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Obtain a grasp pose for an object from top down, to be used with sticky grasping.


Name Type Description Default
target_object StatefulObject

Object to get a grasp pose for



Type Description

List of grasp candidates, where each grasp candidate is a tuple containing the grasp pose and the approach direction.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_grasp_poses_for_object_sticky(target_obj):
    Obtain a grasp pose for an object from top down, to be used with sticky grasping.

        target_object (StatefulObject): Object to get a grasp pose for

        List of grasp candidates, where each grasp candidate is a tuple containing the grasp pose and the approach direction.
    bbox_center_in_world, bbox_quat_in_world, bbox_extent_in_base_frame, _ = target_obj.get_base_aligned_bbox(

    grasp_center_pos = bbox_center_in_world + np.array([0, 0, np.max(bbox_extent_in_base_frame) + 0.05])
    towards_object_in_world_frame = bbox_center_in_world - grasp_center_pos
    towards_object_in_world_frame /= np.linalg.norm(towards_object_in_world_frame)

    grasp_quat = T.euler2quat([0, np.pi/2, 0])

    grasp_pose = (grasp_center_pos, grasp_quat)
    grasp_candidate = [(grasp_pose, towards_object_in_world_frame)]

    return grasp_candidate


Obtain a grasp pose for an object from an arbitrary direction to be used with sticky grasping.


Name Type Description Default
target_object StatefulObject

Object to get a grasp pose for



Type Description

List of grasp candidates, where each grasp candidate is a tuple containing the grasp pose and the approach direction.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_grasp_poses_for_object_sticky_from_arbitrary_direction(target_obj):
    Obtain a grasp pose for an object from an arbitrary direction to be used with sticky grasping.

        target_object (StatefulObject): Object to get a grasp pose for

        List of grasp candidates, where each grasp candidate is a tuple containing the grasp pose and the approach direction.
    bbox_center_in_world, bbox_quat_in_world, bbox_extent_in_base_frame, _ = target_obj.get_base_aligned_bbox(

    # Pick an axis and a direction.
    approach_axis = np.random.choice([0, 1, 2])
    approach_direction = np.random.choice([-1, 1]) if approach_axis != 2 else 1
    constant_dimension_in_base_frame = approach_direction * bbox_extent_in_base_frame * np.eye(3)[approach_axis]
    randomizable_dimensions_in_base_frame = bbox_extent_in_base_frame - np.abs(constant_dimension_in_base_frame)
    random_dimensions_in_base_frame = np.random.uniform([-1, -1, 0], [1, 1, 1]) # note that we don't allow going below center
    grasp_center_in_base_frame = random_dimensions_in_base_frame * randomizable_dimensions_in_base_frame + constant_dimension_in_base_frame

    grasp_center_pos = T.mat2pose(
        T.pose2mat((bbox_center_in_world, bbox_quat_in_world)) @  # base frame to world frame
        T.pose2mat((grasp_center_in_base_frame, [0, 0, 0, 1]))    # grasp pose in base frame
    )[0] + np.array([0, 0, 0.02])
    towards_object_in_world_frame = bbox_center_in_world - grasp_center_pos
    towards_object_in_world_frame /= np.linalg.norm(towards_object_in_world_frame)

    # For the grasp, we want the X+ direction to be the direction of the object's surface.
    # The other two directions can be randomized.
    rand_vec = np.random.rand(3)
    rand_vec /= np.linalg.norm(rand_vec)
    grasp_x = towards_object_in_world_frame
    grasp_y = np.cross(rand_vec, grasp_x)
    grasp_y /= np.linalg.norm(grasp_y)
    grasp_z = np.cross(grasp_x, grasp_y)
    grasp_z /= np.linalg.norm(grasp_z)
    grasp_mat = np.array([grasp_x, grasp_y, grasp_z]).T
    grasp_quat = R.from_matrix(grasp_mat).as_quat()

    grasp_pose = (grasp_center_pos, grasp_quat)
    grasp_candidate = [(grasp_pose, towards_object_in_world_frame)]

    return grasp_candidate

get_grasp_position_for_open(robot, target_obj, should_open, relevant_joint=None, num_waypoints='default')

Computes the grasp position for opening or closing a joint.


Name Type Description Default

the robot object


the object to open/close a joint of


a boolean indicating whether we are opening or closing


the joint to open/close if we want to do a particular one in advance


the number of waypoints to interpolate between the start and end poses (default is "default")



Type Description

None (if no grasp was found), or Tuple, containing: relevant_joint: the joint that is being targeted for open/close by the returned grasp offset_grasp_pose_in_world_frame: the grasp pose in the world frame waypoints: the interpolated waypoints between the start and end poses approach_direction_in_world_frame: the approach direction in the world frame grasp_required: a boolean indicating whether a grasp is required for the opening/closing based on which side of the joint we are required_pos_change: the required change in position of the joint to open/close

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_grasp_position_for_open(robot, target_obj, should_open, relevant_joint=None, num_waypoints="default"):
    Computes the grasp position for opening or closing a joint.

      robot: the robot object
      target_obj: the object to open/close a joint of
      should_open: a boolean indicating whether we are opening or closing
      relevant_joint: the joint to open/close if we want to do a particular one in advance
      num_waypoints: the number of waypoints to interpolate between the start and end poses (default is "default")

      None (if no grasp was found), or Tuple, containing:
        relevant_joint: the joint that is being targeted for open/close by the returned grasp
        offset_grasp_pose_in_world_frame: the grasp pose in the world frame
        waypoints: the interpolated waypoints between the start and end poses
        approach_direction_in_world_frame: the approach direction in the world frame
        grasp_required: a boolean indicating whether a grasp is required for the opening/closing based on which side of the joint we are
        required_pos_change: the required change in position of the joint to open/close
    # Pick a moving link of the object.
    relevant_joints = [relevant_joint] if relevant_joint is not None else _get_relevant_joints(target_obj)[1]
    if len(relevant_joints) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot open/close object without relevant joints.")

    # Make sure what we got is an appropriately open/close joint.
    selected_joint = None
    for joint in relevant_joints:
        current_position = joint.get_state()[0][0]
        joint_range = joint.upper_limit - joint.lower_limit
        openness_fraction = (current_position - joint.lower_limit) / joint_range
        if (should_open and openness_fraction < m.OPENNESS_FRACTION_TO_OPEN) or (not should_open and openness_fraction > m.OPENNESS_THRESHOLD_TO_CLOSE):
            selected_joint = joint

    if selected_joint is None:
        return None

    if selected_joint.joint_type == JointType.JOINT_REVOLUTE:
        return (selected_joint,) + grasp_position_for_open_on_revolute_joint(robot, target_obj, selected_joint, should_open, num_waypoints=num_waypoints)
    elif selected_joint.joint_type == JointType.JOINT_PRISMATIC:
        return (selected_joint,) + grasp_position_for_open_on_prismatic_joint(robot, target_obj, selected_joint, should_open, num_waypoints=num_waypoints)
        raise ValueError("Unknown joint type encountered while generating joint position.")

grasp_position_for_open_on_prismatic_joint(robot, target_obj, relevant_joint, should_open, num_waypoints='default')

Computes the grasp position for opening or closing a prismatic joint.


Name Type Description Default

the robot object


the object to open


the prismatic joint to open


a boolean indicating whether we are opening or closing


the number of waypoints to interpolate between the start and end poses (default is "default")



Type Description

Tuple, containing: offset_grasp_pose_in_world_frame: the grasp pose in the world frame waypoints: the interpolated waypoints between the start and end poses approach_direction_in_world_frame: the approach direction in the world frame grasp_required: a boolean indicating whether a grasp is required for the opening/closing based on which side of the joint we are required_pos_change: the required change in position of the joint to open/close

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def grasp_position_for_open_on_prismatic_joint(robot, target_obj, relevant_joint, should_open, num_waypoints="default"):
    Computes the grasp position for opening or closing a prismatic joint.

      robot: the robot object
      target_obj: the object to open
      relevant_joint: the prismatic joint to open
      should_open: a boolean indicating whether we are opening or closing
      num_waypoints: the number of waypoints to interpolate between the start and end poses (default is "default")

      Tuple, containing:
        offset_grasp_pose_in_world_frame: the grasp pose in the world frame
        waypoints: the interpolated waypoints between the start and end poses
        approach_direction_in_world_frame: the approach direction in the world frame
        grasp_required: a boolean indicating whether a grasp is required for the opening/closing based on which side of the joint we are
        required_pos_change: the required change in position of the joint to open/close
    link_name = relevant_joint.body1.split("/")[-1]

    # Get the bounding box of the child link.
    ) = target_obj.get_base_aligned_bbox(link_name=link_name, visual=False)

    # Match the push axis to one of the bb axes.
    joint_orientation = lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.rotations.gf_quat_to_np_array(relevant_joint.get_attribute("physics:localRot0"))[[1, 2, 3, 0]]
    push_axis = R.from_quat(joint_orientation).apply([1, 0, 0])
    assert np.isclose(np.max(np.abs(push_axis)), 1.0)  # Make sure we're aligned with a bb axis.
    push_axis_idx = np.argmax(np.abs(push_axis))
    canonical_push_axis = np.eye(3)[push_axis_idx]

    # TODO: Need to figure out how to get the correct push direction.
    push_direction = np.sign(push_axis[push_axis_idx]) if should_open else -1 * np.sign(push_axis[push_axis_idx])
    canonical_push_direction = canonical_push_axis * push_direction

    # Pick the closer of the two faces along the push axis as our favorite.
    points_along_push_axis = (
        np.array([canonical_push_axis, -canonical_push_axis]) * bbox_extent_in_link_frame[push_axis_idx] / 2
    ) = _get_closest_point_to_point_in_world_frame(
        points_along_push_axis, (bbox_center_in_world, bbox_quat_in_world), robot.get_position()
    push_axis_closer_side_sign = 1 if push_axis_closer_side_idx == 0 else -1

    # Pick the other axes.
    all_axes = list(set(range(3)) - {push_axis_idx})
    x_axis_idx, y_axis_idx = tuple(sorted(all_axes))
    canonical_x_axis = np.eye(3)[x_axis_idx]
    canonical_y_axis = np.eye(3)[y_axis_idx]

    # Find the correct side of the lateral axis & go some distance along that direction.
    min_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center = (canonical_x_axis + canonical_y_axis) * -bbox_extent_in_link_frame / 2
    max_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center = (canonical_x_axis + canonical_y_axis) * bbox_extent_in_link_frame / 2
    diff_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center = max_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center - min_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center
    sampled_lateral_pos_wrt_min = np.random.uniform(
        m.PRISMATIC_JOINT_FRACTION_ACROSS_SURFACE_AXIS_BOUNDS[0] * diff_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center,
        m.PRISMATIC_JOINT_FRACTION_ACROSS_SURFACE_AXIS_BOUNDS[1] * diff_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center,
    lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center = min_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center + sampled_lateral_pos_wrt_min
    grasp_position_in_bbox_frame = center_of_selected_surface_along_push_axis + lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center
    grasp_quat_in_bbox_frame = T.quat_inverse(joint_orientation)
    grasp_pose_in_world_frame = T.pose_transform(
        bbox_center_in_world, bbox_quat_in_world, grasp_position_in_bbox_frame, grasp_quat_in_bbox_frame

    # Now apply the grasp offset.
    dist_from_grasp_pos = robot.finger_lengths[robot.default_arm] + 0.05
    offset_grasp_pose_in_bbox_frame = (grasp_position_in_bbox_frame + canonical_push_axis * push_axis_closer_side_sign * dist_from_grasp_pos, grasp_quat_in_bbox_frame)
    offset_grasp_pose_in_world_frame = T.pose_transform(
        bbox_center_in_world, bbox_quat_in_world, *offset_grasp_pose_in_bbox_frame

    # To compute the rotation position, we want to decide how far along the rotation axis we'll go.
    target_joint_pos = relevant_joint.upper_limit if should_open else relevant_joint.lower_limit
    current_joint_pos = relevant_joint.get_state()[0][0]

    required_pos_change = target_joint_pos - current_joint_pos
    push_vector_in_bbox_frame = canonical_push_direction * abs(required_pos_change)
    target_hand_pos_in_bbox_frame = grasp_position_in_bbox_frame + push_vector_in_bbox_frame
    target_hand_pose_in_world_frame = T.pose_transform(
        bbox_center_in_world, bbox_quat_in_world, target_hand_pos_in_bbox_frame, grasp_quat_in_bbox_frame

    # Compute the approach direction.
    approach_direction_in_world_frame = R.from_quat(bbox_quat_in_world).apply(canonical_push_axis * -push_axis_closer_side_sign)

    # Decide whether a grasp is required. If approach direction and displacement are similar, no need to grasp.
    grasp_required =, canonical_push_axis * -push_axis_closer_side_sign) < 0
    # TODO: Need to find a better of getting the predicted position of eef for start point of interpolating waypoints. Maybe
    # break this into another function that called after the grasp is executed, so we know the eef position?
    waypoint_start_offset = -0.05 * approach_direction_in_world_frame if should_open else 0.05 * approach_direction_in_world_frame
    waypoint_start_pose = (grasp_pose_in_world_frame[0] + -1 * approach_direction_in_world_frame * (robot.finger_lengths[robot.default_arm] + waypoint_start_offset), grasp_pose_in_world_frame[1])
    waypoint_end_pose = (target_hand_pose_in_world_frame[0] + -1 * approach_direction_in_world_frame * (robot.finger_lengths[robot.default_arm]), target_hand_pose_in_world_frame[1])
    waypoints = interpolate_waypoints(waypoint_start_pose, waypoint_end_pose, num_waypoints=num_waypoints)

    return (

grasp_position_for_open_on_revolute_joint(robot, target_obj, relevant_joint, should_open)

Computes the grasp position for opening or closing a revolute joint.


Name Type Description Default

the robot object


the object to open


the revolute joint to open


a boolean indicating whether we are opening or closing



Type Description

Tuple, containing: offset_grasp_pose_in_world_frame: the grasp pose in the world frame waypoints: the interpolated waypoints between the start and end poses approach_direction_in_world_frame: the approach direction in the world frame grasp_required: a boolean indicating whether a grasp is required for the opening/closing based on which side of the joint we are required_pos_change: the required change in position of the joint to open/close

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def grasp_position_for_open_on_revolute_joint(robot, target_obj, relevant_joint, should_open):
    Computes the grasp position for opening or closing a revolute joint.

      robot: the robot object
      target_obj: the object to open
      relevant_joint: the revolute joint to open
      should_open: a boolean indicating whether we are opening or closing

      Tuple, containing:
        offset_grasp_pose_in_world_frame: the grasp pose in the world frame
        waypoints: the interpolated waypoints between the start and end poses
        approach_direction_in_world_frame: the approach direction in the world frame
        grasp_required: a boolean indicating whether a grasp is required for the opening/closing based on which side of the joint we are
        required_pos_change: the required change in position of the joint to open/close
    link_name = relevant_joint.body1.split("/")[-1]
    link = target_obj.links[link_name]

    # Get the bounding box of the child link.
    ) = target_obj.get_base_aligned_bbox(link_name=link_name, visual=False)

    bbox_quat_in_world = link.get_orientation()
    bbox_extent_in_link_frame = np.array(target_obj.native_link_bboxes[link_name]['collision']['axis_aligned']['extent'])
    bbox_wrt_origin = T.relative_pose_transform(bbox_center_in_world, bbox_quat_in_world, *link.get_position_orientation())
    origin_wrt_bbox = T.invert_pose_transform(*bbox_wrt_origin)

    joint_orientation = lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.rotations.gf_quat_to_np_array(relevant_joint.get_attribute("physics:localRot0"))[[1, 2, 3, 0]]
    joint_axis = R.from_quat(joint_orientation).apply([1, 0, 0])
    joint_axis /= np.linalg.norm(joint_axis)
    origin_towards_bbox = np.array(bbox_wrt_origin[0])
    open_direction = np.cross(joint_axis, origin_towards_bbox)
    open_direction /= np.linalg.norm(open_direction)
    lateral_axis = np.cross(open_direction, joint_axis)

    # Match the axes to the canonical axes of the link bb.
    lateral_axis_idx = np.argmax(np.abs(lateral_axis))
    open_axis_idx = np.argmax(np.abs(open_direction))
    joint_axis_idx = np.argmax(np.abs(joint_axis))
    assert lateral_axis_idx != open_axis_idx
    assert lateral_axis_idx != joint_axis_idx
    assert open_axis_idx != joint_axis_idx

    canonical_open_direction = np.eye(3)[open_axis_idx]
    points_along_open_axis = (
        np.array([canonical_open_direction, -canonical_open_direction]) * bbox_extent_in_link_frame[open_axis_idx] / 2
    current_yaw = relevant_joint.get_state()[0][0]
    closed_yaw = relevant_joint.lower_limit
    points_along_open_axis_after_rotation = [
        _rotate_point_around_axis((point, [0, 0, 0, 1]), bbox_wrt_origin, joint_axis, closed_yaw - current_yaw)[0]
        for point in points_along_open_axis
    open_axis_closer_side_idx, _, _ = _get_closest_point_to_point_in_world_frame(
        points_along_open_axis_after_rotation, (bbox_center_in_world, bbox_quat_in_world), robot.get_position()
    open_axis_closer_side_sign = 1 if open_axis_closer_side_idx == 0 else -1
    center_of_selected_surface_along_push_axis = points_along_open_axis[open_axis_closer_side_idx]

    # Find the correct side of the lateral axis & go some distance along that direction.
    canonical_joint_axis = np.eye(3)[joint_axis_idx]
    lateral_away_from_origin = np.eye(3)[lateral_axis_idx] * np.sign(origin_towards_bbox[lateral_axis_idx])
    min_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center = (
        lateral_away_from_origin * -np.array(origin_wrt_bbox[0])
        - canonical_joint_axis * bbox_extent_in_link_frame[lateral_axis_idx] / 2
    max_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center = (
        lateral_away_from_origin * bbox_extent_in_link_frame[lateral_axis_idx] / 2
        + canonical_joint_axis * bbox_extent_in_link_frame[lateral_axis_idx] / 2
    diff_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center = max_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center - min_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center
    sampled_lateral_pos_wrt_min = np.random.uniform(
        m.REVOLUTE_JOINT_FRACTION_ACROSS_SURFACE_AXIS_BOUNDS[0] * diff_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center,
        m.REVOLUTE_JOINT_FRACTION_ACROSS_SURFACE_AXIS_BOUNDS[1] * diff_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center,
    lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center = min_lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center + sampled_lateral_pos_wrt_min
    grasp_position = center_of_selected_surface_along_push_axis + lateral_pos_wrt_surface_center
    # Get the appropriate rotation

    # grasp_quat_in_bbox_frame = get_quaternion_between_vectors([1, 0, 0], canonical_open_direction * open_axis_closer_side_sign * -1)
    grasp_quat_in_bbox_frame = _get_orientation_facing_vector_with_random_yaw(canonical_open_direction * open_axis_closer_side_sign * -1)

    # Now apply the grasp offset.
    dist_from_grasp_pos = robot.finger_lengths[robot.default_arm] + 0.05
    offset_in_bbox_frame = canonical_open_direction * open_axis_closer_side_sign * dist_from_grasp_pos
    offset_grasp_pose_in_bbox_frame = (grasp_position + offset_in_bbox_frame, grasp_quat_in_bbox_frame)
    offset_grasp_pose_in_world_frame = T.pose_transform(
        bbox_center_in_world, bbox_quat_in_world, *offset_grasp_pose_in_bbox_frame

    # To compute the rotation position, we want to decide how far along the rotation axis we'll go.
    desired_yaw = relevant_joint.upper_limit if should_open else relevant_joint.lower_limit
    required_yaw_change = desired_yaw - current_yaw

    # Now we'll rotate the grasp position around the origin by the desired rotation.
    # Note that we use the non-offset position here since the joint can't be pulled all the way to the offset.
    grasp_pose_in_bbox_frame = grasp_position, grasp_quat_in_bbox_frame
    grasp_pose_in_origin_frame = T.pose_transform(*bbox_wrt_origin, *grasp_pose_in_bbox_frame)

    # Get the arc length and divide it up to 10cm segments
    arc_length = abs(required_yaw_change) * np.linalg.norm(grasp_pose_in_origin_frame[0])
    turn_steps = int(ceil(arc_length / m.ROTATION_ARC_SEGMENT_LENGTHS))
    targets = []

    for i in range(turn_steps):
        partial_yaw_change = (i + 1) / turn_steps * required_yaw_change
        rotated_grasp_pose_in_bbox_frame = _rotate_point_around_axis(
            (offset_grasp_pose_in_bbox_frame[0], offset_grasp_pose_in_bbox_frame[1]), bbox_wrt_origin, joint_axis, partial_yaw_change
        rotated_grasp_pose_in_world_frame = T.pose_transform(
            bbox_center_in_world, bbox_quat_in_world, *rotated_grasp_pose_in_bbox_frame

    # Compute the approach direction.
    approach_direction_in_world_frame = R.from_quat(bbox_quat_in_world).apply(canonical_open_direction * -open_axis_closer_side_sign)

    # Decide whether a grasp is required. If approach direction and displacement are similar, no need to grasp.
    movement_in_world_frame = np.array(targets[-1][0]) - np.array(offset_grasp_pose_in_world_frame[0])
    grasp_required =, approach_direction_in_world_frame) < 0

    return (

interpolate_waypoints(start_pose, end_pose, num_waypoints='default')

Interpolates a series of waypoints between a start and end pose.


Name Type Description Default
start_pose tuple

A tuple containing the starting position and orientation as a quaternion.

end_pose tuple

A tuple containing the ending position and orientation as a quaternion.

num_waypoints int

The number of waypoints to interpolate. If "default", the number of waypoints is calculated based on the distance between the start and end pose.



Name Type Description

A list of tuples representing the interpolated waypoints, where each tuple contains a position and orientation as a quaternion.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def interpolate_waypoints(start_pose, end_pose, num_waypoints="default"):
    Interpolates a series of waypoints between a start and end pose.

        start_pose (tuple): A tuple containing the starting position and orientation as a quaternion.
        end_pose (tuple): A tuple containing the ending position and orientation as a quaternion.
        num_waypoints (int, optional): The number of waypoints to interpolate. If "default", the number of waypoints is calculated based on the distance between the start and end pose.

        list: A list of tuples representing the interpolated waypoints, where each tuple contains a position and orientation as a quaternion.
    start_pos, start_orn = start_pose
    travel_distance = np.linalg.norm(end_pose[0] - start_pos)

    if num_waypoints == "default":
        num_waypoints = np.max([2, int(travel_distance / 0.01) + 1])
    pos_waypoints = np.linspace(start_pos, end_pose[0], num_waypoints)

    # Also interpolate the rotations
    combined_rotation = R.from_quat(np.array([start_orn, end_pose[1]]))
    slerp = Slerp([0, 1], combined_rotation)
    orn_waypoints = slerp(np.linspace(0, 1, num_waypoints))
    quat_waypoints = [x.as_quat() for x in orn_waypoints]
    return [waypoint for waypoint in zip(pos_waypoints, quat_waypoints)]