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Helper classes and functions for streamlining user interactions


A helper class for manipulating a camera via the keyboard. Utilizes carb keyboard callbacks to move the camera around.


Name Type Description Default
cam VisionSensor

The camera vision sensor to manipulate via the keyboard

delta float

Change (m) per keypress when moving the camera

save_dir str

Absolute path to where recorded images should be stored. Default is /imgs

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class CameraMover:
    A helper class for manipulating a camera via the keyboard. Utilizes carb keyboard callbacks to move
    the camera around.

        cam (VisionSensor): The camera vision sensor to manipulate via the keyboard
        delta (float): Change (m) per keypress when moving the camera
        save_dir (str): Absolute path to where recorded images should be stored. Default is <OMNIGIBSON_PATH>/imgs
    def __init__(self, cam, delta=0.25, save_dir=None):
        if save_dir is None:
            save_dir = f"{og.root_path}/../images" = cam = delta
        self.light_val = gm.FORCE_LIGHT_INTENSITY
        self.save_dir = save_dir

        self._appwindow = lazy.omni.appwindow.get_default_app_window()
        self._input = lazy.carb.input.acquire_input_interface()
        self._keyboard = self._appwindow.get_keyboard()
        self._sub_keyboard = self._input.subscribe_to_keyboard_events(self._keyboard, self._sub_keyboard_event)

    def clear(self):
        Clears this camera mover. After this is called, the camera mover cannot be used.
        self._input.unsubscribe_to_keyboard_events(self._keyboard, self._sub_keyboard)

    def set_save_dir(self, save_dir):
        Sets the absolute path corresponding to the image directory where recorded images from this CameraMover
        should be saved

            save_dir (str): Absolute path to where recorded images should be stored
        self.save_dir = save_dir

    def change_light(self, delta):
        self.light_val += delta

    def set_lights(self, intensity):
        world = lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_at_path("/World")
        for prim in world.GetChildren():
            for prim_child in prim.GetChildren():
                for prim_child_child in prim_child.GetChildren():
                    if "Light" in prim_child_child.GetPrimTypeInfo().GetTypeName():

    def print_info(self):
        Prints keyboard command info out to the user
        print("*" * 40)
        print("CameraMover! Commands:")
        print(f"\t Right Click + Drag: Rotate camera")
        print(f"\t W / S : Move camera forward / backward")
        print(f"\t A / D : Move camera left / right")
        print(f"\t T / G : Move camera up / down")
        print(f"\t 9 / 0 : Increase / decrease the lights")
        print(f"\t P : Print current camera pose")
        print(f"\t O: Save the current camera view as an image")

    def print_cam_pose(self):
        Prints out the camera pose as (position, quaternion) in the world frame
        print(f"cam pose: {}")

    def get_image(self):
        Helper function for quickly grabbing the currently viewed RGB image

            np.array: (H, W, 3) sized RGB image array
        return[0]["rgb"][:, :, :-1]

    def record_image(self, fpath=None):
        Saves the currently viewed image and writes it to disk

            fpath (None or str): If specified, the absolute fpath to the image save location. Default is located in
        """"Recording image...")

        # Use default fpath if not specified
        if fpath is None:
            timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
            fpath = f"{self.save_dir}/og_{timestamp}.png"

        # Make sure save path directory exists, and then save the image to that location
        Path(Path(fpath).parent).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        Image.fromarray(self.get_image()).save(fpath)"Saved current viewer camera image to {fpath}.")

    def record_trajectory(self, poses, fps, steps_per_frame=1, fpath=None):
        Moves the viewer camera through the poses specified by @poses and records the resulting trajectory to an mp4
        video file on disk.

            poses (list of 2-tuple): List of global (position, quaternion) values to set the viewer camera to defining
                this trajectory
            fps (int): Frames per second when recording this video
            steps_per_frame (int): How many sim steps should occur between each frame being recorded. Minimum and
                default is 1.
            fpath (None or str): If specified, the absolute fpath to the video save location. Default is located in
        """"Recording trajectory...")

        # Use default fpath if not specified
        if fpath is None:
            timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
            fpath = f"{self.save_dir}/og_{timestamp}.mp4"

        # Make sure save path directory exists, and then create the video writer
        Path(Path(fpath).parent).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        video_writer = imageio.get_writer(fpath, fps=fps)

        # Iterate through all desired poses, and record the trajectory
        for i, (pos, quat) in enumerate(poses):
  , orientation=quat)
            if i % steps_per_frame == 0:

        # Close writer
        video_writer.close()"Saved camera trajectory video to {fpath}.")

    def record_trajectory_from_waypoints(self, waypoints, per_step_distance, fps, steps_per_frame=1, fpath=None):
        Moves the viewer camera through the waypoints specified by @waypoints and records the resulting trajectory to
        an mp4 video file on disk.

            waypoints (np.array): (n, 3) global position waypoint values to set the viewer camera to defining this trajectory
            per_step_distance (float): How much distance (in m) should be approximately covered per trajectory step.
                This will determine the path length between individual waypoints
            fps (int): Frames per second when recording this video
            steps_per_frame (int): How many sim steps should occur between each frame being recorded. Minimum and
                default is 1.
            fpath (None or str): If specified, the absolute fpath to the video save location. Default is located in
        # Create splines and their derivatives
        n_waypoints = len(waypoints)
        if n_waypoints < 3:
            og.log.error("Cannot generate trajectory from waypoints with less than 3 waypoints!")

        splines = [CubicSpline(range(n_waypoints), waypoints[:, i], bc_type='clamped') for i in range(3)]
        dsplines = [spline.derivative() for spline in splines]

        # Function help get arc derivative
        def arc_derivative(u):
            return np.sqrt(np.sum([dspline(u) ** 2 for dspline in dsplines]))

        # Function to help get interpolated positions
        def get_interpolated_positions(step):
            assert step < n_waypoints - 1
            dist = quad(func=arc_derivative, a=step, b=step + 1)[0]
            path_length = int(dist / per_step_distance)
            interpolated_points = np.zeros((path_length, 3))
            for i in range(path_length):
                curr_step = step + (i / path_length)
                interpolated_points[i, :] = np.array([spline(curr_step) for spline in splines])
            return interpolated_points

        # Iterate over all waypoints and infer the resulting trajectory, recording the resulting poses
        poses = []
        for i in range(n_waypoints - 1):
            positions = get_interpolated_positions(step=i)
            for j in range(len(positions) - 1):
                # Get direction vector from the current to the following point
                direction = positions[j + 1] - positions[j]
                direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction)
                # Infer tilt and pan angles from this direction
                xy_direction = direction[:2] / np.linalg.norm(direction[:2])
                z = direction[2]
                pan_angle = np.arctan2(-xy_direction[0], xy_direction[1])
                tilt_angle = np.arcsin(z)
                # Infer global quat orientation from these angles
                quat = T.euler2quat([np.pi / 2 - tilt_angle, 0.0, pan_angle])
                poses.append([positions[j], quat])

        # Record the generated trajectory
        self.record_trajectory(poses=poses, fps=fps, steps_per_frame=steps_per_frame, fpath=fpath)

    def set_delta(self, delta):
        Sets the delta value (how much the camera moves with each keypress) for this CameraMover

            delta (float): Change (m) per keypress when moving the camera
        """ = delta

    def set_cam(self, cam):
        Sets the active camera sensor for this CameraMover

            cam (VisionSensor): The camera vision sensor to manipulate via the keyboard
        """ = cam

    def input_to_function(self):
            dict: Mapping from relevant keypresses to corresponding function call to use
        return {
            lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.O: lambda: self.record_image(fpath=None),
            lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.P: lambda: self.print_cam_pose(),
            lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.KEY_9: lambda: self.change_light(delta=-2e4),
            lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.KEY_0: lambda: self.change_light(delta=2e4),

    def input_to_command(self):
            dict: Mapping from relevant keypresses to corresponding delta command to apply to the camera pose
        return {
            lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.D: np.array([, 0, 0]),
            lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.A: np.array([, 0, 0]),
            lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.W: np.array([0, 0,]),
            lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.S: np.array([0, 0,]),
            lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.T: np.array([0,, 0]),
            lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.G: np.array([0,, 0]),

    def _sub_keyboard_event(self, event, *args, **kwargs):
        Handle keyboard events. Note: The signature is pulled directly from omni.

            event (int): keyboard event type
        if event.type == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardEventType.KEY_PRESS \
                or event.type == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardEventType.KEY_REPEAT:

            if event.type == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardEventType.KEY_PRESS and event.input in self.input_to_function:

                command = self.input_to_command.get(event.input, None)

                if command is not None:
                    # Convert to world frame to move the camera
                    transform = T.quat2mat(
                    delta_pos_global = transform @ command
           + delta_pos_global)

        return True

input_to_command property


Name Type Description

Mapping from relevant keypresses to corresponding delta command to apply to the camera pose

input_to_function property


Name Type Description

Mapping from relevant keypresses to corresponding function call to use


Clears this camera mover. After this is called, the camera mover cannot be used.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def clear(self):
    Clears this camera mover. After this is called, the camera mover cannot be used.
    self._input.unsubscribe_to_keyboard_events(self._keyboard, self._sub_keyboard)


Helper function for quickly grabbing the currently viewed RGB image


Type Description

np.array: (H, W, 3) sized RGB image array

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_image(self):
    Helper function for quickly grabbing the currently viewed RGB image

        np.array: (H, W, 3) sized RGB image array
    return[0]["rgb"][:, :, :-1]


Prints out the camera pose as (position, quaternion) in the world frame

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def print_cam_pose(self):
    Prints out the camera pose as (position, quaternion) in the world frame
    print(f"cam pose: {}")


Prints keyboard command info out to the user

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def print_info(self):
    Prints keyboard command info out to the user
    print("*" * 40)
    print("CameraMover! Commands:")
    print(f"\t Right Click + Drag: Rotate camera")
    print(f"\t W / S : Move camera forward / backward")
    print(f"\t A / D : Move camera left / right")
    print(f"\t T / G : Move camera up / down")
    print(f"\t 9 / 0 : Increase / decrease the lights")
    print(f"\t P : Print current camera pose")
    print(f"\t O: Save the current camera view as an image")


Saves the currently viewed image and writes it to disk


Name Type Description Default
fpath None or str

If specified, the absolute fpath to the image save location. Default is located in self.save_dir

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def record_image(self, fpath=None):
    Saves the currently viewed image and writes it to disk

        fpath (None or str): If specified, the absolute fpath to the image save location. Default is located in
    """"Recording image...")

    # Use default fpath if not specified
    if fpath is None:
        timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
        fpath = f"{self.save_dir}/og_{timestamp}.png"

    # Make sure save path directory exists, and then save the image to that location
    Path(Path(fpath).parent).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    Image.fromarray(self.get_image()).save(fpath)"Saved current viewer camera image to {fpath}.")

record_trajectory(poses, fps, steps_per_frame=1, fpath=None)

Moves the viewer camera through the poses specified by @poses and records the resulting trajectory to an mp4 video file on disk.


Name Type Description Default
poses list of 2-tuple

List of global (position, quaternion) values to set the viewer camera to defining this trajectory

fps int

Frames per second when recording this video

steps_per_frame int

How many sim steps should occur between each frame being recorded. Minimum and default is 1.

fpath None or str

If specified, the absolute fpath to the video save location. Default is located in self.save_dir

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def record_trajectory(self, poses, fps, steps_per_frame=1, fpath=None):
    Moves the viewer camera through the poses specified by @poses and records the resulting trajectory to an mp4
    video file on disk.

        poses (list of 2-tuple): List of global (position, quaternion) values to set the viewer camera to defining
            this trajectory
        fps (int): Frames per second when recording this video
        steps_per_frame (int): How many sim steps should occur between each frame being recorded. Minimum and
            default is 1.
        fpath (None or str): If specified, the absolute fpath to the video save location. Default is located in
    """"Recording trajectory...")

    # Use default fpath if not specified
    if fpath is None:
        timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
        fpath = f"{self.save_dir}/og_{timestamp}.mp4"

    # Make sure save path directory exists, and then create the video writer
    Path(Path(fpath).parent).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    video_writer = imageio.get_writer(fpath, fps=fps)

    # Iterate through all desired poses, and record the trajectory
    for i, (pos, quat) in enumerate(poses):, orientation=quat)
        if i % steps_per_frame == 0:

    # Close writer
    video_writer.close()"Saved camera trajectory video to {fpath}.")

record_trajectory_from_waypoints(waypoints, per_step_distance, fps, steps_per_frame=1, fpath=None)

Moves the viewer camera through the waypoints specified by @waypoints and records the resulting trajectory to an mp4 video file on disk.


Name Type Description Default
waypoints array

(n, 3) global position waypoint values to set the viewer camera to defining this trajectory

per_step_distance float

How much distance (in m) should be approximately covered per trajectory step. This will determine the path length between individual waypoints

fps int

Frames per second when recording this video

steps_per_frame int

How many sim steps should occur between each frame being recorded. Minimum and default is 1.

fpath None or str

If specified, the absolute fpath to the video save location. Default is located in self.save_dir

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def record_trajectory_from_waypoints(self, waypoints, per_step_distance, fps, steps_per_frame=1, fpath=None):
    Moves the viewer camera through the waypoints specified by @waypoints and records the resulting trajectory to
    an mp4 video file on disk.

        waypoints (np.array): (n, 3) global position waypoint values to set the viewer camera to defining this trajectory
        per_step_distance (float): How much distance (in m) should be approximately covered per trajectory step.
            This will determine the path length between individual waypoints
        fps (int): Frames per second when recording this video
        steps_per_frame (int): How many sim steps should occur between each frame being recorded. Minimum and
            default is 1.
        fpath (None or str): If specified, the absolute fpath to the video save location. Default is located in
    # Create splines and their derivatives
    n_waypoints = len(waypoints)
    if n_waypoints < 3:
        og.log.error("Cannot generate trajectory from waypoints with less than 3 waypoints!")

    splines = [CubicSpline(range(n_waypoints), waypoints[:, i], bc_type='clamped') for i in range(3)]
    dsplines = [spline.derivative() for spline in splines]

    # Function help get arc derivative
    def arc_derivative(u):
        return np.sqrt(np.sum([dspline(u) ** 2 for dspline in dsplines]))

    # Function to help get interpolated positions
    def get_interpolated_positions(step):
        assert step < n_waypoints - 1
        dist = quad(func=arc_derivative, a=step, b=step + 1)[0]
        path_length = int(dist / per_step_distance)
        interpolated_points = np.zeros((path_length, 3))
        for i in range(path_length):
            curr_step = step + (i / path_length)
            interpolated_points[i, :] = np.array([spline(curr_step) for spline in splines])
        return interpolated_points

    # Iterate over all waypoints and infer the resulting trajectory, recording the resulting poses
    poses = []
    for i in range(n_waypoints - 1):
        positions = get_interpolated_positions(step=i)
        for j in range(len(positions) - 1):
            # Get direction vector from the current to the following point
            direction = positions[j + 1] - positions[j]
            direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction)
            # Infer tilt and pan angles from this direction
            xy_direction = direction[:2] / np.linalg.norm(direction[:2])
            z = direction[2]
            pan_angle = np.arctan2(-xy_direction[0], xy_direction[1])
            tilt_angle = np.arcsin(z)
            # Infer global quat orientation from these angles
            quat = T.euler2quat([np.pi / 2 - tilt_angle, 0.0, pan_angle])
            poses.append([positions[j], quat])

    # Record the generated trajectory
    self.record_trajectory(poses=poses, fps=fps, steps_per_frame=steps_per_frame, fpath=fpath)


Sets the active camera sensor for this CameraMover


Name Type Description Default
cam VisionSensor

The camera vision sensor to manipulate via the keyboard

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def set_cam(self, cam):
    Sets the active camera sensor for this CameraMover

        cam (VisionSensor): The camera vision sensor to manipulate via the keyboard
    """ = cam


Sets the delta value (how much the camera moves with each keypress) for this CameraMover


Name Type Description Default
delta float

Change (m) per keypress when moving the camera

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def set_delta(self, delta):
    Sets the delta value (how much the camera moves with each keypress) for this CameraMover

        delta (float): Change (m) per keypress when moving the camera
    """ = delta


Sets the absolute path corresponding to the image directory where recorded images from this CameraMover should be saved


Name Type Description Default
save_dir str

Absolute path to where recorded images should be stored

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def set_save_dir(self, save_dir):
    Sets the absolute path corresponding to the image directory where recorded images from this CameraMover
    should be saved

        save_dir (str): Absolute path to where recorded images should be stored
    self.save_dir = save_dir


Simple singleton class for handing keyboard events

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class KeyboardEventHandler:
    Simple singleton class for handing keyboard events
    # Global keyboard callbacks

    # ID assigned to meta callback method for this class
    _CALLBACK_ID = None

    def __init__(self):
        raise ValueError("Cannot create an instance of keyboard event handler!")

    def initialize(cls):
        Hook up a meta function callback to the omni backend
        appwindow = lazy.omni.appwindow.get_default_app_window()
        input_interface = lazy.carb.input.acquire_input_interface()
        keyboard = appwindow.get_keyboard()
        cls._CALLBACK_ID = input_interface.subscribe_to_keyboard_events(keyboard, cls._meta_callback)

    def reset(cls):
        Resets this callback interface by removing all current callback functions
        appwindow = lazy.omni.appwindow.get_default_app_window()
        input_interface = lazy.carb.input.acquire_input_interface()
        keyboard = appwindow.get_keyboard()
        input_interface.unsubscribe_to_keyboard_events(keyboard, cls._CALLBACK_ID)
        cls.KEYBOARD_CALLBACKS = dict()
        cls._CALLBACK_ID = None

    def add_keyboard_callback(cls, key, callback_fn):
        Registers a keyboard callback function with omni, mapping a keypress from @key to run the callback_function

            key (carb.input.KeyboardInput): key to associate with the callback
            callback_fn (function): Callback function to call if the key @key is pressed or repeated. Note that this
                function's signature should be:

                callback_fn() --> None
        # Initialize the interface if not initialized yet
        if cls._CALLBACK_ID is None:
        # Add the callback
        cls.KEYBOARD_CALLBACKS[key] = callback_fn

    def _meta_callback(cls, event, *args, **kwargs):
        Meta callback function that is hooked up to omni's backend
        # Check if we've received a key press or repeat
        if event.type == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardEventType.KEY_PRESS \
                or event.type == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardEventType.KEY_REPEAT:
            # Run the specific callback
            cls.KEYBOARD_CALLBACKS.get(event.input, lambda: None)()

        # Always return True
        return True

add_keyboard_callback(key, callback_fn) classmethod

Registers a keyboard callback function with omni, mapping a keypress from @key to run the callback_function @callback_fn


Name Type Description Default
key KeyboardInput

key to associate with the callback

callback_fn function

Callback function to call if the key @key is pressed or repeated. Note that this function's signature should be:

callback_fn() --> None

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def add_keyboard_callback(cls, key, callback_fn):
    Registers a keyboard callback function with omni, mapping a keypress from @key to run the callback_function

        key (carb.input.KeyboardInput): key to associate with the callback
        callback_fn (function): Callback function to call if the key @key is pressed or repeated. Note that this
            function's signature should be:

            callback_fn() --> None
    # Initialize the interface if not initialized yet
    if cls._CALLBACK_ID is None:
    # Add the callback
    cls.KEYBOARD_CALLBACKS[key] = callback_fn

initialize() classmethod

Hook up a meta function callback to the omni backend

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def initialize(cls):
    Hook up a meta function callback to the omni backend
    appwindow = lazy.omni.appwindow.get_default_app_window()
    input_interface = lazy.carb.input.acquire_input_interface()
    keyboard = appwindow.get_keyboard()
    cls._CALLBACK_ID = input_interface.subscribe_to_keyboard_events(keyboard, cls._meta_callback)

reset() classmethod

Resets this callback interface by removing all current callback functions

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def reset(cls):
    Resets this callback interface by removing all current callback functions
    appwindow = lazy.omni.appwindow.get_default_app_window()
    input_interface = lazy.carb.input.acquire_input_interface()
    keyboard = appwindow.get_keyboard()
    input_interface.unsubscribe_to_keyboard_events(keyboard, cls._CALLBACK_ID)
    cls.KEYBOARD_CALLBACKS = dict()
    cls._CALLBACK_ID = None


Simple class for controlling OmniGibson robots using keyboard commands

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class KeyboardRobotController:
    Simple class for controlling OmniGibson robots using keyboard commands

    def __init__(self, robot):
            robot (BaseRobot): robot to control
        # Store relevant info from robot
        self.robot = robot
        self.action_dim = robot.action_dim
        self.controller_info = dict()
        self.joint_idx_to_controller = dict()
        idx = 0
        for name, controller in robot._controllers.items():
            self.controller_info[name] = {
                "name": type(controller).__name__,
                "start_idx": idx,
                "dofs": controller.dof_idx,
                "command_dim": controller.command_dim,
            idx += controller.command_dim
            for i in controller.dof_idx:
                self.joint_idx_to_controller[i] = controller

        # Other persistent variables we need to keep track of
        self.joint_names = [name for name in robot.joints.keys()]  # Ordered list of joint names belonging to the robot
        self.joint_types = [joint.joint_type for joint in robot.joints.values()]    # Ordered list of joint types
        self.joint_command_idx = None   # Indices of joints being directly controlled in the action array
        self.joint_control_idx = None  # Indices of joints being directly controlled in the actual joint array
        self.active_joint_command_idx_idx = 0   # Which index within the joint_command_idx variable is being controlled by the user
        self.current_joint = -1  # Active joint being controlled for joint control
        self.ik_arms = []               # List of arm controller names to be controlled by IK
        self.active_arm_idx = 0         # Which index within self.ik_arms is actively being controlled (only relevant for IK)
        self.binary_grippers = []           # Grippers being controlled using multi-finger binary controller
        self.active_gripper_idx = 0     # Which index within self.binary_grippers is actively being controlled
        self.gripper_direction = None  # Flips between -1 and 1, per arm controlled by multi-finger binary control
        self.persistent_gripper_action = None  # Persistent gripper commands, per arm controlled by multi-finger binary control
        # i.e.: if using binary gripper control and when no keypress is active, the gripper action should still the last executed gripper action
        self.keypress_mapping = None    # Maps omni keybindings to information for controlling various parts of the robot
        self.current_keypress = None    # Current key that is being pressed
        self.active_action = None       # Current action information based on the current keypress
        self.toggling_gripper = False   # Whether we should toggle the gripper during the next action
        self.custom_keymapping = None   # Dictionary mapping custom keys to custom callback functions / info

        # Populate the keypress mapping dictionary

        # Register the keyboard callback function

    def register_keyboard_handler(self):
        Sets up the keyboard callback functionality with omniverse
        appwindow = lazy.omni.appwindow.get_default_app_window()
        input_interface = lazy.carb.input.acquire_input_interface()
        keyboard = appwindow.get_keyboard()
        sub_keyboard = input_interface.subscribe_to_keyboard_events(keyboard, self.keyboard_event_handler)

    def register_custom_keymapping(self, key, description, callback_fn):
        Register a custom keymapping with corresponding callback function for this keyboard controller.
        Note that this will automatically override any pre-existing callback that existed for that key.

            key (carb.input.KeyboardInput): Key to map to callback function
            description (str): Description for the callback function
            callback_fn (function): Callback function, should have signature:

                callback_fn() -> None
        self.custom_keymapping[key] = {"description": description, "callback": callback_fn}

    def generate_ik_keypress_mapping(self, controller_info):
        Generates a dictionary for keypress mappings for IK control, based on the inputted @controller_info

            controller_info (dict): Dictionary of controller information for the specific robot arm to control
                with IK

            dict: Populated keypress mappings for IK to control the specified controller
        mapping = {}

        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.UP] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 0, "val": 0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.DOWN] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 0, "val": -0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.RIGHT] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 1, "val": -0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.LEFT] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 1, "val": 0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.P] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 2, "val": 0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.SEMICOLON] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 2, "val": -0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.N] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 3, "val": 0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.B] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 3, "val": -0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.O] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 4, "val": 0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.U] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 4, "val": -0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.V] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 5, "val": 0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.C] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 5, "val": -0.5}

        return mapping

    def generate_osc_keypress_mapping(self, controller_info):
        Generates a dictionary for keypress mappings for OSC control, based on the inputted @controller_info

            controller_info (dict): Dictionary of controller information for the specific robot arm to control
                with OSC

            dict: Populated keypress mappings for IK to control the specified controller
        mapping = {}

        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.UP] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 0, "val": 0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.DOWN] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 0, "val": -0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.RIGHT] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 1, "val": -0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.LEFT] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 1, "val": 0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.P] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 2, "val": 0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.SEMICOLON] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 2, "val": -0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.N] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 3, "val": 0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.B] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 3, "val": -0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.O] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 4, "val": 0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.U] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 4, "val": -0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.V] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 5, "val": 0.5}
        mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.C] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 5, "val": -0.5}

        return mapping

    def populate_keypress_mapping(self):
        Populates the mapping @self.keypress_mapping, which maps keypresses to action info:

                idx: <int>
                val: <float>
        self.keypress_mapping = {}
        self.joint_command_idx = []
        self.joint_control_idx = []
        self.gripper_direction = {}
        self.persistent_gripper_action = {}
        self.custom_keymapping = {}

        # Add mapping for joint control directions (no index because these are inferred at runtime)
        self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.RIGHT_BRACKET] = {"idx": None, "val": 0.1}
        self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.LEFT_BRACKET] = {"idx": None, "val": -0.1}

        # Iterate over all controller info and populate mapping
        for component, info in self.controller_info.items():
            if info["name"] == "JointController":
                for i in range(info["command_dim"]):
                    cmd_idx = info["start_idx"] + i
                self.joint_control_idx += info["dofs"].tolist()
            elif info["name"] == "DifferentialDriveController":
                self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.I] = {"idx": info["start_idx"] + 0, "val": 0.4}
                self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.K] = {"idx": info["start_idx"] + 0, "val": -0.4}
                self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.L] = {"idx": info["start_idx"] + 1, "val": -0.2}
                self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.J] = {"idx": info["start_idx"] + 1, "val": 0.2}
            elif info["name"] == "InverseKinematicsController":
            elif info["name"] == "OperationalSpaceController":
            elif info["name"] == "MultiFingerGripperController":
                if info["command_dim"] > 1:
                    for i in range(info["command_dim"]):
                        cmd_idx = info["start_idx"] + i
                    self.joint_control_idx += info["dofs"].tolist()
                    self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.T] = {"idx": info["start_idx"], "val": 1.0}
                    self.gripper_direction[component] = 1.0
                    self.persistent_gripper_action[component] = 1.0
            elif info["name"] == "NullJointController":
                # We won't send actions if using a null gripper controller
                self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.T] = {"idx": None, "val": None}
                raise ValueError("Unknown controller name received: {}".format(info["name"]))

    def keyboard_event_handler(self, event, *args, **kwargs):
        # Check if we've received a key press or repeat
        if event.type == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardEventType.KEY_PRESS \
                or event.type == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardEventType.KEY_REPEAT:

            # Handle special cases
            if event.input in {lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.KEY_1, lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.KEY_2} and len(self.joint_control_idx) > 1:
                # Update joint and print out new joint being controlled
                self.active_joint_command_idx_idx = max(0, self.active_joint_command_idx_idx - 1) \
                    if event.input == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.KEY_1 \
                    else min(len(self.joint_control_idx) - 1, self.active_joint_command_idx_idx + 1)
                print(f"Now controlling joint {self.joint_names[self.joint_control_idx[self.active_joint_command_idx_idx]]}")

            elif event.input in {lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.KEY_3, lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.KEY_4} and len(self.ik_arms) > 1:
                # Update arm, update keypress mapping, and print out new arm being controlled
                self.active_arm_idx = max(0, self.active_arm_idx - 1) \
                    if event.input == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.KEY_3 \
                    else min(len(self.ik_arms) - 1, self.active_arm_idx + 1)
                new_arm = self.ik_arms[self.active_arm_idx]
                print(f"Now controlling arm {new_arm} with IK")

            elif event.input in {lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.KEY_5, lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.KEY_6} and len(self.binary_grippers) > 1:
                # Update gripper, update keypress mapping, and print out new gripper being controlled
                self.active_gripper_idx = max(0, self.active_gripper_idx - 1) \
                    if event.input == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.KEY_5 \
                    else min(len(self.binary_grippers) - 1, self.active_gripper_idx + 1)
                print(f"Now controlling gripper {self.binary_grippers[self.active_gripper_idx]} with binary toggling")

            elif event.input == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.M:
                # Render the sensor modalities from the robot's camera and lidar

            elif event.input in self.custom_keymapping:
                # Run custom press

            elif event.input == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.ESCAPE:
                # Terminate immediately

                # Handle all other actions and update accordingly
                self.active_action = self.keypress_mapping.get(event.input, None)

            if event.type == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardEventType.KEY_PRESS:
                # Store the current keypress
                self.current_keypress = event.input

                # Also store whether we pressed the key for toggling gripper actions
                if event.input == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.T:
                    self.toggling_gripper = True

        # If we release a key, clear the active action and keypress
        elif event.type == lazy.carb.input.KeyboardEventType.KEY_RELEASE:
            self.active_action = None
            self.current_keypress = None

        # Callback always needs to return True
        return True

    def get_random_action(self):
            n-array: Generated random action vector (normalized)
        return np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.action_dim)

    def get_teleop_action(self):
            n-array: Generated action vector based on received user inputs from the keyboard
        action = np.zeros(self.action_dim)

        # Handle the action if any key is actively being pressed
        if self.active_action is not None:
            idx, val = self.active_action["idx"], self.active_action["val"]

            # Only handle the action if the value is specified
            if val is not None:
                # If there is no index, the user is controlling a joint with "[" and "]"
                if idx is None and len(self.joint_command_idx) != 0:
                    idx = self.joint_command_idx[self.active_joint_command_idx_idx]

                    # Also potentially modify the value being deployed in we're controlling a prismatic joint
                    # Lower prismatic joint values modifying delta positions since 0.1m is very different from 0.1rad!
                    joint_idx = self.joint_control_idx[self.active_joint_command_idx_idx]

                    # Import here to avoid circular imports
                    from omnigibson.utils.constants import JointType
                    controller = self.joint_idx_to_controller[joint_idx]
                    if (self.joint_types[joint_idx] == JointType.JOINT_PRISMATIC and
                            controller.use_delta_commands and controller.motor_type == "position"):
                        val *= 0.2

                # Set the action
                if idx is not None:
                    action[idx] = val

        # Possibly set the persistent gripper action
        if len(self.binary_grippers) > 0 and self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.T]["val"] is not None:

            for i, binary_gripper in enumerate(self.binary_grippers):
                # Possibly update the stored value if the toggle gripper key has been pressed and
                # it's the active gripper being controlled
                if self.toggling_gripper and i == self.active_gripper_idx:
                    # We toggle the gripper direction or this gripper
                    self.gripper_direction[binary_gripper] *= -1.0
                    self.persistent_gripper_action[binary_gripper] = \
                        self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.T]["val"] * self.gripper_direction[binary_gripper]

                    # Clear the toggling gripper flag
                    self.toggling_gripper = False

                # Set the persistent action
                action[self.controller_info[binary_gripper]["start_idx"]] = self.persistent_gripper_action[binary_gripper]

        # Print out the user what is being pressed / controlled
        keypress_str = self.current_keypress.__str__().split(".")[-1]
        print("Pressed {}. Action: {}".format(keypress_str, action))

        # Return action
        return action

    def print_keyboard_teleop_info(self):
        Prints out relevant information for teleop controlling a robot

        def print_command(char, info):
            char += " " * (10 - len(char))
            print("{}\t{}".format(char, info))

        print("*" * 30)
        print("Controlling the Robot Using the Keyboard")
        print("*" * 30)
        print("Joint Control")
        print_command("1, 2", "decrement / increment the joint to control")
        print_command("[, ]", "move the joint backwards, forwards, respectively")
        print("Differential Drive Control")
        print_command("i, k", "turn left, right")
        print_command("l, j", "move forward, backwards")
        print("Inverse Kinematics Control")
        print_command("3, 4", "toggle between the different arm(s) to control")
        print_command(u"\u2190, \u2192", "translate arm eef along x-axis")
        print_command(u"\u2191, \u2193", "translate arm eef along y-axis")
        print_command("p, ;", "translate arm eef along z-axis")
        print_command("n, b", "rotate arm eef about x-axis")
        print_command("o, u", "rotate arm eef about y-axis")
        print_command("v, c", "rotate arm eef about z-axis")
        print("Boolean Gripper Control")
        print_command("5, 6", "toggle between the different gripper(s) using binary control")
        print_command("t", "toggle gripper (open/close)")
        print("Sensor Rendering")
        print_command("m", "render the onboard sensor modalities (RGB, Depth, Normals, Instance Segmentation, Occupancy Map)")
        if len(self.custom_keymapping) > 0:
            print("Custom Keymappings")
            for key, info in self.custom_keymapping.items():
                key_str = key.__str__().split(".")[-1].lower()
                print_command(key_str, info["description"])
        print("*" * 30)



Name Type Description Default
robot BaseRobot

robot to control

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def __init__(self, robot):
        robot (BaseRobot): robot to control
    # Store relevant info from robot
    self.robot = robot
    self.action_dim = robot.action_dim
    self.controller_info = dict()
    self.joint_idx_to_controller = dict()
    idx = 0
    for name, controller in robot._controllers.items():
        self.controller_info[name] = {
            "name": type(controller).__name__,
            "start_idx": idx,
            "dofs": controller.dof_idx,
            "command_dim": controller.command_dim,
        idx += controller.command_dim
        for i in controller.dof_idx:
            self.joint_idx_to_controller[i] = controller

    # Other persistent variables we need to keep track of
    self.joint_names = [name for name in robot.joints.keys()]  # Ordered list of joint names belonging to the robot
    self.joint_types = [joint.joint_type for joint in robot.joints.values()]    # Ordered list of joint types
    self.joint_command_idx = None   # Indices of joints being directly controlled in the action array
    self.joint_control_idx = None  # Indices of joints being directly controlled in the actual joint array
    self.active_joint_command_idx_idx = 0   # Which index within the joint_command_idx variable is being controlled by the user
    self.current_joint = -1  # Active joint being controlled for joint control
    self.ik_arms = []               # List of arm controller names to be controlled by IK
    self.active_arm_idx = 0         # Which index within self.ik_arms is actively being controlled (only relevant for IK)
    self.binary_grippers = []           # Grippers being controlled using multi-finger binary controller
    self.active_gripper_idx = 0     # Which index within self.binary_grippers is actively being controlled
    self.gripper_direction = None  # Flips between -1 and 1, per arm controlled by multi-finger binary control
    self.persistent_gripper_action = None  # Persistent gripper commands, per arm controlled by multi-finger binary control
    # i.e.: if using binary gripper control and when no keypress is active, the gripper action should still the last executed gripper action
    self.keypress_mapping = None    # Maps omni keybindings to information for controlling various parts of the robot
    self.current_keypress = None    # Current key that is being pressed
    self.active_action = None       # Current action information based on the current keypress
    self.toggling_gripper = False   # Whether we should toggle the gripper during the next action
    self.custom_keymapping = None   # Dictionary mapping custom keys to custom callback functions / info

    # Populate the keypress mapping dictionary

    # Register the keyboard callback function


Generates a dictionary for keypress mappings for IK control, based on the inputted @controller_info


Name Type Description Default
controller_info dict

Dictionary of controller information for the specific robot arm to control with IK



Name Type Description

Populated keypress mappings for IK to control the specified controller

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def generate_ik_keypress_mapping(self, controller_info):
    Generates a dictionary for keypress mappings for IK control, based on the inputted @controller_info

        controller_info (dict): Dictionary of controller information for the specific robot arm to control
            with IK

        dict: Populated keypress mappings for IK to control the specified controller
    mapping = {}

    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.UP] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 0, "val": 0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.DOWN] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 0, "val": -0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.RIGHT] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 1, "val": -0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.LEFT] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 1, "val": 0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.P] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 2, "val": 0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.SEMICOLON] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 2, "val": -0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.N] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 3, "val": 0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.B] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 3, "val": -0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.O] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 4, "val": 0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.U] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 4, "val": -0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.V] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 5, "val": 0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.C] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 5, "val": -0.5}

    return mapping


Generates a dictionary for keypress mappings for OSC control, based on the inputted @controller_info


Name Type Description Default
controller_info dict

Dictionary of controller information for the specific robot arm to control with OSC



Name Type Description

Populated keypress mappings for IK to control the specified controller

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def generate_osc_keypress_mapping(self, controller_info):
    Generates a dictionary for keypress mappings for OSC control, based on the inputted @controller_info

        controller_info (dict): Dictionary of controller information for the specific robot arm to control
            with OSC

        dict: Populated keypress mappings for IK to control the specified controller
    mapping = {}

    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.UP] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 0, "val": 0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.DOWN] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 0, "val": -0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.RIGHT] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 1, "val": -0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.LEFT] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 1, "val": 0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.P] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 2, "val": 0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.SEMICOLON] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 2, "val": -0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.N] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 3, "val": 0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.B] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 3, "val": -0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.O] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 4, "val": 0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.U] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 4, "val": -0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.V] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 5, "val": 0.5}
    mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.C] = {"idx": controller_info["start_idx"] + 5, "val": -0.5}

    return mapping



Type Description

n-array: Generated random action vector (normalized)

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_random_action(self):
        n-array: Generated random action vector (normalized)
    return np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.action_dim)



Type Description

n-array: Generated action vector based on received user inputs from the keyboard

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_teleop_action(self):
        n-array: Generated action vector based on received user inputs from the keyboard
    action = np.zeros(self.action_dim)

    # Handle the action if any key is actively being pressed
    if self.active_action is not None:
        idx, val = self.active_action["idx"], self.active_action["val"]

        # Only handle the action if the value is specified
        if val is not None:
            # If there is no index, the user is controlling a joint with "[" and "]"
            if idx is None and len(self.joint_command_idx) != 0:
                idx = self.joint_command_idx[self.active_joint_command_idx_idx]

                # Also potentially modify the value being deployed in we're controlling a prismatic joint
                # Lower prismatic joint values modifying delta positions since 0.1m is very different from 0.1rad!
                joint_idx = self.joint_control_idx[self.active_joint_command_idx_idx]

                # Import here to avoid circular imports
                from omnigibson.utils.constants import JointType
                controller = self.joint_idx_to_controller[joint_idx]
                if (self.joint_types[joint_idx] == JointType.JOINT_PRISMATIC and
                        controller.use_delta_commands and controller.motor_type == "position"):
                    val *= 0.2

            # Set the action
            if idx is not None:
                action[idx] = val

    # Possibly set the persistent gripper action
    if len(self.binary_grippers) > 0 and self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.T]["val"] is not None:

        for i, binary_gripper in enumerate(self.binary_grippers):
            # Possibly update the stored value if the toggle gripper key has been pressed and
            # it's the active gripper being controlled
            if self.toggling_gripper and i == self.active_gripper_idx:
                # We toggle the gripper direction or this gripper
                self.gripper_direction[binary_gripper] *= -1.0
                self.persistent_gripper_action[binary_gripper] = \
                    self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.T]["val"] * self.gripper_direction[binary_gripper]

                # Clear the toggling gripper flag
                self.toggling_gripper = False

            # Set the persistent action
            action[self.controller_info[binary_gripper]["start_idx"]] = self.persistent_gripper_action[binary_gripper]

    # Print out the user what is being pressed / controlled
    keypress_str = self.current_keypress.__str__().split(".")[-1]
    print("Pressed {}. Action: {}".format(keypress_str, action))

    # Return action
    return action


Populates the mapping @self.keypress_mapping, which maps keypresses to action info:

    idx: <int>
    val: <float>
Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def populate_keypress_mapping(self):
    Populates the mapping @self.keypress_mapping, which maps keypresses to action info:

            idx: <int>
            val: <float>
    self.keypress_mapping = {}
    self.joint_command_idx = []
    self.joint_control_idx = []
    self.gripper_direction = {}
    self.persistent_gripper_action = {}
    self.custom_keymapping = {}

    # Add mapping for joint control directions (no index because these are inferred at runtime)
    self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.RIGHT_BRACKET] = {"idx": None, "val": 0.1}
    self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.LEFT_BRACKET] = {"idx": None, "val": -0.1}

    # Iterate over all controller info and populate mapping
    for component, info in self.controller_info.items():
        if info["name"] == "JointController":
            for i in range(info["command_dim"]):
                cmd_idx = info["start_idx"] + i
            self.joint_control_idx += info["dofs"].tolist()
        elif info["name"] == "DifferentialDriveController":
            self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.I] = {"idx": info["start_idx"] + 0, "val": 0.4}
            self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.K] = {"idx": info["start_idx"] + 0, "val": -0.4}
            self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.L] = {"idx": info["start_idx"] + 1, "val": -0.2}
            self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.J] = {"idx": info["start_idx"] + 1, "val": 0.2}
        elif info["name"] == "InverseKinematicsController":
        elif info["name"] == "OperationalSpaceController":
        elif info["name"] == "MultiFingerGripperController":
            if info["command_dim"] > 1:
                for i in range(info["command_dim"]):
                    cmd_idx = info["start_idx"] + i
                self.joint_control_idx += info["dofs"].tolist()
                self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.T] = {"idx": info["start_idx"], "val": 1.0}
                self.gripper_direction[component] = 1.0
                self.persistent_gripper_action[component] = 1.0
        elif info["name"] == "NullJointController":
            # We won't send actions if using a null gripper controller
            self.keypress_mapping[lazy.carb.input.KeyboardInput.T] = {"idx": None, "val": None}
            raise ValueError("Unknown controller name received: {}".format(info["name"]))


Prints out relevant information for teleop controlling a robot

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def print_keyboard_teleop_info(self):
    Prints out relevant information for teleop controlling a robot

    def print_command(char, info):
        char += " " * (10 - len(char))
        print("{}\t{}".format(char, info))

    print("*" * 30)
    print("Controlling the Robot Using the Keyboard")
    print("*" * 30)
    print("Joint Control")
    print_command("1, 2", "decrement / increment the joint to control")
    print_command("[, ]", "move the joint backwards, forwards, respectively")
    print("Differential Drive Control")
    print_command("i, k", "turn left, right")
    print_command("l, j", "move forward, backwards")
    print("Inverse Kinematics Control")
    print_command("3, 4", "toggle between the different arm(s) to control")
    print_command(u"\u2190, \u2192", "translate arm eef along x-axis")
    print_command(u"\u2191, \u2193", "translate arm eef along y-axis")
    print_command("p, ;", "translate arm eef along z-axis")
    print_command("n, b", "rotate arm eef about x-axis")
    print_command("o, u", "rotate arm eef about y-axis")
    print_command("v, c", "rotate arm eef about z-axis")
    print("Boolean Gripper Control")
    print_command("5, 6", "toggle between the different gripper(s) using binary control")
    print_command("t", "toggle gripper (open/close)")
    print("Sensor Rendering")
    print_command("m", "render the onboard sensor modalities (RGB, Depth, Normals, Instance Segmentation, Occupancy Map)")
    if len(self.custom_keymapping) > 0:
        print("Custom Keymappings")
        for key, info in self.custom_keymapping.items():
            key_str = key.__str__().split(".")[-1].lower()
            print_command(key_str, info["description"])
    print("*" * 30)

register_custom_keymapping(key, description, callback_fn)

Register a custom keymapping with corresponding callback function for this keyboard controller. Note that this will automatically override any pre-existing callback that existed for that key.


Name Type Description Default
key KeyboardInput

Key to map to callback function

description str

Description for the callback function

callback_fn function

Callback function, should have signature:

callback_fn() -> None

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def register_custom_keymapping(self, key, description, callback_fn):
    Register a custom keymapping with corresponding callback function for this keyboard controller.
    Note that this will automatically override any pre-existing callback that existed for that key.

        key (carb.input.KeyboardInput): Key to map to callback function
        description (str): Description for the callback function
        callback_fn (function): Callback function, should have signature:

            callback_fn() -> None
    self.custom_keymapping[key] = {"description": description, "callback": callback_fn}


Sets up the keyboard callback functionality with omniverse

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def register_keyboard_handler(self):
    Sets up the keyboard callback functionality with omniverse
    appwindow = lazy.omni.appwindow.get_default_app_window()
    input_interface = lazy.carb.input.acquire_input_interface()
    keyboard = appwindow.get_keyboard()
    sub_keyboard = input_interface.subscribe_to_keyboard_events(keyboard, self.keyboard_event_handler)

choose_from_options(options, name, random_selection=False)

Prints out options from a list, and returns the requested option.


Name Type Description Default
options dict or list

options to choose from. If dict, the value entries are assumed to be docstrings explaining the individual options

name str

name of the options

random_selection bool

if the selection is random (for automatic demo execution). Default False



Name Type Description

Requested option

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def choose_from_options(options, name, random_selection=False):
    Prints out options from a list, and returns the requested option.

        options (dict or list): options to choose from. If dict, the value entries are assumed to be docstrings
            explaining the individual options
        name (str): name of the options
        random_selection (bool): if the selection is random (for automatic demo execution). Default False

        str: Requested option
    # Select robot
    print("\nHere is a list of available {}s:\n".format(name))

    for k, option in enumerate(options):
        docstring = ": {}".format(options[option]) if isinstance(options, dict) else ""
        print("[{}] {}{}".format(k + 1, option, docstring))

    if not random_selection:
            s = input("Choose a {} (enter a number from 1 to {}): ".format(name, len(options)))
            # parse input into a number within range
            k = min(max(int(s), 1), len(options)) - 1
        except ValueError:
            k = 0
            print("Input is not valid. Use {} by default.".format(list(options)[k]))
        k = np.random.choice(range(len(options)))

    # Return requested option
    return list(options)[k]


Clears all debug drawings.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def clear_debug_drawing():
    Clears all debug drawings.
    from omni.isaac.debug_draw import _debug_draw
    draw = _debug_draw.acquire_debug_draw_interface()


Creates and returns a logger for logging statements from the module represented by @module_name

Args: module_name (str): Module to create the logger for. Should be the module's __name__ variable


Name Type Description

Created logger for the module

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def create_module_logger(module_name):
    Creates and returns a logger for logging statements from the module represented by @module_name

    module_name (str): Module to create the logger for. Should be the module's `__name__` variable

        Logger: Created logger for the module
    return logging.getLogger(module_name)


Prints a disclaimer message, i.e.: "We know this doesn't work; it's an omni issue; we expect it to be fixed in the next release!

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def disclaimer(msg):
    Prints a disclaimer message, i.e.: "We know this doesn't work; it's an omni issue; we expect it to be fixed in the
    next release!
        print("****** DISCLAIMER ******")
        print("Isaac Sim / Omniverse has some significant limitations and bugs in its current release.")
        print("This message has popped up because a potential feature in OmniGibson relies upon a feature in Omniverse that "
              "is yet to be released publically. Currently, the expected behavior may not be fully functional, but "
              "should be resolved by the next Isaac Sim release.")
        print(f"Exact Limitation: {msg}")

dock_window(space, name, location, ratio=0.5)

Method for docking a specific GUI window in a specified location within the workspace


Name Type Description Default
space WindowHandle

Handle to the docking space to dock the window specified by @name

name str

Name of a window to dock

location DockPosition

docking position for placing the window specified by @name

ratio float

Ratio when splitting the docking space between the pre-existing and newly added window



Name Type Description

Handle to the docking space that the window specified by @name was placed in

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def dock_window(space, name, location, ratio=0.5):
    Method for docking a specific GUI window in a specified location within the workspace

        space (WindowHandle): Handle to the docking space to dock the window specified by @name
        name (str): Name of a window to dock
        location (omni.ui.DockPosition): docking position for placing the window specified by @name
        ratio (float): Ratio when splitting the docking space between the pre-existing and newly added window

        WindowHandle: Handle to the docking space that the window specified by @name was placed in
    window = lazy.omni.ui.Workspace.get_window(name)
    if window and space:
        window.dock_in(space, location, ratio=ratio)
    return window


Draws the axis-aligned bounding box of a given object.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def draw_aabb(obj):
    Draws the axis-aligned bounding box of a given object.
    ctr = obj.aabb_center
    ext = obj.aabb_extent / 2.0
    draw_box(ctr, ext)    

draw_box(center, extents, color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), size=1.0)

Draws a box defined by its center and extents.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def draw_box(center, extents, color=(1., 0., 0., 1.), size=1.):
    Draws a box defined by its center and extents.
    edges = generate_box_edges(center, extents)
    for start, end in edges:
        draw_line(start, end, color, size)

draw_line(start, end, color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), size=1.0)

Draws a single line between two points.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def draw_line(start, end, color=(1., 0., 0., 1.), size=1.):
    Draws a single line between two points.
    from omni.isaac.debug_draw import _debug_draw
    draw = _debug_draw.acquire_debug_draw_interface()
    draw.draw_lines([start], [end], [color], [size])

generate_box_edges(center, extents)

Generate the edges of a box given its center and extents.

Parameters: - center: Tuple of (x, y, z) coordinates for the box's center - extents: Tuple of (width, height, depth) extents of the box

Returns: - A list of tuples, each containing two points (each a tuple of x, y, z) representing an edge of the box

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def generate_box_edges(center, extents):
    Generate the edges of a box given its center and extents.

    - center: Tuple of (x, y, z) coordinates for the box's center
    - extents: Tuple of (width, height, depth) extents of the box

    - A list of tuples, each containing two points (each a tuple of x, y, z) representing an edge of the box
    x_c, y_c, z_c = center
    w, h, d = extents

    # Calculate the corner points of the box
    corners = [
        (x_c - w, y_c - h, z_c - d),
        (x_c - w, y_c - h, z_c + d),
        (x_c - w, y_c + h, z_c - d),
        (x_c - w, y_c + h, z_c + d),
        (x_c + w, y_c - h, z_c - d),
        (x_c + w, y_c - h, z_c + d),
        (x_c + w, y_c + h, z_c - d),
        (x_c + w, y_c + h, z_c + d)

    # Define the edges by connecting the corners
    edges = [
        (corners[0], corners[1]), (corners[0], corners[2]), (corners[1], corners[3]),
        (corners[2], corners[3]), (corners[4], corners[5]), (corners[4], corners[6]),
        (corners[5], corners[7]), (corners[6], corners[7]), (corners[0], corners[4]),
        (corners[1], corners[5]), (corners[2], corners[6]), (corners[3], corners[7])

    return edges


A context scope for temporarily suppressing logging for certain omni channels.


Name Type Description Default
logger_names list of str

Logger name(s) whose corresponding loggers should be suppressed

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def suppress_loggers(logger_names):
    A context scope for temporarily suppressing logging for certain omni channels.

        logger_names (list of str): Logger name(s) whose corresponding loggers should be suppressed
    if not gm.DEBUG:
        # Store prior states so we can restore them after this context exits
        logger_levels = {name: logging.getLogger(name).getEffectiveLevel() for name in logger_names}

        # Suppress the loggers (only output fatal messages)
        for name in logger_names:


    if not gm.DEBUG:
        # Unsuppress the loggers
        for name in logger_names:


A context scope for temporarily suppressing logging for certain omni channels.


Name Type Description Default
channels None or list of str

Logging channel(s) to suppress. If None, will globally disable logger

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def suppress_omni_log(channels):
    A context scope for temporarily suppressing logging for certain omni channels.

        channels (None or list of str): Logging channel(s) to suppress. If None, will globally disable logger
    # Record the state to restore to after the context exists
    log = lazy.omni.log.get_log()

    if gm.DEBUG:
        # Do nothing
    elif channels is None:
        # Globally disable log
        log.enabled = False
        # For some reason, all enabled states always return False even if the logging is clearly enabled for the
        # given channel, so we assume all channels are enabled
        # We do, however, check what behavior was assigned to this channel, since we force an override during this context
        channel_behavior = {channel: log.get_channel_enabled(channel)[2] for channel in channels}

        # Suppress the channels
        for channel in channels:
            log.set_channel_enabled(channel, False, lazy.omni.log.SettingBehavior.OVERRIDE)


    if gm.DEBUG:
        # Do nothing
    elif channels is None:
        # Globally re-enable log
        log.enabled = True
        # Unsuppress the channels
        for channel in channels:
            log.set_channel_enabled(channel, True, channel_behavior[channel])