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Simple class interface for observable objects. These objects should implement a way to grab observations, (get_obs()), and should define an observation space that is created when load_observation_space() is called


Name Type Description Default

dict, does nothing, used to sink any extraneous arguments during initialization

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class GymObservable(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    Simple class interface for observable objects. These objects should implement a way to grab observations,
    (get_obs()), and should define an observation space that is created when load_observation_space() is called

        kwargs: dict, does nothing, used to sink any extraneous arguments during initialization
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Initialize variables that we will fill in later
        self.observation_space = None

        # Call any super methods
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_obs(self, **kwargs):
        Get observations for the object. Note that the shape / nested structure should match that
        of @self.observation_space!

            kwargs (dict): Any keyword args necessary for grabbing observations

                dict: Keyword-mapped observations mapping observation names to nested observations
                dict: Additional information about the observations
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _build_obs_box_space(shape, low, high, dtype=np.float32):
        Helper function that builds individual observation box spaces.

            shape (n-array): Shape of the space
            low (float): Lower bound of the space
            high (float): Upper bound of the space

            gym.spaces.Box: Generated gym box observation space
        return gym.spaces.Box(low=low, high=high, shape=shape, dtype=dtype)

    def _load_observation_space(self):
        Create the observation space for this object. Should be implemented by subclass

            dict: Keyword-mapped observation space for this object mapping observation name to observation space
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def load_observation_space(self):
        Load the observation space internally, and also return this value

            gym.spaces.Dict: Loaded observation space for this object
        # Load the observation space and convert it into a gym-compatible dictionary
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(self._load_observation_space())
        log.debug(f"Loaded obs space dictionary for: {self.__class__.__name__}")

        return self.observation_space

get_obs(**kwargs) abstractmethod

Get observations for the object. Note that the shape / nested structure should match that of @self.observation_space!


Name Type Description Default
kwargs dict

Any keyword args necessary for grabbing observations



Type Description

2-tuple: dict: Keyword-mapped observations mapping observation names to nested observations dict: Additional information about the observations

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_obs(self, **kwargs):
    Get observations for the object. Note that the shape / nested structure should match that
    of @self.observation_space!

        kwargs (dict): Any keyword args necessary for grabbing observations

            dict: Keyword-mapped observations mapping observation names to nested observations
            dict: Additional information about the observations
    raise NotImplementedError()


Load the observation space internally, and also return this value


Type Description

gym.spaces.Dict: Loaded observation space for this object

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def load_observation_space(self):
    Load the observation space internally, and also return this value

        gym.spaces.Dict: Loaded observation space for this object
    # Load the observation space and convert it into a gym-compatible dictionary
    self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(self._load_observation_space())
    log.debug(f"Loaded obs space dictionary for: {self.__class__.__name__}")

    return self.observation_space


Helper function to recursively iterate through dictionary and cast values to necessary types to be compatibel with Gym spaces -- in particular, the Sequence and Tuple types for np.ndarray / np.void values in @dic


Name Type Description Default
dic dict or Dict

(Potentially nested) dictionary to convert into a flattened dictionary



Name Type Description

Gym-compatible version of @dic

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def recursively_generate_compatible_dict(dic):
    Helper function to recursively iterate through dictionary and cast values to necessary types to be compatibel with
    Gym spaces -- in particular, the Sequence and Tuple types for np.ndarray / np.void values in @dic

        dic (dict or gym.spaces.Dict): (Potentially nested) dictionary to convert into a flattened dictionary

        dict: Gym-compatible version of @dic
    out = dict()
    for k, v in dic.items():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            out[k] = recursively_generate_compatible_dict(dic=v)
        elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and len(v.dtype) > 0:
            # Map to list of tuples
            out[k] = list(map(tuple, v))
            # Preserve the key-value pair
            out[k] = v

    return out

recursively_generate_flat_dict(dic, prefix=None)

Helper function to recursively iterate through dictionary / gym.spaces.Dict @dic and flatten any nested elements, such that the result is a flat dictionary mapping keys to values


Name Type Description Default
dic dict or Dict

(Potentially nested) dictionary to convert into a flattened dictionary

prefix None or str

Prefix to append to the beginning of all strings in the flattened dictionary. None results in no prefix being applied



Name Type Description

Flattened version of @dic

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def recursively_generate_flat_dict(dic, prefix=None):
    Helper function to recursively iterate through dictionary / gym.spaces.Dict @dic and flatten any nested elements,
    such that the result is a flat dictionary mapping keys to values

        dic (dict or gym.spaces.Dict): (Potentially nested) dictionary to convert into a flattened dictionary
        prefix (None or str): Prefix to append to the beginning of all strings in the flattened dictionary. None results
            in no prefix being applied

        dict: Flattened version of @dic
    out = dict()
    prefix = "" if prefix is None else f"{prefix}::"
    for k, v in dic.items():
        if isinstance(v, gym.spaces.Dict) or isinstance(v, dict):
            out.update(recursively_generate_flat_dict(dic=v, prefix=f"{prefix}{k}"))
        elif isinstance(v, gym.spaces.Tuple) or isinstance(v, tuple):
            for i, vv in enumerate(v):
                # Assume no dicts are nested within tuples
                out[f"{prefix}{k}::{i}"] = vv
            # Add to out dict
            out[f"{prefix}{k}"] = v

    return out