
Synset: half__tuna.n.01

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Object Category Synset Task Relevant Meta Links Used Rooms Ready?
half_tuna-ntvqrf half_tuna half__tuna.n.01 False collision, 0 True
half_tuna-vnzgtg half_tuna half__tuna.n.01 False collision, 0 True

Related Synsets

Ancestor Synsets

Name State Definition
entity.n.01 Matched that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving)
food.n.02 Matched any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment
matter.n.03 Matched that which has mass and occupies space
physical_entity.n.01 Matched an entity that has physical existence
saltwater_fish.n.01 Matched flesh of fish from the sea used as food
seafood.n.01 Matched edible fish (broadly including freshwater fish) or shellfish or roe etc
solid.n.01 Matched matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure

Parent Synsets

Name State Definition
saltwater_fish.n.01 Matched flesh of fish from the sea used as food

Children Synsets

Name State Definition