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Bases: EntityPrim, Registerable

This is the interface that all OmniGibson objects must implement.

Source code in omnigibson/objects/
class BaseObject(EntityPrim, Registerable, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """This is the interface that all OmniGibson objects must implement."""

    def __init__(
            name (str): Name for the object. Names need to be unique per scene
            prim_path (None or str): global path in the stage to this object. If not specified, will automatically be
                created at /World/<name>
            category (str): Category for the object. Defaults to "object".
            uuid (None or int): Unique unsigned-integer identifier to assign to this object (max 8-numbers).
                If None is specified, then it will be auto-generated
            scale (None or float or 3-array): if specified, sets either the uniform (float) or x,y,z (3-array) scale
                for this object. A single number corresponds to uniform scaling along the x,y,z axes, whereas a
                3-array specifies per-axis scaling.
            visible (bool): whether to render this object or not in the stage
            fixed_base (bool): whether to fix the base of this object or not
            visual_only (bool): Whether this object should be visual only (and not collide with any other objects)
            kinematic_only (None or bool): Whether this object should be kinematic only (and not get affected by any
                collisions). If None, then this value will be set to True if @fixed_base is True and some other criteria
                are satisfied (see post_load function), else False.
            self_collisions (bool): Whether to enable self collisions for this object
            prim_type (PrimType): Which type of prim the object is, Valid options are: {PrimType.RIGID, PrimType.CLOTH}
            load_config (None or dict): If specified, should contain keyword-mapped values that are relevant for
                loading this prim at runtime.
            kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments that are used for other super() calls from subclasses, allowing
                for flexible compositions of various object subclasses (e.g.: Robot is USDObject + ControllableObject).
                Note that this base object does NOT pass kwargs down into the Prim-type super() classes, and we assume
                that kwargs are only shared between all SUBclasses (children), not SUPERclasses (parents).
        # Generate default prim path if none is specified
        prim_path = f"/World/{name}" if prim_path is None else prim_path

        # Store values
        self.uuid = get_uuid(name) if uuid is None else uuid
        assert len(str(self.uuid)) <= 8, f"UUID for this object must be at max 8-digits, got: {self.uuid}"
        self.category = category
        self.fixed_base = fixed_base

        # Values to be created at runtime
        self._highlight_cached_values = None
        self._highlighted = None

        # Create load config from inputs
        load_config = dict() if load_config is None else load_config
        load_config["scale"] = np.array(scale) if isinstance(scale, Iterable) else scale
        load_config["visible"] = visible
        load_config["visual_only"] = visual_only
        load_config["kinematic_only"] = kinematic_only
        load_config["self_collisions"] = self_collisions
        load_config["prim_type"] = prim_type

        # Run super init

        # TODO: Super hacky, think of a better way to preserve this info
        # Update init info for this
        self._init_info["args"]["name"] =
        self._init_info["args"]["uuid"] = self.uuid

    def load(self):
        # Run super method ONLY if we're not loaded yet
        if self.loaded:
            prim = self._prim
            prim = super().load()
  "Loaded {} at {self.prim_path}")
        return prim

    def remove(self):
        # Run super first

        # Notify user that the object was removed"Removed {} from {self.prim_path}")

    def _post_load(self):
        # Add fixed joint or make object kinematic only if we're fixing the base
        kinematic_only = False
        if self.fixed_base:
            # For optimization purposes, if we only have a single rigid body that has either
            # (no custom scaling OR no fixed joints), we assume this is not an articulated object so we
            # merely set this to be a static collider, i.e.: kinematic-only
            # The custom scaling / fixed joints requirement is needed because omniverse complains about scaling that
            # occurs with respect to fixed joints, as omni will "snap" bodies together otherwise
            scale = np.ones(3) if self._load_config["scale"] is None else np.array(self._load_config["scale"])
            if self.n_joints == 0 and (np.all(np.isclose(scale, 1.0, atol=1e-3)) or self.n_fixed_joints == 0) and (self._load_config["kinematic_only"] != False) and not self.has_attachment_points:
                kinematic_only = True

        # Validate that we didn't make a kinematic-only decision that does not match
        assert self._load_config["kinematic_only"] is None or kinematic_only == self._load_config["kinematic_only"], \
            f"Kinematic only decision does not match! Got: {kinematic_only}, expected: {self._load_config['kinematic_only']}"

        # Actually apply the kinematic-only decision
        self._load_config["kinematic_only"] = kinematic_only

        # Run super first

        # If the object is fixed_base but kinematic only is false, create the joint
        if self.fixed_base and not self.kinematic_only:
            # Create fixed joint, and set Body0 to be this object's root prim
            # This renders, which causes a material lookup error since we're creating a temp file, so we suppress
            # the error explicitly here
            with suppress_omni_log(channels=["omni.hydra"]):

            # Delete n_fixed_joints cached property if it exists since the number of fixed joints has now changed
            # See and
            if "n_fixed_joints" in self.__dict__:
                del self.n_fixed_joints

        # Set visibility
        if "visible" in self._load_config and self._load_config["visible"] is not None:
            self.visible = self._load_config["visible"]

        # First, remove any articulation root API that already exists at the object-level or root link level prim
        if self._prim.HasAPI(lazy.pxr.UsdPhysics.ArticulationRootAPI):

        if self.root_prim.HasAPI(lazy.pxr.UsdPhysics.ArticulationRootAPI):

        # Potentially add articulation root APIs and also set self collisions
        root_prim = None if self.articulation_root_path is None else lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_at_path(self.articulation_root_path)
        if root_prim is not None:
            self.self_collisions = self._load_config["self_collisions"]

        # Set position / velocity solver iterations if we're not cloth
        if self._prim_type != PrimType.CLOTH:
            self.solver_position_iteration_count = m.DEFAULT_SOLVER_POSITION_ITERATIONS
            self.solver_velocity_iteration_count = m.DEFAULT_SOLVER_VELOCITY_ITERATIONS

        # Add semantics

    def _initialize(self):
        # Run super first

        # Iterate over all links and grab their relevant material info for highlighting (i.e.: emissivity info)
        self._highlighted = False
        self._highlight_cached_values = dict()

        for material in self.materials:
            self._highlight_cached_values[material] = {
                "enable_emission": material.enable_emission,
                "emissive_color": material.emissive_color,
                "emissive_intensity": material.emissive_intensity,

    def articulation_root_path(self):
        has_articulated_joints, has_fixed_joints = self.n_joints > 0, self.n_fixed_joints > 0
        if self.kinematic_only or ((not has_articulated_joints) and (not has_fixed_joints)):
            # Kinematic only, or non-jointed single body objects
            return None
        elif not self.fixed_base and has_articulated_joints:
            # This is all remaining non-fixed objects
            # This is a bit hacky because omniverse is buggy
            # Articulation roots mess up the joint order if it's on a non-fixed base robot, e.g. a
            # mobile manipulator. So if we have to move it to the actual root link of the robot instead.
            # See
            # for more info
            return f"{self._prim_path}/{self.root_link_name}"
            # Fixed objects that are not kinematic only, or non-fixed objects that have no articulated joints but do
            # have fixed joints
            return self._prim_path

    def mass(self):
             float: Cumulative mass of this potentially articulated object.
        mass = 0.0
        for link in self._links.values():
            mass += link.mass

        return mass

    def mass(self, mass):
        raise NotImplementedError("Cannot set mass directly for an object!")

    def volume(self):
             float: Cumulative volume of this potentially articulated object.
        return sum(link.volume for link in self._links.values())

    def volume(self, volume):
        raise NotImplementedError("Cannot set volume directly for an object!")

    def scale(self):
        # Just super call
        return super().scale

    def scale(self, scale):
        # call super first
        # A bit esoteric -- see
        super(BaseObject, type(self)).scale.fset(self, scale)

        # Update init info for scale
        self._init_info["args"]["scale"] = scale

    def link_prim_paths(self):
        return [link.prim_path for link in self._links.values()]

    def highlighted(self):
            bool: Whether the object is highlighted or not
        return self._highlighted

    def highlighted(self, enabled):
        Iterates over all owned links, and modifies their materials with emissive colors so that the object is
        highlighted (magenta by default)

            enabled (bool): whether the object should be highlighted or not
        # Return early if the set value matches the internal value
        if enabled == self._highlighted:

        for material in self.materials:
            if enabled:
                # Store values before swapping
                self._highlight_cached_values[material] = {
                    "enable_emission": material.enable_emission,
                    "emissive_color": material.emissive_color,
                    "emissive_intensity": material.emissive_intensity,
            material.enable_emission = True if enabled else self._highlight_cached_values[material]["enable_emission"]
            material.emissive_color = m.HIGHLIGHT_RGB if enabled else self._highlight_cached_values[material]["emissive_color"]
            material.emissive_intensity = m.HIGHLIGHT_INTENSITY if enabled else self._highlight_cached_values[material]["emissive_intensity"]

        # Update internal value
        self._highlighted = enabled

    def get_base_aligned_bbox(self, link_name=None, visual=False, xy_aligned=False):
        Get a bounding box for this object that's axis-aligned in the object's base frame.

            link_name (None or str): If specified, only get the bbox for the given link
            visual (bool): Whether to aggregate the bounding boxes from the visual meshes. Otherwise, will use
                collision meshes
            xy_aligned (bool): Whether to align the bounding box to the global XY-plane

                - 3-array: (x,y,z) bbox center position in world frame
                - 3-array: (x,y,z,w) bbox quaternion orientation in world frame
                - 3-array: (x,y,z) bbox extent in desired frame
                - 3-array: (x,y,z) bbox center in desired frame
        # Get the base position transform.
        pos, orn = self.get_position_orientation()
        base_frame_to_world = T.pose2mat((pos, orn))

        # Prepare the desired frame.
        if xy_aligned:
            # If the user requested an XY-plane aligned bbox, convert everything to that frame.
            # The desired frame is same as the base_com frame with its X/Y rotations removed.
            translate = trimesh.transformations.translation_from_matrix(base_frame_to_world)

            # To find the rotation that this transform does around the Z axis, we rotate the [1, 0, 0] vector by it
            # and then take the arctangent of its projection onto the XY plane.
            rotated_X_axis = base_frame_to_world[:3, 0]
            rotation_around_Z_axis = np.arctan2(rotated_X_axis[1], rotated_X_axis[0])
            xy_aligned_base_com_to_world = trimesh.transformations.compose_matrix(
                translate=translate, angles=[0, 0, rotation_around_Z_axis]

            # Finally update our desired frame.
            desired_frame_to_world = xy_aligned_base_com_to_world
            # Default desired frame is base CoM frame.
            desired_frame_to_world = base_frame_to_world

        # Compute the world-to-base frame transform.
        world_to_desired_frame = np.linalg.inv(desired_frame_to_world)

        # Grab all the world-frame points corresponding to the object's visual or collision hulls.
        points_in_world = []
        if self.prim_type == PrimType.CLOTH:
            particle_contact_offset = self.root_link.cloth_system.particle_contact_offset
            particle_positions = self.root_link.compute_particle_positions()
            particles_in_world_frame = np.concatenate([
                particle_positions - particle_contact_offset,
                particle_positions + particle_contact_offset
            ], axis=0)
            links = {link_name: self._links[link_name]} if link_name is not None else self._links
            for link_name, link in links.items():
                if visual:
                    hull_points = link.visual_boundary_points_world
                    hull_points = link.collision_boundary_points_world

                if hull_points is not None:

        # Move the points to the desired frame
        points = trimesh.transformations.transform_points(points_in_world, world_to_desired_frame)

        # All points are now in the desired frame: either the base CoM or the xy-plane-aligned base CoM.
        # Now fit a bounding box to all the points by taking the minimum/maximum in the desired frame.
        aabb_min_in_desired_frame = np.amin(points, axis=0)
        aabb_max_in_desired_frame = np.amax(points, axis=0)
        bbox_center_in_desired_frame = (aabb_min_in_desired_frame + aabb_max_in_desired_frame) / 2
        bbox_extent_in_desired_frame = aabb_max_in_desired_frame - aabb_min_in_desired_frame

        # Transform the center to the world frame.
        bbox_center_in_world = trimesh.transformations.transform_points(
            [bbox_center_in_desired_frame], desired_frame_to_world
        bbox_orn_in_world = Rotation.from_matrix(desired_frame_to_world[:3, :3]).as_quat()

        return bbox_center_in_world, bbox_orn_in_world, bbox_extent_in_desired_frame, bbox_center_in_desired_frame

    def _do_not_register_classes(cls):
        # Don't register this class since it's an abstract template
        classes = super()._do_not_register_classes
        return classes

    def _cls_registry(cls):
        # Global robot registry

highlighted property writable


Name Type Description

Whether the object is highlighted or not

mass property writable


Name Type Description

Cumulative mass of this potentially articulated object.

volume property writable


Name Type Description

Cumulative volume of this potentially articulated object.

__init__(name, prim_path=None, category='object', uuid=None, scale=None, visible=True, fixed_base=False, visual_only=False, kinematic_only=None, self_collisions=False, prim_type=PrimType.RIGID, load_config=None, **kwargs)


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name for the object. Names need to be unique per scene

prim_path None or str

global path in the stage to this object. If not specified, will automatically be created at /World/

category str

Category for the object. Defaults to "object".

uuid None or int

Unique unsigned-integer identifier to assign to this object (max 8-numbers). If None is specified, then it will be auto-generated

scale None or float or 3 - array

if specified, sets either the uniform (float) or x,y,z (3-array) scale for this object. A single number corresponds to uniform scaling along the x,y,z axes, whereas a 3-array specifies per-axis scaling.

visible bool

whether to render this object or not in the stage

fixed_base bool

whether to fix the base of this object or not

visual_only bool

Whether this object should be visual only (and not collide with any other objects)

kinematic_only None or bool

Whether this object should be kinematic only (and not get affected by any collisions). If None, then this value will be set to True if @fixed_base is True and some other criteria are satisfied (see post_load function), else False.

self_collisions bool

Whether to enable self collisions for this object

prim_type PrimType

Which type of prim the object is, Valid options are: {PrimType.RIGID, PrimType.CLOTH}

load_config None or dict

If specified, should contain keyword-mapped values that are relevant for loading this prim at runtime.

kwargs dict

Additional keyword arguments that are used for other super() calls from subclasses, allowing for flexible compositions of various object subclasses (e.g.: Robot is USDObject + ControllableObject). Note that this base object does NOT pass kwargs down into the Prim-type super() classes, and we assume that kwargs are only shared between all SUBclasses (children), not SUPERclasses (parents).

Source code in omnigibson/objects/
def __init__(
        name (str): Name for the object. Names need to be unique per scene
        prim_path (None or str): global path in the stage to this object. If not specified, will automatically be
            created at /World/<name>
        category (str): Category for the object. Defaults to "object".
        uuid (None or int): Unique unsigned-integer identifier to assign to this object (max 8-numbers).
            If None is specified, then it will be auto-generated
        scale (None or float or 3-array): if specified, sets either the uniform (float) or x,y,z (3-array) scale
            for this object. A single number corresponds to uniform scaling along the x,y,z axes, whereas a
            3-array specifies per-axis scaling.
        visible (bool): whether to render this object or not in the stage
        fixed_base (bool): whether to fix the base of this object or not
        visual_only (bool): Whether this object should be visual only (and not collide with any other objects)
        kinematic_only (None or bool): Whether this object should be kinematic only (and not get affected by any
            collisions). If None, then this value will be set to True if @fixed_base is True and some other criteria
            are satisfied (see post_load function), else False.
        self_collisions (bool): Whether to enable self collisions for this object
        prim_type (PrimType): Which type of prim the object is, Valid options are: {PrimType.RIGID, PrimType.CLOTH}
        load_config (None or dict): If specified, should contain keyword-mapped values that are relevant for
            loading this prim at runtime.
        kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments that are used for other super() calls from subclasses, allowing
            for flexible compositions of various object subclasses (e.g.: Robot is USDObject + ControllableObject).
            Note that this base object does NOT pass kwargs down into the Prim-type super() classes, and we assume
            that kwargs are only shared between all SUBclasses (children), not SUPERclasses (parents).
    # Generate default prim path if none is specified
    prim_path = f"/World/{name}" if prim_path is None else prim_path

    # Store values
    self.uuid = get_uuid(name) if uuid is None else uuid
    assert len(str(self.uuid)) <= 8, f"UUID for this object must be at max 8-digits, got: {self.uuid}"
    self.category = category
    self.fixed_base = fixed_base

    # Values to be created at runtime
    self._highlight_cached_values = None
    self._highlighted = None

    # Create load config from inputs
    load_config = dict() if load_config is None else load_config
    load_config["scale"] = np.array(scale) if isinstance(scale, Iterable) else scale
    load_config["visible"] = visible
    load_config["visual_only"] = visual_only
    load_config["kinematic_only"] = kinematic_only
    load_config["self_collisions"] = self_collisions
    load_config["prim_type"] = prim_type

    # Run super init

    # TODO: Super hacky, think of a better way to preserve this info
    # Update init info for this
    self._init_info["args"]["name"] =
    self._init_info["args"]["uuid"] = self.uuid

get_base_aligned_bbox(link_name=None, visual=False, xy_aligned=False)

Get a bounding box for this object that's axis-aligned in the object's base frame.


Name Type Description Default
link_name None or str

If specified, only get the bbox for the given link

visual bool

Whether to aggregate the bounding boxes from the visual meshes. Otherwise, will use collision meshes

xy_aligned bool

Whether to align the bounding box to the global XY-plane



Type Description

4-tuple: - 3-array: (x,y,z) bbox center position in world frame - 3-array: (x,y,z,w) bbox quaternion orientation in world frame - 3-array: (x,y,z) bbox extent in desired frame - 3-array: (x,y,z) bbox center in desired frame

Source code in omnigibson/objects/
def get_base_aligned_bbox(self, link_name=None, visual=False, xy_aligned=False):
    Get a bounding box for this object that's axis-aligned in the object's base frame.

        link_name (None or str): If specified, only get the bbox for the given link
        visual (bool): Whether to aggregate the bounding boxes from the visual meshes. Otherwise, will use
            collision meshes
        xy_aligned (bool): Whether to align the bounding box to the global XY-plane

            - 3-array: (x,y,z) bbox center position in world frame
            - 3-array: (x,y,z,w) bbox quaternion orientation in world frame
            - 3-array: (x,y,z) bbox extent in desired frame
            - 3-array: (x,y,z) bbox center in desired frame
    # Get the base position transform.
    pos, orn = self.get_position_orientation()
    base_frame_to_world = T.pose2mat((pos, orn))

    # Prepare the desired frame.
    if xy_aligned:
        # If the user requested an XY-plane aligned bbox, convert everything to that frame.
        # The desired frame is same as the base_com frame with its X/Y rotations removed.
        translate = trimesh.transformations.translation_from_matrix(base_frame_to_world)

        # To find the rotation that this transform does around the Z axis, we rotate the [1, 0, 0] vector by it
        # and then take the arctangent of its projection onto the XY plane.
        rotated_X_axis = base_frame_to_world[:3, 0]
        rotation_around_Z_axis = np.arctan2(rotated_X_axis[1], rotated_X_axis[0])
        xy_aligned_base_com_to_world = trimesh.transformations.compose_matrix(
            translate=translate, angles=[0, 0, rotation_around_Z_axis]

        # Finally update our desired frame.
        desired_frame_to_world = xy_aligned_base_com_to_world
        # Default desired frame is base CoM frame.
        desired_frame_to_world = base_frame_to_world

    # Compute the world-to-base frame transform.
    world_to_desired_frame = np.linalg.inv(desired_frame_to_world)

    # Grab all the world-frame points corresponding to the object's visual or collision hulls.
    points_in_world = []
    if self.prim_type == PrimType.CLOTH:
        particle_contact_offset = self.root_link.cloth_system.particle_contact_offset
        particle_positions = self.root_link.compute_particle_positions()
        particles_in_world_frame = np.concatenate([
            particle_positions - particle_contact_offset,
            particle_positions + particle_contact_offset
        ], axis=0)
        links = {link_name: self._links[link_name]} if link_name is not None else self._links
        for link_name, link in links.items():
            if visual:
                hull_points = link.visual_boundary_points_world
                hull_points = link.collision_boundary_points_world

            if hull_points is not None:

    # Move the points to the desired frame
    points = trimesh.transformations.transform_points(points_in_world, world_to_desired_frame)

    # All points are now in the desired frame: either the base CoM or the xy-plane-aligned base CoM.
    # Now fit a bounding box to all the points by taking the minimum/maximum in the desired frame.
    aabb_min_in_desired_frame = np.amin(points, axis=0)
    aabb_max_in_desired_frame = np.amax(points, axis=0)
    bbox_center_in_desired_frame = (aabb_min_in_desired_frame + aabb_max_in_desired_frame) / 2
    bbox_extent_in_desired_frame = aabb_max_in_desired_frame - aabb_min_in_desired_frame

    # Transform the center to the world frame.
    bbox_center_in_world = trimesh.transformations.transform_points(
        [bbox_center_in_desired_frame], desired_frame_to_world
    bbox_orn_in_world = Rotation.from_matrix(desired_frame_to_world[:3, :3]).as_quat()

    return bbox_center_in_world, bbox_orn_in_world, bbox_extent_in_desired_frame, bbox_center_in_desired_frame