
Required Synsets

Name State Definition
bowl.n.01 Matched a round vessel that is open at the top; used chiefly for holding food or liquids
breadcrumb.n.01 Substance crumb of bread; used especially for coating or thickening
chopping_board.n.01 Matched a wooden board where meats or vegetables can be cut
cooking_oil.n.01 Substance any of numerous vegetable oils used in cooking
cooking_oil__bottle.n.01 Matched
countertop.n.01 Matched the top side of a counter
cup.n.01 Matched a small open container usually used for drinking; usually has a handle
floor.n.01 Matched the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure)
flour.n.01 Substance fine powdery foodstuff obtained by grinding and sifting the meal of a cereal grain
flour__sack.n.01 Matched
frying_pan.n.01 Matched a pan used for frying foods
raw_egg.n.01 Matched
salt.n.02 Substance white crystalline form of especially sodium chloride used to season and preserve food
salt__shaker.n.01 Matched
schnitzel.n.01 Matched deep-fried breaded veal cutlets
stove.n.01 Matched a kitchen appliance used for cooking food
veal.n.01 Matched meat from a calf

Transition Paths By Task Scope Objects

graph TD; initial-breadcrumbn01(initial: breadcrumb.n.01); initial-cooking_oiln01(initial: cooking_oil.n.01); initial-flourn01(initial: flour.n.01); initial-frying_pann01(initial: frying_pan.n.01); initial-raw_eggn01(initial: raw_egg.n.01); initial-saltn02(initial: salt.n.02); future-schnitzeln01(future: schnitzel.n.01); initial-stoven01(initial: stove.n.01); initial-vealn01(initial: veal.n.01); recipe-schnitzel(recipe: schnitzel); initial-breadcrumbn01 --> recipe-schnitzel; initial-cooking_oiln01 --> recipe-schnitzel; initial-flourn01 --> recipe-schnitzel; initial-frying_pann01 --> recipe-schnitzel; initial-raw_eggn01 --> recipe-schnitzel; initial-saltn02 --> recipe-schnitzel; initial-stoven01 --> recipe-schnitzel; initial-vealn01 --> recipe-schnitzel; recipe-schnitzel --> future-schnitzeln01;

Scene Matching Status

Scene Status Reason
Beechwood_0_garden Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 stove.n.01.
Beechwood_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 stove.n.01.
Beechwood_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Benevolence_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Benevolence_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 stove.n.01.
Benevolence_2_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Ihlen_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Ihlen_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 stove.n.01.
Merom_0_garden Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Merom_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Merom_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 countertop.n.01.
Pomaria_0_garden Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Pomaria_0_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Pomaria_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 stove.n.01.
Pomaria_2_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
Rs_garden Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 stove.n.01.
Rs_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 stove.n.01.
Wainscott_0_garden Ready
Wainscott_0_int Ready
Wainscott_1_int Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
gates_bedroom Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
grocery_store_asian Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
grocery_store_cafe Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
grocery_store_convenience Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
grocery_store_half_stocked Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hall_arch_wood Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hall_conference_large Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hall_glass_ceiling Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hall_train_station Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hotel_gym_spa Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hotel_suite_large Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
hotel_suite_small Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
house_double_floor_lower Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 stove.n.01.
house_double_floor_upper Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
house_single_floor Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen: kitchen_0 is missing 1 stove.n.01.
office_bike Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
office_cubicles_left Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
office_cubicles_right Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
office_large Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
office_vendor_machine Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
restaurant_asian Ready
restaurant_brunch Ready
restaurant_cafeteria Ready
restaurant_diner Ready
restaurant_hotel Ready
restaurant_urban Ready
school_biology Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
school_chemistry Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
school_computer_lab_and_infirmary Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
school_geography Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.
school_gym Unmatched Cannot find suitable kitchen.

Full Definition

(define (problem make_a_wiener_schnitzle-0)
    (:domain omnigibson)

        veal.n.01_1 - veal.n.01
        cooking_oil.n.01_1 - cooking_oil.n.01
        flour.n.01_1 - flour.n.01
        raw_egg.n.01_1 - raw_egg.n.01
        salt.n.02_1 - salt.n.02
        breadcrumb.n.01_1 - breadcrumb.n.01
        schnitzel.n.01_1 - schnitzel.n.01
        stove.n.01_1 - stove.n.01
        frying_pan.n.01_1 - frying_pan.n.01
        flour__sack.n.01_1 - flour__sack.n.01
        salt__shaker.n.01_1 - salt__shaker.n.01
        chopping_board.n.01_1 - chopping_board.n.01
        bowl.n.01_1 - bowl.n.01
        countertop.n.01_1 - countertop.n.01
        cup.n.01_1 - cup.n.01
        cooking_oil__bottle.n.01_1 - cooking_oil__bottle.n.01
        agent.n.01_1 - agent.n.01
        floor.n.01_1 - floor.n.01
            (cooked veal.n.01_1)
        (ontop veal.n.01_1 chopping_board.n.01_1) 
        (ontop chopping_board.n.01_1 countertop.n.01_1) 
        (filled cooking_oil__bottle.n.01_1 cooking_oil.n.01_1) 
        (ontop cooking_oil__bottle.n.01_1 countertop.n.01_1) 
        (filled flour__sack.n.01_1 flour.n.01_1) 
        (ontop flour__sack.n.01_1 countertop.n.01_1) 
        (inside raw_egg.n.01_1 bowl.n.01_1) 
        (ontop bowl.n.01_1 countertop.n.01_1) 
        (insource salt__shaker.n.01_1 salt.n.02_1)
        (ontop salt__shaker.n.01_1 countertop.n.01_1)
        (filled cup.n.01_1 breadcrumb.n.01_1) 
        (ontop frying_pan.n.01_1 countertop.n.01_1) 
        (ontop cup.n.01_1 countertop.n.01_1) 
        (inroom stove.n.01_1 kitchen) 
        (inroom countertop.n.01_1 kitchen) 
        (future schnitzel.n.01_1) 
        (inroom floor.n.01_1 kitchen) 
        (ontop agent.n.01_1 floor.n.01_1)
            (real ?schnitzel.n.01_1) 
            (cooked ?schnitzel.n.01_1)


Debugging: All Possible Recipes Resulting in Future Synsets

graph TD; initial-saltn02(initial: salt.n.02); initial-stoven01(initial: stove.n.01); initial-raw_eggn01(initial: raw_egg.n.01); initial-breadcrumbn01(initial: breadcrumb.n.01); future-schnitzeln01(future: schnitzel.n.01); initial-frying_pann01(initial: frying_pan.n.01); recipe-schnitzel(recipe: schnitzel); initial-vealn01(initial: veal.n.01); initial-cooking_oiln01(initial: cooking_oil.n.01); initial-flourn01(initial: flour.n.01); initial-saltn02 --> recipe-schnitzel; initial-stoven01 --> recipe-schnitzel; initial-raw_eggn01 --> recipe-schnitzel; initial-breadcrumbn01 --> recipe-schnitzel; initial-frying_pann01 --> recipe-schnitzel; recipe-schnitzel --> future-schnitzeln01; initial-vealn01 --> recipe-schnitzel; initial-cooking_oiln01 --> recipe-schnitzel; initial-flourn01 --> recipe-schnitzel;