Name | State | Definition |
cabinet.n.01 | Matched | a piece of furniture resembling a cupboard with doors and shelves and drawers; for storage or display |
chicken.n.01 | Matched | the flesh of a chicken used for food |
countertop.n.01 | Matched | the top side of a counter |
electric_refrigerator.n.01 | Matched | a refrigerator in which the coolant is pumped around by an electric motor |
floor.n.01 | Matched | the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure) |
plate.n.04 | Matched | dish on which food is served or from which food is eaten |
steak.n.01 | Matched | a slice of meat cut from the fleshy part of an animal or large fish |
tupperware.n.01 | Matched | |
wax_paper.n.01 | Matched | paper that has been waterproofed by treatment with wax or paraffin |
Scene | Status | Reason |
Beechwood_0_garden | Ready | |
Beechwood_0_int | Ready | |
Beechwood_1_int | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
Benevolence_0_int | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
Benevolence_1_int | Ready | |
Benevolence_2_int | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
Ihlen_0_int | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
Ihlen_1_int | Ready | |
Merom_0_garden | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
Merom_0_int | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
Merom_1_int | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 countertop.n.01. |
Pomaria_0_garden | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
Pomaria_0_int | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
Pomaria_1_int | Ready | |
Pomaria_2_int | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
Rs_garden | Ready | |
Rs_int | Ready | |
Wainscott_0_garden | Ready | |
Wainscott_0_int | Ready | |
Wainscott_1_int | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
gates_bedroom | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
grocery_store_asian | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
grocery_store_cafe | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
grocery_store_convenience | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
grocery_store_half_stocked | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
hall_arch_wood | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
hall_conference_large | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
hall_glass_ceiling | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
hall_train_station | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
hotel_gym_spa | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
hotel_suite_large | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
hotel_suite_small | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
house_double_floor_lower | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 electric_refrigerator.n.01. |
house_double_floor_upper | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
house_single_floor | Ready | |
office_bike | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
office_cubicles_left | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
office_cubicles_right | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
office_large | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
office_vendor_machine | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
restaurant_asian | Ready | |
restaurant_brunch | Ready | |
restaurant_cafeteria | Ready | |
restaurant_diner | Ready | |
restaurant_hotel | Ready | |
restaurant_urban | Ready | |
school_biology | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
school_chemistry | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
school_computer_lab_and_infirmary | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
school_geography | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
school_gym | Unmatched | Cannot find suitable kitchen. |
(define (problem freeze_meat-0) (:domain omnigibson) (:objects tupperware.n.01_1 tupperware.n.01_2 - tupperware.n.01 countertop.n.01_1 - countertop.n.01 cabinet.n.01_1 - cabinet.n.01 steak.n.01_1 steak.n.01_2 - steak.n.01 plate.n.04_1 plate.n.04_2 - plate.n.04 chicken.n.01_1 chicken.n.01_2 - chicken.n.01 wax_paper.n.01_1 wax_paper.n.01_2 - wax_paper.n.01 floor.n.01_1 - floor.n.01 electric_refrigerator.n.01_1 - electric_refrigerator.n.01 agent.n.01_1 - agent.n.01 ) (:init (inside tupperware.n.01_1 cabinet.n.01_1) (inside tupperware.n.01_2 cabinet.n.01_1) (ontop steak.n.01_1 plate.n.04_1) (ontop steak.n.01_2 plate.n.04_1) (ontop chicken.n.01_1 plate.n.04_2) (ontop chicken.n.01_2 plate.n.04_2) (cooked steak.n.01_1) (cooked steak.n.01_2) (cooked chicken.n.01_1) (cooked chicken.n.01_2) (ontop plate.n.04_1 countertop.n.01_1) (ontop plate.n.04_2 countertop.n.01_1) (ontop wax_paper.n.01_1 countertop.n.01_1) (ontop wax_paper.n.01_2 countertop.n.01_1) (inroom floor.n.01_1 kitchen) (inroom cabinet.n.01_1 kitchen) (inroom countertop.n.01_1 kitchen) (inroom electric_refrigerator.n.01_1 kitchen) (ontop agent.n.01_1 floor.n.01_1) ) (:goal (and (exists (?tupperware.n.01 - tupperware.n.01) (exists (?wax_paper.n.01 - wax_paper.n.01) (forall (?steak.n.01 - steak.n.01) (and (inside ?steak.n.01 ?tupperware.n.01) (ontop ?wax_paper.n.01 ?steak.n.01_1) ) ) ) ) (exists (?tupperware.n.01 - tupperware.n.01) (exists (?wax_paper.n.01 - wax_paper.n.01) (forall (?chicken.n.01 - chicken.n.01) (and (inside ?chicken.n.01 ?tupperware.n.01) (ontop ?wax_paper.n.01 ?chicken.n.01) ) ) ) ) (forall (?steak.n.01 - steak.n.01) (frozen ?steak.n.01) ) (forall (?chicken.n.01 - chicken.n.01) (frozen ?chicken.n.01) ) ) ) )