a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs
Name | Synset | Objects |
Object | Category | Synset | Task Relevant | Meta Links | Used Rooms | Ready? |
Object | Category | Synset | Task Relevant | Meta Links | Used Rooms | Ready? |
desk-aduafr | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-ampuyz | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
coffee_table-aoojzy | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
pool_table-atjfhn | pool_table | pool_table.n.01 | True | collision, extrapart, | 2 | True |
nightstand-aykehx | nightstand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
pedestal_table-aympln | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 6 | True |
checkout_counter-bfdnho | checkout_counter | checkout.n.03 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-bhkhxo | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-bhszwe | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-bmnubh | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-bptvoy | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
desk-bvhpnd | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-ccxuey | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-cjhriz | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
coffee_table-cjjayg | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
desk-clenrz | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
desk-cnewsu | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
desk-ctaxkd | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 2 | True |
stand-dbskvf | stand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-dcdtsr | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
pedestal_table-djflkd | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
pedestal_table-dmghrm | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 6 | True |
coffee_table-dnsjnv | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 20 | True |
desk-egzdgz | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
coffee_table-ejlbho | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-elhvfw | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
console_table-emeeke | console_table | console_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 18 | True |
coffee_table-fhqimf | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
console_table-fihyuz | console_table | console_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
conference_table-fpkmyw | conference_table | conference_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 4 | True |
coffee_table-fqluyq | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 12 | True |
coffee_table-gcollb | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 4 | True |
nightstand-geeldi | nightstand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
desk-ghtnfq | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 4 | True |
pedestal_table-gikdir | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
nightstand-gjwjtj | nightstand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
pedestal_table-gkkxaj | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-gpkbiw | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 10 | True |
coffee_table-hbgcej | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
conference_table-hdomxc | conference_table | conference_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
nightstand-hessxe | nightstand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
breakfast_table-hggsao | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
checkout_counter-hhvxxr | checkout_counter | checkout.n.03 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-hmwkkt | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
breakfast_table-hmzwxn | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-iaritq | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-idnnmz | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 6 | True |
pedestal_table-ifmhpn | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-iotfzl | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
gaming_table-ipdvzo | gaming_table | gaming_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
lab_table-ishrsy | lab_table | worktable.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 2 | True |
desk-iufjhy | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
console_table-iuxsao | console_table | console_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-ixvmic | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
breakfast_table-jcqdlx | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
pedestal_table-jdilum | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-jfhurf | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
lab_table-jkemfk | lab_table | worktable.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-jkhlnp | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-jruvif | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-juzwaf | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
conference_table-jxixdw | conference_table | conference_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
nightstand-kanola | nightstand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
reception_desk-kjmhgc | reception_desk | reception_desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-kmmlna | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
coffee_table-koagbh | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-kpwegp | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
pedestal_table-ktevfe | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
stand-kwkcjq | stand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-kwmfdg | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
breakfast_table-lcsizg | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
nightstand-ljtrka | nightstand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
breakfast_table-lnwggc | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
coffee_table-lpwbgm | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-lwtcfh | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
coffee_table-lyhpbr | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
stand-maeowc | stand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
pedestal_table-mbojpo | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
desk-mdhelw | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 8 | True |
coffee_table-metubv | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
coffee_table-mjyitq | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-mtchfd | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-mwsyqb | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
desk-nafjjg | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-nbpuns | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
stand-nkijqa | stand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
pedestal_table-nlfgwe | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-ntezkg | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
breakfast_table-nvoqyl | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
pedestal_table-nyprvh | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-obvwds | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
checkout_counter-odcaop | checkout_counter | checkout.n.03 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-ohjotf | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
pedestal_table-oqclwq | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
coffee_table-osroux | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
stand-oyenza | stand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-pdpkuw | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-pfsjbc | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-phavlj | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
pedestal_table-pljlcn | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-pllvrt | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
desk-pniubv | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
pedestal_table-poukwl | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
desk-puapey | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 4 | True |
coffee_table-puwazg | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
pedestal_table-pyybeq | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
breakfast_table-qjiray | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-qlmqyy | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 12 | True |
coffee_table-qplrhv | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-qpuflh | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 6 | True |
coffee_table-qtwqqb | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
conference_table-qzmjrj | conference_table | conference_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 4 | True |
reception_desk-qztpgl | reception_desk | reception_desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-rhjoby | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-rjgmmy | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
coffee_table-rkdwxe | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-rlsebe | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
nightstand-roxnbe | nightstand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-rzyfxk | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 6 | True |
checkout_counter-sckdal | checkout_counter | checkout.n.03 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-semdkc | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-sfstso | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
breakfast_table-sfxqtk | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
desk-sjugsf | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-skczfi | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 50 | True |
coffee_table-skseyx | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
garden_coffee_table-skxdpc | garden_coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-slgrxc | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 2 | True |
pedestal_table-ssnzie | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 4 | True |
coffee_table-stocuk | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
pedestal_table-swgvxs | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-tdhgko | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
pedestal_table-tdpuit | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-tmluxa | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 4 | True |
desk-tmukzm | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
console_table-tvhett | console_table | console_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
console_table-tzkfqa | console_table | console_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-tzmkgq | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
desk-uffjvo | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
breakfast_table-uhrsex | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 12 | True |
reception_desk-ukonss | reception_desk | reception_desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
checkout_counter-umnoqh | checkout_counter | checkout.n.03 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-uqcmzf | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
nightstand-uudzva | nightstand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-uxgyui | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
nightstand-uzxrlg | nightstand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-vcgabn | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
desk-vpwmkm | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
lab_table-vujgjq | lab_table | worktable.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 2 | True |
reception_desk-vxombm | reception_desk | reception_desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
stand-vyrick | stand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
stand-waxtja | stand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
nightstand-wbxekb | nightstand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-wdbwhc | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-wgtaip | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
pedestal_table-wnqrci | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-wnrior | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-wtlxfr | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 10 | True |
coffee_table-wwgaym | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-wwsikw | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
nightstand-wxzubg | nightstand | stand.n.04 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-wzyqgx | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
pedestal_table-xcnvsy | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-xftrki | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-xhjsub | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
console_table-xqlxni | console_table | console_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
pedestal_table-xrrhik | pedestal_table | pedestal_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-xshzms | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
booth-xzrpar | booth | booth.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-yaanqr | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-yclkbw | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-yezrwt | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
breakfast_table-ylykeh | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-ytelxk | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-ytlgdt | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
coffee_table-zehult | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
coffee_table-zisekv | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-zjbhgq | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
desk-zlyqcq | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
desk-ztsyqx | desk | desk.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
breakfast_table-zypvuv | breakfast_table | breakfast_table.n.01 | True | collision, | 4 | True |
coffee_table-zzqwse | coffee_table | coffee_table.n.01 | True | collision, joint, | 0 | True |
Property Name |
disinfectable |
dustyable |
grassyable |
moldyable |
nonSubstance |
rigidBody |
rustable |
sceneObject |
scratchable |
stainable |
stickyable |
tarnishable |
wetable |
wrinkleable |
Usage Type | Status |
Used as Substance | NO |
Used as Non-Substance | YES |
Used as Fillable | NO |
Used in Predicate | covered |
Used in Predicate | nextto |
Used in Predicate | ontop |
Used in Predicate | touching |
Used in Predicate | under |
Task Name | Synsets | Matched Scenes | Predicates | Required Features |
assembling_gift_baskets-0 | bow.n.08, butter_cookie.n.01, candle.n.01, floor.n.01, swiss_cheese.n.01, table.n.02, wicker_basket.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_0_int, Pomaria_1_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_double_floor_lower, house_single_floor, | ontop, inside, | |
clean_a_computer_monitor-0 | dust.n.01, floor.n.01, monitor.n.04, rag.n.01, sink.n.01, table.n.02, water.n.06, | school_computer_lab_and_infirmary, | ontop, insource, covered, | visual substance, physical substance, |
clean_a_flat_panel_monitor-0 | dust.n.01, floor.n.01, monitor.n.04, rag.n.01, rubbing_alcohol.n.01, rubbing_alcohol__atomizer.n.01, sink.n.01, stain.n.01, table.n.02, water.n.06, | office_cubicles_left, office_large, office_vendor_machine, | ontop, insource, covered, | visual substance, physical substance, |
clean_a_kitchen_table-0 | chopping_board.n.01, cooking_oil.n.01, countertop.n.01, crumb.n.03, dust.n.01, floor.n.01, liquid_soap.n.01, liquid_soap__bottle.n.01, rag.n.01, sink.n.01, table.n.02, water.n.06, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Benevolence_1_int, Ihlen_1_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_single_floor, restaurant_asian, restaurant_brunch, restaurant_diner, restaurant_hotel, restaurant_urban, | filled, ontop, insource, inside, covered, | visual substance, physical substance, |
cleaning_cups_in_living_room-0 | dust.n.01, floor.n.01, rag.n.01, red_wine.n.01, table.n.02, white_wine.n.01, wineglass.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_0_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_0_garden, Merom_0_int, Merom_1_int, Pomaria_1_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_double_floor_lower, house_single_floor, | ontop, covered, | visual substance, physical substance, |
cleaning_freezer-0 | detergent.n.02, detergent__bottle.n.01, electric_refrigerator.n.01, floor.n.01, prawn.n.01, sink.n.01, stain.n.01, table.n.02, towel.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Pomaria_1_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, | ontop, filled, inside, covered, | visual substance, physical substance, |
cleaning_garage-0 | bottle.n.01, broom.n.01, cabinet.n.01, dust.n.01, floor.n.01, newspaper.n.03, rag.n.01, recycling_bin.n.01, sink.n.01, stain.n.01, table.n.02, | Ihlen_0_int, | ontop, inside, covered, | visual substance, |
cleaning_sneakers-0 | bar_soap.n.01, cabinet.n.01, countertop.n.01, dust.n.01, floor.n.01, gym_shoe.n.01, scrub_brush.n.01, sink.n.01, stain.n.01, table.n.02, towel.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_1_int, Pomaria_1_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_double_floor_lower, house_single_floor, | ontop, inside, under, nextto, covered, | visual substance, |
cleaning_table_after_clearing-0 | bar_soap.n.01, cabinet.n.01, dishtowel.n.01, floor.n.01, sink.n.01, stain.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Benevolence_1_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_1_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_single_floor, restaurant_asian, restaurant_brunch, restaurant_diner, restaurant_hotel, restaurant_urban, | ontop, inside, covered, | visual substance, |
cleaning_up_after_a_meal-0 | bowl.n.01, chair.n.01, cup.n.01, detergent.n.02, detergent__bottle.n.01, dishwasher.n.01, floor.n.01, hamburger.n.01, plate.n.04, sack.n.01, sink.n.01, stain.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Benevolence_1_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_1_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, restaurant_brunch, restaurant_hotel, restaurant_urban, | ontop, filled, inside, covered, | visual substance, physical substance, |
cleaning_windows-0 | cabinet.n.01, detergent.n.02, detergent__bottle.n.01, dust.n.01, floor.n.01, rag.n.01, sink.n.01, table.n.02, towel.n.01, window.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_1_int, Pomaria_1_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, Wainscott_0_int, house_single_floor, | ontop, filled, inside, covered, | visual substance, physical substance, |
clearing_the_table_after_dinner-0 | bottle__of__catsup.n.01, bowl.n.01, bucket.n.01, chair.n.01, cup.n.01, floor.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Benevolence_1_int, Ihlen_0_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_1_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, grocery_store_cafe, house_single_floor, restaurant_asian, restaurant_brunch, restaurant_cafeteria, restaurant_diner, restaurant_hotel, restaurant_urban, | ontop, inside, | |
hang_a_dartboard-0 | dart.n.01, dartboard.n.01, floor.n.01, packing_box.n.02, table.n.02, wall_nail.n.01, | Ihlen_1_int, Merom_0_garden, Merom_0_int, | ontop, attached, inside, | attachment, |
hang_paper_lanterns-0 | floor.n.01, paper_lantern.n.01, pole.n.01, table.n.02, wall_nail.n.01, | Merom_0_garden, Pomaria_0_garden, Rs_garden, house_single_floor, | ontop, attached, | attachment, |
hanging_address_numbers-0 | address.n.05, floor.n.01, table.n.02, wall_nail.n.01, | Merom_0_garden, house_single_floor, | ontop, attached, | attachment, |
hanging_blinds-0 | floor.n.01, table.n.02, wall_nail.n.01, window_blind.n.01, | Ihlen_1_int, Merom_0_garden, Merom_0_int, | ontop, attached, | attachment, |
installing_a_fax_machine-0 | facsimile.n.02, floor.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Pomaria_0_garden, Pomaria_0_int, office_cubicles_right, office_large, | ontop, toggled_on, | |
installing_a_modem-0 | floor.n.01, modem.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Pomaria_0_garden, Pomaria_0_int, office_cubicles_right, office_large, | ontop, under, toggled_on, | |
installing_a_printer-0 | floor.n.01, printer.n.03, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Pomaria_0_garden, Pomaria_0_int, office_cubicles_right, office_large, | ontop, toggled_on, | |
installing_a_scanner-0 | floor.n.01, scanner.n.02, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Pomaria_0_garden, Pomaria_0_int, office_cubicles_right, office_large, | ontop, under, toggled_on, | |
installing_alarms-0 | alarm.n.02, floor.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_0_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_1_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_single_floor, | ontop, toggled_on, | |
installing_carpet-0 | floor.n.01, rug.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_0_int, Pomaria_1_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_double_floor_lower, house_single_floor, | ontop, | |
laying_restaurant_table_for_dinner-0 | cabinet.n.01, chair.n.01, dinner_napkin.n.01, floor.n.01, plate.n.04, table.n.02, table_knife.n.01, tablefork.n.01, tablespoon.n.02, water_glass.n.02, wineglass.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, restaurant_cafeteria, | ontop, folded, inside, nextto, | cloth, |
organizing_file_cabinet-0 | cabinet.n.01, chair.n.01, document.n.01, floor.n.01, folder.n.02, marker.n.03, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Pomaria_0_garden, Pomaria_0_int, office_large, | ontop, inside, | |
organizing_school_stuff-0 | backpack.n.01, bed.n.01, book.n.02, calculator.n.02, floor.n.01, folder.n.02, marker.n.03, pen.n.01, pencil.n.01, table.n.02, | Benevolence_2_int, Ihlen_1_int, Pomaria_0_garden, Pomaria_0_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, Wainscott_1_int, gates_bedroom, hotel_suite_large, hotel_suite_small, house_double_floor_upper, house_single_floor, | ontop, nextto, inside, | |
packing_picnic_food_into_car-0 | apple_pie.n.01, bag.n.06, car.n.01, crescent_roll.n.01, driveway.n.01, floor.n.01, hamburger.n.01, lawn.n.01, muffin.n.01, table.n.02, tortilla_chip.n.01, water_bottle.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Merom_0_garden, Pomaria_0_garden, Rs_garden, Wainscott_0_garden, house_single_floor, | ontop, inside, | |
picking_up_baggage-0 | backpack.n.01, bag.n.06, car.n.01, floor.n.01, table.n.02, | house_single_floor, | ontop, inside, | |
picking_up_take_out_food-0 | carton.n.02, floor.n.01, hamburger.n.01, sushi.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Benevolence_1_int, Ihlen_0_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_1_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_single_floor, | ontop, inside, | |
place_houseplants_around_your_home-0 | cactus.n.01, floor.n.01, pot_plant.n.01, table.n.02, wicker_basket.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Wainscott_0_garden, house_single_floor, | ontop, inside, | |
polishing_furniture-0 | bookcase.n.01, dust.n.01, floor.n.01, rag.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_0_int, Merom_0_garden, Merom_0_int, Pomaria_1_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, | ontop, under, covered, | visual substance, |
prepare_a_slow_dinner_party-0 | cabinet.n.01, carving_knife.n.01, countertop.n.01, electric_refrigerator.n.01, floor.n.01, microwave.n.02, plate.n.04, platter.n.01, salad.n.01, table.n.02, turkey.n.04, wine_bottle.n.01, wineglass.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Benevolence_1_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, | hot, cooked, ontop, inside, nextto, | |
putting_away_Halloween_decorations-0 | cabinet.n.01, caldron.n.01, candle.n.01, floor.n.01, pumpkin.n.02, sofa.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_1_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_double_floor_lower, house_single_floor, | ontop, nextto, inside, | |
putting_away_toys-0 | carton.n.02, floor.n.01, plaything.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Benevolence_1_int, Ihlen_0_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_1_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_single_floor, | ontop, inside, | |
putting_backpack_in_car_for_school-0 | backpack.n.01, book.n.02, car.n.01, floor.n.01, pencil_box.n.01, table.n.02, | Pomaria_0_garden, Wainscott_0_garden, house_single_floor, | ontop, inside, | |
putting_meal_in_fridge_at_work-0 | club_sandwich.n.01, electric_refrigerator.n.01, floor.n.01, plate.n.04, table.n.02, | office_large, | ontop, inside, | |
putting_out_cat_food-0 | bowl.n.01, cat_food.n.01, cat_food__tin.n.01, floor.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_0_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_0_garden, Merom_0_int, Merom_1_int, Pomaria_1_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_double_floor_lower, house_single_floor, | ontop, filled, | physical substance, |
putting_up_Christmas_decorations_inside-0 | bow.n.08, candle.n.01, carton.n.02, christmas_tree.n.05, floor.n.01, gift_box.n.01, sofa.n.01, table.n.02, wreath.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Benevolence_1_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_1_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_single_floor, | ontop, nextto, under, inside, | |
re_shelving_library_books-0 | book.n.02, bookcase.n.01, floor.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_0_int, Merom_0_garden, Merom_0_int, Pomaria_1_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, | ontop, | |
rearranging_kitchen_furniture-0 | cabinet.n.01, countertop.n.01, floor.n.01, table.n.02, toaster_oven.n.01, wooden_spoon.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_1_int, Pomaria_1_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_double_floor_lower, house_single_floor, | ontop, touching, inside, | |
repairs_to_furniture-0 | emery_paper.n.01, floor.n.01, incision.n.01, table.n.02, | Ihlen_0_int, house_double_floor_lower, house_single_floor, | ontop, covered, | visual substance, |
serving_hors_d_oeuvres-0 | cabinet.n.01, cheddar.n.02, electric_refrigerator.n.01, floor.n.01, parsley.n.02, pretzel.n.01, salad.n.01, table.n.02, tray.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Benevolence_1_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_1_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_single_floor, restaurant_asian, restaurant_brunch, restaurant_cafeteria, restaurant_diner, restaurant_hotel, restaurant_urban, | ontop, nextto, inside, | |
set_up_a_home_office_in_your_garage-0 | carton.n.02, computer.n.01, floor.n.01, router.n.02, table.n.02, table_lamp.n.01, | Ihlen_0_int, house_double_floor_lower, house_single_floor, | ontop, inside, | |
set_up_a_preschool_classroom-0 | backpack.n.01, blackboard.n.01, blackboard_eraser.n.01, carton.n.02, chair.n.01, computer.n.01, floor.n.01, globe.n.03, mat.n.03, notebook.n.01, pen.n.01, pencil.n.01, table.n.02, teddy.n.01, wall_clock.n.01, | school_geography, | ontop, nextto, touching, inside, | |
setting_up_living_room_for_guest-0 | bookcase.n.01, bowl.n.01, chip.n.04, dust.n.01, floor.n.01, hardback.n.01, rag.n.01, table.n.02, teddy.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_0_int, Merom_0_garden, Merom_0_int, Pomaria_1_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, | ontop, folded, inside, covered, | visual substance, cloth, |
setting_up_room_for_a_movie-0 | bowl.n.01, cabinet.n.01, can__of__soda.n.01, floor.n.01, popcorn.n.02, sack.n.01, sheet.n.03, sofa.n.01, table.n.02, television_receiver.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, house_double_floor_lower, house_single_floor, | ontop, filled, inside, | physical substance, |
setting_up_room_for_games-0 | board_game.n.01, cabinet.n.01, die.n.01, floor.n.01, jigsaw_puzzle.n.01, table.n.02, | Merom_0_garden, Merom_0_int, Merom_1_int, | ontop, inside, | |
setting_up_silent_auction-0 | bust.n.03, card.n.04, carton.n.02, clipboard.n.01, floor.n.01, painting.n.01, portrait.n.02, swivel_chair.n.01, table.n.02, | office_bike, office_cubicles_left, office_large, office_vendor_machine, | ontop, nextto, inside, | |
setup_a_fish_tank-0 | bucket.n.01, floor.n.01, pebble.n.01, table.n.02, tank.n.02, water.n.06, water_filter.n.01, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_0_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_0_garden, Merom_0_int, Merom_1_int, Pomaria_1_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_double_floor_lower, house_single_floor, | ontop, open, filled, inside, | physical substance, |
sorting_potatoes-0 | bok_choy.n.02, butternut_squash.n.02, carton.n.02, floor.n.01, potato.n.01, sack.n.01, table.n.02, yam.n.03, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Pomaria_1_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_double_floor_lower, restaurant_cafeteria, | ontop, inside, | |
stacking_wood-0 | floor.n.01, log.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Merom_0_garden, Pomaria_0_garden, Rs_garden, Wainscott_0_garden, house_single_floor, | ontop, | |
stash_snacks_in_your_room-0 | bag__of__jerky.n.01, bed.n.01, cabinet.n.01, chip.n.04, chocolate_bar.n.01, chocolate_biscuit.n.01, floor.n.01, granola_bar.n.01, pack__of__chocolate_bar.n.01, sack.n.01, table.n.02, | Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, Wainscott_1_int, house_double_floor_upper, | ontop, nextto, inside, | |
store_firewood-0 | firewood.n.01, floor.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Beechwood_0_int, Ihlen_0_int, Ihlen_1_int, Merom_0_garden, Merom_0_int, Merom_1_int, Pomaria_1_int, Rs_garden, Rs_int, Wainscott_0_garden, Wainscott_0_int, house_double_floor_lower, house_single_floor, | ontop, | |
store_firewood_outdoors-0 | firewood.n.01, floor.n.01, table.n.02, | Beechwood_0_garden, Merom_0_garden, Pomaria_0_garden, Rs_garden, Wainscott_0_garden, house_single_floor, | ontop, | |
stripping_furniture-0 | bucket.n.01, floor.n.01, house_paint.n.01, newspaper.n.03, scraper.n.01, scrub_brush.n.01, solvent.n.01, solvent__bottle.n.01, table.n.02, | Ihlen_0_int, house_double_floor_lower, house_single_floor, | ontop, filled, covered, | visual substance, physical substance, |
Transition Name | Input Synsets | Machine Synsets | Output Synsets |
Name | State | Definition |
artifact.n.01 | Matched | a man-made object taken as a whole |
entity.n.01 | Matched | that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving) |
furnishing.n.02 | Matched | (usually plural) the instrumentalities (furniture and appliances and other movable accessories including curtains and rugs) that make a home (or other area) livable |
furniture.n.01 | Matched | furnishings that make a room or other area ready for occupancy |
instrumentality.n.03 | Matched | an artifact (or system of artifacts) that is instrumental in accomplishing some end |
object.n.01 | Matched | a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow |
physical_entity.n.01 | Matched | an entity that has physical existence |
whole.n.02 | Matched | an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity |
Name | State | Definition |
furniture.n.01 | Matched | furnishings that make a room or other area ready for occupancy |
Name | State | Definition |
booth.n.01 | Matched | a table (in a restaurant or bar) surrounded by two high-backed benches |
breakfast_table.n.01 | Matched | a table where breakfast is eaten |
coffee_table.n.01 | Matched | low table where magazines can be placed and coffee or cocktails are served |
conference_table.n.01 | Matched | the table that conferees sit around as they hold a meeting |
console_table.n.01 | Matched | a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall |
counter.n.01 | Matched | table consisting of a horizontal surface over which business is transacted |
desk.n.01 | Matched | a piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments |
gaming_table.n.01 | Matched | a table used for gambling; may be equipped with a gameboard and slots for chips |
kitchen_table.n.01 | Unmatched | a table in the kitchen |
pedestal_table.n.01 | Matched | a table supported by a single central column |
pool_table.n.01 | Matched | game equipment consisting of a heavy table on which pool is played |
stand.n.04 | Matched | a small table for holding articles of various kinds |
worktable.n.01 | Matched | a table designed for a particular task |