
Input Synsets

Name State Definition
allspice.n.03 Substance ground dried berrylike fruit of a West Indian allspice tree; suggesting combined flavors of cinnamon and nutmeg and cloves
cinnamon.n.03 Substance spice from the dried aromatic bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree; used as rolled strips or ground
clove.n.04 Substance spice from dried unopened flower bud of the clove tree; used whole or ground
ginger.n.02 Substance dried ground gingerroot
nutmeg.n.02 Substance hard aromatic seed of the nutmeg tree used as spice when grated or ground

Machine Synsets

Name State Definition

Output Synsets

Name State Definition
pumpkin_pie_spice.n.01 Substance

Transition Graph

graph TD; recipe-pumpkin_pie_spice(recipe: pumpkin_pie_spice); cinnamonn03(cinnamon.n.03); cloven04(clove.n.04); gingern02(ginger.n.02); allspicen03(allspice.n.03); nutmegn02(nutmeg.n.02); pumpkin_pie_spicen01(pumpkin_pie_spice.n.01); recipe-pumpkin_pie_spice --> pumpkin_pie_spicen01; cinnamonn03 --> recipe-pumpkin_pie_spice; cloven04 --> recipe-pumpkin_pie_spice; gingern02 --> recipe-pumpkin_pie_spice; allspicen03 --> recipe-pumpkin_pie_spice; nutmegn02 --> recipe-pumpkin_pie_spice;