
Input Synsets

Name State Definition
espresso.n.01 Substance strong black coffee brewed by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans
low-fat_milk.n.01 Substance milk from which some of the cream has been removed
sugar_syrup.n.01 Substance sugar and water and sometimes corn syrup boiled together; used as sweetening especially in drinks

Machine Synsets

Name State Definition

Output Synsets

Name State Definition
cafe_au_lait.n.01 Substance equal parts of coffee and hot milk

Transition Graph

graph TD; recipe-cafe_au_lait(recipe: cafe_au_lait); sugar_syrupn01(sugar_syrup.n.01); low-fat_milkn01(low-fat_milk.n.01); espresson01(espresso.n.01); cafe_au_laitn01(cafe_au_lait.n.01); recipe-cafe_au_lait --> cafe_au_laitn01; sugar_syrupn01 --> recipe-cafe_au_lait; low-fat_milkn01 --> recipe-cafe_au_lait; espresson01 --> recipe-cafe_au_lait;