Name | State | Definition |
dust.n.01 | Substance | fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown about in the air |
floor.n.01 | Matched | the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure) |
hand_towel.n.01 | Matched | a small towel used to dry the hands or face |
iron.n.04 | Matched | home appliance consisting of a flat metal base that is heated and used to smooth cloth |
lint.n.01 | Substance | fine ravellings of cotton or linen fibers |
sink.n.01 | Matched | plumbing fixture consisting of a water basin fixed to a wall or floor and having a drainpipe |
(define (problem clean_an_iron-0) (:domain omnigibson) (:objects iron.n.04_1 - iron.n.04 hand_towel.n.01_1 - hand_towel.n.01 dust.n.01_1 - dust.n.01 lint.n.01_1 - lint.n.01 floor.n.01_1 - floor.n.01 sink.n.01_1 - sink.n.01 agent.n.01_1 - agent.n.01 ) (:init (ontop iron.n.04_1 floor.n.01_1) (ontop hand_towel.n.01_1 sink.n.01_1) (covered iron.n.04_1 dust.n.01_1) (covered iron.n.04_1 lint.n.01_1) (inroom floor.n.01_1 bathroom) (inroom sink.n.01_1 bathroom) (ontop agent.n.01_1 floor.n.01_1) ) (:goal (and (not (covered ?iron.n.04_1 ?dust.n.01_1) ) (not (covered ?iron.n.04_1 ?lint.n.01_1) ) ) ) )