connectedness |
desk-nbpuns |
CONNECTED: Confirm object is a single body. An object cannot contain disconnected parts. |
not connected |
connectedness |
floors-gkfwyg |
CONNECTED: Confirm object is a single body. An object cannot contain disconnected parts. |
it does have disconnected parts. we should put the individual wood areas into an object each, the stone into an object, then the left set of pavers into one object, and the right set of pavers into another. we should NOT make every paver a separate object. |
connectedness |
floors-oxhkpu |
CONNECTED: Confirm object is a single body. An object cannot contain disconnected parts. |
we should separate the actual floor and the elevated wood platform. does that have to be called floor, or do we have a better category & synset for it? |
connectedness |
gate-flveay |
CONNECTED: Confirm object is a single body. An object cannot contain disconnected parts. |
two parts |
connectedness |
gate-izmteu |
CONNECTED: Confirm object is a single body. An object cannot contain disconnected parts. |
two parts |
connectedness |
gate-vqjuvg |
CONNECTED: Confirm object is a single body. An object cannot contain disconnected parts. |
two parts |
connectedness |
gate-wvbxij |
CONNECTED: Confirm object is a single body. An object cannot contain disconnected parts. |
two parts |
connectedness |
rail_fence-cfcgtl |
CONNECTED: Confirm object is a single body. An object cannot contain disconnected parts. |
should be segmented |
connectedness |
rail_fence-ewgkos |
CONNECTED: Confirm object is a single body. An object cannot contain disconnected parts. |
should be segmented? |
connectedness |
wall_mounted_sink-buifoi |
CONNECTED: Confirm object is a single body. An object cannot contain disconnected parts. |
faucet is apart from the sink. |
connectedness |
wall_mounted_sink-qnequy |
CONNECTED: Confirm object is a single body. An object cannot contain disconnected parts. |
pipes below sink are not attached to sink |
connectedness |
fixed_window-vsifsu |
CONNECTED: Confirm object is a single body. An object cannot contain disconnected parts. |
window panes floating midair |