edible seeds or roots or stems or leaves or bulbs or tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plant
Name | Synset | Objects |
Object | Category | Synset | Task Relevant | Meta Links | Used Rooms | Ready? |
Object | Category | Synset | Task Relevant | Meta Links | Used Rooms | Ready? |
pea-absogx | pea | pea.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_rutabaga-afinny | half_rutabaga | half__rutabaga.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
fennel-afvajq | fennel | fennel.n.02 | False | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
chili-agecro | chili | chili.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
beefsteak_tomato-altlfz | beefsteak_tomato | beefsteak_tomato.n.01 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
chopped_lettuce-amarhu | chopped_lettuce | chopped__lettuce.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_mustard_leaf-amrhdm | half_mustard_leaf | half__mustard.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
pumpkin-apitmi | pumpkin | pumpkin.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
diced__bell_pepper-apumpc | diced__bell_pepper | diced__bell_pepper.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
carrot-aucrah | carrot | carrot.n.03 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
diced__beefsteak_tomato-awslim | diced__beefsteak_tomato | diced__beefsteak_tomato.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
candied_yam-axmnvy | candied_yam | yam.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
candied_yam-ayqjzg | candied_yam | yam.n.03 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
half_broccoli-bapenb | half_broccoli | half__broccoli.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
bok_choy-bbvcji | bok_choy | bok_choy.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
chopped_lettuce-bbyzry | chopped_lettuce | chopped__lettuce.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
chopped_lettuce-bcxcij | chopped_lettuce | chopped__lettuce.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
sliced_tomato-bgcdjr | sliced_tomato | sliced__tomato.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_arugula-bihmpr | half_arugula | half__arugula.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
radish-bpmjki | radish | radish.n.01 | False | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
potato-bpwohr | potato | potato.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
chopped_lettuce-bqqmxy | chopped_lettuce | chopped__lettuce.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
vidalia_onion-buyxll | vidalia_onion | vidalia_onion.n.01 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
half_zucchini-career | half_zucchini | half__zucchini.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
chopped_lettuce-caybcx | chopped_lettuce | chopped__lettuce.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_candied_yam-ckwhwm | half_candied_yam | half__yam.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_white_turnip-cqztci | half_white_turnip | half__white_turnip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
vidalia_onion-dejqhf | vidalia_onion | vidalia_onion.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sliced_cucumber-diiokc | sliced_cucumber | sliced__cucumber.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_candied_yam-dqfxuu | half_candied_yam | half__yam.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
cherry_tomato-dqjuub | cherry_tomato | cherry_tomato.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
cherry_tomato-dqvtgm | cherry_tomato | cherry_tomato.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
pea-duigmh | pea | pea.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_head_cabbage-dwdrej | half_head_cabbage | half__head_cabbage.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
pattypan_squash-dybtwb | pattypan_squash | pattypan_squash.n.02 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
green_bean-dyjvwv | green_bean | green_bean.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
beefsteak_tomato-eevvzv | beefsteak_tomato | beefsteak_tomato.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
asparagus-eodozo | asparagus | asparagus.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_broccoli_rabe-etxdvg | half_broccoli_rabe | half__broccoli_rabe.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
cherry_tomato-eukpfb | cherry_tomato | cherry_tomato.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_fennel-evyukc | half_fennel | half__fennel.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_green_bean-exrkaw | half_green_bean | half__green_bean.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_kale-fbthmv | half_kale | half__kale.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_celery-fdspzm | half_celery | half__celery.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
diced__green_onion-fjafda | diced__green_onion | diced__green_onion.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
parsnip-fwmatc | parsnip | parsnip.n.03 | False | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
leek-fyihsq | leek | leek.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
cauliflower-genkom | cauliflower | cauliflower.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
eggplant-gfytkk | eggplant | eggplant.n.01 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
bell_pepper-ggurxn | bell_pepper | bell_pepper.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
pea-gikvpd | pea | pea.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_spinach-gofplq | half_spinach | half__spinach.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
spinach-gojnss | spinach | spinach.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
half_white_turnip-guvvjb | half_white_turnip | half__white_turnip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
brussels_sprouts-hkwyzk | brussels_sprouts | brussels_sprouts.n.01 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
cherry_tomato-hmsqrh | cherry_tomato | cherry_tomato.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_arugula-hovvwk | half_arugula | half__arugula.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
pea-hzlhrs | pea | pea.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
zucchini-ifvmal | zucchini | zucchini.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
bell_pepper-ihctxa | bell_pepper | bell_pepper.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
parsnip-invznw | parsnip | parsnip.n.03 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
green_bean-iukfzl | green_bean | green_bean.n.01 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
candied_yam-ivkukc | candied_yam | yam.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
diced__green_onion-iwoaoo | diced__green_onion | diced__green_onion.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
cherry_tomato-iydznu | cherry_tomato | cherry_tomato.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
diced__chili-jbconq | diced__chili | diced__chili.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
parsnip-jidpjl | parsnip | parsnip.n.03 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_eggplant-jkcyap | half_eggplant | half__eggplant.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_spinach-jmfmwt | half_spinach | half__spinach.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
parsnip-jmxlll | parsnip | parsnip.n.03 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
lettuce-jnagox | lettuce | lettuce.n.03 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
sliced_mushroom-jnfabw | sliced_mushroom | sliced__mushroom.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
eggplant-jniuxf | eggplant | eggplant.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
bok_choy-jpkewd | bok_choy | bok_choy.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
chickpea-jwqrer | chickpea | chickpea.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_lettuce-kdpjuz | half_lettuce | half__lettuce.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
green_onion_stalk-kfaasd | green_onion_stalk | green_onion.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
kale-kjyfdx | kale | kale.n.03 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
half_rutabaga-kvelnh | half_rutabaga | half__rutabaga.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_cucumber-kyadrk | half_cucumber | half__cucumber.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_radish-kyujnh | half_radish | half__radish.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
arugula-lbkpoh | arugula | arugula.n.02 | False | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
spinach-lcmibz | spinach | spinach.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
green_onion_stalk-ldaffa | green_onion_stalk | green_onion.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
vidalia_onion-ldeuli | vidalia_onion | vidalia_onion.n.01 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
half_asparagus-ldwvlg | half_asparagus | half__asparagus.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_celery-leikaw | half_celery | half__celery.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
spinach-levzwe | spinach | spinach.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_chili-lggdek | half_chili | half__chili.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
green_onion_stalk-lgsfgs | green_onion_stalk | green_onion.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
potato-lgupkq | potato | potato.n.01 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
chard-linuaq | chard | chard.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
potato-ljfitc | potato | potato.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
green_onion-ljynzg | green_onion | green_onion.n.01 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
pea-lprbcf | pea | pea.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
pottable_chili-lpshnm | pottable_chili | pottable__chili.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
potato-lqjear | potato | potato.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_asparagus-lrpyob | half_asparagus | half__asparagus.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
green_bean-lvbjws | green_bean | green_bean.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
diced__green_onion-lwuaas | diced__green_onion | diced__green_onion.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_rhubarb-lyotpu | half_rhubarb | half__pieplant.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
brussels_sprouts-mbkrxe | brussels_sprouts | brussels_sprouts.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
green_bean-mcbvwu | green_bean | green_bean.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_butternut_squash-mfhfrq | half_butternut_squash | half__butternut_squash.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
mustard_leaf-mfjykp | mustard_leaf | mustard.n.03 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
black_bean-mfkwzi | black_bean | black_bean.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_pumpkin-mfoylv | half_pumpkin | half__pumpkin.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_pumpkin-mjeocr | half_pumpkin | half__pumpkin.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
spinach-mkemen | spinach | spinach.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
okra-mopall | okra | gumbo.n.03 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
diced__cucumber-mpenia | diced__cucumber | diced__cucumber.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
pumpkin-mrntpd | pumpkin | pumpkin.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_rhubarb-mtbhkr | half_rhubarb | half__pieplant.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_broccoli_rabe-mvdozt | half_broccoli_rabe | half__broccoli_rabe.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_carrot-mwnhpj | half_carrot | half__carrot.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
candied_yam-mztmgb | candied_yam | yam.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
black_bean-ncvtfs | black_bean | black_bean.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sliced_onion-ndwwog | sliced_onion | sliced__onion.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
potato-ngjeog | potato | potato.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_chili-nidjog | half_chili | half__chili.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
rhubarb-njgkah | rhubarb | pieplant.n.01 | False | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
carrot-nktmff | carrot | carrot.n.03 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
white_turnip-nnvlrd | white_turnip | white_turnip.n.02 | False | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
asparagus-npggjn | asparagus | asparagus.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
spinach-nshkpm | spinach | spinach.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_broccolini-nsqxlh | half_broccolini | half__broccolini.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
eggplant-nzbcyp | eggplant | eggplant.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
half_chard-oajufk | half_chard | half__chard.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_green_onion-oecniy | half_green_onion | half__green_onion.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
okra-oezxso | okra | gumbo.n.03 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
beefsteak_tomato-ogpans | beefsteak_tomato | beefsteak_tomato.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
okra-oibmms | okra | gumbo.n.03 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
sliced_cucumber-ojnoxi | sliced_cucumber | sliced__cucumber.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_lettuce-onrtmg | half_lettuce | half__lettuce.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
lettuce-orsjxq | lettuce | lettuce.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
parsnip-osqisk | parsnip | parsnip.n.03 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_artichoke-otlgxs | half_artichoke | half__artichoke.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_leek-oxkjob | half_leek | half__leek.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
chili-pbbkpz | chili | chili.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sliced_eggplant-pdfkep | sliced_eggplant | sliced__eggplant.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
diced__spinach-pidkao | diced__spinach | diced__spinach.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
beefsteak_tomato-pnrdxh | beefsteak_tomato | beefsteak_tomato.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
green_bean-pnwyiy | green_bean | green_bean.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
pottable_chili-pwalol | pottable_chili | pottable__chili.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
diced__zucchini-qbeomo | diced__zucchini | diced__zucchini.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_potato-qcnoim | half_potato | half__potato.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
diced__lettuce-qgaqwi | diced__lettuce | diced__lettuce.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
carrot-qhmmmx | carrot | carrot.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sliced_tomato-qjpofs | sliced_tomato | sliced__tomato.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_fennel-qkpvje | half_fennel | half__fennel.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_potato-qktjci | half_potato | half__potato.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
rutabaga-qpwfps | rutabaga | rutabaga.n.01 | False | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
half_green_bean-qqucst | half_green_bean | half__green_bean.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_parsnip-quszcu | half_parsnip | half__parsnip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_green_onion-qvdvcz | half_green_onion | half__green_onion.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_leek-qyhvrf | half_leek | half__leek.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
parsnip-racjko | parsnip | parsnip.n.03 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
chili-rafkbt | chili | chili.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
potato-reczhi | potato | potato.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
mustard_leaf-rhufup | mustard_leaf | mustard.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_parsnip-rkbfvr | half_parsnip | half__parsnip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_artichoke-rkcgie | half_artichoke | half__artichoke.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
broccolini-rlsytp | broccolini | broccolini.n.01 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
half_carrot-rprfom | half_carrot | half__carrot.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
celery-rqvtqi | celery | celery.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
half_chard-shmety | half_chard | half__chard.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
brussels_sprouts-siodbb | brussels_sprouts | brussels_sprouts.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_eggplant-splzyb | half_eggplant | half__eggplant.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_broccolini-stvkzd | half_broccolini | half__broccolini.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
butternut_squash-swehmg | butternut_squash | butternut_squash.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_broccoli-swrjvx | half_broccoli | half__broccoli.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_cherry_tomato-tcvxgv | half_cherry_tomato | half__cherry_tomato.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
artichoke-tfclmg | artichoke | artichoke.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
pea-tmsvpt | pea | pea.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_zucchini-tncuen | half_zucchini | half__zucchini.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_vidalia_onion-tnmqrt | half_vidalia_onion | half__vidalia_onion.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
head_cabbage-tqohvs | head_cabbage | head_cabbage.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
half_butternut_squash-ttries | half_butternut_squash | half__butternut_squash.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
diced__beet-tworic | diced__beet | diced__beet.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_brussels_sprouts-txelwc | half_brussels_sprouts | half__brussels_sprouts.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
mustard_leaf-ubloux | mustard_leaf | mustard.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
zucchini-udvfaz | zucchini | zucchini.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
half_beet-uehvci | half_beet | half__beet.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
bell_pepper-ukkycp | bell_pepper | bell_pepper.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
pea-unfdjb | pea | pea.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
bell_pepper-uqcenz | bell_pepper | bell_pepper.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
broccoli_rabe-ushqbz | broccoli_rabe | broccoli_rabe.n.02 | False | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
spinach-uxhqeq | spinach | spinach.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_bell_pepper-uycgmx | half_bell_pepper | half__bell_pepper.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_zucchini-uzezze | half_zucchini | half__zucchini.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
brussels_sprouts-vdamtq | brussels_sprouts | brussels_sprouts.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_cherry_tomato-vtoceh | half_cherry_tomato | half__cherry_tomato.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_bok_choy-vvfckx | half_bok_choy | half__bok_choy.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
radish-vztgpr | radish | radish.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_bell_pepper-waeejs | half_bell_pepper | half__bell_pepper.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
beet-wantjv | beet | beet.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
half_brussels_sprouts-wbisku | half_brussels_sprouts | half__brussels_sprouts.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
cucumber-wcvwye | cucumber | cucumber.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
sliced_tomato-whfsoo | sliced_tomato | sliced__tomato.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_beefsteak_tomato-wjreyv | half_beefsteak_tomato | half__beefsteak_tomato.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_cucumber-wkhmhs | half_cucumber | half__cucumber.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
soybean-wlktgt | soybean | soy.n.04 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
soybean-wodmnd | soybean | soy.n.04 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_head_cabbage-wpebpb | half_head_cabbage | half__head_cabbage.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
pea-wsitbh | pea | pea.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
broccoli-wsxavx | broccoli | broccoli.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
bell_pepper-wszvwc | bell_pepper | bell_pepper.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
half_bok_choy-wuhuao | half_bok_choy | half__bok_choy.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_mushroom-xeodai | half_mushroom | half__mushroom.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
butternut_squash-xfpdui | butternut_squash | butternut_squash.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
asparagus-xguktb | asparagus | asparagus.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
chili-xhbpqh | chili | chili.n.02 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
half_cauliflower-xjidit | half_cauliflower | half__cauliflower.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_beet-xowfmb | half_beet | half__beet.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
zucchini-yhhkxf | zucchini | zucchini.n.02 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
half_kale-ysmhhp | half_kale | half__kale.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
soybean-yujqba | soybean | soy.n.04 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
diced__carrot-yuwvyr | diced__carrot | diced__carrot.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
lettuce-yxemcs | lettuce | lettuce.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_vidalia_onion-yxwjgn | half_vidalia_onion | half__vidalia_onion.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_cauliflower-yzdbqn | half_cauliflower | half__cauliflower.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
half_radish-zjeukz | half_radish | half__radish.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
diced__vidalia_onion-zkqlxr | diced__vidalia_onion | diced__vidalia_onion.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
mushroom-zlukhz | mushroom | mushroom.n.05 | True | collision, subpart, | 0 | True |
diced__potato-zowmsa | diced__potato | diced__potato.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_mustard_leaf-zwbunc | half_mustard_leaf | half__mustard.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
candied_yam-zzxnmn | candied_yam | yam.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
Property Name |
No properties found |
Usage Type | Status |
Used as Substance | NO |
Used as Non-Substance | NO |
Used as Fillable | NO |
Task Name | Synsets | Matched Scenes | Predicates | Required Features |
Transition Name | Input Synsets | Machine Synsets | Output Synsets |
Name | State | Definition |
entity.n.01 | Matched | that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving) |
food.n.02 | Matched | any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment |
matter.n.03 | Matched | that which has mass and occupies space |
physical_entity.n.01 | Matched | an entity that has physical existence |
produce.n.01 | Matched | fresh fruits and vegetable grown for the market |
solid.n.01 | Matched | matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure |
Name | State | Definition |
produce.n.01 | Matched | fresh fruits and vegetable grown for the market |
Name | State | Definition |
artichoke.n.02 | Matched | a thistlelike flower head with edible fleshy leaves and heart |
asparagus.n.02 | Matched | edible young shoots of the asparagus plant |
celery.n.02 | Matched | stalks eaten raw or cooked or used as seasoning |
cooked__diced__artichoke.n.01 | Substance | |
cooked__diced__asparagus.n.01 | Substance | |
cooked__diced__celery.n.01 | Substance | |
cooked__diced__cucumber.n.01 | Substance | |
cooked__diced__fennel.n.01 | Substance | |
cooked__diced__leek.n.01 | Substance | |
cooked__diced__mushroom.n.01 | Substance | |
cooked__diced__pieplant.n.01 | Substance | |
cooked__diced__pumpkin.n.01 | Substance | |
cruciferous_vegetable.n.01 | Matched | a vegetable of the mustard family: especially mustard greens; various cabbages; broccoli; cauliflower; brussels sprouts |
cucumber.n.02 | Matched | cylindrical green fruit with thin green rind and white flesh eaten as a vegetable; related to melons |
diced__artichoke.n.01 | Substance | |
diced__asparagus.n.01 | Substance | |
diced__celery.n.01 | Substance | |
diced__cucumber.n.01 | Substance | |
diced__fennel.n.01 | Substance | |
diced__leek.n.01 | Substance | |
diced__mushroom.n.01 | Substance | |
diced__pieplant.n.01 | Substance | |
diced__pumpkin.n.01 | Substance | |
fennel.n.02 | Matched | aromatic bulbous stem base eaten cooked or raw in salads |
greens.n.01 | Matched | any of various leafy plants or their leaves and stems eaten as vegetables |
gumbo.n.03 | Matched | long mucilaginous green pods; may be simmered or sauteed but used especially in soups and stews |
half__artichoke.n.01 | Matched | |
half__asparagus.n.01 | Matched | |
half__celery.n.01 | Matched | |
half__cucumber.n.01 | Matched | |
half__fennel.n.01 | Matched | |
half__leek.n.01 | Matched | |
half__mushroom.n.01 | Matched | |
half__pieplant.n.01 | Matched | |
half__pumpkin.n.01 | Matched | |
half__rhubarb.n.01 | Unmatched | |
leek.n.02 | Matched | related to onions; white cylindrical bulb and flat dark-green leaves |
legume.n.03 | Matched | the seedpod of a leguminous plant (such as peas or beans or lentils) |
mushroom.n.05 | Matched | fleshy body of any of numerous edible fungi |
onion.n.03 | Matched | an aromatic flavorful vegetable |
pieplant.n.01 | Matched | long pinkish sour leafstalks usually eaten cooked and sweetened |
pumpkin.n.02 | Matched | usually large pulpy deep-yellow round fruit of the squash family maturing in late summer or early autumn |
root_vegetable.n.01 | Matched | any of various fleshy edible underground roots or tubers |
sliced__cucumber.n.01 | Matched | |
sliced__mushroom.n.01 | Matched | |
solanaceous_vegetable.n.01 | Matched | any of several fruits of plants of the family Solanaceae; especially of the genera Solanum, Capsicum, and Lycopersicon |
squash.n.02 | Matched | edible fruit of a squash plant; eaten as a vegetable |