
Input Synsets

Name State Definition
honey.n.01 Substance a sweet yellow liquid produced by bees
lemon_juice.n.01 Substance usually freshly squeezed juice of lemons
raspberry.n.02 Matched red or black edible aggregate berries usually smaller than the related blackberries
strawberry.n.01 Matched sweet fleshy red fruit
yogurt.n.01 Substance a custard-like food made from curdled milk

Machine Synsets

Name State Definition
blender.n.01 Matched an electrically powered mixer with whirling blades that mix or chop or liquefy foods

Output Synsets

Name State Definition
smoothie.n.02 Substance a thick smooth drink consisting of fresh fruit pureed with ice cream or yoghurt or milk

Transition Graph

graph TD; recipe-smoothie_1(recipe: smoothie_1); yogurtn01(yogurt.n.01); strawberryn01(strawberry.n.01); raspberryn02(raspberry.n.02); lemon_juicen01(lemon_juice.n.01); honeyn01(honey.n.01); blendern01(blender.n.01); smoothien02(smoothie.n.02); recipe-smoothie_1 --> smoothien02; yogurtn01 --> recipe-smoothie_1; strawberryn01 --> recipe-smoothie_1; raspberryn02 --> recipe-smoothie_1; lemon_juicen01 --> recipe-smoothie_1; honeyn01 --> recipe-smoothie_1; blendern01 --> recipe-smoothie_1;