
Ready | Category: floors | Original category: | Provider: scenes/Wainscott_0_garden

floors-gkfwyg photo

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Scene / Rooms

Scene Room Status Count
Wainscott_0_garden garden_0 Ready 2
Wainscott_0_garden garden_0 Future 2

Attachment Pairs - Female Role

Name Female Objects Count Male Objects Count

Attachment Pairs - Male Role

Name Female Objects Count Male Objects Count


graph TD; classDef success fill:#28a745,color:#fff; classDef warning fill:#ffc107,color:#fff; classDef danger fill:#dc3545,color:#fff; horizontal_surface.n.01 --> floor.n.01; surface.n.01 --> horizontal_surface.n.01; artifact.n.01 --> surface.n.01; whole.n.02 --> artifact.n.01; object.n.01 --> whole.n.02; physical_entity.n.01 --> object.n.01; entity.n.01 --> physical_entity.n.01; click horizontal_surface.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/horizontal_surface.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class horizontal_surface.n.01 success; click floor.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/floor.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class floor.n.01 success; click surface.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/surface.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class surface.n.01 success; click artifact.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/artifact.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class artifact.n.01 success; click whole.n.02 "/knowledgebase/synsets/whole.n.02/" "Synset details page"; class whole.n.02 success; click object.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/object.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class object.n.01 success; click physical_entity.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/physical_entity.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class physical_entity.n.01 success; click entity.n.01 "/knowledgebase/synsets/entity.n.01/" "Synset details page"; class entity.n.01 success; style floor.n.01 stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
Complaint Type Complaint Object Complaint Prompt Complaint Message
connectedness floors-gkfwyg CONNECTED: Confirm object is a single body. An object cannot contain disconnected parts. it does have disconnected parts. we should put the individual wood areas into an object each, the stone into an object, then the left set of pavers into one object, and the right set of pavers into another. we should NOT make every paver a separate object.