class OVXRSystem(TeleopSystem):
VR Teleoperation System build on top of Omniverse XR extension and TeleMoMa's TeleopSystem
def __init__(
robot: BaseRobot,
show_control_marker: bool = False,
system: str = "SteamVR",
disable_display_output: bool = False,
enable_touchpad_movement: bool = False,
align_anchor_to_robot_base: bool = False,
use_hand_tracking: bool = False,
) -> None:
Initializes the VR system
robot (BaseRobot): the robot that VR will control.
show_control_marker (bool): whether to show a control marker
system (str): the VR system to use, one of ["OpenXR", "SteamVR"], default is "SteamVR".
disable_display_output (bool): whether we will not display output to the VR headset (only use controller tracking), default is False.
enable_touchpad_movement (bool): whether to enable VR system anchor movement by controller, default is False.
align_anchor_to_robot_base (bool): whether to align VR anchor to robot base, default is False.
use_hand_tracking (bool): whether to use hand tracking instead of controllers, default is False.
show_controller (bool): whether to show the controller model in the scene, default is False.
NOTE: enable_touchpad_movement and align_anchor_to_robot_base cannot be enabled at the same time.
The former is to enable free movement of the VR system (i.e. the user), while the latter is constraining the VR system to the robot pose.
self.raw_data = {}
# enable xr extension
self.xr_device_class = lazy.omni.kit.xr.core.XRDeviceClass
# run super method
super().__init__(teleop_config, robot, show_control_marker)
# we want to further slow down the movement speed if we are using touchpad movement
if enable_touchpad_movement:
self.movement_speed *= 0.3
# get xr core and profile
self.xr_core = lazy.omni.kit.xr.core.XRCore.get_singleton()
self.vr_profile = self.xr_core.get_profile("vr")
self.disable_display_output = disable_display_output
self.enable_touchpad_movement = enable_touchpad_movement
self.align_anchor_to_robot_base = align_anchor_to_robot_base
assert not (self.enable_touchpad_movement and self.align_anchor_to_robot_base), \
"enable_touchpad_movement and align_anchor_to_robot_base cannot be True at the same time!"
# set avatar
if self.show_control_marker:
self.vr_profile.set_avatar(lazy.omni.kit.xr.ui.stage.common.XRAvatarManager.get_singleton().create_avatar("basic_avatar", {}))
self.vr_profile.set_avatar(lazy.omni.kit.xr.ui.stage.common.XRAvatarManager.get_singleton().create_avatar("empty_avatar", {}))
# set anchor mode to be custom anchor
lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set(self.vr_profile.get_scene_persistent_path() + "anchorMode", "scene origin")
# set vr system
lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set(self.vr_profile.get_persistent_path() + "system/display", system)
# set display mode
self.vr_profile.get_persistent_path() + "disableDisplayOutput", disable_display_output
lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set('/rtx/rendermode', "RaytracedLighting")
# devices info
self.hmd = None
self.controllers = {}
self.trackers = {}
self.xr2og_orn_offset = np.array([0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5])
self.og2xr_orn_offset = np.array([-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5])
# setup event subscriptions
self.use_hand_tracking = use_hand_tracking
if use_hand_tracking:
self.raw_data["hand_data"] = {}
self.teleop_action.hand_data = {}
self._hand_tracking_subscription = self.xr_core.get_event_stream().create_subscription_to_pop_by_type(
lazy.omni.kit.xr.core.XRCoreEventType.hand_joints, self._update_hand_tracking_data, name="hand tracking"
def xr2og(self, transform: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Apply the orientation offset from the Omniverse XR coordinate system to the OmniGibson coordinate system
Note that we have to transpose the transform matrix because Omniverse uses row-major matrices
while OmniGibson uses column-major matrices
transform (np.ndarray): the transform matrix in the Omniverse XR coordinate system
tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray): the position and orientation in the OmniGibson coordinate system
pos, orn = T.mat2pose(np.array(transform).T)
orn = T.quat_multiply(orn, self.xr2og_orn_offset)
return pos, orn
def og2xr(self, pos: np.ndarray, orn: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Apply the orientation offset from the OmniGibson coordinate system to the Omniverse XR coordinate system
pos (np.ndarray): the position in the OmniGibson coordinate system
orn (np.ndarray): the orientation in the OmniGibson coordinate system
np.ndarray: the transform matrix in the Omniverse XR coordinate system
orn = T.quat_multiply(self.og2xr_orn_offset, orn)
return T.pose2mat((pos, orn)).T.astype(np.float64)
def reset(self) -> None:
Reset the teleop policy
self.raw_data = {}
self.teleop_action.is_valid = {"left": False, "right": False, "head": False}
self.teleop_action.reset = {"left": False, "right": False}
self.teleop_action.head = np.zeros(6)
def is_enabled(self) -> bool:
Checks whether the VR system is enabled
bool: whether the VR system is enabled
return self.vr_profile.is_enabled()
def start(self) -> None:
Enabling the VR profile
assert self.vr_profile.is_enabled(), "[VRSys] VR profile not enabled!"
# We want to make sure the hmd is tracking so that the whole system is ready to go
while True:
print("[VRSys] Waiting for VR headset to become active...")
if self.hmd is not None:
def stop(self) -> None:
disable VR profile
assert not self.vr_profile.is_enabled(), "[VRSys] VR profile not disabled!"
def update(self) -> None:
Steps the VR system and update self.teleop_action
# update raw data
# Update teleop data based on controller input if not using hand tracking
if not self.use_hand_tracking:
self.teleop_action.base = np.zeros(3)
self.teleop_action.torso = 0.0
# update right hand related info
for arm_name, arm in zip(["left", "right"], self.robot_arms):
if arm in self.controllers:
self.teleop_action[arm_name] = np.concatenate((
self.teleop_action.is_valid[arm_name] = self._is_valid_transform(self.raw_data["transforms"]["controllers"][arm])
self.teleop_action.is_valid[arm_name] = False
# update base and reset info
if "right" in self.controllers:
self.teleop_action.reset["right"] = self.raw_data["button_data"]["right"]["press"]["grip"]
right_axis = self.raw_data["button_data"]["right"]["axis"]
self.teleop_action.base[0] = right_axis["touchpad_y"] * self.movement_speed
self.teleop_action.torso = -right_axis["touchpad_x"] * self.movement_speed
if "left" in self.controllers:
self.teleop_action.reset["left"] = self.raw_data["button_data"]["left"]["press"]["grip"]
left_axis = self.raw_data["button_data"]["left"]["axis"]
self.teleop_action.base[1] = -left_axis["touchpad_x"] * self.movement_speed
self.teleop_action.base[2] = left_axis["touchpad_y"] * self.movement_speed
# update head related info
self.teleop_action.head = np.r_[self.raw_data["transforms"]["head"][0], T.quat2euler(self.raw_data["transforms"]["head"][1])]
self.teleop_action.is_valid["head"] = self._is_valid_transform(self.raw_data["transforms"]["head"])
# Optionally move anchor
if self.enable_touchpad_movement:
# we use x, y from right controller for 2d movement and y from left controller for z movement
self._move_anchor(pos_offset=np.r_[[self.teleop_action.torso], self.teleop_action.base[[0, 2]]])
if self.align_anchor_to_robot_base:
robot_base_pos, robot_base_orn = self.robot.get_position_orientation()
self.vr_profile.set_virtual_world_anchor_transform(self.og2xr(robot_base_pos, robot_base_orn[[0, 2, 1, 3]]))
def teleop_data_to_action(self) -> np.ndarray:
Generate action data from VR input for robot teleoperation
np.ndarray: array of action data
# optionally update control marker
if self.show_control_marker:
return self.robot.teleop_data_to_action(self.teleop_action)
def reset_transform_mapping(self, arm: str = "right") -> None:
Snap device to the robot end effector (ManipulationRobot only)
arm(str): name of the arm, one of "left" or "right". Default is "right".
robot_base_orn = self.robot.get_orientation()
robot_eef_pos = self.robot.eef_links[self.robot.arm_names[self.robot_arms.index(arm)]].get_position()
target_transform = self.og2xr(pos=robot_eef_pos, orn=robot_base_orn)
self.vr_profile.set_physical_world_to_world_anchor_transform_to_match_xr_device(target_transform, self.controllers[arm])
def set_initial_transform(self, pos: Iterable[float], orn: Iterable[float]=[0, 0, 0, 1]) -> None:
Function that sets the initial transform of the VR system (w.r.t.) head
Note that stepping the vr system multiple times is necessary here due to a bug in OVXR plugin
pos(Iterable[float]): initial position of the vr system
orn(Iterable[float]): initial orientation of the vr system
for _ in range(10):
self.vr_profile.set_physical_world_to_world_anchor_transform_to_match_xr_device(self.og2xr(pos, orn), self.hmd)
def _move_anchor(
pos_offset: Optional[Iterable[float]] = None,
rot_offset: Optional[Iterable[float]] = None
) -> None:
Updates the anchor of the xr system in the virtual world
pos_offset (Iterable[float]): the position offset to apply to the anchor *in hmd frame*.
rot_offset (Iterable[float]): the rotation offset to apply to the anchor *in hmd frame*.
if pos_offset is not None:
# note that x is forward, y is down, z is left for ovxr, but x is forward, y is left, z is up for og
pos_offset = np.array([-pos_offset[0], pos_offset[2], -pos_offset[1]]).astype(np.float64)
if rot_offset is not None:
rot_offset = np.array(rot_offset).astype(np.float64)
def _is_valid_transform(self, transform: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]) -> bool:
Determine whether the transform is valid (ovxr plugin will return a zero position and rotation if not valid)
return np.any(np.not_equal(transform[0], np.zeros(3))) \
and np.any(np.not_equal(transform[1], self.og2xr_orn_offset))
def _update_devices(self) -> None:
Update the VR device list
for device in self.vr_profile.get_device_list():
if device.get_class() == self.xr_device_class.xrdisplaydevice:
self.hmd = device
elif device.get_class() == self.xr_device_class.xrcontroller:
# we want the first 2 controllers to be corresponding to the left and right hand
d_idx = device.get_index()
controller_name = ["left", "right"][d_idx] if d_idx < 2 else f"controller_{d_idx+1}"
self.controllers[controller_name] = device
elif device.get_class() == self.xr_device_class.xrtracker:
self.trackers[device.get_index()] = device
def _update_device_transforms(self) -> None:
Get the transform matrix of each VR device *in world frame* and store in self.raw_data
transforms = {}
transforms["head"] = self.xr2og(self.hmd.get_virtual_world_pose())
transforms["controllers"] = {}
transforms["trackers"] = {}
for controller_name in self.controllers:
transforms["controllers"][controller_name] = self.xr2og(
for tracker_index in self.trackers:
transforms["trackers"][tracker_index] = self.xr2og(self.trackers[tracker_index].get_virtual_world_pose())
self.raw_data["transforms"] = transforms
def _update_button_data(self):
Get the button data for each controller and store in self.raw_data
dict: a dictionary of whether each button is pressed or touched, and the axis state for touchpad and joysticks
button_data = {}
for controller_name in self.controllers:
button_data[controller_name] = {}
button_data[controller_name]["press"] = self.controllers[controller_name].get_button_press_state()
button_data[controller_name]["touch"] = self.controllers[controller_name].get_button_touch_state()
button_data[controller_name]["axis"] = self.controllers[controller_name].get_axis_state()
self.raw_data["button_data"] = button_data
def _update_hand_tracking_data(self, e) -> None:
Get hand tracking data, see for joint indices
e ( event that contains hand tracking data as payload
data_dict = e.payload
for hand_name, hand in zip(["left, right"], self.robot_arms):
if data_dict[f"joint_count_{hand}"] != 0:
self.teleop_action.is_valid[hand_name] = True
self.raw_data["hand_data"][hand] = {"pos": [], "orn": []}
# hand_joint_matrices is an array of flattened 4x4 transform matrices for the 26 hand markers
hand_joint_matrices = data_dict[f"joint_matrices_{hand}"]
for i in range(26):
# extract the pose from the flattened transform matrix
pos, orn = self.xr2og(np.reshape(hand_joint_matrices[16 * i: 16 * (i + 1)], (4, 4)))
self.teleop_action[hand_name] = np.r_[
# Get each finger joint's rotation angle from hand tracking data
# joint_angles is a 5 x 3 array of joint rotations (from thumb to pinky, from base to tip)
joint_angles = np.zeros((5, 3))
raw_hand_data = self.raw_data["hand_data"][hand]["pos"]
for i in range(5):
for j in range(3):
# get the 3 related joints indices
prev_joint_idx, cur_joint_idx, next_joint_idx = i * 5 + j + 1, i * 5 + j + 2, i * 5 + j + 3
# get the 3 related joints' positions
prev_joint_pos = raw_hand_data[prev_joint_idx]
cur_joint_pos = raw_hand_data[cur_joint_idx]
next_joint_pos = raw_hand_data[next_joint_idx]
# calculate the angle formed by 3 points
v1 = cur_joint_pos - prev_joint_pos
v2 = next_joint_pos - cur_joint_pos
v1 /= np.linalg.norm(v1)
v2 /= np.linalg.norm(v2)
joint_angles[i, j] = np.arccos(v1 @ v2)
self.teleop_action.hand_data[hand_name] = joint_angles