the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object
Name | Synset | Objects |
Object | Category | Synset | Task Relevant | Meta Links | Used Rooms | Ready? |
Object | Category | Synset | Task Relevant | Meta Links | Used Rooms | Ready? |
sponge-aewrov | sponge | sponge.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
paper_sheet-afdjfk | paper_sheet | sheet.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sand-alsjav | sand | sand.n.04 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
emery_paper-aozhnv | emery_paper | emery_paper.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
notepad-awcyha | notepad | notepad.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_log-bbieuz | half_log | half__log.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
house_paint-bddoel | house_paint | house_paint.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_cardstock-bdwvvq | half_cardstock | half__card.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
cardstock-bihwte | cardstock | card.n.04 | True | subpart, collision, | 0 | True |
wax_remnant-bkufur | wax_remnant | wax_remnant.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wax_remnant-bqfzmw | wax_remnant | wax_remnant.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
dust-cclaek | dust | dust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_log-ccnvxc | half_log | half__log.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wax_remnant-ccpgac | wax_remnant | wax_remnant.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
lint-cvhjsj | lint | lint.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
chalk-dcosbg | chalk | chalk.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
sodium_carbonate-dktnjn | sodium_carbonate | sodium_carbonate.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
mud-dokrgg | mud | mud.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
post_it-drlhqi | post_it | post-it.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
quartz-drqtci | quartz | quartz.n.02 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
wood_chip-dwnzxq | wood_chip | wood_chip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
adhesive_material-ebvbik | adhesive_material | adhesive_material.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sand-efrviw | sand | sand.n.04 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
steel_wool-egeolq | steel_wool | steel_wool.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
log-ehkwjg | log | log.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wax_paper-emhfwr | wax_paper | wax_paper.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
mud-epmhlu | mud | mud.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
dust-eqhhrb | dust | dust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
grease-eudyur | grease | grease.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
debris-fcszek | debris | debris.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
chalk-fdmgww | chalk | chalk.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
bar_soap-feqemg | bar_soap | bar_soap.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
log-fhhuic | log | log.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
log-fkaapx | log | log.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sand-fkjuzg | sand | sand.n.04 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
debris-fnbqaz | debris | debris.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
mud-fnngxv | mud | mud.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wax_remnant-fvgder | wax_remnant | wax_remnant.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sand-fwnqov | sand | sand.n.04 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
cotton_ball-gabqdn | cotton_ball | cotton.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
adhesive_material-giuazp | adhesive_material | adhesive_material.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
debris-gkmgum | debris | debris.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_cardstock-gnazgm | half_cardstock | half__card.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
adhesive_material-gqxfbc | adhesive_material | adhesive_material.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
lint-grgpox | lint | lint.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wood_chip-hhtouu | wood_chip | wood_chip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
notepad-hirdfd | notepad | notepad.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wrapping_paper-hjbesb | wrapping_paper | wrapping_paper.n.01 | True | subpart, collision, | 0 | True |
adhesive_material-hkltcp | adhesive_material | adhesive_material.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sand-hkvicq | sand | sand.n.04 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
chalk-hpnnry | chalk | chalk.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
sand-hrlqgf | sand | sand.n.04 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
grease-hrslgc | grease | grease.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
log-huvmgu | log | log.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
spray_paint-igqvov | spray_paint | spray_paint.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
debris-inwxjp | debris | debris.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
adhesive_material-irhlwn | adhesive_material | adhesive_material.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
grease-irjasz | grease | grease.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
rust-iywdid | rust | rust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
rust-jixtdn | rust | rust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
insectifuge-jkfwip | insectifuge | insectifuge.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
toilet_paper-jlifcx | toilet_paper | toilet_tissue.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
grease-jtmvjo | grease | grease.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
lint-kbpblz | lint | lint.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
quartz-kilkpz | quartz | quartz.n.02 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
chalk-kiwkye | chalk | chalk.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
soil-kkrybm | soil | soil.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
quartz-klgses | quartz | quartz.n.02 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
sponge-klwueh | sponge | sponge.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wood_chip-knqyja | wood_chip | wood_chip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
fecal_matter-kojzxl | fecal_matter | fecal_matter.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
fecal_matter-kqeryi | fecal_matter | fecal_matter.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
cigar-kslnuf | cigar | cigar.n.01 | False | collision, | 2 | True |
feather-kwjblz | feather | feather.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sand-kwyhdi | sand | sand.n.04 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
mud-kybwuy | mud | mud.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
debris-larkat | debris | debris.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
rust-lbdqgb | rust | rust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wood_chip-lderti | wood_chip | wood_chip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
insectifuge-lfqkge | insectifuge | insectifuge.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
cornstarch-lhvbic | cornstarch | cornstarch.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
bar_soap-lyigsj | bar_soap | bar_soap.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
lint-mcbeej | lint | lint.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
adhesive_material-mglikb | adhesive_material | adhesive_material.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
mud-mipvhl | mud | mud.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_wrapping_paper-mntitw | half_wrapping_paper | half__wrapping_paper.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
fecal_matter-momwng | fecal_matter | fecal_matter.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
skyrocket-moxhuh | skyrocket | skyrocket.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
lemon_peel-mrvvpr | lemon_peel | lemon_peel.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
adhesive_material-mygzce | adhesive_material | adhesive_material.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sugar_coffee_scrub-mzycjm | sugar_coffee_scrub | sugar_coffee_scrub.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
mud-nhcnir | mud | mud.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
notepad-njeocp | notepad | notepad.n.01 | True | collision, | 4 | True |
fecal_matter-nlaskp | fecal_matter | fecal_matter.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
dust-nmxgok | dust | dust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
paraffin_wax-nnbvcm | paraffin_wax | paraffin.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
soil-nwgosx | soil | soil.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
notepad-oaikde | notepad | notepad.n.01 | True | collision, | 4 | True |
cigarette-oejihn | cigarette | cigarette.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
bar_soap-ofargb | bar_soap | bar_soap.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
wax_remnant-ojlosh | wax_remnant | wax_remnant.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
rust-ojoljb | rust | rust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
cigarette-oklfsv | cigarette | cigarette.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
paraffin_wax-onopqz | paraffin_wax | paraffin.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wood_chip-onpcoz | wood_chip | wood_chip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
post_it-ooetjh | post_it | post-it.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
fecal_matter-ordbal | fecal_matter | fecal_matter.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
adhesive_material-ouzqke | adhesive_material | adhesive_material.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
dust-owfafc | dust | dust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sparkler-owuetb | sparkler | sparkler.n.02 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
bar_soap-ozifwa | bar_soap | bar_soap.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
debris-ozmmct | debris | debris.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
log-pepele | log | log.n.01 | True | subpart, collision, | 0 | True |
toilet_paper-phrpmu | toilet_paper | toilet_tissue.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
half_wrapping_paper-pjcxni | half_wrapping_paper | half__wrapping_paper.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
lint-pjziye | lint | lint.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
quartz-poplsu | quartz | quartz.n.02 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
debris-psmecb | debris | debris.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
dust-ptwxre | dust | dust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
lint-pzmjhs | lint | lint.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
mud-qaeybn | mud | mud.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
fecal_matter-qbbfwh | fecal_matter | fecal_matter.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
fecal_matter-qdgsxc | fecal_matter | fecal_matter.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sponge-qewotb | sponge | sponge.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
bag_of_rubbish-qfkzkd | bag_of_rubbish | bag__of__rubbish.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
toilet_paper-qibjff | toilet_paper | toilet_tissue.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
lemon_peel-qirncy | lemon_peel | lemon_peel.n.01 | True | subpart, collision, | 0 | True |
dust-qjxrxz | dust | dust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
grease-qplnws | grease | grease.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wax_remnant-rhdtbl | wax_remnant | wax_remnant.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
rust-riwtzb | rust | rust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wood_chip-rlcnca | wood_chip | wood_chip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
log-rlhqcm | log | log.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sand-roikvz | sand | sand.n.04 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
lint-rrowzx | lint | lint.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
fecal_matter-rtchms | fecal_matter | fecal_matter.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
notepad-rvevdj | notepad | notepad.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_log-rvtvqc | half_log | half__log.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
grease-rvvucw | grease | grease.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
chalk-sasyin | chalk | chalk.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
log-sboyet | log | log.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
lemon_peel-sdvrmi | lemon_peel | lemon_peel.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
debris-sjwmwi | debris | debris.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
rust-skgpjn | rust | rust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
cigarette-slkbfx | cigarette | cigarette.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wax_remnant-soabis | wax_remnant | wax_remnant.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
rust-sosehz | rust | rust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
sticky_note-tghqep | sticky_note | sticky_note.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
quartz-tgqodl | quartz | quartz.n.02 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
sand-tllfet | sand | sand.n.04 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
grease-tlwuae | grease | grease.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
dust-tudgif | dust | dust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
log-tujlga | log | log.n.01 | True | subpart, collision, | 0 | True |
lint-twtvsh | lint | lint.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
log-ubcyhk | log | log.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
cream_of_tartar-uhlwos | cream_of_tartar | cream_of_tartar.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
log-ujwecs | log | log.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
dust-uooqfh | dust | dust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
paper_sheet-uqbipw | paper_sheet | sheet.n.02 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
bar_soap-utgixp | bar_soap | bar_soap.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
loofah-uudvib | loofah | loofa.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
half_log-uuuien | half_log | half__log.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
toilet_paper-vbomsx | toilet_paper | toilet_tissue.n.01 | True | collision, | 2 | True |
quartz-vfuilh | quartz | quartz.n.02 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
chalk-vgfyvo | chalk | chalk.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
cigarette-vgndiy | cigarette | cigarette.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
adhesive_material-vtsuxx | adhesive_material | adhesive_material.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
loofah-vtvqwc | loofah | loofa.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
rust-vxyusc | rust | rust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
log-wdablp | log | log.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
rust-wesjvs | rust | rust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
chalk-wfhrzf | chalk | chalk.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
dust-woqmrh | dust | dust.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wood_chip-wrtgbv | wood_chip | wood_chip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
chalk-wvqiai | chalk | chalk.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
post_it-xakxes | post_it | post-it.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wax_remnant-xanpai | wax_remnant | wax_remnant.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
lint-xbnamo | lint | lint.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
grease-xsvjtp | grease | grease.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
grease-xthbse | grease | grease.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wax_remnant-xvaiap | wax_remnant | wax_remnant.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wood_chip-xzizzj | wood_chip | wood_chip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
debris-yubxhx | debris | debris.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
mud-yydteg | mud | mud.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
mud-zepzag | mud | mud.n.03 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
wood_chip-zrerox | wood_chip | wood_chip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
wood_chip-zseasm | wood_chip | wood_chip.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
fecal_matter-ztctyz | fecal_matter | fecal_matter.n.01 | True | collision, | 0 | True |
chalk-zwkoax | chalk | chalk.n.01 | False | collision, | 0 | True |
Property Name |
No properties found |
Usage Type | Status |
Used as Substance | NO |
Used as Non-Substance | NO |
Used as Fillable | NO |
Task Name | Synsets | Matched Scenes | Predicates | Required Features |
Transition Name | Input Synsets | Machine Synsets | Output Synsets |
Name | State | Definition |
abstraction.n.06 | Matched | a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples |
entity.n.01 | Matched | that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving) |
matter.n.03 | Matched | that which has mass and occupies space |
part.n.01 | Matched | something determined in relation to something that includes it |
physical_entity.n.01 | Matched | an entity that has physical existence |
relation.n.01 | Matched | an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together |
substance.n.01 | Matched | the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists |
Name | State | Definition |
substance.n.01 | Matched | the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists |
Name | State | Definition |
abrasive.n.01 | Matched | a substance that abrades or wears down |
adhesive_material.n.01 | Substance | a substance that unites or bonds surfaces together |
animal_material.n.01 | Matched | material derived from animals |
chemical.n.01 | Matched | material produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules |
coloring_material.n.01 | Substance | any material used for its color |
discharge.n.03 | Substance | a substance that is emitted or released |
earth.n.02 | Substance | the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface |
fiber.n.01 | Matched | a slender and greatly elongated substance capable of being spun into yarn |
humate.n.01 | Substance | material that is high in humic acids |
mineral.n.01 | Matched | solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition |
packing_material.n.01 | Matched | any material used especially to protect something |
paper.n.01 | Matched | a material made of cellulose pulp derived mainly from wood or rags or certain grasses |
particulate.n.01 | Substance | a small discrete mass of solid or liquid matter that remains individually dispersed in gas or liquid emissions (usually considered to be an atmospheric pollutant) |
plant_material.n.01 | Matched | material derived from plants |
rind.n.01 | Matched | the natural outer covering of food (usually removed before eating) |
rock.n.02 | Unmatched | material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the Earth's crust |
sealing_material.n.01 | Substance | any substance used to seal joints or fill cracks in a porous surface |
sorbent.n.01 | Matched | a material that sorbs another substance; i.e. that has the capacity or tendency to take it up by either absorption or adsorption |
waste.n.01 | Matched | any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted |