
Input Synsets

Name State Definition
heavy_cream.n.01 Substance contains more than 36% butterfat
soda_water.n.03 Substance
sugar_syrup.n.01 Substance sugar and water and sometimes corn syrup boiled together; used as sweetening especially in drinks

Machine Synsets

Name State Definition

Output Synsets

Name State Definition
cream_soda.n.01 Substance sweet carbonated drink flavored with vanilla

Transition Graph

graph TD; recipe-cream_soda(recipe: cream_soda); heavy_creamn01(heavy_cream.n.01); soda_watern03(soda_water.n.03); sugar_syrupn01(sugar_syrup.n.01); cream_sodan01(cream_soda.n.01); recipe-cream_soda --> cream_sodan01; heavy_creamn01 --> recipe-cream_soda; soda_watern03 --> recipe-cream_soda; sugar_syrupn01 --> recipe-cream_soda;