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A set of utility functions for general python usage


Thin object which owns a dictionary in which each entry should be a function -- when a key is queried via get() and it exists, it will call the function exactly once, and cache the value so that subsequent calls will refer to the cached value.

This allows the dictionary to be created with potentially expensive operations, but only queried up to exaclty once as needed.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class CachedFunctions:
    Thin object which owns a dictionary in which each entry should be a function -- when a key is queried via get()
    and it exists, it will call the function exactly once, and cache the value so that subsequent calls will refer
    to the cached value.

    This allows the dictionary to be created with potentially expensive operations, but only queried up to exaclty once
    as needed.
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # Create internal dict to store functions
        self._fcns = dict()
        for kwarg in kwargs:
            self._fcns[kwarg] = kwargs[kwarg]

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return self.get(name=item)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.add_fcn(name=key, fcn=value)

    def get(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        Computes the function referenced by @name with the corresponding @args and @kwargs. Note that for a unique
        set of arguments, this value will be internally cached

            name (str): The name of the function to call
            *args (tuple): Positional arguments to pass into the function call
            **kwargs (tuple): Keyword arguments to pass into the function call

            any: Output of the function referenced by @name
        return self._fcns[name](*args, **kwargs)

    def get_fcn(self, name):
        Gets the raw stored function referenced by @name

            name (str): The name of the function to grab

            function: The stored function
        return self._fcns[name]

    def get_fcn_names(self):
        Get all stored function names

            tuple of str: Names of stored functions
        return tuple(self._fcns.keys())

    def add_fcn(self, name, fcn):
        Adds a function to the internal registry.

            name (str): Name of the function. This is the name that should be queried with self.get()
            fcn (function): Function to add. Can be an arbitrary signature
        assert callable(fcn), "Only functions can be added via add_fcn!"
        self._fcns[name] = fcn

add_fcn(name, fcn)

Adds a function to the internal registry.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the function. This is the name that should be queried with self.get()

fcn function

Function to add. Can be an arbitrary signature

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def add_fcn(self, name, fcn):
    Adds a function to the internal registry.

        name (str): Name of the function. This is the name that should be queried with self.get()
        fcn (function): Function to add. Can be an arbitrary signature
    assert callable(fcn), "Only functions can be added via add_fcn!"
    self._fcns[name] = fcn

get(name, *args, **kwargs) cached

Computes the function referenced by @name with the corresponding @args and @kwargs. Note that for a unique set of arguments, this value will be internally cached


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the function to call

*args tuple

Positional arguments to pass into the function call

**kwargs tuple

Keyword arguments to pass into the function call



Name Type Description

Output of the function referenced by @name

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
    Computes the function referenced by @name with the corresponding @args and @kwargs. Note that for a unique
    set of arguments, this value will be internally cached

        name (str): The name of the function to call
        *args (tuple): Positional arguments to pass into the function call
        **kwargs (tuple): Keyword arguments to pass into the function call

        any: Output of the function referenced by @name
    return self._fcns[name](*args, **kwargs)


Gets the raw stored function referenced by @name


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the function to grab



Name Type Description

The stored function

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_fcn(self, name):
    Gets the raw stored function referenced by @name

        name (str): The name of the function to grab

        function: The stored function
    return self._fcns[name]


Get all stored function names


Type Description

tuple of str: Names of stored functions

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def get_fcn_names(self):
    Get all stored function names

        tuple of str: Names of stored functions
    return tuple(self._fcns.keys())


Simple class that provides an abstract interface automatically saving init args of the classes inheriting it.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class Recreatable(metaclass=RecreatableAbcMeta):
    Simple class that provides an abstract interface automatically saving __init__ args of
    the classes inheriting it.

    def get_init_info(self):
        Grabs relevant initialization information for this class instance. Useful for directly
        reloading an object from this information, using @create_object_from_init_info.

            dict: Nested dictionary that contains this object's initialization information
        # Note: self._init_info is procedurally generated via @save_init_info called in metaclass
        return self._init_info


Grabs relevant initialization information for this class instance. Useful for directly reloading an object from this information, using @create_object_from_init_info.


Name Type Description

Nested dictionary that contains this object's initialization information

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_init_info(self):
    Grabs relevant initialization information for this class instance. Useful for directly
    reloading an object from this information, using @create_object_from_init_info.

        dict: Nested dictionary that contains this object's initialization information
    # Note: self._init_info is procedurally generated via @save_init_info called in metaclass
    return self._init_info


Bases: RecreatableMeta, ABCMeta

A composite metaclass of both RecreatableMeta and ABCMeta.

Adding in ABCMeta to resolve metadata conflicts.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class RecreatableAbcMeta(RecreatableMeta, ABCMeta):
    A composite metaclass of both RecreatableMeta and ABCMeta.

    Adding in ABCMeta to resolve metadata conflicts.



Bases: type

Simple metaclass that automatically saves init args of the instances it creates.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class RecreatableMeta(type):
    Simple metaclass that automatically saves __init__ args of the instances it creates.

    def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, clsdict):
        if "__init__" in clsdict:
            clsdict["__init__"] = save_init_info(clsdict["__init__"])
        return super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, clsdict)


Simple class template that provides an abstract interface for registering classes.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class Registerable:
    Simple class template that provides an abstract interface for registering classes.

    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
        Registers all subclasses as part of this registry. This is useful to decouple internal codebase from external
        user additions. This way, users can add their custom subclasses by simply extending this class,
        and it will automatically be registered internally. This allows users to then specify their classes
        directly in string-form in e.g., their config files, without having to manually set the str-to-class mapping
        in our code.

    def _register_cls(cls):
        Register this class. Can be extended by subclass.
        # print(f"registering: {cls.__name__}")
        # print(f"registry: {cls._cls_registry}", cls.__name__ not in cls._cls_registry)
        # print(f"do not register: {cls._do_not_register_classes}", cls.__name__ not in cls._do_not_register_classes)
        # input()
        if cls.__name__ not in cls._cls_registry and cls.__name__ not in cls._do_not_register_classes:
            cls._cls_registry[cls.__name__] = cls

    def _do_not_register_classes(cls):
            set of str: Name(s) of classes that should not be registered. Default is empty set.
                Subclasses that shouldn't be added should call super() and then add their own class name to the set
        return set()

    def _cls_registry(cls):
            dict: Mapping from all registered class names to their classes. This should be a REFERENCE
                to some external, global dictionary that will be filled-in at runtime.
        raise NotImplementedError()


Registers all subclasses as part of this registry. This is useful to decouple internal codebase from external user additions. This way, users can add their custom subclasses by simply extending this class, and it will automatically be registered internally. This allows users to then specify their classes directly in string-form in e.g., their config files, without having to manually set the str-to-class mapping in our code.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
    Registers all subclasses as part of this registry. This is useful to decouple internal codebase from external
    user additions. This way, users can add their custom subclasses by simply extending this class,
    and it will automatically be registered internally. This allows users to then specify their classes
    directly in string-form in e.g., their config files, without having to manually set the str-to-class mapping
    in our code.


Simple class that provides an abstract interface to dump / load states, optionally with serialized functionality as well.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class Serializable:
    Simple class that provides an abstract interface to dump / load states, optionally with serialized functionality
    as well.
    def state_size(self):
            int: Size of this object's serialized state
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _dump_state(self):
        Dumps the state of this object in dictionary form (can be empty). Should be implemented by subclass.

            dict: Keyword-mapped states of this object
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def dump_state(self, serialized=False):
        Dumps the state of this object in either dictionary of flattened numerical form.

            serialized (bool): If True, will return the state of this object as a 1D numpy array. Otherewise, will return
                a (potentially nested) dictionary of states for this object

            dict or n-array: Either:
                - Keyword-mapped states of this object, or
                - encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state, where n is @self.state_size
        state = self._dump_state()
        return self.serialize(state=state) if serialized else state

    def _load_state(self, state):
        Load the internal state to this object as specified by @state. Should be implemented by subclass.

            state (dict): Keyword-mapped states of this object to set
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def load_state(self, state, serialized=False):
        Deserializes and loads this object's state based on @state

            state (dict or n-array): Either:
                - Keyword-mapped states of this object, or
                - encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state, where n is @self.state_size
            serialized (bool): If True, will interpret @state as a 1D numpy array. Otherewise, will assume the input is
                a (potentially nested) dictionary of states for this object
        state = self.deserialize(state=state) if serialized else state

    def _serialize(self, state):
        Serializes nested dictionary state @state into a flattened 1D numpy array for encoding efficiency.
        Should be implemented by subclass.

            state (dict): Keyword-mapped states of this object to encode. Should match structure of output from

            n-array: encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def serialize(self, state):
        Serializes nested dictionary state @state into a flattened 1D numpy array for encoding efficiency.
        Should be implemented by subclass.

            state (dict): Keyword-mapped states of this object to encode. Should match structure of output from

            n-array: encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state
        # Simply returns self._serialize() for now. this is for future proofing
        return self._serialize(state=state)

    def _deserialize(self, state):
        De-serializes flattened 1D numpy array @state into nested dictionary state.
        Should be implemented by subclass.

            state (n-array): encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state

                - dict: Keyword-mapped states of this object. Should match structure of output from
                - int: current index of the flattened state vector that is left off. This is helpful for subclasses
                    that inherit partial deserializations from parent classes, and need to know where the
                    deserialization left off before continuing.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def deserialize(self, state):
        De-serializes flattened 1D numpy array @state into nested dictionary state.
        Should be implemented by subclass.

            state (n-array): encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state

            dict: Keyword-mapped states of this object. Should match structure of output from
        # Sanity check the idx with the expected state size
        state_dict, idx = self._deserialize(state=state)
        assert idx == self.state_size, f"Invalid state deserialization occurred! Expected {self.state_size} total " \
                                           f"values to be deserialized, only {idx} were."

        return state_dict

state_size property


Name Type Description

Size of this object's serialized state


De-serializes flattened 1D numpy array @state into nested dictionary state. Should be implemented by subclass.


Name Type Description Default
state n - array

encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state



Name Type Description

Keyword-mapped states of this object. Should match structure of output from self._dump_state()

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def deserialize(self, state):
    De-serializes flattened 1D numpy array @state into nested dictionary state.
    Should be implemented by subclass.

        state (n-array): encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state

        dict: Keyword-mapped states of this object. Should match structure of output from
    # Sanity check the idx with the expected state size
    state_dict, idx = self._deserialize(state=state)
    assert idx == self.state_size, f"Invalid state deserialization occurred! Expected {self.state_size} total " \
                                       f"values to be deserialized, only {idx} were."

    return state_dict


Dumps the state of this object in either dictionary of flattened numerical form.


Name Type Description Default
serialized bool

If True, will return the state of this object as a 1D numpy array. Otherewise, will return a (potentially nested) dictionary of states for this object



Type Description

dict or n-array: Either: - Keyword-mapped states of this object, or - encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state, where n is @self.state_size

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def dump_state(self, serialized=False):
    Dumps the state of this object in either dictionary of flattened numerical form.

        serialized (bool): If True, will return the state of this object as a 1D numpy array. Otherewise, will return
            a (potentially nested) dictionary of states for this object

        dict or n-array: Either:
            - Keyword-mapped states of this object, or
            - encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state, where n is @self.state_size
    state = self._dump_state()
    return self.serialize(state=state) if serialized else state

load_state(state, serialized=False)

Deserializes and loads this object's state based on @state


Name Type Description Default
state dict or n - array

Either: - Keyword-mapped states of this object, or - encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state, where n is @self.state_size

serialized bool

If True, will interpret @state as a 1D numpy array. Otherewise, will assume the input is a (potentially nested) dictionary of states for this object

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def load_state(self, state, serialized=False):
    Deserializes and loads this object's state based on @state

        state (dict or n-array): Either:
            - Keyword-mapped states of this object, or
            - encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state, where n is @self.state_size
        serialized (bool): If True, will interpret @state as a 1D numpy array. Otherewise, will assume the input is
            a (potentially nested) dictionary of states for this object
    state = self.deserialize(state=state) if serialized else state


Serializes nested dictionary state @state into a flattened 1D numpy array for encoding efficiency. Should be implemented by subclass.


Name Type Description Default
state dict

Keyword-mapped states of this object to encode. Should match structure of output from self._dump_state()



Type Description

n-array: encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def serialize(self, state):
    Serializes nested dictionary state @state into a flattened 1D numpy array for encoding efficiency.
    Should be implemented by subclass.

        state (dict): Keyword-mapped states of this object to encode. Should match structure of output from

        n-array: encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state
    # Simply returns self._serialize() for now. this is for future proofing
    return self._serialize(state=state)


Identical to Serializable, but intended for non-instanceable classes

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class SerializableNonInstance:
    Identical to Serializable, but intended for non-instanceable classes
    def state_size(cls):
            int: Size of this object's serialized state
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _dump_state(cls):
        Dumps the state of this object in dictionary form (can be empty). Should be implemented by subclass.

            dict: Keyword-mapped states of this object
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def dump_state(cls, serialized=False):
        Dumps the state of this object in either dictionary of flattened numerical form.

            serialized (bool): If True, will return the state of this object as a 1D numpy array. Otherewise, will return
                a (potentially nested) dictionary of states for this object

            dict or n-array: Either:
                - Keyword-mapped states of this object, or
                - encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state, where n is @self.state_size
        state = cls._dump_state()
        return cls.serialize(state=state) if serialized else state

    def _load_state(cls, state):
        Load the internal state to this object as specified by @state. Should be implemented by subclass.

            state (dict): Keyword-mapped states of this object to set
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def load_state(cls, state, serialized=False):
        Deserializes and loads this object's state based on @state

            state (dict or n-array): Either:
                - Keyword-mapped states of this object, or
                - encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state, where n is @self.state_size
            serialized (bool): If True, will interpret @state as a 1D numpy array. Otherewise, will assume the input is
                a (potentially nested) dictionary of states for this object
        state = cls.deserialize(state=state) if serialized else state

    def _serialize(cls, state):
        Serializes nested dictionary state @state into a flattened 1D numpy array for encoding efficiency.
        Should be implemented by subclass.

            state (dict): Keyword-mapped states of this object to encode. Should match structure of output from

            n-array: encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def serialize(cls, state):
        Serializes nested dictionary state @state into a flattened 1D numpy array for encoding efficiency.
        Should be implemented by subclass.

            state (dict): Keyword-mapped states of this object to encode. Should match structure of output from

            n-array: encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state
        # Simply returns self._serialize() for now. this is for future proofing
        return cls._serialize(state=state)

    def _deserialize(cls, state):
        De-serializes flattened 1D numpy array @state into nested dictionary state.
        Should be implemented by subclass.

            state (n-array): encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state

                - dict: Keyword-mapped states of this object. Should match structure of output from
                - int: current index of the flattened state vector that is left off. This is helpful for subclasses
                    that inherit partial deserializations from parent classes, and need to know where the
                    deserialization left off before continuing.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def deserialize(cls, state):
        De-serializes flattened 1D numpy array @state into nested dictionary state.
        Should be implemented by subclass.

            state (n-array): encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state

            dict: Keyword-mapped states of this object. Should match structure of output from
        # Sanity check the idx with the expected state size
        state_dict, idx = cls._deserialize(state=state)
        assert idx == cls.state_size, f"Invalid state deserialization occurred! Expected {cls.state_size} total " \
                                      f"values to be deserialized, only {idx} were."

        return state_dict

deserialize(state) classmethod

De-serializes flattened 1D numpy array @state into nested dictionary state. Should be implemented by subclass.


Name Type Description Default
state n - array

encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state



Name Type Description

Keyword-mapped states of this object. Should match structure of output from self._dump_state()

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def deserialize(cls, state):
    De-serializes flattened 1D numpy array @state into nested dictionary state.
    Should be implemented by subclass.

        state (n-array): encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state

        dict: Keyword-mapped states of this object. Should match structure of output from
    # Sanity check the idx with the expected state size
    state_dict, idx = cls._deserialize(state=state)
    assert idx == cls.state_size, f"Invalid state deserialization occurred! Expected {cls.state_size} total " \
                                  f"values to be deserialized, only {idx} were."

    return state_dict

dump_state(serialized=False) classmethod

Dumps the state of this object in either dictionary of flattened numerical form.


Name Type Description Default
serialized bool

If True, will return the state of this object as a 1D numpy array. Otherewise, will return a (potentially nested) dictionary of states for this object



Type Description

dict or n-array: Either: - Keyword-mapped states of this object, or - encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state, where n is @self.state_size

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def dump_state(cls, serialized=False):
    Dumps the state of this object in either dictionary of flattened numerical form.

        serialized (bool): If True, will return the state of this object as a 1D numpy array. Otherewise, will return
            a (potentially nested) dictionary of states for this object

        dict or n-array: Either:
            - Keyword-mapped states of this object, or
            - encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state, where n is @self.state_size
    state = cls._dump_state()
    return cls.serialize(state=state) if serialized else state

load_state(state, serialized=False) classmethod

Deserializes and loads this object's state based on @state


Name Type Description Default
state dict or n - array

Either: - Keyword-mapped states of this object, or - encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state, where n is @self.state_size

serialized bool

If True, will interpret @state as a 1D numpy array. Otherewise, will assume the input is a (potentially nested) dictionary of states for this object

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def load_state(cls, state, serialized=False):
    Deserializes and loads this object's state based on @state

        state (dict or n-array): Either:
            - Keyword-mapped states of this object, or
            - encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state, where n is @self.state_size
        serialized (bool): If True, will interpret @state as a 1D numpy array. Otherewise, will assume the input is
            a (potentially nested) dictionary of states for this object
    state = cls.deserialize(state=state) if serialized else state

serialize(state) classmethod

Serializes nested dictionary state @state into a flattened 1D numpy array for encoding efficiency. Should be implemented by subclass.


Name Type Description Default
state dict

Keyword-mapped states of this object to encode. Should match structure of output from self._dump_state()



Type Description

n-array: encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def serialize(cls, state):
    Serializes nested dictionary state @state into a flattened 1D numpy array for encoding efficiency.
    Should be implemented by subclass.

        state (dict): Keyword-mapped states of this object to encode. Should match structure of output from

        n-array: encoded + serialized, 1D numerical np.array capturing this object's state
    # Simply returns self._serialize() for now. this is for future proofing
    return cls._serialize(state=state)



Name Type Description

Size of this object's serialized state

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def state_size(cls):
        int: Size of this object's serialized state
    raise NotImplementedError()


Simple class that implements a name property, that must be implemented by a subclass. Note that any @Named entity must be UNIQUE!

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class UniquelyNamed:
    Simple class that implements a name property, that must be implemented by a subclass. Note that any @Named
    entity must be UNIQUE!
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        global NAMES
        # Register this object, making sure it's name is unique
        assert not in NAMES, \
            f"UniquelyNamed object with name {} already exists!"

    def remove_names(self):
        Checks if exists in the global NAMES registry, and deletes it if so. Possibly also iterates through
        all owned member variables and checks for their corresponding names if @include_all_owned is True.

            include_all_owned (bool): If True, will iterate through all owned members of this instance and remove their
                names as well, if they are UniquelyNamed

            skip_ids (None or set of int): If specified, will skip over any ids in the specified set that are matched
                to any attributes found (this compares id(attr) to @skip_ids).
        # Check for this name, possibly remove it if it exists
        if in NAMES:

    def name(self):
            str: Name of this instance. Must be unique!
        raise NotImplementedError

name property


Name Type Description

Name of this instance. Must be unique!


Checks if exists in the global NAMES registry, and deletes it if so. Possibly also iterates through all owned member variables and checks for their corresponding names if @include_all_owned is True.


Name Type Description Default
include_all_owned bool

If True, will iterate through all owned members of this instance and remove their names as well, if they are UniquelyNamed

skip_ids None or set of int

If specified, will skip over any ids in the specified set that are matched to any attributes found (this compares id(attr) to @skip_ids).

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def remove_names(self):
    Checks if exists in the global NAMES registry, and deletes it if so. Possibly also iterates through
    all owned member variables and checks for their corresponding names if @include_all_owned is True.

        include_all_owned (bool): If True, will iterate through all owned members of this instance and remove their
            names as well, if they are UniquelyNamed

        skip_ids (None or set of int): If specified, will skip over any ids in the specified set that are matched
            to any attributes found (this compares id(attr) to @skip_ids).
    # Check for this name, possibly remove it if it exists
    if in NAMES:


Identical to UniquelyNamed, but intended for non-instanceable classes

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class UniquelyNamedNonInstance:
    Identical to UniquelyNamed, but intended for non-instanceable classes

    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
        global CLASS_NAMES
        # Register this object, making sure it's name is unique
        assert not in CLASS_NAMES, \
            f"UniquelyNamed class with name {} already exists!"

    def name(cls):
            str: Name of this instance. Must be unique!
        raise NotImplementedError



Name Type Description

Name of this instance. Must be unique!

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def name(cls):
        str: Name of this instance. Must be unique!
    raise NotImplementedError


Base class for all wrappers in OmniGibson


Name Type Description Default
obj any

Arbitrary python object instance to wrap

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class Wrapper:
    Base class for all wrappers in OmniGibson

        obj (any): Arbitrary python object instance to wrap

    def __init__(self, obj):
        # Set the internal attributes -- store wrapped obj
        self.wrapped_obj = obj

    def class_name(cls):
        return cls.__name__

    def _warn_double_wrap(self):
        Utility function that checks if we're accidentally trying to double wrap an env
            Exception: [Double wrapping env]
        obj = self.wrapped_obj
        while True:
            if isinstance(obj, Wrapper):
                if obj.class_name() == self.class_name():
                    raise Exception("Attempted to double wrap with Wrapper: {}".format(self.__class__.__name__))
                obj = obj.wrapped_obj

    def unwrapped(self):
        Grabs unwrapped object

            any: The unwrapped object instance
        return self.wrapped_obj.unwrapped if hasattr(self.wrapped_obj, "unwrapped") else self.wrapped_obj

    # this method is a fallback option on any methods the original env might support
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        # If we're querying wrapped_obj, raise an error
        if attr == "wrapped_obj":
            raise AttributeError("wrapped_obj attribute not initialized yet!")

        # Sanity check to make sure wrapped obj is not None -- if so, raise error
        assert self.wrapped_obj is not None, f"Cannot access attribute {attr} since wrapped_obj is None!"

        # using getattr ensures that both __getattribute__ and __getattr__ (fallback) get called
        # (see
        orig_attr = getattr(self.wrapped_obj, attr)
        if callable(orig_attr):
            def hooked(*args, **kwargs):
                result = orig_attr(*args, **kwargs)
                # prevent wrapped_class from becoming unwrapped
                if id(result) == id(self.wrapped_obj):
                    return self
                return result
            return hooked
            return orig_attr

    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        # Call setattr on wrapped obj if it has the attribute, otherwise, operate on this object
        if hasattr(self, "wrapped_obj") and self.wrapped_obj is not None and hasattr(self.wrapped_obj, key):
            setattr(self.wrapped_obj, key, value)
            super().__setattr__(key, value)

unwrapped property

Grabs unwrapped object


Name Type Description

The unwrapped object instance

assert_valid_key(key, valid_keys, name=None)

Helper function that asserts that @key is in dictionary @valid_keys keys. If not, it will raise an error.


Name Type Description Default
key any

key to check for in dictionary @dic's keys

valid_keys Iterable

contains keys should be checked with @key

name str or None

if specified, is the name associated with the key that will be printed out if the key is not found. If None, default is "value"

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def assert_valid_key(key, valid_keys, name=None):
    Helper function that asserts that @key is in dictionary @valid_keys keys. If not, it will raise an error.

        key (any): key to check for in dictionary @dic's keys
        valid_keys (Iterable): contains keys should be checked with @key
        name (str or None): if specified, is the name associated with the key that will be printed out if the
            key is not found. If None, default is "value"
    if name is None:
        name = "value"
    assert key in valid_keys, "Invalid {} received! Valid options are: {}, got: {}".format(
        name, valid_keys.keys() if isinstance(valid_keys, dict) else valid_keys, key)


Helper function to convert a camel case text to snake case, e.g. "StrawberrySmoothie" -> "strawberry_smoothie"


Name Type Description Default
camel_case_text str

Text in camel case



Name Type Description

snake case text

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def camel_case_to_snake_case(camel_case_text):
    Helper function to convert a camel case text to snake case, e.g. "StrawberrySmoothie" -> "strawberry_smoothie"

        camel_case_text (str): Text in camel case

        str: snake case text
    return re.sub(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])', '_', camel_case_text).lower()


Clear state tied to singleton classes

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def clear():
    Clear state tied to singleton classes

create_class_from_registry_and_config(cls_name, cls_registry, cfg, cls_type_descriptor)

Helper function to create a class with str type @cls_name, which should be a valid entry in @cls_registry, using kwargs in dictionary form @cfg to pass to the constructor, with @cls_type_name specified for debugging


Name Type Description Default
cls_name str

Name of the class to create. This should correspond to the actual class type, in string form

cls_registry dict

Class registry. This should map string names of valid classes to create to the actual class type itself

cfg dict

Any keyword arguments to pass to the class constructor

cls_type_descriptor str

Description of the class type being created. This can be any string and is used solely for debugging purposes



Name Type Description

Created class instance

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def create_class_from_registry_and_config(cls_name, cls_registry, cfg, cls_type_descriptor):
    Helper function to create a class with str type @cls_name, which should be a valid entry in @cls_registry, using
    kwargs in dictionary form @cfg to pass to the constructor, with @cls_type_name specified for debugging

        cls_name (str): Name of the class to create. This should correspond to the actual class type, in string form
        cls_registry (dict): Class registry. This should map string names of valid classes to create to the
            actual class type itself
        cfg (dict): Any keyword arguments to pass to the class constructor
        cls_type_descriptor (str): Description of the class type being created. This can be any string and is used
            solely for debugging purposes

        any: Created class instance
    # Make sure the requested class type is valid
    assert_valid_key(key=cls_name, valid_keys=cls_registry, name=f"{cls_type_descriptor} type")

    # Grab the kwargs relevant for the specific class
    cls = cls_registry[cls_name]
    cls_kwargs = extract_class_init_kwargs_from_dict(cls=cls, dic=cfg, copy=False)

    # Create the class
    return cls(**cls_kwargs)


Create a new object based on given init info.


Name Type Description Default
init_info dict

Nested dictionary that contains an object's init information.



Name Type Description

Newly created object.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def create_object_from_init_info(init_info):
    Create a new object based on given init info.

        init_info (dict): Nested dictionary that contains an object's init information.

        any: Newly created object.
    module = import_module(init_info["class_module"])
    cls = getattr(module, init_info["class_name"])
    return cls(**init_info["args"], **init_info.get("kwargs", {}))

extract_class_init_kwargs_from_dict(cls, dic, copy=False)

Helper function to return a dictionary of key-values that specifically correspond to @cls class's init constructor method, from @dic which may or may not contain additional, irrelevant kwargs. Note that @dic may possibly be missing certain kwargs as specified by cls.init. No error will be raised.


Name Type Description Default
cls object

Class from which to grab init kwargs that will be be used as filtering keys for @dic

dic dict

Dictionary containing multiple key-values

copy bool

If True, will deepcopy all values corresponding to the specified @keys



Name Type Description

Extracted subset dictionary possibly containing only the specified keys from cls.init and their corresponding values

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def extract_class_init_kwargs_from_dict(cls, dic, copy=False):
    Helper function to return a dictionary of key-values that specifically correspond to @cls class's __init__
    constructor method, from @dic which may or may not contain additional, irrelevant kwargs.
    Note that @dic may possibly be missing certain kwargs as specified by cls.__init__. No error will be raised.

        cls (object): Class from which to grab __init__ kwargs that will be be used as filtering keys for @dic
        dic (dict): Dictionary containing multiple key-values
        copy (bool): If True, will deepcopy all values corresponding to the specified @keys

        dict: Extracted subset dictionary possibly containing only the specified keys from cls.__init__ and their
            corresponding values
    # extract only relevant kwargs for this specific backbone
    return extract_subset_dict(

extract_subset_dict(dic, keys, copy=False)

Helper function to extract a subset of dictionary key-values from a current dictionary. Optionally (deep)copies the values extracted from the original @dic if @copy is True.


Name Type Description Default
dic dict

Dictionary containing multiple key-values

keys Iterable

Specific keys to extract from @dic. If the key doesn't exist in @dic, then the key is skipped

copy bool

If True, will deepcopy all values corresponding to the specified @keys



Name Type Description

Extracted subset dictionary containing only the specified @keys and their corresponding values

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def extract_subset_dict(dic, keys, copy=False):
    Helper function to extract a subset of dictionary key-values from a current dictionary. Optionally (deep)copies
    the values extracted from the original @dic if @copy is True.

        dic (dict): Dictionary containing multiple key-values
        keys (Iterable): Specific keys to extract from @dic. If the key doesn't exist in @dic, then the key is skipped
        copy (bool): If True, will deepcopy all values corresponding to the specified @keys

        dict: Extracted subset dictionary containing only the specified @keys and their corresponding values
    subset = {k: dic[k] for k in keys if k in dic}
    return deepcopy(subset) if copy else subset


Helper function to return a list of all valid keyword arguments (excluding "self") for the given @cls class.


Name Type Description Default
cls object

Class from which to grab init kwargs



Name Type Description

All keyword arguments (excluding "self") specified by @cls init constructor method

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_class_init_kwargs(cls):
    Helper function to return a list of all valid keyword arguments (excluding "self") for the given @cls class.

        cls (object): Class from which to grab __init__ kwargs

        list: All keyword arguments (excluding "self") specified by @cls __init__ constructor method
    return list(inspect.signature(cls.__init__).parameters.keys())[1:]

get_uuid(name, n_digits=8)

Helper function to create a unique @n_digits uuid given a unique @name


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the object or class

n_digits int

Number of digits of the uuid, default is 8



Name Type Description


Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_uuid(name, n_digits=8):
    Helper function to create a unique @n_digits uuid given a unique @name

        name (str): Name of the object or class
        n_digits (int): Number of digits of the uuid, default is 8

        int: uuid
    return abs(hash(name)) % (10 ** n_digits)

meets_minimum_version(test_version, minimum_version)

Verify that @test_version meets the @minimum_version


Name Type Description Default
test_version str

Python package version. Should be, e.g., 0.26.1

minimum_version str

Python package version to test against. Should be, e.g., 0.27.2



Name Type Description

Whether @test_version meets @minimum_version

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def meets_minimum_version(test_version, minimum_version):
    Verify that @test_version meets the @minimum_version

        test_version (str): Python package version. Should be, e.g., 0.26.1
        minimum_version (str): Python package version to test against. Should be, e.g., 0.27.2

        bool: Whether @test_version meets @minimum_version
    test_nums = [int(num) for num in test_version.split(".")]
    minimum_nums = [int(num) for num in minimum_version.split(".")]
    assert len(test_nums) == 3
    assert len(minimum_nums) == 3

    for test_num, minimum_num in zip(test_nums, minimum_nums):
        if test_num > minimum_num:
            return True
        elif test_num < minimum_num:
            return False
        # Otherwise, we continue through all sub-versions

    # If we get here, that means test_version == threshold_version, so this is a success
    return True

merge_nested_dicts(base_dict, extra_dict, inplace=False, verbose=False)

Iteratively updates @base_dict with values from @extra_dict. Note: This generates a new dictionary!


Name Type Description Default
base_dict dict

Nested base dictionary, which should be updated with all values from @extra_dict

extra_dict dict

Nested extra dictionary, whose values will overwrite corresponding ones in @base_dict

inplace bool

Whether to modify @base_dict in place or not

verbose bool

If True, will print when keys are mismatched



Name Type Description

Updated dictionary

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def merge_nested_dicts(base_dict, extra_dict, inplace=False, verbose=False):
    Iteratively updates @base_dict with values from @extra_dict. Note: This generates a new dictionary!

        base_dict (dict): Nested base dictionary, which should be updated with all values from @extra_dict
        extra_dict (dict): Nested extra dictionary, whose values will overwrite corresponding ones in @base_dict
        inplace (bool): Whether to modify @base_dict in place or not
        verbose (bool): If True, will print when keys are mismatched

        dict: Updated dictionary
    # Loop through all keys in @extra_dict and update the corresponding values in @base_dict
    base_dict = base_dict if inplace else deepcopy(base_dict)
    for k, v in extra_dict.items():
        if k not in base_dict:
            base_dict[k] = v
            if isinstance(v, dict) and isinstance(base_dict[k], dict):
                base_dict[k] = merge_nested_dicts(base_dict[k], v)
                not_equal = base_dict[k] != v
                if isinstance(not_equal, np.ndarray):
                    not_equal = not_equal.any()
                if not_equal and verbose:
                    print(f"Different values for key {k}: {base_dict[k]}, {v}\n")
                base_dict[k] = np.array(v) if isinstance(v, list) else v

    # Return new dict
    return base_dict

nums2array(nums, dim, dtype=float)

Converts input @nums into numpy array of length @dim. If @nums is a single number, broadcasts input to corresponding dimension size @dim before converting into numpy array


Name Type Description Default
nums float or array

Numbers to map to numpy array

dim int

Size of array to broadcast input to



Type Description

torch.Tensor: Mapped input numbers

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def nums2array(nums, dim, dtype=float):
    Converts input @nums into numpy array of length @dim. If @nums is a single number, broadcasts input to
    corresponding dimension size @dim before converting into numpy array

        nums (float or array): Numbers to map to numpy array
        dim (int): Size of array to broadcast input to

        torch.Tensor: Mapped input numbers
    # Make sure the inputted nums isn't a string
    assert not isinstance(nums, str), "Only numeric types are supported for this operation!"

    out = np.array(nums, dtype=dtype) if isinstance(nums, Iterable) else np.ones(dim, dtype=dtype) * nums

    return out


Decorator to save the init info of an object to object._init_info.

_init_info contains class name and class constructor's input args.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def save_init_info(func):
    Decorator to save the init info of an object to object._init_info.

    _init_info contains class name and class constructor's input args.
    sig = inspect.signature(func)

    @wraps(func) # preserve func name, docstring, arguments list, etc.
    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        values = sig.bind(self, *args, **kwargs)

        # Prevent args of super init from being saved.
        if hasattr(self, "_init_info"):
            func(*values.args, **values.kwargs)

        # Initialize class's self._init_info.
        self._init_info = {}
        self._init_info["class_module"] = self.__class__.__module__
        self._init_info["class_name"] = self.__class__.__name__
        self._init_info["args"] = {}

        # Populate class's self._init_info.
        for k, p in sig.parameters.items():
            if k == 'self':
            if k in values.arguments:
                val = values.arguments[k]
                if p.kind in (inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY):
                    self._init_info["args"][k] = val
                elif p.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:
                    for kwarg_k, kwarg_val in values.arguments[k].items():
                        self._init_info["args"][kwarg_k] = kwarg_val

        # Call the original function.
        func(*values.args, **values.kwargs)

    return wrapper


Helper function to convert a snake case text to camel case, e.g. "strawberry_smoothie" -> "StrawberrySmoothie"


Name Type Description Default
snake_case_text str

Text in snake case



Name Type Description

camel case text

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def snake_case_to_camel_case(snake_case_text):
    Helper function to convert a snake case text to camel case, e.g. "strawberry_smoothie" -> "StrawberrySmoothie"

        snake_case_text (str): Text in snake case

        str: camel case text
    return ''.join(item.title() for item in snake_case_text.split('_'))

subclass_factory(name, base_classes, __init__=None, **kwargs)

Programmatically generates a new class type with name @name, subclassing from base classes @base_classes, with corresponding init call @init.

NOTE: If init is None (default), the init call from @base_classes will be used instead.



Name Type Description Default
name str

Generated class name

base_classes type, or list of type

Base class(es) to use for generating the subclass

__init__ None or function

Init call to use for the base class when it is instantiated. If None if specified, the newly generated class will automatically inherit the init call from @base_classes

**kwargs any

keyword-mapped parameters to override / set in the child class, where the keys represent the class / instance attribute to modify and the values represent the functions / value to set

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def subclass_factory(name, base_classes, __init__=None, **kwargs):
    Programmatically generates a new class type with name @name, subclassing from base classes @base_classes, with
    corresponding __init__ call @__init__.

    NOTE: If __init__ is None (default), the __init__ call from @base_classes will be used instead.


        name (str): Generated class name
        base_classes (type, or list of type): Base class(es) to use for generating the subclass
        __init__ (None or function): Init call to use for the base class when it is instantiated. If None if specified,
            the newly generated class will automatically inherit the __init__ call from @base_classes
        **kwargs (any): keyword-mapped parameters to override / set in the child class, where the keys represent
            the class / instance attribute to modify and the values represent the functions / value to set
    # Standardize base_classes
    base_classes = tuple(base_classes if isinstance(base_classes, Iterable) else [base_classes])

    # Generate the new class
    if __init__ is not None:
        kwargs["__init__"] = __init__
    return type(name, base_classes, kwargs)