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🔌 Running on a SLURM cluster

This documentation is a work in progress.

OmniGibson can be run on a SLURM cluster using the enroot container software, which is a replacement for Docker that allows containers to be run as the current user rather than as root. enroot needs to be installed on your SLURM cluster by an administrator.

With enroot installed, you can follow the below steps to run OmniGibson on SLURM:

  1. Download the dataset to a location that is accessible by cluster nodes. To do this, you can use the script inside OmniGibson's scripts directory, and move it to the right spot later. In the below example, /cvgl/ is a networked drive that is accessible by the cluster nodes. For Stanford users, this step is already done for SVL and Viscam nodes

    OMNIGIBSON_NO_OMNIVERSE=1 python scripts/
    mv omnigibson/data /cvgl/group/Gibson/og-data-0-2-1

  2. (Optional) Distribute the dataset to the individual nodes. This will make load times much better than reading from a network drive. To do this, run the below command on your SLURM head node (replace svl with your partition name and cvgl with your account name, as well as the paths with the respective network and local paths). Confirm via squeue -u $USER that all jobs have finished. This step is already done for SVL and Viscam nodes

    sinfo -p svl -o "%N,%n" -h | \
      sed s/,.*//g | \
      xargs -L1 -I{} \
        sbatch \
          --account=cvgl --partition=svl --nodelist={} --mem=8G --cpus-per-task=4 \
          --wrap 'cp -R /cvgl/group/Gibson/og-data-0-2-1 /scr-ssd/og-data-0-2-1'

  3. Download your desired image to a location that is accessible by the cluster nodes. (Replace the path with your own path, and feel free to replace latest with your desired branch tag). You have the option to mount code (meaning you don't need the container to come with all the code you want to run, just the right dependencies / environment setup)

    enroot import --output /cvgl2/u/cgokmen/omnigibson.sqsh docker://stanfordvl/omnigibson:action-primitives

  4. (Optional) If you intend to mount code onto the container, make it available at a location that is accessible by the cluster nodes. You can mount arbitrary code, and you can also mount a custom version of OmniGibson (for the latter, you need to make sure you mount your copy of OmniGibson at /omnigibson-src inside the container). For example:

    git clone /cvgl2/u/cgokmen/OmniGibson

  5. Create your launch script. You can start with a copy of the script below. If you want to launch multiple workers, increase the job array option. You should keep the setting at at least 1 GPU per node, but can feel free to edit other settings. You can mount any additional code as you'd like, and you can change the entrypoint such that the container runs your mounted code upon launch. See the mounts section for an example. A copy of this script can be found in docker/

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    #SBATCH --account=cvgl
    #SBATCH --partition=svl --qos=normal
    #SBATCH --nodes=1
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
    #SBATCH --mem=30G
    #SBATCH --gres=gpu:2080ti:1
    GPU_ID=$(nvidia-smi -L | grep -oP '(?<=GPU-)[a-fA-F0-9\-]+' | head -n 1)
    # Define env kwargs to pass
    declare -A ENVS=(
    for env_var in "${!ENVS[@]}"; do
        # Add to env kwargs we'll pass to enroot command later
        ENV_KWARGS="${ENV_KWARGS} --env ${env_var}=${ENVS[${env_var}]}"
    # Define mounts to create (maps local directory to container directory)
    declare -A MOUNTS=(
        # Feel free to include lines like the below to mount a workspace or a custom OG version
        # [/cvgl2/u/cgokmen/OmniGibson]=/omnigibson-src
        # [/cvgl2/u/cgokmen/my-project]=/my-project
    for mount in "${!MOUNTS[@]}"; do
        # Verify mount path in local directory exists, otherwise, create it
        if [ ! -e "$mount" ]; then
            mkdir -p ${mount}
        # Add to mount kwargs we'll pass to enroot command later
        MOUNT_KWARGS="${MOUNT_KWARGS} --mount ${mount}:${MOUNTS[${mount}]}"
    # Create the image if it doesn't already exist
    enroot create --force --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} ${IMAGE_PATH}
    # Remove leading space in string
    # The last line here is the command you want to run inside the container.
    # Here I'm running some unit tests.
    enroot start \
        --root \
        --rw \
        ${ENV_KWARGS} \
        ${MOUNT_KWARGS} \
        ${CONTAINER_NAME} \
        source /isaac-sim/ && pytest tests/
    # Clean up the image if possible.
    enroot remove -f ${CONTAINER_NAME}

  6. Launch your job using sbatch - and profit!