_mat.n.01, napkin.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, treating_stains-0, 0 12 1
tablecloth.n.01 Ready False True a covering spread over a dining table table_linen.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, folded, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, putting_tablecloth_on_table-0, setting_up_for_an_event-0, folding_clean_laundry-0, table_runner, tablecloth, 6 6 4
tablefork.n.01 Ready False True a fork for eating at a dining table fork.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, nextto, ontop, covered, laying_restaurant_table_for_dinner-0, rinsing_dishes-0, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, set_a_dinner_table-0, clearing_table_after_supper-0, prepare_quinoa-0, set_a_fancy_table-0, setting_the_table-0, serving_food_on_the_table-0, tablefork, 7 7 9
tablespoon.n.02 Ready False True a spoon larger than a dessert spoon; used for serving spoon.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, overlaid, covered, make_a_vinegar_cleaning_solution-0, laying_restaurant_table_for_dinner-0, make_applesauce-0, make_cake_filling-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, wrap_silverware-0, brewing_coffee-0, make_bagels-0, make_chocolate_spread-0, make_a_strawberry_slushie-0, ... tablespoon, 7 7 36
tablet.n.05 Ready True True portable_computer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, tablet, 1 1 0
tabletop.n.01 Ready False False the top horizontal work surface of a table work_surface.n.01, countertop.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 24 0
tableware.n.01 Ready False False articles for use at the table (dishes and silverware and glassware) ware.n.01, flatware.n.01, crockery.n.01, glassware.n.01, cutlery.n.02, chopstick.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 158 0
taboret.n.01 Ready False True a low stool in the shape of a drum stool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, taboret, 10 10 0
tack.n.02 Ready False False a short nail with a sharp point and a large head nail.n.02, thumbtack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
taco.n.02 Ready False True a tortilla rolled cupped around a filling dish.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, taco, 1 1 0
tag.n.01 Ready False False a label written or printed on paper, cardboard, or plastic that is attached to something to indicate its owner, nature, price, etc. label.n.04, name_tag.n.01, price_tag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
tag.n.02 Ready False True a label associated with something for the purpose of identification label.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, tag, 2 2 0
tail.n.01 Not Ready False False the posterior part of the body of a vertebrate especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body process.n.05, diced__oxtail.n.01, oxtail.n.01, half__oxtail.n.01, cooked__diced__oxtail.n.01, 0 0 0
talcum.n.02 Substance False True a toilet powder made of purified talc and usually scented; absorbs excess moisture toilet_powder.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
tank.n.02 Ready False True a large (usually metallic) vessel for holding gases or liquids vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, filled, open, inside, setup_a_fish_tank-0, tank, 1 1 1
tank_top.n.01 Ready False True a tight-fitting sleeveless shirt with wide shoulder straps and low neck and no front opening; often worn over a shirt or blouse shirt.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, folded, inside, draped, folding_clothes-0, putting_laundry_in_drawer-0, pack_your_gym_bag-0, taking_clothes_off_of_the_drying_rack-0, taking_clothes_off_the_line-0, tidying_bathroom-0, tank_top, 1 1 6
tape.n.01 Ready False False a long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening strip.n.02, adhesive_tape.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, buying_office_supplies-0, 0 5 1
tape.n.04 Not Ready False True measuring instrument consisting of a narrow strip (cloth or metal) marked in inches or centimeters and used for measuring lengths measuring_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, measuring_tape, 0 0 0
tarnish.n.02 Substance True True appearance.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_a_whiteboard-0, clean_vinyl_shutters-0, clean_the_bottom_of_an_iron-0, tarnish, 1 1 3
tarpaulin.n.01 Ready False True waterproofed canvas canvas.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, putting_away_bicycles-0, covering_boat-0, putting_protective_cover_on_vehicle-0, prepare_your_garden_for_winter-0, tarp, 3 3 4
tart.n.02 Ready False False a small open pie with a fruit filling pie.n.01, cooked__diced__cheese_tart.n.01, tartlet.n.01, half__quiche.n.01, cooked__diced__quiche.n.01, diced__cheese_tart.n.01, half__cheese_tart.n.01, cheese_tart.n.01, diced__quiche.n.01, quiche.n.02, 0 11 0
tartlet.n.01 Ready False True a small tart usually used as a canape tart.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, tartlet, 2 2 0
tassel.n.01 Ready False True adornment consisting of a bunch of cords fastened at one end adornment.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, tassel, 1 1 0
taste.n.05 Substance False False a small amount eaten or drunk small_indefinite_quantity.n.01, morsel.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 3 0
taxonomic_group.n.01 Ready False False animal or plant group having natural relations biological_group.n.01, genus.n.02, flammable, 0 3 0
tea.n.01 Substance False True a beverage made by steeping tea leaves in water beverage.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, filled, clean_cups-0, clean_an_electric_kettle-0, tea, 0 0 2
tea.n.05 Ready False False dried leaves of the tea shrub; used to make tea herb.n.02, green_tea.n.01, tea_bag.n.01, cooked__green_tea.n.01, 0 2 0
tea_bag.n.01 Ready False True a measured amount of tea in a bag for an individual serving of tea tea.n.05, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, make_iced_tea-0, tea_bag, 1 1 1
teacup.n.02 Ready False True a cup from which tea is drunk cup.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, nextto, contains, clean_cups-0, set_up_a_coffee_station_in_your_kitchen-0, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, setting_up_garden_furniture-0, make_a_cappuccino-0, teacup, 7 7 5
teapot.n.01 Ready False True pot for brewing tea; usually has a spout and handle pot.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, washing_pots_and_pans-0, teapot, 3 3 2
teaspoon.n.02 Ready False True a small spoon used for stirring tea or coffee; holds about one fluid dram spoon.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, covered, filling_sugar-0, make_blueberry_mousse-0, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, make_hot_cocoa-0, make_strawberries_and_cream-0, make_jamaican_jerk_seasoning-0, stock_a_bar_cart-0, make_an_iced_espresso-0, make_iced_chocolate-0, setting_table_for_coffee-0, ... teaspoon, 12 12 13
teddy.n.01 Ready False True plaything consisting of a child's toy bear (usually plush and stuffed with soft materials) plaything.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, collecting_childrens_toys-0, setting_up_living_room_for_guest-0, wash_dog_toys-0, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, donating_toys-0, clean_a_teddy_bear-0, clean_baby_toys-0, make_dinosaur_goody_bags-0, setup_a_baby_crib-0, teddy_bear, 5 5 9
telephone.n.01 Ready False False electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds electronic_equipment.n.01, handset.n.01, desk_phone.n.01, pay-phone.n.01, radiotelephone.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
telephone_receiver.n.01 Ready False False earphone that converts electrical signals into sounds earphone.n.01, headset.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
television_receiver.n.01 Ready False True an electronic device that receives television signals and displays them on a screen receiver.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, clean_your_electronics-0, setting_up_room_for_a_movie-0, clean_a_LED_screen-0, standing_tv, wall_mounted_tv, 29 29 3
temptation.n.01 Ready False False something that seduces or has the quality to seduce influence.n.03, bait.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
tenderloin.n.02 Ready False True the tender meat of the loin muscle on each side of the vertebral column cut.n.06, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, tenderloin, 1 1 0
tennis_ball.n.01 Ready False True ball about the size of a fist used in playing tennis ball.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, ontop, wash_dog_toys-0, picking_up_toys-0, wash_duvets-0, clean_tennis_balls-0, tennis_ball, 1 1 4
tennis_racket.n.01 Ready False True a racket used to play tennis racket.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, de_clutter_your_garage-0, sorting_items_for_garage_sale-0, tennis_racket, 2 2 2
tent.n.01 Ready False True a portable shelter (usually of canvas stretched over supporting poles and fastened to the ground with ropes and pegs) shelter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, packing_hiking_equipment_into_car-0, clean_a_dirty_tent-0, tent, 1 1 2
tequila.n.01 Substance False True Mexican liquor made from fermented juices of an agave plant liquor.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
tequila__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
terminal.n.04 Ready False False electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and display electronic_equipment.n.01, job-oriented_terminal.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
terrarium.n.01 Ready False True a vivarium in which selected living plants are kept and observed vivarium.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, terrarium, 3 3 0
test_tube.n.01 Ready False True glass tube closed at one end tube.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, test_tube, 1 1 0
test_tube_rack.n.01 Ready True True rack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, test_tube_rack, 3 3 0
text.n.01 Ready False False the words of something written matter.n.06, letter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 17 0
textbook.n.01 Ready False True a book prepared for use in schools or colleges book.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, sorting_books_on_shelf-0, moving_stuff_to_storage-0, sorting_items_for_garage_sale-0, textbook, 1 1 3
thermometer.n.01 Ready False False measuring instrument for measuring temperature measuring_instrument.n.01, self-registering_thermometer.n.01, meat_thermometer.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
thermos.n.01 Not Ready False True vacuum flask that preserves temperature of hot or cold drinks vacuum_flask.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
thermostat.n.01 Ready False True a regulator for automatically regulating temperature by starting or stopping the supply of heat regulator.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, thermostat, 1 1 0
thing.n.04 Substance False False an artifact artifact.n.01, pill.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
thing.n.12 Ready False False a separate and self-contained entity physical_entity.n.01, unit.n.05, part.n.03, 0 25 0
thread.n.01 Ready False False a fine cord of twisted fibers (of cotton or silk or wool or nylon etc.) used in sewing and weaving cord.n.01, tinsel.n.02, cotton.n.04, dental_floss.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
thumbtack.n.01 Ready False True a tack for attaching papers to a bulletin board or drawing board paper_fastener.n.01, tack.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, thumbtack, 1 1 0
thyme.n.02 Substance False True leaves can be used as seasoning for almost any meat and stews and stuffings and vegetables herb.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, cooking_food_for_adult-0, cook_turkey_drumsticks-0, thyme, 1 1 2
thyme__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, inside, cooking_food_for_adult-0, cook_turkey_drumsticks-0, thyme_shaker, 1 1 2
ticket.n.01 Ready False True a commercial document showing that the holder is entitled to something (as to ride on public transportation or to enter a public entertainment) commercial_document.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ticket, 1 1 0
tie.n.09 Not Ready False True a cord (or string or ribbon or wire etc.) with which something is tied cord.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
tiered_seat.n.01 Ready False False seating that is arranged in sloping tiers so that spectators in the back can see over the heads of those in front seating.n.01, stand.n.10, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
tights.n.01 Ready False True skintight knit hose covering the body from the waist to the feet worn by acrobats and dancers and as stockings by women and girls hosiery.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, draped, inside, wash_a_leotard-0, taking_clothes_out_of_the_dryer-0, tights, 1 1 2
tile.n.01 Ready False True a flat thin rectangular slab (as of fired clay or rubber or linoleum) used to cover surfaces slab.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, laying_tile_floors-0, clean_outdoor_tiles-0, ceramic_tile, tile, 6 6 2
timepiece.n.01 Ready False False a measuring instrument or device for keeping time measuring_instrument.n.01, sandglass.n.01, clock.n.01, watch.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 16 0
timer.n.03 Not Ready False True a regulator that activates or deactivates a mechanism at set times governor.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
tinsel.n.02 Ready False True a thread with glittering metal foil attached thread.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rope, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, tinsel, 1 1 0
tiramisu.n.01 Ready False True an Italian dessert consisting of layers of sponge cake soaked with coffee and brandy or liqueur layered with mascarpone cheese and topped with grated chocolate dessert.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, laying_out_a_feast-0, tiramisu, 2 2 1
tire.n.01 Ready False False hoop that covers a wheel hoop.n.02, whitewall_tire.n.01, car_tire.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
tissue.n.01 Not Ready False False part of an organism consisting of an aggregate of cells having a similar structure and function body_part.n.01, animal_tissue.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
tissue.n.02 Ready False False a soft thin (usually translucent) paper paper.n.01, toilet_tissue.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, clean_an_electric_razor-0, emptying_ashtray-0, picking_up_litter-0, clean_a_watch-0, grease_and_flour_a_pan-0, prepare_an_emergency_school_kit-0, 0 4 6
tissue_dispenser.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, tissue_dispenser, 6 6 0
toast.n.01 Ready False True slices of bread that have been toasted bread.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, make_an_egg_tomato_and_toast_breakfast-0, clean_a_toaster_oven-0, toast, 2 2 3
toaster.n.02 Ready False True a kitchen appliance (usually electric) for toasting bread kitchen_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, heatSource, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, inside, toast_buns-0, make_toast-0, clean_kitchen_appliances-0, clean_a_toaster-0, sorting_items_for_garage_sale-0, toaster, 1 1 5
toaster_oven.n.01 Ready False True kitchen appliance consisting of a small electric oven for toasting or warming food kitchen_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatSource, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, covered, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, rearranging_kitchen_furniture-0, clean_a_toaster_oven-0, toaster_oven, 1 1 3
toasting_fork.n.01 Ready False True long-handled fork for cooking or toasting frankfurters or bread etc. (especially over an open fire) fork.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, grill_burgers-0, toasting_fork, 3 3 1
tobacco.n.01 Ready False False leaves of the tobacco plant dried and prepared for smoking or ingestion drug_of_abuse.n.01, plant_product.n.01, roll_of_tobacco.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 5 0
tofu.n.02 Ready True True curd.n.01, cookable, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, cooked, cook_tofu-0, tofu, 3 3 1
toilet.n.02 Ready False True a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination plumbing_fixture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, covered, ontop, setting_mousetraps-0, cleaning_toilet-0, washing_floor-0, cleaning_bathrooms-0, clean_your_house_after_a_wild_party-0, tidying_bathroom-0, toilet, 20 20 6
toilet_paper_dispenser.n.01 Ready True True home_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, toilet_paper_dispenser, 5 5 0
toilet_paper_holder.n.01 Ready True True holder.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, toilet_paper_holder, 2 2 0
toilet_powder.n.01 Substance False False a fine powder for spreading on the body (as after bathing) powder.n.03, talcum.n.02, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
toilet_soap.n.01 Substance False True soap used as a toiletry soap.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, clean_fur-0, toilet_soap, 0 0 1
toilet_soap__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, clean_fur-0, toilet_soap_bottle, 1 1 1
toilet_tissue.n.01 Ready False True a soft thin absorbent paper for use in toilets tissue.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, packing_grocery_bags_into_car-0, stock_grocery_shelves-0, tidying_bathroom-0, toilet_paper, 4 4 3
toiletry.n.01 Ready False False artifacts used in making your toilet (washing and taking care of your body) instrumentality.n.03, cream.n.03, hair_spray.n.01, lotion.n.01, deodorant.n.01, perfume.n.02, cosmetic.n.01, powder.n.03, toothbrush.n.01, 0 8 0
token.n.01 Ready False False an individual instance of a type of symbol symbol.n.01, postage.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
tomato.n.01 Ready False False mildly acid red or yellow pulpy fruit eaten as a vegetable solanaceous_vegetable.n.01, diced__cherry_tomato.n.01, cooked__diced__beefsteak_tomato.n.01, half__cherry_tomato.n.01, beefsteak_tomato.n.01, sliced__tomato.n.01, half__beefsteak_tomato.n.01, diced__tomato.n.01, cherry_tomato.n.02, diced__beefsteak_tomato.n.01, cooked__diced__tomato.n.01, cooked__diced__cherry_tomato.n.01, 0 16 0
tomato.n.02 Ready False False native to South America; widely cultivated in many varieties herb.n.01, pottable__beefsteak_tomato.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
tomato_juice.n.01 Substance False True the juice of tomatoes (usually bottled or canned) juice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
tomato_juice__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
tomato_paste.n.01 Substance False True thick concentrated tomato puree ingredient.n.03, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_pizza_sauce-0, tomato_paste, 0 0 1
tomato_paste__can.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, make_pizza_sauce-0, tomato_paste_can, 1 1 1
tomato_rice.n.01 Substance True True rice.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_tomato_rice-0, tomato_rice, 1 1 1
tomato_sauce.n.01 Substance False True sauce made with a puree of tomatoes (or strained tomatoes) with savory vegetables and other seasonings; can be used on pasta spaghetti_sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, future, real, contains, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, make_pizza_sauce-0, make_seafood_stew-0, make_pizza-0, tomato_sauce, 0 0 4
tomato_sauce__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, inside, make_a_red_meat_sauce-0, make_seafood_stew-0, make_pizza-0, tomato_sauce_jar, 1 1 3
tongs.n.01 Ready False True any of various devices for taking hold of objects; usually have two hinged legs with handles above and pointed hooks below device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, cook_pork_ribs-0, make_lemon_pepper_wings-0, grill_vegetables-0, grill_burgers-0, set_up_a_buffet-0, test_tube_holder, tongs, 5 5 6
tonic.n.01 Substance False True lime- or lemon-flavored carbonated water containing quinine soft_drink.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_watermelon_punch-0, tonic, 0 0 1
tool.n.01 Ready False False an implement used in the practice of a vocation implement.n.01, rake.n.03, hoe.n.01, hand_tool.n.01, cutting_implement.n.01, garden_tool.n.01, drill.n.01, power_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 60 0
toolbox.n.01 Ready False True a box or chest or cabinet for holding hand tools chest.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, put_togethera_basic_pruning_kit-0, outfit_a_basic_toolbox-0, put_together_a_scrapping_tool_kit-0, putting_away_yard_equipment-0, putting_away_tools-0, toolbox, 1 1 5
toothbrush.n.01 Ready False True small brush; has long handle; used to clean teeth toiletry.n.01, brush.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, clean_geodes-0, unpacking_suitcase-0, clean_invisalign-0, clean_a_bicycle_chain-0, clean_jewels-0, wash_your_rings-0, clean_vans-0, sorting_household_items-0, cleaning_tools_and_equipment-0, clean_vases-0, ... toothbrush, 4 4 13
toothpaste.n.01 Substance False True a dentifrice in the form of a paste dentifrice.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, clean_mirrors-0, toothpaste, 0 0 1
toothpick.n.01 Ready False True pick consisting of a small strip of wood or plastic; used to pick food from between the teeth strip.n.05, pick.n.06, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, toothpick, 1 1 0
top.n.08 Ready False False a conical child's plaything tapering to a steel point on which it can be made to spin plaything.n.01, dreidel.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
top.n.09 Ready False False covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container) covering.n.02, lid.n.02, cap.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 116 0
top.n.10 Ready False False a garment (especially for women) that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips woman's_clothing.n.01, blouse.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
topping.n.01 Substance False False a flavorful addition on top of a dish garnish.n.01, meringue.n.01, glaze.n.01, cooked__meringue.n.01, cooked__frosting.n.01, cooked__whipped_cream.n.01, frosting.n.01, whipped_cream.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 1 0
tortilla.n.01 Ready False True thin unleavened pancake made from cornmeal or wheat flour pancake.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, hot, covered, laying_out_snacks_at_work-0, warm_tortillas-0, fold_a_tortilla-0, make_tacos-0, tortilla, 1 1 4
tortilla_chip.n.01 Ready False True a small piece of tortilla corn_chip.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, making_a_snack-0, make_nachos-0, packing_picnic_food_into_car-0, tortilla_chips, 6 6 3
towel.n.01 Ready False False a rectangular piece of absorbent cloth (or paper) for drying or wiping piece_of_cloth.n.01, paper_towel.n.01, dishtowel.n.01, hand_towel.n.01, bath_towel.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, nextto, inside, cleaning_freezer-0, cleaning_shoes-0, washing_floor-0, cleaning_sneakers-0, defrosting_freezer-0, cleaning_windows-0, 0 5 6
towel_rack.n.01 Ready False True a rack consisting of one or more bars on which towels can be hung rack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, draped, putting_clean_laundry_away-0, putting_towels_in_bathroom-0, towel_rack, 7 7 2
toy_box.n.01 Ready False True chest for storage of toys chest.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, organizing_skating_stuff-0, picking_up_toys-0, toy_box, 4 4 2
toy_car.n.01 Ready True True plaything.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, toy_car, 4 4 0
toy_dice.n.01 Ready True True plaything.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, toy_dice, 20 20 0
toy_figure.n.01 Ready True True plaything.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, set_up_a_bird_cage-0, toy_figure, 35 35 1
tract.n.01 Ready False False an extended area of land geographical_area.n.01, field.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 13 0
trailer.n.03 Not Ready False True a large transport conveyance designed to be pulled by a truck or tractor conveyance.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, trailer, 0 0 0
trailer_truck.n.01 Ready False True a truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together truck.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, trailer_truck, 1 1 0
train_set.n.01 Ready False True a toy consisting of small models of railroad trains and the track for them to run on plaything.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, collecting_childrens_toys-0, setting_up_toy_train_track-0, toy_train, 1 1 2
trampoline.n.01 Ready False True gymnastic apparatus consisting of a strong canvas sheet attached with springs to a metal frame; used for tumbling gymnastic_apparatus.n.01, assembleable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, trampoline, 1 1 0
trampoline_leg.n.01 Ready True True component.n.03, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, setup_a_trampoline-0, trampoline_leg, 1 1 1
trampoline_top.n.01 Ready True True component.n.03, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, setup_a_trampoline-0, trampoline_top, 1 1 1
transducer.n.01 Ready False False an electrical device that converts one form of energy into another electrical_device.n.01, electro-acoustic_transducer.n.01, photoelectric_cell.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 16 0
transferred_property.n.01 Not Ready False False a possession whose ownership changes or lapses possession.n.02, acquisition.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
trap.n.01 Ready False False a device in which something (usually an animal) can be caught and penned device.n.01, mousetrap.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
tray.n.01 Ready False True an open receptacle for holding or displaying or serving articles or food receptacle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, toast_sunflower_seeds-0, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, cleaning_up_refrigerator-0, set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0, freeze_fruit-0, clean_up_your_desk-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, make_lemon_pepper_wings-0, buy_eggs-0, grill_burgers-0, ... tray, 24 24 17
treadmill.n.01 Ready False True an exercise device consisting of an endless belt on which a person can walk or jog without changing place exercise_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, treadmill, 3 3 0
treasure.n.01 Ready False False accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc. wealth.n.03, valuable.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
tree.n.01 Ready False True a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms woody_plant.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, nextto, mulching-0, watering_outdoor_plants-0, tidy_your_garden-0, decorating_outside_for_parties-0, spraying_fruit_trees-0, hanging_up_bedsheets-0, gathering_nuts-0, hiding_Easter_eggs-0, de_ice_a_car-0, setting_up_garden_furniture-0, ... low_resolution_tree, tree, 17 17 14
trimmer.n.02 Not Ready False True a machine that trims timber machine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
tripod.n.01 Ready False False a three-legged rack used for support rack.n.05, easel.n.01, camera_tripod.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
trombone.n.01 Ready False True a brass instrument consisting of a long tube whose length can be varied by a U-shaped slide brass.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_trombone-0, trombone, 1 1 1
trophy.n.02 Ready False True something given as a token of victory award.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, trophy, 16 16 0
trouser.n.01 Ready False False (usually in the plural) a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately garment.n.01, slacks.n.01, long_trousers.n.01, short_pants.n.01, jean.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, draped, folded, inside, unfolded, covered, nextto, putting_away_purchased_clothes-0, folding_clothes-0, cleaning_bedroom-0, preparing_clothes_for_the_next_day-0, folding_clean_laundry-0, laying_clothes_out-0, sorting_laundry-0, hand_washing_clothing-0, taking_clothes_off_the_line-0, sorting_clothes-0, ... 0 4 12
trout.n.01 Ready False True flesh of any of several primarily freshwater game and food fishes fish.n.02, attachable, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, frozen, inside, covered, cooked, attached, ontop, make_fish_and_chips-0, unhook_a_fish-0, clean_a_fish-0, trout, 2 2 3
trowel.n.01 Ready False True a small hand tool with a handle and flat metal blade; used for scooping or spreading plaster or similar materials hand_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, nextto, inside, mulching-0, cleaning_garden_tools-0, prepare_a_raised_bed_garden-0, cleaning_shed-0, prepare_a_hanging_basket-0, cleaning_tools_and_equipment-0, putting_away_yard_equipment-0, clean_your_rusty_garden_tools-0, buy_used_gardening_equipment-0, trowel, 1 1 9
truck.n.01 Ready False False an automotive vehicle suitable for hauling motor_vehicle.n.01, lorry.n.02, pickup.n.01, van.n.05, trailer_truck.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
trunk.n.01 Not Ready False True the main stem of a tree; usually covered with bark; the bole is usually the part that is commercially useful for lumber stalk.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
tub.n.02 Not Ready False True a large open vessel for holding or storing liquids vessel.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
tube.n.01 Ready False False conduit consisting of a long hollow object (usually cylindrical) used to hold and conduct objects or liquids or gases conduit.n.01, pipe.n.01, pipe.n.02, hose.n.03, test_tube.n.01, straw.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 15 0
tube__of__lotion.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, tube_of_lotion, 1 1 0
tube__of__toothpaste.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, packing_bags_or_suitcase-0, tube_of_toothpaste, 1 1 1
tulip.n.01 Ready False True any of numerous perennial bulbous herbs having linear or broadly lanceolate leaves and usually a single showy flower liliaceous_plant.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, store_tulip_bulbs-0, tulip, 3 3 1
tumbler.n.02 Not Ready False True a glass with a flat bottom but no handle or stem; originally had a round bottom glass.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
tuna.n.02 Ready False True important warm-water fatty fish of the genus Thunnus of the family Scombridae; usually served as steaks saltwater_fish.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, tuna, 1 1 0
tupperware.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, filled, contains, store_feta_cheese-0, cook_noodles-0, cook_shrimp-0, make_fish_and_chips-0, clean_a_crab-0, putting_food_in_fridge-0, preparing_food_or_drink_for_sale-0, make_granola-0, cook_chorizo-0, make_blueberry_mousse-0, ... tupperware, 1 1 65
turf.n.01 Ready False True surface layer of ground containing a mat of grass and grass roots land.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, remove_sod-0, sod, 1 1 1
turkey.n.04 Ready False True flesh of large domesticated fowl usually roasted poultry.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, ontop, hot, nextto, cooked, clean_a_turkey-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, store_an_uncooked_turkey-0, prepare_a_slow_dinner_party-0, cook_a_turkey-0, turkey, 1 1 5
turkey_leg.n.01 Ready False True the lower joint of the leg of a turkey drumstick.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, cook_turkey_drumsticks-0, turkey_leg, 1 1 1
turmeric.n.02 Substance False True ground dried rhizome of the turmeric plant used as seasoning flavorer.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
turner.n.08 Ready False False cooking utensil having a flat flexible part and a long handle; used for turning or serving food cooking_utensil.n.01, spatula.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 13 0
turnip.n.02 Ready False False root of any of several members of the mustard family cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, root_vegetable.n.01, diced__rutabaga.n.01, rutabaga.n.01, cooked__diced__rutabaga.n.01, white_turnip.n.02, cooked__diced__white_turnip.n.01, half__rutabaga.n.01, half__white_turnip.n.01, diced__white_turnip.n.01, 0 6 0
turnstile.n.02 Ready True True movable_barrier.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, turnstile, 1 1 0
tweezers.n.01 Ready True True hand_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, tweezers, 2 2 0
umbrella.n.01 Ready False True a lightweight handheld collapsible canopy canopy.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, umbrella, 5 5 0
umbrella_rack.n.01 Ready True True rack.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, umbrella_rack, 1 1 0
undergarment.n.01 Ready False False a garment worn under other garments garment.n.01, underwear.n.01, underpants.n.01, brassiere.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, folded, saturated, ontop, draped, doing_laundry-0, tidying_up_wardrobe-0, taking_clothes_out_of_washer-0, wash_delicates_in_the_laundry-0, hanging_clothes_on_clothesline-0, sorting_laundry-0, taking_clothes_off_the_line-0, packing_bags_or_suitcase-0, tidying_bathroom-0, 0 2 9
underpants.n.01 Ready False False an undergarment that covers the body from the waist no further than to the thighs; usually worn next to the skin undergarment.n.01, drawers.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
underwear.n.01 Not Ready False False undergarment worn next to the skin and under the outer garments undergarment.n.01, lingerie.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
unit.n.05 Ready False False a single undivided natural thing occurring in the composition of something else thing.n.12, molecule.n.01, 0 21 0
upper_surface.n.01 Ready False False the side that is uppermost side.n.05, ceiling.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 355 0
upright.n.01 Ready False False a vertical structural member as a post or stake structural_member.n.01, column.n.07, post.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 21 0
urinal.n.01 Ready False True a plumbing fixture (usually attached to the wall) used by men to urinate plumbing_fixture.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSink, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, urinal, 4 4 0
utensil.n.01 Ready False False an implement for practical use (especially in a household) implement.n.01, ceramic_ware.n.01, kitchen_utensil.n.01, server.n.04, funnel.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 100 0
utility_knife.n.01 Ready True True knife.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, slicer, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, utility_knife, 1 1 0
vacuum.n.04 Ready False True an electrical home appliance that cleans by suction home_appliance.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, covered, clean_a_couch-0, buying_cleaning_supplies-0, store_rugs-0, cleaning_shed-0, cleaning_bedroom-0, cleaning_pet_bed-0, removing_lint_from_dryer-0, clean_carpets-0, clean_a_vacuum-0, cleaning_vehicles-0, ... vacuum, 3 3 18
vacuum_flask.n.01 Not Ready False False flask with double walls separated by vacuum; used to maintain substances at high or low temperatures flask.n.01, thermos.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
valuable.n.01 Ready False False something of value treasure.n.01, precious_metal.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
valve.n.01 Not Ready False True a structure in a hollow organ (like the heart) with a flap to insure one-way flow of fluid through it structure.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
van.n.05 Not Ready False True a truck with an enclosed cargo space truck.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, van, 0 0 0
vanilla.n.01 Ready False True any of numerous climbing plants of the genus Vanilla having fleshy leaves and clusters of large waxy highly fragrant white or green or topaz flowers orchid.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, vanilla_flower, 1 1 0
vanilla.n.02 Substance False True a flavoring prepared from vanilla beans macerated in alcohol (or imitating vanilla beans) flavorer.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, make_waffles-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, make_hot_cocoa-0, make_eggnog-0, baking_sugar_cookies-0, make_brownies-0, make_iced_chocolate-0, make_cookie_dough-0, make_edible_chocolate_chip_cookie_dough-0, make_cookies-0, ... vanilla, 0 0 12
vanilla__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, inside, make_waffles-0, baking_cookies_for_the_PTA_bake_sale-0, make_hot_cocoa-0, make_eggnog-0, baking_sugar_cookies-0, make_brownies-0, make_iced_chocolate-0, make_cookie_dough-0, make_edible_chocolate_chip_cookie_dough-0, make_cookies-0, ... vanilla_bottle, 1 1 12
varnish.n.01 Substance False True a coating that provides a hard, lustrous, transparent finish to a surface coating.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
vascular_plant.n.01 Ready False False green plant having a vascular system: ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms plant.n.02, evergreen.n.01, woody_plant.n.01, succulent.n.01, bulbous_plant.n.01, herb.n.01, weed.n.01, spermatophyte.n.01, vine.n.01, desert_plant.n.01, 0 107 0
vase.n.01 Ready False True an open jar of glass or porcelain used as an ornament or to hold flowers jar.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, overlaid, covered, nextto, make_rose_centerpieces-0, organizing_items_for_yard_sale-0, make_a_candy_centerpiece-0, clean_pottery-0, clean_vases-0, set_a_fancy_table-0, vase, 40 40 6
vaseline.n.01 Substance False True a trademarked brand of petroleum jelly petrolatum.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
veal.n.01 Ready False True meat from a calf meat.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, cooked, make_a_wiener_schnitzle-0, veal, 1 1 1
vegetable.n.01 Ready False False edible seeds or roots or stems or leaves or bulbs or tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plant produce.n.01, diced__pumpkin.n.01, half__rhubarb.n.01, onion.n.03, celery.n.02, mushroom.n.05, diced__pieplant.n.01, pumpkin.n.02, half__celery.n.01, pieplant.n.01, half__fennel.n.01, fennel.n.02, gumbo.n.03, solanaceous_vegetable.n.01, legume.n.03, leek.n.02, cooked__diced__leek.n.01, sliced__mushroom.n.01, diced__artichoke.n.01, cooked__diced__pieplant.n.01, squash.n.02, artichoke.n.02, cooked__diced__artichoke.n.01, diced__cucumber.n.01, cooked__diced__celery.n.01, half__asparagus.n.01, asparagus.n.02, cooked__diced__pumpkin.n.01, cucumber.n.02, cooked__diced__mushroom.n.01, cooked__diced__asparagus.n.01, cooked__diced__fennel.n.01, half__leek.n.01, diced__mushroom.n.01, diced__celery.n.01, half__cucumber.n.01, sliced__cucumber.n.01, root_vegetable.n.01, half__artichoke.n.01, half__mushroom.n.01, half__pieplant.n.01, diced__leek.n.01, greens.n.01, half__pumpkin.n.01, cruciferous_vegetable.n.01, diced__asparagus.n.01, diced__fennel.n.01, cooked__diced__cucumber.n.01, 0 227 0
vegetable_matter.n.01 Substance False False matter produced by plants or growing in the manner of a plant matter.n.03, coal.n.01, peat.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 5 0
vegetable_oil.n.01 Substance False False any of a group of liquid edible fats that are obtained from plants edible_fat.n.01, sesame_oil.n.01, canola_oil.n.01, cooked__canola_oil.n.01, cooked__peanut_oil.n.01, cooked__olive_oil.n.01, peanut_oil.n.01, cooked__sesame_oil.n.01, coconut_oil.n.01, cooking_oil.n.01, olive_oil.n.01, cooked__cooking_oil.n.01, cooked__coconut_oil.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
vegetable_oil__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
vegetation.n.01 Ready False False all the plant life in a particular region or period collection.n.01, scrub.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 29 0
vehicle.n.01 Ready False False a conveyance that transports people or objects conveyance.n.03, craft.n.02, wheeled_vehicle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 22 0
velcro.n.01 Not Ready False True nylon fabric used as a fastening fabric.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
velvet.n.01 Not Ready False True a silky densely piled fabric with a plain back fabric.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
vending_machine.n.01 Ready False True a slot machine for selling goods slot_machine.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, vending_machine, 2 2 0
venison.n.01 Ready False True meat from a deer used as food game.n.07, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, venison, 1 1 0
vent.n.01 Not Ready False True a hole for the escape of gas or air hole.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
ventilator.n.01 Ready False True a device (such as a fan) that introduces fresh air or expels foul air device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, room_ventilator, 5 5 0
vessel.n.02 Ready False False a craft designed for water transportation craft.n.02, boat.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
vessel.n.03 Ready False False an object used as a container (especially for liquids) container.n.01, vinegar__bottle.n.01, lotion__bottle.n.01, pitcher.n.02, glaze__bottle.n.01, disinfectant__bottle.n.01, wine_sauce__bottle.n.01, floor_wax__bottle.n.01, brandy__bottle.n.01, catsup__bottle.n.01, tomato_sauce__jar.n.01, toilet_soap__bottle.n.01, vitamin_pill__bottle.n.01, ink__bottle.n.01, sealant__bottle.n.01, lime_juice__bottle.n.01, tub.n.02, sesame_oil__bottle.n.01, bowl.n.01, rum__bottle.n.01, white_sauce__bottle.n.01, maple_syrup__jar.n.01, lubricant__bottle.n.01, tequila__bottle.n.01, mortar.n.03, instant_coffee__jar.n.01, hydrogen_peroxide__bottle.n.01, chocolate_sauce__bottle.n.01, lemonade__bottle.n.01, peanut_butter__jar.n.01, squeeze_bottle.n.01, noodle__jar.n.01, vanilla__bottle.n.01, autoclave.n.01, drinking_vessel.n.01, herb__jar.n.01, soap__bottle.n.01, champagne__bottle.n.01, saddle_soap__bottle.n.01, clove__jar.n.01, shampoo__bottle.n.01, honey__jar.n.01, fabric_softener__bottle.n.01, vodka__bottle.n.01, basin.n.01, soy_sauce__bottle.n.01, liquid_soap__bottle.n.01, olive_oil__bottle.n.01, mayonnaise__jar.n.01, salsa__bottle.n.01, solvent__bottle.n.01, bottle.n.03, bathtub.n.01, jelly__jar.n.01, hot_tub.n.02, baking_powder__jar.n.01, marinara__jar.n.01, granulated_sugar__jar.n.01, balsamic_vinegar__bottle.n.01, herbicide__bottle.n.01, cream_pitcher.n.02, essential_oil__bottle.n.01, detergent__bottle.n.01, basil__jar.n.01, cola__bottle.n.01, cornstarch__jar.n.01, hot_sauce__bottle.n.01, jimmies__jar.n.01, bucket.n.01, chlorine__bottle.n.01, mustard__bottle.n.01, lemon_juice__bottle.n.01, bourbon__bottle.n.01, bottle.n.01, coffee_bean__jar.n.01, frosting__jar.n.01, sunscreen__bottle.n.01, ladle.n.01, salt__bottle.n.01, oil__bottle.n.01, sugar_syrup__bottle.n.01, tank.n.02, cleansing__bottle.n.01, barrel.n.02, gin__bottle.n.01, barbecue_sauce__bottle.n.01, apple_juice__bottle.n.01, jam__jar.n.01, yeast__jar.n.01, coconut_oil__jar.n.01, polish__bottle.n.01, sodium_carbonate__jar.n.01, vegetable_oil__bottle.n.01, mop_bucket.n.01, jar.n.01, soda_water__bottle.n.01, cooking_oil__bottle.n.01, jelly_bean__jar.n.01, whiskey__bottle.n.01, tomato_juice__bottle.n.01, pot.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 293 0
vest.n.01 Ready False True a man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat garment.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, draped, clean_synthetic_hiking_gear-0, putting_clothes_into_closet-0, vest, 1 1 2
vidalia_onion.n.01 Ready False True sweet-flavored onion grown in Georgia onion.n.03, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, cooked, set_up_a_hot_dog_bar-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, chop_an_onion-0, make_stew-0, make_chicken_fajitas-0, make_pasta_sauce-0, make_pizza-0, cook_beef_and_onions-0, make_meatloaf-0, make_tomato_rice-0, ... vidalia_onion, 3 3 13
videodisk.n.01 Ready False True a digital recording (as of a movie) on an optical disk that can be played on a computer or a television set optical_disk.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, returning_videotapes_to_store-0, unpacking_hobby_equipment-0, dvd, 1 1 2
vine.n.01 Ready False True a plant with a weak stem that derives support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface vascular_plant.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, vine, 14 14 0
vinegar.n.01 Substance False True sour-tasting liquid produced usually by oxidation of the alcohol in wine or cider and used as a condiment or food preservative condiment.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, insource, contains, make_lemon_stain_remover-0, make_a_vinegar_cleaning_solution-0, polish_cymbals-0, clean_dentures_with_vinegar-0, clean_out_a_guinea_pigs_hutch-0, clean_pennies-0, clean_nickel-0, clean_snap_peas-0, clean_strawberries-0, clean_raw_denim-0, ... vinegar, 0 0 23
vinegar__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, clean_out_a_guinea_pigs_hutch-0, clean_soot_from_glass_lanterns-0, clean_mirrors-0, vinegar_atomizer, 1 1 3
vinegar__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, make_lemon_stain_remover-0, make_a_vinegar_cleaning_solution-0, polish_cymbals-0, clean_dentures_with_vinegar-0, clean_nickel-0, clean_snap_peas-0, clean_strawberries-0, clean_raw_denim-0, make_a_salad-0, clean_your_goal_keeper_gloves-0, ... vinegar_bottle, 2 2 19
vinegar_cleaning_solution.n.01 Substance True True cleansing_agent.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, future, real, contains, make_a_vinegar_cleaning_solution-0, vinegar_cleaning_solution, 0 0 1
vinyl_polymer.n.01 Not Ready False False a thermoplastic derived by polymerization from compounds containing the vinyl group synthetic_resin.n.01, polyvinyl_chloride.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
violin.n.01 Ready False True bowed stringed instrument that is the highest member of the violin family; this instrument has four strings and a hollow body and an unfretted fingerboard and is played with a bow bowed_stringed_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_violin-0, violin, 1 1 1
violin_case.n.01 Ready True True case.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, violin_case, 1 1 0
virginia_ham.n.01 Ready False True a lean hickory-smoked ham; has dark red meat ham.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, covered, cooked, overlaid, hot, roast_meat-0, glaze_a_ham-0, cook_a_ham-0, virginia_ham, 1 1 3
visual_communication.n.01 Not Ready False False communication that relies on vision communication.n.02, artwork.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
visual_property.n.01 Substance False False an attribute of vision property.n.02, light.n.07, substance, visualSubstance, 0 0 0
visual_signal.n.01 Ready False False a signal that involves visual communication signal.n.01, post.n.09, flag.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
vitamin_pill.n.01 Substance False True a pill containing one or more vitamins; taken as a dietary supplement pill.n.01, dietary_supplement.n.01, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
vitamin_pill__bottle.n.01 Not Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
vivarium.n.01 Ready False False an indoor enclosure for keeping and raising living animals and plants and observing them under natural conditions enclosure.n.01, terrarium.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
vodka.n.01 Substance False True unaged colorless liquor originating in Russia liquor.n.01, boilable, flammable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, mixing_drinks-0, vodka, 0 0 1
vodka__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, mixing_drinks-0, vodka_bottle, 1 1 1
volleyball.n.02 Ready False True an inflated ball used in playing volleyball ball.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, volleyball, 1 1 0
volleyball_net.n.01 Ready False True the high net that separates the two teams and over which the volleyball must pass net.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, volleyball_net, 1 1 0
wading_pool.n.01 Ready False True a shallow pool for children pool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, wading_pool, 2 2 0
wafer.n.02 Ready False True a small thin crisp cake or cookie cookie.n.01, breakable, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, make_gift_bags_for_baby_showers-0, wafer, 2 2 1
waffle.n.01 Ready False True pancake batter baked in a waffle iron cake.n.03, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, future, real, cooked, covered, frozen, inside, prepare_a_breakfast_bar-0, make_waffles-0, make_chicken_and_waffles-0, waffle, 1 1 3
waffle_batter.n.01 Substance True True batter.n.02, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
waffle_iron.n.01 Ready False True a kitchen appliance for baking waffles; the appliance usually consists of two indented metal pans hinged together so that they create a pattern on the waffle kitchen_appliance.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, make_waffles-0, waffle_maker, 1 1 1
wagon.n.04 Not Ready False True a child's four-wheeled toy cart sometimes used for coasting wheeled_vehicle.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
walker.n.04 Ready False True a shoe designed for comfortable walking shoe.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, organizing_volunteer_materials-0, walker, 12 12 1
walking_shoe.n.01 Not Ready False True a light comfortable shoe designed for vigorous walking shoe.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, walking_shoe, 0 0 0
wall.n.01 Ready False True an architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness; used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structure partition.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, covered, washing_outside_walls-0, spray_stucco-0, clean_walls-0, washing_walls-0, painting_house_exterior-0, clean_stucco-0, clean_the_outside_of_a_house-0, walls, 1503 1503 7
wall_clock.n.01 Ready False True a clock mounted on a wall clock.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0, wall_clock, 8 8 1
wall_nail.n.01 Ready True True fixture.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_outside-0, putting_up_outdoor_holiday_decorations-0, hanging_shades-0, decorating_outside_for_parties-0, hanging_up_wind_chimes-0, clean_deer_antlers-0, putting_up_Christmas_lights_inside-0, hang_a_bike_on_the_wall-0, hanging_address_numbers-0, putting_up_posters-0, ... wall_nail, 1 1 28
wall_socket.n.01 Ready False True receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices receptacle.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, outlet, power_strip, wall_socket, 13 13 0
wallboard.n.01 Not Ready False True a wide flat board used to cover walls or partitions; made from plaster or wood pulp or other materials and used primarily to form the interior walls of houses board.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
wallet.n.01 Ready False True a pocket-size case for holding papers and paper money case.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, preparing_clothes_for_the_next_day-0, prepare_an_emergency_school_kit-0, wallet, 1 1 2
wallpaper.n.01 Not Ready False True a decorative paper for the walls of rooms paper.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, wallpaper, 0 0 0
walnut.n.01 Ready False True nut of any of various walnut trees having a wrinkled two-lobed seed with a hard shell edible_nut.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, cooked, inside, roast_nuts-0, store_nuts-0, gathering_nuts-0, make_brownies-0, walnut, 3 3 4
walnut_meat.n.01 Ready True True edible_nut.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, walnut_meat, 1 1 0
wardrobe.n.01 Ready False True a tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes furniture.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, inside, ontop, store_a_fur_coat-0, wash_a_leotard-0, putting_away_purchased_clothes-0, store_winter_coats-0, tidying_up_wardrobe-0, hanging_clothes-0, store_vintage_linens-0, store_a_quilt-0, preparing_clothes_for_the_next_day-0, laying_clothes_out-0, ... wardrobe, 8 8 13
ware.n.01 Ready False False articles of the same kind or material; usually used in combination: `silverware', `software' article.n.02, tableware.n.01, woodenware.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 158 0
washer.n.03 Ready False True a home appliance for washing clothes and linens automatically white_goods.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, openable, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, open, contains, covered, clean_synthetic_hiking_gear-0, wash_dog_toys-0, wash_goalkeeper_gloves-0, wash_a_bra-0, clean_pearls-0, doing_laundry-0, bringing_laundry-0, clean_batting_gloves-0, adding_fabric_softener-0, fold_towels-0, ... washer, 8 8 32
waste.n.01 Ready False False any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted material.n.01, garbage.n.01, bag__of__rubbish.n.01, rubbish.n.01, body_waste.n.01, 0 19 0
watch.n.01 Ready False True a small portable timepiece timepiece.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_watch-0, watch, 1 1 1
water.n.01 Substance False False binary compound that occurs at room temperature as a clear colorless odorless tasteless liquid; freezes into ice below 0 degrees centigrade and boils above 100 degrees centigrade; widely used as a solvent liquid.n.03, binary_compound.n.01, seawater.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
water.n.06 Substance False True a liquid necessary for the life of most animals and plants food.n.01, nutrient.n.02, liquid.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, filled, covered, future, saturated, contains, clean_plastic_containers-0, clean_a_kitchen_table-0, clean_up_spilled_egg-0, clean_decking-0, polish_pewter-0, clean_marker_off_a_doll-0, chlorinating_the_pool-0, clean_dog_collars-0, fill_a_canteen-0, mopping_the_kitchen_floor-0, ... water, 0 0 302
water__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, clean_out_a_guinea_pigs_hutch-0, clean_soot_from_glass_lanterns-0, water_atomizer, 1 1 2
water__dispenser.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, water_dispenser, 1 1 0
water_bottle.n.01 Ready False True a bottle for holding water bottle.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, filled, packing_hiking_equipment_into_car-0, prepare_your_garden_for_a_cat-0, make_a_car_emergency_kit-0, preparing_lunch_box-0, fill_a_hot_water_bottle-0, cleaning_parks-0, set_up_a_mouse_cage-0, sorting_volunteer_materials-0, sorting_bottles_cans_and_paper-0, packing_picnic_into_car-0, ... water_bottle, 2 2 23
water_cooler.n.01 Ready False True a device for cooling and dispensing drinking water device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, water_cooler, 2 2 0
water_faucet.n.01 Not Ready False True a faucet for drawing water from a pipe or cask plumbing_fixture.n.01, faucet.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, water_faucet, 0 0 0
water_filter.n.01 Ready False True a filter to remove impurities from the water supply filter.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, setup_a_fish_tank-0, water_filter, 1 1 1
water_glass.n.02 Ready False True a glass for drinking water glass.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, nextto, contains, filled, dispose_of_glass-0, laying_restaurant_table_for_dinner-0, make_a_strawberry_slushie-0, make_eggnog-0, make_chocolate_milk-0, getting_a_drink-0, make_lemon_or_lime_water-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, set_a_dinner_table-0, mixing_drinks-0, ... water_glass, 25 25 20
watering_can.n.01 Ready False True a container with a handle and a spout with a perforated nozzle; used to sprinkle water over plants container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, insource, clean_decking-0, cleaning_garden_tools-0, watering_outdoor_plants-0, cleaning_lawnmowers-0, watering_outdoor_flowers-0, water_your_lawn_efficiently-0, watering_indoor_flowers-0, washing_walls-0, wash_your_bike-0, wash_a_motorcycle-0, ... watering_can, 1 1 14
watermelon.n.02 Ready False True large oblong or roundish melon with a hard green rind and sweet watery red or occasionally yellowish pulp melon.n.01, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, make_watermelon_punch-0, make_dessert_watermelons-0, shopping_at_warehouse_stores-0, pack_a_beach_bag-0, watermelon, 4 4 4
wax.n.01 Ready False False any of various substances of either mineral origin or plant or animal origin; they are solid at normal temperatures and insoluble in water lipid.n.01, floor_wax.n.01, paraffin.n.01, wax_remnant.n.01, 0 11 0
wax_paper.n.01 Ready False True paper that has been waterproofed by treatment with wax or paraffin paper.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, freeze_lasagna-0, freeze_meat-0, cook_a_turkey-0, wax_paper, 1 1 3
wax_remnant.n.01 Substance True True wax.n.01, substance, visualSubstance, covered, clean_a_candle_jar-0, wax_remnant, 9 9 1
way.n.06 Ready False False any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another artifact.n.01, road.n.01, stairway.n.01, passage.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 25 0
wealth.n.03 Ready False False an abundance of material possessions and resources material_resource.n.01, treasure.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
weapon.n.01 Ready False False any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting instrument.n.01, gun.n.01, projectile.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
weaponry.n.01 Not Ready False False weapons considered collectively instrumentality.n.03, ammunition.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
weather.n.01 Substance False False the atmospheric conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation atmospheric_phenomenon.n.01, precipitation.n.03, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 9 0
webcam.n.02 Ready True True camera.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, set_up_a_webcam-0, webcam, 2 2 1
weed.n.01 Ready False True any plant that crowds out cultivated plants vascular_plant.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, cleaning_the_yard-0, hoe_weeds-0, weed, 1 1 2
weight.n.02 Ready False True sports equipment used in calisthenic exercises and weightlifting; it is not attached to anything and is raised and lowered by use of the hands and arms sports_equipment.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, free_weight, 2 2 0
weightlift.n.01 Ready False False bodybuilding by exercise that involves lifting weights bodybuilding.n.01, bench_press.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
wheat.n.02 Substance False True grains of common wheat; sometimes cooked whole or cracked as cereal; usually ground into flour grain.n.02, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
wheel.n.01 Ready False False a simple machine consisting of a circular frame with spokes (or a solid disc) that can rotate on a shaft or axle (as in vehicles or other machines) machine.n.04, skateboard_wheel.n.01, car_wheel.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
wheeled_vehicle.n.01 Ready False False a vehicle that moves on wheels and usually has a container for transporting things or people container.n.01, vehicle.n.01, handcart.n.01, bicycle.n.01, wagon.n.04, self-propelled_vehicle.n.01, skateboard.n.01, baby_buggy.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 19 0
whetstone.n.01 Ready False True a flat stone for sharpening edged tools or knives stone.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, whetstone, 1 1 0
whipped_cream.n.01 Substance False True cream that has been beaten until light and fluffy topping.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, contains, make_blueberry_mousse-0, make_strawberries_and_cream-0, whipped_cream, 0 0 2
whipped_cream__atomizer.n.01 Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, make_blueberry_mousse-0, make_strawberries_and_cream-0, whipped_cream_atomizer, 1 1 2
whipped_cream__can.n.01 Not Ready True True dispenser.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
whisk.n.01 Ready False True a mixer incorporating a coil of wires; used for whipping eggs or cream mixer.n.04, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, make_pumpkin_pie_spice-0, make_green_tea_latte-0, whisk, 6 6 2
whiskey.n.01 Substance False False a liquor made from fermented mash of grain liquor.n.01, scotch.n.02, bourbon.n.02, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, filled, clean_whiskey_stones-0, preparing_food_for_adult-0, 0 0 2
whiskey__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, preparing_food_for_adult-0, whiskey_bottle, 1 1 1
whiskey_stone.n.01 Ready True True rock.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_whiskey_stones-0, whiskey_stone, 1 1 1
whistle.n.04 Ready False True acoustic device that forces air or steam against an edge or into a cavity and so produces a loud shrill sound acoustic_device.n.01, signaling_device.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, whistle, 1 1 0
white_bread.n.01 Ready False False bread made with finely ground and usually bleached wheat flour bread.n.01, french_bread.n.01, 0 6 0
white_chocolate.n.01 Ready False True a blend of cocoa butter and milk solids and sugar and vanilla; used in candy bars and baking and coatings; not technically chocolate because it contains no chocolate liquor chocolate.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, meltable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, melt_white_chocolate-0, white_chocolate, 1 1 1
white_goods.n.01 Ready False False large electrical home appliances (refrigerators or washing machines etc.) that are typically finished in white enamel home_appliance.n.01, clothes_dryer.n.01, dishwasher.n.01, refrigerator.n.01, washer.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 40 0
white_goods.n.02 Ready False False drygoods for household use that are typically made of white cloth drygoods.n.01, linen.n.03, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 22 0
white_rice.n.01 Substance False True having husk or outer brown layers removed rice.n.01, cookable, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, contains, make_curry_rice-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, clean_a_rice_cooker-0, cleaning_up_plates_and_food-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, filling_pepper-0, make_tomato_rice-0, fill_a_punching_bag-0, make_bento-0, make_fried_rice-0, ... white_rice, 1 1 12
white_rice__sack.n.01 Ready True True bag.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_curry_rice-0, make_red_beans_and_rice-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, make_tomato_rice-0, white_rice_sack, 1 1 4
white_sauce.n.01 Substance False False milk thickened with a butter and flour roux sauce.n.01, cheese_sauce.n.01, cooked__cheese_sauce.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
white_sauce__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, cook_snap_peas-0, white_sauce_bottle, 1 1 1
white_turnip.n.02 Ready False True white root of a turnip plant turnip.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, white_turnip, 1 1 0
white_wine.n.01 Substance False True pale yellowish wine made from white grapes or red grapes with skins removed before fermentation wine.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, covered, real, contains, make_white_wine_sauce-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, cleaning_cups_in_living_room-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, prepare_wine_and_cheese-0, white_wine, 0 0 5
whitewall_tire.n.01 Ready True True tire.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_white_wall_tires-0, whitewall_tire, 1 1 1
whole.n.02 Ready False False an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity object.n.01, living_thing.n.01, natural_object.n.01, artifact.n.01, 0 7843 0
whole_garlic.n.01 Ready True True garlic.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, garlic, 2 2 0
whole_milk.n.01 Substance False True milk from which no constituent (such as fat) has been removed milk.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, make_waffles-0, make_onion_ring_batter-0, make_cream_from_milk-0, make_dinner_rolls-0, make_hot_cocoa-0, make_eggnog-0, make_iced_chocolate-0, make_muffins-0, make_macaroni_and_cheese-0, make_a_cappuccino-0, ... whole_milk, 0 0 14
wick.n.02 Not Ready False True a loosely woven cord (in a candle or oil lamp) that draws fuel by capillary action up into the flame cord.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rope, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
wicker_basket.n.01 Ready False True a basket made of wickerwork basket.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, flammable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, nextto, clean_pine_cones-0, make_the_ultimate_spa_basket-0, picking_up_toys-0, packing_picnic_into_car-0, collecting_berries-0, hanging_up_bedsheets-0, putting_out_condiments-0, putting_clean_laundry_away-0, assembling_gift_baskets-0, make_stew-0, ... wicker_basket, 5 5 22
wildfowl.n.01 Ready False False flesh of any of a number of wild game birds suitable for food bird.n.02, half__quail.n.01, quail.n.01, half__quail_breast.n.01, cooked__diced__quail.n.01, diced__quail.n.01, 0 5 0
wind_chime.n.01 Ready False True a decorative arrangement of pieces of metal or glass or pottery that hang together loosely so the wind can cause them to tinkle decoration.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, hanging_up_wind_chimes-0, wind_chime, 1 1 1
wind_instrument.n.01 Ready False False a musical instrument in which the sound is produced by an enclosed column of air that is moved by the breath musical_instrument.n.01, woodwind.n.01, brass.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
window.n.01 Ready False False a framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air framework.n.03, openable_window.n.01, fixed_window.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, overlaid, covered, picking_up_toys-0, rearranging_furniture-0, cleaning_up_after_an_event-0, washing_windows-0, putting_meal_on_plate-0, packing_hobby_equipment-0, washing_outside_windows-0, packing_meal_for_delivery-0, doing_housework_for_adult-0, packing_bags_or_suitcase-0, ... 0 96 11
window_blind.n.01 Ready False True a blind for privacy or to keep out light blind.n.03, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, hanging_shades-0, hanging_blinds-0, window_blind, 9 9 2
windshield.n.01 Ready False True transparent screen (as of glass) to protect occupants of a vehicle screen.n.05, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_a_glass_windshield-0, windshield, 2 2 1
wine.n.01 Substance False False fermented juice (of grapes especially) alcohol.n.01, cooked__white_wine.n.01, red_wine.n.01, sparkling_wine.n.01, white_wine.n.01, cooked__red_wine.n.01, boilable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
wine_bottle.n.01 Ready False True a bottle for holding wine bottle.n.01, attachable, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, attached, make_white_wine_sauce-0, prepare_a_slow_dinner_party-0, make_baked_pears-0, clean_up_after_a_dinner_party-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, set_a_dinner_table-0, cook_seafood_paella-0, bottling_wine-0, prepare_wine_and_cheese-0, set_a_fancy_table-0, ... wine_bottle, 4 4 12
wine_sauce.n.01 Substance False True white or veloute sauce with wine and stock variously seasoned with onions and herbs; for fish or meat sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, covered, insource, cook_a_duck-0, wine_sauce, 0 0 1
wine_sauce__bottle.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleSource, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, cook_a_duck-0, wine_sauce_bottle, 1 1 1
wineglass.n.01 Ready False True a glass that has a stem and in which wine is served glass.n.02, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, filled, ontop, nextto, covered, passing_out_drinks-0, laying_restaurant_table_for_dinner-0, prepare_a_slow_dinner_party-0, setup_a_bar_for_a_cocktail_party-0, cleaning_cups_in_living_room-0, set_a_dinner_table-0, clean_wine_glasses-0, collecting_dishes_from_restaurant_tables-0, prepare_wine_and_cheese-0, set_a_fancy_table-0, ... wineglass, 17 17 12
wing.n.09 Ready False False the wing of a fowl helping.n.01, diced__chicken_wing.n.01, half__chicken_wing.n.01, chicken_wing.n.01, cooked__diced__chicken_wing.n.01, flammable, 0 3 0
winter_squash.n.02 Ready False False any of various fruits of the gourd family with thick rinds and edible yellow to orange flesh that mature in the fall and can be stored for several months squash.n.02, diced__butternut_squash.n.01, cooked__diced__butternut_squash.n.01, butternut_squash.n.02, half__butternut_squash.n.01, 0 4 0
wire.n.01 Not Ready False True ligament made of metal and used to fasten things or make cages or fences etc ligament.n.02, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rope, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
wire.n.02 Ready False False a metal conductor that carries electricity over a distance conductor.n.04, copper_wire.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, packing_recreational_vehicle_for_trip-0, 0 1 1
wire_cutter.n.01 Ready False True an edge tool used in cutting wire edge_tool.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, putting_away_tools-0, wire_cutter, 1 1 1
wok.n.01 Ready False True pan with a convex bottom; used for frying in Chinese cooking pan.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, contains, ontop, filled, make_beef_and_broccoli-0, cook_tofu-0, cook_beef_and_onions-0, make_fried_rice-0, wok, 1 1 4
woman's_clothing.n.01 Ready False False clothing that is designed for women to wear clothing.n.01, top.n.10, dress.n.01, brassiere.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
wood.n.01 Ready False False the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees plant_material.n.01, matchwood.n.01, bamboo.n.01, sawdust.n.01, half__log.n.01, log.n.01, half__bamboo.n.01, diced__bamboo.n.01, flammable, 0 25 0
wood_chip.n.01 Substance True True matchwood.n.01, flammable, macroPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, wood_chip, 10 10 0
wood_fireplace.n.01 Ready True True fireplace.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, nextto, inside, ontop, bringing_in_kindling-0, setting_the_fire-0, clean_gas_logs-0, lighting_fireplace-0, putting_wood_in_fireplace-0, wood_fireplace, 1 1 5
wooden_spoon.n.02 Ready False True a spoon made of wood woodenware.n.01, spoon.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, make_lemon_stain_remover-0, make_baked_pears-0, make_dessert_watermelons-0, make_citrus_punch-0, cooking_breakfast-0, make_macaroni_and_cheese-0, make_limeade-0, cook_ground_beef-0, make_pastry-0, rearranging_kitchen_furniture-0, ... wooden_spoon, 6 6 11
woodenware.n.01 Ready False False ware for domestic use made of wood ware.n.01, wooden_spoon.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, mixingTool, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 6 0
woodwind.n.01 Ready False False any wind instrument other than the brass instruments wind_instrument.n.01, beating-reed_instrument.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
woody_plant.n.01 Ready False False a plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stems vascular_plant.n.01, shrub.n.01, tree.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 21 0
wool.n.01 Not Ready False True a fabric made from the hair of sheep fabric.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
wool_coat.n.01 Ready True True coat.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, clean_tweed-0, wash_a_wool_coat-0, wool_coat, 1 1 2
worcester_sauce.n.01 Substance False True a savory sauce of vinegar and soy sauce and spices sauce.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, 0 0 0
work-clothing.n.01 Not Ready False False clothing worn for doing manual labor clothing.n.01, overall.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 0 0
work.n.01 Ready False False activity directed toward making or doing something activity.n.01, labor.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
work.n.02 Ready False False a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing product.n.02, publication.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 10 0
work_surface.n.01 Ready False False a horizontal surface for supporting objects used in working or playing games surface.n.01, writing_board.n.01, tabletop.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 26 0
worktable.n.01 Ready False True a table designed for a particular task table.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, sceneObject, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, lab_table, 3 3 0
workwear.n.01 Ready False False heavy-duty clothes for manual or physical work apparel.n.01, jean.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
wrapped_hamburger.n.01 Ready True True grocery.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, wrapped_hamburger, 1 1 0
wrapping.n.01 Ready False False the covering (usually paper or cellophane) in which something is wrapped covering.n.02, plastic_wrap.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 1 0
wrapping_paper.n.01 Ready False True a tough paper used for wrapping paper.n.01, cloth, deformable, disinfectable, drapeable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, overlaid, inside, make_a_christmas_gift_box-0, dispose_of_paper-0, wrapping_paper, 1 1 2
wreath.n.01 Ready False True flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes flower_arrangement.n.01, attachable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, attached, ontop, nextto, inside, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_outside-0, putting_away_Christmas_decorations-0, putting_up_outdoor_holiday_decorations-0, sweeping_outside_entrance-0, decorating_for_religious_ceremony-0, putting_up_Christmas_decorations_inside-0, decorating_outside_for_holidays-0, valentine_wreath, wreath, 2 2 7
wrench.n.03 Ready False False a hand tool that is used to hold or twist a nut or bolt hand_tool.n.01, open-end_wrench.n.01, allen_wrench.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, inside, put_together_a_scrapping_tool_kit-0, putting_away_tools-0, 0 2 2
wrinkle.n.01 Substance False True a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface depression.n.08, substance, visualSubstance, covered, iron_a_tie-0, treating_clothes-0, adding_fabric_softener-0, ironing_curtains-0, ironing_bedsheets-0, ironing_clothes-0, fold_a_cloth_napkin-0, iron_curtains-0, wrinkle, 9 9 8
writing.n.02 Ready False False the work of a writer; anything expressed in letters of the alphabet (especially when considered from the point of view of style and effect) written_communication.n.01, document.n.01, matter.n.06, autograph.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 25 0
writing_board.n.01 Ready False False work surface consisting of a wide lightweight board that can be placed across the lap and used for writing work_surface.n.01, clipboard.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
writing_implement.n.01 Ready False False an implement that is used to write implement.n.01, charcoal.n.02, pencil.n.01, crayon.n.01, marker.n.03, pen.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 136 0
writing_paper.n.01 Ready False False paper material made into thin sheets that are sized to take ink; used for writing correspondence and manuscripts paper.n.01, notepaper.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, flammable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 3 0
written_communication.n.01 Ready False False communication by means of written symbols (either printed or handwritten) communication.n.02, writing.n.02, correspondence.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 26 0
yam.n.03 Ready False True sweet potato with deep orange flesh that remains moist when baked sweet_potato.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, ontop, covered, cooked, inside, cook_sweet_potatoes-0, make_yams-0, sorting_potatoes-0, candied_yam, 5 5 3
yard.n.02 Ready False False the enclosed land around a house or other building field.n.01, playground.n.02, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, 0 2 0
yeast.n.01 Substance False True a commercial leavening agent containing yeast cells; used to raise the dough in making bread and for fermenting beer or whiskey leaven.n.01, microPhysicalSubstance, physicalSubstance, substance, insource, filled, make_dinner_rolls-0, make_bagels-0, make_pizza_dough-0, yeast, 1 1 3
yeast__jar.n.01 Ready True True vessel.n.03, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, ontop, make_bagels-0, yeast_jar, 1 1 1
yeast__shaker.n.01 Ready True True container.n.01, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, needsOrientation, nonSubstance, particleApplier, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, toggleable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, insource, make_dinner_rolls-0, make_pizza_dough-0, yeast_shaker, 1 1 2
yoga_mat.n.01 Ready True True exercise_device.n.01, deformable, disinfectable, dustyable, grassyable, moldyable, nonSubstance, particleRemover, rustable, scratchable, softBody, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, rolled_yoga_mat, yoga_mat, 2 2 0
yogurt.n.01 Substance False True a custard-like food made from curdled milk food.n.02, dairy_product.n.01, boilable, cookable, liquid, physicalSubstance, substance, filled, contains, make_waffles-0, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, make_popsicles-0, yogurt, 0 0 4
yogurt__carton.n.01 Ready True True box.n.01, breakable, disinfectable, dustyable, fillable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, filled, inside, ontop, make_waffles-0, make_a_tropical_breakfast-0, make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0, make_popsicles-0, yogurt_carton, 1 1 4
zucchini.n.02 Ready False True small cucumber-shaped vegetable marrow; typically dark green summer_squash.n.02, cookable, disinfectable, dustyable, freezable, grassyable, heatable, moldyable, nonSubstance, rigidBody, rustable, scratchable, sliceable, stainable, stickyable, tarnishable, wetable, wrinkleable, inside, ontop, covered, cooked, slicing_vegetables-0, picking_fruit_and_vegetables-0, cook_zucchini-0, roast_vegetables-0, zucchini, 3 3 4