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Bases: RelativeObjectState, LinkBasedStateMixin

Object state for computing the number of particles of a given system contained in this object's container volume

Source code in omnigibson/object_states/
class ContainedParticles(RelativeObjectState, LinkBasedStateMixin):
    Object state for computing the number of particles of a given system contained in this object's container volume
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.check_in_volume = None         # Function to check whether particles are in volume for this container
        self._volume = None                 # Volume of this container
        self._compute_info = None           # Intermediate computation information to store

    def metalink_prefix(cls):
        return m.CONTAINER_LINK_PREFIX

    def _get_value(self, system):
            system (VisualParticleSystem or PhysicalParticleSystem): System whose number of particles will be checked inside this object's
                container volume

            ContainedParticlesData: namedtuple with the following keys:
                - n_in_volume (int): Number of @system's particles inside this object's container volume
                - positions (np.array): (N, 3) Particle positions of all @system's particles
                - in_volume (np.array): (N,) boolean array, True if the corresponding particle is inside this
                    object's container volume, else False
        # Value is false by default
        n_particles_in_volume, raw_positions, checked_positions, particles_in_volume = 0, np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([])

        # Only run additional computations if there are any particles
        if system.n_particles > 0:
            # First, we check what type of system
            # Currently, we support VisualParticleSystems and PhysicalParticleSystems
            if is_visual_particle_system(
                # Grab global particle poses and offset them in the direction of their orientation
                raw_positions, quats = system.get_particles_position_orientation()
                unit_z = np.zeros((len(raw_positions), 3, 1))
                unit_z[:, -1, :] = m.VISUAL_PARTICLE_OFFSET
                checked_positions = (T.quat2mat(quats) @ unit_z).reshape(-1, 3) + raw_positions
            elif is_physical_particle_system(
                raw_positions = system.get_particles_position_orientation()[0]
                checked_positions = raw_positions
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid system {system} received for getting ContainedParticles state!"
                                 f"Currently, only VisualParticleSystems and PhysicalParticleSystems are supported.")

        # Only calculate if we have valid positions
        if len(checked_positions) > 0:
            particles_in_volume = self.check_in_volume(checked_positions)
            n_particles_in_volume = particles_in_volume.sum()

        return ContainedParticlesData(n_particles_in_volume, raw_positions, particles_in_volume)

    def _initialize(self):

        # Generate volume checker function for this object
        self.check_in_volume, calculate_volume = \

        # Calculate volume
        self._volume = calculate_volume()

    def volume(self):
            float: Total volume for this container
        return self._volume

volume property


Name Type Description

Total volume for this container