
Input Synsets

Name State Definition
basil.n.03 Matched leaves of the common basil; used fresh or dried
clove.n.03 Matched one of the small bulblets that can be split off of the axis of a larger garlic bulb
ground_beef.n.01 Substance beef that has been ground
olive_oil.n.01 Substance oil from olives
rosemary.n.02 Substance extremely pungent leaves used fresh or dried as seasoning for especially meats
tomato_sauce.n.01 Substance sauce made with a puree of tomatoes (or strained tomatoes) with savory vegetables and other seasonings; can be used on pasta

Machine Synsets

Name State Definition
saucepan.n.01 Matched a deep pan with a handle; used for stewing or boiling
stove.n.01 Matched a kitchen appliance used for cooking food

Output Synsets

Name State Definition
cooked__red_meat_sauce.n.01 Substance

Transition Graph

graph TD; recipe-red_meat_sauce(recipe: red_meat_sauce); cloven03(clove.n.03); rosemaryn02(rosemary.n.02); ground_beefn01(ground_beef.n.01); tomato_saucen01(tomato_sauce.n.01); olive_oiln01(olive_oil.n.01); basiln03(basil.n.03); stoven01(stove.n.01); saucepann01(saucepan.n.01); cooked__red_meat_saucen01(cooked__red_meat_sauce.n.01); recipe-red_meat_sauce --> cooked__red_meat_saucen01; cloven03 --> recipe-red_meat_sauce; rosemaryn02 --> recipe-red_meat_sauce; ground_beefn01 --> recipe-red_meat_sauce; tomato_saucen01 --> recipe-red_meat_sauce; olive_oiln01 --> recipe-red_meat_sauce; basiln03 --> recipe-red_meat_sauce; stoven01 --> recipe-red_meat_sauce; saucepann01 --> recipe-red_meat_sauce;