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🪄 Transition Rules


Transition rules are OmniGibson's method for simulating complex physical phenomena not directly supported by the underlying omniverse physics engine, such as slicing, blending, and cooking. A given TransitionRule dynamically checks for its internal sets of conditions, and, if validated, executes its corresponding transition.

Transition Rules must be enabled before usage!

To enable usage of transition rules, gm.ENABLE_TRANSITION_RULES

must be set!



Because TransitionRules are monolithic classes, these should be defined before OmniGibson is launched. A rule can be easily extended by subclassing the BaseTransitionRule class and implementing the necessary functions. For a simple example, please see the SlicingRule class.


At runtime, each scene owns a TransitionRuleAPI instance, which automatically handles the stepping and processing of all defined transition rule classes. For efficiency reasons, rules are dynamically loaded and checked based on the object / system set currently active in the scene. A rule will only be checked if there is at least one valid candidate combination amongst the current object / system set. For example, if there is no sliceable object present in this scene, then SlicingRule will not be active. Every time an object / system is added / removed from the scene, all rules are refreshed so that the current active transition rule set is always accurate.

In general, you should not need to interface with the TransitionRuleAPI class at all -- if your rule implementation is correct, then the API will automatically handle the transition when the appropriate conditions are met!


OmniGibson currently supports _ types of diverse transition rules, each representing a different complex physical phenomena:


Encapsulates slicing an object into halves (e.g.: slicing an apple).

Required Candidates
  • 1+ sliceable objects
  • 1+ slicer objects

  • slicer is touching sliceable object
  • slicer is active

  • sliceable object is removed
  • x2 sliceable half objects are spawned where the original object was
slicing_rule_before slicing_rule_after

Encapsulates dicing a diceable into small chunks (e.g.: dicing an apple).

Required Candidates
  • 1+ diceable objects
  • 1+ slicer objects

  • slicer is touching diceable object
  • slicer is active

  • sliceable object is removed
  • diceable physical particles are spawned where the original object was
dicing_rule_before dicing_rule_after

Encapsulates melting an object into liquid (e.g.: melting chocolate).

Required Candidates
  • 1+ meltable objects

  • meltable object's max temperature > melting temperature

  • meltable object is removed
  • melted__<category> fluid particles are spawned where the original object was
melting_rule_before melting_rule_after

Encapsulates cooking physical particles (e.g.: boiling water).

Required Candidates
  • 1+ fillable and heatable objects

  • fillable object is heated

  • particles within the fillable object are removed
  • cooked__<category> particles are spawned where the original particles were
cooking_physical_particle_rule_before cooking_physical_particle_rule_after

Encapsulates transformative changes when a button is pressed (e.g.: blending a smoothie). Valid transitions are defined by a pre-defined set of "recipes" (input / output combinations).

Required Candidates
  • 1+ fillable and toggleable objects

  • fillable object has just been toggled on

  • all objects and particles within the fillable object are removed
  • if relevant recipe is found given inputs, relevant output is spawned in the fillable object, otherwise "sludge" is spawned instead
toggleable_machine_rule_before toggleable_machine_rule_after

Encapsulates transformative changes during tool-driven mixing (e.g.: mixing a drink with a stirrer). Valid transitions are defined by a pre-defined set of "recipes" (input / output combinations).

Required Candidates
  • 1+ fillable objects
  • 1+ mixingTool objects

  • mixingTool object has just touched fillable object
  • valid recipe is found

  • recipe-relevant objects and particles within the fillable object are removed
  • relevant recipe output is spawned in the fillable object
mixing_rule_before mixing_rule_after

Encapsulates transformative changes during cooking (e.g.: baking a cake). Valid transitions are defined by a pre-defined set of "recipes" (input / output combinations).

Required Candidates
  • 1+ fillable objects
  • 1+ heatSource objects

  • heatSource object is on and affecting fillable object
  • a certain amount of time has passed

  • recipe-relevant objects and particles within the fillable object are removed
  • relevant recipe output is spawned in the fillable object
cooking_rule_before cooking_rule_after

Encapsulates washing mechanism (e.g.: cleaning clothes in the washing machine with detergent). Washing behavior (i.e.: what types of particles are removed from clothes during washing) is predefined.

Required Candidates
  • 1+ washer objects

  • washer object is closed
  • washer object has just been toggled on

  • all "stain"-type particles within the washer object are removed
  • all objects within the washer object are covered and saturated with water
washer_rule_before washer_rule_after

Encapsulates drying mechanism (e.g.: drying clothes in the drying machine).

Required Candidates
  • 1+ clothes_dryer objects

  • washer object is closed
  • washer object has just been toggled on

  • all water particles within the washer object are removed
  • all objects within the washer object are no longer saturated with water
dryer_rule_before dryer_rule_after