
a piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments

Directly Mapped Categories

Name Synset Objects
desk desk.n.01 45

Directly Mapped Objects

Object Category Synset Task Relevant Meta Links Used Rooms Ready?

All Descendant Objects (including Direct)

Object Category Synset Task Relevant Meta Links Used Rooms Ready?
desk-aduafr desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-ampuyz desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
desk-bhkhxo desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-bptvoy desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
desk-bvhpnd desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-ccxuey desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-cjhriz desk desk.n.01 True collision, 0 True
desk-clenrz desk desk.n.01 True collision, 0 True
desk-cnewsu desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
desk-ctaxkd desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
desk-egzdgz desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
desk-ghtnfq desk desk.n.01 True collision, 4 True
desk-iotfzl desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-iufjhy desk desk.n.01 True collision, 0 True
desk-jfhurf desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
desk-juzwaf desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-kmmlna desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
desk-mdhelw desk desk.n.01 True collision, 8 True
desk-nafjjg desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-nbpuns desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-ntezkg desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
desk-obvwds desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-ohjotf desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-pfsjbc desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-phavlj desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
desk-pniubv desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-puapey desk desk.n.01 True collision, 4 True
desk-qpuflh desk desk.n.01 True collision, 6 True
desk-rzyfxk desk desk.n.01 True collision, 6 True
desk-sfstso desk desk.n.01 True collision, 0 True
desk-sjugsf desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-slgrxc desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
desk-tdhgko desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
desk-tmluxa desk desk.n.01 True collision, 4 True
desk-tmukzm desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
desk-uffjvo desk desk.n.01 True collision, 0 True
desk-uqcmzf desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-uxgyui desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
desk-vpwmkm desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
desk-wtlxfr desk desk.n.01 True collision, 10 True
desk-xhjsub desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-yezrwt desk desk.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
desk-zjbhgq desk desk.n.01 True collision, 0 True
desk-zlyqcq desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True
desk-ztsyqx desk desk.n.01 True collision, 2 True


Property Name


Usage Type Status
Used as Substance NO
Used as Non-Substance YES
Used as Fillable NO
Used in Predicate covered
Used in Predicate nextto
Used in Predicate ontop


Task Name Synsets Matched Scenes Predicates Required Features
clean_a_company_office-0 book.n.02, carton.n.02, computer.n.01, desk.n.01, dust.n.01, floor.n.01, folder.n.02, keyboard.n.01, legal_document.n.01, mouse.n.04, pen.n.01, rag.n.01, recycling_bin.n.01, sheet.n.02, office_bike, office_large, ontop, covered, inside, visual substance,
clean_a_whiteboard-0 desk.n.01, display_panel.n.01, floor.n.01, paper_towel.n.01, rubbing_alcohol.n.01, rubbing_alcohol__atomizer.n.01, tarnish.n.02, school_geography, ontop, covered, insource, visual substance, physical substance,
clean_an_eraser-0 desk.n.01, dust.n.01, eraser.n.01, floor.n.01, rag.n.01, school_geography, ontop, covered, visual substance,
clean_up_your_desk-0 cabinet.n.01, desk.n.01, floor.n.01, folder.n.02, laptop.n.01, mail.n.04, notebook.n.01, paperback_book.n.01, pen.n.01, pencil.n.01, pencil_box.n.01, shears.n.01, shelf.n.01, stapler.n.01, swivel_chair.n.01, tray.n.01, ontop, open, inside,
clean_your_electronics-0 desk.n.01, dust.n.01, floor.n.01, laptop.n.01, printer.n.03, rag.n.01, television_receiver.n.01, hotel_suite_large, hotel_suite_small, house_double_floor_upper, ontop, covered, visual substance,
clean_your_pencil_case-0 crayon.n.01, desk.n.01, dust.n.01, floor.n.01, pen.n.01, pencil.n.01, pencil_box.n.01, rag.n.01, gates_bedroom, hotel_suite_large, hotel_suite_small, house_double_floor_upper, inside, covered, ontop, visual substance,
cleaning_computer-0 desk.n.01, desktop_computer.n.01, dust.n.01, floor.n.01, rag.n.01, gates_bedroom, hotel_suite_large, hotel_suite_small, house_double_floor_upper, ontop, covered, visual substance,
getting_organized_for_work-0 computer.n.01, desk.n.01, floor.n.01, folder.n.02, keyboard.n.01, mouse.n.04, notebook.n.01, pen.n.01, swivel_chair.n.01, office_bike, office_large, ontop, nextto,
getting_package_from_post_office-0 cabinet.n.01, desk.n.01, floor.n.01, keyboard.n.01, letter.n.01, magazine.n.02, mail.n.04, package.n.02, postage.n.02, office_cubicles_right, office_large, ontop, inside,
pack_a_pencil_case-0 desk.n.01, eraser.n.01, floor.n.01, pen.n.01, pencil.n.01, pencil_box.n.01, shears.n.01, house_single_floor, ontop, inside,
picking_up_books_at_library-0 backpack.n.01, book.n.02, desk.n.01, floor.n.01, paperback_book.n.01, Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, office_cubicles_right, office_large, ontop, inside,
putting_away_games-0 board_game.n.01, carton.n.02, desk.n.01, floor.n.01, jigsaw_puzzle.n.01, shelf.n.01, ontop, inside,
set_up_a_webcam-0 desk.n.01, floor.n.01, keyboard.n.01, monitor.n.04, mouse.n.04, webcam.n.02, office_bike, office_large, attached, ontop, attachment,
tidying_bedroom-0 bed.n.01, book.n.02, desk.n.01, floor.n.01, sandal.n.01, gates_bedroom, hotel_suite_large, hotel_suite_small, house_double_floor_upper, ontop, nextto,
turn_off_a_normal_school_calculator-0 calculator.n.02, desk.n.01, floor.n.01, school_geography, ontop, toggled_on,
unpacking_childs_bag-0 backpack.n.01, bed.n.01, crayon.n.01, desk.n.01, floor.n.01, pen.n.01, pencil.n.01, house_single_floor, ontop, open, inside, nextto,


Transition Name Input Synsets Machine Synsets Output Synsets
desk.n.01-washer-cover desk.n.01, washer.n.03, desk.n.01, water.n.06,

Transition Graph

graph TD; recipe-deskn01-washer-cover(recipe: desk.n.01-washer-cover); deskn01(desk.n.01); washern03(washer.n.03); watern06(water.n.06); recipe-deskn01-washer-cover --> deskn01; recipe-deskn01-washer-cover --> watern06; deskn01 --> recipe-deskn01-washer-cover; washern03 --> recipe-deskn01-washer-cover;

Related Synsets

graph TD; classDef success fill:#28a745,color:#fff; classDef warning fill:#ffc107,color:#fff; classDef danger fill:#dc3545,color:#fff; table.n.02 --> desk.n.01; furniture.n.01 --> table.n.02; furnishing.n.02 --> furniture.n.01; instrumentality.n.03 --> furnishing.n.02; artifact.n.01 --> instrumentality.n.03; whole.n.02 --> artifact.n.01; object.n.01 --> whole.n.02; physical_entity.n.01 --> object.n.01; entity.n.01 --> physical_entity.n.01; click table.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/table.n.02/" "Synset details page"; class table.n.02 success; click desk.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/desk.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class desk.n.01 success; click furniture.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/furniture.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class furniture.n.01 success; click furnishing.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/furnishing.n.02/" "Synset details page"; class furnishing.n.02 success; click instrumentality.n.03 "/knowledgebase/synsets/instrumentality.n.03/" "Synset details page"; class instrumentality.n.03 success; click artifact.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/artifact.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class artifact.n.01 success; click whole.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/whole.n.02/" "Synset details page"; class whole.n.02 success; click object.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/object.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class object.n.01 success; click physical_entity.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/physical_entity.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class physical_entity.n.01 success; click entity.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/entity.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class entity.n.01 success; style desk.n.01 stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;

Ancestor Synsets

Name State Definition
artifact.n.01 Matched a man-made object taken as a whole
entity.n.01 Matched that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving)
furnishing.n.02 Matched (usually plural) the instrumentalities (furniture and appliances and other movable accessories including curtains and rugs) that make a home (or other area) livable
furniture.n.01 Matched furnishings that make a room or other area ready for occupancy
instrumentality.n.03 Matched an artifact (or system of artifacts) that is instrumental in accomplishing some end
object.n.01 Matched a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow
physical_entity.n.01 Matched an entity that has physical existence
table.n.02 Matched a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs
whole.n.02 Matched an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity

Parent Synsets

Name State Definition
table.n.02 Matched a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs

Children Synsets

Name State Definition