Directly Mapped Categories
Directly Mapped Objects
Object |
Category |
Synset |
Task Relevant |
Meta Links |
Used Rooms |
Ready? |
All Descendant Objects (including Direct)
Object |
Category |
Synset |
Task Relevant |
Meta Links |
Used Rooms |
Ready? |
half_meat_loaf-qeqtna |
half_meat_loaf |
half__meat_loaf.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
half_meat_loaf-rdxyfn |
half_meat_loaf |
half__meat_loaf.n.01 |
False |
collision, |
0 |
True |
Property Name |
cookable |
diceable |
disinfectable |
dustyable |
freezable |
grassyable |
heatable |
moldyable |
nonSubstance |
rigidBody |
rustable |
scratchable |
stainable |
stickyable |
tarnishable |
wetable |
wrinkleable |
Usage Type |
Status |
Used as Substance |
Used as Non-Substance |
Used as Fillable |
Task Name |
Synsets |
Matched Scenes |
Predicates |
Required Features |
Transition Name |
Input Synsets |
Machine Synsets |
Output Synsets |
cooked-half__meat_loaf.n.01-dicing |
half__meat_loaf.n.01-washer-cover |
meat_loaf.n.01-slicing |
uncooked-half__meat_loaf.n.01-dicing |
Transition Graph
graph TD;
recipe-cooked-half__meat_loafn01-dicing(recipe: cooked-half__meat_loaf.n.01-dicing);
recipe-half__meat_loafn01-washer-cover(recipe: half__meat_loaf.n.01-washer-cover);
recipe-meat_loafn01-slicing(recipe: meat_loaf.n.01-slicing);
recipe-uncooked-half__meat_loafn01-dicing(recipe: uncooked-half__meat_loaf.n.01-dicing);
recipe-cooked-half__meat_loafn01-dicing --> cooked__diced__meat_loafn01;
half__meat_loafn01 --> recipe-cooked-half__meat_loafn01-dicing;
half__meat_loafn01 --> recipe-half__meat_loafn01-washer-cover;
half__meat_loafn01 --> recipe-uncooked-half__meat_loafn01-dicing;
recipe-half__meat_loafn01-washer-cover --> half__meat_loafn01;
recipe-half__meat_loafn01-washer-cover --> watern06;
washern03 --> recipe-half__meat_loafn01-washer-cover;
recipe-meat_loafn01-slicing --> half__meat_loafn01;
meat_loafn01 --> recipe-meat_loafn01-slicing;
recipe-uncooked-half__meat_loafn01-dicing --> diced__meat_loafn01;
Related Synsets
graph TD;
classDef success fill:#28a745,color:#fff;
classDef warning fill:#ffc107,color:#fff;
classDef danger fill:#dc3545,color:#fff;
dish.n.02 --> half__meat_loaf.n.01;
loaf_of_bread.n.01 --> half__meat_loaf.n.01;
bread.n.01 --> loaf_of_bread.n.01;
baked_goods.n.01 --> bread.n.01;
starches.n.01 --> bread.n.01;
foodstuff.n.02 --> starches.n.01;
food.n.01 --> foodstuff.n.02;
food.n.01 --> nutriment.n.01;
substance.n.07 --> food.n.01;
matter.n.03 --> substance.n.07;
matter.n.03 --> solid.n.01;
physical_entity.n.01 --> matter.n.03;
entity.n.01 --> physical_entity.n.01;
food.n.02 --> baked_goods.n.01;
solid.n.01 --> food.n.02;
nutriment.n.01 --> dish.n.02;
click dish.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/dish.n.02/" "Synset details page";
class dish.n.02 success;
click half__meat_loaf.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/half__meat_loaf.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class half__meat_loaf.n.01 success;
click loaf_of_bread.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/loaf_of_bread.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class loaf_of_bread.n.01 success;
click bread.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/bread.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class bread.n.01 success;
click baked_goods.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/baked_goods.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class baked_goods.n.01 success;
click starches.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/starches.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class starches.n.01 success;
click foodstuff.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/foodstuff.n.02/" "Synset details page";
class foodstuff.n.02 success;
click food.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/food.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class food.n.01 success;
click substance.n.07 "/knowledgebase/synsets/substance.n.07/" "Synset details page";
class substance.n.07 success;
click matter.n.03 "/knowledgebase/synsets/matter.n.03/" "Synset details page";
class matter.n.03 success;
click physical_entity.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/physical_entity.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class physical_entity.n.01 success;
click entity.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/entity.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class entity.n.01 success;
click food.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/food.n.02/" "Synset details page";
class food.n.02 success;
click solid.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/solid.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class solid.n.01 success;
click nutriment.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/nutriment.n.01/" "Synset details page";
class nutriment.n.01 success;
style half__meat_loaf.n.01 stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
Ancestor Synsets
Name |
State |
Definition |
baked_goods.n.01 |
Matched |
foods (like breads and cakes and pastries) that are cooked in an oven |
bread.n.01 |
Matched |
food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked |
dish.n.02 |
Matched |
a particular item of prepared food |
entity.n.01 |
Matched |
that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving) |
food.n.01 |
Matched |
any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue |
food.n.02 |
Matched |
any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment |
foodstuff.n.02 |
Matched |
a substance that can be used or prepared for use as food |
loaf_of_bread.n.01 |
Matched |
a shaped mass of baked bread that is usually sliced before eating |
matter.n.03 |
Matched |
that which has mass and occupies space |
nutriment.n.01 |
Matched |
a source of materials to nourish the body |
physical_entity.n.01 |
Matched |
an entity that has physical existence |
solid.n.01 |
Matched |
matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure |
starches.n.01 |
Matched |
foodstuff rich in natural starch (especially potatoes, rice, bread) |
substance.n.07 |
Matched |
a particular kind or species of matter with uniform properties |
Parent Synsets
Name |
State |
Definition |
dish.n.02 |
Matched |
a particular item of prepared food |
loaf_of_bread.n.01 |
Matched |
a shaped mass of baked bread that is usually sliced before eating |
Children Synsets