
a barrier that can be moved to allow passage

Directly Mapped Categories

Name Synset Objects

Directly Mapped Objects

Object Category Synset Task Relevant Meta Links Used Rooms Ready?

All Descendant Objects (including Direct)

Object Category Synset Task Relevant Meta Links Used Rooms Ready?
door-adejun door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 6 True
door-agrzdb door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-aknswb door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 8 True
door-arkmpj door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-axhbtu door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-bandpe door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 6 True
door-bexenl door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 6 True
door-bkdxqa door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-booxjn door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
gate-bzotkq gate gate.n.01 True togglebutton, joint, collision, 2 True
door-cbgtjl door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
door-ccfetu door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-ccyiwn door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-ceddpg door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 6 True
door-chonxi door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
door-crtrpa door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-cvvumy door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 10 True
door-dladgw door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 6 True
door-dlncrt door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-dqnbsj door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 42 True
door-duymuw door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-edhkmd door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 8 True
door-eduavq door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-egqeue door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-ehwmol door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 6 True
door-esgehq door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-ewqpfv door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 6 True
door-exaqtm door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
gate-flveay gate gate.n.01 True togglebutton, joint, collision, 2 True
door-fnvpyu door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-frkbgd door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-frusok door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-fstpos door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-gfrgkk door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-ggcyib door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 22 True
door-gjtspo door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-gmytjz door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
door-gzaggw door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-hgcxno door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-hkxqfh door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-hzfirv door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-ilmrvy door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 10 True
door-iuuykr door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
gate-izmteu gate gate.n.01 True togglebutton, joint, collision, 2 True
door-izyvmu door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-jkisfk door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
gate-jnzgyw gate gate.n.01 True togglebutton, joint, collision, 2 True
door-jpubcg door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-jsoewn door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-ktydvs door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 30 True
door-kwbnhy door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 10 True
door-lcrefl door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 6 True
door-lctyaf door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
door-lhxdte door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
door-lrvyvc door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-lvgliq door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 204 True
door-lvncak door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-lztyfn door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 12 True
door-mdglvs door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-mfocvp door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-mgmayh door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
door-mkcndz door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-mqlbnj door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-mrdthd door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-msovkn door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-mtufto door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-myihfn door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
door-nfrbch door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-nhcpvf door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-nwlbit door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 28 True
door-nywsku door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 6 True
door-ofgodc door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-ofgpit door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-ohagsq door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 50 True
door-ozlhfk door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-pevmgl door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-poafwh door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
garage_door-prdjyt garage_door gate.n.01 True togglebutton, joint, collision, 2 True
door-pwoerr door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 14 True
door-pxhbim door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 10 True
door-pzgdls door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
door-rhcnln door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True
gate-rhnrfc gate gate.n.01 True togglebutton, joint, collision, 2 True
door-rqextk door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-rsypfh door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-rwmofs door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-ryflkw door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-scfdua door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-stvajh door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-tfdrhh door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-tonlzz door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-tprpvb door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-uatmde door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-ubesbe door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 6 True
door-uptpdr door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-uubpeq door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
turnstile-uzrfpq turnstile turnstile.n.02 False joint, collision, 2 True
door-vgjnsq door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-vngfge door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
door-vngpad door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
gate-vqjuvg gate gate.n.01 True togglebutton, joint, collision, 2 True
door-vudhlc door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 6 True
door-vxmxbc door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-whqaxp door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-woxoyn door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
gate-wvbxij gate gate.n.01 True togglebutton, joint, collision, 2 True
door-xdcuws door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-xkfmjp door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 6 True
door-xqdonc door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-xqxiyb door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-xxipyh door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 22 True
elevator_door-yazaic elevator_door elevator_door.n.01 False collision, 4 True
door-ydokma door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 2 True
elevator_door-ymwnju elevator_door elevator_door.n.01 False collision, 2 True
elevator_door-zlmfwf elevator_door elevator_door.n.01 False collision, 2 True
door-zlxolj door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 4 True
door-zniqtp door door.n.01 True joint, collision, 0 True


Property Name


Usage Type Status
Used as Substance NO
Used as Non-Substance NO
Used as Fillable NO


Task Name Synsets Matched Scenes Predicates Required Features


Transition Name Input Synsets Machine Synsets Output Synsets

Transition Graph

graph TD;

Related Synsets

graph TD; classDef success fill:#28a745,color:#fff; classDef warning fill:#ffc107,color:#fff; classDef danger fill:#dc3545,color:#fff; barrier.n.01 --> movable_barrier.n.01; movable_barrier.n.01 --> elevator_door.n.01; movable_barrier.n.01 --> door.n.01; movable_barrier.n.01 --> gate.n.01; movable_barrier.n.01 --> turnstile.n.02; obstruction.n.01 --> barrier.n.01; structure.n.01 --> obstruction.n.01; artifact.n.01 --> structure.n.01; whole.n.02 --> artifact.n.01; object.n.01 --> whole.n.02; physical_entity.n.01 --> object.n.01; entity.n.01 --> physical_entity.n.01; click barrier.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/barrier.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class barrier.n.01 success; click movable_barrier.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/movable_barrier.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class movable_barrier.n.01 success; click elevator_door.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/elevator_door.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class elevator_door.n.01 success; click door.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/door.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class door.n.01 success; click gate.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/gate.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class gate.n.01 success; click turnstile.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/turnstile.n.02/" "Synset details page"; class turnstile.n.02 success; click obstruction.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/obstruction.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class obstruction.n.01 success; click structure.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/structure.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class structure.n.01 success; click artifact.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/artifact.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class artifact.n.01 success; click whole.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/whole.n.02/" "Synset details page"; class whole.n.02 success; click object.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/object.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class object.n.01 success; click physical_entity.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/physical_entity.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class physical_entity.n.01 success; click entity.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/entity.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class entity.n.01 success; style movable_barrier.n.01 stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;

Ancestor Synsets

Name State Definition
artifact.n.01 Matched a man-made object taken as a whole
barrier.n.01 Matched a structure or object that impedes free movement
entity.n.01 Matched that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving)
object.n.01 Matched a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow
obstruction.n.01 Matched any structure that makes progress difficult
physical_entity.n.01 Matched an entity that has physical existence
structure.n.01 Matched a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts
whole.n.02 Matched an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity

Parent Synsets

Name State Definition
barrier.n.01 Matched a structure or object that impedes free movement

Children Synsets

Name State Definition
door.n.01 Matched a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle
elevator_door.n.01 Matched
gate.n.01 Matched a movable barrier in a fence or wall
turnstile.n.02 Matched