
Ready | Category: pillow | Original category: | Provider: scenes/hotel_gym_spa

pillow-kktvay photo

Meta Links

Meta Link Name

Scene / Rooms

Scene Room Status Count
hotel_gym_spa spa_0 Future 2
hotel_gym_spa spa_0 Ready 2

Attachment Pairs - Female Role

Name Female Objects Count Male Objects Count

Attachment Pairs - Male Role

Name Female Objects Count Male Objects Count


Complaint Type Complaint Object Complaint Prompt Complaint Message
appearance pillow-kktvay quick complaint added during qa-2025 batch qa-2025-josiah
appearance pillow-kktvay APPEARANCE: Confirm object visual appearance. Requirements: - make sure the object has a valid texture or appearance (e.g., texture not black, transparency rendered correctly, etc). - make sure any glass parts are transparent (would this object contain glass? e.g. wall pictures, clocks, etc. - anything wrong) - compare the object against the 3ds Max image that should open up now. no texture