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Bases: BasePrim

Provides high level functions to deal with an Xform prim and its attributes/ properties. If there is an Xform prim present at the path, it will use it. Otherwise, a new XForm prim at the specified prim path will be created when self.load(...) is called.

the prim will have "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:translate" and "xformOp:scale" only post init,

unless it is a non-root articulation link.


Name Type Description Default
prim_path str

prim path of the Prim to encapsulate or create.

name str

Name for the object. Names need to be unique per scene.

load_config None or dict

If specified, should contain keyword-mapped values that are relevant for loading this prim at runtime. For this xform prim, the below values can be specified:

scale (None or float or 3-array): If specified, sets the scale for this object. A single number corresponds to uniform scaling along the x,y,z axes, whereas a 3-array specifies per-axis scaling.

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
class XFormPrim(BasePrim):
    Provides high level functions to deal with an Xform prim and its attributes/ properties.
    If there is an Xform prim present at the path, it will use it. Otherwise, a new XForm prim at
    the specified prim path will be created when self.load(...) is called.

    Note: the prim will have "xformOp:orient", "xformOp:translate" and "xformOp:scale" only post init,
        unless it is a non-root articulation link.

        prim_path (str): prim path of the Prim to encapsulate or create.
        name (str): Name for the object. Names need to be unique per scene.
        load_config (None or dict): If specified, should contain keyword-mapped values that are relevant for
            loading this prim at runtime. For this xform prim, the below values can be specified:

            scale (None or float or 3-array): If specified, sets the scale for this object. A single number corresponds
                to uniform scaling along the x,y,z axes, whereas a 3-array specifies per-axis scaling.

    def __init__(
        # Other values that will be filled in at runtime
        self._binding_api = None
        self._material = None
        self._collision_filter_api = None
        self.original_scale = None

        # Run super method

    def _load(self):
        return og.sim.stage.DefinePrim(self._prim_path, "Xform")

    def _post_load(self):
        # run super first

        # Make sure all xforms have pose and scaling info

        # Cache the original scale from the USD so that when EntityPrim sets the scale for each link (Rigid/ClothPrim),
        # the new scale is with respect to the original scale. XFormPrim's scale always matches the scale in the USD.
        self.original_scale = np.array(self.get_attribute("xformOp:scale"))

        # Create collision filter API
        self._collision_filter_api = lazy.pxr.UsdPhysics.FilteredPairsAPI(self._prim) if \
            self._prim.HasAPI(lazy.pxr.UsdPhysics.FilteredPairsAPI) else lazy.pxr.UsdPhysics.FilteredPairsAPI.Apply(self._prim)

        # Create binding API
        self._binding_api = lazy.pxr.UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI(self.prim) if \
            self._prim.HasAPI(lazy.pxr.UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI) else lazy.pxr.UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI.Apply(self.prim)

        # Grab the attached material if it exists
        if self.has_material():
            material_prim_path = self._binding_api.GetDirectBinding().GetMaterialPath().pathString
            material_name = f"{}:material"
            material = MaterialPrim.get_material(prim_path=material_prim_path, name=material_name)
            assert material.loaded, f"Material prim path {material_prim_path} doesn't exist on stage."
            self._material = material

        # Optionally set the scale and visibility
        if "scale" in self._load_config and self._load_config["scale"] is not None:
            self.scale = self._load_config["scale"]

    def remove(self):
        # Remove the material prim if one exists
        if self._material is not None:

        # Remove the prim

    def _set_xform_properties(self):
        current_position, current_orientation = self.get_position_orientation()
        properties_to_remove = [
        prop_names = self.prim.GetPropertyNames()
        xformable = lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.Xformable(self.prim)
        # TODO: wont be able to delete props for non root links on articulated objects
        for prop_name in prop_names:
            if prop_name in properties_to_remove:
        if "xformOp:scale" not in prop_names:
            xform_op_scale = xformable.AddXformOp(lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeScale, lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.XformOp.PrecisionDouble, "")
            xform_op_scale.Set(lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec3d([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]))
            xform_op_scale = lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.XformOp(self._prim.GetAttribute("xformOp:scale"))

        if "xformOp:translate" not in prop_names:
            xform_op_translate = xformable.AddXformOp(
                lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeTranslate, lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.XformOp.PrecisionDouble, ""
            xform_op_translate = lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.XformOp(self._prim.GetAttribute("xformOp:translate"))

        if "xformOp:orient" not in prop_names:
            xform_op_rot = xformable.AddXformOp(lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.XformOp.TypeOrient, lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.XformOp.PrecisionDouble, "")
            xform_op_rot = lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.XformOp(self._prim.GetAttribute("xformOp:orient"))
        xformable.SetXformOpOrder([xform_op_translate, xform_op_rot, xform_op_scale])

        self.set_position_orientation(position=current_position, orientation=current_orientation)
        new_position, new_orientation = self.get_position_orientation()
        r1 = R.from_quat(current_orientation).as_matrix()
        r2 = R.from_quat(new_orientation).as_matrix()
        # Make sure setting is done correctly
        assert np.allclose(new_position, current_position, atol=1e-4) and np.allclose(r1, r2, atol=1e-4), \
            f"{self.prim_path}: old_pos: {current_position}, new_pos: {new_position}, " \
            f"old_orn: {current_orientation}, new_orn: {new_orientation}"

    def has_material(self):
            bool: True if there is a visual material bound to this prim. False otherwise
        material_path = self._binding_api.GetDirectBinding().GetMaterialPath().pathString
        return False if material_path == "" else True

    def set_position_orientation(self, position=None, orientation=None):
        Sets prim's pose with respect to the world frame

            position (None or 3-array): if specified, (x,y,z) position in the world frame
                Default is None, which means left unchanged.
            orientation (None or 4-array): if specified, (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the world frame.
                Default is None, which means left unchanged.
        current_position, current_orientation = self.get_position_orientation()

        position = current_position if position is None else np.array(position, dtype=float)
        orientation = current_orientation if orientation is None else np.array(orientation, dtype=float)
        assert np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(orientation), 1, atol=1e-3), \
            f"{self.prim_path} desired orientation {orientation} is not a unit quaternion."

        my_world_transform = T.pose2mat((position, orientation))

        parent_prim = lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_parent(self._prim)
        parent_path = str(parent_prim.GetPath())
        parent_world_transform = PoseAPI.get_world_pose_with_scale(parent_path)

        local_transform = np.linalg.inv(parent_world_transform) @ my_world_transform

    def get_position_orientation(self):
        Gets prim's pose with respect to the world's frame.

                - 3-array: (x,y,z) position in the world frame
                - 4-array: (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the world frame
        return PoseAPI.get_world_pose(self._prim_path)

    def set_position(self, position):
        Set this prim's position with respect to the world frame

            position (3-array): (x,y,z) global cartesian position to set

    def get_position(self):
        Get this prim's position with respect to the world frame

            3-array: (x,y,z) global cartesian position of this prim
        return self.get_position_orientation()[0]

    def set_orientation(self, orientation):
        Set this prim's orientation with respect to the world frame

            orientation (4-array): (x,y,z,w) global quaternion orientation to set

    def get_orientation(self):
        Get this prim's orientation with respect to the world frame

            4-array: (x,y,z,w) global quaternion orientation of this prim
        return self.get_position_orientation()[1]

    def get_rpy(self):
        Get this prim's orientation with respect to the world frame

            3-array: (roll, pitch, yaw) global euler orientation of this prim
        return quat2euler(self.get_orientation())

    def get_2d_orientation(self):
        Get this prim's orientation on the XY plane of the world frame. This is obtained by
        projecting the forward vector onto the XY plane and then computing the angle.
        fwd = R.from_quat(self.get_orientation()).apply([1, 0, 0])
        fwd[2] = 0.

        # If the object is facing close to straight up, then we can't compute a 2D orientation
        # in that case, we return zero.
        if np.linalg.norm(fwd) < 1e-4:
            return 0.

        fwd /= np.linalg.norm(fwd)
        return np.arctan2(fwd[1], fwd[0])

    def get_local_pose(self):
        Gets prim's pose with respect to the prim's local frame (its parent frame)

                - 3-array: (x,y,z) position in the local frame
                - 4-array: (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the local frame
        pos, ori = lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.xforms.get_local_pose(self.prim_path)
        return pos, ori[[1, 2, 3, 0]]

    def set_local_pose(self, position=None, orientation=None):
        Sets prim's pose with respect to the local frame (the prim's parent frame).

            position (None or 3-array): if specified, (x,y,z) position in the local frame of the prim
                (with respect to its parent prim). Default is None, which means left unchanged.
            orientation (None or 4-array): if specified, (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the local frame of the prim
                (with respect to its parent prim). Default is None, which means left unchanged.
        properties = self.prim.GetPropertyNames()
        if position is not None:
            position = lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec3d(*np.array(position, dtype=float))
            if "xformOp:translate" not in properties:
                    "Translate property needs to be set for {} before setting its position".format(
            self.set_attribute("xformOp:translate", position)
        if orientation is not None:
            orientation = np.array(orientation, dtype=float)[[3, 0, 1, 2]]
            if "xformOp:orient" not in properties:
                    "Orient property needs to be set for {} before setting its orientation".format(
            xform_op = self._prim.GetAttribute("xformOp:orient")
            if xform_op.GetTypeName() == "quatf":
                rotq = lazy.pxr.Gf.Quatf(*orientation)
                rotq = lazy.pxr.Gf.Quatd(*orientation)
        if gm.ENABLE_FLATCACHE:
            # If flatcache is on, make sure the USD local pose is synced to the fabric local pose.
            # Ideally we should call usdrt's set local pose directly, but there is no such API.
            # The only available API is SetLocalXformFromUsd, so we update USD first, and then sync to fabric.
            xformable_prim = lazy.usdrt.Rt.Xformable(lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_at_path(self.prim_path, fabric=True))
            assert not xformable_prim.HasWorldXform(), "Fabric's world pose is set for a non-rigid prim which is unexpected. Please report this."

    def get_world_scale(self):
        Gets prim's scale with respect to the world's frame.

            np.ndarray: scale applied to the prim's dimensions in the world frame. shape is (3, ).
        prim_tf = lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.Xformable(self._prim).ComputeLocalToWorldTransform(lazy.pxr.Usd.TimeCode.Default())
        transform = lazy.pxr.Gf.Transform()
        return np.array(transform.GetScale())

    def scaled_transform(self):
        Returns the scaled transform of this prim.
        return PoseAPI.get_world_pose_with_scale(self._prim_path)

    def transform_local_points_to_world(self, points):
        return trimesh.transformations.transform_points(points, self.scaled_transform)

    def scale(self):
        Gets prim's scale with respect to the local frame (the parent's frame).

            np.ndarray: scale applied to the prim's dimensions in the local frame. shape is (3, ).
        return np.array(self.get_attribute("xformOp:scale"))

    def scale(self, scale):
        Sets prim's scale with respect to the local frame (the prim's parent frame).

            scale (float or np.ndarray): scale to be applied to the prim's dimensions. shape is (3, ).
                                          Defaults to None, which means left unchanged.
        scale = np.array(scale, dtype=float) if isinstance(scale, Iterable) else np.ones(3) * scale
        scale = lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec3d(*scale)
        properties = self.prim.GetPropertyNames()
        if "xformOp:scale" not in properties:
            lazy.carb.log_error("Scale property needs to be set for {} before setting its scale".format(
        self.set_attribute("xformOp:scale", scale)

    def material(self):
            None or MaterialPrim: The bound material to this prim, if there is one
        return self._material

    def material(self, material):
        Set the material @material for this prim. This will also bind the material to this prim

            material (MaterialPrim): Material to bind to this prim
        self._binding_api.Bind(lazy.pxr.UsdShade.Material(material.prim), bindingStrength=lazy.pxr.UsdShade.Tokens.weakerThanDescendants)
        self._material = material

    def add_filtered_collision_pair(self, prim):
        Adds a collision filter pair with another prim

            prim (XFormPrim): Another prim to filter collisions with
        # Add to both this prim's and the other prim's filtered pair

    def remove_filtered_collision_pair(self, prim):
        Removes a collision filter pair with another prim

            prim (XFormPrim): Another prim to remove filter collisions with
        # Add to both this prim's and the other prim's filtered pair

    def _dump_state(self):
        pos, ori = self.get_position_orientation()
        return dict(pos=pos, ori=ori)

    def _load_state(self, state):
        self.set_position_orientation(np.array(state["pos"]), np.array(state["ori"]))

    def _serialize(self, state):
        return np.concatenate([state["pos"], state["ori"]]).astype(float)

    def _deserialize(self, state):
        # We deserialize deterministically by knowing the order of values -- pos, ori
        return dict(pos=state[0:3], ori=state[3:7]), 7

material property writable


Type Description

None or MaterialPrim: The bound material to this prim, if there is one

scale property writable

Gets prim's scale with respect to the local frame (the parent's frame).


Type Description

np.ndarray: scale applied to the prim's dimensions in the local frame. shape is (3, ).

scaled_transform property

Returns the scaled transform of this prim.


Adds a collision filter pair with another prim


Name Type Description Default
prim XFormPrim

Another prim to filter collisions with

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def add_filtered_collision_pair(self, prim):
    Adds a collision filter pair with another prim

        prim (XFormPrim): Another prim to filter collisions with
    # Add to both this prim's and the other prim's filtered pair


Get this prim's orientation on the XY plane of the world frame. This is obtained by projecting the forward vector onto the XY plane and then computing the angle.

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def get_2d_orientation(self):
    Get this prim's orientation on the XY plane of the world frame. This is obtained by
    projecting the forward vector onto the XY plane and then computing the angle.
    fwd = R.from_quat(self.get_orientation()).apply([1, 0, 0])
    fwd[2] = 0.

    # If the object is facing close to straight up, then we can't compute a 2D orientation
    # in that case, we return zero.
    if np.linalg.norm(fwd) < 1e-4:
        return 0.

    fwd /= np.linalg.norm(fwd)
    return np.arctan2(fwd[1], fwd[0])


Gets prim's pose with respect to the prim's local frame (its parent frame)


Type Description

2-tuple: - 3-array: (x,y,z) position in the local frame - 4-array: (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the local frame

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def get_local_pose(self):
    Gets prim's pose with respect to the prim's local frame (its parent frame)

            - 3-array: (x,y,z) position in the local frame
            - 4-array: (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the local frame
    pos, ori = lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.xforms.get_local_pose(self.prim_path)
    return pos, ori[[1, 2, 3, 0]]


Get this prim's orientation with respect to the world frame


Type Description

4-array: (x,y,z,w) global quaternion orientation of this prim

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def get_orientation(self):
    Get this prim's orientation with respect to the world frame

        4-array: (x,y,z,w) global quaternion orientation of this prim
    return self.get_position_orientation()[1]


Get this prim's position with respect to the world frame


Type Description

3-array: (x,y,z) global cartesian position of this prim

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def get_position(self):
    Get this prim's position with respect to the world frame

        3-array: (x,y,z) global cartesian position of this prim
    return self.get_position_orientation()[0]


Gets prim's pose with respect to the world's frame.


Type Description

2-tuple: - 3-array: (x,y,z) position in the world frame - 4-array: (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the world frame

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def get_position_orientation(self):
    Gets prim's pose with respect to the world's frame.

            - 3-array: (x,y,z) position in the world frame
            - 4-array: (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the world frame
    return PoseAPI.get_world_pose(self._prim_path)


Get this prim's orientation with respect to the world frame


Type Description

3-array: (roll, pitch, yaw) global euler orientation of this prim

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def get_rpy(self):
    Get this prim's orientation with respect to the world frame

        3-array: (roll, pitch, yaw) global euler orientation of this prim
    return quat2euler(self.get_orientation())


Gets prim's scale with respect to the world's frame.


Type Description

np.ndarray: scale applied to the prim's dimensions in the world frame. shape is (3, ).

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def get_world_scale(self):
    Gets prim's scale with respect to the world's frame.

        np.ndarray: scale applied to the prim's dimensions in the world frame. shape is (3, ).
    prim_tf = lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.Xformable(self._prim).ComputeLocalToWorldTransform(lazy.pxr.Usd.TimeCode.Default())
    transform = lazy.pxr.Gf.Transform()
    return np.array(transform.GetScale())



Name Type Description

True if there is a visual material bound to this prim. False otherwise

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def has_material(self):
        bool: True if there is a visual material bound to this prim. False otherwise
    material_path = self._binding_api.GetDirectBinding().GetMaterialPath().pathString
    return False if material_path == "" else True


Removes a collision filter pair with another prim


Name Type Description Default
prim XFormPrim

Another prim to remove filter collisions with

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def remove_filtered_collision_pair(self, prim):
    Removes a collision filter pair with another prim

        prim (XFormPrim): Another prim to remove filter collisions with
    # Add to both this prim's and the other prim's filtered pair

set_local_pose(position=None, orientation=None)

Sets prim's pose with respect to the local frame (the prim's parent frame).


Name Type Description Default
position None or 3 - array

if specified, (x,y,z) position in the local frame of the prim (with respect to its parent prim). Default is None, which means left unchanged.

orientation None or 4 - array

if specified, (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the local frame of the prim (with respect to its parent prim). Default is None, which means left unchanged.

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def set_local_pose(self, position=None, orientation=None):
    Sets prim's pose with respect to the local frame (the prim's parent frame).

        position (None or 3-array): if specified, (x,y,z) position in the local frame of the prim
            (with respect to its parent prim). Default is None, which means left unchanged.
        orientation (None or 4-array): if specified, (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the local frame of the prim
            (with respect to its parent prim). Default is None, which means left unchanged.
    properties = self.prim.GetPropertyNames()
    if position is not None:
        position = lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec3d(*np.array(position, dtype=float))
        if "xformOp:translate" not in properties:
                "Translate property needs to be set for {} before setting its position".format(
        self.set_attribute("xformOp:translate", position)
    if orientation is not None:
        orientation = np.array(orientation, dtype=float)[[3, 0, 1, 2]]
        if "xformOp:orient" not in properties:
                "Orient property needs to be set for {} before setting its orientation".format(
        xform_op = self._prim.GetAttribute("xformOp:orient")
        if xform_op.GetTypeName() == "quatf":
            rotq = lazy.pxr.Gf.Quatf(*orientation)
            rotq = lazy.pxr.Gf.Quatd(*orientation)
        # If flatcache is on, make sure the USD local pose is synced to the fabric local pose.
        # Ideally we should call usdrt's set local pose directly, but there is no such API.
        # The only available API is SetLocalXformFromUsd, so we update USD first, and then sync to fabric.
        xformable_prim = lazy.usdrt.Rt.Xformable(lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_at_path(self.prim_path, fabric=True))
        assert not xformable_prim.HasWorldXform(), "Fabric's world pose is set for a non-rigid prim which is unexpected. Please report this."


Set this prim's orientation with respect to the world frame


Name Type Description Default
orientation 4 - array

(x,y,z,w) global quaternion orientation to set

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def set_orientation(self, orientation):
    Set this prim's orientation with respect to the world frame

        orientation (4-array): (x,y,z,w) global quaternion orientation to set


Set this prim's position with respect to the world frame


Name Type Description Default
position 3 - array

(x,y,z) global cartesian position to set

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def set_position(self, position):
    Set this prim's position with respect to the world frame

        position (3-array): (x,y,z) global cartesian position to set

set_position_orientation(position=None, orientation=None)

Sets prim's pose with respect to the world frame


Name Type Description Default
position None or 3 - array

if specified, (x,y,z) position in the world frame Default is None, which means left unchanged.

orientation None or 4 - array

if specified, (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the world frame. Default is None, which means left unchanged.

Source code in omnigibson/prims/
def set_position_orientation(self, position=None, orientation=None):
    Sets prim's pose with respect to the world frame

        position (None or 3-array): if specified, (x,y,z) position in the world frame
            Default is None, which means left unchanged.
        orientation (None or 4-array): if specified, (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the world frame.
            Default is None, which means left unchanged.
    current_position, current_orientation = self.get_position_orientation()

    position = current_position if position is None else np.array(position, dtype=float)
    orientation = current_orientation if orientation is None else np.array(orientation, dtype=float)
    assert np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(orientation), 1, atol=1e-3), \
        f"{self.prim_path} desired orientation {orientation} is not a unit quaternion."

    my_world_transform = T.pose2mat((position, orientation))

    parent_prim = lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_parent(self._prim)
    parent_path = str(parent_prim.GetPath())
    parent_world_transform = PoseAPI.get_world_pose_with_scale(parent_path)

    local_transform = np.linalg.inv(parent_world_transform) @ my_world_transform