
Complained Object Images


Complaint Type Complaint Object Complaint Prompt Complaint Message
scale bunk_bed-sunfhf Confirm reasonable bounding box size: 49.21cm, 66.74cm, 55.89cm Make sure these sizes are within the same order of magnitude you expect from this object IRL. too small
scale bottle_of_pizza_sauce-clttao Confirm reasonable bounding box size: 3.87m, 3.87m, 2.84m Make sure these sizes are within the same order of magnitude you expect from this object IRL. If the scale is off, please let us know by a factor of how much (for example, 1000 if something that's supposed to be 1mm is 1m instead) in your complaint note. x40
scale sieve-ucrzlb Confirm reasonable bounding box size: 16.99cm, 13.17cm, 64.38cm Make sure these sizes are within the same order of magnitude you expect from this object IRL. If the scale is off, please let us know by a factor of how much (for example, 1000 if something that's supposed to be 1mm is 1m instead) in your complaint note. no texture
scale toast-ygginu Confirm reasonable bounding box size: 3.90m, 3.39m, 20.03cm Make sure these sizes are within the same order of magnitude you expect from this object IRL. If the scale is off, please let us know by a factor of how much (for example, 1000 if something that's supposed to be 1mm is 1m instead) in your complaint note. what is this object?