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Bases: DataWrapper

An OmniGibson environment wrapper for collecting data in an optimized way.

NOTE: This does NOT aggregate observations. Please use DataPlaybackWrapper to aggregate an observation dataset!

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
class DataCollectionWrapper(DataWrapper):
    An OmniGibson environment wrapper for collecting data in an optimized way.

    NOTE: This does NOT aggregate observations. Please use DataPlaybackWrapper to aggregate an observation

    def __init__(self, env, output_path, viewport_camera_path="/World/viewer_camera", only_successes=True):
            env (Environment): The environment to wrap
            output_path (str): path to store hdf5 data file
            viewport_camera_path (str): prim path to the camera to use when rendering the main viewport during
                data collection
            only_successes (bool): Whether to only save successful episodes
        # Store additional variables needed for optimized data collection

        # Denotes the maximum serialized state size for the current episode
        self.max_state_size = 0

        # Maps episode step ID to dictionary of systems and objects that should be added / removed to the simulator at
        # the given simulator step. See add_transition_info() for more info
        self.current_transitions = dict()

        # Add callbacks on import / remove objects and systems
            name="data_collection", callback=lambda system: self.add_transition_info(obj=system, add=True)
            name="data_collection", callback=lambda system: self.add_transition_info(obj=system, add=False)
            name="data_collection", callback=lambda obj: self.add_transition_info(obj=obj, add=True)
            name="data_collection", callback=lambda obj: self.add_transition_info(obj=obj, add=False)

        # Run super
        super().__init__(env=env, output_path=output_path, only_successes=only_successes)

        # Configure the simulator to optimize for data collection

    def _optimize_sim_for_data_collection(self, viewport_camera_path):
        Configures the simulator to optimize for data collection

            viewport_camera_path (str): Prim path to the camera to use for the viewer for data collection
        # Disable all render products to save on speed
        # See
        for sensor in VisionSensor.SENSORS.values():

        # Set the main viewport camera path
        og.sim.viewer_camera.active_camera_path = viewport_camera_path

        # Use asynchronous rendering for faster performance
        lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set_bool("/app/asyncRendering", True)
        lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set_bool("/app/asyncRenderingLowLatency", True)

        # Disable mouse grabbing since we're only using the UI passively
        lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set_bool("/physics/mouseInteractionEnabled", False)
        lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set_bool("/physics/mouseGrab", False)
        lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set_bool("/physics/forceGrab", False)
        lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set_bool("/physics/suppressReadback", True)

        # Set the dump filter for better performance
        # TODO: Possibly remove this feature once we have fully tensorized state saving, which may be more efficient
        self.env.scene.object_registry.set_dump_filter(dump_filter=lambda obj: obj.is_active)

    def reset(self):
        # Call super first
        init_obs, init_info = super().reset()

        # Store this initial state as part of the trajectory
        state = og.sim.dump_state(serialized=True)
        step_data = {
            "state": state,
            "state_size": len(state),

        # Update max state size
        self.max_state_size = max(self.max_state_size, len(state))

        return init_obs, init_info

    def _parse_step_data(self, action, obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info):
        # Store dumped state, reward, terminated, truncated
        step_data = dict()
        state = og.sim.dump_state(serialized=True)
        step_data["action"] = action
        step_data["state"] = state
        step_data["state_size"] = len(state)
        step_data["reward"] = reward
        step_data["terminated"] = terminated
        step_data["truncated"] = truncated

        # Update max state size
        self.max_state_size = max(self.max_state_size, len(state))

        return step_data

    def process_traj_to_hdf5(self, traj_data, traj_grp_name, nested_keys=("obs",)):
        # First pad all state values to be the same max (uniform) size
        for step_data in traj_data:
            state = step_data["state"]
            padded_state = th.zeros(self.max_state_size, dtype=th.float32)
            padded_state[: len(state)] = state
            step_data["state"] = padded_state

        # Call super
        traj_grp = super().process_traj_to_hdf5(traj_data, traj_grp_name, nested_keys)

        # Add in transition info
        self.add_metadata(group=traj_grp, name="transitions", data=self.current_transitions)

        return traj_grp

    def flush_current_traj(self):
        # Call super first

        # Clear transition buffer and max state size
        self.max_state_size = 0
        self.current_transitions = dict()

    def add_transition_info(self, obj, add=True):
        Adds transition info to the current sim step for specific object @obj.

            obj (BaseObject or BaseSystem): Object / system whose information should be stored
            add (bool): If True, assumes the object is being imported. Else, assumes the object is being removed
        if self.env.episode_steps not in self.current_transitions:
            self.current_transitions[self.env.episode_steps] = {
                "systems": {"add": [], "remove": []},
                "objects": {"add": [], "remove": []},

        # Add info based on type -- only need to store name unless we're an object being added
        info = obj.get_init_info() if isinstance(obj, BaseObject) and add else
        dic_key = "objects" if isinstance(obj, BaseObject) else "systems"
        val_key = "add" if add else "remove"

__init__(env, output_path, viewport_camera_path='/World/viewer_camera', only_successes=True)


Name Type Description Default
env Environment

The environment to wrap

output_path str

path to store hdf5 data file

viewport_camera_path str

prim path to the camera to use when rendering the main viewport during data collection

only_successes bool

Whether to only save successful episodes

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def __init__(self, env, output_path, viewport_camera_path="/World/viewer_camera", only_successes=True):
        env (Environment): The environment to wrap
        output_path (str): path to store hdf5 data file
        viewport_camera_path (str): prim path to the camera to use when rendering the main viewport during
            data collection
        only_successes (bool): Whether to only save successful episodes
    # Store additional variables needed for optimized data collection

    # Denotes the maximum serialized state size for the current episode
    self.max_state_size = 0

    # Maps episode step ID to dictionary of systems and objects that should be added / removed to the simulator at
    # the given simulator step. See add_transition_info() for more info
    self.current_transitions = dict()

    # Add callbacks on import / remove objects and systems
        name="data_collection", callback=lambda system: self.add_transition_info(obj=system, add=True)
        name="data_collection", callback=lambda system: self.add_transition_info(obj=system, add=False)
        name="data_collection", callback=lambda obj: self.add_transition_info(obj=obj, add=True)
        name="data_collection", callback=lambda obj: self.add_transition_info(obj=obj, add=False)

    # Run super
    super().__init__(env=env, output_path=output_path, only_successes=only_successes)

    # Configure the simulator to optimize for data collection


Configures the simulator to optimize for data collection


Name Type Description Default
viewport_camera_path str

Prim path to the camera to use for the viewer for data collection

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def _optimize_sim_for_data_collection(self, viewport_camera_path):
    Configures the simulator to optimize for data collection

        viewport_camera_path (str): Prim path to the camera to use for the viewer for data collection
    # Disable all render products to save on speed
    # See
    for sensor in VisionSensor.SENSORS.values():

    # Set the main viewport camera path
    og.sim.viewer_camera.active_camera_path = viewport_camera_path

    # Use asynchronous rendering for faster performance
    lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set_bool("/app/asyncRendering", True)
    lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set_bool("/app/asyncRenderingLowLatency", True)

    # Disable mouse grabbing since we're only using the UI passively
    lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set_bool("/physics/mouseInteractionEnabled", False)
    lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set_bool("/physics/mouseGrab", False)
    lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set_bool("/physics/forceGrab", False)
    lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set_bool("/physics/suppressReadback", True)

    # Set the dump filter for better performance
    # TODO: Possibly remove this feature once we have fully tensorized state saving, which may be more efficient
    self.env.scene.object_registry.set_dump_filter(dump_filter=lambda obj: obj.is_active)

add_transition_info(obj, add=True)

Adds transition info to the current sim step for specific object @obj.


Name Type Description Default
obj BaseObject or BaseSystem

Object / system whose information should be stored

add bool

If True, assumes the object is being imported. Else, assumes the object is being removed

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def add_transition_info(self, obj, add=True):
    Adds transition info to the current sim step for specific object @obj.

        obj (BaseObject or BaseSystem): Object / system whose information should be stored
        add (bool): If True, assumes the object is being imported. Else, assumes the object is being removed
    if self.env.episode_steps not in self.current_transitions:
        self.current_transitions[self.env.episode_steps] = {
            "systems": {"add": [], "remove": []},
            "objects": {"add": [], "remove": []},

    # Add info based on type -- only need to store name unless we're an object being added
    info = obj.get_init_info() if isinstance(obj, BaseObject) and add else
    dic_key = "objects" if isinstance(obj, BaseObject) else "systems"
    val_key = "add" if add else "remove"


Bases: DataWrapper

An OmniGibson environment wrapper for playing back data and collecting observations.

NOTE: This assumes a DataCollectionWrapper environment has been used to collect data!

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
class DataPlaybackWrapper(DataWrapper):
    An OmniGibson environment wrapper for playing back data and collecting observations.

    NOTE: This assumes a DataCollectionWrapper environment has been used to collect data!

    def create_from_hdf5(
        Create a DataPlaybackWrapper environment instance form the recorded demonstration info
        from @hdf5_path, and aggregate observation_modalities @obs during playback

            input_path (str): Absolute path to the input hdf5 file containing the relevant collected data to playback
            output_path (str): Absolute path to the output hdf5 file that will contain the recorded observations from
                the replayed data
            robot_obs_modalities (list): Robot observation modalities to use. This list is directly passed into
                the robot_cfg (`obs_modalities` kwarg) when spawning the robot
            robot_sensor_config (None or dict): If specified, the sensor configuration to use for the robot. See the
                example sensor_config in fetch_behavior.yaml env config. This can be used to specify relevant sensor
                params, such as image_height and image_width
            external_sensors_config (None or list): If specified, external sensor(s) to use. This will override the
                external_sensors kwarg in the env config when the environment is loaded. Each entry should be a
                dictionary specifying an individual external sensor's relevant parameters. See the example
                external_sensors key in fetch_behavior.yaml env config. This can be used to specify additional sensors
                to collect observations during playback.
            n_render_iterations (int): Number of rendering iterations to use when loading each stored frame from the
                recorded data. This is needed because the omniverse real-time raytracing always lags behind the
                underlying physical state by a few frames, and additionally produces transient visual artifacts when
                the physical state changes. Increasing this number will improve the rendered quality at the expense of
            only_successes (bool): Whether to only save successful episodes

            DataPlaybackWrapper: Generated playback environment
        # Read from the HDF5 file
        f = h5py.File(input_path, "r")
        config = json.loads(f["data"].attrs["config"])

        # Hot swap in additional info for playing back data

        # Minimize physics leakage during playback (we need to take an env step when loading state)
        config["env"]["action_frequency"] = 1000.0
        config["env"]["rendering_frequency"] = 1000.0
        config["env"]["physics_frequency"] = 1000.0

        # Make sure obs space is flattened for recording
        config["env"]["flatten_obs_space"] = True

        # Set scene file and disable online object sampling if BehaviorTask is being used
        config["scene"]["scene_file"] = json.loads(f["data"].attrs["scene_file"])
        if config["task"]["type"] == "BehaviorTask":
            config["task"]["online_object_sampling"] = False

        # Set observation modalities and update sensor config
        for robot_cfg in config["robots"]:
            robot_cfg["obs_modalities"] = robot_obs_modalities
            if robot_sensor_config is not None:
                robot_cfg["sensor_config"] = robot_sensor_config
        if external_sensors_config is not None:
            config["env"]["external_sensors"] = external_sensors_config

        # Load env
        env = og.Environment(configs=config)

        # Wrap and return env
        return cls(

    def __init__(self, env, input_path, output_path, n_render_iterations=5, only_successes=False):
            env (Environment): The environment to wrap
            input_path (str): path to input hdf5 collected data file
            output_path (str): path to store output hdf5 data file
            n_render_iterations (int): Number of rendering iterations to use when loading each stored frame from the
                recorded data
            only_successes (bool): Whether to only save successful episodes
        # Make sure transition rules are DISABLED for playback since we manually propagate transitions
        assert not gm.ENABLE_TRANSITION_RULES, "Transition rules must be disabled for DataPlaybackWrapper env!"

        # Store scene file so we can restore the data upon each episode reset
        self.input_hdf5 = h5py.File(input_path, "r")
        self.scene_file = json.loads(self.input_hdf5["data"].attrs["scene_file"])

        # Store additional variables
        self.n_render_iterations = n_render_iterations

        # Run super
        super().__init__(env=env, output_path=output_path, only_successes=only_successes)

    def _parse_step_data(self, action, obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info):
        # Store action, obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info
        step_data = dict()
        step_data["obs"] = obs
        step_data["action"] = action
        step_data["reward"] = reward
        step_data["terminated"] = terminated
        step_data["truncated"] = truncated
        return step_data

    def playback_episode(self, episode_id, record=True):
        Playback episode @episode_id, and optionally record observation data if @record is True

            episode_id (int): Episode to playback. This should be a valid demo ID number from the inputted collected
                data hdf5 file
            record (bool): Whether to record data during playback or not
        data_grp = self.input_hdf5["data"]
        assert f"demo_{episode_id}" in data_grp, f"No valid episode with ID {episode_id} found!"
        traj_grp = data_grp[f"demo_{episode_id}"]

        # Grab episode data
        transitions = json.loads(traj_grp.attrs["transitions"])
        traj_grp = h5py_group_to_torch(traj_grp)
        action = traj_grp["action"]
        state = traj_grp["state"]
        state_size = traj_grp["state_size"]
        reward = traj_grp["reward"]
        terminated = traj_grp["terminated"]
        truncated = traj_grp["truncated"]

        # Reset environment

        # Restore to initial state
        og.sim.load_state(state[0, : int(state_size[0])], serialized=True)

        # If record, record initial observations
        if record:
            init_obs, _, _, _, _ = self.env.step(action=action[0], n_render_iterations=self.n_render_iterations)
            step_data = {"obs": init_obs}

        for i, (a, s, ss, r, te, tr) in enumerate(
            zip(action, state[1:], state_size[1:], reward, terminated, truncated)
            # Execute any transitions that should occur at this current step
            if str(i) in transitions:
                cur_transitions = transitions[str(i)]
                scene = og.sim.scenes[0]
                for add_sys_name in cur_transitions["systems"]["add"]:
                    scene.get_system(add_sys_name, force_init=True)
                for remove_sys_name in cur_transitions["systems"]["remove"]:
                for j, add_obj_info in enumerate(cur_transitions["objects"]["add"]):
                    obj = create_object_from_init_info(add_obj_info)
                    obj.set_position(th.ones(3) * 100.0 + th.ones(3) * 5 * j)
                for remove_obj_name in cur_transitions["objects"]["remove"]:
                    obj = scene.object_registry("name", remove_obj_name)
                # Step physics to initialize any new objects

            # Restore the sim state, and take a very small step with the action to make sure physics are
            # properly propagated after the sim state update
            og.sim.load_state(s[: int(ss)], serialized=True)
            self.current_obs, _, _, _, info = self.env.step(action=a, n_render_iterations=self.n_render_iterations)

            # If recording, record data
            if record:
                step_data = self._parse_step_data(

            self.step_count += 1

        if record:

    def playback_dataset(self, record=True):
        Playback all episodes from the input HDF5 file, and optionally record observation data if @record is True

            record (bool): Whether to record data during playback or not
        for episode_id in range(self.input_hdf5["data"].attrs["n_episodes"]):
            self.playback_episode(episode_id=episode_id, record=record)

__init__(env, input_path, output_path, n_render_iterations=5, only_successes=False)


Name Type Description Default
env Environment

The environment to wrap

input_path str

path to input hdf5 collected data file

output_path str

path to store output hdf5 data file

n_render_iterations int

Number of rendering iterations to use when loading each stored frame from the recorded data

only_successes bool

Whether to only save successful episodes

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def __init__(self, env, input_path, output_path, n_render_iterations=5, only_successes=False):
        env (Environment): The environment to wrap
        input_path (str): path to input hdf5 collected data file
        output_path (str): path to store output hdf5 data file
        n_render_iterations (int): Number of rendering iterations to use when loading each stored frame from the
            recorded data
        only_successes (bool): Whether to only save successful episodes
    # Make sure transition rules are DISABLED for playback since we manually propagate transitions
    assert not gm.ENABLE_TRANSITION_RULES, "Transition rules must be disabled for DataPlaybackWrapper env!"

    # Store scene file so we can restore the data upon each episode reset
    self.input_hdf5 = h5py.File(input_path, "r")
    self.scene_file = json.loads(self.input_hdf5["data"].attrs["scene_file"])

    # Store additional variables
    self.n_render_iterations = n_render_iterations

    # Run super
    super().__init__(env=env, output_path=output_path, only_successes=only_successes)

create_from_hdf5(input_path, output_path, robot_obs_modalities, robot_sensor_config=None, external_sensors_config=None, n_render_iterations=5, only_successes=False) classmethod

Create a DataPlaybackWrapper environment instance form the recorded demonstration info from @hdf5_path, and aggregate observation_modalities @obs during playback


Name Type Description Default
input_path str

Absolute path to the input hdf5 file containing the relevant collected data to playback

output_path str

Absolute path to the output hdf5 file that will contain the recorded observations from the replayed data

robot_obs_modalities list

Robot observation modalities to use. This list is directly passed into the robot_cfg (obs_modalities kwarg) when spawning the robot

robot_sensor_config None or dict

If specified, the sensor configuration to use for the robot. See the example sensor_config in fetch_behavior.yaml env config. This can be used to specify relevant sensor params, such as image_height and image_width

external_sensors_config None or list

If specified, external sensor(s) to use. This will override the external_sensors kwarg in the env config when the environment is loaded. Each entry should be a dictionary specifying an individual external sensor's relevant parameters. See the example external_sensors key in fetch_behavior.yaml env config. This can be used to specify additional sensors to collect observations during playback.

n_render_iterations int

Number of rendering iterations to use when loading each stored frame from the recorded data. This is needed because the omniverse real-time raytracing always lags behind the underlying physical state by a few frames, and additionally produces transient visual artifacts when the physical state changes. Increasing this number will improve the rendered quality at the expense of speed.

only_successes bool

Whether to only save successful episodes



Type Description

Generated playback environment

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def create_from_hdf5(
    Create a DataPlaybackWrapper environment instance form the recorded demonstration info
    from @hdf5_path, and aggregate observation_modalities @obs during playback

        input_path (str): Absolute path to the input hdf5 file containing the relevant collected data to playback
        output_path (str): Absolute path to the output hdf5 file that will contain the recorded observations from
            the replayed data
        robot_obs_modalities (list): Robot observation modalities to use. This list is directly passed into
            the robot_cfg (`obs_modalities` kwarg) when spawning the robot
        robot_sensor_config (None or dict): If specified, the sensor configuration to use for the robot. See the
            example sensor_config in fetch_behavior.yaml env config. This can be used to specify relevant sensor
            params, such as image_height and image_width
        external_sensors_config (None or list): If specified, external sensor(s) to use. This will override the
            external_sensors kwarg in the env config when the environment is loaded. Each entry should be a
            dictionary specifying an individual external sensor's relevant parameters. See the example
            external_sensors key in fetch_behavior.yaml env config. This can be used to specify additional sensors
            to collect observations during playback.
        n_render_iterations (int): Number of rendering iterations to use when loading each stored frame from the
            recorded data. This is needed because the omniverse real-time raytracing always lags behind the
            underlying physical state by a few frames, and additionally produces transient visual artifacts when
            the physical state changes. Increasing this number will improve the rendered quality at the expense of
        only_successes (bool): Whether to only save successful episodes

        DataPlaybackWrapper: Generated playback environment
    # Read from the HDF5 file
    f = h5py.File(input_path, "r")
    config = json.loads(f["data"].attrs["config"])

    # Hot swap in additional info for playing back data

    # Minimize physics leakage during playback (we need to take an env step when loading state)
    config["env"]["action_frequency"] = 1000.0
    config["env"]["rendering_frequency"] = 1000.0
    config["env"]["physics_frequency"] = 1000.0

    # Make sure obs space is flattened for recording
    config["env"]["flatten_obs_space"] = True

    # Set scene file and disable online object sampling if BehaviorTask is being used
    config["scene"]["scene_file"] = json.loads(f["data"].attrs["scene_file"])
    if config["task"]["type"] == "BehaviorTask":
        config["task"]["online_object_sampling"] = False

    # Set observation modalities and update sensor config
    for robot_cfg in config["robots"]:
        robot_cfg["obs_modalities"] = robot_obs_modalities
        if robot_sensor_config is not None:
            robot_cfg["sensor_config"] = robot_sensor_config
    if external_sensors_config is not None:
        config["env"]["external_sensors"] = external_sensors_config

    # Load env
    env = og.Environment(configs=config)

    # Wrap and return env
    return cls(


Playback all episodes from the input HDF5 file, and optionally record observation data if @record is True


Name Type Description Default
record bool

Whether to record data during playback or not

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def playback_dataset(self, record=True):
    Playback all episodes from the input HDF5 file, and optionally record observation data if @record is True

        record (bool): Whether to record data during playback or not
    for episode_id in range(self.input_hdf5["data"].attrs["n_episodes"]):
        self.playback_episode(episode_id=episode_id, record=record)

playback_episode(episode_id, record=True)

Playback episode @episode_id, and optionally record observation data if @record is True


Name Type Description Default
episode_id int

Episode to playback. This should be a valid demo ID number from the inputted collected data hdf5 file

record bool

Whether to record data during playback or not

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def playback_episode(self, episode_id, record=True):
    Playback episode @episode_id, and optionally record observation data if @record is True

        episode_id (int): Episode to playback. This should be a valid demo ID number from the inputted collected
            data hdf5 file
        record (bool): Whether to record data during playback or not
    data_grp = self.input_hdf5["data"]
    assert f"demo_{episode_id}" in data_grp, f"No valid episode with ID {episode_id} found!"
    traj_grp = data_grp[f"demo_{episode_id}"]

    # Grab episode data
    transitions = json.loads(traj_grp.attrs["transitions"])
    traj_grp = h5py_group_to_torch(traj_grp)
    action = traj_grp["action"]
    state = traj_grp["state"]
    state_size = traj_grp["state_size"]
    reward = traj_grp["reward"]
    terminated = traj_grp["terminated"]
    truncated = traj_grp["truncated"]

    # Reset environment

    # Restore to initial state
    og.sim.load_state(state[0, : int(state_size[0])], serialized=True)

    # If record, record initial observations
    if record:
        init_obs, _, _, _, _ = self.env.step(action=action[0], n_render_iterations=self.n_render_iterations)
        step_data = {"obs": init_obs}

    for i, (a, s, ss, r, te, tr) in enumerate(
        zip(action, state[1:], state_size[1:], reward, terminated, truncated)
        # Execute any transitions that should occur at this current step
        if str(i) in transitions:
            cur_transitions = transitions[str(i)]
            scene = og.sim.scenes[0]
            for add_sys_name in cur_transitions["systems"]["add"]:
                scene.get_system(add_sys_name, force_init=True)
            for remove_sys_name in cur_transitions["systems"]["remove"]:
            for j, add_obj_info in enumerate(cur_transitions["objects"]["add"]):
                obj = create_object_from_init_info(add_obj_info)
                obj.set_position(th.ones(3) * 100.0 + th.ones(3) * 5 * j)
            for remove_obj_name in cur_transitions["objects"]["remove"]:
                obj = scene.object_registry("name", remove_obj_name)
            # Step physics to initialize any new objects

        # Restore the sim state, and take a very small step with the action to make sure physics are
        # properly propagated after the sim state update
        og.sim.load_state(s[: int(ss)], serialized=True)
        self.current_obs, _, _, _, info = self.env.step(action=a, n_render_iterations=self.n_render_iterations)

        # If recording, record data
        if record:
            step_data = self._parse_step_data(

        self.step_count += 1

    if record:


Bases: EnvironmentWrapper

An OmniGibson environment wrapper for writing data to an HDF5 file.

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
class DataWrapper(EnvironmentWrapper):
    An OmniGibson environment wrapper for writing data to an HDF5 file.

    def __init__(self, env, output_path, only_successes=True):
            env (Environment): The environment to wrap
            output_path (str): path to store hdf5 data file
            only_successes (bool): Whether to only save successful episodes
        # Make sure the wrapped environment inherits correct omnigibson format
        assert isinstance(
            env, og.Environment
        ), "Expected wrapped @env to be a subclass of OmniGibson's Environment class!"

        # Only one scene is supported for now
        assert len(og.sim.scenes) == 1, "Only one scene is currently supported for DataWrapper env!"

        self.traj_count = 0
        self.step_count = 0
        self.only_successes = only_successes
        self.current_obs = None

        self.current_traj_history = []

        Path(os.path.dirname(output_path)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)"\nWriting OmniGibson dataset hdf5 to: {output_path}\n")
        self.hdf5_file = h5py.File(output_path, "w")
        data_grp = self.hdf5_file.create_group("data")
        scene_file =[0]
        config = deepcopy(env.config)
        self.add_metadata(group=data_grp, name="config", data=config)
        self.add_metadata(group=data_grp, name="scene_file", data=scene_file)

        # Run super

    def step(self, action):
        Run the environment step() function and collect data

            action (th.Tensor): action to take in environment

                - dict: state, i.e. next observation
                - float: reward, i.e. reward at this current timestep
                - bool: terminated, i.e. whether this episode ended due to a failure or success
                - bool: truncated, i.e. whether this episode ended due to a time limit etc.
                - dict: info, i.e. dictionary with any useful information
        # Make sure actions are always flattened numpy arrays
        if isinstance(action, dict):
            action =[act for act in action.values()])

        next_obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = self.env.step(action)
        self.step_count += 1

        # Aggregate step data
        step_data = self._parse_step_data(action, next_obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info)

        # Update obs and traj history
        self.current_obs = next_obs

        return next_obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info

    def _parse_step_data(self, action, obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info):
        Parse the output from the internal self.env.step() call and write relevant data to record to a dictionary

            action (th.Tensor): action deployed resulting in @obs
            obs (dict): state, i.e. observation
            reward (float): reward, i.e. reward at this current timestep
            terminated (bool): terminated, i.e. whether this episode ended due to a failure or success
            truncated (bool): truncated, i.e. whether this episode ended due to a time limit etc.
            info (dict): info, i.e. dictionary with any useful information

            dict: Keyword-mapped data that should be recorded in the HDF5
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def reset(self):
        Run the environment reset() function and flush data

                - dict: Environment observation space after reset occurs
                - dict: Information related to observation metadata
        if len(self.current_traj_history) > 0:

        self.current_obs, info = self.env.reset()

        return self.current_obs, info

    def observation_spec(self):
        Grab the normal environment observation_spec

            dict: Observations from the environment
        return self.env.observation_spec()

    def process_traj_to_hdf5(self, traj_data, traj_grp_name, nested_keys=("obs",)):
        Processes trajectory data @traj_data and stores them as a new group under @traj_grp_name.

            traj_data (list of dict): Trajectory data, where each entry is a keyword-mapped set of data for a single
                sim step
            traj_grp_name (str): Name of the trajectory group to store
            nested_keys (list of str): Name of key(s) corresponding to nested data in @traj_data. This specific data
                is assumed to be its own keyword-mapped dictionary of numpy array values, and will be parsed
                differently from the rest of the data

            hdf5.Group: Generated hdf5 group storing the recorded trajectory data
        nested_keys = set(nested_keys)
        data_grp = self.hdf5_file.require_group("data")
        traj_grp = data_grp.create_group(traj_grp_name)
        traj_grp.attrs["num_samples"] = len(traj_data)

        # Create the data dictionary -- this will dynamically add keys as we iterate through our trajectory
        # We need to do this because we're not guaranteed to have a full set of keys at every trajectory step; e.g.
        # if the first step only has state or observations but no actions
        data = defaultdict(list)
        for key in nested_keys:
            data[key] = defaultdict(list)

        for step_data in traj_data:
            for k, v in step_data.items():
                if k in nested_keys:
                    for mod, step_mod_data in v.items():

        for k, dat in data.items():
            # Skip over all entries that have no data
            if not dat:

            # Create datasets for all keys with valid data
            if k in nested_keys:
                obs_grp = traj_grp.create_group(k)
                for mod, traj_mod_data in dat.items():
                    obs_grp.create_dataset(mod, data=th.stack(traj_mod_data, dim=0).cpu())
                traj_data = th.stack(dat, dim=0) if isinstance(dat[0], th.Tensor) else th.tensor(dat)
                traj_grp.create_dataset(k, data=traj_data)

        return traj_grp

    def flush_current_traj(self):
        Flush current trajectory data
        # Only save successful demos and if actually recording
        success = self.env.task.success or not self.only_successes
        if success and self.hdf5_file is not None:
            traj_grp_name = f"demo_{self.traj_count}"
            traj_grp = self.process_traj_to_hdf5(self.current_traj_history, traj_grp_name, nested_keys=["obs"])
            self.traj_count += 1
            # Remove this demo
            self.step_count -= len(self.current_traj_history)

        # Clear trajectory and transition buffers
        self.current_traj_history = []

    def flush_current_file(self):
        self.hdf5_file.flush()  # Flush data to disk to avoid large memory footprint
        # Retrieve the file descriptor and use os.fsync() to flush to disk
        fd =
        os.fsync(fd)"Flushing hdf5")

    def add_metadata(self, group, name, data):
        Adds metadata to the current HDF5 file under the "data" key

            group (hdf5.File or hdf5.Group): HDF5 object to add an attribute to
            name (str): Name to assign to the data
            data (str or dict): Data to add. Note that this only supports relatively primitive data types --
                if the data is a dictionary it will be converted into a string-json format using TorchEncoder
        group.attrs[name] = json.dumps(data, cls=TorchEncoder) if isinstance(data, dict) else data

    def save_data(self):
        Save collected trajectories as a hdf5 file in the robomimic format
        if len(self.current_traj_history) > 0:

        if self.hdf5_file is not None:

                f"{self.traj_count} trajectories / {self.step_count} total steps\n"
                f"to hdf5: {self.hdf5_file.filename}\n"

            self.hdf5_file["data"].attrs["n_episodes"] = self.traj_count
            self.hdf5_file["data"].attrs["n_steps"] = self.step_count

__init__(env, output_path, only_successes=True)


Name Type Description Default
env Environment

The environment to wrap

output_path str

path to store hdf5 data file

only_successes bool

Whether to only save successful episodes

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def __init__(self, env, output_path, only_successes=True):
        env (Environment): The environment to wrap
        output_path (str): path to store hdf5 data file
        only_successes (bool): Whether to only save successful episodes
    # Make sure the wrapped environment inherits correct omnigibson format
    assert isinstance(
        env, og.Environment
    ), "Expected wrapped @env to be a subclass of OmniGibson's Environment class!"

    # Only one scene is supported for now
    assert len(og.sim.scenes) == 1, "Only one scene is currently supported for DataWrapper env!"

    self.traj_count = 0
    self.step_count = 0
    self.only_successes = only_successes
    self.current_obs = None

    self.current_traj_history = []

    Path(os.path.dirname(output_path)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)"\nWriting OmniGibson dataset hdf5 to: {output_path}\n")
    self.hdf5_file = h5py.File(output_path, "w")
    data_grp = self.hdf5_file.create_group("data")
    scene_file =[0]
    config = deepcopy(env.config)
    self.add_metadata(group=data_grp, name="config", data=config)
    self.add_metadata(group=data_grp, name="scene_file", data=scene_file)

    # Run super

_parse_step_data(action, obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info)

Parse the output from the internal self.env.step() call and write relevant data to record to a dictionary


Name Type Description Default
action Tensor

action deployed resulting in @obs

obs dict

state, i.e. observation

reward float

reward, i.e. reward at this current timestep

terminated bool

terminated, i.e. whether this episode ended due to a failure or success

truncated bool

truncated, i.e. whether this episode ended due to a time limit etc.

info dict

info, i.e. dictionary with any useful information



Type Description

Keyword-mapped data that should be recorded in the HDF5

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def _parse_step_data(self, action, obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info):
    Parse the output from the internal self.env.step() call and write relevant data to record to a dictionary

        action (th.Tensor): action deployed resulting in @obs
        obs (dict): state, i.e. observation
        reward (float): reward, i.e. reward at this current timestep
        terminated (bool): terminated, i.e. whether this episode ended due to a failure or success
        truncated (bool): truncated, i.e. whether this episode ended due to a time limit etc.
        info (dict): info, i.e. dictionary with any useful information

        dict: Keyword-mapped data that should be recorded in the HDF5
    raise NotImplementedError()

add_metadata(group, name, data)

Adds metadata to the current HDF5 file under the "data" key


Name Type Description Default
group File or Group

HDF5 object to add an attribute to

name str

Name to assign to the data

data str or dict

Data to add. Note that this only supports relatively primitive data types -- if the data is a dictionary it will be converted into a string-json format using TorchEncoder

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def add_metadata(self, group, name, data):
    Adds metadata to the current HDF5 file under the "data" key

        group (hdf5.File or hdf5.Group): HDF5 object to add an attribute to
        name (str): Name to assign to the data
        data (str or dict): Data to add. Note that this only supports relatively primitive data types --
            if the data is a dictionary it will be converted into a string-json format using TorchEncoder
    group.attrs[name] = json.dumps(data, cls=TorchEncoder) if isinstance(data, dict) else data


Flush current trajectory data

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def flush_current_traj(self):
    Flush current trajectory data
    # Only save successful demos and if actually recording
    success = self.env.task.success or not self.only_successes
    if success and self.hdf5_file is not None:
        traj_grp_name = f"demo_{self.traj_count}"
        traj_grp = self.process_traj_to_hdf5(self.current_traj_history, traj_grp_name, nested_keys=["obs"])
        self.traj_count += 1
        # Remove this demo
        self.step_count -= len(self.current_traj_history)

    # Clear trajectory and transition buffers
    self.current_traj_history = []


Grab the normal environment observation_spec


Type Description

Observations from the environment

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def observation_spec(self):
    Grab the normal environment observation_spec

        dict: Observations from the environment
    return self.env.observation_spec()

process_traj_to_hdf5(traj_data, traj_grp_name, nested_keys=('obs',))

Processes trajectory data @traj_data and stores them as a new group under @traj_grp_name.


Name Type Description Default
traj_data list of dict

Trajectory data, where each entry is a keyword-mapped set of data for a single sim step

traj_grp_name str

Name of the trajectory group to store

nested_keys list of str

Name of key(s) corresponding to nested data in @traj_data. This specific data is assumed to be its own keyword-mapped dictionary of numpy array values, and will be parsed differently from the rest of the data



Type Description

Generated hdf5 group storing the recorded trajectory data

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def process_traj_to_hdf5(self, traj_data, traj_grp_name, nested_keys=("obs",)):
    Processes trajectory data @traj_data and stores them as a new group under @traj_grp_name.

        traj_data (list of dict): Trajectory data, where each entry is a keyword-mapped set of data for a single
            sim step
        traj_grp_name (str): Name of the trajectory group to store
        nested_keys (list of str): Name of key(s) corresponding to nested data in @traj_data. This specific data
            is assumed to be its own keyword-mapped dictionary of numpy array values, and will be parsed
            differently from the rest of the data

        hdf5.Group: Generated hdf5 group storing the recorded trajectory data
    nested_keys = set(nested_keys)
    data_grp = self.hdf5_file.require_group("data")
    traj_grp = data_grp.create_group(traj_grp_name)
    traj_grp.attrs["num_samples"] = len(traj_data)

    # Create the data dictionary -- this will dynamically add keys as we iterate through our trajectory
    # We need to do this because we're not guaranteed to have a full set of keys at every trajectory step; e.g.
    # if the first step only has state or observations but no actions
    data = defaultdict(list)
    for key in nested_keys:
        data[key] = defaultdict(list)

    for step_data in traj_data:
        for k, v in step_data.items():
            if k in nested_keys:
                for mod, step_mod_data in v.items():

    for k, dat in data.items():
        # Skip over all entries that have no data
        if not dat:

        # Create datasets for all keys with valid data
        if k in nested_keys:
            obs_grp = traj_grp.create_group(k)
            for mod, traj_mod_data in dat.items():
                obs_grp.create_dataset(mod, data=th.stack(traj_mod_data, dim=0).cpu())
            traj_data = th.stack(dat, dim=0) if isinstance(dat[0], th.Tensor) else th.tensor(dat)
            traj_grp.create_dataset(k, data=traj_data)

    return traj_grp


Run the environment reset() function and flush data


Type Description
2 - tuple
  • dict: Environment observation space after reset occurs
  • dict: Information related to observation metadata
Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def reset(self):
    Run the environment reset() function and flush data

            - dict: Environment observation space after reset occurs
            - dict: Information related to observation metadata
    if len(self.current_traj_history) > 0:

    self.current_obs, info = self.env.reset()

    return self.current_obs, info


Save collected trajectories as a hdf5 file in the robomimic format

Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def save_data(self):
    Save collected trajectories as a hdf5 file in the robomimic format
    if len(self.current_traj_history) > 0:

    if self.hdf5_file is not None:
            f"{self.traj_count} trajectories / {self.step_count} total steps\n"
            f"to hdf5: {self.hdf5_file.filename}\n"

        self.hdf5_file["data"].attrs["n_episodes"] = self.traj_count
        self.hdf5_file["data"].attrs["n_steps"] = self.step_count


Run the environment step() function and collect data


Name Type Description Default
action Tensor

action to take in environment



Type Description
5 - tuple
5 - tuple
  • dict: state, i.e. next observation
  • float: reward, i.e. reward at this current timestep
  • bool: terminated, i.e. whether this episode ended due to a failure or success
  • bool: truncated, i.e. whether this episode ended due to a time limit etc.
  • dict: info, i.e. dictionary with any useful information
Source code in omnigibson/envs/
def step(self, action):
    Run the environment step() function and collect data

        action (th.Tensor): action to take in environment

            - dict: state, i.e. next observation
            - float: reward, i.e. reward at this current timestep
            - bool: terminated, i.e. whether this episode ended due to a failure or success
            - bool: truncated, i.e. whether this episode ended due to a time limit etc.
            - dict: info, i.e. dictionary with any useful information
    # Make sure actions are always flattened numpy arrays
    if isinstance(action, dict):
        action =[act for act in action.values()])

    next_obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = self.env.step(action)
    self.step_count += 1

    # Aggregate step data
    step_data = self._parse_step_data(action, next_obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info)

    # Update obs and traj history
    self.current_obs = next_obs

    return next_obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info