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Bases: RelativeObjectState, BooleanStateMixin, ContactSubscribedStateMixin, JointBreakSubscribedStateMixin, LinkBasedStateMixin

Handles attachment between two rigid objects, by creating a fixed/spherical joint between self.obj (child) and other (parent). At any given moment, an object can only be attached to at most one other object, i.e. a parent can have multiple children, but a child can only have one parent. Note that generally speaking only child.states[AttachedTo].get_value(parent) will return True. One of the child's male meta links will be attached to one of the parent's female meta links.

Subclasses ContactSubscribedStateMixin, JointBreakSubscribedStateMixin on_contact function attempts to attach self.obj to other when a CONTACT_FOUND event happens on_joint_break function breaks the current attachment

Source code in omnigibson/object_states/
class AttachedTo(RelativeObjectState, BooleanStateMixin, ContactSubscribedStateMixin, JointBreakSubscribedStateMixin, LinkBasedStateMixin):
        Handles attachment between two rigid objects, by creating a fixed/spherical joint between self.obj (child) and
        other (parent). At any given moment, an object can only be attached to at most one other object, i.e.
        a parent can have multiple children, but a child can only have one parent.
        Note that generally speaking only child.states[AttachedTo].get_value(parent) will return True.
        One of the child's male meta links will be attached to one of the parent's female meta links.

        Subclasses ContactSubscribedStateMixin, JointBreakSubscribedStateMixin
        on_contact function attempts to attach self.obj to other when a CONTACT_FOUND event happens
        on_joint_break function breaks the current attachment
    # This is to force the __init__ args to be "self" and "obj" only.
    # Otherwise, it will inherit from LinkBasedStateMixin and the __init__ args will be "self", "args", "kwargs".
    def __init__(self, obj):
        # Run super method

    def initialize(self):
        og.sim.add_callback_on_stop(name=f"{}_detach", callback=self._detach)
        self.parents_disabled_collisions = set()

    def remove(self):

    def metalink_prefix(cls):
            str: Unique keyword that defines the metalink associated with this object state

    def get_dependencies(cls):
        deps = super().get_dependencies()
        return deps

    def _initialize(self):

        # Reference to the parent object (DatasetObject)
        self.parent = None

        # Reference to the female meta link of the parent object (RigidPrim)
        self.parent_link = None

        # Mapping from the female meta link names of self.obj to their children (Dict[str, Optional[DatasetObject] = None])
        self.children = {link_name: None for link_name in self.links if link_name.split("_")[1].endswith("F")}

        # Cache of parent link candidates for other objects (Dict[DatasetObject, Dict[str, str]])
        # @other -> (the male meta link names of @self.obj -> the correspounding female meta link names of @other))
        self.parent_link_candidates = dict()

    def on_joint_break(self, joint_prim_path):
        # Note that when this function is invoked when a joint break event happens, @self.obj is the parent of the
        # attachment joint, not the child. We access the child of the broken joint, and call the setter with False
        child = self.children[joint_prim_path.split("/")[-2]]
        child.states[AttachedTo].set_value(self.obj, False)

    # Attempts to attach two objects when a CONTACT_FOUND event happens
    def on_contact(self, other, contact_headers, contact_data):
        for contact_header in contact_headers:
            if contact_header.type == lazy.omni.physx.bindings._physx.ContactEventType.CONTACT_FOUND:
                # If it has successfully attached to something, break.
                if self.set_value(other, True):

    def _set_value(self, other, new_value, bypass_alignment_checking=False, check_physics_stability=False, can_joint_break=True):
            other (DatasetObject): parent object to attach to.
            new_value (bool): whether to attach or detach.
            bypass_alignment_checking (bool): whether to bypass alignment checking when finding attachment links.
                Normally when finding attachment links, we check if the child and parent links have aligned positions
                or poses. This flag allows users to bypass this check and find attachment links solely based on the
                attachment meta link types. Default is False.
            check_physics_stability (bool): whether to check if the attachment is stable after attachment.
                If True, it will check if the child object is not colliding with other objects except the parent object.
                If False, it will not check the stability and simply attach the child to the parent.
                Default is False.
            can_joint_break (bool): whether the joint can break or not.

            bool: whether the attachment setting was successful or not.
        # Attempt to attach
        if new_value:
            if self.parent == other:
                # Already attached to this object. Do nothing.
                return True
            elif self.parent is not None:
                log.debug(f"Trying to attach object {} to object {},"
                          f"but it is already attached to object {}. Try detaching first.")
                return False
                # Find attachment links that satisfy the proximity requirements
                child_link, parent_link = self._find_attachment_links(other, bypass_alignment_checking)
                if child_link is None:
                    return False
                    if check_physics_stability:
                        state = og.sim.dump_state()
                    self._attach(other, child_link, parent_link, can_joint_break=can_joint_break)
                    if not check_physics_stability:
                        return True
                        # self.obj should not collide with other objects except the parent
                        success = len(self.obj.states[ContactBodies].get_value(ignore_objs=(other,))) == 0
                        if success:
                            return True
                            return False

        # Attempt to detach
            if self.parent == other:

                # Wake up objects so that passive forces like gravity can be applied.
            return True

    def _get_value(self, other):
        # Simply return if the current parent matches other
        return other == self.parent

    def _find_attachment_links(self,
            other (DatasetObject): parent object to find potential attachment links.
            bypass_alignment_checking (bool): whether to bypass alignment checking when finding attachment links.
                Normally when finding attachment links, we check if the child and parent links have aligned positions
                or poses. This flag allows users to bypass this check and find attachment links solely based on the
                attachment meta link types. Default is False.
            pos_thresh (float): position difference threshold to activate attachment, in meters.
            orn_thresh (float): orientation difference threshold to activate attachment, in radians.

                - RigidPrim or None: link belonging to @self.obj that should be aligned to that corresponding link of @other
                - RigidPrim or None: the corresponding link of @other
        parent_candidates = self._get_parent_candidates(other)
        if not parent_candidates:
            return None, None

        for child_link_name, parent_link_names in parent_candidates.items():
            child_link = self.links[child_link_name]
            for parent_link_name in parent_link_names:
                parent_link = other.states[AttachedTo].links[parent_link_name]
                if other.states[AttachedTo].children[parent_link_name] is None:
                    if bypass_alignment_checking:
                        return child_link, parent_link
                    pos_diff = np.linalg.norm(child_link.get_position() - parent_link.get_position())
                    orn_diff = T.get_orientation_diff_in_radian(child_link.get_orientation(), parent_link.get_orientation())
                    if pos_diff < pos_thresh and orn_diff < orn_thresh:
                        return child_link, parent_link

        return None, None

    def _get_parent_candidates(self, other):
        Helper function to return the parent link candidates for @other

            Dict[str, str] or None: mapping from the male meta link names of self.obj to the correspounding female meta
            link names of @other. Returns None if @other does not have the AttachedTo state.
        if AttachedTo not in other.states:
            return None

        if other not in self.parent_link_candidates:
            parent_link_names = defaultdict(set)
            for child_link_name, child_link in self.links.items():
                child_category = child_link_name.split("_")[1]
                if child_category.endswith("F"):
                assert child_category.endswith("M")
                parent_category = child_category[:-1] + "F"
                for parent_link_name, parent_link in other.states[AttachedTo].links.items():
                    if parent_category in parent_link_name:
            self.parent_link_candidates[other] = parent_link_names

        return self.parent_link_candidates[other]

    def attachment_joint_prim_path(self):
        return f"{self.parent_link.prim_path}/{}_attachment_joint" if self.parent_link is not None else None

    def _attach(self, other, child_link, parent_link, joint_type=m.DEFAULT_JOINT_TYPE, can_joint_break=True):
        Creates a fixed or spherical joint between a male meta link of self.obj (@child_link) and a female meta link of
         @other (@parent_link) with a given @joint_type, @break_force and @break_torque

            other (DatasetObject): parent object to attach to.
            child_link (RigidPrim): male meta link of @self.obj.
            parent_link (RigidPrim): female meta link of @other.
            joint_type (JointType): joint type of the attachment, {JointType.JOINT_FIXED, JointType.JOINT_SPHERICAL}
            can_joint_break (bool): whether the joint can break or not.
        assert joint_type in {JointType.JOINT_FIXED, JointType.JOINT_SPHERICAL}, f"Unsupported joint type {joint_type}"

        # Set pose for self.obj so that child_link and parent_link align (6dof alignment for FixedJoint and 3dof alignment for SphericalJoint)
        parent_pos, parent_quat = parent_link.get_position_orientation()
        child_pos, child_quat = child_link.get_position_orientation()

        child_root_pos, child_root_quat = self.obj.get_position_orientation()

        if joint_type == JointType.JOINT_FIXED:
            # For FixedJoint: find the relation transformation of the two frames and apply it to self.obj.
            rel_pos, rel_quat = T.mat2pose(T.pose2mat((parent_pos, parent_quat)) @ T.pose_inv(T.pose2mat((child_pos, child_quat))))
            new_child_root_pos, new_child_root_quat = T.pose_transform(rel_pos, rel_quat, child_root_pos, child_root_quat)
            # For SphericalJoint: move the position of self.obj to align the two frames and keep the rotation unchanged.
            new_child_root_pos = child_root_pos + (parent_pos - child_pos)
            new_child_root_quat = child_root_quat

        # Actually move the object and also keep it still for stability purposes.
        self.obj.set_position_orientation(new_child_root_pos, new_child_root_quat)

        if joint_type == JointType.JOINT_FIXED:
            # FixedJoint: the parent link, the child link and the joint frame all align.
            parent_local_quat = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
            # SphericalJoint: the same except that the rotation of the parent link doesn't align with the joint frame.
            # The child link and the joint frame still align.
            _, parent_local_quat = T.relative_pose_transform([0, 0, 0], child_quat, [0, 0, 0], parent_quat)

        # Disable collision between the parent and child objects
        self._disable_collision_between_child_and_parent(child=self.obj, parent=other)

        # Set the parent references
        self.parent = other
        self.parent_link = parent_link

        # Set the child reference for @other
        other.states[AttachedTo].children[parent_link.body_name] = self.obj

        kwargs = {"break_force": m.DEFAULT_BREAK_FORCE, "break_torque": m.DEFAULT_BREAK_TORQUE} if can_joint_break else dict()

        # Create the joint
            joint_frame_in_child_frame_quat=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),

    def _disable_collision_between_child_and_parent(self, child, parent):
        Disables collision between the child and parent objects
        if parent in self.parents_disabled_collisions:

        was_playing = og.sim.is_playing()
        if was_playing:
            state = og.sim.dump_state()

        for child_link in child.links.values():
            for parent_link in parent.links.values():

        if parent.category == "wall_nail":
            # Temporary hack to disable collision between the attached child object and all walls/floors so that objects
            # attached to the wall_nails do not collide with the walls/floors.
            for wall in og.sim.scene.object_registry("category", "walls", set()):
                for wall_link in wall.links.values():
                    for child_link in child.links.values():
            for wall in og.sim.scene.object_registry("category", "floors", set()):
                for floor_link in wall.links.values():
                    for child_link in child.links.values():

        # Temporary hack to disable gravity for the attached child object if the parent is kinematic_only
        # Otherwise, the parent metalink will oscillate due to the gravity force of the child.
        if parent.kinematic_only:

        if was_playing:

    def _detach(self):
        Removes the current attachment joint
        if self.parent_link is not None:
            # Remove the attachment joint prim from the stage

            # Remove child reference from the parent object
            self.parent.states[AttachedTo].children[self.parent_link.body_name] = None

            # Remove reference to the parent object and link
            self.parent = None
            self.parent_link = None

    def settable(self):
        return True

    def state_size(self):
        return 1

    def _dump_state(self):
        return dict(attached_obj_uuid=-1 if self.parent is None else self.parent.uuid)

    def _load_state(self, state):
        uuid = state["attached_obj_uuid"]
        if uuid == -1:
            attached_obj = None
            attached_obj = og.sim.scene.object_registry("uuid", uuid)
            assert attached_obj is not None, "attached_obj_uuid does not match any object in the scene."

        if self.parent != attached_obj:
            # If it's currently attached to something else, detach.
            if self.parent is not None:
                self.set_value(self.parent, False)
                # assert self.parent is None, "parent reference is not cleared after detachment"
                if self.parent is not None:
                    log.warning(f"parent reference is not cleared after detachment")

            # If the loaded state requires attachment, attach.
            if attached_obj is not None:
                self.set_value(attached_obj, True, bypass_alignment_checking=True, check_physics_stability=False, can_joint_break=True)
                # assert self.parent == attached_obj, "parent reference is not updated after attachment"
                if self.parent != attached_obj:
                    log.warning(f"parent reference is not updated after attachment")

    def _serialize(self, state):
        return np.array([state["attached_obj_uuid"]], dtype=float)

    def _deserialize(self, state):
        return dict(attached_obj_uuid=int(state[0])), 1


Name Type Description

Unique keyword that defines the metalink associated with this object state

Source code in omnigibson/object_states/
def metalink_prefix(cls):
        str: Unique keyword that defines the metalink associated with this object state