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main(random_selection=False, headless=False, short_exec=False)

Prompts the user to select a type of scene and loads a turtlebot into it, generating a Point-Goal navigation task within the environment.

It steps the environment 100 times with random actions sampled from the action space, using the Gym interface, resetting it 10 times.

Source code in omnigibson/examples/environments/
def main(random_selection=False, headless=False, short_exec=False):
    Prompts the user to select a type of scene and loads a turtlebot into it, generating a Point-Goal navigation
    task within the environment.

    It steps the environment 100 times with random actions sampled from the action space,
    using the Gym interface, resetting it 10 times.
    """"Demo {__file__}\n    " + "*" * 80 + "\n    Description:\n" + main.__doc__ + "*" * 80)

    # Load the config
    config_filename = os.path.join(og.example_config_path, f"turtlebot_nav.yaml")
    config = yaml.load(open(config_filename, "r"), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

    # check if we want to quick load or full load the scene
    load_options = {
        "Quick": "Only load the building assets (i.e.: the floors, walls, ceilings)",
        "Full": "Load all interactive objects in the scene",
    load_mode = choose_from_options(options=load_options, name="load mode", random_selection=random_selection)
    if load_mode == "Quick":
        config["scene"]["load_object_categories"] = ["floors", "walls", "ceilings"]

    # Load the environment
    env = og.Environment(configs=config)

    # Allow user to move camera more easily

    # Run a simple loop and reset periodically
    max_iterations = 10 if not short_exec else 1
    for j in range(max_iterations):"Resetting environment")
        for i in range(100):
            action = env.action_space.sample()
            state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
            if done:
      "Episode finished after {} timesteps".format(i + 1))

    # Always close the environment at the end