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Bases: GripperController

Controller class for multi finger gripper control. This either interprets an input as a binary command (open / close), continuous command (open / close with scaled velocities), or per-joint continuous command

Each controller step consists of the following
  1. Clip + Scale inputted command according to @command_input_limits and @command_output_limits 2a. Convert command into gripper joint control signals 2b. Clips the resulting control by the motor limits
Source code in omnigibson/controllers/
class MultiFingerGripperController(GripperController):
    Controller class for multi finger gripper control. This either interprets an input as a binary
    command (open / close), continuous command (open / close with scaled velocities), or per-joint continuous command

    Each controller step consists of the following:
        1. Clip + Scale inputted command according to @command_input_limits and @command_output_limits
        2a. Convert command into gripper joint control signals
        2b. Clips the resulting control by the motor limits

    def __init__(
            control_freq (int): controller loop frequency
            motor_type (str): type of motor being controlled, one of {position, velocity, effort}
            control_limits (Dict[str, Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]]): The min/max limits to the outputted
                control signal. Should specify per-dof type limits, i.e.:

                "position": [[min], [max]]
                "velocity": [[min], [max]]
                "effort": [[min], [max]]
                "has_limit": [...bool...]

                Values outside of this range will be clipped, if the corresponding joint index in has_limit is True.
            dof_idx (Array[int]): specific dof indices controlled by this robot. Used for inferring
                controller-relevant values during control computations
            command_input_limits (None or "default" or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]):
                if set, is the min/max acceptable inputted command. Values outside this range will be clipped.
                If None, no clipping will be used. If "default", range will be set to (-1, 1)
            command_output_limits (None or "default" or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]):
                if set, is the min/max scaled command. If both this value and @command_input_limits is not None,
                then all inputted command values will be scaled from the input range to the output range.
                If either is None, no scaling will be used. If "default", then this range will automatically be set
                to the @control_limits entry corresponding to self.control_type
            inverted (bool): whether or not the command direction (grasp is negative) and the control direction are
                inverted, e.g. to grasp you need to move the joint in the positive direction.
            mode (str): mode for this controller. Valid options are:

                "binary": 1D command, if preprocessed value > 0 is interpreted as an max open
                    (send max pos / vel / tor signal), otherwise send max close control signals
                "smooth": 1D command, sends symmetric signal to all finger joints equal to the preprocessed commands
                "independent": n-dimensional command, sends independent signals to each finger joint equal to the preprocessed command

            open_qpos (None or Array[float]): If specified, the joint positions representing a fully-opened gripper.
                This is to allow representing the open state as a partially opened gripper, rather than the full
                opened gripper. If None, will simply use the native joint limits of the gripper joints. Only relevant
                if using @mode=binary and @motor_type=position
            closed_qpos (None or Array[float]): If specified, the joint positions representing a fully-closed gripper.
                This is to allow representing the closed state as a partially closed gripper, rather than the full
                closed gripper. If None, will simply use the native joint limits of the gripper joints. Only relevant
                if using @mode=binary and @motor_type=position
            limit_tolerance (float): sets the tolerance from the joint limit ends, below which controls will be zeroed
                out if the control is using velocity or torque control
        # Store arguments
        assert_valid_key(key=motor_type.lower(), valid_keys=ControlType.VALID_TYPES_STR, name="motor_type")
        self._motor_type = motor_type.lower()
        assert_valid_key(key=mode, valid_keys=VALID_MODES, name="mode for multi finger gripper")
        self._inverted = inverted
        self._mode = mode
        self._limit_tolerance = limit_tolerance
        self._open_qpos = open_qpos if open_qpos is None else th.tensor(open_qpos)
        self._closed_qpos = closed_qpos if closed_qpos is None else th.tensor(closed_qpos)

        # Create other args to be filled in at runtime
        self._is_grasping = IsGraspingState.FALSE

        # If we're using binary signal, we override the command output limits
        if mode == "binary":
            command_output_limits = (-1.0, 1.0)

        # Run super init

    def reset(self):
        # Call super first

        # reset grasping state
        self._is_grasping = IsGraspingState.FALSE

    def _preprocess_command(self, command):
        # We extend this method to make sure command is always n-dimensional
        if self._mode != "independent":
            command = (
                th.tensor([command] * self.command_dim)
                if type(command) in {int, float}
                else th.tensor([command[0]] * self.command_dim)

        # Flip the command if the direction is inverted.
        if self._inverted:
            command = self._command_input_limits[1] - (command - self._command_input_limits[0])

        # Return from super method
        return super()._preprocess_command(command=command)

    def _update_goal(self, command, control_dict):
        # Directly store command as the goal
        return dict(target=command)

    def compute_control(self, goal_dict, control_dict):
        Converts the (already preprocessed) inputted @command into deployable (non-clipped!) gripper
        joint control signal

            goal_dict (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
                goals necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:
                    target: desired gripper target
            control_dict (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
                states necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:
                    joint_position: Array of current joint positions
                    joint_velocity: Array of current joint velocities

            Array[float]: outputted (non-clipped!) control signal to deploy
        target = goal_dict["target"]
        joint_pos = control_dict["joint_position"][self.dof_idx]
        # Choose what to do based on control mode
        if self._mode == "binary":
            # Use max control signal
            should_open = target[0] >= 0.0 if not self._inverted else target[0] > 0.0
            if should_open:
                u = (
                    if self._open_qpos is None
                    else self._open_qpos
                u = (
                    if self._closed_qpos is None
                    else self._closed_qpos
            # Use continuous signal. Make sure to go from command to control dim.
            u = th.full((self.control_dim,), target[0]) if len(target) == 1 else target

        # If we're near the joint limits and we're using velocity / torque control, we zero out the action
        if self._motor_type in {"velocity", "torque"}:
            violate_upper_limit = (
                joint_pos > self._control_limits[ControlType.POSITION][1][self.dof_idx] - self._limit_tolerance
            violate_lower_limit = (
                joint_pos < self._control_limits[ControlType.POSITION][0][self.dof_idx] + self._limit_tolerance
            violation = th.logical_or(violate_upper_limit * (u > 0), violate_lower_limit * (u < 0))
            u *= ~violation

        # Update whether we're grasping or not

        # Return control
        return u

    def _update_grasping_state(self, control_dict):
        Updates internal inferred grasping state of the gripper being controlled by this gripper controller

            control_dict (dict): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
                states necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:

                    joint_position: Array of current joint positions
                    joint_velocity: Array of current joint velocities
        # Calculate grasping state based on mode of this controller

        # Independent mode of MultiFingerGripperController does not have any good heuristics to determine is_grasping
        if self._mode == "independent":
            is_grasping = IsGraspingState.UNKNOWN

        # No control has been issued before -- we assume not grasping
        elif self._control is None:
            is_grasping = IsGraspingState.FALSE

        #  Different values in the command for non-independent mode - cannot use heuristics
        elif not th.all(self._control == self._control[0]):
            is_grasping = IsGraspingState.UNKNOWN

        # Joint position tolerance for is_grasping heuristics checking is smaller than or equal to the gripper
        # controller's tolerance of zero-ing out velocities, which makes the heuristics invalid.
        elif not m.POS_TOLERANCE > self._limit_tolerance:
            is_grasping = IsGraspingState.UNKNOWN

            finger_pos = control_dict["joint_position"][self.dof_idx]

            # For joint position control, if the desired positions are the same as the current positions, is_grasping unknown
            if self._motor_type == "position" and th.mean(th.abs(finger_pos - self._control)) < m.POS_TOLERANCE:
                is_grasping = IsGraspingState.UNKNOWN

            # For joint velocity / torque control, if the desired velocities / torques are zeros, is_grasping unknown
            elif self._motor_type in {"velocity", "torque"} and th.mean(th.abs(self._control)) < m.VEL_TOLERANCE:
                is_grasping = IsGraspingState.UNKNOWN

            # Otherwise, the last control signal intends to "move" the gripper
                finger_vel = control_dict["joint_velocity"][self.dof_idx]
                min_pos = self._control_limits[ControlType.POSITION][0][self.dof_idx]
                max_pos = self._control_limits[ControlType.POSITION][1][self.dof_idx]

                # Make sure we don't have any invalid values (i.e.: fingers should be within the limits)
                finger_pos = th.clip(finger_pos, min_pos, max_pos)

                # Check distance from both ends of the joint limits
                dist_from_lower_limit = finger_pos - min_pos
                dist_from_upper_limit = max_pos - finger_pos

                # If the joint positions are not near the joint limits with some tolerance (m.POS_TOLERANCE)
                valid_grasp_pos = (
                    th.mean(dist_from_lower_limit) > m.POS_TOLERANCE
                    and th.mean(dist_from_upper_limit) > m.POS_TOLERANCE

                # And the joint velocities are close to zero with some tolerance (m.VEL_TOLERANCE)
                valid_grasp_vel = th.all(th.abs(finger_vel) < m.VEL_TOLERANCE)

                # Then the gripper is grasping something, which stops the gripper from reaching its desired state
                is_grasping = IsGraspingState.TRUE if valid_grasp_pos and valid_grasp_vel else IsGraspingState.FALSE

        # Store calculated state
        self._is_grasping = is_grasping

    def compute_no_op_goal(self, control_dict):
        # Just use a zero vector
        return dict(target=th.zeros(self.command_dim))

    def _compute_no_op_action(self, control_dict):
        # Take care of the special case of binary control
        if self._mode == "binary":
            command_val = -1 if self.is_grasping() == IsGraspingState.TRUE else 1
            if self._inverted:
                command_val = -1 * command_val
            return th.tensor([command_val], dtype=th.float32)

        if self._motor_type == "position":
            command = control_dict[f"joint_position"][self.dof_idx]
        elif self._motor_type == "velocity":
            command = th.zeros(self.command_dim)
            raise ValueError("Cannot compute noop action for effort motor type.")

        # Convert to binary / smooth mode if necessary
        if self._mode == "smooth":
            command = th.mean(command, dim=-1, keepdim=True)

        return command

    def _get_goal_shapes(self):
        return dict(target=(self.command_dim,))

    def is_grasping(self):
        # Return cached value
        return self._is_grasping

    def control_type(self):
        return ControlType.get_type(type_str=self._motor_type)

    def command_dim(self):
        return len(self.dof_idx) if self._mode == "independent" else 1

__init__(control_freq, motor_type, control_limits, dof_idx, command_input_limits='default', command_output_limits='default', inverted=False, mode='binary', open_qpos=None, closed_qpos=None, limit_tolerance=0.001)


Name Type Description Default
control_freq int

controller loop frequency

motor_type str

type of motor being controlled, one of {position, velocity, effort}

control_limits Dict[str, Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]]

The min/max limits to the outputted control signal. Should specify per-dof type limits, i.e.:

"position": [[min], [max]] "velocity": [[min], [max]] "effort": [[min], [max]] "has_limit": [...bool...]

Values outside of this range will be clipped, if the corresponding joint index in has_limit is True.

dof_idx Array[int]

specific dof indices controlled by this robot. Used for inferring controller-relevant values during control computations

command_input_limits None or default or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]

if set, is the min/max acceptable inputted command. Values outside this range will be clipped. If None, no clipping will be used. If "default", range will be set to (-1, 1)

command_output_limits None or default or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]

if set, is the min/max scaled command. If both this value and @command_input_limits is not None, then all inputted command values will be scaled from the input range to the output range. If either is None, no scaling will be used. If "default", then this range will automatically be set to the @control_limits entry corresponding to self.control_type

inverted bool

whether or not the command direction (grasp is negative) and the control direction are inverted, e.g. to grasp you need to move the joint in the positive direction.

mode str

mode for this controller. Valid options are:

"binary": 1D command, if preprocessed value > 0 is interpreted as an max open (send max pos / vel / tor signal), otherwise send max close control signals "smooth": 1D command, sends symmetric signal to all finger joints equal to the preprocessed commands "independent": n-dimensional command, sends independent signals to each finger joint equal to the preprocessed command

open_qpos None or Array[float]

If specified, the joint positions representing a fully-opened gripper. This is to allow representing the open state as a partially opened gripper, rather than the full opened gripper. If None, will simply use the native joint limits of the gripper joints. Only relevant if using @mode=binary and @motor_type=position

closed_qpos None or Array[float]

If specified, the joint positions representing a fully-closed gripper. This is to allow representing the closed state as a partially closed gripper, rather than the full closed gripper. If None, will simply use the native joint limits of the gripper joints. Only relevant if using @mode=binary and @motor_type=position

limit_tolerance float

sets the tolerance from the joint limit ends, below which controls will be zeroed out if the control is using velocity or torque control

Source code in omnigibson/controllers/
def __init__(
        control_freq (int): controller loop frequency
        motor_type (str): type of motor being controlled, one of {position, velocity, effort}
        control_limits (Dict[str, Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]]): The min/max limits to the outputted
            control signal. Should specify per-dof type limits, i.e.:

            "position": [[min], [max]]
            "velocity": [[min], [max]]
            "effort": [[min], [max]]
            "has_limit": [...bool...]

            Values outside of this range will be clipped, if the corresponding joint index in has_limit is True.
        dof_idx (Array[int]): specific dof indices controlled by this robot. Used for inferring
            controller-relevant values during control computations
        command_input_limits (None or "default" or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]):
            if set, is the min/max acceptable inputted command. Values outside this range will be clipped.
            If None, no clipping will be used. If "default", range will be set to (-1, 1)
        command_output_limits (None or "default" or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]):
            if set, is the min/max scaled command. If both this value and @command_input_limits is not None,
            then all inputted command values will be scaled from the input range to the output range.
            If either is None, no scaling will be used. If "default", then this range will automatically be set
            to the @control_limits entry corresponding to self.control_type
        inverted (bool): whether or not the command direction (grasp is negative) and the control direction are
            inverted, e.g. to grasp you need to move the joint in the positive direction.
        mode (str): mode for this controller. Valid options are:

            "binary": 1D command, if preprocessed value > 0 is interpreted as an max open
                (send max pos / vel / tor signal), otherwise send max close control signals
            "smooth": 1D command, sends symmetric signal to all finger joints equal to the preprocessed commands
            "independent": n-dimensional command, sends independent signals to each finger joint equal to the preprocessed command

        open_qpos (None or Array[float]): If specified, the joint positions representing a fully-opened gripper.
            This is to allow representing the open state as a partially opened gripper, rather than the full
            opened gripper. If None, will simply use the native joint limits of the gripper joints. Only relevant
            if using @mode=binary and @motor_type=position
        closed_qpos (None or Array[float]): If specified, the joint positions representing a fully-closed gripper.
            This is to allow representing the closed state as a partially closed gripper, rather than the full
            closed gripper. If None, will simply use the native joint limits of the gripper joints. Only relevant
            if using @mode=binary and @motor_type=position
        limit_tolerance (float): sets the tolerance from the joint limit ends, below which controls will be zeroed
            out if the control is using velocity or torque control
    # Store arguments
    assert_valid_key(key=motor_type.lower(), valid_keys=ControlType.VALID_TYPES_STR, name="motor_type")
    self._motor_type = motor_type.lower()
    assert_valid_key(key=mode, valid_keys=VALID_MODES, name="mode for multi finger gripper")
    self._inverted = inverted
    self._mode = mode
    self._limit_tolerance = limit_tolerance
    self._open_qpos = open_qpos if open_qpos is None else th.tensor(open_qpos)
    self._closed_qpos = closed_qpos if closed_qpos is None else th.tensor(closed_qpos)

    # Create other args to be filled in at runtime
    self._is_grasping = IsGraspingState.FALSE

    # If we're using binary signal, we override the command output limits
    if mode == "binary":
        command_output_limits = (-1.0, 1.0)

    # Run super init


Updates internal inferred grasping state of the gripper being controlled by this gripper controller


Name Type Description Default
control_dict dict

dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped states necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:

joint_position: Array of current joint positions
joint_velocity: Array of current joint velocities
Source code in omnigibson/controllers/
def _update_grasping_state(self, control_dict):
    Updates internal inferred grasping state of the gripper being controlled by this gripper controller

        control_dict (dict): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
            states necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:

                joint_position: Array of current joint positions
                joint_velocity: Array of current joint velocities
    # Calculate grasping state based on mode of this controller

    # Independent mode of MultiFingerGripperController does not have any good heuristics to determine is_grasping
    if self._mode == "independent":
        is_grasping = IsGraspingState.UNKNOWN

    # No control has been issued before -- we assume not grasping
    elif self._control is None:
        is_grasping = IsGraspingState.FALSE

    #  Different values in the command for non-independent mode - cannot use heuristics
    elif not th.all(self._control == self._control[0]):
        is_grasping = IsGraspingState.UNKNOWN

    # Joint position tolerance for is_grasping heuristics checking is smaller than or equal to the gripper
    # controller's tolerance of zero-ing out velocities, which makes the heuristics invalid.
    elif not m.POS_TOLERANCE > self._limit_tolerance:
        is_grasping = IsGraspingState.UNKNOWN

        finger_pos = control_dict["joint_position"][self.dof_idx]

        # For joint position control, if the desired positions are the same as the current positions, is_grasping unknown
        if self._motor_type == "position" and th.mean(th.abs(finger_pos - self._control)) < m.POS_TOLERANCE:
            is_grasping = IsGraspingState.UNKNOWN

        # For joint velocity / torque control, if the desired velocities / torques are zeros, is_grasping unknown
        elif self._motor_type in {"velocity", "torque"} and th.mean(th.abs(self._control)) < m.VEL_TOLERANCE:
            is_grasping = IsGraspingState.UNKNOWN

        # Otherwise, the last control signal intends to "move" the gripper
            finger_vel = control_dict["joint_velocity"][self.dof_idx]
            min_pos = self._control_limits[ControlType.POSITION][0][self.dof_idx]
            max_pos = self._control_limits[ControlType.POSITION][1][self.dof_idx]

            # Make sure we don't have any invalid values (i.e.: fingers should be within the limits)
            finger_pos = th.clip(finger_pos, min_pos, max_pos)

            # Check distance from both ends of the joint limits
            dist_from_lower_limit = finger_pos - min_pos
            dist_from_upper_limit = max_pos - finger_pos

            # If the joint positions are not near the joint limits with some tolerance (m.POS_TOLERANCE)
            valid_grasp_pos = (
                th.mean(dist_from_lower_limit) > m.POS_TOLERANCE
                and th.mean(dist_from_upper_limit) > m.POS_TOLERANCE

            # And the joint velocities are close to zero with some tolerance (m.VEL_TOLERANCE)
            valid_grasp_vel = th.all(th.abs(finger_vel) < m.VEL_TOLERANCE)

            # Then the gripper is grasping something, which stops the gripper from reaching its desired state
            is_grasping = IsGraspingState.TRUE if valid_grasp_pos and valid_grasp_vel else IsGraspingState.FALSE

    # Store calculated state
    self._is_grasping = is_grasping

compute_control(goal_dict, control_dict)

Converts the (already preprocessed) inputted @command into deployable (non-clipped!) gripper joint control signal


Name Type Description Default
goal_dict Dict[str, Any]

dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped goals necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys: target: desired gripper target

control_dict Dict[str, Any]

dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped states necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys: joint_position: Array of current joint positions joint_velocity: Array of current joint velocities



Type Description

outputted (non-clipped!) control signal to deploy

Source code in omnigibson/controllers/
def compute_control(self, goal_dict, control_dict):
    Converts the (already preprocessed) inputted @command into deployable (non-clipped!) gripper
    joint control signal

        goal_dict (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
            goals necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:
                target: desired gripper target
        control_dict (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
            states necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:
                joint_position: Array of current joint positions
                joint_velocity: Array of current joint velocities

        Array[float]: outputted (non-clipped!) control signal to deploy
    target = goal_dict["target"]
    joint_pos = control_dict["joint_position"][self.dof_idx]
    # Choose what to do based on control mode
    if self._mode == "binary":
        # Use max control signal
        should_open = target[0] >= 0.0 if not self._inverted else target[0] > 0.0
        if should_open:
            u = (
                if self._open_qpos is None
                else self._open_qpos
            u = (
                if self._closed_qpos is None
                else self._closed_qpos
        # Use continuous signal. Make sure to go from command to control dim.
        u = th.full((self.control_dim,), target[0]) if len(target) == 1 else target

    # If we're near the joint limits and we're using velocity / torque control, we zero out the action
    if self._motor_type in {"velocity", "torque"}:
        violate_upper_limit = (
            joint_pos > self._control_limits[ControlType.POSITION][1][self.dof_idx] - self._limit_tolerance
        violate_lower_limit = (
            joint_pos < self._control_limits[ControlType.POSITION][0][self.dof_idx] + self._limit_tolerance
        violation = th.logical_or(violate_upper_limit * (u > 0), violate_lower_limit * (u < 0))
        u *= ~violation

    # Update whether we're grasping or not

    # Return control
    return u