
Required Synsets

Name State Definition
blackberry.n.01 Matched large sweet black or very dark purple edible aggregate fruit of any of various bushes of the genus Rubus
blueberry.n.02 Substance sweet edible dark-blue berries of either low-growing or high-growing blueberry plants
bowl.n.01 Matched a round vessel that is open at the top; used chiefly for holding food or liquids
breakfast_table.n.01 Matched a table where breakfast is eaten
chia_seed.n.01 Substance
chia_seed__bag.n.01 Matched
floor.n.01 Matched the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure)
granola.n.01 Substance cereal made of especially rolled oats with dried fruits and nuts and honey or brown sugar
granola__box.n.01 Matched
plate.n.04 Matched dish on which food is served or from which food is eaten
raspberry.n.02 Matched red or black edible aggregate berries usually smaller than the related blackberries
yogurt.n.01 Substance a custard-like food made from curdled milk
yogurt__carton.n.01 Matched

Transition Paths By Task Scope Objects

graph TD;

Scene Matching Status

Scene Status Reason
Beechwood_0_garden Ready
Beechwood_0_int Ready
Beechwood_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Benevolence_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Benevolence_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
Benevolence_2_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Ihlen_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Ihlen_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
Merom_0_garden Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Merom_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Merom_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
Pomaria_0_garden Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Pomaria_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Pomaria_1_int Ready
Pomaria_2_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Rs_garden Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
Rs_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
Wainscott_0_garden Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
Wainscott_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
Wainscott_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
gates_bedroom Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
grocery_store_asian Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
grocery_store_cafe Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
grocery_store_convenience Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
grocery_store_half_stocked Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hall_arch_wood Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hall_conference_large Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hall_glass_ceiling Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hall_train_station Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hotel_gym_spa Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hotel_suite_large Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hotel_suite_small Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
house_double_floor_lower Ready
house_double_floor_upper Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
house_single_floor Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
office_bike Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
office_cubicles_left Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
office_cubicles_right Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
office_large Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
office_vendor_machine Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
restaurant_asian Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
restaurant_brunch Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
restaurant_cafeteria Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
restaurant_diner Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
restaurant_hotel Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
restaurant_urban Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 breakfast_table.n.01.
school_biology Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
school_chemistry Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
school_computer_lab_and_infirmary Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
school_geography Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
school_gym Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.

Full Definition

(define (problem make_a_chia_breakfast_bowl-0)
    (:domain omnigibson)

     	granola.n.01_1 - granola.n.01
    	granola__box.n.01_1 - granola__box.n.01
    	breakfast_table.n.01_1 - breakfast_table.n.01
    	yogurt.n.01_1 - yogurt.n.01
    	yogurt__carton.n.01_1 - yogurt__carton.n.01
    	blackberry.n.01_1 blackberry.n.01_2 - blackberry.n.01
    	bowl.n.01_1 bowl.n.01_2 - bowl.n.01
    	plate.n.04_1 - plate.n.04
    	blueberry.n.02_1 - blueberry.n.02
    	raspberry.n.02_1 raspberry.n.02_2 - raspberry.n.02
    	chia_seed.n.01_1 - chia_seed.n.01
    	chia_seed__bag.n.01_1 - chia_seed__bag.n.01
    	floor.n.01_1 - floor.n.01
    	agent.n.01_1 - agent.n.01
        (filled granola__box.n.01_1 granola.n.01_1)
        (ontop granola__box.n.01_1 breakfast_table.n.01_1)
        (ontop plate.n.04_1 breakfast_table.n.01_1)
        (filled yogurt__carton.n.01_1 yogurt.n.01_1)
        (ontop yogurt__carton.n.01_1 breakfast_table.n.01_1)
        (ontop blackberry.n.01_1 plate.n.04_1)
        (ontop blackberry.n.01_2 plate.n.04_1)
        (ontop raspberry.n.02_1 plate.n.04_1)
        (ontop raspberry.n.02_2 plate.n.04_1)
        (filled bowl.n.01_1 blueberry.n.02_1)
        (ontop bowl.n.01_1 breakfast_table.n.01_1)
        (ontop bowl.n.01_2 breakfast_table.n.01_1)
        (filled chia_seed__bag.n.01_1 chia_seed.n.01_1)
        (ontop chia_seed__bag.n.01_1 breakfast_table.n.01_1) 
        (inroom breakfast_table.n.01_1 kitchen) 
        (inroom floor.n.01_1 kitchen) 
        (ontop agent.n.01_1 floor.n.01_1)
            (contains ?bowl.n.01_2 ?granola.n.01_1)
            (contains ?bowl.n.01_2 ?yogurt.n.01_1)
                (?blackberry.n.01 - blackberry.n.01) 
                (inside ?blackberry.n.01 ?bowl.n.01_2)
                (?raspberry.n.02 - raspberry.n.02)
                (inside ?raspberry.n.02 ?bowl.n.01_2)
            (contains ?bowl.n.01_2 ?blueberry.n.02_1)
            (ontop ?bowl.n.01_2 ?breakfast_table.n.01_1)
            (contains ?bowl.n.01_2 ?chia_seed.n.01_1)

Debugging: All Possible Recipes Resulting in Future Synsets

graph TD;