class StatefulObject(BaseObject):
"""Objects that support object states."""
def __init__(
name (str): Name for the object. Names need to be unique per scene
prim_path (None or str): global path in the stage to this object. If not specified, will automatically be
created at /World/<name>
category (str): Category for the object. Defaults to "object".
uuid (None or int): Unique unsigned-integer identifier to assign to this object (max 8-numbers).
If None is specified, then it will be auto-generated
scale (None or float or 3-array): if specified, sets either the uniform (float) or x,y,z (3-array) scale
for this object. A single number corresponds to uniform scaling along the x,y,z axes, whereas a
3-array specifies per-axis scaling.
visible (bool): whether to render this object or not in the stage
fixed_base (bool): whether to fix the base of this object or not
visual_only (bool): Whether this object should be visual only (and not collide with any other objects)
kinematic_only (None or bool): Whether this object should be kinematic only (and not get affected by any
collisions). If None, then this value will be set to True if @fixed_base is True and some other criteria
are satisfied (see post_load function), else False.
self_collisions (bool): Whether to enable self collisions for this object
prim_type (PrimType): Which type of prim the object is, Valid options are: {PrimType.RIGID, PrimType.CLOTH}
load_config (None or dict): If specified, should contain keyword-mapped values that are relevant for
loading this prim at runtime.
abilities (None or dict): If specified, manually adds specific object states to this object. It should be
a dict in the form of {ability: {param: value}} containing object abilities and parameters to pass to
the object state instance constructor.
include_default_states (bool): whether to include the default object states from @get_default_states
kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments that are used for other super() calls from subclasses, allowing
for flexible compositions of various object subclasses (e.g.: Robot is USDObject + ControllableObject).
# Values that will be filled later
self._states = None
self._emitters = dict()
self._visual_states = None
self._current_texture_state = None
self._include_default_states = include_default_states
# Load abilities from taxonomy if needed & possible
if abilities is None:
abilities = {}
taxonomy_class = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_synset_from_category(category)
if taxonomy_class is not None:
abilities = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_abilities(taxonomy_class)
assert isinstance(abilities, dict), "Object abilities must be in dictionary form."
self._abilities = abilities
# Run super init
def _post_load(self):
# Run super first
# Prepare the object states
self._states = {}
def _initialize(self):
# Run super first
# Initialize all states
for state in self._states.values():
# Check whether this object requires any visual updates
states_set = set(self.states)
self._visual_states = states_set & get_visual_states()
# If we require visual updates, possibly create additional APIs
if len(self._visual_states) > 0:
if len(states_set & get_steam_states()) > 0:
if len(states_set & get_fire_states()) > 0:
def add_state(self, state):
Adds state @state with name @name to self.states.
state (ObjectStateBase): Object state instance to add to this object
assert self._states is not None, "Cannot add state since states have not been initialized yet!"
assert state.__class__ not in self._states, f"State {state.__class__.__name__} " \
f"has already been added to this object!"
self._states[state.__class__] = state
def states(self):
Get the current states of this object.
dict: Keyword-mapped states for this object
return self._states
def abilities(self):
dict: Dictionary mapping ability name to ability arguments for this object
return self._abilities
def prepare_object_states(self):
Prepare the state dictionary for an object by generating the appropriate
object state instances.
This uses the abilities of the object and the state dependency graph to
find & instantiate all relevant states.
states_info = {state_type: {"ability": None, "params": dict()} for state_type in get_default_states()} if \
self._include_default_states else dict()
# Map the state type (class) to ability name and params
for ability in tuple(self._abilities.keys()):
# First, sanity check all ability requirements
compatible = True
for requirement in get_requirements_for_ability(ability):
compatible, reason = requirement.is_compatible(obj=self)
if not compatible:
# Print out warning and pop ability
log.warning(f"Ability '{ability}' is incompatible with obj {}, "
f"because requirement {requirement.__name__} was not met. Reason: {reason}")
if compatible:
params = self._abilities[ability]
for state_type in get_states_for_ability(ability):
states_info[state_type] = {"ability": ability,
"params": state_type.postprocess_ability_params(params)}
# Add the dependencies into the list, too, and sort based on the dependency chain
# Must iterate over explicit tuple since dictionary changes size mid-iteration
for state_type in tuple(states_info.keys()):
# Add each state's dependencies, too. Note that only required dependencies are explicitly added, but both
# required AND optional dependencies are checked / sorted
for dependency in state_type.get_dependencies():
if dependency not in states_info:
states_info[dependency] = {"ability": None, "params": dict()}
# Iterate over all sorted state types, generating the states in topological order.
self._states = dict()
for state_type in get_states_by_dependency_order(states=states_info):
# Skip over any types that are not in our info dict -- these correspond to optional dependencies
if state_type not in states_info:
relevant_params = extract_class_init_kwargs_from_dict(cls=state_type, dic=states_info[state_type]["params"], copy=False)
compatible, reason = state_type.is_compatible(obj=self, **relevant_params)
if compatible:
self._states[state_type] = state_type(obj=self, **relevant_params)
log.warning(f"State {state_type.__name__} is incompatible with obj {}. Reason: {reason}")
# Remove the ability if it exists
# Note that the object may still have some of the states related to the desired ability. In this way,
# we guarantee that the existence of a certain ability in self.abilities means at ALL corresponding
# object state dependencies are met by the underlying object asset
ability = states_info[state_type]["ability"]
if ability in self._abilities:
def _create_emitter_apis(self, emitter_type):
Create necessary prims and apis for steam effects.
emitter_type (EmitterType): Emitter to create
# Make sure that flow setting is enabled.
renderer_setting = RendererSettings()
# Specify emitter config.
emitter_config = {}
bbox_extent_local = self.native_bbox if hasattr(self, "native_bbox") else self.aabb_extent / self.scale
if emitter_type == EmitterType.FIRE:
fire_at_metalink = True
if OnFire in self.states:
# Note whether the heat source link is explicitly set
link = self.states[OnFire].link
fire_at_metalink = link != self.root_link
elif HeatSourceOrSink in self.states:
# Only apply fire to non-root-link (i.e.: explicitly specified) heat source links
# Otherwise, immediately return
link = self.states[HeatSourceOrSink].link
if link == self.root_link:
raise ValueError("Unknown fire state")
emitter_config["name"] = "flowEmitterSphere"
emitter_config["type"] = "FlowEmitterSphere"
emitter_config["position"] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if fire_at_metalink \
else (0.0, 0.0, bbox_extent_local[2] * m.FIRE_EMITTER_HEIGHT_RATIO)
emitter_config["fuel"] = 0.6
emitter_config["coupleRateFuel"] = 1.2
emitter_config["buoyancyPerTemp"] = 0.04
emitter_config["burnPerTemp"] = 4
emitter_config["gravity"] = (0, 0, -60.0)
emitter_config["constantMask"] = 5.0
emitter_config["attenuation"] = 0.5
elif emitter_type == EmitterType.STEAM:
link = self.root_link
emitter_config["name"] = "flowEmitterBox"
emitter_config["type"] = "FlowEmitterBox"
emitter_config["position"] = (0.0, 0.0, bbox_extent_local[2] * m.STEAM_EMITTER_HEIGHT_RATIO)
emitter_config["fuel"] = 1.0
emitter_config["coupleRateFuel"] = 0.5
emitter_config["buoyancyPerTemp"] = 0.05
emitter_config["burnPerTemp"] = 0.5
emitter_config["gravity"] = (0, 0, -50.0)
emitter_config["constantMask"] = 10.0
emitter_config["attenuation"] = 1.5
raise ValueError("Currently, only EmitterTypes FIRE and STEAM are supported!")
# Define prim paths.
# The flow system is created under the root link so that it automatically updates its pose as the object moves
flowEmitter_prim_path = f"{link.prim_path}/{emitter_config['name']}"
flowSimulate_prim_path = f"{link.prim_path}/flowSimulate"
flowOffscreen_prim_path = f"{link.prim_path}/flowOffscreen"
flowRender_prim_path = f"{link.prim_path}/flowRender"
# Define prims.
stage = og.sim.stage
emitter = stage.DefinePrim(flowEmitter_prim_path, emitter_config["type"])
simulate = stage.DefinePrim(flowSimulate_prim_path, "FlowSimulate")
offscreen = stage.DefinePrim(flowOffscreen_prim_path, "FlowOffscreen")
renderer = stage.DefinePrim(flowRender_prim_path, "FlowRender")
advection = stage.DefinePrim(flowSimulate_prim_path + "/advection", "FlowAdvectionCombustionParams")
smoke = stage.DefinePrim(flowSimulate_prim_path + "/advection/smoke", "FlowAdvectionCombustionParams")
vorticity = stage.DefinePrim(flowSimulate_prim_path + "/vorticity", "FlowVorticityParams")
rayMarch = stage.DefinePrim(flowRender_prim_path + "/rayMarch", "FlowRayMarchParams")
colormap = stage.DefinePrim(flowOffscreen_prim_path + "/colormap", "FlowRayMarchColormapParams")
self._emitters[emitter_type] = emitter
layer_number = LAYER_REGISTRY()
# Update emitter general settings.
emitter.CreateAttribute("enabled", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Bool, False).Set(False)
emitter.CreateAttribute("position", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3, False).Set(emitter_config["position"])
emitter.CreateAttribute("fuel", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float, False).Set(emitter_config["fuel"])
emitter.CreateAttribute("coupleRateFuel", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float, False).Set(emitter_config["coupleRateFuel"])
emitter.CreateAttribute("coupleRateVelocity", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float, False).Set(2.0)
emitter.CreateAttribute("velocity", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3, False).Set((0, 0, 0))
emitter.CreateAttribute("layer", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Int, False).Set(layer_number)
simulate.CreateAttribute("layer", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Int, False).Set(layer_number)
offscreen.CreateAttribute("layer", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Int, False).Set(layer_number)
renderer.CreateAttribute("layer", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Int, False).Set(layer_number)
advection.CreateAttribute("buoyancyPerTemp", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float, False).Set(emitter_config["buoyancyPerTemp"])
advection.CreateAttribute("burnPerTemp", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float, False).Set(emitter_config["burnPerTemp"])
advection.CreateAttribute("gravity", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3, False).Set(emitter_config["gravity"])
vorticity.CreateAttribute("constantMask", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float, False).Set(emitter_config["constantMask"])
rayMarch.CreateAttribute("attenuation", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float, False).Set(emitter_config["attenuation"])
# Update emitter unique settings.
if emitter_type == EmitterType.FIRE:
# Radius is in the absolute world coordinate even though the fire is under the link frame.
# In other words, scaling the object doesn't change the fire radius.
if fire_at_metalink:
# TODO: get radius of heat_source_link from metadata.
radius = 0.05
bbox_extent_world = self.native_bbox * self.scale if hasattr(self, "native_bbox") else self.aabb_extent
# Radius is the average x-y half-extent of the object
radius = float(np.mean(bbox_extent_world[:2]) / 2.0)
emitter.CreateAttribute("radius", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float, False).Set(radius)
simulate.CreateAttribute("densityCellSize", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float, False).Set(radius*0.2)
smoke.CreateAttribute("fade", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float, False).Set(2.0)
# Set fire colormap.
rgbaPoints = []
rgbaPoints.append(lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec4f(0.0154, 0.0177, 0.0154, 0.004902))
rgbaPoints.append(lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec4f(0.03575, 0.03575, 0.03575, 0.504902))
rgbaPoints.append(lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec4f(0.03575, 0.03575, 0.03575, 0.504902))
rgbaPoints.append(lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec4f(1, 0.1594, 0.0134, 0.8))
rgbaPoints.append(lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec4f(13.53, 2.99, 0.12599, 0.8))
rgbaPoints.append(lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec4f(78, 39, 6.1, 0.7))
colormap.CreateAttribute("rgbaPoints", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float4Array, False).Set(rgbaPoints)
elif emitter_type == EmitterType.STEAM:
emitter.CreateAttribute("halfSize", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float3, False).Set(
tuple(bbox_extent_local * np.array(m.STEAM_EMITTER_SIZE_RATIO) / 2.0))
simulate.CreateAttribute("densityCellSize", lazy.pxr.Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float, False).Set(bbox_extent_local[2] * m.STEAM_EMITTER_DENSITY_CELL_RATIO)
def set_emitter_enabled(self, emitter_type, value):
Enable/disable the emitter prim for fire/steam effect.
emitter_type (EmitterType): Emitter to set
value (bool): Value to set
if emitter_type not in self._emitters:
if value != self._emitters[emitter_type].GetAttribute("enabled").Get():
def get_textures(self):
Gets prim's texture files.
list of str: List of texture file paths
return [material.diffuse_texture for material in self.materials if material.diffuse_texture is not None]
def update_visuals(self):
Update the prim's visuals (texture change, steam/fire effects, etc).
Should be called after all the states are updated.
if len(self._visual_states) > 0:
texture_change_states = []
emitter_enabled = defaultdict(bool)
for state_type in self._visual_states:
state = self.states[state_type]
if state_type in get_texture_change_states():
if state_type == Saturated:
for particle_system in ParticleRemover.supported_active_systems.values():
if state.get_value(particle_system):
# Only need to do this once, since soaked handles all fluid systems
elif state.get_value():
if state_type in get_steam_states():
emitter_enabled[EmitterType.STEAM] |= state.get_value()
if state_type in get_fire_states():
emitter_enabled[EmitterType.FIRE] |= state.get_value()
for emitter_type in emitter_enabled:
self.set_emitter_enabled(emitter_type, emitter_enabled[emitter_type])
texture_change_states.sort(key=lambda s: get_texture_change_priority()[s.__class__])
object_state = texture_change_states[-1] if len(texture_change_states) > 0 else None
# Only update our texture change if it's a different object state than the one we already have
if object_state != self._current_texture_state:
self._current_texture_state = object_state
def _update_texture_change(self, object_state):
Update the texture based on the given object_state. E.g. if object_state is Frozen, update the diffuse color
to match the frozen state. If object_state is None, update the diffuse color to the default value. It modifies
the current albedo map by adding and scaling the values. See @self._update_albedo_value for details.
object_state (BooleanStateMixin or None): the object state that the diffuse color should match to
for material in self.materials:
self._update_albedo_value(object_state, material)
def _update_albedo_value(object_state, material):
Update the albedo value based on the given object_state. The final albedo value is
albedo_value = diffuse_tint * (albedo_value + albedo_add)
object_state (BooleanStateMixin or None): the object state that the diffuse color should match to
material (MaterialPrim): the material to use to update the albedo value
if object_state is None:
# This restore the albedo map to its original value
albedo_add = 0.0
diffuse_tint = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
# Query the object state for the parameters
albedo_add, diffuse_tint = object_state.get_texture_change_params()
if material.is_glass:
if not np.allclose(material.glass_color, diffuse_tint):
material.glass_color = diffuse_tint
if material.albedo_add != albedo_add:
material.albedo_add = albedo_add
if not np.allclose(material.diffuse_tint, diffuse_tint):
material.diffuse_tint = diffuse_tint
def remove(self):
# Run super
# Iterate over all states and run their remove call
for state_instance in self._states.values():
def _dump_state(self):
# Grab state from super class
state = super()._dump_state()
# Also add non-kinematic states
non_kin_states = dict()
for state_type, state_instance in self._states.items():
if state_instance.stateful:
non_kin_states[get_state_name(state_type)] = state_instance.dump_state(serialized=False)
state["non_kin"] = non_kin_states
return state
def _load_state(self, state):
# Call super method first
# Load non-kinematic states
def load_non_kin_state(self, state):
# Load all states that are stateful
for state_type, state_instance in self._states.items():
state_name = get_state_name(state_type)
if state_instance.stateful:
if state_name in state["non_kin"]:
state_instance.load_state(state=state["non_kin"][state_name], serialized=False)
log.warning(f"Missing object state [{state_name}] in the state dump for obj {}")
# Clear cache after loading state
def _serialize(self, state):
# Call super method first
state_flat = super()._serialize(state=state)
# Iterate over all states and serialize them individually
non_kin_state_flat = np.concatenate([
for state_name, state_dict in state["non_kin"].items()
]) if len(state["non_kin"]) > 0 else np.array([])
# Combine these two arrays
return np.concatenate([state_flat, non_kin_state_flat]).astype(float)
def _deserialize(self, state):
# Call super method first
state_dic, idx = super()._deserialize(state=state)
# Iterate over all states and deserialize their states if they're stateful
non_kin_state_dic = dict()
for state_type, state_instance in self._states.items():
state_name = get_state_name(state_type)
if state_instance.stateful:
non_kin_state_dic[state_name] = state_instance.deserialize(state[idx:idx+state_instance.state_size])
idx += state_instance.state_size
state_dic["non_kin"] = non_kin_state_dic
return state_dic, idx
def clear_states_cache(self):
Clears the internal cache from all owned states
# Check self._states just in case states have not been initialized yet.
if not self._states:
for _, obj_state in self._states.items():
def set_position_orientation(self, position=None, orientation=None):
super().set_position_orientation(position=position, orientation=orientation)
def _do_not_register_classes(cls):
# Don't register this class since it's an abstract template
classes = super()._do_not_register_classes
return classes