
a flat piece of material designed for a special purpose

Directly Mapped Categories

Name Synset Objects

Directly Mapped Objects

Object Category Synset Task Relevant Meta Links Used Rooms Ready?

All Descendant Objects (including Direct)

Object Category Synset Task Relevant Meta Links Used Rooms Ready?
chopping_board-afwefw chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 4 True
cutting_board-aibvew cutting_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 0 True
chopping_board-akgegh chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 0 True
bulletin_board-ayaoal bulletin_board bulletin_board.n.02 False collision, 0 True
chopping_board-ayegwd chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 0 True
chopping_board-bzauwp chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 2 True
chopping_board-cptayn chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 4 True
chopping_board-drjnag chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 2 True
chopping_board-gaxhrw chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 4 True
cutting_board-idmcgf cutting_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 0 True
chopping_board-iocgzv chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 2 True
cutting_board-jfrbuz cutting_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 0 True
chopping_board-ktxcvz chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 0 True
chopping_board-mqsqhl chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 2 True
chopping_board-mwmzzv chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 0 True
cutting_board-nsvnai cutting_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 0 True
scoreboard-oiiyae scoreboard scoreboard.n.01 False togglebutton, collision, 2 True
cutting_board-olftkr cutting_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 0 True
longboard-osdbnt longboard skateboard.n.01 True collision, 0 True
chopping_board-ozrzrr chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 6 True
chopping_board-psabiv chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 2 True
bulletin_board-rjlpsy bulletin_board bulletin_board.n.02 False collision, 0 True
chopping_board-sygezm chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 2 True
cutting_board-tcdrzs cutting_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 0 True
ironing_board-uwwdky ironing_board ironing_board.n.01 True collision, 0 True
chopping_board-uzeftd chopping_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 2 True
cutting_board-wagwoy cutting_board chopping_board.n.01 True collision, 0 True


Property Name


Usage Type Status
Used as Substance NO
Used as Non-Substance NO
Used as Fillable NO


Task Name Synsets Matched Scenes Predicates Required Features


Transition Name Input Synsets Machine Synsets Output Synsets

Transition Graph

graph TD;

Related Synsets

graph TD; classDef success fill:#28a745,color:#fff; classDef warning fill:#ffc107,color:#fff; classDef danger fill:#dc3545,color:#fff; sheet.n.06 --> board.n.03; board.n.03 --> springboard.n.01; board.n.03 --> bulletin_board.n.02; board.n.03 --> ironing_board.n.01; board.n.03 --> wallboard.n.01; board.n.03 --> chopping_board.n.01; board.n.03 --> scoreboard.n.01; board.n.03 --> skateboard.n.01; springboard.n.01 --> diving_board.n.01; artifact.n.01 --> sheet.n.06; whole.n.02 --> artifact.n.01; object.n.01 --> whole.n.02; physical_entity.n.01 --> object.n.01; entity.n.01 --> physical_entity.n.01; click sheet.n.06 "/knowledgebase/synsets/sheet.n.06/" "Synset details page"; class sheet.n.06 success; click board.n.03 "/knowledgebase/synsets/board.n.03/" "Synset details page"; class board.n.03 success; click springboard.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/springboard.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class springboard.n.01 danger; click bulletin_board.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/bulletin_board.n.02/" "Synset details page"; class bulletin_board.n.02 success; click ironing_board.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/ironing_board.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class ironing_board.n.01 success; click wallboard.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/wallboard.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class wallboard.n.01 danger; click chopping_board.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/chopping_board.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class chopping_board.n.01 success; click scoreboard.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/scoreboard.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class scoreboard.n.01 success; click skateboard.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/skateboard.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class skateboard.n.01 success; click diving_board.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/diving_board.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class diving_board.n.01 danger; click artifact.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/artifact.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class artifact.n.01 success; click whole.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/whole.n.02/" "Synset details page"; class whole.n.02 success; click object.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/object.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class object.n.01 success; click physical_entity.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/physical_entity.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class physical_entity.n.01 success; click entity.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/entity.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class entity.n.01 success; style board.n.03 stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;

Ancestor Synsets

Name State Definition
artifact.n.01 Matched a man-made object taken as a whole
entity.n.01 Matched that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving)
object.n.01 Matched a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow
physical_entity.n.01 Matched an entity that has physical existence
sheet.n.06 Matched a flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width
whole.n.02 Matched an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity

Parent Synsets

Name State Definition
sheet.n.06 Matched a flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width

Children Synsets

Name State Definition
bulletin_board.n.02 Matched a board that hangs on a wall; displays announcements
chopping_board.n.01 Matched a wooden board where meats or vegetables can be cut
ironing_board.n.01 Matched narrow padded board on collapsible supports; used for ironing clothes
scoreboard.n.01 Matched a large board for displaying the score of a contest (and some other information)
skateboard.n.01 Matched a board with wheels that is ridden in a standing or crouching position and propelled by foot
springboard.n.01 Unmatched a flexible board for jumping upward
wallboard.n.01 Unmatched a wide flat board used to cover walls or partitions; made from plaster or wood pulp or other materials and used primarily to form the interior walls of houses