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Bases: LocomotionController, ManipulationController, GripperController

Controller class for joint control. Because omniverse can handle direct position / velocity / effort control signals, this is merely a pass-through operation from command to control (with clipping / scaling built in).

Each controller step consists of the following
  1. Clip + Scale inputted command according to @command_input_limits and @command_output_limits 2a. If using delta commands, then adds the command to the current joint state 2b. Clips the resulting command by the motor limits
Source code in omnigibson/controllers/
class JointController(LocomotionController, ManipulationController, GripperController):
    Controller class for joint control. Because omniverse can handle direct position / velocity / effort
    control signals, this is merely a pass-through operation from command to control (with clipping / scaling built in).

    Each controller step consists of the following:
        1. Clip + Scale inputted command according to @command_input_limits and @command_output_limits
        2a. If using delta commands, then adds the command to the current joint state
        2b. Clips the resulting command by the motor limits

    def __init__(
            control_freq (int): controller loop frequency
            motor_type (str): type of motor being controlled, one of {position, velocity, effort}
            control_limits (Dict[str, Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]]): The min/max limits to the outputted
                control signal. Should specify per-dof type limits, i.e.:

                "position": [[min], [max]]
                "velocity": [[min], [max]]
                "effort": [[min], [max]]
                "has_limit": [...bool...]

                Values outside of this range will be clipped, if the corresponding joint index in has_limit is True.
            dof_idx (Array[int]): specific dof indices controlled by this robot. Used for inferring
                controller-relevant values during control computations
            command_input_limits (None or "default" or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]):
                if set, is the min/max acceptable inputted command. Values outside this range will be clipped.
                If None, no clipping will be used. If "default", range will be set to (-1, 1)
            command_output_limits (None or "default" or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]):
                if set, is the min/max scaled command. If both this value and @command_input_limits is not None,
                then all inputted command values will be scaled from the input range to the output range.
                If either is None, no scaling will be used. If "default", then this range will automatically be set
                to the @control_limits entry corresponding to self.control_type
            kp (None or float): If @motor_type is "position" or "velocity" and @use_impedances=True, this is the
                proportional gain applied to the joint controller. If None, a default value will be used.
            damping_ratio (None or float): If @motor_type is "position" and @use_impedances=True, this is the
                damping ratio applied to the joint controller. If None, a default value will be used.
            use_impedances (bool): If True, will use impedances via the mass matrix to modify the desired efforts
            use_delta_commands (bool): whether inputted commands should be interpreted as delta or absolute values
            compute_delta_in_quat_space (None or List[(rx_idx, ry_idx, rz_idx), ...]): if specified, groups of
                joints that need to be processed in quaternion space to avoid gimbal lock issues normally faced by
                3 DOF rotation joints. Each group needs to consist of three idxes corresponding to the indices in
                the input space. This is only used in the delta_commands mode.
        # Store arguments
        assert_valid_key(key=motor_type.lower(), valid_keys=ControlType.VALID_TYPES_STR, name="motor_type")
        self._motor_type = motor_type.lower()
        self._use_delta_commands = use_delta_commands
        self._compute_delta_in_quat_space = [] if compute_delta_in_quat_space is None else compute_delta_in_quat_space

        # Store control gains
        if self._motor_type == "position":
            kp = m.DEFAULT_JOINT_POS_KP if kp is None else kp
            damping_ratio = m.DEFAULT_JOINT_POS_DAMPING_RATIO if damping_ratio is None else damping_ratio
        elif self._motor_type == "velocity":
            kp = m.DEFAULT_JOINT_VEL_KP if kp is None else kp
            assert damping_ratio is None, "Cannot set damping_ratio for JointController with motor_type=velocity!"
        else:   # effort
            assert kp is None, "Cannot set kp for JointController with motor_type=effort!"
            assert damping_ratio is None, "Cannot set damping_ratio for JointController with motor_type=effort!" = kp
        self.kd = None if damping_ratio is None else 2 * np.sqrt( * damping_ratio
        self._use_impedances = use_impedances

        # When in delta mode, it doesn't make sense to infer output range using the joint limits (since that's an
        # absolute range and our values are relative). So reject the default mode option in that case.
        assert not (self._use_delta_commands and command_output_limits == "default"), \
            "Cannot use 'default' command output limits in delta commands mode of JointController. Try None instead."

        # Run super init

    def _update_goal(self, command, control_dict):
        # Compute the base value for the command
        base_value = control_dict[f"joint_{self._motor_type}"][self.dof_idx]

        # If we're using delta commands, add this value
        if self._use_delta_commands:

            # Apply the command to the base value.
            target = base_value + command

            # Correct any gimbal lock issues using the compute_delta_in_quat_space group.
            for rx_ind, ry_ind, rz_ind in self._compute_delta_in_quat_space:
                # Grab the starting rotations of these joints.
                start_rots = base_value[[rx_ind, ry_ind, rz_ind]]

                # Grab the delta rotations.
                delta_rots = command[[rx_ind, ry_ind, rz_ind]]

                # Compute the final rotations in the quaternion space.
                _, end_quat = T.pose_transform(np.zeros(3), T.euler2quat(delta_rots),
                                               np.zeros(3), T.euler2quat(start_rots))
                end_rots = T.quat2euler(end_quat)

                # Update the command
                target[[rx_ind, ry_ind, rz_ind]] = end_rots

        # Otherwise, goal is simply the command itself
            target = command

        # Clip the command based on the limits
        target = target.clip(

        return dict(target=target)

    def compute_control(self, goal_dict, control_dict):
        Converts the (already preprocessed) inputted @command into deployable (non-clipped!) joint control signal

            goal_dict (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
                goals necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:
                    target: desired N-dof absolute joint values used as setpoint
            control_dict (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
                states necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:
                    joint_position: Array of current joint positions
                    joint_velocity: Array of current joint velocities
                    joint_effort: Array of current joint effort

            Array[float]: outputted (non-clipped!) control signal to deploy
        base_value = control_dict[f"joint_{self._motor_type}"][self.dof_idx]
        target = goal_dict["target"]

        # Convert control into efforts
        if self._use_impedances:
            if self._motor_type == "position":
                # Run impedance controller -- effort = pos_err * kp + vel_err * kd
                position_error = target - base_value
                vel_pos_error = -control_dict[f"joint_velocity"][self.dof_idx]
                u = position_error * + vel_pos_error * self.kd
            elif self._motor_type == "velocity":
                # Compute command torques via PI velocity controller plus gravity compensation torques
                velocity_error = target - base_value
                u = velocity_error *
            else:   # effort
                u = target

            dof_idxs_mat = tuple(np.meshgrid(self.dof_idx, self.dof_idx))
            mm = control_dict["mass_matrix"][dof_idxs_mat]
            u =, u)

            # Add gravity compensation
            u += control_dict["gravity_force"][self.dof_idx] + control_dict["cc_force"][self.dof_idx]

            # Desired is the exact goal
            u = target

        # Return control
        return u

    def compute_no_op_goal(self, control_dict):
        # Compute based on mode
        if self._motor_type == "position":
            # Maintain current qpos
            target = control_dict[f"joint_{self._motor_type}"][self.dof_idx]
            # For velocity / effort, directly set to 0
            target = np.zeros(self.control_dim)

        return dict(target=target)

    def _get_goal_shapes(self):
        return dict(target=(self.control_dim,))

    def is_grasping(self):
        # No good heuristic to determine grasping, so return UNKNOWN
        return IsGraspingState.UNKNOWN

    def use_delta_commands(self):
            bool: Whether this controller is using delta commands or not
        return self._use_delta_commands

    def motor_type(self):
            str: The type of motor being simulated by this controller. One of {"position", "velocity", "effort"}
        return self._motor_type

    def control_type(self):
        return ControlType.EFFORT if self._use_impedances else ControlType.get_type(type_str=self._motor_type)

    def command_dim(self):
        return len(self.dof_idx)

motor_type property


Name Type Description

The type of motor being simulated by this controller. One of {"position", "velocity", "effort"}

use_delta_commands property


Name Type Description

Whether this controller is using delta commands or not

__init__(control_freq, motor_type, control_limits, dof_idx, command_input_limits='default', command_output_limits='default', kp=None, damping_ratio=None, use_impedances=False, use_delta_commands=False, compute_delta_in_quat_space=None)


Name Type Description Default
control_freq int

controller loop frequency

motor_type str

type of motor being controlled, one of {position, velocity, effort}

control_limits Dict[str, Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]]

The min/max limits to the outputted control signal. Should specify per-dof type limits, i.e.:

"position": [[min], [max]] "velocity": [[min], [max]] "effort": [[min], [max]] "has_limit": [...bool...]

Values outside of this range will be clipped, if the corresponding joint index in has_limit is True.

dof_idx Array[int]

specific dof indices controlled by this robot. Used for inferring controller-relevant values during control computations

command_input_limits None or default or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]

if set, is the min/max acceptable inputted command. Values outside this range will be clipped. If None, no clipping will be used. If "default", range will be set to (-1, 1)

command_output_limits None or default or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]

if set, is the min/max scaled command. If both this value and @command_input_limits is not None, then all inputted command values will be scaled from the input range to the output range. If either is None, no scaling will be used. If "default", then this range will automatically be set to the @control_limits entry corresponding to self.control_type

kp None or float

If @motor_type is "position" or "velocity" and @use_impedances=True, this is the proportional gain applied to the joint controller. If None, a default value will be used.

damping_ratio None or float

If @motor_type is "position" and @use_impedances=True, this is the damping ratio applied to the joint controller. If None, a default value will be used.

use_impedances bool

If True, will use impedances via the mass matrix to modify the desired efforts applied

use_delta_commands bool

whether inputted commands should be interpreted as delta or absolute values

compute_delta_in_quat_space None or List[(rx_idx, ry_idx, rz_idx), ...]

if specified, groups of joints that need to be processed in quaternion space to avoid gimbal lock issues normally faced by 3 DOF rotation joints. Each group needs to consist of three idxes corresponding to the indices in the input space. This is only used in the delta_commands mode.

Source code in omnigibson/controllers/
def __init__(
        control_freq (int): controller loop frequency
        motor_type (str): type of motor being controlled, one of {position, velocity, effort}
        control_limits (Dict[str, Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]]): The min/max limits to the outputted
            control signal. Should specify per-dof type limits, i.e.:

            "position": [[min], [max]]
            "velocity": [[min], [max]]
            "effort": [[min], [max]]
            "has_limit": [...bool...]

            Values outside of this range will be clipped, if the corresponding joint index in has_limit is True.
        dof_idx (Array[int]): specific dof indices controlled by this robot. Used for inferring
            controller-relevant values during control computations
        command_input_limits (None or "default" or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]):
            if set, is the min/max acceptable inputted command. Values outside this range will be clipped.
            If None, no clipping will be used. If "default", range will be set to (-1, 1)
        command_output_limits (None or "default" or Tuple[float, float] or Tuple[Array[float], Array[float]]):
            if set, is the min/max scaled command. If both this value and @command_input_limits is not None,
            then all inputted command values will be scaled from the input range to the output range.
            If either is None, no scaling will be used. If "default", then this range will automatically be set
            to the @control_limits entry corresponding to self.control_type
        kp (None or float): If @motor_type is "position" or "velocity" and @use_impedances=True, this is the
            proportional gain applied to the joint controller. If None, a default value will be used.
        damping_ratio (None or float): If @motor_type is "position" and @use_impedances=True, this is the
            damping ratio applied to the joint controller. If None, a default value will be used.
        use_impedances (bool): If True, will use impedances via the mass matrix to modify the desired efforts
        use_delta_commands (bool): whether inputted commands should be interpreted as delta or absolute values
        compute_delta_in_quat_space (None or List[(rx_idx, ry_idx, rz_idx), ...]): if specified, groups of
            joints that need to be processed in quaternion space to avoid gimbal lock issues normally faced by
            3 DOF rotation joints. Each group needs to consist of three idxes corresponding to the indices in
            the input space. This is only used in the delta_commands mode.
    # Store arguments
    assert_valid_key(key=motor_type.lower(), valid_keys=ControlType.VALID_TYPES_STR, name="motor_type")
    self._motor_type = motor_type.lower()
    self._use_delta_commands = use_delta_commands
    self._compute_delta_in_quat_space = [] if compute_delta_in_quat_space is None else compute_delta_in_quat_space

    # Store control gains
    if self._motor_type == "position":
        kp = m.DEFAULT_JOINT_POS_KP if kp is None else kp
        damping_ratio = m.DEFAULT_JOINT_POS_DAMPING_RATIO if damping_ratio is None else damping_ratio
    elif self._motor_type == "velocity":
        kp = m.DEFAULT_JOINT_VEL_KP if kp is None else kp
        assert damping_ratio is None, "Cannot set damping_ratio for JointController with motor_type=velocity!"
    else:   # effort
        assert kp is None, "Cannot set kp for JointController with motor_type=effort!"
        assert damping_ratio is None, "Cannot set damping_ratio for JointController with motor_type=effort!" = kp
    self.kd = None if damping_ratio is None else 2 * np.sqrt( * damping_ratio
    self._use_impedances = use_impedances

    # When in delta mode, it doesn't make sense to infer output range using the joint limits (since that's an
    # absolute range and our values are relative). So reject the default mode option in that case.
    assert not (self._use_delta_commands and command_output_limits == "default"), \
        "Cannot use 'default' command output limits in delta commands mode of JointController. Try None instead."

    # Run super init

compute_control(goal_dict, control_dict)

Converts the (already preprocessed) inputted @command into deployable (non-clipped!) joint control signal


Name Type Description Default
goal_dict Dict[str, Any]

dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped goals necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys: target: desired N-dof absolute joint values used as setpoint

control_dict Dict[str, Any]

dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped states necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys: joint_position: Array of current joint positions joint_velocity: Array of current joint velocities joint_effort: Array of current joint effort



Type Description

Array[float]: outputted (non-clipped!) control signal to deploy

Source code in omnigibson/controllers/
def compute_control(self, goal_dict, control_dict):
    Converts the (already preprocessed) inputted @command into deployable (non-clipped!) joint control signal

        goal_dict (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
            goals necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:
                target: desired N-dof absolute joint values used as setpoint
        control_dict (Dict[str, Any]): dictionary that should include any relevant keyword-mapped
            states necessary for controller computation. Must include the following keys:
                joint_position: Array of current joint positions
                joint_velocity: Array of current joint velocities
                joint_effort: Array of current joint effort

        Array[float]: outputted (non-clipped!) control signal to deploy
    base_value = control_dict[f"joint_{self._motor_type}"][self.dof_idx]
    target = goal_dict["target"]

    # Convert control into efforts
    if self._use_impedances:
        if self._motor_type == "position":
            # Run impedance controller -- effort = pos_err * kp + vel_err * kd
            position_error = target - base_value
            vel_pos_error = -control_dict[f"joint_velocity"][self.dof_idx]
            u = position_error * + vel_pos_error * self.kd
        elif self._motor_type == "velocity":
            # Compute command torques via PI velocity controller plus gravity compensation torques
            velocity_error = target - base_value
            u = velocity_error *
        else:   # effort
            u = target

        dof_idxs_mat = tuple(np.meshgrid(self.dof_idx, self.dof_idx))
        mm = control_dict["mass_matrix"][dof_idxs_mat]
        u =, u)

        # Add gravity compensation
        u += control_dict["gravity_force"][self.dof_idx] + control_dict["cc_force"][self.dof_idx]

        # Desired is the exact goal
        u = target

    # Return control
    return u