
Input Synsets

Name State Definition
chicken_broth.n.01 Substance a stock made with chicken
clam.n.03 Matched flesh of either hard-shell or soft-shell clams
diced__beefsteak_tomato.n.01 Substance
diced__bell_pepper.n.01 Substance
diced__clove.n.01 Substance
marjoram.n.02 Substance pungent leaves used as seasoning with meats and fowl and in stews and soups and omelets
olive_oil.n.01 Substance oil from olives
parsley.n.02 Matched aromatic herb with flat or crinkly leaves that are cut finely and used to garnish food
prawn.n.01 Matched any of various edible decapod crustaceans
scallop.n.02 Matched edible muscle of mollusks having fan-shaped shells; served broiled or poached or in salads or cream sauces
tomato_sauce.n.01 Substance sauce made with a puree of tomatoes (or strained tomatoes) with savory vegetables and other seasonings; can be used on pasta

Machine Synsets

Name State Definition
stockpot.n.01 Matched a pot used for preparing soup stock
stove.n.01 Matched a kitchen appliance used for cooking food

Output Synsets

Name State Definition
fish_stew.n.01 Substance a stew made with fish

Transition Graph

graph TD; recipe-fish_stew(recipe: fish_stew); tomato_saucen01(tomato_sauce.n.01); diced__bell_peppern01(diced__bell_pepper.n.01); clamn03(clam.n.03); scallopn02(scallop.n.02); chicken_brothn01(chicken_broth.n.01); marjoramn02(marjoram.n.02); parsleyn02(parsley.n.02); diced__beefsteak_tomaton01(diced__beefsteak_tomato.n.01); prawnn01(prawn.n.01); diced__cloven01(diced__clove.n.01); olive_oiln01(olive_oil.n.01); stoven01(stove.n.01); stockpotn01(stockpot.n.01); fish_stewn01(fish_stew.n.01); recipe-fish_stew --> fish_stewn01; tomato_saucen01 --> recipe-fish_stew; diced__bell_peppern01 --> recipe-fish_stew; clamn03 --> recipe-fish_stew; scallopn02 --> recipe-fish_stew; chicken_brothn01 --> recipe-fish_stew; marjoramn02 --> recipe-fish_stew; parsleyn02 --> recipe-fish_stew; diced__beefsteak_tomaton01 --> recipe-fish_stew; prawnn01 --> recipe-fish_stew; diced__cloven01 --> recipe-fish_stew; olive_oiln01 --> recipe-fish_stew; stoven01 --> recipe-fish_stew; stockpotn01 --> recipe-fish_stew;