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Bases: JointController, ManipulationController

Controller class to convert (delta) EEF commands into joint velocities using Inverse Kinematics (IK).

Each controller step consists of the following
  1. Clip + Scale inputted command according to @command_input_limits and @command_output_limits
  2. Run Inverse Kinematics to back out joint velocities for a desired task frame command
  3. Clips the resulting command by the motor (velocity) limits
Source code in omnigibson/controllers/
class InverseKinematicsController(JointController, ManipulationController):
    Controller class to convert (delta) EEF commands into joint velocities using Inverse Kinematics (IK).

    Each controller step consists of the following:
        1. Clip + Scale inputted command according to @command_input_limits and @command_output_limits
        2. Run Inverse Kinematics to back out joint velocities for a desired task frame command
        3. Clips the resulting command by the motor (velocity) limits

    def __init__(
        command_output_limits=((-0.2, -0.2, -0.2, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)),
            task_name (str): name assigned to this task frame for computing IK control. During control calculations,
                the inputted control_dict should include entries named <@task_name>_pos_relative and
                <@task_name>_quat_relative. See self._command_to_control() for what these values should entail.
            robot_description_path (str): path to robot descriptor yaml file
            robot_urdf_path (str): path to robot urdf file
            eef_name (str): end effector frame name
            control_freq (int): controller loop frequency
            reset_joint_pos (Array[float]): reset joint positions, used as part of nullspace controller in IK.
                Note that this should correspond to ALL the joints; the exact indices will be extracted via @dof_idx
            control_limits (Dict[str, Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]]): The min/max limits to the outputted
                    control signal. Should specify per-dof type limits, i.e.:

                    "position": [[min], [max]]
                    "velocity": [[min], [max]]
                    "effort": [[min], [max]]
                    "has_limit": [...bool...]

                Values outside of this range will be clipped, if the corresponding joint index in has_limit is True.
            dof_idx (Array[int]): specific dof indices controlled by this robot. Used for inferring
                controller-relevant values during control computations
            command_input_limits (None or "default" or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]):
                if set, is the min/max acceptable inputted command. Values outside this range will be clipped.
                If None, no clipping will be used. If "default", range will be set to (-1, 1)
            command_output_limits (None or "default" or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]):
                if set, is the min/max scaled command. If both this value and @command_input_limits is not None,
                then all inputted command values will be scaled from the input range to the output range.
                If either is None, no scaling will be used. If "default", then this range will automatically be set
                to the @control_limits entry corresponding to self.control_type
            kp (None or float): The proportional gain applied to the joint controller. If None, a default value
                will be used. Only relevant if @use_impedances=True
            damping_ratio (None or float): The damping ratio applied to the joint controller. If None, a default
                value will be used. Only relevant if @use_impedances=True
            use_impedances (bool): If True, will use impedances via the mass matrix to modify the desired efforts
            mode (str): mode to use when computing IK. In all cases, position commands are 3DOF delta (dx,dy,dz)
                cartesian values, relative to the robot base frame. Valid options are:
                    - "absolute_pose": 6DOF (dx,dy,dz,ax,ay,az) control over pose,
                        where both the position and the orientation is given in absolute axis-angle coordinates
                    - "pose_absolute_ori": 6DOF (dx,dy,dz,ax,ay,az) control over pose,
                        where the orientation is given in absolute axis-angle coordinates
                    - "pose_delta_ori": 6DOF (dx,dy,dz,dax,day,daz) control over pose
                    - "position_fixed_ori": 3DOF (dx,dy,dz) control over position,
                        with orientation commands being kept as fixed initial absolute orientation
                    - "position_compliant_ori": 3DOF (dx,dy,dz) control over position,
                        with orientation commands automatically being sent as 0s (so can drift over time)
            smoothing_filter_size (None or int): if specified, sets the size of a moving average filter to apply
                on all outputted IK joint positions.
            workspace_pose_limiter (None or function): if specified, callback method that should clip absolute
                target (x,y,z) cartesian position and absolute quaternion orientation (x,y,z,w) to a specific workspace
                range (i.e.: this can be unique to each robot, and implemented by each embodiment).
                Function signature should be:

                    def limiter(target_pos: Array[float], target_quat: Array[float], control_dict: Dict[str, Any]) --> Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]

                where target_pos is (x,y,z) cartesian position values, target_quat is (x,y,z,w) quarternion orientation
                values, and the returned tuple is the processed (pos, quat) command.
            condition_on_current_position (bool): if True, will use the current joint position as the initial guess for the IK algorithm.
                Otherwise, will use the reset_joint_pos as the initial guess.
        # Store arguments
        control_dim = len(dof_idx)
        self.control_filter = (
            if smoothing_filter_size in {None, 0}
            else MovingAverageFilter(obs_dim=control_dim, filter_width=smoothing_filter_size)
        assert mode in IK_MODES, f"Invalid ik mode specified! Valid options are: {IK_MODES}, got: {mode}"
        self.mode = mode
        self.workspace_pose_limiter = workspace_pose_limiter
        self.task_name = task_name
        self.reset_joint_pos = reset_joint_pos[dof_idx]
        self.condition_on_current_position = condition_on_current_position

        # Create the lula IKSolver
        self.solver = IKSolver(

        # Other variables that will be filled in at runtime
        self._fixed_quat_target = None

        # If the mode is set as absolute orientation and using default config,
        # change input and output limits accordingly.
        # By default, the input limits are set as 1, so we modify this to have a correct range.
        # The output orientation limits are also set to be values assuming delta commands, so those are updated too
        if self.mode == "pose_absolute_ori":
            if command_input_limits is not None:
                if command_input_limits == "default":
                    command_input_limits = [
                        [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -np.pi, -np.pi, -np.pi],
                        [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, np.pi, np.pi, np.pi],
                    command_input_limits[0][3:] = -np.pi
                    command_input_limits[1][3:] = np.pi
            if command_output_limits is not None:
                if command_output_limits == "default":
                    command_output_limits = [
                        [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -np.pi, -np.pi, -np.pi],
                        [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, np.pi, np.pi, np.pi],
                    command_output_limits[0][3:] = -np.pi
                    command_output_limits[1][3:] = np.pi

        # Run super init

    def reset(self):
        # Call super first

        # Reset the filter and clear internal control state
        if self.control_filter is not None:
        self._fixed_quat_target = None

    def state_size(self):
        # Add state size from the control filter
        return super().state_size + self.control_filter.state_size

    def _dump_state(self):
        # Run super first
        state = super()._dump_state()

        # Add internal quaternion target and filter state
        state["control_filter"] = self.control_filter.dump_state(serialized=False)

        return state

    def _load_state(self, state):
        # Run super first

        # If self._goal is populated, then set fixed_quat_target as well if the mode uses it
        if self.mode == "position_fixed_ori" and self._goal is not None:
            self._fixed_quat_target = self._goal["target_quat"]

        # Load relevant info for this controller
        self.control_filter.load_state(state["control_filter"], serialized=False)

    def _serialize(self, state):
        # Run super first
        state_flat = super()._serialize(state=state)

        # Serialize state for this controller
        return np.concatenate([

    def _deserialize(self, state):
        # Run super first
        state_dict, idx = super()._deserialize(state=state)

        # Deserialize state for this controller
        state_dict["control_filter"] = self.control_filter.deserialize(state=state[idx: idx + self.control_filter.state_size])

        return state_dict, idx + self.control_filter.state_size

    def _update_goal(self, command, control_dict):
        # Grab important info from control dict
        pos_relative = np.array(control_dict[f"{self.task_name}_pos_relative"])
        quat_relative = np.array(control_dict[f"{self.task_name}_quat_relative"])

        # Convert position command to absolute values if needed
        if self.mode == "absolute_pose":
            target_pos = command[:3]
            dpos = command[:3]
            target_pos = pos_relative + dpos

        # Compute orientation
        if self.mode == "position_fixed_ori":
            # We need to grab the current robot orientation as the commanded orientation if there is none saved
            if self._fixed_quat_target is None:
                self._fixed_quat_target = quat_relative.astype(np.float32) \
                    if (self._goal is None) else self._goal["target_quat"]
            target_quat = self._fixed_quat_target
        elif self.mode == "position_compliant_ori":
            # Target quat is simply the current robot orientation
            target_quat = quat_relative
        elif self.mode == "pose_absolute_ori" or self.mode == "absolute_pose":
            # Received "delta" ori is in fact the desired absolute orientation
            target_quat = T.axisangle2quat(command[3:6])
        else:  # pose_delta_ori control
            # Grab dori and compute target ori
            dori = T.quat2mat(T.axisangle2quat(command[3:6]))
            target_quat = T.mat2quat(dori @ T.quat2mat(quat_relative))

        # Possibly limit to workspace if specified
        if self.workspace_pose_limiter is not None:
            target_pos, target_quat = self.workspace_pose_limiter(target_pos, target_quat, control_dict)

        goal_dict = dict(

        return goal_dict

    def compute_control(self, goal_dict, control_dict):
        Converts the (already preprocessed) inputted @command into deployable (non-clipped!) joint control signal.
        This processes the command based on self.mode, possibly clips the command based on self.workspace_pose_limiter,

            goal_dict (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
                goals necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:
                    target_pos: robot-frame (x,y,z) desired end effector position
                    target_quat: robot-frame (x,y,z,w) desired end effector quaternion orientation
            control_dict (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
                states necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:
                    joint_position: Array of current joint positions
                    base_pos: (x,y,z) cartesian position of the robot's base relative to the static global frame
                    base_quat: (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation of the robot's base relative to the static global frame
                    <@self.task_name>_pos_relative: (x,y,z) relative cartesian position of the desired task frame to
                        control, computed in its local frame (e.g.: robot base frame)
                    <@self.task_name>_quat_relative: (x,y,z,w) relative quaternion orientation of the desired task
                        frame to control, computed in its local frame (e.g.: robot base frame)

            Array[float]: outputted (non-clipped!) velocity control signal to deploy
        # Grab important info from control dict
        pos_relative = np.array(control_dict[f"{self.task_name}_pos_relative"])
        quat_relative = np.array(control_dict[f"{self.task_name}_quat_relative"])
        target_pos = goal_dict["target_pos"]
        target_quat = goal_dict["target_quat"]

        # Calculate and return IK-backed out joint angles
        current_joint_pos = control_dict["joint_position"][self.dof_idx]

        # If the delta is really small, we just keep the current joint position. This avoids joint
        # drift caused by IK solver inaccuracy even when zero delta actions are provided.
        if np.allclose(pos_relative, target_pos, atol=1e-4) and np.allclose(quat_relative, target_quat, atol=1e-4):
            target_joint_pos = current_joint_pos
            # Otherwise we try to solve for the IK configuration.
            if self.condition_on_current_position:
                target_joint_pos = self.solver.solve(
                target_joint_pos = self.solver.solve(

            if target_joint_pos is None:
                # Print warning that we couldn't find a valid solution, and return the current joint configuration
                # instead so that we execute a no-op control
                if gm.DEBUG:
                    log.warning(f"Could not find valid IK configuration! Returning no-op control instead.")
                target_joint_pos = current_joint_pos

        # Optionally pass through smoothing filter for better stability
        if self.control_filter is not None:
            target_joint_pos = self.control_filter.estimate(target_joint_pos)

        # Run super to reach desired position / velocity setpoint
        return super().compute_control(goal_dict=dict(target=target_joint_pos), control_dict=control_dict)

    def compute_no_op_goal(self, control_dict):
        # No-op is maintaining current pose
        return dict(

    def _get_goal_shapes(self):
        return dict(

    def command_dim(self):
        return IK_MODE_COMMAND_DIMS[self.mode]

__init__(task_name, robot_description_path, robot_urdf_path, eef_name, control_freq, reset_joint_pos, control_limits, dof_idx, command_input_limits='default', command_output_limits=((-0.2, -0.2, -0.2, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), kp=None, damping_ratio=None, use_impedances=True, mode='pose_delta_ori', smoothing_filter_size=None, workspace_pose_limiter=None, condition_on_current_position=True)


Name Type Description Default
task_name str

name assigned to this task frame for computing IK control. During control calculations, the inputted control_dict should include entries named <@task_name>_pos_relative and <@task_name>_quat_relative. See self._command_to_control() for what these values should entail.

robot_description_path str

path to robot descriptor yaml file

robot_urdf_path str

path to robot urdf file

eef_name str

end effector frame name

control_freq int

controller loop frequency

reset_joint_pos Array[float]

reset joint positions, used as part of nullspace controller in IK. Note that this should correspond to ALL the joints; the exact indices will be extracted via @dof_idx

control_limits Dict[str, Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]]

The min/max limits to the outputted control signal. Should specify per-dof type limits, i.e.:

"position": [[min], [max]]
"velocity": [[min], [max]]
"effort": [[min], [max]]
"has_limit": [...bool...]

Values outside of this range will be clipped, if the corresponding joint index in has_limit is True.

dof_idx Array[int]

specific dof indices controlled by this robot. Used for inferring controller-relevant values during control computations

command_input_limits None or default or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]

if set, is the min/max acceptable inputted command. Values outside this range will be clipped. If None, no clipping will be used. If "default", range will be set to (-1, 1)

command_output_limits None or default or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]

if set, is the min/max scaled command. If both this value and @command_input_limits is not None, then all inputted command values will be scaled from the input range to the output range. If either is None, no scaling will be used. If "default", then this range will automatically be set to the @control_limits entry corresponding to self.control_type

((-0.2, -0.2, -0.2, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
kp None or float

The proportional gain applied to the joint controller. If None, a default value will be used. Only relevant if @use_impedances=True

damping_ratio None or float

The damping ratio applied to the joint controller. If None, a default value will be used. Only relevant if @use_impedances=True

use_impedances bool

If True, will use impedances via the mass matrix to modify the desired efforts applied

mode str

mode to use when computing IK. In all cases, position commands are 3DOF delta (dx,dy,dz) cartesian values, relative to the robot base frame. Valid options are: - "absolute_pose": 6DOF (dx,dy,dz,ax,ay,az) control over pose, where both the position and the orientation is given in absolute axis-angle coordinates - "pose_absolute_ori": 6DOF (dx,dy,dz,ax,ay,az) control over pose, where the orientation is given in absolute axis-angle coordinates - "pose_delta_ori": 6DOF (dx,dy,dz,dax,day,daz) control over pose - "position_fixed_ori": 3DOF (dx,dy,dz) control over position, with orientation commands being kept as fixed initial absolute orientation - "position_compliant_ori": 3DOF (dx,dy,dz) control over position, with orientation commands automatically being sent as 0s (so can drift over time)

smoothing_filter_size None or int

if specified, sets the size of a moving average filter to apply on all outputted IK joint positions.

workspace_pose_limiter None or function

if specified, callback method that should clip absolute target (x,y,z) cartesian position and absolute quaternion orientation (x,y,z,w) to a specific workspace range (i.e.: this can be unique to each robot, and implemented by each embodiment). Function signature should be:

def limiter(target_pos: Array[float], target_quat: Array[float], control_dict: Dict[str, Any]) --> Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]

where target_pos is (x,y,z) cartesian position values, target_quat is (x,y,z,w) quarternion orientation values, and the returned tuple is the processed (pos, quat) command.

condition_on_current_position bool

if True, will use the current joint position as the initial guess for the IK algorithm. Otherwise, will use the reset_joint_pos as the initial guess.

Source code in omnigibson/controllers/
def __init__(
    command_output_limits=((-0.2, -0.2, -0.2, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5), (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)),
        task_name (str): name assigned to this task frame for computing IK control. During control calculations,
            the inputted control_dict should include entries named <@task_name>_pos_relative and
            <@task_name>_quat_relative. See self._command_to_control() for what these values should entail.
        robot_description_path (str): path to robot descriptor yaml file
        robot_urdf_path (str): path to robot urdf file
        eef_name (str): end effector frame name
        control_freq (int): controller loop frequency
        reset_joint_pos (Array[float]): reset joint positions, used as part of nullspace controller in IK.
            Note that this should correspond to ALL the joints; the exact indices will be extracted via @dof_idx
        control_limits (Dict[str, Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]]): The min/max limits to the outputted
                control signal. Should specify per-dof type limits, i.e.:

                "position": [[min], [max]]
                "velocity": [[min], [max]]
                "effort": [[min], [max]]
                "has_limit": [...bool...]

            Values outside of this range will be clipped, if the corresponding joint index in has_limit is True.
        dof_idx (Array[int]): specific dof indices controlled by this robot. Used for inferring
            controller-relevant values during control computations
        command_input_limits (None or "default" or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]):
            if set, is the min/max acceptable inputted command. Values outside this range will be clipped.
            If None, no clipping will be used. If "default", range will be set to (-1, 1)
        command_output_limits (None or "default" or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]):
            if set, is the min/max scaled command. If both this value and @command_input_limits is not None,
            then all inputted command values will be scaled from the input range to the output range.
            If either is None, no scaling will be used. If "default", then this range will automatically be set
            to the @control_limits entry corresponding to self.control_type
        kp (None or float): The proportional gain applied to the joint controller. If None, a default value
            will be used. Only relevant if @use_impedances=True
        damping_ratio (None or float): The damping ratio applied to the joint controller. If None, a default
            value will be used. Only relevant if @use_impedances=True
        use_impedances (bool): If True, will use impedances via the mass matrix to modify the desired efforts
        mode (str): mode to use when computing IK. In all cases, position commands are 3DOF delta (dx,dy,dz)
            cartesian values, relative to the robot base frame. Valid options are:
                - "absolute_pose": 6DOF (dx,dy,dz,ax,ay,az) control over pose,
                    where both the position and the orientation is given in absolute axis-angle coordinates
                - "pose_absolute_ori": 6DOF (dx,dy,dz,ax,ay,az) control over pose,
                    where the orientation is given in absolute axis-angle coordinates
                - "pose_delta_ori": 6DOF (dx,dy,dz,dax,day,daz) control over pose
                - "position_fixed_ori": 3DOF (dx,dy,dz) control over position,
                    with orientation commands being kept as fixed initial absolute orientation
                - "position_compliant_ori": 3DOF (dx,dy,dz) control over position,
                    with orientation commands automatically being sent as 0s (so can drift over time)
        smoothing_filter_size (None or int): if specified, sets the size of a moving average filter to apply
            on all outputted IK joint positions.
        workspace_pose_limiter (None or function): if specified, callback method that should clip absolute
            target (x,y,z) cartesian position and absolute quaternion orientation (x,y,z,w) to a specific workspace
            range (i.e.: this can be unique to each robot, and implemented by each embodiment).
            Function signature should be:

                def limiter(target_pos: Array[float], target_quat: Array[float], control_dict: Dict[str, Any]) --> Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]

            where target_pos is (x,y,z) cartesian position values, target_quat is (x,y,z,w) quarternion orientation
            values, and the returned tuple is the processed (pos, quat) command.
        condition_on_current_position (bool): if True, will use the current joint position as the initial guess for the IK algorithm.
            Otherwise, will use the reset_joint_pos as the initial guess.
    # Store arguments
    control_dim = len(dof_idx)
    self.control_filter = (
        if smoothing_filter_size in {None, 0}
        else MovingAverageFilter(obs_dim=control_dim, filter_width=smoothing_filter_size)
    assert mode in IK_MODES, f"Invalid ik mode specified! Valid options are: {IK_MODES}, got: {mode}"
    self.mode = mode
    self.workspace_pose_limiter = workspace_pose_limiter
    self.task_name = task_name
    self.reset_joint_pos = reset_joint_pos[dof_idx]
    self.condition_on_current_position = condition_on_current_position

    # Create the lula IKSolver
    self.solver = IKSolver(

    # Other variables that will be filled in at runtime
    self._fixed_quat_target = None

    # If the mode is set as absolute orientation and using default config,
    # change input and output limits accordingly.
    # By default, the input limits are set as 1, so we modify this to have a correct range.
    # The output orientation limits are also set to be values assuming delta commands, so those are updated too
    if self.mode == "pose_absolute_ori":
        if command_input_limits is not None:
            if command_input_limits == "default":
                command_input_limits = [
                    [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -np.pi, -np.pi, -np.pi],
                    [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, np.pi, np.pi, np.pi],
                command_input_limits[0][3:] = -np.pi
                command_input_limits[1][3:] = np.pi
        if command_output_limits is not None:
            if command_output_limits == "default":
                command_output_limits = [
                    [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -np.pi, -np.pi, -np.pi],
                    [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, np.pi, np.pi, np.pi],
                command_output_limits[0][3:] = -np.pi
                command_output_limits[1][3:] = np.pi

    # Run super init

compute_control(goal_dict, control_dict)

Converts the (already preprocessed) inputted @command into deployable (non-clipped!) joint control signal. This processes the command based on self.mode, possibly clips the command based on self.workspace_pose_limiter,


Name Type Description Default
goal_dict Dict[str, Any]

dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped goals necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys: target_pos: robot-frame (x,y,z) desired end effector position target_quat: robot-frame (x,y,z,w) desired end effector quaternion orientation

control_dict Dict[str, Any]

dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped states necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys: joint_position: Array of current joint positions base_pos: (x,y,z) cartesian position of the robot's base relative to the static global frame base_quat: (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation of the robot's base relative to the static global frame <@self.task_name>_pos_relative: (x,y,z) relative cartesian position of the desired task frame to control, computed in its local frame (e.g.: robot base frame) <@self.task_name>_quat_relative: (x,y,z,w) relative quaternion orientation of the desired task frame to control, computed in its local frame (e.g.: robot base frame)



Type Description

Array[float]: outputted (non-clipped!) velocity control signal to deploy

Source code in omnigibson/controllers/
def compute_control(self, goal_dict, control_dict):
    Converts the (already preprocessed) inputted @command into deployable (non-clipped!) joint control signal.
    This processes the command based on self.mode, possibly clips the command based on self.workspace_pose_limiter,

        goal_dict (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
            goals necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:
                target_pos: robot-frame (x,y,z) desired end effector position
                target_quat: robot-frame (x,y,z,w) desired end effector quaternion orientation
        control_dict (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
            states necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:
                joint_position: Array of current joint positions
                base_pos: (x,y,z) cartesian position of the robot's base relative to the static global frame
                base_quat: (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation of the robot's base relative to the static global frame
                <@self.task_name>_pos_relative: (x,y,z) relative cartesian position of the desired task frame to
                    control, computed in its local frame (e.g.: robot base frame)
                <@self.task_name>_quat_relative: (x,y,z,w) relative quaternion orientation of the desired task
                    frame to control, computed in its local frame (e.g.: robot base frame)

        Array[float]: outputted (non-clipped!) velocity control signal to deploy
    # Grab important info from control dict
    pos_relative = np.array(control_dict[f"{self.task_name}_pos_relative"])
    quat_relative = np.array(control_dict[f"{self.task_name}_quat_relative"])
    target_pos = goal_dict["target_pos"]
    target_quat = goal_dict["target_quat"]

    # Calculate and return IK-backed out joint angles
    current_joint_pos = control_dict["joint_position"][self.dof_idx]

    # If the delta is really small, we just keep the current joint position. This avoids joint
    # drift caused by IK solver inaccuracy even when zero delta actions are provided.
    if np.allclose(pos_relative, target_pos, atol=1e-4) and np.allclose(quat_relative, target_quat, atol=1e-4):
        target_joint_pos = current_joint_pos
        # Otherwise we try to solve for the IK configuration.
        if self.condition_on_current_position:
            target_joint_pos = self.solver.solve(
            target_joint_pos = self.solver.solve(

        if target_joint_pos is None:
            # Print warning that we couldn't find a valid solution, and return the current joint configuration
            # instead so that we execute a no-op control
            if gm.DEBUG:
                log.warning(f"Could not find valid IK configuration! Returning no-op control instead.")
            target_joint_pos = current_joint_pos

    # Optionally pass through smoothing filter for better stability
    if self.control_filter is not None:
        target_joint_pos = self.control_filter.estimate(target_joint_pos)

    # Run super to reach desired position / velocity setpoint
    return super().compute_control(goal_dict=dict(target=target_joint_pos), control_dict=control_dict)