a living (or once living) entity
Directly Mapped Categories
Directly Mapped Objects
Object |
Category |
Synset |
Task Relevant |
Meta Links |
Used Rooms |
Ready? |
All Descendant Objects (including Direct)
Object |
Category |
Synset |
Task Relevant |
Meta Links |
Used Rooms |
Ready? |
pot_plant-aantth |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
alga-acjxoq |
alga |
alga.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mold-adouya |
mold |
mold.n.05 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mildew-andbho |
mildew |
mildew.n.02 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
half_chives-andiol |
half_chives |
half__chives.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
marigold-arvona |
marigold |
marigold.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-arwvvc |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-asnsgf |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-azfbnd |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mold-baifom |
mold |
mold.n.05 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-bcirge |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
hanging_plant-bedomm |
hanging_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
vine-bftzho |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
marigold-bioksr |
marigold |
marigold.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-bjwskl |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
tulip-bnfgel |
tulip |
tulip.n.01 |
True |
subpart, collision, |
0 |
True |
half_chanterelle-bsfuew |
half_chanterelle |
half__chanterelle.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
agave-bvlsig |
agave |
agave.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
low_resolution_tree-bxcorf |
low_resolution_tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-cecdwu |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pottable_marigold-clbgcs |
pottable_marigold |
pottable__marigold.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
low_resolution_tree-clcozg |
low_resolution_tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
agave-cnlzlq |
agave |
agave.n.01 |
False |
subpart, collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-cqqyzp |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mold-cvadem |
mold |
mold.n.05 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-cvthyv |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-dbjcic |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
12 |
True |
garden_plant-dgqylq |
garden_plant |
garden_plant.n.01 |
False |
com, collision, |
2 |
True |
low_resolution_tree-djpxqx |
low_resolution_tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
sunflower-dkajbh |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mildew-dngink |
mildew |
mildew.n.02 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
conch-dovqcj |
conch |
conch.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-dxypbs |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
tree-dyymaq |
tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
com, collision, |
14 |
True |
poinsettia-eefcsd |
poinsettia |
poinsettia.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
echeveria_elegans-eijdyn |
echeveria_elegans |
echeveria_elegans.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-eixiaq |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
low_resolution_tree-elrvnt |
low_resolution_tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
low_resolution_tree-enxjlj |
low_resolution_tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
vine-evmhsg |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
tulip-fbaloe |
tulip |
tulip.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pottable_cactus-fcqqsz |
pottable_cactus |
pottable__cactus.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
tree-fggodd |
tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
com, collision, |
2 |
True |
tree-flkzbo |
tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
com, collision, |
12 |
True |
vine-fotcaz |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
marigold-fseapn |
marigold |
marigold.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-ftbsdt |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
half_chanterelle-ftedsa |
half_chanterelle |
half__chanterelle.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
chives-gboofh |
chives |
chives.n.01 |
False |
subpart, collision, |
0 |
True |
vine-gccsfy |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
peppermint-ghhekw |
peppermint |
peppermint.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
tree-gmzozb |
tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
com, collision, |
2 |
True |
half_chives-gxvaot |
half_chives |
half__chives.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
vine-hchlkz |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
vine-hdbgla |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
dahlia_flower-hdkzhl |
dahlia_flower |
dahlia.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
tulip-hohneq |
tulip |
tulip.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
rose-hrwson |
rose |
rose.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
low_resolution_tree-hsycwe |
low_resolution_tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
tree-hvdcql |
tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
com, collision, |
2 |
True |
sunflower-hvpodm |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-iblutb |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
10 |
True |
pot_plant-ibvdwh |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-imhfnc |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
cactus-imitmg |
cactus |
cactus.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
half_tulip-iomnix |
half_tulip |
half__tulip.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
hanging_plant-ipimgx |
hanging_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-irdjit |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-irffta |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-irtlsj |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
garden_plant-itktex |
garden_plant |
garden_plant.n.01 |
False |
com, collision, |
2 |
True |
sunflower-itrbng |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
shiitake-iwrtus |
shiitake |
shiitake.n.01 |
False |
subpart, collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-jaofyw |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-jatssq |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
12 |
True |
pot_plant-jaunqh |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
lily-jfeimu |
lily |
lily.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-jgkozi |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
marigold-jmomsu |
marigold |
marigold.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
lily-jobzwo |
lily |
lily.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-jrvtso |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
sunflower-jsgdlc |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-jtkcip |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
lily-jtouad |
lily |
lily.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mold-jxosab |
mold |
mold.n.05 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
vine-kcajqg |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-kjnypo |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-kndwfb |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-koloae |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
bunchgrass-kqhokv |
bunchgrass |
bunchgrass.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
dahlia_flower-kudrwc |
dahlia_flower |
dahlia.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-kxmvco |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
8 |
True |
garden_plant-kyitvo |
garden_plant |
garden_plant.n.01 |
False |
com, collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-kyrcpw |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
marigold-kzyxgd |
marigold |
marigold.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-liqyem |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-lligdl |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
shiitake-lrejyh |
shiitake |
shiitake.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
sunflower-mastuj |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
hanging_basket-mawcog |
hanging_basket |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
sunflower-mdpoct |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-mfnact |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-mkhbtk |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
lily-mohrqo |
lily |
lily.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-mqhlkf |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
mildew-mqsplh |
mildew |
mildew.n.02 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
hanging_plant-msdqfz |
hanging_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-mypsrd |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
weed-nbhoge |
weed |
weed.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
hanging_basket-ndohjv |
hanging_basket |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
marigold-nghkfn |
marigold |
marigold.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-niavbx |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
half_agave-npxccb |
half_agave |
half__agave.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
sunflower-npxkrn |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mold-nqnmcn |
mold |
mold.n.05 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mold-nrgito |
mold |
mold.n.05 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-nscddw |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
vine-nuhdae |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-nwfojy |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-nwuuca |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
vine-nxvleg |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
sunflower-oaglch |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
half_tulip-obvwkc |
half_tulip |
half__tulip.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
shiitake-oirawt |
shiitake |
shiitake.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
hanging_basket-ojbzln |
hanging_basket |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
hanging_plant-olcdif |
hanging_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
sunflower-ooefvj |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mildew-ooyluh |
mildew |
mildew.n.02 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-opykqm |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
sunflower-oqcslb |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
hanging_plant-pasict |
hanging_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
peppermint-pbrxfe |
peppermint |
peppermint.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
poinsettia-peeehg |
poinsettia |
poinsettia.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-peypuq |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
lily-pfodaq |
lily |
lily.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
garden_plant-phowza |
garden_plant |
garden_plant.n.01 |
False |
com, collision, |
2 |
True |
sunflower-pibfxd |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mold-pslaie |
mold |
mold.n.05 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mold-psooia |
mold |
mold.n.05 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
sunflower-psrfmx |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-qbnaph |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mildew-qcxeja |
mildew |
mildew.n.02 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
poinsettia-qdcipo |
poinsettia |
poinsettia.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-qenqqv |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-qftnsu |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-qlyaks |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
low_resolution_tree-qoqswr |
low_resolution_tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
lily-qpqtlz |
lily |
lily.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
lily-qqtrts |
lily |
lily.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-quaxmw |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
peppermint-qvszrs |
peppermint |
peppermint.n.01 |
False |
subpart, collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-qwtwrx |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-qyarus |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
half_agave-qylfyr |
half_agave |
half__agave.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
lily-relerp |
lily |
lily.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-rkqvba |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
sunflower-rkwubf |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
subpart, collision, |
0 |
True |
marigold-rlapyi |
marigold |
marigold.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
tree-rrhqpw |
tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
com, collision, |
10 |
True |
pottable_beefsteak_tomato-rrjizb |
pottable_beefsteak_tomato |
pottable__beefsteak_tomato.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
chanterelle-rwntzn |
chanterelle |
chanterelle.n.01 |
False |
subpart, collision, |
0 |
True |
lily-rygjjm |
lily |
lily.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
vine-sfqnem |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pottable_dahlia-shchvh |
pottable_dahlia |
pottable__dahlia.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
half_sunflower-shnumy |
half_sunflower |
half__sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-spmhnj |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
mold-srcxto |
mold |
mold.n.05 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-stawgx |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
tree-stbfpu |
tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
com, collision, |
4 |
True |
pot_plant-tbsjnw |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
mildew-tsqply |
mildew |
mildew.n.02 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-ttijye |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
12 |
True |
pot_plant-udqjui |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
36 |
True |
half_vanilla_flower-udzkpp |
half_vanilla_flower |
half__vanilla.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mildew-ufyepn |
mildew |
mildew.n.02 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
marigold-ugezjo |
marigold |
marigold.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
sunflower-urpskm |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-usrbxb |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-uvbpsf |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-vcwwrd |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
sunflower-vkgdsl |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
vine-voaeps |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
low_resolution_tree-vpbrij |
low_resolution_tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
chives-vvacxt |
chives |
chives.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mildew-vvqkfb |
mildew |
mildew.n.02 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-vycujf |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
vanilla_flower-vynsdy |
vanilla_flower |
vanilla.n.01 |
False |
subpart, collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-vyswzs |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
low_resolution_tree-wcadtc |
low_resolution_tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pottable_dahlia-wcgqlj |
pottable_dahlia |
pottable__dahlia.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
half_shiitake-wkcotv |
half_shiitake |
half__shiitake.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
half_sunflower-woubco |
half_sunflower |
half__sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
sunflower-wpzsyk |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
tree-wtyipq |
tree |
tree.n.01 |
True |
com, collision, |
12 |
True |
pot_plant-xcybvc |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
hanging_plant-xfecjy |
hanging_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
vine-xjcnky |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
marigold-xjqpmb |
marigold |
marigold.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
vine-xwzycj |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-xyczqb |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
vine-xzdszm |
vine |
vine.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-xzoovy |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
pot_plant-yfqgfd |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
chives-yifjct |
chives |
chives.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
lily-yltekp |
lily |
lily.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-yrakhf |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
sunflower-ysogni |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pottable_daffodil-yuuyxp |
pottable_daffodil |
pottable__daffodil.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-yvuagy |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
marigold-zdlpfb |
marigold |
marigold.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
sunflower-zdmbjt |
sunflower |
sunflower.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
half_vanilla_flower-zdpxwq |
half_vanilla_flower |
half__vanilla.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
mildew-zfafwr |
mildew |
mildew.n.02 |
True |
collision, |
0 |
True |
pot_plant-zkbbdm |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
hanging_plant-zlgfak |
hanging_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
4 |
True |
pot_plant-ztnfnw |
pot_plant |
pot_plant.n.01 |
True |
collision, |
2 |
True |
half_shiitake-zuskah |
half_shiitake |
half__shiitake.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
Property Name |
No properties found |
Usage Type |
Status |
Used as Substance |
Used as Non-Substance |
Used as Fillable |
Task Name |
Synsets |
Matched Scenes |
Predicates |
Required Features |
Transition Name |
Input Synsets |
Machine Synsets |
Output Synsets |
Transition Graph
graph TD;
Related Synsets
graph TD;
classDef success fill:#28a745,color:#fff;
classDef warning fill:#ffc107,color:#fff;
classDef danger fill:#dc3545,color:#fff;
whole.n.02 --> living_thing.n.01;
living_thing.n.01 --> organism.n.01;
organism.n.01 --> microorganism.n.01;
organism.n.01 --> nonvascular_organism.n.01;
organism.n.01 --> person.n.01;
organism.n.01 --> fungus.n.01;
organism.n.01 --> plant.n.02;
organism.n.01 --> animal.n.01;
microorganism.n.01 --> protoctist.n.01;
nonvascular_organism.n.01 --> bryophyte.n.01;
fungus.n.01 --> mildew.n.02;
fungus.n.01 --> basidiomycete.n.01;
fungus.n.01 --> diced__shiitake.n.01;
fungus.n.01 --> cooked__diced__shiitake.n.01;
fungus.n.01 --> half__shiitake.n.01;
fungus.n.01 --> mold.n.05;
fungus.n.01 --> shiitake.n.01;
plant.n.02 --> pot_plant.n.01;
plant.n.02 --> garden_plant.n.01;
plant.n.02 --> vascular_plant.n.01;
animal.n.01 --> invertebrate.n.01;
invertebrate.n.01 --> mollusk.n.01;
mollusk.n.01 --> gastropod.n.01;
gastropod.n.01 --> conch.n.01;
vascular_plant.n.01 --> vine.n.01;
vascular_plant.n.01 --> herb.n.01;
vascular_plant.n.01 --> succulent.n.01;
vascular_plant.n.01 --> desert_plant.n.01;
vascular_plant.n.01 --> woody_plant.n.01;
vascular_plant.n.01 --> evergreen.n.01;
vascular_plant.n.01 --> weed.n.01;
vascular_plant.n.01 --> spermatophyte.n.01;
vascular_plant.n.01 --> bulbous_plant.n.01;
herb.n.01 --> gramineous_plant.n.01;
herb.n.01 --> tomato.n.02;
herb.n.01 --> mint.n.02;
succulent.n.01 --> cactus.n.01;
succulent.n.01 --> pottable__cactus.n.01;
succulent.n.01 --> echeveria_elegans.n.01;
desert_plant.n.01 --> agave.n.01;
desert_plant.n.01 --> half__agave.n.01;
desert_plant.n.01 --> diced__agave.n.01;
woody_plant.n.01 --> tree.n.01;
woody_plant.n.01 --> shrub.n.01;
spermatophyte.n.01 --> angiosperm.n.01;
bulbous_plant.n.01 --> narcissus.n.01;
bulbous_plant.n.01 --> liliaceous_plant.n.01;
narcissus.n.01 --> pottable__daffodil.n.01;
liliaceous_plant.n.01 --> alliaceous_plant.n.01;
liliaceous_plant.n.01 --> diced__tulip.n.01;
liliaceous_plant.n.01 --> lily.n.01;
liliaceous_plant.n.01 --> tulip.n.01;
liliaceous_plant.n.01 --> half__tulip.n.01;
alliaceous_plant.n.01 --> chives.n.01;
alliaceous_plant.n.01 --> half__chives.n.01;
alliaceous_plant.n.01 --> diced__chives.n.01;
alliaceous_plant.n.01 --> cooked__diced__chives.n.01;
angiosperm.n.01 --> flower.n.01;
flower.n.01 --> pottable__dahlia.n.01;
flower.n.01 --> orchid.n.01;
flower.n.01 --> pottable__marigold.n.01;
flower.n.01 --> marigold.n.01;
flower.n.01 --> dahlia.n.01;
flower.n.01 --> sunflower.n.01;
flower.n.01 --> diced__sunflower.n.01;
flower.n.01 --> half__sunflower.n.01;
orchid.n.01 --> half__vanilla_flower.n.01;
orchid.n.01 --> half__vanilla.n.01;
orchid.n.01 --> diced__vanilla.n.01;
orchid.n.01 --> cooked__diced__vanilla.n.01;
orchid.n.01 --> vanilla.n.01;
shrub.n.01 --> spurge.n.01;
shrub.n.01 --> rose.n.01;
shrub.n.01 --> lavender.n.01;
spurge.n.01 --> poinsettia.n.01;
gramineous_plant.n.01 --> grass.n.01;
tomato.n.02 --> pottable__beefsteak_tomato.n.01;
mint.n.02 --> peppermint.n.01;
grass.n.01 --> cereal.n.01;
grass.n.01 --> bunchgrass.n.01;
cereal.n.01 --> cooked__barley.n.01;
cereal.n.01 --> barley.n.02;
basidiomycete.n.01 --> agaric.n.02;
agaric.n.02 --> diced__chanterelle.n.01;
agaric.n.02 --> cooked__diced__chanterelle.n.01;
agaric.n.02 --> chanterelle.n.01;
agaric.n.02 --> half__chanterelle.n.01;
bryophyte.n.01 --> moss.n.01;
protoctist.n.01 --> alga.n.01;
object.n.01 --> whole.n.02;
physical_entity.n.01 --> object.n.01;
entity.n.01 --> physical_entity.n.01;
click whole.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/whole.n.02/" "Synset details page";
class whole.n.02 success;
click living_thing.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/living_thing.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class living_thing.n.01 success;
click organism.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/organism.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class organism.n.01 success;
click microorganism.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/microorganism.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class microorganism.n.01 info;
click nonvascular_organism.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/nonvascular_organism.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class nonvascular_organism.n.01 info;
click person.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/person.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class person.n.01 danger;
click fungus.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/fungus.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class fungus.n.01 success;
click plant.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/plant.n.02/" "Synset details page";
class plant.n.02 success;
click animal.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/animal.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class animal.n.01 success;
click invertebrate.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/invertebrate.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class invertebrate.n.01 success;
click mollusk.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/mollusk.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class mollusk.n.01 success;
click gastropod.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/gastropod.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class gastropod.n.01 success;
click conch.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/conch.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class conch.n.01 success;
click pot_plant.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/pot_plant.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class pot_plant.n.01 success;
click garden_plant.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/garden_plant.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class garden_plant.n.01 success;
click vascular_plant.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/vascular_plant.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class vascular_plant.n.01 success;
click vine.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/vine.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class vine.n.01 success;
click herb.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/herb.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class herb.n.01 success;
click succulent.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/succulent.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class succulent.n.01 success;
click desert_plant.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/desert_plant.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class desert_plant.n.01 success;
click woody_plant.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/woody_plant.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class woody_plant.n.01 success;
click evergreen.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/evergreen.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class evergreen.n.01 danger;
click weed.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/weed.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class weed.n.01 success;
click spermatophyte.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/spermatophyte.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class spermatophyte.n.01 success;
click bulbous_plant.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/bulbous_plant.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class bulbous_plant.n.01 success;
click narcissus.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/narcissus.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class narcissus.n.01 success;
click liliaceous_plant.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/liliaceous_plant.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class liliaceous_plant.n.01 success;
click alliaceous_plant.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/alliaceous_plant.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class alliaceous_plant.n.01 success;
click diced__tulip.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/diced__tulip.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class diced__tulip.n.01 info;
click lily.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/lily.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class lily.n.01 success;
click tulip.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/tulip.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class tulip.n.01 success;
click half__tulip.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/half__tulip.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class half__tulip.n.01 success;
click chives.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/chives.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class chives.n.01 success;
click half__chives.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/half__chives.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class half__chives.n.01 success;
click diced__chives.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/diced__chives.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class diced__chives.n.01 info;
click cooked__diced__chives.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/cooked__diced__chives.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class cooked__diced__chives.n.01 info;
click pottable__daffodil.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/pottable__daffodil.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class pottable__daffodil.n.01 success;
click angiosperm.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/angiosperm.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class angiosperm.n.01 success;
click flower.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/flower.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class flower.n.01 success;
click pottable__dahlia.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/pottable__dahlia.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class pottable__dahlia.n.01 success;
click orchid.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/orchid.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class orchid.n.01 success;
click pottable__marigold.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/pottable__marigold.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class pottable__marigold.n.01 success;
click marigold.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/marigold.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class marigold.n.01 success;
click dahlia.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/dahlia.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class dahlia.n.01 success;
click sunflower.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/sunflower.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class sunflower.n.01 success;
click diced__sunflower.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/diced__sunflower.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class diced__sunflower.n.01 info;
click half__sunflower.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/half__sunflower.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class half__sunflower.n.01 success;
click half__vanilla_flower.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/half__vanilla_flower.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class half__vanilla_flower.n.01 danger;
click half__vanilla.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/half__vanilla.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class half__vanilla.n.01 success;
click diced__vanilla.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/diced__vanilla.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class diced__vanilla.n.01 info;
click cooked__diced__vanilla.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/cooked__diced__vanilla.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class cooked__diced__vanilla.n.01 info;
click vanilla.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/vanilla.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class vanilla.n.01 success;
click tree.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/tree.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class tree.n.01 success;
click shrub.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/shrub.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class shrub.n.01 success;
click spurge.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/spurge.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class spurge.n.01 success;
click rose.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/rose.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class rose.n.01 success;
click lavender.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/lavender.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class lavender.n.01 danger;
click poinsettia.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/poinsettia.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class poinsettia.n.01 success;
click agave.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/agave.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class agave.n.01 success;
click half__agave.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/half__agave.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class half__agave.n.01 success;
click diced__agave.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/diced__agave.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class diced__agave.n.01 info;
click cactus.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/cactus.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class cactus.n.01 success;
click pottable__cactus.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/pottable__cactus.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class pottable__cactus.n.01 success;
click echeveria_elegans.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/echeveria_elegans.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class echeveria_elegans.n.01 success;
click gramineous_plant.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/gramineous_plant.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class gramineous_plant.n.01 info;
click tomato.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/tomato.n.02/" "Synset details page";
class tomato.n.02 success;
click mint.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/mint.n.02/" "Synset details page";
class mint.n.02 success;
click peppermint.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/peppermint.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class peppermint.n.01 success;
click pottable__beefsteak_tomato.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/pottable__beefsteak_tomato.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class pottable__beefsteak_tomato.n.01 success;
click grass.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/grass.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class grass.n.01 info;
click cereal.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/cereal.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class cereal.n.01 info;
click bunchgrass.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/bunchgrass.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class bunchgrass.n.01 info;
click cooked__barley.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/cooked__barley.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class cooked__barley.n.01 info;
click barley.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/barley.n.02/" "Synset details page";
class barley.n.02 info;
click mildew.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/mildew.n.02/" "Synset details page";
class mildew.n.02 info;
click basidiomycete.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/basidiomycete.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class basidiomycete.n.01 success;
click diced__shiitake.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/diced__shiitake.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class diced__shiitake.n.01 info;
click cooked__diced__shiitake.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/cooked__diced__shiitake.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class cooked__diced__shiitake.n.01 info;
click half__shiitake.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/half__shiitake.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class half__shiitake.n.01 success;
click mold.n.05 "/knowledgebase/synsets/mold.n.05/" "Synset details page";
class mold.n.05 info;
click shiitake.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/shiitake.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class shiitake.n.01 success;
click agaric.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/agaric.n.02/" "Synset details page";
class agaric.n.02 success;
click diced__chanterelle.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/diced__chanterelle.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class diced__chanterelle.n.01 info;
click cooked__diced__chanterelle.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/cooked__diced__chanterelle.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class cooked__diced__chanterelle.n.01 info;
click chanterelle.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/chanterelle.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class chanterelle.n.01 success;
click half__chanterelle.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/half__chanterelle.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class half__chanterelle.n.01 success;
click bryophyte.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/bryophyte.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class bryophyte.n.01 info;
click moss.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/moss.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class moss.n.01 info;
click protoctist.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/protoctist.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class protoctist.n.01 info;
click alga.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/alga.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class alga.n.01 info;
click object.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/object.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class object.n.01 success;
click physical_entity.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/physical_entity.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class physical_entity.n.01 success;
click entity.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/entity.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class entity.n.01 success;
style living_thing.n.01 stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
Ancestor Synsets
Name |
State |
Definition |
entity.n.01 |
Matched |
that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving) |
object.n.01 |
Matched |
a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow |
physical_entity.n.01 |
Matched |
an entity that has physical existence |
whole.n.02 |
Matched |
an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity |
Parent Synsets
Name |
State |
Definition |
whole.n.02 |
Matched |
an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity |
Children Synsets
Name |
State |
Definition |
organism.n.01 |
Matched |
a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently |