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Bases: SuccessCondition

PredicateGoal (success condition) used for BehaviorTask Episode terminates if all the predicates are satisfied


Name Type Description Default
goal_fcn method

function for calculating goal(s). Function signature should be:

goals = goal_fcn()

where @goals is a list of bddl.condition_evaluation.HEAD -- compiled BDDL goal conditions

Source code in omnigibson/termination_conditions/
class PredicateGoal(SuccessCondition):
    PredicateGoal (success condition) used for BehaviorTask
    Episode terminates if all the predicates are satisfied

        goal_fcn (method): function for calculating goal(s). Function signature should be:

            goals = goal_fcn()

            where @goals is a list of bddl.condition_evaluation.HEAD -- compiled BDDL goal conditions
    def __init__(self, goal_fcn):
        # Store internal vars
        self._goal_fcn = goal_fcn
        self._goal_status = None

        # Run super

    def reset(self, task, env):
        # Run super first
        super().reset(task, env)

        # Reset status
        self._goal_status = {"satisfied": [], "unsatisfied": []}

    def _step(self, task, env, action):
        # Terminate if all goal conditions are met in the task
        done, self._goal_status = evaluate_goal_conditions(self._goal_fcn())
        return done

    def goal_status(self):
            dict: Current goal status for the active predicate(s), mapping "satisfied" and "unsatisfied" to a list
                of the predicates matching either of those conditions
        return self._goal_status

goal_status property


Name Type Description

Current goal status for the active predicate(s), mapping "satisfied" and "unsatisfied" to a list of the predicates matching either of those conditions