
Input Synsets

Name State Definition
cherry.n.03 Matched a red fruit with a single hard stone
cornstarch.n.01 Substance starch prepared from the grains of corn; used in cooking as a thickener
granulated_sugar.n.01 Substance sugar in the form of small grains
lemon_juice.n.01 Substance usually freshly squeezed juice of lemons
water.n.06 Substance a liquid necessary for the life of most animals and plants

Machine Synsets

Name State Definition
electric_mixer.n.01 Matched a food mixer powered by an electric motor

Output Synsets

Name State Definition
cherry_filling.n.01 Substance

Transition Graph

graph TD; recipe-cherry_filling(recipe: cherry_filling); watern06(water.n.06); granulated_sugarn01(granulated_sugar.n.01); cherryn03(cherry.n.03); cornstarchn01(cornstarch.n.01); lemon_juicen01(lemon_juice.n.01); electric_mixern01(electric_mixer.n.01); cherry_fillingn01(cherry_filling.n.01); recipe-cherry_filling --> cherry_fillingn01; watern06 --> recipe-cherry_filling; granulated_sugarn01 --> recipe-cherry_filling; cherryn03 --> recipe-cherry_filling; cornstarchn01 --> recipe-cherry_filling; lemon_juicen01 --> recipe-cherry_filling; electric_mixern01 --> recipe-cherry_filling;