
Required Synsets

Name State Definition
bowl.n.01 Matched a round vessel that is open at the top; used chiefly for holding food or liquids
breakfast_table.n.01 Matched a table where breakfast is eaten
console_table.n.01 Matched a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall
danish.n.02 Matched light sweet yeast-raised roll usually filled with fruits or cheese
diced__cheddar.n.01 Substance
diced__cucumber.n.01 Substance
diced__virginia_ham.n.01 Substance
floor.n.01 Matched the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure)
jar__of__honey.n.01 Matched
jar__of__jam.n.01 Matched
napkin.n.01 Matched a small piece of table linen that is used to wipe the mouth and to cover the lap in order to protect clothing
place_mat.n.01 Matched a mat serving as table linen for an individual place setting
plate.n.04 Matched dish on which food is served or from which food is eaten
scone.n.01 Matched small biscuit (rich with cream and eggs) cut into diamonds or sticks and baked in an oven or (especially originally) on a griddle
sugar_cookie.n.01 Matched cookies sprinkled with granulated sugar
table_knife.n.01 Matched a knife used for eating at dining table
tablefork.n.01 Matched a fork for eating at a dining table
teacup.n.02 Matched a cup from which tea is drunk
teapot.n.01 Matched pot for brewing tea; usually has a spout and handle
teaspoon.n.02 Matched a small spoon used for stirring tea or coffee; holds about one fluid dram
tray.n.01 Matched an open receptacle for holding or displaying or serving articles or food

Transition Paths By Task Scope Objects

graph TD;

Scene Matching Status

Scene Status Reason
Beechwood_0_garden Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01, 4 console_table.n.01.
Beechwood_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01, 4 console_table.n.01.
Beechwood_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
Benevolence_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
Benevolence_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 4 console_table.n.01.
Benevolence_2_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
Ihlen_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 4 console_table.n.01.
Ihlen_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 4 console_table.n.01.
Merom_0_garden Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
Merom_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
Merom_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 4 console_table.n.01.
Pomaria_0_garden Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
Pomaria_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
Pomaria_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
Pomaria_2_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
Rs_garden Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
Rs_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
Wainscott_0_garden Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 4 console_table.n.01.
Wainscott_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 4 console_table.n.01.
Wainscott_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
gates_bedroom Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
grocery_store_asian Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
grocery_store_cafe Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01, 4 console_table.n.01.
grocery_store_convenience Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
grocery_store_half_stocked Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
hall_arch_wood Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
hall_conference_large Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
hall_glass_ceiling Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
hall_train_station Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
hotel_gym_spa Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
hotel_suite_large Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
hotel_suite_small Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
house_double_floor_lower Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
house_double_floor_upper Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
house_single_floor Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 4 console_table.n.01.
office_bike Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
office_cubicles_left Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
office_cubicles_right Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
office_large Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
office_vendor_machine Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
restaurant_asian Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 4 console_table.n.01.
restaurant_brunch Ready
restaurant_cafeteria Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 4 console_table.n.01.
restaurant_diner Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01, 4 console_table.n.01.
restaurant_hotel Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 4 console_table.n.01.
restaurant_urban Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room: dining_room_0 is missing 4 console_table.n.01.
school_biology Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
school_chemistry Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
school_computer_lab_and_infirmary Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
school_geography Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.
school_gym Unmatched Cannot find suitable dining_room.

Full Definition

(define (problem set_a_table_for_a_tea_party-0)
    (:domain omnigibson)

        napkin.n.01_1 - napkin.n.01
        console_table.n.01_1 console_table.n.01_2 console_table.n.01_3 console_table.n.01_4 - console_table.n.01
        danish.n.02_1 - danish.n.02
        diced__virginia_ham.n.01_1 - diced__virginia_ham.n.01
        place_mat.n.01_1 - place_mat.n.01
        breakfast_table.n.01_1 - breakfast_table.n.01
        tray.n.01_1 - tray.n.01
        teacup.n.02_1 - teacup.n.02
        teapot.n.01_1 - teapot.n.01
        scone.n.01_1 - scone.n.01
        jar__of__jam.n.01_1 - jar__of__jam.n.01
        sugar_cookie.n.01_1 - sugar_cookie.n.01
        jar__of__honey.n.01_1 - jar__of__honey.n.01
        bowl.n.01_1 bowl.n.01_2 bowl.n.01_3 - bowl.n.01
        plate.n.04_1 - plate.n.04
        table_knife.n.01_1 table_knife.n.01_2 - table_knife.n.01
        tablefork.n.01_1 - tablefork.n.01
        teaspoon.n.02_1 - teaspoon.n.02
        diced__cheddar.n.01_1 - diced__cheddar.n.01
        diced__cucumber.n.01_1 - diced__cucumber.n.01
        floor.n.01_1 - floor.n.01
        agent.n.01_1 - agent.n.01
        (ontop napkin.n.01_1 console_table.n.01_1)
        (ontop teacup.n.02_1 console_table.n.01_1)
        (ontop teapot.n.01_1 console_table.n.01_1)
        (ontop jar__of__jam.n.01_1 console_table.n.01_1)
        (ontop jar__of__honey.n.01_1 console_table.n.01_1)
        (ontop tray.n.01_1 console_table.n.01_2)
        (ontop danish.n.02_1 tray.n.01_1)
        (ontop scone.n.01_1 tray.n.01_1)
        (ontop sugar_cookie.n.01_1 tray.n.01_1)
        (ontop bowl.n.01_1 console_table.n.01_3)
        (ontop bowl.n.01_2 console_table.n.01_3)
        (ontop bowl.n.01_3 console_table.n.01_3)
        (filled bowl.n.01_1 diced__virginia_ham.n.01_1)
        (filled bowl.n.01_2 diced__cheddar.n.01_1)
        (filled bowl.n.01_3 diced__cucumber.n.01_1)
        (ontop table_knife.n.01_1 console_table.n.01_4)
        (ontop table_knife.n.01_2 console_table.n.01_4)
        (ontop tablefork.n.01_1 console_table.n.01_4)
        (ontop teaspoon.n.02_1 console_table.n.01_4)
        (ontop plate.n.04_1 console_table.n.01_4)
        (ontop place_mat.n.01_1 breakfast_table.n.01_1)
        (inroom breakfast_table.n.01_1 dining_room) 
        (inroom console_table.n.01_1 dining_room)
        (inroom console_table.n.01_2 dining_room)
        (inroom console_table.n.01_3 dining_room)
        (inroom console_table.n.01_4 dining_room)
        (inroom floor.n.01_1 dining_room) 
        (ontop agent.n.01_1 floor.n.01_1)
            (ontop ?place_mat.n.01_1 ?breakfast_table.n.01_1) 
                (?danish.n.02 - danish.n.02)
                (ontop ?danish.n.02 ?tray.n.01_1)
            (ontop ?scone.n.01_1 ?tray.n.01_1) 
            (ontop ?sugar_cookie.n.01_1 ?tray.n.01_1) 
            (ontop ?jar__of__honey.n.01_1 ?tray.n.01_1) 
                (?table_knife.n.01 - table_knife.n.01)
                (touching ?table_knife.n.01 ?jar__of__honey.n.01_1)
            (ontop ?jar__of__jam.n.01_1 ?tray.n.01_1) 
                (?table_knife.n.01 - table_knife.n.01)
                (touching ?table_knife.n.01 ?jar__of__jam.n.01_1)
            (ontop ?tray.n.01_1 ?breakfast_table.n.01_1)
            (nextto ?teacup.n.02_1 ?plate.n.04_1) 
            (ontop ?teapot.n.01_1 ?breakfast_table.n.01_1) 
            (ontop ?plate.n.04_1 ?place_mat.n.01_1)
            (nextto ?tablefork.n.01_1 ?plate.n.04_1) 
            (overlaid ?napkin.n.01_1 ?plate.n.04_1) 
            (nextto ?teaspoon.n.02_1 ?tablefork.n.01_1) 

Debugging: All Possible Recipes Resulting in Future Synsets

graph TD;